A D Vlz RTISINQ You r msmvr back.—Judicious advertis ing li the kind that ptyi back to you the money you invert. Space in this paper assures you prompt returns . , VOL. VIII. - NO 33 —Home cooking count* for much ■ ** in the .child'* health; do not impcnl I k with alum food By the ute of powder. I Hate a delicious, pure, home»made muffin, cake or bkcuit ready when they I come in. To te sure of the purity, you muit u«e' > ROYALpowon. I Hojjpl nnhfi g rtiffrravrr in ymr homo > rtifffTfrnrr in jmur ■ > a difference in yoar cooking. ROYAL it absolutely Pure.. Recollections From Another Source. Boiton, Texas. Editor Enterprise: The communication from Wni, I H. Wyatt in the Enterprise Mav 4th awoke sleeping memories. Is he little Billy Wyatt, son of old Uncle Billy Wyatt, who could pray , loader and longer, more fervently { and effectiraty in a revival meeting than any man of his time? 1 remember his little cozy home bv ' the deep sandy road north ot : town. If memory serves me right little Billy Wyatt was a frail, diminutive youth, semi-religious, semi-literarv and seemed always on the verge of the grave. I thought him long since fallen asleep with his sainted father. But here is to another communication from him. He may remember Wm. Bagley an impoitaut factor in the old town, who used to he interested in sailing vessels from the West In dies, bringing in molasses, rum and tropical products. Think he would load them out with tar, turpentine, rosin and probably shingles. I remember his "Eng lish snuff box," of sniffing pinclus of snuff, his red bandana handker chief and loud blotvtiig all im presssve to me. And there was old Uncle Billy Watts sitting on the long piazza of the Watts Hotel, often heard the big dinner bell, seeing strangeis and well dressed men go in for dinner. It was the wish of my life to get diuner at that hotel, to see especially how it looked and bow it tasted. But my wish was never gratified. Yes, lawyer Williams, Kditor of the Mercury, beard him address the court aud jury using the word ".stricken" instead of the usual phrase struck, the bar laughed and probably the Judge, be l«cnme confused. I think this was his last speech in the old courthouse. I think the Mercury in print retained the letter "k" publick.etc. His father, Amle Williams, a merchant of the town, it was said did a large business "by memory," booking the day's transactions at night without memorandum. The home of C. fi. Hassell was the most imposing structure, the moat attractive environment of tree and grass, vine and flowers, I had ever seen, and to have lived there a sort of paradisaical reserva tion. I remember his religious ho.-ne in his younger days, the""bld "Skewarkee meeting house." I think probably a mile South of the present site. It looked solitary, sad and soothing, amid the great towering oaks of sweeping foliage that would cover deep the white sands in the autuui days, the tall virgin pine in their ever near, vet far away, indescribable sighing*; in the passing winds. The spot was ideal. The ground hallowed. The place ever awakening slum bering song and story. Its removal broke the links of mem ory, snapped the Jfpes of tradition, and ths,gray olcl Jsfk-lore passed from the memory and sayings of men. S Well, am thinking now of four I remember in school, who have not yet gathered to-gether the joys and sorrows of life for a pil low of final rest and lain down to dreamless sleep. Two at the old Reddick school house below Holly Springs, Cajali Perry and Frank Pagan. Two at the town Acad emy. George Whitley and Sylves ter Hassell, all of different temp eraments, different aspirations, different pleasures, different pilg rimages from the alpha towards the omega. How strange human ity's procession across the ages. Yours truly, Thom*« Yarrell. Is Your Home Cosy? There are many so-called homes that do not deserve the name at all. Home means comfort, but wheii we have it fixed up so elaborately that we must sit in the garret or the back yard to genuinely enjoy our selves, then it is high time we made a change and turned out the too-good-to-use articles and sub stitute for them real homely things that wry could enjoy every day of the year and every moment of the day. Men like pretty home-makers, no mistake there. They cau ap preciate beauty as well as the next one, but they want that beauty to be of an order that appeals to their comfott. Of what good are cush ions so elaborately embroidered that no head can rest on them? What sense is there in easy chairs of such rich material that they are quite the reverse of the name giv en them? Is there any satisfaction in a room the furnishings of which 6aod Wtnls fir Cliabtrliia's Cfligb RibiO People everywhere take pleasure in testifying to the good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of. Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to tell you that I can recommend Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. My little girl, Catherine, who is two years old, ha* taken this remedy when ever she has had a cold since she was two months old. About a month ago I contracted a dreadful cold ray self, but I took Chamber lain's Cough Remedy and was soon as well as ever." This remedy is for sale by S. R. Biggs. WILLI AMSTON/ cost hundreds of dollars, when it is only open at rare intervals, when the owner, perhaps, sits by the kitchen fire or in some dingy sit ting-room, where he can put his feet on the fender if he wants to, can smoke, and as a great indul gence, tilt back his chair? Let the sunshine intothe gloomy rooms, have a couch to a piano to play on; in fact, a home to live in; one wherein a sense of hospital ity and good cheer exudes from the very tables and chairs, instead of a mausoleum of gloomy elegance, wherein every thing is for show and nothing to lie used. Colgates Violet and Cashmere Boquet toilet powder 25c value for 15c. S. R. Biggs, Druggist. $ Big Auction Sale of Valuable | 1 REAL ESTATE I JAt Hustling Washington, N. C. g 2 : MAY 23, 1 (gf A 200 Magnificent Building Lots at Beautiful Wash- Jg ington Heights, to he sold at Auction, to the highest bidder, 011 Thursday May 190? S? Sale begins at li o'clock a. in. Q || . E | Your Last Chance JJ i * At These Valuable Qss at Auction Prices. Prices on all lots advanced after this p b sale. Any lot in the property is worth double what it was one year ago. liverv lot will double in value within another year. This is your opportunity to buy some of the best property in Eastern Carolina. There is one large mattress factory on g k the property, a santPjind cement brick plant, and we are now endeavoring to locate K f a $200,000 cotton mill 011 it. The survey for an electric car line to this property will a begin during this mouth. All these conditions are the reasons why it will pay you to drop your business one day, at least, and attend this big sale, where you will Af* make more money in an hour than you could on the farm in a year. Remember the kfJv "" • date HAY 33rd, 1907. M TEKfIS OF SALE— One-third Cash; One-third Six Months, and One-third Twelve Months after date, with interest, or 10 per cent, off for all cash. More people have gotten rich in real estate than in any other way. This is your g opportunity. Tickets will be given away and some one will get a LOT FREE. ® ® Sale begins at 11 o'clock, Thursday, May 23d, 19*57. Money in real estate wont A k burn, it can't run away, and it works while you sleep. SSSUJ h Washington Investment Co., f Washington, N. C. )jjj[ . C., FRIDAY, MAY 17 1907 COTTON SEED REAL For Mule and Horses, At a meeting of the Sputli Car olina Live Stock Association held at Columbia, 9. C., on. Feb. Bth and 9th an address full of practical advice, backed by scientific know ledge, was delivered by the eminent Dr. Tait Butler, of Raleigh, N. C., on "Practical Stock Feeding in the South.'' Dr. Butler is a recognir ed authority on feeds and feeding and what he says should have a special and influence throughout the entire South and that part of his discussion touching the feediug of horses, mules and colts is of special importance to the Southern breeder. In the official report of the gen eral discussion which fotypwed l)r, Butler's address, this occurs, Dr. Butter was asked: "You speak of feeding horses on cotton seed meal. What about the muscular forming properties of cotton seed meal, on the animal, compared to corn and oats?" I)r Butler: "There is enough known about feeding horses cotton seed meal for ine to state that if yon had a horse that you were feeding, 14 pounds of corn daily, that you could take 6ut four pounds of that corn and iynt in two pounds of cotton seed m*al and get better results. corn is not t\iej}»*rfeed we have for supply ing heii\ and energy, but there is another thing needed. When that horse supplies you muscular energy he is burning up bis muscles- just as you burn coal in a furnace to supply energy to run the machin ery in your factories, and he has got to have something to build up 1 those wasted muscles, and corn dose not contain it in sufficient quantity. A little cotton seed meal is better Ilian an additional amount of corn. When you arc already feeding your horses stover and ten pounds of cor 1, I would rkther have two pounds of cotton seed meal added than four pounds of corn. I would rather have two pounds of cotton seed meal added than four pounds of oats. Corn is a horse feed, but we are wasting two million dollars a year -No Operation- Mrs. Malinda Akers, of Basham, Va,, writes: "I had what doctors call 'prolapse,' and couldn't stand straight. I had pain in my back and shoulders, and was very irregular and profuse. Doctors said an operation was needed, but I couldn't bear the thought of the knife. After tak ing three bottles of Wine of Cardui, I could walk around. Can now do my housework and am in splendid health." / ' Cardui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence, especially adapted to cure women's diseases. It relieves excessive periodical »pains, regulates irregularities, and is a safe, pleasant and re- FREE ADVICE liable remcdv for all w,i,e u* • i*tt«r dmriMac «n si ivi ail your symptoms, and wt will »«nd you Sick women Iri mir- Advic#,m pi«in %*«irj «nv«iop«. 3iv-rv VVUII Iv 11. 11l Mil Addrwt: L«dl#« Advisory Department, cessful use for over 70 I h * Ch * ,^ noo «* M«dicin«cu..ch«it«- years. Try it. •" At Every Drug Store In SI.OO Bottles. ■T CARDUI- in South Carolina feeding an all corn ration. 0 . "In what proportion would you feed corn anil cotton seed, meal'" I)r. Hutler: "That will depend Upon your hay." "Plenty of hav > " Dr. Butler: "An average rat iou for a thousand-pound horse doing real hard work, is about 15 pounds of grain and 12 to 15 pounds of hay. Instead of 15 pounds of fodder and t.s pouud of corn, I would take 5 pounds of peavine hay and 7 to 8 pounds of stover? and then add 10 pounds of corn and 2 pounds of cotton seed meal, and get better results. If I had oats to feed and had some peavine hay or clover hay, I do not think I would feed any cotton seed tneal at all, because it is bad to feed unless you can mix it with something else. If I did not Ijuivp any peavine or clover, I would certainly put some cotton seed meal in the ration of a hard working horse, unless I had plenty of oats, and they were cheap." This is important testimony from the highest Authority, and should interest every farmer and horse owner in the South. We send thousands of dollars" into «the Northwest every year for corn. We send into the Northeast every year thousands of dollars worth of our Cotton Seed Meal. Nobody is lienefited by this but the rail road-!. If we keep our cotton seed meal at home to feed it will help us, and Dr. Butler says it will help our horses—and Dr. Butler knows. When your food has not been properly digested the entire system is impaired in the same pioportion. Your stomach needs help. Kodol For Indigestion ami Dyspepsia not oidy digests what you eat, it tones the stomach and adds strength to the whole body. Makes rich, pure blood. Kodol conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Wil liamston, N. C., Slade Jones. & Co. Hamilton, N. C. DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV. C. 1,. KKID, I'astor. Methodist episcopal Church, South, Williamstou ami Hamilton Charges. Services as follows; ( Williamstou —Preaching on the Ist 3rd and 4th Sundays at 11 a m ami 7:30 |> 111 Sunday School itt 9:30 a~ni, W. A. El lison, Supt. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p in. Hamilton—Preaching on the 2nd and sth Sundays at 11 a m and 7:30 p in. [ Vernon—Preaching tlic Isi Sunday al 3 P Holly Springs—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p m. All friends of the church and the pub lic generally are cordially invited to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liamston,* Preaching third Sunday 11 ain and 7pm Sunday School 3 p 111 every Sunday.- Macedonia first Sundays 11 a in and Saturday rr a 111 and 7-30 p in. Old I'ord —Second Sundays and Sat urdays 11 a in. Jatnesville—Fourth Suudays 11 a in and 7 P »'• |. K. TfNGI.E, Pastor. Baptist Church ('.HO. J. DOWKI.I,, Pastor. Preai-hing every Sabbath nioruing and evening, except tiie first Sabbath evening, at 11 a m anil 7:30 p 111. Sabbath School, S. Atwood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 'J'lie Lord's Supper everv iirvt Sabbath Church Conference every Second Sab bath. Preaching at Reddick's Grove the first Sabbath in every month at 3 p In. At Bigg's School House every 4th Sabbath at 3 p m. The Ladies Missionary Society, Mrs. Justus Everett, Pres., meets efery firs and third Monday at 7:30 p m. You are very respectfully and earnest ly invited to attend these services. Church of the Advent Rliv. ROBT. STRANIiK, Bishop. Rev. B. S. LASSITKR, Rector. Church of the Advent, Williamstou. Sunday School, 9:30 every Sunday. Services on the second and fifth Suddays at 11 ain and 7 p in. On the Saturdays before those Sundays at 5 p in. On the Mondays after at 4:30 p m,. Bible class at time of Sunday School. All are cordially invited. FOR SALE- Old newspapers 20 cents per hundred, this office. A DVERTISINQ Your money beck.—Judidoui advertis ing is the kind that pay* back to yow thf money you, invest. Space in this paper akaAres yon prompt return* . . WHOLE NO. 376 Professional Cards. , fIUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeffreaa Drug Store. OFFICII HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 to 9 P. if. Willinmnton, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. Slft dentist OFFICR—MAIN STMKT PHONK q I will t>e in Plymouth the first week in every other moutb. W. K. Warren. J. S. Rhodes. DRS. WARRKN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS ANI) SURG RONS. OFPICK IN * Bioos' DRUG STOKK 'Phone No. 2Q fcURROUS A. CRITCHBR, I ATTORNRY AT Law Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WIIAIAMSTON, N, C. s. AT WOOD NK.WEU, LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Blgga. Phone No. 77. WII.UAMSTON, N 0. wherever aervicea are deairedl 4|x-cial attention given to examining and mak ng title fur puichanria of timber aud timber landa. Special attention will be given to real eatatc exchange*. If you wiah to buy or aell land I csn helpyou* PHONK4/ V. I). WINSTON S. J. EVRRRTT WINSTON & EVERETT A TTO R N K YS- AT- L A W WILUAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTOBMRY-AT LAW RoBHKSOWVIi.LK, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH ~ D. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBKHSONVII.I.K, N. C. Kates'f 2.00 per day Special Kates By the Week A l'irst-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. The'traveling public will find It a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Fire you want to be protected. 111 case of death you want to leave your family some- " ' thing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Ut Us Come to Your RMCUI We can insure youjagainst loss from f : irc, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate . Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you for any office requir ing bond Nona But But Companies Reprisutil K- B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge will positively lie made for longer time. To Washiugton 25 cti. " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth 25 " " Tarboro 25 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 25 "• " Jamesville 15 " " Kader Lilley's 15 " " I. G. Statou 15 " " I. L. Woolard 15 «• "O. K. Cowing &Co 15 " J " Parmele 15 " " Robersonville 15 " " Everetts 15 " " Gold Point 15 " " Geo. P. McNaughton tj " " Hamilton 20 " s For other pointa In Baatern Carol)— see "Central" where a 'phone will b« found for aac of noa-tubecriben.