TUB ENTERPRISE. rawiam vw vsomt ■v m mMmiii co. i Batan4 al lb« Mat OSot >1 WUltowloi, m. C. M MHI CtaM Mall MalUr. Friday, June 14, tc>o7 Martin Lacks Industries r" The people of Martin County g are «mong the noblest and best to be found in the state or anywhere * else- ''Tbev have shown them a:lves the equal, if not the superior I among those with whom they have come in contact. Their sons and daughters who have left bur borders, and taken up their abode in other rections have always taken a high stand in life, and have by their wisdom and courage reflected great honor upon the grand old county. . They have, as a whole, always L., stood for what _was. right, wher ever they have been found. And as for energy and ability, they have always been found in the fore front, moulding and shaping sentiment for what is noblest and best in lifet' In tlieii homes and in their home life, they are a genial and obliging people, ever looking to the interest of their neighbor* and friends. _> They liavtf for the past few year* made as uiucli progress in the > development and improvement o( their farms as any people in the state. They have by bettfr fertiliz . Jng and better cultivation made their lauds mu£li more valuable. Our business men have al ways l>een among the very best, aud have had much to do with the present state of progress to be found in the county, which includs all lines of industry. But not withstanding all these, inherent qualities, which tend to make any people great, our people seem to s be slow in launching out into new lyies. They-seem to be content tp be the producers of raw materials, leaving the lAanufaciuring of those materials into more useful and valuable shapes to other hands. They must have forgotten Ihe old adage, that those who produce the v raw materials only, must tver be to the manufacturers of those materials, "The hewers of wood and the drawers of>y*ter." Our county is a large producer both of cotton and peanuts, aud there is neither a cotton mill nor a peanut factpry.to lie found in the county, which «liows plainly that the spirit of manufacturing is very low with us. Now the state manufactures six or seven hundred thousand bales of cotton yearjv, fuUy as much as It produces 011 its. funns; and this is proof positive tfiat our county is far behind others in this great line of progress. ,\Ve must not wait longer for northern capitalists to conle down here arid build mills • and factories for us. We must do it ourselves. Let farmers and business men who have m mey out 011 interest,- or lying idle in their sales resolve to combine their capital and stop this drain of„ wealth from our people. When pur people shall have made provisions for manufacturing all the raw materials we produce, •then, and not uutil tlren shall we real prosperity. ■ As the City fathers are declar ing so many things a nuisance, we do not see why tliey can not touch the habit of spitting 011 the pave- Iment. Before the walks were paved it was not so noticeable or seeming ly so prevalent Now the pavements are filthly, unhealthy and obnox ous, especially to ladies, who must either drag their skirts through or pick their way. The Sanitary Board should demand that the : pavements be cleaned at regular in tervals during the day, if the filthy practice can not be prohibited. have decent streets in our attrac tive town, and have less complaint With the near approach of the Peace Conference, there but one thing definitely gpfettled and that is that there will wfce;. se actios on the proposal to |L?})pit armaments. Of course the have to be polite and seem fljpMoefnl, but limitation of artna |ments is not a popular with pltibcai just now though it is not one \ they can openly flout. It may be If confidently expected that they will A Good Hair-Food Ayer'i Hiir Vigor, new Im proved formula, Is a genuine hair-food. It feeds, nourishes, builds up, strengthens, ates. The hsir grows more rapidly, keeps soft and smooth, snd all dandruff disappears. Aid nature a little. Give your hair a good hsir-food. Oni ml chug* tht "fa /I M Bbow It »o »«•* iluers kS5r-sl You need not hesitate about uaint this new Hair Vigorfrom anyfearof ittcnang ing the color of yeur hair. The new Ayer'a Hair Vigor prevents premature graynesa, but does not change the coloi of the hair even to the alightsst degree. UaA bjUnJ.C. A»»rO>., Low.ll, «»- Impromptu Dance On Wednesday evening the young men of Williamston gave a most delightful impromptu dance at the Masonic Opera House Bagley's Orchestra furnishing the necessary article. The following were present: Miss JJora Fowden and Mr. K. B, Crawford, Miss Anna Crawford and Mr. Xamb, Jr., Miss Ella Statpn and Mr. Luke Lamb, Miss i/>uise Fowden and Mr. W. Fountain Lipscomb,' Miss Hannah V. 'Fowden and Mr. J. G. Godard, Jr., Miss Nannie Smith md Mr. Frank Ilassell, Miss Irma Jeffress, of Chase City, an 4 Mr. Frank F 4 Pagan, MissJanie Wood, >f Baltimore, and Dr. J. S. Rhodes, Miss Minnie Sparks and Mr. C. B. HasMrff,~faJss Eva Gaitior and Mr. Leslie Fowden, Miss Katy Blotifif and/ Mr. Harry M. Stubbs and MissNfvssie l'eele and Mr. Forbes, of Greenville. Chaperoties; Mesdaincs Mary li. l'eele, F. L. Minga and W. R. Fowden. —Ask tor El Coreso, Refuse tthers. Revival Services. Rev. J.R. Tingle is holding a ser ies of services at the Christian Church "assisted by Rev. Preston flail, of Kinston. J Mr. Hatl is a strong, forceful ipeaker and is one of tlie.mosl sue-, zessful minister of his denomination in the sta'.e. His work at Kinston •' f has abounded in Gods great good, and the church has been strength ened under his ministry Everybody is cordially iuvitetTto attend these meetings.^ —Smoke El Coreso. The medicine that sets) the whole world thinking, The remedy on which all doctors agree. The prescription all your friends are tukiug is tiolli®ter'B Rocky Mountain * Tea. J, M. Whiters A Co, at Robersonville N. C. —Are-you a Chuloo? Tiltit'cu'rid A lady customer of ours had suffered with tetter for two or three years. It grft so bad on had ' hands that she could not attend to her household duties. One box of Chambetlain's Salve cured her. Chamberlain's medicines give splendid satisfaction in this com munfly^—M. 11. Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's med icines are for sale by S. R. Biggs, druggist. ' Makes You Save In Spite of Yourself This is the "Vest " Pocket Bank—we will loan you one if you want to Start to Save. Your wages get into the Bank whether you put theru there or not. If you spend al! the other fellow bauksyour tnouey. Resolve tp be the "other . fellow." Come to us today. . Get one beautiful little pocket bauks aud statt the "Savings, Habit." Farmers and Merchants Bank Williamston, N. C. Notic* to White Teachers- The Martin County Summer School for white teachers will open Monday Inly the Bth. The course of stndy will incluie all subjects taught in the Public Schools. All teachers who expect to teach in the schools of the county mUst attend. It. J. Peel, Supt. We suppose lawyer Delmas will defend the San Fransisco grafters on the ground that they were also Huffing from dementia Americana. If this weather repeats itself next spring, the historic May flower may come to be regarded as a mvth. —Taffy-Tolu Gum. The Best, Notice to Colored Teachers The Maitiu County Summer >choo! for the colored teachers will >|*n Wednesday, July 10. j All leathers, and those who expect to eatfh Tn tlie schools nfthe county must attend. li. J. Peel, Superintendent. A Fortllttl Tllll Mr. E, W. Goodloe, of 107 Pt. f,ouis St. ( Dallas, Tex. says: 'ln Oe past year I have become ac juaitited with Dr. King's New I.ite 'ills and no laxative 1 ever be ore tried so effectually disposes ol iinlaria and biliousness." They lon t grind nor gripe. 25c, at S. i. Biggs, (irug store. To the Tobacco Farmers of Mar tin County. I will lie associated (lie coming season with Eli Gurganus at the Farmers Warehouse, Williamston, V C., wheTe I will be glad to see all my old acquaintances, and will guarantee the highest market price lor your tobacco this season. Thanking yon for the courtesy ditown me .while with Mr. T. S. Graham last season. I am, „ Yours truly, J. T. Fishel. No greater mistake can be madt; than to consider lightly the evidence of disease in your system. Don't take desperate chances on ordinary medicines Use Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tia or I'ablet?. J. M. Whiters & Co. at Robersonville N. C. HOI LISTER S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Mnliolat for Bu.y Popl». Brings Golden Uultb md E««w>d Vlfar. A nrwlfla for Qnnatlpatlon, InrtLfrMtlou, !.!»• id Kidmiy Troublan, Plmpl-n, Bt-Mma, bnpiir* lihkl, Bad llr«Mh. SliKilih Howcli, Uwlvb' * n.l Harkaoh* tt'a R.wky Mmintal i Tea In tab •( form, Wt o»ol» a bo*. Omulna inade by toLMaTER nitoo Mmtlaon. Wit, WIDEN HUOOm FOR «»LLOW PEOPLE XFWN /HARPERX I KENTUCKY > I WHISKEY) \ . torfltntjt**)! / \ who dlcrWi / Quality y For sale by J. W. Watts & Co. — r __ CURES ALL SKIN TROUBLES Siyphur the Accepted Remedy for a Hundred Tears .Sulphur i» our of the greatest teme«lies t»a lure ever gave to man. Kvery physician knows it cures skin ami blood Irouhlea. IIAKCOCKS SUMMIT R enables you to|(t Utt full benefit in most convenient foim. Don't take sulphur 'tablets'" or "wafers," or powdeted sulphur In molasaea. HANCOCKS UUl'lD Sl'M'Hliß is pleasant to take ami perfect in its action. Druggists aell it. A weU knowncitisen of Danville, Pa., writes *1 have had an aggravated casp of Kcscma for over twentv-five years., I have uaed aeveu so cent bottle* «f and one jar of your HANCOCK'S SCl.l'Hl'lt OINTMKNT. ami now 1 f eel as though 1 had a brand new pair of hands. It has cured ma and 1 am in re it will cure anyone if they persist in using HANCOCK S I.lyl'lD SI'M'HUR according to dirrviiou*, * "HT'TLCH Kimjas/ Notice. Ilaviug qualified as administrator upon the estate of C. t.' Morion, deceased notice is hrteby given to all persons holding claim* against said estate to' pre sent them to the uuderaijfned for pay ment on or before the 7th day of June, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. A" persons indebted to- aaid eatate are requested to make im mediate payment. This 7th day of June, 1907. 67ft W. 7.. MORTON. Admr. Notice ?v Notice is hereby given that we will apply to the CoinmiMionera of the togrv of WUltaniston and to the CommUaiOti era Martin foi* licenae to retail spiritu ous, vinous'and malt liquors in the town of Will amston, N. C. in the atore known as Bob Mohley, occupied by Mc G. Har rell for the six months beginning .the Ist day of July, 1907. B. A. PHELPS. Notice! I Notice is hereby gives that I will ep> ply to the commissioner* of the town 'of Gold Point and to the commissioner* of Martin county for llcenae to retail spirituous, vinous and malt liquor* in Vbe town of Gold Point, N. C., in the •tore known aa J. L. Weaver's old atand for the six month* beginning the let day of July «9°7- ji-4t W. J. Cherry. Notice J ' Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of 8. H. Newberry, deceased, late of Martin County, N, C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undei signed on or tie fore the loth day of May 1908, or this notice will 1* plead In fair of their re covery. All persons indebted to said e»- Ute will please make imii.ediate pay ment. This 10 day of May 1907. S-iq-W WII««I.KK Martik, Administrator, It U N. Notice- Having qualified a* administrator upon ihe estate of Joshua L,. Corey, drceased notice is hereby given to all person* holding claims against said estate to pre -1 -nt them to the undesigned for pay irant on or before the l*t day of June, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded iti Bar ,i their recovery. All |«r*on* indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate t>ayment. This thirteenth day of May 1907 6tpd John G. Cokkv, Admr. \ Notice. By virtue uf u power of sale contained in a certain trust deed executed to me by j. T. Stokes, J. H. Stcke* and Jessie t). Stokes, his wife, bearing date April jHtli, 1906, and du'.y recorded 111 the Itegister's office of Martin coimty, liook PP. 574. u ' secure payment of a certaii: bond lieariug even,dale therewith, and the stipulations of sail Weed of trust not having lieen complied with, X shall on lhe 15th of June, 1907, at 3 o'clock, p. 111. exjiotie to public sale to the highest bid der, for cash, at Robersonville. N. C., the following described land*, lying and lieing in the town of Parmele, N. C., on the north *ide of the A. and It. railroad, nid beiug the store lot between J. H. Whicharil and T. K. Carson and Co., i«id lot beginning at J. H. Whichard's corner, runs thence e northrtly course with J. If. Whichard's line 4» feet, thence an eaiterly course 34 feet and 9 'lielie* to the corner of T. H. Car*on and Co., thence a southerly course with the line of T. P.. Carson and Co. 41 feet, iheuce a westerly co«r»e 34 feet and 9 inches to the beginning. This May the ijth, 1907. A. R. Dcnnihg, Trustee The Secret of A BEAUTIFUL COMPLEXION .Now Reveibfd FREE \Vliat beauty is more desfhthle than an exquisite complexion elegant jewels. An apportunity lor tvery woman to obtain both, for a limited time only. ' .The directions and recipe for ob taining a faultless complexion it* the secret long guarded by the master minds of the Orientals and Greeks. This we obtained after years of work and at great expense. It is the method used by the fairest and most l»eautiful women of Europe. Hundreds of American women who now use it have expressed theiydeßgbt and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood and simple to follow and it will save you the expense of creams, cosmetics, bleaches and forever give you a beautiful complexion and free your skin from pimples, bad color, blackheads, etc. It alone is worth to you many times the price we ask you to send for the genuine diamond ring of latest design. We sell you this ring at one small profit above manufacturing cost. The price is less than one half whatotliers charge. Therecipe is free with every ring. It is a genuine rose cut diamond ring of sparkling brilliancy abso lutely guaranteed, v*rv dainty, shaped like a Belcher with Tiffany] setting of 1 aKt. gold sfiell, at your local jeweler it would coat consid erable more than $2.00. We mail you this beautiful com plexion recipe free when your order is received for ring and $2.00 in money order, stamps or bills. Get your orders in before ojir supply is exhaustpdr \ This'offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertis ing and introducing our goods. Send to-day before this oppor tunity is forgotten. T. C MOSELEY, 32 East 93rd Street, New York ny rnrr To women for collect -1 IVEC ing names and selling our noveltto, we give big premiums send your name to day for our new plan of big profit* with little work. Write to-day. Address C. T. riOSELEY Premium Department, 32 E. 23rd Street, New York City —Deeds of Trust, Warranty Deeds, Crop Liens, Chattel Mort gages, order Books, etc., printed and for sale at this office. - r., -== ; ~ FLUE CURING IMPROVES TOBACCO LIKE ROASTING IMPROVES GREEN COFFEE Flu* Curing Develops the Stimulating Aroma ami Taala Found IN Schnapps thai Baßsflss Tobacco Hangar There are'three ways used by far mers for curing and preparing theft tobacco for the market; namely, sun cured, air cured and flue cured. The old and cheap way is called air cured; the later discovery and improved way is called flue cured. In flue-curing the tobacco is taken from the field and suspended over intensely hot houses especially built to re tain the heat, and there kept in the proper temperature until this curing process developes In the tobacco the stimulating taste and fragrant aroma found in Schnapps tobacco, just as green coffe# is made fragrant and stimulating by the roasting process. Only choice selections of this ripe, juicy flue cured leaf, grown in the . famous Piedmont country, where the best tobacco grows, are used in Schnapps and other Reynolds' brands 1 Of high gradefnue cufed tobaccos.] ' • m . \ U.* REYNOLDS TOBACXXT 0. A KILLTH. COUCH ; AND CURE TH« LUHQ*.I * m Dr. King's; New Discovery FOR I OUOHIan# 80c lit 1.00 1U W°LDS Fres Trial. Cur* for all THROAT and rUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. PEANUT ICKER REMARKABLE INVENTION PEANUT CROWERB' HOPE REALIZED WRITE NOW • I Benthall Machine Co. \ Suffolk, Va. . JAMESTOWrrJEXPO§ITION Rates from Williamson as follows: Season ticket $6i25, sold daily April iv to November 30th. 60 day ticket $5. sold daily April 19th to Novell l>fcr 30th. Coach Excursions $2.90. sold each Tuesday;' tJin it en dorsed: "Not good in pwlor or sleeping cars". Tbiough Pullman sloping cars From Port Tampa and Jackson ville. Fla. Atlanta and Augusta, Ga. Wilmington, N. C.ivia Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. Write for a beautiful illustrated folder containing maps, descriptive matter, list of Hotels, etc. For reservations or any informa tion Address. T. C. WHITK, Gen'l Pass. Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Pass. Traffic Mg'r. Wilmington, N. C. ■ 11 1 .u ui. I— CITY BARBER SHOP J.KHYMAN.Mp. „ Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs Emything Clean and in Order PRESSING CUB We are running* pressing club in connection with our barber shop and have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge. Qive us Your Work J. SPELLER, DSALER IN Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs and Furs. |l Wllllamston, N. C. § Hundreds of imitation brands are on sale that look like Schnapps; the outside of tlje imitation plugs of to bacco is flue cured, but the inside is filled with cheap, flimsy, heavily sweetened air cured tobacco; one | chew of Schnapps will satisfy tobacco hunger longer than two chews of such tobacco. ~ Expert tests prove that this - flue cured tobacco, grown in the famous Piedmont region, requires and takes less sweetening than any other kind, and has a wholesome, stimulating, . satisfying effect on chewers. If the _ Jcind of tobacco you are chewing dyn't satisfy, more than the mere habit of expectorating, stop fooling yourself and chew Schnapps tobacco. Schnapps is like the tobacco chew-* ers formerly bought costing ffom 75c 1 to sl.ooper pound; Schnapps is sold at 50c. per pound in sc. cuts, strictly *io_and 15 cent plugs.^ Harbor View Gottage - On Chesapeake Bay' Exposition Grounds and Hampton Roads \ In Full View Can Every 5 Minutes to Norfolk, Ocean View, Old Point and Exposition Surf Bathing and Fishing Unsurpassed A Limited Number of Guests Accommodated The Ideal Place to Stop While Visiting the Exposition For Rates Apply to * J. E McCRAW, Manager, Ocean View, Va. Behold All Things Arc Now Ready . -LET'S ALL OO , To Pine Beach andsStop at Hotel Gordy. "Uncle Joe" iH there, on Maryland Avenue, between 102 nd and 103 rd Streets, directly in front of eutranceto Exposition from the Paviilioli side. Trolly care pass the door every *ls minutes. . Hotel Gordy Company. J. M. SITTBttBON, Vice-President. On The Market This Year To My Friends ajidPatrons . I will be on the market to buy every merchantable ■ potato that is unloaded in Williamson this season. • Will represent the leading potato houses in the best markets of the country, and will be in hourly touch with market reports. My experience in handling potatoes for a number of years gives me a reputation not enjoyed by any other buyer on the market. Uuload your potatoes at the depot and call me, . Do hot sell before seeing me W. A. ELLISON, Williamston, ,N. C. « NOTICE! ! Yoti wiH be rewarded if you will only ' . take a look ai our show window Saturday J and Monday. A new line of tie; will be displayed. Don't fail to tee them. Price 95. 50, 75c and fi.oo each. Don't forget th* day, Saturday. June iat, 1907 Brown & Roberson Wedding Presents! y You do not hare to send out of towii for theui. We hare a fine assortment. Come and ex-I amine our stock. . * . . . v THE JEWELER, | H. D. PEELE,' WILLIAMSTON, N. C.

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