r NOTICE I* J. C. Crawford, Sberi£f of Martin County>do hereby certify the following is a true list of Insolvent Taxes due and unpaid for the year 1906. June 24, 1907. 1 • J/LMttSVRIK TOWNSHIP Griffin, Jaa. A., left county ;. w J' 80 Hurdison, Graham, left county i-8o Marrow, E. S , dead 2 - ao Swell, Samuel, left county , 180 Garrett, J. A., dead .• > Hodges, Rufus, left co '- 80 Hill, Reddick left county , 8w Moore, W. H., left county i- 8 ® jLuffin, Jordan, left county 1 82 Ruffiu, David, left county _ 182 S wanner, Wheeler, left county Sykei), H. C., was 011 roads '- 82 |®t»ton, Frank, left county * -> Williams, Charlie, left county '- 80 Williams, G.- W., left county i- 80 WI.LUAMB TOWNSHIP Beecham, J. E., *«- 8 Dickinson, A. W., left county « 2.40 Gardner, Geo. E,, sick ' 94 Davis, Edmond, left county t.Bo* GRIFFINS TOWNSHIP HfWtf —v 7 ——7 —'■ •' BEAR GRASS TOWNSHIP* Bi; & -. • Rogers, Paul, Dead '.So WIUtIAMSTON TOWNSHIP Hallwood, George, left county $2.49 Lanier, Marshall, left county, > . >2.10 Simpson, G. 8.,' left county 3-'3 Tucker, C. 8., left county 2.67 Bailey, John, dead - ' - " 2iio Bailey, Rome, left county 1.20 Brown, Elijah, Jr., left state 3-4 8 Battle, Jason, on county roads , 2.10 Duggan, Charles, left county 4 - 2.16 Everett, Pete, left county * 2.10 Ellis, Augustus, no good ' - 2,10 Killiam, Wm., left county 2,10 Langley, Henry, left county 2.iOj Price, O. C., left county , 2.281 Williams, Jordan, no good 2.10 CROSS ROADS 'POWNBHH* Phelps, Wiley, left county £i.Bo Swain, E. M., left state 2.01 KOBKRSONVIM.I TOWNfHIP Bullock, J. Henry, left county " , 2.46 Coburn, W. T., left county 2.00 Council, Zeuo, left county „ 180 Lupton, E. A , left county 5-4° Prayer, J. D., left county 183 Barnhill, Garfield, left county • 1 1.80 - Coburn john, dead 1.80 Carter, Thomas, left county 1 80 Joynor, Arthur, not found f 1 Moore, Wm., left countyV: 1.80 Roberson, Will, no good ' 1.80 Ward, Tlieo., left county 1.80 Watkius, Thomas, left county « 1.95 POPI.AIt POINT TOWNSHIP Seasouifc^J. H., dead -33 Edmoudson, W. H. not found . 1.80 . Norwood, Fred, left county . 1.95 Taylor, J. Everett, not found " 1.80 n AM 11.TON TOWNSHIP 1 Bowers, Fate, left county SI.BO Haislip, John, sick 2.01 Moore, J. P , not, found * 1-95- Medlin, Amos, left county 1.80 Thomas, Berry, left county 1.80 Bell, Charlie T. left county 2.03 "Dancey,George, left county . - 1.80 Hyman, Whit, (Col) left-couutv 1.98 Laurence, Wm., left county 1.80 GOOSKNRBT TOWNSHIP Dawson, Wm , left county * Si. Bo Hvuian, A. M,, left county 1.92 Hyman, W. -H. left county .34 Ligan, W. A , left county - " 7 f.86 Rose, Robert, left county. 1.80 Shaw, E. M., left county t.Bo Tinsdale, Henry, left county 1.80 Whitfield, J. N., left county . 1.93 Whitfield, Columbus, dead 1.80 Austin, Richard, left cottutv * ,2.11 Brown, Ben, left state „ t.Bl Bridgett, Will, left county j.Bo Dickson, Henry, sick I.KI Hoyett, Henry, not found * 1.80 McNeil, David, left county. 1.90 Pugh, Peter, left county 1.80 Williams; Richmond, dead _ 1 j.jy Total for Martin County * #'55.44 Respectfully submitted, May 28, 1907. J. C. Crawford, Sheriff Martin County Eiin Mm His Ovi Dictor The average man cannot afford to employ a physician for every slight ailment or injury that may occur in his family, n r can he afford to neglect them, as so slight an injury as the scratch of a pin has been known to cause the loss of a limb. Hence every man must from necessity be his own doctor for this class ot ailment. Success often .depends upon prompt treatment which can only be had when suitable medicines ar| kept at hand. Chamberlain's Remedies have been in the market for many years and enjoy a good reputation. Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy tor bowel com plaints. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, colds, croup and whoop ing cough. | * Chamberlain's Pain Balm (an antiseptic liniment) for cuts, braises, bonis, sprains, swellings, lame back and rheumatic pains. Chamberlain's Stomach and stiver Tablets for constipation, biliousness and stomach troubles. Chamberlain's Salve lor diseases One bottle of each of these five preparations coats but $1.15. For jgle by S. R. Biggs. Little Bobby on Bers., Utile Bobby wrote i n essay on bees as follows: '.'The bee is a queer sort of nn insect, that gives people a few points that they don't appreciate. The queen bee bosses the hive just like mn bosses our house The drone I>e* is like pa He don't care much iibout work There are othei kinds i f Luß. including P H tical bees, quiltiujr lwcs ami busk ing bees. But the ben bees of all are the kissing bees. There is a kissing bee in our parlor every Sunday night, and I get a nickel not to te4l about it. When it comes to a choice of bees give me a kissing bee every time."—Chi cago News. - ' V "This little pig went to market," doesn't amuse tonight. Baby's not well; what's the mat ter, her dear little cheeks are so while; Poor little tummy is aching, naugh ty old pain go away; Cascaaweet mother must give her then she'll be bright as the day. It is.»pld._ here by S. R. Biggs Williamston, N.C., Slade Jonea. A Co. Hamilton, N. C. ••The Valuable doobra." To the farmers of Martin County, tbe peanut crop is au item of vast importance. They have begun to realize that of all crop® produced, it is the most valuable when con sidering it also as a forage plant and a producer of the farmers "country home." But there are many farmers who raise it only in small quantities and in some sec tions the average is very small. This condition sliould not exist. It is well knowu that Martin County lias the largest market in the world for the big peanut. With local facilities for handling the crop, the revenue will l>e greater to the people. The following taken from the News & Olwerves of recent date, {lves an. interesting idea of the (Jiice the "goober" holds in the market of the world, and of North Carolina's supremacy iu the pro bation of it; "North Carolina leads the States of the Union in the peanut output, ptoducitig one-third of the crop. Virginia is a close second, and is sjiven cridit for another third of production. The remainder of the crop is given in Georgia, Alabama and Florida. Tlie cultivation of peanuts is considered very profita ble, and by reason of the growing demand for th* product the govern ment is urging an increase of acre age in tlie peanut belt. In this con conuection the goverment publica says: Tlie increase in the imports of peanuts which has taken place during the last year makes the conditions of the world production and trade of practical importance to the fai mers of certain sections iu this country " America is one of the few coun tries that look upon the peanut as a luxury. The French who are the greatest promoters, employ the "goober" for the extraction ot oil In fact, several countries class pea nuts in their trade statistics with seeds or raw products for use in manufactures. No man hasVdone more to boom the peanut as a lux ury than the late Bishop Lyman, of North Carolina, a distinguished Episcopal clergyman, who declar ed that the "goober" is good for insomnia. The cultivation and con sumption of the peanut began to grow with that famous declaration some twenty years ago. Prices of peanuts have also greatly advanced in the foreign markets, the average valuation of imported peanuts, based uj>on wholesale prices in the markets from which they are sent to the United States, having advanced from i.t cents per pound in 1898 to 3.4 cents per pound in 1907. for those in the natural state, and that of shelled peanuts imported in IHI/8 was 2.4 cents i>er pound, and in 1907 5 4 cents. The sti iking feature of our own trade in peanuts is the rapid growth iu importations. The quality im porter! a decade ago, in the fiscal vear 1897 was less thau 150,000 pounds: in 1902 over one million; in 1905 more than five millions; and in 1907 seems likely to he about twelve million pounds, of which about one-fourth represents shelled and three-fourths uushelled peanuts, the value-being, as al>ove atated, approximately a half mill ion dollars for the present fiscal year, while that of exports will lie over one-quarter of a million dollars." Bill Nye's Cow Advertisement. Bill Nye, the humorist, once had' a cow to sell, the story goes, and advertised her as follows: "Owing to my ill health, I will sell at tuy resideuce in township 19. range 18, according to the government survey, one plush rasberry cow, age 8 years. She is of undoubted courage and gives milk frequently. To a man who does not fear death iu any form she would be a great boo*. She is very much attached to her present home with a stay chain, but she will be sold to any one who will sgree to tteat her right. She is one-fourth Short horn and three-fourths hyena. I will also throw in a double-barrel shot gun, which goes with her. In May she usually goes away for a week or ijyo and returns with a tall red calf with wabbly legs, Her name is Rose. I would rather sell her to a non-resident " Mr. Bryan's declaration that there should be no quarrel among people with a common purpose in life may encourage Mr. Carnegie a little tu hla ~poce ambition. ~ Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouMe prays upon the mind, dis courages and lissins ambition; beauty, vigor tjmd cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out o( ordet or diseased. Kidney trouble ha* become so prevalent that It Is not uncommon lor a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the Child urln- Ilea too often, if the urine scald* tae neah or If, when the child reaches an age wnen It ahould be able to control the passage. It la yet afflicted with bed-wetting, oepeed upon It. the cauae oI the difficulty is Kidney trouble, end the first step should Oe wwarda the treatment of these important organs.. This unpleasant trouble -la due k> • diseased condition of the kidneys and madder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well a* men are made ml*. srable with Kidney and bladder trouble, and both need me aame great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swnmp-Rnos Is soon realized. It la sold by druggists, W fifty- _ cent and one dollar ilies. 4 You may have ismple bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell- Sm ng all about It. including many of the thousands e( testimonial letters received 'rom sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer k Co.. Blngnamton, N. Y., he sure and mention thla paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember Ihe name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y.. on every bottle. S. R. Biggs Sells I.ongmati & Martinez L. & M. Paints in pints tnd quarts at half-gallcfn prices. Bellamy Storer is to summer at Black Bay. Quite appropriate ftr i back number. The prosperity that simply ignores what is called panic, must lie "tl e real thing." Tittir Cirri A lady customer of ours had suffered with tetter for two or three years. It got so bad on had hands thut she could not attend to her household duties. One box of ChambeiUiu's Salve cured her. Chamberlain's medicines give splendid satisfaction ir. this com munity.—M, H. Rodney & Co., Almond, Ala. Chamberlain's med icines are for sale by S. K. Biggs, druggist, San Francisco is rapidly rebuild ing and hopes in time to have not only a first class set of city official! The medicine that sets the whole world thinking. The remedy on whjelt all doctors agree. The prestation all your friends are taking is Holliater's Rocky Mountain Tea. J. M. Winters A Co. at Rubersonvi le N. C. (And the funny feature of the discussion is that the first initiative and referendum law ena :ted in this country, was the work of a Rep ublican legislature, A hrtnuti Tun Mr. E. VV. Goutline; of 107 St. Louis St., Ditllas, Tex, says: 'ln the pa-t year 1 have become ac tpiainted with Dr. King's New I.ife hlls. and no laxative I ever be fore tried so effectually disposes t-f malaria and biliousness," They don't grind nor gripe. 15c. at b. R. Biggs tirug store. • If you want to lightest your own load, take by a few of your neigh bors burdens. Rest Your Heart "Rest your heart now and then during the day," said an instruc tor in gymnastics. ' But the heart can't be rested," a pupil cbjected. "It works in cessautly from birth till death." "It rests the heart to lie down," Said the instructor, "Kvery night's rest of nine hours saves the heart of the lifting of 32,400 ounces of blood. Consider able rest there, eh? "When we lie down the hearts action becomes slower —slower by ten strokes a minute. Thus, in an hour 600 strokes are saved, and in nine hours 5,400 strokes. Bach stroke pumps six ounces of blood, and therefore, in nine hours the heart is saved the labor of pumping 32,400 ounces. "The heart often requires a rest, and men generally would rest if they knew how. But most men think, like you, that such a thiug is an impossibility, A great mis take. 11l Ftrtf tit SM "I have fired the walking-stick I've carried over 4o years, on ac count of a sore that resisted every kind of treatment, until I tried Bucklen's Amtca Salve; that has healed the sore and made me a happy man," writes John Garrett, of North MUls, SL C. Guaranteed for Piles, Burns, etc. by 8. ft. Biggs, druggist. 15c. Sour Stomach No appetite, loss A strength, nervotj new. headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, aw* risings. and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodcl relieves Indigestion. This new discov ery repiesenls (he natural juices of dlge* , Uon as they axial In a healthy alomach t 1 combined with the greatest known tonlo . and reconatiuotlve properties. Kodoi for j dyspepsia does not only relieve lidigeelion . and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy helpe all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening : Mm mucous membranes HnlAg the stomach, j Mr. S. S. M. of wood. W, Vt.» ••»« " I »„• IrooMed wW» sour ftomsek tortnSßtTlW* Hodol cursd IM «d we SM SOW Ujlnf II le ralSt ,o,b *Kodri Wgetts What Yon Eat. Sanies *l*. ludtfostlsn, sour keiehir.( of fu. etc. Prepared br S. O. Dew ITT • CO., OHIOAOO. Far Sale By: 8. R. 'frilliamslnti SlaiW, Jones a Co., Ilauiiilcu. Cures Blood. skla Diseases, Cancer, (ireatest Blood Purifier rree. If vottr bliiol ia iinjwre, thin (tiAeasvd hot ci full of humors, If yon have Monti pois> ti. caucer, enrtmnclcs, eating wires, srrofula. erzeuit, itching rising* nt.d bumps, scabby. pimply skin, l*>ue pa;tit., catarrh, rlieuinatisni, or ntt* Mood or »Hlr disease. Tafco—Hotatic-Hlm»d 4lhUtt (B. 11. II.) Soon all sores heal, t die and pains stop uml the bluO.l i« mmk pure itnd rich. Druggists or by express ft 00 per large bottle, Snnipl* free by writing Blood Halm Co., Atlutila. 0«. B. B B, 1.4 es|>eriu!ly advised for chronic deep seated cam *, aa it cure* altfr all else fails. ~ ■ TBADe-MAPKS l>™»l«l» oU.I *t»P «U. mrwurwi ... *,«.!. r». rs k. i TV.HT PA/,""- ... L, mul Ml, ; . w tu f IwlWiM iMuorakMck lor mCC I oa iMMUUIir. •• rwV snetlaa. (US-1 passim ncrcncncis. Wortu Itwk tm rr»St*Ma IVu-nU writ* to SOS-SOS Seventh Mr set*, I ■ ooffmk* «&, IN ALL COUNTRIES. , I ■ BmOmu Arvrl wtii It 'w,l I mtmry mmd t/Un tkt paUnt. I NHat ss4 btfikgaawit hsstlts Isdsslvsly. I 1 set SmTmmX JO. MM MS mm OdM.l HOtXISVKR'S Rocky Mountain Too Huggots A Buy MWm far Basy Ftspls Mags Oolisa Bsaltk sal Ksasvtd Tlgsr. A spec!So for Constipation. Indigestion. U*a and KUtanr Troubtse. Pimples, Ecsnma, Impure Blood, Bad Bneti>rnuntah Bowait. HaadeolM »nd Bar kaolin. It's Sooky MwiaUla Tsa la tab lot form, M coots a bo*. Osauliui mads by B'lLusrsa Dam Ookmnt, Madison, Wis. BOt-PtW WUMtTt FOS »ALIOW SgQStE /Tw\ FHARPERX / KENTUCKY \ (WHISKEY) \ tor Ocntlcmn / \ who dwHsk / For sale by J. W. Wstts Hi Co. For s rat. hes, burns, cuts insect bites snd the many little hurts com mon to every family, DeWitt's Carholi/ed Witch Ha*el Salve is the hest remedy. It is soothing, coolinp, clean and healing. Be sure you get DeWitt's. Sold by S. R. Biggs. Williamston, N. C„ Slade Jones. A Co. Hamilton, N. C. Raisuli does not care much who tries to assume the leadership in Morroco, as long as he remains boss of the bandit machine. TllW It you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets tonight. They pro* duce an agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and cleanse the stomach. Price, 15 cents. Sam ples free at 3. R. Biggs, drugstore. Hope Foraker won't have his fiu ger under the Ohio lid when Taft sits dowu on it. It will be bad for the fingers. A prompt, pleasant, good remedy for coughs and colds, is Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup/ It is es pecially recommended for babies and children, but good for every member of.the family. It con tains no opiates and does not constipate. Contains honey and tar and tastes nearly as good as maple syrup. Children like it. Sold by S. R. Biggs. W'Mamaton, N. C.. Slade Jones. & Ctf. Hamil ton, N. C. ; "The Republican party always tells truth," says Senator Depew. Rah, for the Senator! He haa ac tually pre pet rated a . real sure enough joke at last! '■ g| ± . JOH ND. nT'-JGf, President % ASA T. CRAWFORD. Secretary & Tn-.uce % W. TILGIIMAN, Qenrral Manager. " >,'* • The / Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. .*, . - ' __ ' 1 . MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln Dried N. C Pine Lumber DfcNNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Suffolk Food and Fuel Company ~ —— • HtirrOL.K. VIRGINIA DEALERS IN Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime, Coal, Meat and Meal We Can Supply You on Short Notice. Give Us Your Orders Q. T. BRAN I LEY, Local Representative You Will Finl Us th-' Same Dnringioo? that Yonfoiil DOT lag iyos '/ " , We Carry at Wiliiamston, N. C., \ Stock of Cor-.t, Onts, T.ime an'! Cement so as to fcsve delay in filling orilcrs WE SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY (>■« AND urt TO use. KILLS LICE, TICKS. FLEAS. MITES. CURES MANGE. SCAB. RINGWORM. SCRATCHES. ETC. DESTROTS DISEASE GERMS AND DRIVES AWAY FUES. NON-IRRITATING, KFFICTIVK. INKXPKNIIVI* ,d,cai " — »-L " 1 .. - L... BROWN & HODGES Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders Statement of the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE At the close of business Friday, May ißth, 1906. RKSOt'RCIiS. LIABILITIES. v Loans mill discounts f5J,»94»9 Capital *tock (13,000.00 Overdraft* ~,,7.8, Surplu* fnnd j.800.00 Undivided profit* 7>4*7? Bk'ng Houae, F. and 6*ture* B uia Payable 13,000.00 Due from bank* ami banker* 1,568.65 Time certificate* of depoeit 4,344.00 Cash iUm* 1 *.>7*-77 Depoeit* 15.446.93 Caahien' check* outstanding 51*6 ,64,35 *" 31 164.359 3' State of North Carolina—County of Martin. I, J. C. Roliertson, canhier of the above named bank do totaanly twear that the above statement U tine to the beat of my knowledge and belief. J. C. ROBERTSON, Caahier. Subacrilied and »woru to before me thia 19 day of May 1907. S. L. ROSS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: A. S. noberaonafid J. H. Robertaon Jr., Director*. ATLANTIC COAJT LINE RAILROAD CQ. PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, WILMINGTON, N. C., April 6, 1907. TRAIN SERVICE: —Inauguration New Train Service, Nos. 73 and 72, between Wei don and Kins ton, N. C. Effective April 8, 1907, new train service will be iaauguarated be tween Weldon and Kinaton, N. C. trains Noa. 73 and 7* on following schedule. NO., 73 JG _' ' ' ' ' R '■& * K0,.7* DAILY KXCBPT SUNDAY DAILY MCIOT SUNDAY 825 ain Lrave Weldon ' Arrive 730 p m 840 am " Halifax -%!«•*• 7»op® 903 am .: •« Tillery , f " 6S« P ■ 9.8 am " Spring Hill ffl| 640pm axx mm .-"H " Scotland Neck 626 p m tooaam " Hobgood " 6 top* 10 18 am " Oak City 54»pm ,01010 " Panaele 3 *>pm 1117 am % House " 43a p m „ 2 ;. m. 1 Greenville ; «■ 4»4P»p 11 30 a m "S Wh.terville -• H& " 4«« P» §M i.49>m " Aydfcn " 4 oip» t a 07 pm •« Grifton % j> " -. Ep(j uwpn " Grainger -for n3s P m ,r - Klnston 3*sP*

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