I THE ENTERPRISE. ■ ■ ~ — * muuMivwvraiiuT m tmirun 00. ViUianutoo K.C / j I ALFS.RU B. WHITMORR, EDITOR. r Rat««4 at l»« Port one* at WtUlaautoa, K.C. m MOM* Cl«> Mall Matter. Friday, July I*, tqoj \ Teachers, Welcome! The summer school is now in session and there is a large atten dance of Martin County teachers. To these noble and faithful workers in the cause of education a most lieartv welcome. There should l>e nothing too good for the man or woman who devotes time and talents to this great work, the sacrifices are all made by the teachers, they are poorly paid and in most cases not appreciated. Their's is a hard lot —misunder- stood, belittled and Criticised. f — mike the three week's stay of these sacrificing people the most pleasant of their lives. Make them feel that they are appreciated. Teachers, we welcome you to this little city, and hope that you may be able to speak in the highest praise of it and Its citizens when the summer school is over and you return to your respective homes. It probably will lie a wholesome for a number of northern philanthropists engaged 111 eleva ting the colored race at long range to read the speech of Bishop Tur ner of the African Methodist Epis copal Church, made in New York last week. Among a number of other things he said was the rematk he had no use for America, despis ed tbe American flag, and wished all the negroes would emigrate from a country wherethey are so ill treated as in the United States, li seems that such a remark ctynes very near branding as an undesira ble citizen a man who never ought to have been made a citizen in the first place. The last section of lib remark, * howevei; is one with which most people in the Uniteu States can agree. If Bishop Tur uer can only find some countr> that will accept him and bis fellows of like sentiments as residents, the rest of the country will watch with out a single regret the spectacle ol the Bishop as an ebon Moses lead ing his following into the new' Canari. The only real regret is that while lie will continue to rant aud orate, he will never carry out his threat to emigrate. Such viewy as he has voiced are the worst pos sible training for the other mem bers ot his race to hear. And they do not offer much encourage ment to the white population tc continue staggeiing along with the White Mau's burden. «It is not very encouraging newt that iji handed out to the public b> the Geological Survey this week announces that tin anthractie coal supply of the coun try is only good for-75 more years. Of course this will not effect thi most of us very much as at the end of time we will be either where we wont need coal or where we will have more than we want. But the prospect Is not cheering for fu ture generations. The calcula tion has beoji made on the basis ol the known coal supply of the coun try tbe present annual consttmp tiou and the normal growth of thi population. It is further slated that there is no prospect of an thracite ever being auv cheapei than it is at present a piece ot gratuitous information on which the Coal Trust had the Geological Survey several years ago. But hope is held out in the fact that there is enough soft coal to last fo> several generations more, and Uns ought to be good news for tht south as much of it is iu the south and still undeveloped. ' ■ A proposal is being advanced now by a number, of well meaning gentlemen, members of the Society dec Beaux Arts, for a new member of the Cabinet, a Secretary of Fine Arts. At the present rate of sug gestion, the Cabinet would even tnally become larger than the Sen ate. The doctors of the country facve been for several years press ing for the creation of a Federal Health Department with a Secre tary at iU head. & There are othets who hold that the Commissioner of Education should be made a cab inet officer and doubtless there are other professions that would like Destroys Hair Germs RecentdUcoveriea have shown that falling hair ia caused by germa it the roots of the hair. Therefore, to stop falling hair, you must first completely de stroy these germs. Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula, will certainly do thia. Then leave the rest to nature. Do— not chonf !h* color of ih hair. wlt*»wh fcottu wjk m (how it w your jTjLij @rs "' |K "" , ' V ' V U«4OMIHMH Recent discoveries have also proved that dandruff is caused by terms on the scalp. Therefore, to cure dandruff, the first thlnj to do is to completely destroy these dan druff gerns. HerQ,tnesame Ayer's Hair Vigor will give the same splendid results. Mia* n UKI.O ijM Oa.. Lowell, M««« 5 to have cabinet representation. But as it seems hardly practical for all to fravc departments of.theii own, the chances are that none will have them. It is hard to figure out why the English House of Coramorfs should be making such a fuses about limit ing the power of the Lords, So far as the records show, the House of Lords have never done anything siuce the battle of Runnymead. A njan up in West Virginia the other day started to beat his wife when she drew a revolver and kill ed him. If he had time to teflect on the incident at all, he probably came to the conclusion that he hit the wrong woman. Don't laugh at the man in the hickory shirt, jeans pants and bro )gans. . He may own a thousand ■ acres of laud worth S2O an acre and >tiave more money out on interest than you have seen in a year.— Nashville Herald. "Few die and none resign" was applied to office-holders years ago. It is still applicable, aud if you hear that one is not to be a candi date for reelection, deny tbe rumor on the spot. —News and Qbservr. Mark Twain has been dined by ilie Staff of Punch. He soys that rthey are really beginning to appre ciate his jokes, probably the ones they have been incubating on since he first sprung them in 1861. Astronomers claim to dis covered a fine new canal 011 Mars, It,is a great pity that we can not find out their system and whether they dig them by contract or com mission. % If the present increase in food prices continues, the menu at the next Jefferson dollar dinner will have to consist of a glass of water and a few kind words. A number of revisioning sheets declare that "tariff talk is in the air". And from all wecatiobserve, that is where Uncle Joe Cannon in tends it to stay. 1 . . Jack London says "I am not an authority on anything", it seems the news is getting around Jack's way at last. Are You Chained Jr To the . Spending Habit ? Everybody wants to make money. To be Prosperous ,To be a Success x To get Somewhere and everylnxly can if they get Saving Habit The cmuinuul ilmpplug of lUt! little bits into our Pocket Sav-* ings Banks is the capital which will one day mean indepen* dence for you Call at our we will loan you one of these 'beautiful money savers. Write for booklet •'How to Save Money." Farmers & Merchants Bank, WII.UAMSTON, N. C. Roosevelt Dangerous. In a speech before the Maryland State Bar Association last week, Mr. John S. Wise, an eminent Republican lawyer now living in New York, denounced Roosevelt's doctrines as dangerous and huitful. Quoted by a reporter, Mr. Wise said: "I consider President Roosevelt a dangei ous element in American politics because I belive he is both sincere and respectable, and bis doctrine is utterly subversive of the idea of State sovereignty and limit ed- Fedt ral power. He does not realize that Federal power ia no more than that which was delegat ed. He is constantly striving against the limitations cf Federal power, without which at least two State of the Union—North Car oiina atuTHfroode Island —would never luve come into it. Tht Supreme Court has rebuked tne Roosevelt idea within the last month in the Kansas-Colorado case It is ou that point that I take issue with RooseveltT"™ North Carolina refused the bait of Federal offices and its natural desire to help organize the Republic until it had what it regarded as permanent limitations upon the Federal power. If it had believed that an hundred years later a Fed eral Judge would suspend for 0 month or a day or for yCiirs a stat Ute of the General Assembly it would hive demanded a specific guarautee against that species of usurpation before it would have joined the Union of State. Mr. Wise is right. The Roosevelt de sire to m ike the State mere col onies is dangerous and subversive of the spirit of our Republic.— News & Observer. Vantlerbllt Objects. The board of equalization of Buncombe county was in session hearing complaints of property owners on account of alleged over assessment by the tax assessors ap pointed to assess property for a |>eriod of four years. The assess ed value of Buncombe real estate this year has been considerably in creased and there are many com plaints before the eqttlization board Among the complainants who will appear will -be George W. Vauder hilt, through his representatives. During the past four years the assessed value of Vanderbilt'a hold ing in Buncombe has been placed at above one and one-half million dollars. The this year raised the assessment to over two million dollars. At thfc time the assessment was made formal notice of protest was given the assessors. Vanderbilt last year paid to Bun combe's tax collector in State aud county taxes between fifteen and sixteen thousand dollars. If the new assessment stands he will pay this year over twenty thousand dollars. As It Strlketh Solomon. Behold the eight-dollar clerks. Ttiey toil not, neither do they spin. Seest thou a man diligent in business? He shall stand before kings. The slothful servant goetlito his business like a lamb; but when he leaveth it like a young lion. Labor is the price of everything worth having. There is an opportunity which corn eth once and then is gone for ever. Who conqueretli the mau of en ergy will find a stubborn foe. lie who followeth two hares is sure to catch neither.—Ex. A Point That Brings Success. The \vide ; awake country mer chant is rapidly coming to the conclusion that the best way to meet the competion of the city merchant, the department stores aud mail order houses is to fight them with their own weapons. day when a man can put in a stock of goods and sit dowu and wait for business is past. He has to hustle for it, and advertise his goods iu order that tbe people may know that he has what they want. A merchant who knows how to advertise never complains of dull times. When Hiiugs quiet dow*, he advertises a little more, and in this way keeps things moving all the time. —Exchange. Columbus just landed, meeting a big Indian chief with a package unde£ his arm, he asked what it was. ' "Great medicine, Hollis ter'S" Rocky Mountain Tea," said the-lnjuu. J5 cents, Tea or Tab lets. J. M. Whiters A Co. at Koberson.ville N. C. Will not Call Extra Scoion There haa never been any idea on the part of Governor Glenn to at present call an extra session of the Legislature to have anything to do with making any change in the rates for passenger fares and freights made by the General As sembly of 1907, and the story that he thought of doing so, sent out from AsheviHe, amounts to noth ing. Governor Glenn was in bis office yesterday after being in Western North Carolina some time on a "va cation" for rest and recreation aud being asked about the matter spoke emphatically .saying: "If the railroads had given the rate made by the General Assem bly a fair trial, and tbenconlJ have made it appear to me or to the North Carolina Corporation Com mission they could not operate un der it without a confiscation of their property; knowing the Jus tice of the people of North Caroli na, I would not have hesitated to have called - the Legislaturetdgetb cr to provide a remedy. after the legislature had liixed a rate based upon the sworn returns of the railroads, which rate seemed reasonable and just, and the railroads saw fit to go into the courts to enjoin the State before giving the new law a fair trial I feel that thinly thing left to do is to fight the case to the finish to determine the great legal question whether or not a railroad by the in junction of the Federal court can set at naught the will oi the peo ple of n sovereign State as express ed through its Legislature. "I have therefore authorized the Corporation Commission, regard less of cost, to fight the case to the finish, l>elieving as I do that the State will ultimately win."—News and Observer. Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom These Presents May Come—Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary diaeolu tion thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in iny office, that the Harriaon & Cowing Co., a corporation of this State, whose prin cipal office Is aituated in the towu of WillianiHtou, County of Martin, State of North Carolina, Geo. 11. Harrison being the agent therein and in charge thereof, iqiuii whom process inay be served, has complied with the requirements of Chap ter 21, Rcviaal of 1905, entitled "Corpor ations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the aaid t'or|K>ration did 011 the 5 day of July 1907 tile In my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dissolu tion of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceed ings aforesaid are iiow on file in my aaid office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hantl and affixed mv official seal, at Raleigh thia 5 day of July 1907. J. HRVAN GRIMKS. Sec'V of State. Notice Notice is hereby given that I will ap ply to the Commissioners of the town of Hamilton and to tl|e Commissioners of Martin County for license to retail spir ituous, vinoua and malt liquors in the town of Hamilton, N. C.. in the store of Dr. I). W. Lewis, for the aix months be ginning the Ist day of July 1007. 7-5-41 J. W. Puc.H. Notk» Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of C. V. Morton, deceaaed 1 notice is hereby gives to all persons holding claims againat said estate to pre sent (hem to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the 7th dsy of June, 1908, er this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted tc sanl estate are requested to make im mediate payment. This 7th day of June, 1907. 6-7-6* W. I. MORTON, Admr. NoUc*. Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Joshua L. Corey, deceased notice is hereby given to all persona holding claims against said estste to pre •ent theui to the undersigned for pay ment on or before the Ist day of June, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to mske im mediate payment. This thirteenth duy of May 1907 6tpd JOHN O. COUKY, Admr. Notlc*. By virtue of a power of sale contained in s certain trust deed executed to me by J. T. Stokes,* J. F. Stokes and Jessie D. Stokes, his wife, bearing dste April ?Bth, 190*, and- duly recorded in the. Register's office of Martin county, book FF, 574, to secure payment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the stipulations of said deed of trust not' hsving been complied with, X shall on the 15th of June, 1907, at 3 o'clock, p. m. expose to public sale to the highest bid der, for cash, at Robeseoaville. N. C., the following described leads, lying «*4 being in the town of Parmele, N. C., 00 the north side of the a*d R, railroad, Chew What You Ktfow About and _ Know What You Are Chewing i ' ••> ■ "* . '• '.-' r W* " . • There is real pleasure in chewing the best tobacco grown—where the best tobacco grows—in the famous Piedmont Country. Only choice selections of this well-matured and thoroughly cured tobacco is used in making SCHNAPPS. That's why SCHNAPPS and others of the Reynold's brands, as shown by the Internal Revenue statistics for a fiscal year, made the wonderful growth of six and one quarter million pounds, or a net gain of one-third of the entire increased consumption of chewing * and smoking tobaccos in the United States. Evidently, chewers cannot resist the flavor and they cheer SCHNAPPS because SCHNAPPS cheers them more than any other chewing to bacco, and every man that chews SCHNAPPS passes the good thing along—one chewer makes other chewers —until the fact is now es tablished that there are many more Sold at SOe. p«r pound In sc. Cuts. Strictly lOc. and /sc. Plugt R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY, Winston-Saism, N. C. j and Iteing the store lot twtween J. H. Whichsrd and T. K. Canon and Co., •aid lot beginning at J. H. Whichard'a corner, runs thence a northerly course with J, 11. Wbichard's line 41 feet, (hence au easterly course U feet and 9 Inches to the corner of T. K. Carson and Co., thence a southerly course with the line of T. K. Carson and Co. 41 feet, thence a westerly course >4 feet aiid 9 inches to the beginning. This May the 13th, 1907. A. R. UUNNINO, Trustee Notice Having qualified as executor of the es. tate of A. S. Askew, deceased late of Martin County, North Carolina, all per sous having claims against said estate ire hereby notified to present same to the undersigned executor on of before June 18, 1908, All persons indebted to aid estate are requested to make immed iate payment. * -t? — This 17th day of June, 1907. 6-28 6t W. H, Ror,K*B, Executor. H, Doctor, I kuow vol II der do Veil I don't got sotue pi slniess init you And niidout any price I vill gif tier advice: 'Jy (let acquainted mil "Taffy-Tolu." ElCoreso Cigar (t« a Mild Cigar and of a peculiarly fine flavor. Made exclusively for myself. Ask for it. Refuse Others L. E. COREY, Vholssals Grocer. STRAW NO. 7 Straws Show Which Way the Winds Blow PREPARATION FOR THE JOURNE3 "Say Bill, I ha /e decided to go over to South Africa in sesrch of gold. Will be gone for two years, ••Well how in the world ran yon do that, John? What will become of your wife and five children? Aren.t you going to make provis ion for them before leaving"? "No that's not necessary. They will get along some how, Provi dence takes cars, yon know. No body ever periahee this coun try. "John t must say that you are a fool." Front abeve coaversstion it ap pears how readily one would be branded s fool who would take a journey without making provision for family. BUT HOW ABOUT THB MAN WHO DlES—takes the journey from whose bouiue no traveler ever return a. not having provided for his family in the way of LIFB INSURANCE? Meditate on this awhile and then corns and let us fix up s Life In surance Policy that will amply provide. 1 * B.T. COWPER Life, Fire, Accident. 'Phone No. 7 Office over*, fclf. B*kßTd*j| ~ J ' - *•■*■■■ chewers and pounds of chewed, to the population, in those States where SCHNAPPS tobacco was first sold than there are in the States where SCHNAPPS has not" yet been offered to the trade. SCHNAPPS is like a cup of fine Java coffee, sweetened just enough to bring out its natural, stimulating qualities. SCHNAPPS pleases all classes of chewers: the rich, be cause they do not find a chew that really pleases them better at any pries; the poor, because it is more economical than the large 10c. or 15c. plugs and they get their mon ey's the real snappy, stim ulating flavor so appreciated by to bacco lovers. All imitations con tain much more sweetening than SCHNAPPS. They are made that way to hide poor tobacco improp erly cured. For the man who chews tobacco for tobacco s sake, there is no chew like SCHNAPPS. _ .J Wedding Presents! You do not have to send out of town for them. Wo have a tine assortment. Come and ex amine our stock THE JEWELER, H. D. PEELE, WILLIAMSTON. N. C. BROWN & HODGES Dealers In » Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders ~ x ■ \ 1 1 » * i #-/ r % " FARHERS! It will be to your inter- ♦ est to watch this space next week. [ ; - ,r., •- .. - , '