ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advertis- 1 >°K tie kind that pays back to you a the money you invert. Space in this « paper assures you prompt returns . . J VOL. VIII. - NO 34 . , - } W m^ i m m*3» Pure Grape Cream ■ The only excuse for buying anything but I ■ a Pure Grape Cream of JTartar Baking H m Powder is to save a few cents in price. JV , €jROYAL costs you a few'cents more per can.than Alum'or Phos- ■» phate of Lime powders, but it is worth far Um jo keep your biscuits, cakes and pastry free from the injurious Um effects of these cheapening substitutes. * use of Alum means to health. Avoid Alum Ailments —Say plainly JKuf WORTH BAGLEY (I'irst officer killed in the Spanisli-Ainer ican War.) By John Wilber Jenkins. The first to fall. The first to fall— Go rnt his anient soul: First in the strife To loae his life, First on the nead's lon# roll But yesterday, But yesterday He laughed and sang of War; He longed to^amell The breath of hell And feel the thrill of Mars. He lies no still, He lie* so still Upon his flag decked bier, Nor heeds the drum AH comrades come With Honor's wreaths and tears, So young and fair, So young and fair Too staunch and brave to die The promi old South In his curved"red mouth And the true blue in his eye. Old wars forgot, » OJd wars forgot Beside his grave they stand; The Blue amt-C.ray Are one today, The North an'l South clasp hands. The starry flag, The starry flag Rufolds him in his rest; A nation weeps; But soft he sleeps, Clasped to his Country's breast, Baltimore, May, 15, 1907, For a cold or a cough take Ken nedy's Laxative Cough Syfitp. It is Bmra than any other cough remedy because its laxative princi ple assures a healthy, copious ac tion of the bowels and at the same it heals irritation 01 the throat strengthens the bronchial tubes and allays inflammation of the mucous membrane. Contains Honey and Tar, pleasant to take Children like it. Conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C.. Slade Jones. A Co. Hamil ton, N. C. The King of Spain is so happy over the arrival of that boy of his, that he will no doubt pardon the soothsayer who predicted that it would be a girl. Alirrnt Eseipi Alexander Benton, who lives on Rural Route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y. says: "Dr. King* New Discoveiy is my best earthly friend, it cured me of asthma six yeanr ago. It has also performed a wonderful cure of incipient consumption for my son's wife. The first botHe ended the terrible cough, and this accomplished, the other symptoms left one by until she was per fectly well. Dr. King's New Dis covery's power over coughs and colds is simply marvelous.'' No other remedy has ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed by S. R. Biggs Druggist. 50c and $1 00. Trial bottle free. At the last account, Senator Piatt lias made no definite promise to resign. For stomach troublrs, bilious ness and constipation try Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab let#. Many remarkable cures haye been effected by them. Prices 15 cents. Samples free. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Uncle Joe says that we are going to dig the canal or bust. Perhaps we shall do both. Mi But Filtnd G. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when he ran a Ii in son bur into his thumb,« He says: "The doctor wanted to am putate it but I would not consent. 1 bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured the danger ous wound." 25c at S. R. Biggs, Druggist; Having received 110 fiither ad vice ot ar.y kind Mr. Bryan will probably accept a nomination him self. Artists have no trouble in secur ing models. The famous beauties have discarded corsets and have become model* in face and form since taking Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. M. Whiters 3c~ Co. at Robersonville N. C.„ Mr. Gates says he is leaving Wall street for good, but neglected to tell us whether it is for his own good or fo« the good of Wall street. Dei t Ply Alimony to be divorced from your appendix. There will be no occasion for it if you keep your bowels regular with Dr. Ling's New Life Pills. Their action is so gentle that the appen dix never has cause to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs, drugist. 15c. Try them. There's no stability about Re publican harmony in Ohio, even when it's weighted with Taft. Wulirfil ECZIII Cire •'Our little boy had eczema for five years." writes N. A. Adams, Henrietta, Pa. "Two of our home doctors said the case was hopeless his lungs being affected. We then employed other doctors but no benefit resulted. By chance we read about Electric Bitters, bought a bottle and soon noticed improve ment. We continued this med icine until several bottle were used, when our boy was completely cured?" Best of all blood medicines and body building health tonics. Guaranteed at S. R. Biggs Drug store. 50c. He may net be a King, but the boy born of American parentage may become President no matter what his lineage. fflgt (Mtxipcw. WILLI That Nebraska woman who mar ried a burglar she captured in her home, has probably done more to frighten burglars away from the city than all the courts have been able to do. When your back aches i' is almost invariably an indication that some thing is wrong with your kidney* frequently cause a break down of the entire system. DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills afford prompt relief for weak kidneys, backache, inflafnmation of the bladder and all urinary troubles. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Willtamston, N. C., Slade Jones. & Co. Hamilton, N. C. Perhaps it is incorrect to say that John W. Gates has taken to the woods, but he lias rented a for est near Paris, DeWitt's Carbolized Wiich Haze Salve does pot merely heal on the surface; it penetrates the pores and promptly relieves pain, caused by boils, bums, scalds, cuts and skin diseases. It is especially good for piles. Beware of imitations. Sold ity S. R. Biggs. Williamstofi. N. C., Slade Jones. A Co. Hamilton, N. C. In a few months King Alphofi so will l>e struggling against the temptation to tore all his friends with stories of the cut® tilings the kid is doing and saying. Cascasweet tor babies is the best remedy for colic, summer com plaint, diarrhoea and sour stomach. It is especially good in cases of teething when irritation affects (lie Stomach and intestines, Cascas weet is a pleasant, safe remedy, containing neither opiates nor narcotics; all the ingredients are printed plainly 011 the wrapper. Endorsed by mothers because it acts so quickly. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston. N. C., Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. A Michigan|farmer has a litter of seven pigs, each with six feet If nothing happens to them the outlook for the pickled pigs feet will be promising. Clnlerliiii Colic. Ckolin and Olir rheci Rmdi There is probably no medicine made that is relied upon with more implicit confidence than Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. During the third of » century in which it has been in use, people have learned that it is the one remedy that never fails. When reduced with water and sweetened it is. pleasant to take. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Tohn L. Sullivan's definition of a mollycoddle is "a feller who says 'Oh Fudge' when he should land lett or right on the jaw.*' Still, to snen about the size and heft of John most of us would prefer to say " Oh fudge." MSTON, N. C M FRIDAY, MAY 24 [QO7 SALOON ALWAYS AN EVIL Day Will tome When Alcohol Will Put Under Ban as Other Poisons (Golden Age.) Professor Hadley, of Yale, has declared that, when the masses of tlie people nre informed ns to the tine nature of alcohol stimulants, and as to the scientific action of this drug oo the physical and ner vous system, the public sentiment will demand thi.t it lie put under the same ban as other poisons, and that legislative action will be uni versally taken in this direction. Richard Allen White speaks as follows of the saloon in a recent article on this subject published iu the Saturday Kveuing Past: "The saloon is an evil. It may l»e deemed a necesary evil by those who feel bound to apologize for it; but it can have no defenders, liven where it is licensed, protected by law under restrictions which narrow its iniquities to moderate and exped ient vice the saloon, personified bv its devotees may lie characterized by no adjective more flattering then miscreauf. At its highest estate it is an outlaw, and the greatest legal distinction that the saloon has achieved, after a century of fighting for statutory recognition is to be branded generally by the Sup reme Court of the United States as a nuisance. Its purposes are all venal. It is in-business to promote violence and crime; to injure the public health; to burden our chari ties and to conupt the civic morrfls The saloon is an incarnate calamity. Because its work is slow and in direct people often tail to see how much it kills and maims men and tortures women like a malicious spirit." Relief Froi Rlnumiflc Pains ' I suffered *'ith rheumatism for over two yeari?." says Mr. Holland Curry, a patrolman, of Key West, Fla. "Sometimes it settled in my knees and lamed me BO I could hardly walk, at other times ft would be in my feet and hands so 1 was incapacitated for duty. One night when 1 was in severe pain and lame from it my wife went to the drug store here and came back with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I was rubbed with it and found the pair, had nearly gone during the night. 1 kept on using it for a little more than two weeks and found that it drove the rheu matism away. I have not had any trouble from that disease for over three months." For sale by S. U, Biggs. Drinking By Nations. Perhaps few persons would be lieve without proof that more l>eer is consumed in Great Britain than in Germany, and considerable less spirits. Nevertheless this is shown by the figures of the annual report of the British chancellor of the exchequer. Other facts of interest that are indicated are that the Belgians drink far more l>eer than any other nation, Denmark comes next to Germany in beer drinking, we follow Denmark with four gal lons less per inhabitant, 16.8 to 20. 5 of the Dane, next is Austria with 14.3. In Belgium the enormous amount of 48.8 gallons of beer is the consumption per capita. The average Frenchman drinks thirty gallon* of wine in a year and more spirits than the American, and yet drunkenness is rare in the laud of the lily. Another thing shown by this report, and hereby hangs a lesson, is that France and the United States are the only countries of note in which the consumption of alcohol is on the increase. Alcohol consumption in Great .Britain fell off 20 per cent from 1905, in Ger many and Austria 4 per cent and in Belgium 10 per cent, but in creased in France 27 per cent and in the United States 14 per cent.— Raleigh Evening Time. Sore Mlpilii Any mother who has had exper ience with this distressing ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Cham berlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurse* use this salve with best re sults. For sale by S. R. Biggs. Female Weakness "Last Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton, W. Va., "I was going down by inches, from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui, Ohl My] How I was benefitedl I am not well yet. but dwi so much better that I will keep on taking Wine of Cardui till 1 am perfectly cured.? Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today [as in the past 70 years] for the relief and cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates frii advice the functions, and aids in the replacement of I h*i.liatt«nooc« MaJiilnat.u., Chatta a misplaced organ. At Every Drug Store in SI.OO Bottles. 7 CARDUI HAMILTON NKWS Tlie Hamilton Bank is now open for business. Miss Ruth Matthews lias re turned home from Selnia, to spend a few days. Miss Selma Staton has returned home from Virginia Beach. The work on the hew store has begun. Mr. Grady Williams has returned home from school. Mr. and T. S. Barnhill have re turned home from their bridal tour. Mrs. k. I). Matthews and daugh ter have gone to Virginia Beach to spend a few weeks. Miss May has !*en visiting Miss Annie Hooker re turned home Monday, The farmers are planting pea nuts now. Our town was visited by a hail storm Monday evening. There will he a revival here starting Monday before the third Sunday. The Baptist Church is being painted. The burial of Mr. Me. O. L. Cherry took place last Friday. At the election, the following were elected commissioners: Mess. C. 11. Baker, 1). C. Jones, R. W. Salshury, W. Ji. Gladstone, ami Dr. M. I. Fleming. It's too bad to see people who go from day to day suffering from physical weakness when Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea would make them well. The greatest tonic known. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J. M. Whiters A Co. at Rbberson ville N.C. Times Aredood. There has been some talk lately, of times Incoming tighter, but there is absolutely no room for that talk. Wheat and cotton are soaring in price, and the trade be tween this country and Germany and France alone, has increased from $590,000,000 to {700,000,000. The prosperity we are now enjoy ing will probably last for ten or fifteen years without a check. We are producing enormous crops and our mines are yielding large out puts of gold and silver and other valuable minerals, all of which find a ready market. With these facts to support our prosperity, and famine in other lands,'it looks as though our volume of business would make a new record this year. "Here's to your health and hap- Witt's Little Early Risers famous little pills. Nasty, sick headache or biliousness may come on any time; the cure is an Early Riser. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C., Slade Jones. & Co. Hamilton, N. C. Mr. Hughes may discover that a man with a lot of public reforms on his bands, has enough to look after without undertaking a Presi dential boom. A great many people see them selves as others see them, but they don't believe what they see. When your food has not been properly digested the entire system is impaired in the same proportion. Your stomach needs help. Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia not only digests what you eat, it tones the stomach and adds strength to the whole body; Makes rich, pure blood. Kodol conforms to the National Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold l>v S. R, Biggs. Wll liamston, N. C., Slade Jones. & Go. Hamilton, N. C. • 5 " ~~ It is intimated that a large num l>er of Sun Francisco men keep their grijw packed for a sudden ex odus. We suppose there will be a Tokio colony similar to that in I'aris. DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV. e. I/. Rum, Pastor. Methodist Kpiscopal Church, South, Williauiston find Hamilton Charges. Services a^-Ollows. Williamston—Preaching on the ist 3rd and 4th Suqdays at 11 a in and 7:30 p 111 Sunday School at 9:30 a m, W. A. El lison, Supt. I'rayer Meeting each Wednesday ,at 7:30 p in. Hamilton—Preaching 011 tfte 'and and 3th Sundays ut 11 atn and 7:30 p ill. Vernon— Preaching tlie Ist Sunday at 3 p 111. Holly Springs- Picacliing the 3rd Sun day lit 3 p 111. All friends of the church aud the pub lic generally arc cordially invited to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liamston, Preaching-third Sunday 11 ain anil 7 pin Sunday School 3 p 111 every Sunday, Macedonia first Sundays 11 u 111 and Saturday n a 111 aud 7 30 p in. Old Ford—Second Suudav* and Sat urdays 11 a 111. Jatnesville—Fourth Sundays 11 a in and 7 pm. J. R. TINGLK, Pastor. Baptist Church I. f- C.ko. J. Dowkix, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning aud evening, except the first Sabbath evening, lit 11 am and 7:30 p 111. Sabbath School, S. Atwood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lord's Supper everv first Sabbath Church Conference every Second Sab bath. Preaching at Reddick's Grove the first Sabbath ill every month at 3 p 111. At Bigg's School House every 4th Sabbath at 3 p in. The Ladies Missionary Society, Mrs. Justus Kverett, Pres., meets every firs and third Monday at 7.30 p ni. You are very respectfully anil earnest ly invited to attend these services. Church of the Advent Rkv. Robt. Sthanc.r, Bishop. Rev. B. Rector. Church of the Advent, Williamston. Sunday School, 9:30 every Sunday. Services on the second and fifth Sudilays at 11 a m and 7 pm. rV On the Saturdays before those Sunday* at J p m. On the Mondays after at 4:30 p 111. Bible class at time of Sunday School. All are cordially invited. FOR SALB- Old newspapers 20 casta per hundred, this office. ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advettla ing is the kind that pay* back to you the money you inreat. Space In thia paper astute* yon prompt returaa . . WHOLE NO. 377 Professional Cards* HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeffre** Drug Store. OFVICK HOURS: 8 to IO A. M.; 7 tos r. M. Williaimton, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. dbntist OPKICK— MAIN STBKKT PHONKQ I will be iu Plymouth the firit weak la every other montb. W. U. Warren. J. S. Rhode#, DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICII IN BIGGS' DRUO STORK 'Phone No. aq BURROUS A. CRITCHER. ATTORNKY AT L,AW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILUAMSTON, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWEL, L LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. p. Biggs. Phone No. 77. WILLIAMSTON, N 0. Practice wherever services are desired Apecial attention given to examining and mak ng title for purchaaera of timber and timber landa. Special attention will be given to reat estate exchange*. If you wiah to Duy or ael! land I can helpyou- rilOfiHf P. I). WINSTON S. J. EVKRKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNKYS-AT-I.AW WLI.UAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNKY-AT LAW ROBERSONVII.LK, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH D. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBKKSONVIM,K, N. C. Kates' JSJ >o per ilay Special Rates By the Week A I'irst-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. public will find It a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Tire ybu want to l>e protected. In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on beside* l»orrowing. Let U* Com* io Your Reacua We can insure youjaguinst loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate J Glass, Burg lary, We also can bond you torf any office requir ing botr(l Noni But Best Compinlis RiiriuiM K. B. GKAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minute*; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. To Washington ............. 15 eta. " Greenville ij " Plymouth 25 " " Tarboro »5 '* •' Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 15 •' " Jamesville 15 " " Kader Lilley'* 15 " " I. G. SUton is •' "J. L. Woolard \ 15 " •' J. B. Harriai &Co IJ " •' Parniele 15 " | " Robersonville ~ 15 ** " Everett* 15 " " Gold Point i 15 '« " Geo. P. McNaugbton tj " " Hamilton ao " For other point* In Baatarn CaroHaa see "Central" where a 'phone will ha found for aaa of noo-tubeeribara.

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