ADVERTIS/NQ Your monev back.—Judicious ad vert b il| U the kind that pays back to you the money you invest. Space in thia paper assures you prompt return* . . VOL. VIII. - NQ 39 PEOPLE or THE DAY Preaches to Rockefeller. Her Charles P. A tod, who recently UMUMd the |a- orate of the Fifth Avenue Haptit church. New York, came from Penhroks chapel. Liver pool, the seeuad la i'g—t Protestant con gregatl 11 tu the British empire. HU Sew la p>p Uariy called "Rocke feller's '•lrirch," presumably because John D. Uockefelh-r and hU fatuify are members of it ami his son la the leader •f one wi' Its] classes. Dr. Aked It f-»rty-two years of aft. He was born in-Wittingtiatil, England, and educated In H commercial school, the Midland B. J«I l>-t coik»ge and the MTV. UHASLSS r. AKIO>. University college. Karly In life he waa auctioneer to the sheriff of Derby ahire, which |>oat he cave up In order to atudy for the ministry. He has vis ited the failed titles several tluies and la the author of several books and many religious, papers. In 1003 a lung affection caused him to. tQ&k* a long sojourn in the Alps. m He la an athletic type of man, and hla manner reminds many of President Boosevelt It la told of Dr. Aked that when be waa about to take the pastor ate of Pembroke chapel, Liverpool, be went flshlug at 3 o'clock one morning and, flutllug a suit of clothea on the bank, Jumped In to save a supposed drowning man. He brought out the man's dead body. As * result of the incident Pembroke ;ha pel ou the morning that Dr. Aked preached hla first sermon was crowded to the doors People wanted to set a preacher who bad gone fishing at S a. m. and who had-Jumped Into the water to save a man. A Writer Described. This description of "Deacon" House, a writer on the Topeka Capital, is given by Editor Amrine of the Council Grove Guard: "House grew up on a Kansas fsrm. He reminds yon of the old school definition of a line, 'Any thing having but one dimension, length.' He la six feet two Incbfs, the latter being waist measure. He Isn't thin; be Is Jnst simply a wafer, and It Is the nature of wafers to have no thickness. Houae Is the first and orig inal man whose legs are plpesteipn. > All others are Imitations. They say lie keeps up his garters by using library paste."—Kansas City Post. Assistant Secretary ef the Treasury. Beekman Wlnthrop, who was recent ly appointed an sisistaut secretary of the treasury, haa for uearly three years paat been governor of Porto Blco. In the aaalgiunent of duties among the three assistant secretaries Mr. Wlnthrop will have charge of matters oonnscted with the collection of in ternal revenue; the revenue cutter serv ice, the selection of sites and the .1 awarding of contracta for public build ings; the public health and Marine hos pital service and other dutiee of leas Importance. Mr. Wlnthrop takes the place of As slatant Secretary John H. Edwards, • »"»*** who will hereafter have charge of the finsaciai divisions of the treasury de partment He will also have under his Jurisdiction the bureau of the mint and the bureau of engraving and printing Although a young man-bo Ja not yet thirty-three—Governor Wlnthrop baa had a larfte experience la the affairs of o«r Insular poaas—long. ' He Is a nstlve of Mew Jstaey, a graduate of Harvard law school and a member of the New York bar. In 1000 be went to the Phil ippines as private secretary to Govern or Taft. Ha was aoon made assistant ftk SPORTING WORLD Third Bass maw Stsinfeldt. Harry Stelnfcldt, the clem- and bard hlttlug third twsemau of tlie Chicago club rf the National league. w.\s borti Kept. LD, IST'I, at St. Louts. At uu early age his pareutN took up a residence at Fort Worth. Tex., wuere be learned to play ball while attending school. HU first professional engagement was with the Houston club of the Texas m m - ■Nt' a A MUX S ramrkUDT. league in 181K5. He participated In six ty-six chatnplousblp games that year and made an excellent record as a fielder. He filled various infield posi tions, chiefly that of short, where lie played In forty-eight games, Bteiufeidt liegan the season of 18UG with the Fort WortlTvlub of the Texas league, but finished It with the Galves ton team of the |ame tongue. In the fall of IKIMI he waa drafted by the Detroit Western league club and played short field throughout 1807. The Cincinnati club then drafted him for IPPB and thereafter steadily beld htm, playtug him at various Infield positions until the fall of 1006, when be was traded to the Chicago club, for which club be played brilliantly in 1006. Rowing at Jamestown Exposition. According to the pisus spproved by the regatta committee of the James town international rowing regatta, the regatta will lie held lit the Jamestown (Va.) exposition Aug. 14 to 17. The most lin|>orfant feature will bo the In tercity contests, which will replace the Intercity races, so customary at tbe national remitU All crows will hs entered from cities instead of clubs, and each oarsman competing In the regatta will be required to wear the coat of arms of the city be represents on the Itosom of his rowing Jersey. Tbe programme will be copflned to seven and |>oss!hly eight events, and all Junior contests will be eliminated. With the exception of an eight oared intermediate race, all the events will bo for senior oarsmen only. The events follow; K Mingle sculls—For National Associa tion of amateur Oarsmen champions. Hlngle sculls—Open to all oarsmen who have never won a National Asso ciation of Amateur Oarsmen cbampton ablp.' Double scuils— Intercity. Four oared shells—lntercity. Eight oared shells—lntercity Interme diate. Bight oared shells—lntercity, senior. Octuple sculls— * sterclty. Bight oared sli 'lis—For school boys, possibly. •hot, but Lost Fish, John Smith st the Jefferson club, noar Harpers Ferry,. Vs., tells of a large black bass that hs snsgged on two different occasions, and both times the llah was so weighty that It broke bis Hue. On the principle that tho third time come tbe cbarm be went after Mr. Bass sgaln with a new silk tine, and he carried bis revolver, with the view of shooting it should he bo so fortnnste i aa to hook It again. Sore enough, he did get It on the hook and, drawing its bsad out of the water,, fired st It, but Instead of bitting tbe bass he struck tbe line, and the monster escaped for tbe third time. Americans Likely to Be Barred. Tbe rumor that Frank Greer, tbe scali er, might row for the Diamond senile at the Henley regatta In England, for which Constance 8. Titus hss declared his intentiou of entering, will probably end fa talk. A well known oarsman says that tbe Boston Athletic associa tion Is not considering sending Greer over and, further, that Greer is not eligible under tbe Henley rules. In view of the stand taken by tbe Henley stewards last winter to discourage fbs entry of American oarsmen. It Is Im probable that tbe entry of either Titos or West will he accepted. \ . Prizes Per Balloon Basse. Word has been received by the Aero dab of America that prises aggregat ing 96,000 have been offered by the Aero Club of SL Louis for aeroplanes ■«id dirigible balloons. Contests win be arranged for the days immediately preceding and following the race for the International Challenge cup, which la ecbeduled to take place Oct IB from Bt Louts. _____ Fastball Outlook at Columbia. There Is a well defined rumor about Columbia university that the virtual consent of tbe authorities to the resto ration of football had been obtained and that tbe game will be resumed this year. ''ii x V. U- Yale-Harvard Feetball Game. Tale and Harvard have arranged to football next fall. ■ The game will ffije Cfcteptst WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRID HINTS rOR FARMERS Tasting Turkey lags. After nlue days the eggs should be teeted before a candle or lamp la the ewulnr. 110 l l the large end of the egg between the thumb and finger and turn steadily round before tbe II jht. If the eggs sre fertile they will be very tloudy, and a dark speck can be seeu near the large end. but If Infertile will be quite clear. Turkey eggs, as a rule, take twenty-seven or tweuty-etjht days to hatch out but It la advisable to leave them until the twenty-ninth day in case some may lie late In hatchlug out If on the twenty-ninth day the egg haa uot chipped, make an incision In the end Just at the top, and if the akin la white the turkey la alive, but If dark thtyunngblrdJedaad. This l»lags me to a point which Is ofteu overlooked and- causes the death of many an em bryo turkey -namely, to help tho young turkey to get out of the shell when found to be alive on tbe twmiiy'-nlnth day. It Is done by holding the small end of the egg to the light; then tap lightly with the finger, and the posi tion of tbe beak wilt lie found, and then chip it there, for unless the beak Ilea perfectly straight It slips, and the youugster cannot break the shell; hence the need of help.—London Mail. Plant Food and Moisture In Manure. The plant food in a ton of manure varies somewhat with the kind of live stock. Thus young growing animals nnd animals giving milk will retain a larger proportion of tbe nitrogen and pbosphorua than fattening stock, work horses or otbsr mature animals. On tbe other hand. It la well to underatand that the differences In value commonly recognised and most frequently con sidered— as, for example, between sheep manure and cattle mannre—are due almost entirely to differences In water content. As a matter of fact, manure from work horses or from fat tening steers fed on clover hsy and heavy grain rations Is fully as rich aud valuable as sheep manure If both art reduced to the same percentage of dry matter. Of course sheep uisnure, con taining ouly 00 per cent of water, la twice as rich as cattle manure contain ing NO per cent of water. Treatment For Thrush. Thrush Is a disease of the fiog of the foot of iidrses and mules aud is char acterised by a very offensive discharge from tbe clefts of tho frog. It Is caused notably by bad aboeing, whereby tho frog Is prevented fmm coming in .con tact with the ground, but It may alio be caused by an animal standing In a dirty stable. Treat as follows: cMun out tbe foot well and If lame put tho foot In a poultice for several days, changing every day. Linseed meal poultice Is the best, but a bran or mnahed turnip (boiled) will do. Then dry the foot and press a little calomel Into all the cavities from which issue the offensive instter. Press in some toilet or other soft paper to keep In the calomel and keep out the dirt. Clean out the frog and repeat the calomel every second day.—Atlanta Constitu tion. Trsatmsnt Fsr Cowpox. Cowpox is more or less contkglous and sometimes carried from cow to cow by the bands of the milker, says American Cultivator. The best meut Is tbe sppilcstlon of some healing material like oxide of sine ointment after each milking. After milking cows affected with this disease the bands should be washed before passing to tbe next cow to prevent the disease froiu spreading. No serious barm will probably be done, the worst feature being the nuisance for a time during milking until tbe sore places heal. Poultry Notes. Duck eggs lose their fertility vary rapidly, hence should be comparatively fresh wben placed In an incubator or under a hen. Cleanliness In the poultry yard Is worth a whole medicine chest full of remedies In preventing disease. Whenever young chickens are taken from tbe nest while the hatch Is in pmgreas care must be taken that they do not become chilled, night or day. The busy ben la the one that lays the egg» Qapea In Fowl. Gapaa Is tbe name of a condition caused by worms In the windpipe of tbe fowl. It may be treated success fully with a feather stripped to a small tuft at the end. Dip It In pure senoleum, and as tbe chicken breathes Insert It In the wiodplpe and turn it a few times. This loosens tbe worms, and they are coughed up. Some use tur pentine in the same way and often with good results. * ' _____ v A Handy Pol*. Every farmer should have a good ten foot pole. Pine or liesswood dressed down to sn Inch and a quarter square makes a good one. Cut It exactly tan feet long; then lay It off with a scratch awl Into lengths of Stoe foot each. Tbe marks may afterward be blackened with Ink or pencil Half foot lengths are also handy. Keep the pole where It will be straight and dry. •mail Fruit Cultivation. Surplus suckers In blackberry or red raspberry patches should be treated Jnst like weeds. Don't let tbe rows get too wide nor too thick. But do not hoe up all the new ahoota coming up In the row. Remember that your berry crop next year will be borne on canes which are grown this season The Strawberry Bod. Pick off all the btoatoma from newly set strawberry beds; thus you send all DM plants'' strength back Into them salvaa—litto growth. It Is unwise to let plants fruit the Bat maun. t ', FOR THE CHILDREN The Hsms of Washington. Mount Vernon, tho home and burial placo of Waahlngtoa, 1s fifteen miles below the city of Washington on the Potomac. Tho bouse is of wood, two Stories in helgbti with a broad portico In front Tho rooms are plainly fur ulabed, aud some of thorn are kopt Just as they wore whou Washington died. There are many Quo old trees around tho house, and a pretty lawn slopes dowu to the river. Not far from tho house Is tbe vault where tbe body ot Washington was laid after bis death and tho new vault to which It wao transferred In 1880. Lawrence Wash ington, brother to George, built Mount Veruou, naming- It after Admiral Ver non. Tho placa Is lu charge of au asso clathm of women, who bought It la 18(18 and keep It for the benefit of vis itors. Training Fsr a Pirats. An Item concerning Washington Irv ing, for the truth of which we cannot vouch, although It contains a deal of good advice for certain youngsters of tho present time, has lately come to our notice. It la to this intent: Waah lngton Irving In his youth bad a long ing to go to «ea and bo a pirate. Hn determined to make the attempt, but wisely decided to prepare himself for It by preliminary eiperlence. Ho be gan by eatiug salt pork. That mado him sick. He then slept for a night or so on hard boards. That made him sore. It was enough. He had no more desire to go away. Other boys who waut to capture num-o'-war or de sire to go scouting fud scalp Indians would do well to imitate young Irv- Ing's example. A Dag Worth Having. Two years ago a boy fourteen yeara old named Edward Sweeny, living at Opellka, Ala., was followed borne by a smsll dog. The animal was bobtalled and Hijuliit eyed and by no means good looking, sud the by was laughed at for having htm arouad. Within a week, however, tbe dog brought home a five dollar bill in his mouth. The next week he brought a silver dollar. Then he brought a pocketknlfe aud followed that with a dollar bill. There baa hard ly been a week In these two yeara that tbe (log has not found something. He quakes It his business to hunt the streets and highways and often travels a dlntauce of thirty miles. Up to the present date be has found aud brought home SBB in cash, besides many useful things. Hew a Bear Runa. The dull looklug eud lumbering old gristly bears that city boys and girls see lu the park cages and that a few country folks see lu tbe mountains from time to time appear awkward and slow of pace, but look out for them when they get to running. At that time Mr, (irlzsly seems to be about three fourths hind legs aud one fourth head. And how be does run alone! He aeeuis to simply roll over tho ground like a giant snowball bounding down a steep hill. Bruin can outryit the fastest horse over a good course, aud when hsrd pressed he will bounce from fifteen to twenty feet at a Juuip, aud his tracks will lie marked by claw holes that re semble the work of a liig farm barrow. The Nina Tsilers. Perhaps you have sometimes beard people say, "Nine tailors make a man." This ancient adage Is said to have bad Its origin aa follows: Nlue tailors were tnerrlly stitching w hen a poor beggar passed their shop, Imploring charity of the busy workers. StralKhtway those kind tailors opened a subscription list. ICach contributed something, aud tbe money thus collect ed, which amouuted to a very respecta ble sum, was handed over to the beg gar. Tbe poor fellow, full of gratitude, fell upon bis knees. "You nine tailors," he exclaimed, "have mads a man of uie!" This story deserves to be known, for It certainly redounds to tbe credit of tAilors. Worshiping Snakes. In some districta of India there are from 15,000 to 20,000 shrines dedicated exclusively to snakes. Tbe property at tached to these shrines is ofteu very valuable, aud tbe rents are used to keep up tbe numerous ceremoniea the soekers of the shrine have to perform. Fantnstlc Idols of serpents are set up hi tbeae shrines, and the devotees of tills strange religion make periodical offerings of dough, milk and cooked ric« to the serpents living in tbe shrines, hoping thereby to gala extraor dinary favors. Ten Little Henrys. A little boy, paying bis first vlalt to tlie country, was taken to tbe barn to ace some chickens Just batched. Thia was bis first Introduction to tbe process of incubation, aud lie looked with open eyes and mouth at the Huffy chicks while the batching process wss being explslned to blm, after wblch bis moth er was startled by bis rushing into tbe house, exclaiming: "Oh, mamma, mam ma! Come out to tbe barn, quick f Un cle John has just set a ben and batched out ten little Henrys!" f J. Clara and the Cew. Clara wanted very much to go out in the yard to play. Her big sister ssld to her: "You mustn't go In tbe yard. Don't you see that muliey cow out tberel What do you suppose she would da with her horua if you wsnt close to her?" Clara answered, "I suppose she would blow th«q." The SesshelL t brought a St»H beck from the sea. I k**p It In my room with m«. And wbun Uia wave. I wlab to hsar 1 hold the siashsU to mg ear. Y, JUNE 28, 1907 WASTING STRENGTH Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon all the delicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders such as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, dragging pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. need advice, write us a letter, telling us all your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL DRUGGISTS SILL IT IN SI.OO BOTTLES IWINE PADMII for advk#. and by foltowln* It and | VI Bv 111 taking Cardui. my Omale Trouble* a* M I a II I I »rr« .ui*d."~Mr*. M.S. Wallaca, fir | | |wM | | | | | Ur unuuui OUR nOTHEK Home is not home for mother's not there, Jesus has' taken her from otir care. Dark is her room, and vacant her chair, She's safe in that land, So beautiful and fair,*? We miss our dear mother, and her tender care, For many sad hours have we since spent in tears, But all the dear ones that have passed from the earth, Have entered with Jesus, on a new second birth. Oft have mine eves grown dim with ' sad tears, Oft have we missed vou, through the dark gloom of years; But Jesus our Saviour, who rules the throne, Died on the cross, to prepare thee a home. See her as she stands 011 yonder • cloud, With hands 011 the golden gale, Her fair hands are holding it open For her lonely loved ones that wait. There, there! Hush, lie calm! For she's calling, hear her sweet voice And some day we may rest with our angel mother, Under that beautiful golden sun. Miss KVA WOI.FK. Bert Barber, of Ellon, Wis., says "I have only taken four doses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and they have done for me more ihan any other medicine has ever done. I am still taking the pills as I want a perfect cure." Mr. Barber re fers to DeWitt's Kidne/ and Blad der Pills, which are unequaled for Backache, weak kidneys, inflamma tion of the bladder and all urinary troubles. A week treatment for 25c. Sold byS, R. Biggs. Williatn ston, N. C.. Slade Jones. & Co. Hamilton, N. C. Secretary Taft.s mother does not wish her son to make the President tial campaign. Still it might lie Ihe making of the boy. Riairkibli Riseut That troth is stranger than fic tion, has once more been demon strated in the little town of Fedora, Tenn., the residence of C. V. Pep per. He writes: "I was in bed, with hemorrages of thefungs and throat. Doctors failed to help me, and all hope had fled when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery. Then instant relief came. The cough ing soon ceased; the bleeding dim inished rapidly, and in three weeks I was able to go to work." Guar anteed cure for coughs and colds 50c. and st.oo, at S. R. Biggs, drug store. Trial bottle free. When Mr. Stead said that church influence for,universal peace wasn't worth a row of pins, perhaps he was thinking of the choirs. > When you feel Ihe need of a pill take a DeWitt'a Little Early Riser. Small pill, safe P»H. ®« r e P* ll - Ea »y io take —pleasant and effective. Drives away headaches. Sold by S. R. Biggs Williamgton, N. C., Slade johaia. & Co. Hamilton. N. icr _;-v The only trouble, iu Monenegro it is said, is that the Prince is try ing to override the Constitution. My, My! Suppose we Americans should fuss over a little thing like that! n, The Magic No 3 Number three is a wonderful mascot for Geo. H. Harris, of Cedar Grove, Me., according to a le ter which reads: "After, suffer ing much with liver and kidney trouble, and becoming greatly discouraged by the failure to find relief, I tried Electric Bitters, and ius a result 1 am a well man today. 1 I'he first bottle relieved and three bottles completeted the cure." j Guaranteed best on earih for 'stomach, Ijver and kidney troubles, by S. R. biggs, druggist. 50c. A man's reputation is built accor ding oh'" owu dtrcvttuno, DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV-C. L. RHAD, Pastor. Methodist Kpiscopal Church, South, Williatmton ami Hamilton Charge*. Services as follows. Williamston—Preaching on the Ist 3rd and 4th Sundays at 11 am and 7:30 p 111 Sunday School at 9:30 am, W. A. Kl lison, Supt, Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p 111. Hamilton—Preaching on the and and sth Sundays at 11 a 111 and 7:30 p ;n, Vernon—Preaching the Ist Sunday al 3 P Holly Springs—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p 111. All friends of t"he church auil the pub lic generally are cordiully invited to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liamston, Preaching third Sunday nam and 7 pm Sunday School 3 p in every Sunday. Macedonia first Sundays 11 a 111 and Saturday n a ni and 7-30 p m. Old Pord—iycoiid Sundays and Sat urdays 11 a In. Jamesville—Fourth Sundays n a m and 7 pm. I. R. TlNGlvß,"Pastor. Baptist Church GEO. J. DOWBI.L, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening, except the first Sabbath evening, itnaui and 7:30 p in. , Sabbath School, S. Atwood NYw*'! Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lord's Supper eyerv first abhath - Church Conference every SetSjml Sub hath. Preaching at Reddick's drove the first Sabbath in every moiitli it 3 p 111. At Bigg's School Hou-e every 4UI Sabbath at 3 ;i m The lyadies Missi'mary Society, Mrs. Justus Everett, Pres., meets every lira and third Monday al 7: vi |> 111/ You are very respcftfully and earnest ly jnvited to attend these services. Church of the Advent Rrv. Rout. Strang k, Bishop. Rev. B. S. T, wtkr, Rector. Church Of the Advent, Williauiston. Sunday School, 9:30 every Sunday, Services on the recond and fifth Suddays at 11 a m and 7 pm. On the Saturdays before those Sundays at 5 p 111. *' O n lhe Mondays after at 4:30. p in, Bible class at time of Sunday School. AU are cordially iimtM.— -y ' ADVERTISING Your money back.— advertis ing la the kind that paya back to you the money yon inveat. Space in thia paper aaanrea yon prompt rvtnraa . . WHOLE NO. 38a Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeffreu Drug Store. OFPICK HOURS: 8 to 10 A. *l.; 7 to 9 r. u Williamßton, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. IBfe - DENTIST Ovric*—MAlN STKMT PMONK Q T win Tie In Plymouth the firat week la every other mouth. " W. K. Warren. J. s. Rhode* DRS.-WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. • OFFICR IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 2q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNRY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WIIXIAMSTON, N. C. S. AT WOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. I'honf No. 77. "YILLIAMSTON, N C. •#* Practice wherever aervicea are deal red Special attention given to examining and mak ng title for purchaaers of timber and timber lands. Hoecial attention will be given to real eatate exchaugea. if you wiah to buy or aell land 1 CD h.lpvou PHONK4/ P. U. WINSTON S. J. KVMBTT W'INSTON & EVERETT O ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW WILXIAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY-AT LAW KoiinxtoNvii,i,n, N. C. HOTEL BEULAh D. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROHKRSONVH.LB, N. C. Rates 1 2 .00 per day Special Rates By the Week A Hirst-Closa Hotel in Kvery Partio- * ular. The traveling public will find it a most convenient place to stop. In Gase of Tire you want to l>e protected. In case of death yon want to leave your family some thing to live on. In case of accident you want some thing to live on besides borrowing. Let Us Come to Your Rcrcut We can insure youjagalnst loss from Fire, Death and Accident We can insure your Boiler, Plate Glass, Burg* lary. We also can bond you ror any office requir ing bond None But But Ctaiiilss Rssrsssatsi K- B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office "-er Bank of Martiu County. WiLLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to J minutea; extra charge will positively be made for long^ lime. To Washington v...;.,- 15 eta. " Green villa ..... aj •• " Plymouth aj " " T irboro 35 '« . " Rocky Mount JJ " " Scotland Neck a3 " Jamesville 1$ •• " Kader Ulley'sj 13 " " I. O. Statou.,...V 13 " " I. L. Woolard „.J.. j ij •• •' J. B. riatrisaJt Co 1 j '• '' Parmele.... IJ Roberaonville .'. IJ " i* l'.veretta 15 " " Gold Point ..; ..... 15 •• " Geo. Pi McNaughtou 15 " " Hamilton ..., ; ao ' I'or other pomta fat" Kaatfcra Caroliaa aee "Central" where a 'phone arlll k* mm-""- • . .-.aajß

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