t ADVERTISING 1 Yoar money back.—Judicious advertis- 2 X in* U tb« kind that pays hack to TOO 2 * tl»e money you invest. Space in this » I paper assure# yon prompt returns . } VOX. VIII. - NO 37" A- , . ' .f \ You can food with and wholesome.' r Woes ot Drunkeness But they also have erred through wine and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgement. • —lsiali 28-7. Isaiah, most brilliant of the Old Testament poets, left many bright sayings on record, but nothing su perior to his denunciation of the drink habit. This was the first temperance sermon ever delivered and Isaiah was the first prohibition agitator. The Israelites, as their history shbws, suffered much from the vice of intoxication. Noah Was scarcely off his ark until he be came beastly drunk. Fine fellow to start a new race with. It was because of their debauch at Shit / tim with the Moabite women that "Jehovah's wrath was kibdled" against the Tioters and to this drunken orgy was due the subse quent extermination of the Midian ltes. This first "salocn row," as it may well be called, was the prime cause of the most brutal, cruel and inexcusable war recorded in the history of the ' 'chosen peo ple." After they had settled in Palestine, grape raising was the principal agricultural industry, and they drank entirely too much of their own wine. By the time of Isaiah, which was in the eight cen tury B. C., it is evident that drunk euess in its worst form was Iriaroi ingly prevalent. It will be noticed iif the extract above that not only the people, but the priests and prophets, were addicted to strong drink and severely denounced by the old temperance reformer. Twenty seven eventful centuries have passed since Isaiah delivered his sermon on the "Woes of Drunk eness," and we are still fighting the sama awful curse. The twen tieth century sees * battle royal in progress between the people of the United States and the entreucb ep forces of intoxicating liquor. Never before were the prospects so bright for victory over the "demon of the still." The coils are being closed around the monster in every State of the Union, and it is hoped in time that the life may be cboked.-out of him entirely. The temperance laws grow more and more drastic, and ' the determination of the masses of the people for their enforcement becomes stronger everV day. With in the last tew months three Cir cuit Conrt Judges in Indiana have decided that the saloon is a. nui sance, a foe of peace and 'morals, and that the State has no right to license it any more than it wohld have a right to license murder. ; What is still more remarkable, gy two Boards of County Commissi oners have refused to license .sal oons on the same ground. It is pleasing to note that far mers aa a class are overwhelming ly on the side ot sobriety ia this titanic struggle against the chief foe of mankind and principal obstruction in the pathway of civi-' lizatiou. The rural districts are practically all anti aaloon, and have either driven it out or are prating to do 00. S*»n th«* abominations will be confined ex - x . v. . clusively to the large cities There, we are sorry to the vice still lingers iu its worst form. Go to any fashionable hotel between the hours of 11 and 3 o'clock and you will find well-dressed men and women iff the cafes, eating and drinking. There around the mid night table, enthroned between Bacchus and Venus, druukeu men hic-cough out immoral arguments and obscene jests. There sharpers and bullies and hard-hearted, impudent debauches nightly hold forth foi the edifica tion of the rising generation. Here may be seen beardless youths; still in college, reeling around the wine gfaSfc-while women ot ques tionable Character indulge in weak laughter ana, maudlin applause. Here the night-rounders, "men of the world," the libertine and the roue, lie in wait for the vic tims that are to be baited with wine There are many Evelyn Thaw s who are not ftfund out, who do not get into the courts as the result of murder. In every great city of this Union there are to be found fashionable dens, *s infamous as that of Stanford White, where drunken orgies are indulged in by men and women with foreheads of bronze, hearts as hard as the neth er millstone and tongues set on fire of hell.—American Farmer. Enn Mil Hit Ovi Doctor The average man cannot afford to employ a physician for every slight ailment or injury that may occur in his family, air ctti he afford to neglect them, as so slight an injury as the scratch of a phi has been known to cause the loss of a limb. Hence man must from necessity be his own doctor for this class ol ailment. Success often depends upon prompt treatment which can only be had when suitable medicines are kept at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies have been in the market for many years and enjoy a good reputation. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy tor bowel com plaints. •. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whoop ing cough. Chamberlain's Pain Balm (an antiseptic liniment) for cuts, bruise*, burns, sprains, swellings, lame back and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for constipation, biliousness and stomach troubles. Chamberlain's Salve for diseases of the skin. One bottle of each of these five preparations costs but $1.15. For sale by S. R. Biggs. "We would like to see just one trust bmtsd/'says the Los Angeles Times. "If only to find out how it looks on the inside. "We have a. suspicion it would look like a good sized lake. .mint . If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets tontfhi. They pro -1 duce an agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and cleanse the stomach. Price, 15 cents. Sam ples free at S. R. Biggs, drugstore. The President having announc ed that he likes the man who sings at his work onght to be compelled to spend a few hoars in a room > with a number of men wfco think > they can sing. { The New Boy'i Motto. ( After Halstead Murry and Rog* , er Barnes left school, they each ; applied for a place iu the First j National Bank, in Hughestown, the small city, where they lived. Roger got the place and ar ound to (ell Halstead about it. "Sorry for you, old fallow," he , said cheerfully, "bnt there was only one place, you see, and I had" the pull. You know Mr. Stevens is one of the directors, and my uncle worked for him for years. Uncle Sam satd a good word for me, and there I am." Mr. Murry was -blacking his shoes wheu Halstead told him about Roger's visit. He finished the sideof the shoe he was nibbing, and then, as he dipped his brush in the blacking box again, he ask ed with a quizzical smile. "What , did you say to that?" "Why," Hal laughed, a little, "I said I was glad for him. That r was all. There seemed to be nothing else to say." "That's right," said his father, , aa he fell to rubbing the second , shoe. "We'll have to trv to catch hold of some other rope, boy." But no other opening appeared, . and Halstead was feeling rather , blue, when he received a cartf ask ing him to call at the bank, one day. He went promptly, and came back with the great news that Robert had left, and he was ! engaged in Roger's place. A week afterwards he found his , cousin Clara at the table when he I came home, a little late to dinner. 1 "How's banking?" she began. 1 "I can only tell you alxmt ice 1 banks," returned Hal, cutting his beef, soberly. "I'm an Ice-chop -1 per, ma'atn. Been at it all morn ' in*-" 1 Clara looked puzzled. "Why. | your mother said you'd gone into I the Fiist National. What do you mean?" I "I'm hardly in," he said, "I'm ' rather an outside clearing house. It's stormed nearly all the time for . a week, you know, and my part of the banking business is to keep the ) bank steps and side walk cleared." Clara smiled. "I see," she said, ' "begining at the lowest round!, and I all that sort of thing. Too low r down for Roger, wasn't it?" "Roger says," replied Hal, ' "that he told Mr. Peters that he . could shovel snovy anywhere. He. r came there to learn banking." "How about you?" Clara per sisted. Halstead hesitated, then he J opened his watc(i at the back and t passed it acrott* the table. Engraved on the inner cover were the woads, J "Obey orders." „ "Father and mother had that pnt on when they gave me the watch, two years ago," he said.—Sel. > i A prompt, pleasant, good remedy for coughs and colds, is Kennedy's e Laxative Cough Syrup. It ie es pecially recommended for babies . and chl'dren, but good for every member ot the family.- It con tains no Opiates and does not constipate. Contains honey and * tar and tastes nearly as good as * maple syrup. Children like it. a Sold by S. R. Biggs. Willfaupston. c N. C.. Slade Jones. TCo. Hamil ton, N. C. ; WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JUNE 14 1907 Ttxt ol the Plank Indorsing P. C* • KMX. Harrisburg, Pa., June 6.—The plants in the platform indorsing Senator Knox for the presidency is as follows: ' Pennsylvania has just pride in presenting to her sister states as a worthy successor to Theodore Roosevelt her distinguished son, who from the beginning was fore most in counsel aud most effective in practical support of the policies for the regulation of corporate power J»as so endeared the ntnmt to the people of this country. It was Philander Chase Knox who in 1902 pointed out that an amendment to the constitution of the United State was unnecessary to enable Congress to redress the wrongful exercise ot power by cor porations in their relation to inter state commerce, and who made that opinion good by the legal proceedings which he successfully prosecuted for the violation of the interstate coinmerca and antitrust laws of the nation; and also by the amendments to those laws whicn he recommended and prepared and which subsequently met the ap proval of Congress. "The record of Philander Chase Knox is a matter of history. Of him President Roosevelt said in his speech at the dedication of the new state capitol in October, 1906: During the last few years the nat ional government has taken very strong strides in the direction of exercising and securing adeduate control over the great corporations, and it was under the leadership of one of the most honored public men in our country, one Penn sylvania's most eminent sous, the present senator aud then Attorney- Oeueral Knox that the new de parture was begun. .. " "We are prohd, of Mr. Knox's resord as attorneyNgeneral. We are proud of his recorH as senator, in which office he is displaying the same qualities of patriotism, integ rity and the devotion of his abilities to the cause of good government and good citizenship. His capacity and experience, his motives and purposes, his high character in public and private life fit him for the highest office. ' Believing in him aud support ing him earnestly as we do we hereby indorse him 011 behalf of the Republican party of this com monwealth for the great office of President of the United States, anj we have the honor of present ing-him now to the Republicans of our sister states as Pennsylvania's candidate for the presidency be fore the Republican nomination convention in June, 1908." Senator Pox, «who is stopping at the Waldorf-Astoria, learned to night of his indorsement by the Harrisburg convention, though the press despatches. Having read these, including an abstract of the, platform adopted, he said to a re porter: "I am deeply sensible of the great honor done me by fallow- Republicans of Penusylvauia. "In their convention, composed ot delegates elected directly by the peoble, they have increased my many obligations to them by coup ling with the indorsement ot the administration of Theodore Roose velt the suggestion of ray name as his successor. "I note the convention's reference to the fact that as attorney-general and senator was privileged to aid in the formulation and carrying Sqto legislation and judicial decis ion those just policies for the pro tection of the peoble which have so greatly endeared President* Roos velt to the people. I valne tW ac tion of the convention approving such public service as I have been enabled to render in the past with a satisfaction not exceeded by my gratitude for the unsolicited pledge of support for higher honors and graver duties for the future. "I have too profound a sense ot the dignity of the chief magistracy, and too intimate a knowledge of its labors and responsibilities to have sought these indorsement. If, how ever the wishes of Pennsylvania Republicans and the reasons they MONTHLY MISERY is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always leaves you weaker, and is sure to shorten your fife and make your beauty fade. To stop pain take Wine of Cardui and it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your, func tions, make yotf well, beautiful and strong. It is a re liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, head ache, nervousness, irritability, dizziness, fainting sjtells, and similar troubles. A safe and efficient medicine for all women's pains and sickness. Mrs. J. L. Broadhead of Clanton, Ala. writes; "I have used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to women, and it has completely cured me." AT ALL DRUG STORKS, IN SY(X> BOTTLES WKITX us A Lima teacriMnt fully all your (ymptumi and »• will i.nj you Fnw Advlct In plain awM anvatup*. Ladlr,' Advltory Papt,, Tha Chattanoofa MaJkln* Co., Chatlanouffa, Tann. JlO assign for their action should com- j mend themselves to the national! Republican convention I would ac-J cept its action with full apprecia-1 tion of its import." Senator Fox that he should have nothing farther to say j at present consenting his candidal cy. Accompanied by Mrs. Knox, he has been visiting friends here. They will return to their home at Valley Forge, Pa., tomorrow. Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., says "1 have only taken four doses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done, I am still taking the pills as 1 want a perfect cure." Mr. Barber -re fers to DeWitt's Kidney and Blad der Pills, which are uneqnaled for I Backache, weak kidneys, infiamma 1 tion of the bladder and all urinary troubles. A week treatment for »jc. Sold by S. R. Biggs. William aton, N. C., Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. Do It Tomorrow! It was a profitable venture. It cost Mr. Neermein very little to buy the texts, and he thought that they would have the same effect on His employees as if he had rbised their salaries. Think of -the difference in tin; price! So it happened that on momlay morning there appeared above every desk the words ,"1)0 it now!" franed with an emlxmed gilt border But, alas, they took the advice too litterally ! Next day the lady typist eloped with the bookkeeper, three clerks asked for a raise, the cashier took a holiday with the contents of the safe, and the office boy became a highwayman. holding out till Thursday before he was caught and disarmed.—London Answers - RiMirkibli Rescue That truth is stranger than fic tion, has once more Jbeen demon strated in the little town of Fedora, renn,, the residence of C. V. Pep per. He writes: "I was in bed entirely disabled with hemorragee of the lungs and throat. Doctors failed to help tne, and all hope had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then instant relief came. The cough ing soon ceased; the bleeding dim inished rapidly, and in three weeks I was able to go to work.'' Guar anteed cure for coughs and colds. 50c. and #I.OO, at S. R. Biggs, drug store. Trial bottle free. 1 An Illinois legislator suggests that no more laws be enacted for ten years and that the people be taught to obey tho*e already in existence. But what in the mean time would become of the law makers who never learned any other trade? For scratches, burns, cuts, insect bites and the many little hurts com mon to every family,. DeWitt's Pized Witch Hazel Salve is t remedy. It is soothing, f, clean and healing. Be ou get DeWitt's, Sold by Bigj?s. Wiiliamston, N. C„ ones. 4 Co. Hamilton, N. 7 CARDUI Be such a man, live such a life, j that if every man were such a man jas you, and every life a life "like ! yours, this earth would God'spara dise.—Philips Brooka. J , Till Magic No. 3 '/ Number three is a wonderful | mascot for Geo. H. I'arris, of I Cedar Grove, Me., according to u letter which reads: "After suffer ing much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find relief, 1. tried Electric Bitters, and as a result I am a well man today. The first bottle relieved and threw bottles completeted the cure." Guaranteed best ou earth for stomach, liver and kidney troubles, by S. R Biggs, druggist. 50c. DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV. C. L. RKAD, Pastor. Methodist Episcopal Church, South, Williamson and Hamilton Charges. Services as follows. Wtlliamaton—Preaching on the Ist 3rd and 4th Sundays at 11 a 111 and 7:30 p m Sunday School at 9:30 a m, W. A. El lison, Supt. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p m. Hamilton—Preaching on the and and sth Sundays atnam and 7:30 p ui.v Vernon—Preaching the ist Sunday' at 3 p m. Holly Springs—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p ni. All friends of the church aud the pub lic generally are cordially invited to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liauiatoa. Preaching third Sunday 1 i-a in and 7 pni Sunday School pui every Sunday. Macedonia first Sundays nam and Saturday 11 a ni and 7 30 p in. Old I'ord—Second Sundavs and Sat urdays 11 a 111. Jamesville—Fourth Suudays nam and 7 P ">• J. R. TINGLE, Pastor. Baptist Church OKO. J. .DOWRIX, Pastor, Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening, except the first S&bbath evening, at 11 a tri and 7:30 p in. Sabbath School, S. At wood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lord'* Supper everv first Sabbath Church Conference etfery Second Sab bath. *| / Preaching at Reddick's Gfove the first Babbath in every mouth at 3 p m.-' At Bigg'% School House every 4th Sabbath at 3 p m. The Ladies Missionary Society, Mrs Justus Everett, Pres., meets every firs' and third Monday at 7:30 p ni. Vou are very respectfully and earnest ly invited to attend these services. Church of the Advent RKV. ROBT. StfkANGK, Bishop. Rev. B. S.JKASSITKR, Rector. * Church of the Advent, Williamson. Sunday School, 9:30 every Suuday, Services on the *ecoud and fifth Suddays at 11 ani and 7 p 111. On the Saturdays before those Sunday* at 5 P m. ' On'the Mondays after at 4:30 p m. Bible class at time of Sunday School. « Atl are cordially invited. ■ • • , The suggestion that Booker Washington is Wattersott's dark horse is only meeting with black looks. _ k * —•TfTrrrrrrf>r>gr«ii»as^fl ADVERTISING . Vour money back.—Judiciouaadvtrtte- ■> tof ia the kind that pay* back to yon ? the money yon Inveat. Space in thla 4 paper assure* yon prompt return* . . | «- WHOLE NO. 3809 Professional Cards* J HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 1 Office: Jeffrnu Drug Store. A Office Hours: 8 to 10 A. m. ; 7 to 9 r. iijH Williamson, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. * Allifr DENTIST I Offic*— Main Snavr ,M Phonb q , I will be in Plymouth the first wnatfll every other month. W. E. Warren. J. S. Rhode*. ■ DRS. WARREN & RHODES, i PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICE IN Bioos'»Druo Store 'Pltone No. BURROUS A. CRITCHER, Attorney at Law . Office: Wheeler Martin's office. J ■Phone, 23. ; WIU.IAIMSTON, N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. Phone No. 77. WILUAMSTON, N 0. wherever services are desire* | Special attention given to examining and malt ' ng title for purchasers of timber sad timber 1 lands. Special attention will be given to real estate j exchanges. If you wish to buy or sell land I '• can helpyou- r-» PHONK4/ K. I). \frINSTON S. J. EVKRKTT "j WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW WII.UAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY-AT LAW Robkrsonvillb, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH D. C. MOORINO, Proprietor Robersonvillb, N. C. Rates' $2 .00 per day Special Ratea By the Week A Flrst-Closs Hotel in Every Partic- I ular. The'traveling public will find It m a most convenient place to atop. In Gase of Tire you want to be protected. [ ;i In case of death you want to leave your family some thing to live on.ln case of accident you want some thing to live on besidea borrowing. Ixt Us Come to Your Rescu* We can insure youjagainst loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg lary. We also can bond you tor any office requir ing bond NOOI Bit Beit Cospiilu Rurisiifil K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE A(SSNT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minute*; extma charge will positively be made for longer time. To Washington *5 cte. •" Greenville »5 " " Plymouth aj " Tarboro i$ " " Rocky Mount 1 J5 " !' Scotland Neck a®*.'' " Jamesville lj " " Kader Ulley'a *IS " " I. G. Staton 1 15 " " J. I«. Woolard \ts " "J. B. Harriss &Co IS " I " Parmele f" Roberaonville 15 " Everett* t5 •' Gold Point.... IS | " Geo. P. McNaughton *|ajj " Hamilton For other point* is tee "Central" whan* • found lor UNI

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