ADVERTISING Vow money back.—Judicious advertb iag la tbe kind that pays back to yoo the aMaey you invest Space in this paper aasares yon prompt returns . . ' VOL. VIII. - NO 43 STATEMENT DIXIE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Aahrrifle, North Carolina Condition Dicuin 31,1906, as Shown by Btatkmsnt Pilbd AbkmmU of capital paid Bp in cssk „ None Mutual AMnnnnt lacoaw—Prom Members, f 1,216.60; Miscellaneous, $126.59; Total, $1,493.19 Disbursements —To Members, f 357.93; Miscellaneous, 1995,13; Total, (1,353.16 " ASSKTTS Cadi ia Hon* Office $ >8.71 Cash Deposited in Baaks, .. v . 11l 31 Agents' Balance* ;2 ; 36.70 Faraitur* and Fixtares j..,,, *O.OO Mated Matter aad Sappliea, 'is-9J Tout $ 331.66 Less Asaetts, not admitted 192.63 * Total admitted Aaaetta, f 140.03 LIABILITIES Salaries, etc., dae or accrued, $ 810.00 Premiums paid before due, ~ 10.85! Due for borrowed money 133.59 r ' Total Liabilities,. ( 1,084.44 Balaace to tha right of aaaeaament,... f 944.41 BUSINKSS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1906 Policies or Certificates ia force December 31st of previous year :. Number, o; Amount, f o Policies or Certificates issued during tbe yesr, Number, 1708; Amount, f 39,141.83 Policies or Certificates ia force Dec. 31, 1906, Number, 855, Amount, $ 10,099.40 Loses sodClaiatauapaid Dec. 31, previous y'r. Number, o; Amount, $ o Losses sad Claißis incurred during the year, Number, 141; Amount, $ 357.93 Loases and Claims paid duriag the year, Number, 141; Amonat, f 357.93 Premiums aad Assessments collected during the year, f 1,116.10 President, Joseph S. Bradley, Secretary, Joseph 0. Walker Home Office, Aaheville, N. C. " General Agent for service, Officer* of Company, Aaheville, N. C. Business Manager for North Carol ia a, Home Office. STATB OP NORTH CAROLINA—INSURANCK dkpabtmknt Kalrigh, N. C., May a, 1907 I, Jambs R. Yoono, Insurance Commissioner do hereby certify that the above ia a true aad correct abstract of the statement of the Dixie Mutual Life Insurance Co, of Aaheville, N. C., filed with this Department, shoaring the condition of said Company on the Jist day of December, 1906. Witneea my hand aad official sesl the day and date above written. JAMBS R. YOUNG. Insurance Commissioner LOOK LOOK ';, • * , * New Firm At Farmers Warehouse The Farmers "Warehouse here will be run this Season by Kli' Gurga nus and John T. Fishel. Our Mr. Fishel is known as a good judge of Tobacco and one among the best auctioners in the state. lie was with Mr. Graham of this place last year and desires to thank the farmers and patrons for the courtesy they showed him last season and ask you 0 all to come to Bee us at farmers Warehouse Opening Day, August 2, 'O7 and we will get you the highest possible prices for your tobacco and send you home happy. Our market will have this season a large steam plant and there is no reason why we can't have as good a market as there is in the state' Bring ui your tobacco and we will look out for your interest. We have plenty room and good graders on hand, will grade your tobac co and look after it for you if you will bring it to our warehouse and you can come and see it sold, and we will only make a small charge for same So we again ask you farmers to come to see us and try us with your first load, and then we are almost sure that you will lie BO well pleased that you will aell your entire crop with us. Don't be deceived and listen to what Dick, Tom, and Herry say about us for M. & S. will sing yon a little song and Mr. G. will give you a dance, but Gurganus and Fishel will treat you right if you will only give them a chance. Your Servants, . " -• • i Gurganus & Fishel TOBACCO FLUES Now ia the time to place yonr order for Tobacco Flues All Kinds and Sizes Made to Order. Try Us ja - Wooiards .1' A Combined Jr Harrow and AI Cultivator U A Saving of One m jof/ \ Horse and two hands ft " Works both sides "WtSBSSST of the row at the same ' * Klfw*- Breaks the clods and Cultivates .With as Much Ease as any. Ordinary Plow * What every Farmer and Track Gardner needs J. L. WOOLARD. j _ . -*:• Wllliamainn . /V. C. 4 ' \J -/ • ' '' ' -y ffije LAn Earnest Trifler. By Ceaatanoe D'Arcy Mackay. Copyrighted, 1907. by P. C. Eastman t. "What an sge It Is since I've seen your* said Brantou Rldgiply, turning with enthusiasm to Rlesaor Grayson. Tbe pink skirted candles on Mrs. Courtney's dluner table cast a glow across the psle oval of Miss Grayson's race. Prom under her dark, delicately arched brows her hasel eyea looked out on tbe world with starry serloas nsaß. "Tha last time we net," he went on, "was It tha Van Next 01' a tennis tour nament ou tbe 17th of September." Miss Grayson laughed. - "What a memory for dates! I sap pose you also recall each bit of our conversation T' "Every word. Do you remember calling me a trifler?" "Did I? Well, I recollect your telling me that I was Hn erratic, headstrong young woman. Tbst was two months ago, and I don't think either of us have changed much since." "I accept tbe rebuke," said Rldgely meekly. "Isn't It a pity to waste such good material? Instead of a leader of co tillons you might be s lesder of men." "And isn't It a ptty to hide yourself from youf friends and stay in that set tlement, tolling and slaving?" "And enjoying It more than anything I've ever doue before," supplemented Miss Grayson warmly. "That's all very but bow am I ever to catch s glimpse"of you? I was Just beginning to know you last sum mer, end now your time is tsken up> morning, noon and night, and you haven't a moment io give me. And you'll end," be predicted savagely, "by falling In love with one of the workers down there unless you're slready In terested In some one else." "Such, frankness merits frankness In return. I am deeply Interested In some one. But yonr first surmise was wrong. The hero In this esse Is quite unknown. I've never even seen blin." "Never mind," growled Itldgely, "he'll avow himself soon enough when he's found you've !>egun to care." "Well, then, be'll have to cbsnge his present tactics," answered Miss Gray son lightly. "Do you know. It's the moat mysterious thing! Each week through the uiel! I've bedn receiving an envelope Oiled with paper money. Inclosed Is a printed note which says. 'For the needy,' and It's signed 'B. T.'" "Strange." murmured Itldgely. "Yes, and there's more"— "More ?" „ "I mean each day there's a bunch of vloleta, too, and tbe same Initial on the card." "Tbe deuce!" said Rldgely, "Well, and what then?" "Tien? Oh, there's nothing more. Tbe flowers continue to come, nnd the money continues to come, and though I have no clew as to who E. T. Is, I continue to accept both." "How do you know he's a man?" "What womsn would lie so-so sys tematic?" "True. And do you wear the flowers be sends?" "Sometimes." "Lucky dog! He's to be envied!" "That's so like you, Mr. Itldgely, to think of tbe flowers first snd forget all about the money that has rnsde it pos sible for me to carry out one of my pet schemes. This week Miss Elliston and I have rented and reuovati-d a bouse—number 12 Pearl street and we're going to Uve there and run It to suit ourselves." "Alone?" "Why, of course!** "Well, to ssy It's madness Is inade quate! In that quarter of tbe city regular slums! If you hsd parents"— "I shouldn't be doing It? probably not. As It Is, my friends have expostu lated In vain, for 1 am quite capable of taking care of myself. And I see no reason why I shouldn't mske experi ments and do as I please. Ret-ldes, Miss EMlston and I aren't altog' tlier alone. Ws have a very comp»tent German servant, Gretcben. And I'm sure tbe man who aends tbe money would bo delighted to see to what use we've put It We have only been In the house s week and have an Inmate already—such a piteous esse, a little Italian gfrl whose stepfsther, Grlnuldo, forced her to work In a cigar factory, though abe was so 111 she could scarce ly stand. Grlnaldo used to best her If her earnings didn't ptesse him. If you could have seen her poor arm*—so wasted and pinched black and blue! Of course It was a case for tbe societies, but I didn't Walt for tbem to Interfere. I took her In myself. I wanted to see those olive cheeks of hers grow round ed out and rosy, and those scrnwny brown bands—do you know, she looks as If she'd gsloed pounds already! Her eyes are beginning to lose their hag gard look, and she doesn't duck her bead as If she expected a blow." "And her stepfsther V "Grlnaldo? Oh, he's disappeared! Wo won't have any more trouble with him, I fancy. There! I've bored you with talking about myself, but It's go ing to end, for I am taking tbe privi lege of excusing myself and leaving early. Mrs. Courtney 1B a lenient hostess!" "You'll let me put you into yout cabT' said Rldgely. "I would if I expected to take one, but I'm going back to Pearl street vis tbe friendly street car. It drops me within three blocks of the door." "Three blocks! Oh. I say. Miss Gray son, won't you let me"— - - "Thank jrou, no! shall bo perfect ly safe. I've come and gone at my awn free will for the last week. Tlx •.i-.wj' - Q'ii -jiL WILLIAMSTON. N. C„ FRIDAY, JULY 26. 1907 people down there are too busy mind ing their own affairs to interfere with mine." A few moments later, swathed In a long dark coat that fitted closely and hid the folds of her dinner gown. Miss Grayson hslled a cross town car. It waa a cloudy evening that threatened rain, and before abe reached her des tination the atorm broke wildly, the great drops falling In gusts against tbe csr windows. Tbe corner at which Miss Gra.Vson alighted waa utterly de serted. Pale gleams from half opened tenemeut shutters snd the dim, murky yellow of the street lamps were reflect ed lit tbe streaming gutters snd the sidewalk's miniature pools Miss Gray son splsshed briskly shead, looking neither to tbe right nor to the left till* she neared her own abode snd tnrned her head to glance in the win don. «fcs partition 01 tv hat Bad once been a narrow hall hsd been removed, snd the whole was turned into a spa clous sitting room. The emliers of a half spent grate Are threw a softened color over books and pictures, and the dark, thin face of little Tesas, who wss seated on the hearth rug. "Well, Tessa," called Mlas Grayson, opening tbe door snd pausing a mo ment to wrest tbe key from tbe rsluc tsnt lock, "Did you sit up for me? And Where's Miss Elliston?" But Tessa's slow, sweet voice was checked midway In reply, for of a sudden Miss Grayson wss tbrast vio lently Into the room, and the half opened door was closed behind her. Against It leaned the threatening fig ure of Grlnsldo, his Hps In an ugly line. "What do you mean by breaking In like this?" demanded Miss Grayson, sternly quiet, though s pulse best hur riedly In her throat. Grlnaldo fixed hi* narrow eyes on her. Angry red surged/under the brownish pallor of his skin. She had taken his daughter, he said, his daugh ter who earned for lilni. Now be hsd cornn to fetch Tessa nway. She would not lie found a second time, f Tcssa was staring at a window at the other end of the room as if she did not hesr Grlmildo's words, but Miss Grayson's eyes were on the thin, kccu knlfo that fllcknrcd In bis band. "If the Indy scrcntnn or calls the police, I strlkn now," said Grlnnldn softly, with a threatening gesture. "Oh. no you don't!" cried llrantoii itldgely, crushing In the window with bis walking stick snd vaulting over tbe sill with tbe Jump that had won him a medal at college. Ileyond wore the amberlike lamps of his waiting bsnsom, tbe cabman whistling shrilly for the police. Miss Orayson saw as through a maze tbe things that fol lowed, Jtldgely's arm striking out and Grlnuldo sprawling. She liVurd 'IVs sn's cry of relief, the startled voice of Miss Elliston, who, panic stricken, was descending the stulrs. Lsstly came the police. It was Itldgely wbo told them tbe necessary detulls; It was Itldgely who calmed the excited Miss Elliston and bslf hysterical Tessa; It was Rldgely who came to Miss Grayson when It wss all over with a fervent "Thank heaven, I was In time." "llow did you know"— "Why, after you were gone I felt a premonition, so I took a cab and fol lowed." Miss Elliston hnd discreetly turned her back. Miss Grayson lifted a bunch of vloleta from a bowl on the tjiltlo and held them out to him. "Instead of laurels," she began trem ulously. "I couldn't—l can't—yob see—that Is" stammered Itldgely, coloring to the roots of bis hair. Their eyes met. "Oh," cried Miss Grayson, with s deep breath, "then It wss you who sent them! And the money too." "But the Initials?" she questioned, perplexedly sfter a moment's silence. "Staud for 'Earnest Trifler,'" he said lightly. "I thought I'd' like to help, but I'm pretty much of a thick headed blunderbuss and didn't quite know how. You see, s trifler wouldn't stand much of a chance with you, would he, Miss Grayson?" "An esrnest trifler would." she an swered, looking down at tbo violets she still held In ber band. "Really?" cried Rldgely, with s de light bslf boyish In Its Impetuosity. "Yes, really,'* said Miss Eleanor Grayson In a tone tbst msde Rldgely's heart skip at least three beats. Why They Chssrsd. Dr. Whewoll, master of Trinity col lege, Cambridge, was s great but un popular msn. When be entered the senate house It wss the 111 mannered practice of the undergraduates to be gin a loud and continuous whistle. "How this orlglnsted I do not know," writes Desn Fsrrar In his book, "Men I Have Known." "There were two legends about it. One was that It intimated thst the master would have to wblatle for a bishopric; the other, equally absurd, wss tbst when some one bad asked him how to pronounce his nsme he hsd said, 'You must sbspe your mouth ss If you were going to whistle.'" Bat under tbe rough manners of the students there wss genuine goodness of heart. Dr. Whewell's died. He had I teen tenderly devoted to ber, and when he sttended chapel after ber death tbe undergraduates were touch ed by an, "old roan's anguish and a strong man's tears." "When next be entered tbe senate house," writes Desn Parrsr, "there was daad silence. For the first time for I know not bow many years not a whistle was hesrd, and then a moment afterward ss by spontaneous Impulse tbe whole crowded mass of undergrsd uates In. the gallery burst Into a loud and long continued cheer. It was not astonishing (hat such a proof of sympathy should move the heart of tbe mat master or thst tbe tears should run down his cheeks. I do not think that ha was ever whistled at -Women's Pains-i "I was a total wreck," writes Mrs. Beulah Rowley, of Champoeg, Oregon, "from pains 1 had suffered, for 4 years, every month. Sometimes I would be unconscious for 12 hours at a stretch. I ' did not know that anything could stop the pain entirely, but Wine of Cardui did. I advise ail women suffering with painful periods to use Car dui and be relieved." It does this by regulating the functions and toning up all the Internal female organs to health, it Is a pure, specific, reliable, female remedy, with a record of 70 years of - J mi ADVICE success. It has bene- wn.... a lettw dMcriWßf all I y«ur lymptoms. and wm will mo* yo« fited a million others. ~,. , . _ Th.Ch.tunoog. M«4k ln«C».,Ch«tu- Why not you? Try it. T "' n - Sold by Every Druggist In SI.OO Bottles. -TCARDUH Hew Whslss Are Killed. The feature attracting the casual ob server Is the vessel's harpoon gun, sit uated forward of everything, from whii'li the formidable harpoon Is flrcd Into the whale. Tbe gun looks like a small cannon, and about a pound of powder Is used to discharge the har poon, which Is rammed home In the same manner as a shot wuuld be nnd tied from the outside end with a small cord, this breaking, of course, when the gun Is tired. The harpoon Is a very heavy missile, weighing several hun dred pounds, which necessitates Its lie- Ing tired only at pretty close range. The lance head pierces the whale nnd soon afterward explodes a bomb con tained in It, while still further back on the shaft are barbs, which expand on entering the i nking It next to Impossible for ill b. rpooA to be drawn out again. I" eh harpoon after being fired hus to I dralghtcned by n blnck smlth In 1 "ler to sgnln fit the mm barrel. A stout hemp rope four Inches In circumference is attached to the har poon aliout eighteen Inches from the point. This line Is of great flexibility and strength snd Is manufactured sole ly for wbnllng In Norway. A few fathoms of this line are colled on a plate directly under the giui, tbe re mainder lieing bolow docks clear to run. There nre two of theso lines, esch 1,800 foot In length, and some times they are none too long for the purpose.—Metropolitan Magaxlne. 1 Bhskssptsrs In Disguise. In these days, when It Is the Cushion to sver that Shakespeare spells ruin for tbe manager. It Is difficult to be lieve that In London during the first quarter of (he last century his plays were performed under disguised names, so eager were tbe people to see them. it was a royul ruling that they should lie given only In tbe so called "patent theaters"—Covent (larden and Drury Lane anil to evade this law "Othello" became "Is He Jealous?" "Msebetb" masqueraded as "Murder Will Out," "The Merchant of Venice" figured on tbe hills as "Diamond Cut Diamond," "Romeo anil Juliet" pro claimed Itself as "How to Die For Love," while "Hamlet" hid hsblnd the far cry tltlo "Metblnks I See My Esther."—Borsp Rook. Easing the Strain. "I should think," she said, "that coif ing would mske you awfully ,tired." "No, I stand It first rate. You see, I never keep my score at all."—Chicago Record-Herald. Hats In Olden Dsys. «. The felt hat Is as old as Homer. The Greeks made them In skullcaps, con ical, truncated, narrow or broad brim med. Tbe Phrygian bonnet was an el evated cap without a brim, the npex turned over In front. It Is known as the cap of liberty. An ancient figure of Liberty In the tiroes of Antonius Llvlus, A. D. 115, holds the cap In the right hand. Tbe Persians wore soft caps. Plumed hats were the head dress of tbe Syrian corps Of Xerxes. The broad brim was worn by the Macedonian kings. Castor means a beaver. Tbe Armenian captive wore a plug hat. Tbe merchants of tlio four teenth century wore a Flanders lieover. Charles VII. In 14611 wore a felt hat lined with red and plumed. The Eng lish men and women In 1510 wore close woolen or knitted caps. Two centuries ago hats were worn In the bouse. Pepys in bis diary wrote, "September, 1664, got s severe cold because he took off his hat at dinner," and again in January, 1666, he got another cold by sitting too long wltb bis bead l>are to allow bis wife's maid to comb bis hair and wssb his ears, and Lord Claren don In bis essay, speeking of tbe decay of respect due tbe sged, says that In his younger days be never kept his hat on before those older than himself ex cept at dinner. " Cruelty. Kind Lady—And,ase tboy good to you In the workhouse? Tramp—Ob, no, ma'am; they're very cruel. They makes ne wash ourselvss.—Philadelphia in quirer. Newfoundland Is remarkable for Its lakes and pool*. They are of all sixes, shapes and depths, from tiny pools to immsass sheets of watar. A Bit of Nsw York. "New Yorkers are certainly blase," ■aid a visitor from, the west. 'There are «o many forma of amusement that you do not even take In )IN> free ouea. Every day there la au opeu air band coucert at the navy yard by one of the flneat banda In the service. This or- J gsnlxatlon, uuiulH-rtng forty piece* sn locted from the marine corps, played a programme of fourteen numbers fault leaiily recently to empty seat*. The employeos oLthe yard did not even raise their wwHows. This occurs the year aroun«*T~V?an you beat that?"— New York Sun. • Experts say that camphor makes the teeth brittle. It la employed because It helps to mall* them white and, being an antiseptic, keeps the gums healthy. Your brain goes on a strike when you overload your stomach, both need blood to do business. Nutrition is what you-want, and' it comes by taking llollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. J, M, Whiters A Co. at Robersonville N. (J. DIRECTORY Methodist Church RKV. C. h. RKAD, Pastor. Methodist Kpiscopul Church, South, Williamston and Hamilton Charges. Services as follows. , WillianiHtou—Preaching 011 the ist 3rd anil 4th Sundays at n a maud 7:30 p m Sunday School at 9:30 a in, W. A. Kl lison, Supt. I'rayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 P «n. Hamilton—Preaching on the 2nd and sth Sundays at 11 atn anil 7311 pin Vernon—Preaching the Ist Suiidny at 3 p 111. Holly Springs—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p m. All friends of the church and the pub lic generally arc cordially invited to at tend all the services. Christian Church Services at the Christian Churcli, Wil liamston, Preaching third Sunday nam and 7 pm Sunday School 3 p m every Sunday. Macedonia first Sundays II a ni and Saturday 11 a m anil 7 30 p m. Old Ford—-Second Sundavs ami Sat urday*"i 1 a in. Jaiuesville—Fourth Sundays 11 a tn and 7 p in. Y R. TINGLK, Pastor. Baptist Church GKO. J. IXOWKIX, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath tnoruing and evening, except the first Sabbath evening, at 11 a 111 and 7:30 p m. Sabbath School, S. At wood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lords# Supper everv fourth Sabbath Church Conference every Second Sab bath. Preaching at Riddick's Grove the first Sabbath in every month at 4 p in. At Biggs' School If' J use every 4th Sabbath at 3 p m. The Ladies Missionary Society," Mrs. Justus Bverett, Pres., meets every first and third Monday at 7:30 p m. You are very respectfully aud earnest ly invited to attend these services. m , m > Episcopal Church Church of the Advent Rev. Wm. J. GORDON, Minister in Charge Sunday School, 9:30 every Sunday morn ing. Regular Services on ist Sunday at u a m and 8 pm; on 3rd Sunday at 11 a m and 5 pm. On ind and sth Sundays Rev. Mr. Gor don will bold services at Plymouth, Grace Chnrch, and on 4th Snnday at Hamilton, St Martins. t • ADVERTISING Your money back.— Judicious advertia* log U the kind that pays back to you the money you Inrest. Space In tlila paper aaaurea you prompt returns . , i WHOLE NO. 386 Professional Cards. :yvv ** /v ' vv% '' 1 flUGfe B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeff ret* Drug Store. OFPICS Hours: 8 to 10 a. m. ; 7 to 9 r. M Williamnton, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITK. mm dentist Officii—Main Stkkxt Phonb j I will l>e in Plymouth the first week in every other month. ~ - —- W. K. Warren. j. s. Rhode* DRS. WARREN as RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGRONS. OFjtfcK IN Biggs' Drug Stork 'Phone No. 29 BURROUS A. CRITCHKR, Attorney at Law Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 33. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Dlgga. Phone No. 77. "Villi ambton. N 0. ""«• are desired rSTnfi! * lteut, °n[given lo examining and mak lands Purchasers ol Umber and limbtr Special attention will be given to real estste can hVloyou- y ° U H. 1). Winston S. J. Kvkkktt WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNEYS-AT-1, AW WILUAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNBY-AT LAW Robkrsonvihk, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH D. C. MOORING, Proprietor RoBKRSONViu.R, N. C. Rates[|joo per day Special Rates By the Week A First-Closs Hotel in Kvery Partic- - ular. The traveling public will find It it most convenient place to stop. 1 y^M* oL,tr if [/' / CARRYINU A TOLICY of life Insurance is aboiu as wise an ac ns a voung man can perform. There are several contracts especially adapted to k young men. They are both an insurance / and an investment on which you can realize without dying. A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY of this class is as secure as a savings bank account and pays larger interest. Come in and talk it over. K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to J minutes; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. . To Washington »5 eta. " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth »5 " " Tarboro 35 •• " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck ... y .. »5 ■' " Jamesville....A 15 '« " Kader Lilley's 15 " " I. G. Staton....A 15 " " I. L. Woolard J j " " J. B. Harriss &Co 15 " " Parmele IJ '• J " Robersonville ,15 " " Everetts .15 « J " Gold Point i.......7. 15 " " Geo. P. McNanghton 15 " ,i|j Hamilton M " ' « For otker points' In Kaatcrn Caroliata . see "Central" where a 'phone will ha 1 found for use of non-mhMribt re. J

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