THE ENTERPRISE. • ruauuntD irnt dmdit n nw umniu raiHTiß* go. VllllalaitOß. M.C ALFRED B. WHITMORR, Editob. Kaiarad at Um roat UB« at Wllllaauton, *. C. M aacoad CjM* Mall Matter. ■ i-- - Friday, June 7, 1907 The season for having a gener al cleaning is now upon us, and it would be well for the town's ap pearance, as well as for the health of its citizens, if some steps would be taken to have a good old-time cleaning. Other towns have a health officer whose duty it is to Jook after the sanitary condition of things and see that everything is ( kept in a cleanly condition. There are a number of places in town that are likely to cause sickness if somethihg is not done before the real hot season comes. An epi demic ot fever would hurt our fowriftfore indoltars and rents, than a thorough • cleansing and proper disinfecting would cost. Let us see if we cannot have as fine a town from a sanitary stand point as from any other. Attorney General Bonaparte has announced in an interview that the government is about tired of im posing fines 011 big corporations that recklessly disregard the law. He says that while an accumulation of fines reaching a large amount may act as a deterrent, such pen alties only too frequently are paid out of the troastiry of the corpora tion whether they are assessed against individual officers or not, and result only in decreasing the company's dividends and thus sinking many innocent stockhold ers without affecting the high of ficials who are really at fault. He intimates that a jail sentence which will have to be served by the of ficials against whom it is directed seems a much simpler and more of fective measure. This will be bad intelligence for tbs managers ol many big corporations who sup posed tbey were ''law-proof." It will be interesting to see whether the Attorney General will have the hardihood to put his threat into execution. "Bob" Proctor, Senator Lodge'* private Secretary, has jumped his biail after being convicted of steal ing $250 in campaign contributions It seems a pity for the court to have been so hard on him. Rob ert probably would have done a good deal less harm >vith the mon ey thau if it had been used in the average Massachusetts election. _ * -♦ - It is announced lhat Richard Croker. one time chief, of Tam many Hall, has contributed $2,000 to the Irish Nationalist fund. Now if the Nationalists could only get him to manage their campaign in stead of merely contributing, they would be running not only the House of Commons but the I.otul 011 police force before the ,next election. Mr. Ivditor: I notice 111 The Commonwealth of last week nu ar.ticle relative to , the assessment of property. The editor evideutly has not read tlie law as set forth in the Revenue Act of 1907, or has received a wrong impression of it., He expressly stated that personal property shall be assessed by the owner; this is an error, as a careful reading of the Act, Section 14, will clearly show. The section plainly says that all property shall be assessed by the Board of Assessors of the township in which the property is located. Reading the Act carefully, I find that it means, Ist, that the Corpor ation Commission shall assess all public corporations, such as rail roads, etc. 2nd, that the State Auditor shall assess all bqnk stock. 3d, that the Tax Assessors shall assess all other property located in tbeif lespective townships. The method andbasis of ascertaining the value is by the oath aud exami nation of the owuer of the property. The act admits of but one interpre tation, and is clearly defined. It reads: "All articles of personal property shall, as far as practicable, be valued by the assessors accord ing to their true value in inonev." No one need err therein. A. RKADKK Williamston, N. C. (The article referred to above taken from the Coroiuonwelth a»d republished in The Enterprise A Hair Dressing If you with a high-class heir dressing, we «re sure Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved for mula, will greatly please you. It keeps the hsir soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Dm not chanf * th* e»fcr»/ llu kalr. saeh bottl* y\ p Show it to jroar v f V Ufa do— If —y At the tame time the new Ayer's Hair Vigor l« a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy condition. The hafr stops filling; dan druff diuppears. A splendid dressing.. .Midi by tha J. O. Ayar Co., Lowall, Maaa.— * Quarterly Conltirence. The Second (Quarterly Confet fence of the Methodist Church wa> ht 1(1 last Snndayand Moinlay. Rev W. S. Rone, the Presiding Elder, preached liotii sermons Sunday. The morning service was very well attended and a fine sermon preach ed, the evening service was not s« well attended on account of tin inclement weather. The business meeting was held Monday morning at 11 o'clock ot which time there was a large num ber of the official body preset t. You can't tell a woman's age nf tea shetftakes Hollister's Rock) Mountain Tea. Her complexion is tine. She is round, plump, aiu. handsome; in fact she is again. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets J. M. Whiters & Co. at Roberson ville N. C. Corev-Lilley (Special) Mr. Alouzo Corey and Mis' Fiances I.illey were married at the home of her father last Wednes day evening at 3 p. 111 Mr. Plenny Peel officiating. Many friends gathered at the home of Mr. L,illey to witness the ceremtiuy aud paitake of the re past furnished by the bride's father. The medicine that sets the whole world thinking, . The remedy on which aH doctors [agree. The prescription all your friends are taking is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. J. M. VVhitefs it: Co. at Robersonville N. C, * > —Are you a Chuloo? HAMILTON NKWS Miss Mary Sherrsl has return ed home from school. Mr. Bog Slade returned from school Wednesday. Mrs. S. I). Matthews and daugh ter Miss Fannie Mattln-ws have returned home from Virginia Beach. Mr. Joe Council left Tuesday for Virginia Beach. Titter Cured A huly customer of ours had suffered with t tter for two or three ytfars. It got so hud on had hamls that she could not attend to her household duties. One box of Chamberlain's Salve cured her. Chamberlain's medicines give splendid satisfac ion in this com munity.—M. H. Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's med icines are for sale by S. R. Biggs, druggist. Makes You Save In Spite of Yourself This is the Vest Pocket ' Bank—we will JOata you one if you want to Start to Save. Ypur wages get into the Hank whether you put them there or not. If you spend all the other fellow hanks your money. Resolve to be the "other fellow." ' Come to us today. Get one of our )>eauttful little pocket l>anks and start the "Savings Habit/' # . •' f Farmers and Merchants Bank Williamston, N. C. A Narrow Escape. ' - Yesterday about uoon the little two-ye»r-old daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Fred Maltese had a narrow escape from death. The little tot was tunning around the yard play ing; the nurse was caring for the baby and was supposed also to 1* looking after the little girl. A horse was tied in the yard and the little one ran under the horse and touch it ou the leg whereupon the horse kicked, knocking the little one down and stepping upon her. The child's mother ran out and picked her up and rushed to the office of Dr. Warren where he ex amined the injured child, finding that her shoulder was badly bruised and one rib broken, and several others badly.bruised, and the child iriherwise injured. The little one was bandaged aud properly cared for aud taken home. I.ate last night the little one was resting fairly well. It is too early yet to say whether or not the accident will prove fatal, but it is hoped that she will soon recover. The parents Tuive the sfmpintlf of the coiuuiU nity. . . . * Hall In Urlfiiß , (Special) A severe hail storm struck through a greater part of Griffin Township Wednesday evening aiu' " lid some damage to the crop. Af ter tl\e hail there was a tremend iotis rain almost levilittg the l.anl tud stopping plowing for. a few lays. —Smoke El Coreso. A hrtiMti Tim Mr. E. W. Goodloe, of 107 St. Louis St., Dallas, Tex. says; ''ln the pa*t year I have become ac quamted with Driving's New Life Pills, and no fuxalive I ever be fore tried so effectually disposes of malaria and biliousness," They don't grind nor gripe. 15c. at S. R. Biggs, drug store. To the Tobacco Farmers of Mar tin County. I will be associated the coming season with l{li Gurgatius at the Fanners Warehouse, Williamston, N C., where 1 will lie glad to sjt all my old acquaintances, and will guarantee the highest market price for your tobacco this season Thanking you for the courtesy shown me while with Mr. T. S. Graham liist season. I atu, Yours truly, J. T. Fisbel. No greater mistake can be made than to consider lightly the evidence of disease in your system. Don't take desperate chances ou ordinary medicines. Use Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tta 01 Tablets. J. M. Winters A Co. at Robersonville N, C. HOU.I3TCRB Rocky Mountain Tea lluggets A Buy Modioloo for Baiy P'opU BHn(i Ooldu Hualth tid ilamwxt Vigor. A Kpocllto for CViß«tl|«tliin, lixllptitlOß, f.lTt n.l Kliliwy Trouhlaa.. linol », lin pur iluxl, tlwl HiriMh. Hluwl»h Bo»i>lv Hoadai'lM ml HM-knoh*. li t Rooky Uraibulii Tm Id tab ••1 fum, M imM a l>n*. Ormilnn itiada by ttokMiTS* urns OmnKV, Mall*in, Wla. QOIDEN MUfIOET? FOR SALLOW PEOPLE /^ThTN /harperX / KENTUCKY \ [WHISKEYJ \ for Gentlemen / \ who cheHah / t* For sale by J. W. Watts & Co. CURES ALL SKIN TROUBLES Sulphur the Accepted Remedy (or a Hundred Tears Sulphur ia one of the greattat remedies at lure ever gave to uiau. Kvery physician known it cures akiu and blood trouble*. HANCOCKS Uyi U> SUI.PIU U enable* youtoget the full benefit lu moat convenient font* Dou't take sulphur 'tablets'' or "wafers," or powdered »ulphur in molasses. HANCOCKS UQl'lD St'i«PHl'R la pleasant to Uke and perfect in it* action, Druagiata aell it. A well knowncitiaen of Danville, Pa., writes: '1 have had an aggravated caae of Kciema for over twenty-five years. I have nsed seven 50 cent bottlfs of the UyriD. ami one jar of your HANCOCK'S SULPHUR OINTMKNT. and now 1 feel ia though I hfd a brand new pair of handa. it Hit cured me and fam aure it will cure anyone if they pernAat In naing HANCOCK'S LIQUID SI'UPHUR according to direciione. "Bvtlks Bdoak." Notice. "V Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of C. V. Morton, deceased notice i» hereby given % 0 all persons holding claim* against said estate to pre sent 1 heiu to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 7th day of June, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded ia bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted tc said estate are requested io make im mediate payment. This 7th day of June, 1907. 6 7-61 W. Z. MORTON, Admr. Notice! ' Notice la hereby given that I will »p --ply to the coaimissiogers of the town of Cold Point and to tbe commiaaioeere of Martin county for licenaa to retail Hpiritopna, vinons and inalt liquors to tbe town of Gold Point, N. C., in tbe store known aa J. J*. Weavera old stand for tbe six montb* begiuuinx the .at day of July ifjJ. . 31-4t W. J. Cherry. Notice ffaviug qualified aa administrator upon the estate of S. 11, Newberry, decraaed, lule of Martin County, N. C., thia ia to notify all peraona having claims against tbe nstate of the said deceased to e«- bibit them to tbe undersigned on or lie fore the loth day of May '9°*. «* thia notice will be plead in liar of their re covery. All persons iudelited to said es tate will please make immediate |*y uient. Thia 10 day of May 1907. 5 l(>6t WII KKI.KH MAKTIN, Administrator, l>. B N. Notice. - f ? Having qualified aa admiiiialrator upon tbe eatate of Joshua 1,. Corey, deceased notice ia bereliy given 10 all peraoaii holding clainia against aaid eatate to pre ■ent them to tbe underlined fir pay ineiit on or before the lat day of June, ifnH, or thia notice willit* pleadad inbai ■( their recovery. All persona indeMeii lo aaid estate are requested to make im mediate payment. Thia thirteeuth Uy of May 1907 6'.pd JOHN O. COEHV, Adinr. Notice. By virtue of a power of sale contained iu a certain trust deed executed to uu by J. T. Stokes, J. F. Stokes and Je«aii 11. Stokes, his wife, hearing date April jHih, 1906, and du'.y recorded iu the Register's office of Martin countv, Iwok |'K, 574, to secure jiayment of a certain bond liearing even date therewith, and the stipulations of aaid deed of trust not having i>een complied with, I ahall on tbe 15th of June, 1907, at 3 o'clock, p. m. expose to public sale to the highest bid der, for cash, at Roberaonville. N. C., the following described lands, lying and being in'the town of Parmele, N. C., on tbe north side of the A. and H. railroad, and lieing the store lot between J. H. Whichard and T. K. Carson and Co., said lot beginning at J. H. Whlchard'a corner, runs thence a northerly course with J. H. Whichard'a hne 4} feet, thence an easterly course >4 feet and 9 ipcheH to tbe corner of T. H. Carson and Co., thence a southerly course with the line of T. K. Carson and Co. 41 feet, thence a westerly courae 24 feet aud 9 inches to tbe beginning. This May the 13th, 1907. A. R. DUNNING, Trustee The Secret of A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION Now Revealed FREE What beauty is more desirable than an exquisite complexion and elegant jewels. An opportunity lor every woman to obtain both, for a limited time only. The directions and recipe for ob taining a faultless complexion is the secret long guanhnl by the master minds of the Orientals and Greeks, This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most lieautiful women of liurope. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed their delight and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a lieautiful complexion and free your skin from pimples, had color, blackheads, etc. It alone is worth to you many times the price we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. We sell you this ring at oue small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is less than one half whatotnerscharge. Therecipe is free with every riug. It is a genuine rose cut diamond riug of sparkliug brilliancy abso lutely guaranteed, very daiuty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany setting of isKt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would coat consid erable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful com plexion recipe free when your order is received for riug and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your orders in before our supply in exhausted., This offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertis ing and introducing our goods. Send to-day before this oppor tunity is forgotten. T C MOSKLKY, 32 East 23rd StTeet, New York CD EC T° wemen for collect rlvLL ing names and selling our novelties, we give big premiums send your name to day for our new plan of Mg profits with little work. Write to-day. Address C. T. ("IOSELEY Premium Department, 3a E. 23rd Street, New York City, —Deeds of Trust, Warranty iDeeda, Crop Liens, Chattel Mort gages, order Books, etc., printed and for sale at this office. This man bought a supply of tobacco with out acquainting himsel£ with the distinctive taste of SCHNAPPS Tobacco, which has the cheering qualities that gratify his desire to chew, and at less expense than cheap tebacca » - A~ ,r SCHNAPPS has been advertised in this paper so that every chewer has had an * opportunity to get acquainted with the facts and know that drugs are not used to produce the cheering quality found in the famous Piedmont country flue-cured tobaccos, and that SCHNAPPS is what he ought to chew. Still there are chewers who accept other and cheaper tobaccos that do not give the same pleasure^^g^ kill™, couch : »»» CUBS TMS tun £«>> *™ Dr. King's. New Discovery Consumption Mus FOR I OUOHt an# I0c*«1.00 Frae Trial. Bureat and THROAT and LUNO TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. PEANUT ICKER REMARKABLE INVENTION VEANUT CROWERS' HOPE REALIZED WRITE NOW Benthall Machine Co. Suffolk, Va. JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Rates from Williamston as follows: Season ticket $6.25, sold daily April 19 to November 30th. 60 day ticket $5.25. daily April 19th to November ;xotli. Coach Excursions $2.1)0, sold each Tuesday; Limit 7 days; en dorsed; "Not good in parlor or sleeping cars". Thiough Pullman sleeping cars Prom Port Tampa and Jackson ville, Pla Atlanta ami Augusta, Oa. Wilmington , N. C., via Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. Write for a beautiful illustrated folder containing maps, descriptive matter, list of Hotels, etc. For reservations or any informa tion Address. T. C. WHITE. Oen'l Pass. Agent. -W. J. CRAIG. Pass. Traffic Mj'r. Wilmington, N. C. CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYMAN, Mgr. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs Everything Clean and in Order PRESSING CUB We a rerunning a pressing club in connection with oar barber shop and have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge. dive us Your Work J. B. SPELLER, - DEALER IN Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs and Purs. Williamston, N. C. * . . . -- • - ... • • • i: Some day they'll get a taste of the real Schnapps —they'll realise what enjoyment they've missed by not getting SCHNAPPS long ago—then they'll fed like fcicfctng themselves. ' SCHNAPPS is sold everywhere in 5 cent cuts, and 10 and 15 cent plugs. Be sure you get the genuine. i', . ■ harbor View Gotta^e On Chesapeake Bay Exposition Grounds and Hampton Roads In Full View Can Every 5 Minutes to Norfolk, Ocean t View, Old Point and Exposition Surf Bathing and Fishing Unsurpassed A Limited Number of Guest* Accommodated The Ideal Place to Stop While Visitinf the Exposition For Rates Apply to J. E. McCRAW, Manager, Ocean View, Va. rr wr "r"T" v TyrTTtTTTT "ry "r t T-'V t" \ Behold All Things Are Now Ready I LET'S ALL QO ~ L To I'ine Beach and Stop at Hotel Gordy. "Uncle Joe" in there, 6u Maryland Avenue, between 102 nd and 103 rd Jsireets, directly 111 front of entrance to Exposition froui the I'avilliou side. Trolly cars pass the door fr every 15 minutes. . . . .. . . Hotel Gordy Company. ! J. M. SITTBRSON, Vice-President. On The Market This Year To My Friends f and Patrons * k + 4 .ui-'tr I will be 011 the market to buy every merchantable potato that is-unloaded in Williamstou this season. Will represent the leading potato houses in the best markets of the country, and will be in hourly touch with market reports. My experience in handling potatoes for a number of years gives me a reputation not enjoyed by auy other buyer on the market. Unload your potatoes at the depot and call me. I)o not sell before seeing me W. A. ELLISON, Wflliamston, N. C. NOTICE! You will be rewarded if you will only take a look m our show window Saturday and Monday. A new line of ties will be displayed. Don't fail to »ee them. Price 25. 50, 75c and SI.OO each. Don't forget theh»v, Saturday. June ist, 1907 Brown & Roberson Wedding Presents! You do not hare to send out of town lor them. We have a fine *~ . • assortment. j§ Come and ex amine our stock. . . . . . THE JEWELER H. D. PEELE, . WILLIAMSTON. N. C.

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