THE ENTERPRISE.:. Friday, *Jnne »8, IQO7 LOCAL BRIEFS. —EI Coreso. —Chew Tatty-Tolu Gum, Taffy-Tolu Gum quenches thirst. —Taffy-Tolu Gum. The Best. —Taffy-Toln. that's me. —Work on the well has once more been suspended. —I low is this for farming weath er? Mr. J. G. Stntonia having hoth gas and water works put in his elegant cott"ry home, "Kelvin Grove." —~fhc little fellows went tip to Evercits week nnd played Everet'.s aga ;»• of ball, returning with a score of 5 and 3 iti favor of Everetta. —The skat in r rink has opened again, and every oue istryiugto do the light f wis >ic anthe deceptive! rollers. —Mr. Arthur Anderson is busy movingHtijiis residence on the comers of Hnughton St. and Simmons Avenue. Commencing June 29 for 30 days. Our sto«-k of I/iwns, Organdies, Swiss, aud white Dress Gauds Ladies Hats and millinery «flso at cost. C. D. Carstarphen & Co. —ln the report of the races last week, the liat of judges should have contained the name of Mr. Tom Gillam, of Windsor, instead of Donnell Gillam, of Tarbero. —Hotel Qordy, located at Pine Beach, and in which Mr. Sitterson of thia place is interested was among the building destroyed by fire Wednesday morning, at the Jamestown Exposition. —lt is stated upon creditable au thority that Mr. Fred Robnclc, near Spring Green, has as fine if not finer tobacco than any farmer in the County. He was early in getting plants out. His crop is mostly topped and is in fine con dition. Mr. Robuck is one of Martln'a most substantial farmers, and understands the science of the cutivation of the soil. —The members of the Episcopal Sunday school picniced ou the church lawn Tuesday afternoon. The original plan to meet at Leg gettsßridge.had to be abandoned on account ot inability to secure teams. Dispite this disappointment, for children always enjoy going where the liquid waters flow, the hours passed pleasantly. Every-thing to tempt the palate had been provid ed and loads of it. This recogni tion of the good attendance of each child was much appreciated aud thoroughly enjoyed, both by young and old. News was received here this week that Mr. DonC. Godwin who left here last fall to prepare him self for the examination of naval cadet aspirants which was held in Washington City last week, had successfully past the literary exam ination to that college. We under stand that Mr. Godwin has yet to undergo the physical exami nation which we understand is to take place soon. We congratulate Mr. Godwin on having passed in the literary examination and hope ha is as successful in the physical exams as he was in the preceeding one. , . , —lt will doubtless interest hun dreds of ont farmer readers to know that Prof. W. P. Massey, so long and so successfully identified with the Practical Farmer, has severed his connection with that paper, and will hereafter write reg ularly for The Progressive Farm er, of Raleigh, N. C. Certainly no man in Southern agricultural work has won a greater following than Prof. Massev, and as his life work has been in the South, he will hereafter contribute only to Sonthern farm papers. His let ters will appear in The Progressive Farmer each week. —The Baptist Sunday School had its annual picnic on the Grad ed School campus on yesterday. Swings and other amnsetnents were arranged for the little folks, and an elaborate means was served to the enjoyment of every one present. The school ttsnally takes its onting tn the country each year bat its rapid growth has recdered the cooveyance of so large a num ber quite a task to tho-older ones. No doubt the pupils appreciated •very effort nude in their behalf. Death at Mrs. S. Fannie Biggs. In the "death of Mrs. Sarah Prances Biggs, the community has lost oue of its oldest and most estimable women, and a descend ant of oue of Martin County's most rejected families. The Death Angel came at one o'clock p. m. on Tuesday, June 25th, and relieved her of the suf fering which she had borne with cheerfulness for four years. A stroke of paralysis had made her an invalid, and robbed her of the pleasure of helping others, a duty she loved. She was horu at lite old Coffield > homestead in Martin County on Sept., 16 1831, the second child of William and Maria Coffield Craw ford. In early life, she became the wife of Mr. John Latham, a large pla uter, and uiadu her home in liast Williams ton. On June it, 1863, several years after the death of her first liusbatul, she married Mr. Joseph D. Biggs, and speut many happy years, presiding over his home, South of Wil amstoti. Of this union, two children were born-Mrs. Chloe M. I/tttier and Joseph D Biggs, who survive her, and with whom she has made her home since the death ot her hus baud in iBSy. Horn and reared under the old -Cti'tUetn regime, she grew up dignified, gentle, sincere aud re filled and aoted for persona) beauty which she retained though life the ideal type of woman so prominent in the south before the war. Of strong domestic tastes, she gave her time and energy to the man agement of her home, making it alike beautiful to the stranger aud the loved ones dwelling therein. Her truth and honesty eminently fitted her for a mother, whose pre. cepts and examples shone forth iu every day life, giviug strength of character to those under her care. At the age of twenty five, she became a member of the Methodist Church and through all the vi cissitudes of life, clung to the faith. She was kind iu her feel ing for .others, charitable in her acts and liberal as all strong char acters are. During her years of suffering, her faith in Christ grew brighter and her interest in His Church never lessened. The end came as comes the sunset after a glorious day calm and peaceful. The fuueral services were con ducted at the family residence, on Wednesday at 4 o'clock p. m., by Rev. Chas. L. Read assisted by Elder S. Hassell and Rev. Geo. Dowell. Interment at the family ceme tery. Active pall bearers were: Mr. Walter Hassell, W. C. Manning, J. W- Anderson, W. J. Hodges, Jno. 0. Simpson, J. C. Crawford, Wheeler Martin, and K. B. Crawford. You can't tell a woman s age af tea she takes Hollistcr's Rocky Mountain Tea. Her complexion is fine. She is round, plump, and handsome; in fact she is yonng again- 35 cenU, Tea or Tablets. J. M. Whiter# & Co. at Roberson- 1 ville N. C. • ' y Cards Issued * The following cards have been issued: Mr. John D. Simpson invites you to be present at the marriage of his daughter Nelle Vernon tb Mr Spearman Atwood New*ll Tuesday luortriiig, July the ninth at quarter to eight o'clock Methodist Episcopal Church Williamston, North Caroliua Pr- When You Buy a Piano You will get the most satisfaction and pleasure if you buy tl e Stleff Player Piano Because, in addition to its being a fine high grade upright piano to be played In the ordinary way. it has in ha mechanism that which when desired, enables any mem ber of the family, without any musical education, to play any thing from popular song to grand opera. These wonderful instruments are .•old from maker to user on ea«y payments. \ I Send your name and address for | particulars to CHAS M. STIEFF, L. C. STEELE, MGR., n 4 Granby St., Norfolk. Va. The Piano with the Sweet Tone. Official Piano Jamestown Expo sition. ARE YOU GOING TO THE EXPOSITION 'lf so, don't forget to call and let us show you through the largest and handsomest jewelry store in the South. Visitors »r* not asked to buy, bat are cheerfully showy and U anything ia desired of course we like to sell tf NOT GOING - to Norfolk, send us your name aul addreMfor our mailing list, and write us about anytliii*g you may wish in Jewelry, Witches, Silverware, Cut Glass, etc. Let us get better acquainted. Paul-Gale-Greenwood Co (Incorporated) Jewelers and Silversmiths Granby Street and City Hall Ave. Branch Sture JO6 Main Sheet Norfolk, Va. Burglars Abroad. The citizens of Hamilton, were aroused Saturday night at 2 o'clock by the news that robbers had entered the stores of Baker & Sal.sbury and Haislip & Co. No time was lost in securing blood hounds from Pitt County. The dogs trailed to the river, where it is supposed the uieu took a boat. Of course the trail was lost, when water was struck. It is not knowu what amount of goods was taken. Sunday night, t,he store of Johnson & Everett at Oak City was entered and some goods stolen. It is supposed that the same robbers did the work as in Uamilton. They evidently left by following the rail road track, as some merchandise was found along the side of the track, one package being a pair of shoes from Baker & Satsbury. No clue as to the identity of the burg lars has been found yet. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 1789-1907 > Head of the StsU's Kducatioftal System DEPARTNBNTS College, Kngiueeriug, Graduate, Law, Medicine, Pharmacy. '•:r Library contain! 45,000 volume*. New water wo-Vs, electric lights, cetral beating system. New doruii- , tories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. A. buildiag, Library. 732 Students. 74 in Faculty. The Pall term begins Sept. 9, 1907. Address FRANCIS P. VKNABLH, PRKSIDKNT CHAPEL HILL, N. C. WUliamston vs. Greenvilf*. On Tuesday at the park the teams of this place and Greenville plaped a game of ball with a score of 6 and 8 in favor of the home Iwys, each side playing very good ball up to the sth inning when the boys here seemed to connect with the delivery of Greenville's twirler and proceeded to keep the scorers busy for a few minutes and when the storm had passed it was found that Williamstou had 8 runs to the good, which proved to he the win ning number Greenville !>eing held down to 6 tallies. A Card ot Thanks. I desire to return thanks for every kindness shown me during the illness of my mother. My friends and neighbors gave me every attention that waa possible in my hour of trial, and I wish to make a public expression of my appreciation for even the slightest favor tendered me. Mrs. Chloe M. Lanier. Notice to Teachers. I shall conduct the examination for teacher's five-year State Certi ficates, on July the 25th the ex amination for teachers —High School Certificates. The regular examination for County Certificates, both white and colored* will be given at the Summer Schools. K. J. Peel, Supt. Greenville's Second Defeat On yesterday the team of Green ville met with its second defeat at the hands of the nine of this place. Last night word was received here that that the Williamston, Green ville game terminated with a score of 5 a«d 9 favor ot this place. PERSONAL MENTION. r* —z-m- Mr. W. M. Sitterson of Kinston is io town. Mr. A. D. Mitell returned home Thursday night. Mr. Carter returned from a bus iness trip last night. Mr. Pugh Ward of Jamesville was in town Monday. Mr, Willie Watts spent Sunday in Rocky Mount. Mr. Tohn Bailey of Jamesville was in town this week. Hon. H. W. Stubbsleft for-Nor folk last Sunday morning. Mr. A Coy M&nk was in town this week. Mr. Arthur Wallace was in town this week. Mr. Ditt6n Simpson returned from Baltimore last Monday where be has been studying stenography. Messrs. J. S. Cook and J. G. Staton left Tuesday morning for Norfolk. Mr. J. I. Britton who lias been in Richmond for the past few months taking a business course returned Monday evening. Mr. A. E. Whitmore, after an illness of several weeks, left Sun day for Chatam Va. where he hopes to regain his health. Elder S. Hasscll, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Taylor and Mrs. Christine Jones left this a. in. for Conetoe to attend the Baptist Union Meet ing. Miss Anna Sberer left for her home iu plocfcsbtirg S. C. this a. m. The assurance of her return iu September is very gratifying toiler many warm friends here. SOCIAL ITEMS. Mrs. Lei a Newell returned home Tuesday evening. Miss WhitehuTst of Bethel visit ed her brother this week. Mrs. J. M. Sitterson has return ed home from Pine Beach. Miss Nannie Biggs returned Wednesday night from Wrights ville. Mr. and Mrs. Polk McCraw re turned last Suuday from an extend ed bridal tour. Misses Katy Blount aud Eva Gaiuor returned from Bethel Tuesday. Miss Nelle V. Simpson who has beeu visiting relatives in Mildred returned home last Mouday. Mr. T. S. Cook aud little daugh ter Mtss Mary left for Norfolk Tuesday morning. Mrs. S. H. Ellison and daughter, Laurie, have returned from a visit to Mr. Ellison at Edenton. Rev. Mr. Dowell accompanied by Miss Pattie Dowell aud Lettie Critcher left for Elm City to day. Mrs. Gaiuor and daughter Miss Kva left Wednesday morning for FarmyiMe where they have gone on a visit to relatives. GOLD POINT ITEMS. One of Mr. Joe Rawls children died here a few days ago. Mr. Jesse M. Coburn of Rober sonville was here Suuday. Our farmers are nearly done digging and shipping irish potatoes. Tobaeco crops are small iu this section and curiug time will soon commence. We are glad to learn that Mr. R. T. Taylor who has l>eeu suffering with rheumatism for sometime is convalescent. Mr. and Mrs. Will James of Robersouville were visiting Mrs. James father, Kf T. Taylor here Sunday. . jf* " Little Noah the six months old infant ot Mr. and Mrs. J J. Weaver died here Saturday evening after a brief illness. Caught In Parnwlc On Monday morning Mr. Phelps, foreman of the Austin farm in Bertie County passed through here en route to Parmele where he had discovered there were t*o of his prisoners who escaped some time ago. He passed through here about ten o'clock on the return trip having successfully captured them. Both wer? colored. Mr. A. D. Mizelf sent his horse, Little Straight, to Roper Wednes day to reaeive proper shoeing. There is no case of indigestion no matter how irritable or how obstinate that will not be speedily relieved by the use of Kodol. The main factor in curing tfie stomach of any disorder is rest, and the />nly way to get rest is to -actually digest the food for the stomach itself. Kodol will do • it. It is a scientific preparation of vegetable acids containing the very same juices found in a healthy stomach. It conforms to the Pure Food and Drug Law. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston. N. C., Slacle Jones. A Co. Hamilton, N. C. For Sale To Highest Bidder. Two (j) share* of the Capital Stock of the Enterprise Printing Co., the par value of which js (50.00 per share. Sold for the payment of the amounts yet due on aaid shares of "stock: f 15.00 being dueon one share aud (U.500U one share. Sale on Saturday, Julie 29, 1907, u, o'clock, m. at the office of the Enterprise Printing Co. By order of the Board of Director*. C. D. CARSTARPHKN. Trent. S. J. RVKRRTT, Sec'y. BUSINESS ITEMS. —Ask for K1 Coreso. FOR SAI.K- Old newspniiers JO cents per hundred, this office. Taken Up. One spotted boar hog unmarked at my house. Owner can get same by paying for feed of animal and payment of this notice. Apply to Archie Outterhridge, R. P. D, No. 2, Williamston, N. C. it H, Doctor, I know vot der do Veil I don't got some pishness mit you Jl\ And midout any price Jl J\ I vill gif der advice: A Get acquainted mit "Taffy-Tolu." N EI Coreso Cigar Its a Mild Cigar and of a peculiarly fine flavor. Made exclusively for myself. Ask for it. Refuse Others L. E COREY, Wholesale Grocer. STRAW NO. G A Straw Is a Two Obituaries John Doe died last week after a short illness, leaving a widow aud five small children. Mr. Doe was seemingly a prosperous iner chant, but In settling his estate his stock of merchandise had to lie sold at a discount of 50 per ct. aud the entire iucome was ulmorlied in paying his debts. Nothing wax left to his family. Mr, Doe had intended taking Life Insurance, but put it off until it was too late. It would grieve him now if he could kuow that bis family is an object of charity. Richard Roe died suddenly this morniug while on the train en route to New York. His remaius will be brought home for inter ment. Mr. Roe was a man of large business capacity and foresight. Just one year ago he taok a f 10,000 Life Insurance Policy for the bene fit of his fa.uily. This amount well invested will bring an annual income to educate his children and support his family comfortably. Moral Uuerry-Would your name be John Doe or Richard Roe? B. T. COWPER I.ife, Pire, Accident" 'Phone No. 7 Office over F. & M. B'k B'l'd'g HKPORTOF TBK CONDITION OP THK Bank of Hamilton Hamilton, N. C., at the close of busi ness, May 18, 1907. Resou ces:—None Liabilities: —Jr500.00 Stat* of North Carolina—County of Martin. I, K. B. Council, Cashier of the shove named bauk do •olrmnly swear thai the above state ment is true to the beat of my knowledge ami belief. B. B. cor nul. Cashier. Subscribed sndtwora to before me'thia Mb day of June if >7. W 8. RHOOKS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: T. B. Stade. C. It. .Baker and P. L Salabury; Directors, This bank did not open for business till the twentieth of May. Di Nit N«|liet Tbi Ckilirii . At this season of the year the first unnatural looseness of a child's bowls should have immediate at tention. The best thing that can be given is Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by castor oil as directed with each bottle of the remedy. For sale by & R. Biggs, RKFOMT TO THB NORTH CAROLINA CORPROATION. COMMISSION OF THK CONDITION OP BANK OF MARTIN GOUNTY WiUiatuston, N. C., at the close of business May, 18th 1907. RKSOURCKS. UABIUTIKS. Loans and discounts*! 15,502.43 Capital stock 1u.000.00 Overdrafts 2,317.06 Surplus fund 10,000.00 Stocks, bonds, etc. 1,875.00 Undivided profits, etc. 1,471.68 Furniture and fixtures 1,868.00 Dividends unpaid 18.00 Demand loans 2,000.00 Bills Payable 17,000.00 Due from banks, etc. 8,865.64 Time cer. of deposit 33.303.84 Sliver coin, etc.' 6,991.67 Deposits sub. t6&k 62.626.28 $ 1 39»4'9-8o >139,419.80 SUte of North Caroliua—County of Martin. •I, J. O. ('.extant, cashier of the Bank of Martin County, do solemnly •wear (or afl|riu) that'the above statement is tn eto the best of knowledge and belief. . j. Q. CODARD, Cashier. Sworn to au.l subscribed tiefore me j Correct—Attest: Wheeler Mar this 30th day of May, 1007. tin, Jno. 1,. Haseell, J. G. Staton, -■ H. GUPWIN, Notary Public. | Directors. WIIKKLKR MARTIN, President. J. G. STATON, Vice-President. J. G. GODARD, Cashier. If You Need A Cotton Gin, Cotton Press, Gasoline Engine, Steam Engine, Boiler, Trac tion Engine, Road Roller, Field Roller Saw Mill, Planer, Shingle Mill. Cider Mill, Corn crusher, Corn shelter, Cot ton seed crusher, Brick machine or any farm machinery such as cultiva tor, mowers, rakes, binders, hay presses, peanut threshers, etc. 1 represent manufacturers of the above articles, and will be pleased to give you particulars, prices and terms upon application. Soliciting your inquiries I Am Respectfully J. PAUL SIMPSON, WUllamston, N. C. HTATKMKNTTO THK CORPORATION COMMISSION OP TH« CONDITION OW The Farmers and Merchants Bank At Williamston, N. C., at the close of business on May 18, 1907. RESOURCES v LIABILITIES Loans and discounts $ 100, 251.47 Capital Stock r $25,000.00 Overdrafts •- Surplus Fund 3,000.00 BanklUK Houses I'tir Inx 10,921.46 tl _u ~ , „ .. I)ue from Hanks 7,409.94 Undivided Profit. 1,297.01 Cash Items 1,006.07 «»* payable 5.000.00 Gold Coin 642.50 Time Cer. of Deposit 42,288.16 Silver Coin 405.82 Deposits 53.957-64 Nat. Bank Notes 1,559.00 Cashier's Checks 300.00 Total $130,842.81 Total $130,842.81 Slate of North Carolina—County of Martiti, 1. Frank F. Pagan, Cashier of the above named hank, do aoleuiuly swear that the iiljffifineflt 111 true to the beat of my knowledge and ttelief. FRANK F. FAOAN, Cashier. Subnet ilxr«l and sworn to before tue, thin »yth day of May 1907. ABA T. CRAWFORD, Notary Public Correct—Attest John D. Ulggs A. HasteU. C. D. Cnrstarpheu. WIIJJAMSTON, N. C. JOHN 1). BIGGS, President. C. D. CARSTARPHEN, Vic* Pres. FRANK V. PAGAN, Cashier. THli NORTH CAROUNA State Normal ancUlndustrial College Regular Courses lending to 'legrees of Bachelor of Pedagogy, Bachelor of Art* Bachelor of Science, and n new course leading to ths degree of Bachelor of Music ' Hoard, laundry, tuition and fees for use of text !>ooks, etc., $l7O a year. For free-tuition stiu'euts, #125 TIIK NORMAL DKI-ARIMKNT gives thorough instruction in the subjects taught in the schools and colleges, and special pedagogical training for the profession of teaching. Teachers and (iraUuate.s of other colleges are offered a one-year special cmjrse in Pedagogy and allie| subjects. THK COMMKRCIAI, I>KL'ARTUKMT offers practical instruction in Stenography Typewriting, Book-keeping and other business subjects. The Departments of Manual Arts and Domestic Science provide instruction in Manual Training anil In such subjects as relate directly to the home and family. The Mnmc Department, in addition to the degree course now offers a certificate course in vocal and instrumental music. To secur/l)oard in the dormitories, ail free-tuition applications should be made beftWjuly 15. The"fall term opens September 18, 1907. Kor catalogue and other information, address. J. I. FOUST, PKKSIDKNT, GREENSBORO, N. C. TOBACCO FLUES s~ Nowistlie time to place your older for Tobacco Flues All Kinds and Sizes Made to Order. Try Us Woolards ' Combined m Harrow and wM- Ar V* Cultivator Horse and two hands Works both sides of the row at the same AS* Breaks the clods and Cultivates With as MucfTKasc as any Ordinary Plow What every Fanner ;ui'i Truck Garduer needs O. L,. WOOL.ARD, WMiamston, N. C. Subscription is due *

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