THE ENTERPRISE. Ijpi rDBUSHKU KVK«T fIUMT av tai murtiu ranrrmo co. . VUUaawtoa K.C ALFRBD B. WHITMORIv, Editor. Sale* tai 'it PMo»c* at WUllaoutoa. M, C. aa Mm»d Class Mat! Matter. Friday, July *6, 1907 Mr. Harriman seems to tliiuk that the Navy Deparment is a com bination in restraint of trade. ''* * m Reduced to plain English, Judge Parker means that the Constitu tion is all right if you will lei it alone. ... Edward VII bas one cinch in connection with his job. He does not have to bother over the third term proposition. The chief outcome of the Browns- vllle investigation seems to be a large batch of work for the Gover meut Pi ailing Office. It remains to be seen whether this nature faker condemnation will have any practical effect on the seasons crop of fish stories. The Department of Agriculture figures out that rats eat $87,000,000 worth of food stuffs each year. But at present prices, that is no large quanity. A California paper tells of a niau v out there who accumilateif a liiiij* ion dollars in debts. Look 1 - as though he ought to be able live off the interest pretty comfortably. Senator I)cpew says he knows what the President is going to do about the third term. It is highly probable that the President would be obliged to Depew for the infor mation. The Board of County Commis sioners, acting in accordance with a statute passed by the last Legis lature, has purchased a state Hag, whfch during sessions of coutt will be draped behind the judge's stand and on state occasions will be dis played from the top of the Court House. In view of the present condition of things, 1,10 doubt, the purchase of the flag was a useless expenditure of money. If Jeter Pritchard and the lawless railroads, which he is trying to help in their utter disregard of State authority, are to make us slaves, there will 1* no state and the flag, the once proud emblem of a free people will trail in the dust, and the red flag of ruin and despoliation will wave in its place. No longer will Car olinians be the freest of the free, but the slave uuder the heel. of every Pritchard. There is a tolerably unanimous failure thoughout the South to either get excited 6r enthusiastic over the war screams of a certain section of the yellow press. It is not that the South is uot patriotic. If the time ever comes when there is something doing in the war line either with the Orient or any other part of the world, the South will be found holding down its end ol the job. That the South could fi«ht anl would fight was abuu datitly and sorrowfully proven during the Civil War, aud the united country will probably not get over paying pensions for that object lesson In two generations. That the South was still able- bod ied and willing was also shown in the Spanish War though that did, not amount to much. But as to the talk of war with Japan, the south fails to be interested. There is nothing in the situation to war rant war talk. The situation, such as it is, is uot one that wars are made out of. Further, the South has a valuable and growing trade with the of' ent tbat is does not want to see disturbed for the benefit of a few newspapers who make a living cut of half page scare headlines. Southern cotton mills unbleached piece goods for the benighted heathen are absorb ing topics enough for the Squth jnst now. When there is a real occasion for war talk it will begin to take an interest. —• 1 • ■ Wood shall Be Corded i In this community wood is sold by the pen and not by the cord,the seller of wood claiming that he has to pay the cutters by the pen, and he also claims that aix. pens' make a cord. Six pens may make a cord fom« times, but more often there is Your H Contrary? Is it inclined to run away? Don't punish it with a cruel brush and combl Feed it, nour ish it, save It with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formulav Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where ff belongs. An eleganr dressing. Keeps the scalp heslthy. - / Doa no/ change Ih« color of th* hair. ( Jk Formula wit* (Mk bottiV, /I * ■how it to jrour j /\uers -sl.* w itxmo lo». h« ».j« We certainly believe this, or ve would not say ao. Ayer's Hair Vigor. as now made from our new Improved formula, is a great preparation for the hair and scalp. Stops falling bair. Cures dan druff. Promotes the growth of hair. —by th* J. U. A/or Co., Lowall, Ms## only 3-4 of a cord to six pens. The Revisal of 1905 cfontftins the following: SUCTION 4667 OF TITF REVrSAT. OF 1905 —All firewood sold in in corporated towns shall be sold by the cord and not otherwise: and each cord shall contain eight feet in length, four feet in height and four feet in breadth; and shall be corded by the seller under the penalty of two dollars for each oifeuse to the use of the informer. States Might as Well Go Out ol Business Most of the newspapers out of the State have a clear understand ing of the situation involved in the rate litigation in North Carolina, though a few have l>een misled by the specious and otie-sided prontin ciamctito of President Fiulev. The Springfield Republican states the real situation in a few words when it says "if Federal courts may val idly aud with such readiness as has been their recent pleasure hold up and suspend State laws regulative of corporations within the Stale, the States might just as well goout of the governing business altogeth er. There would remain to them few important powers which could nol well be exercised in the tnunlcipnl ities under a national svsteui of lo cal government." That states the whole thing in a nutshell. If Judge Pritchard's revolutionary order is made "valid" and rich railroads are enabled to set at naught the laws of a State, "the State might just as well go out of governing business altogeth er." If we have reached the point that the Federal Government, the creature of the States, can abso lutely destroy the sovereignty ot the State in one of its most import ant functions, as Judge Pritchard's order destroys North Carolina's right to govern in its own territory, the people of North Carolina are entitled to know it so that they may stop the farce of passing laws without Jirst submitting them to an iuferMT" Federal judge and Southern Railway officials to see if they will permit them to lie en forced. —News & Observer. Columbus just landed, meeting a big Indian chief with a package under his arm, he asked what it was. "Grtat medicine, Ilollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea," said the Injun. 35 cents, Tea or Tab lets. J. M. Whiters A Co. at Robersonville N. C, . A Bag of Gold V was saved !>y a boy. He started , | 1 with only w j 10 cents Sonic days he saved 20 cents One t '.Way lie saved 50 cents Out of his first week > salary he \ ■awl * A 41 SI.OO So fast did his money grow that 1 he soon had ) $5.00 j Then he worked and saved to '» K** i SIO.OO 'J At the end of one year he was \ * delighted to find that he had saved ) » U P 5 ! SIOO.OO 1 Yon can do the aanie. Couie to ' ill and get a Beautiful Pocket \ Savings Bank Free. j Farmers & Merchants i jL Bank » I WILLIAMSTON, N. C. THE WILLIAMSTON MARKET This market was born Aug. 6 1902, aud the opening sale on that day was a sigh* to behold. The two warehouse Roanoke and Dixie was filled to over flowing with to bacco and thousands of our good country aud towns jjeople were present to, see the auctioneer and watch the bidding on the golden 'Weed. We had 3 or 4 silver tongued Auctioneers to make the sale lively and an elouquent address before sales commenced from our silver tongued orator, Senator H. W. Stubbs. The crowd was es timated at 5000 people. The third warehouse, The Farmers Ware house, wus established in 1905 and lias been successfully conducted evet since. The market has been a sucess from the statt and very few of our farmers have ever carried their to tiacco to any other market as we have always had gool live com pet at ion on all types of tobacco and a set of buyers that any market would be proud of. Since the estab lishment of this tobacco market v-very owner of towu or country property has seen liis houses aud lands abvance in value. Go look at the price of property in 1902 and try to buy it now, you will see the Jifference. There was only one thing lack ing to make this a complete tobacco market and that was an up to date iteam plant, aud by speciul effort on part of our cit/.eus we are glad to announce that we have seemed a iteatn plant that will be second to none in the state, and it willjenable our tobacco men to handle the larmers' tobacco under any and all conditions, and put us in direct touch with all the foreign markets jf the world. Our types of tobacco are especialy adapted to the wants of the English, Japanese aud Chin ese trades, and over half of the to-* 1 bacco that is sold in Hasten North Carolina goes to these Countries. And, in order to get this trade it must he redried in a guaranteed con dition to stand an ocean voyage and to keep sweet and sound for at least five years. We are now in positiow to put the farmers tobacco in this condition, and our ware housemen and buyers assures the editor and patrons of the market that Williamston shall lead-others must follow. Good Roads in Grlttin. Information from Mr Plenny Peele, Cliairinan of the Hoard of 'Supervisors, ot Griffin Township, that the overseers of public roads for that township have been doing some Rood work. They have their roads rounded, drained and iu every way is excellent shape. The roads of the sections looked after by the following gentlemen: Messrs. Jno. D. Roberson, S. J. Manning I). J. Lilley, Dawson Griffin and Lewis H. Peele are in better condition than tbey have ever been. This is indeed gratifying and shows that Griffins Township is in the fore-front, and that if any section of North Carolina gets of her in auy way, it must get tip and he doing. —Ask lor R1 Coreso, Refuse others. HAMILTON NEWS Mrs Henny Richardson has been visiting Mrs. Slade. Miss Mary Green left for her home in South Carolina Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone have re turned from the Beach. Mrs. Long and Mrs. Clotqan are attending the Exposition. Miss Ruth Matthews is attend ing summer school of teachers Meets iu Norfolk for a month ses sion. Mrs. Walter Davenport has been visiting her people here. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes went to Williamston Tuesday, Miss Lottie Harris is visiting Mrs. Walter Salsbury. Mr. Anthony was in town this week. Mr. Willie Morton was in town Sunday. Mr. Hubert Salsbuy was in town Tuesday. Miss Mary Anthony fs visiting Mrs. Bill Anthony. —Taffy-Toln, that's me. Election During War Times In the re-arrangement of the papers in the vault after the steel fixtures had been placed in same, W. C. Manning, Register of Deeds found an interesting relic of the war in the form of a certified re port of an election held on July 25th 186 1, at Camp Edwards, Wsrren Co., by Company H., Bsgley Guards, Ist North Carolina Reg iment. R. W. Rives was Captain, En gene Burras, ad Lieut, and John R. Mizell, 3d Lieutenaut. The vote was taken for Clerk of Superiot Court of Martin County. William H. Harrell, father of the late Br. W. H. Harrell, received twent) votes; Friley W. Moore, a promi nent business man of the Comity, who afterwards moved to Marsh field, Mo., received 24 votes-Jame? R. Roberaon, who now lives iu Griffins Township, and who re presented the County In the legis lature during the war, received 14 votes. Four of the voters belong ed to Lathan's Company. A careful look over the list ol voters as given below, will reveal the sad fact that nearly every one has "passed over the rivei;" foi thetn the last bugle lias sounded, and the din of battle cannot dis turb. Each fought for the right and no doubt, fought well, for they were North Caroliuans and sons of Martin County, and no section in the southland sent forth truer and braver men to battle. The names of the voters «re as fallows: Heury A. Girkinr Asa Smith wick, Kdmond Martin, Den nis Price, Wm. Simpson, Luke Hopkins, Rich. Tucker, Wm. Jolly Jr., Jas. B. Wynn, Isaac Guthrie, Edmond Harrison, Bailey Craddock, F. M. Craddock, D. J. Kelly, Asa Hardison, Tillman >Ayres, Benuet Taylor. J. B. Leg gett, Ruben Gurganus, W. K Bailey, Thomas Wyun, Jesse Beach Spencer Gardner, Wiley T. Taylor, Ardeu Rogerson, Henry Barber, Jas A. Simpson, Noah P. Rob ason, John Cowan, Lovick Z. Har rison, Albert Richards, Eli Gur ganus, Franklin Siuipsou, J aims T. Keel, Henry W. Holiday, Jos Taylor, Jasper Leary, John Taylor, Jos, Vau Horn, Cotton Reasons, Thomas Rogerson, Wm. Jolly Sr. Mc. Gilber Taylor, Jos. W. Col trian, Ricb. Hamilton, Alfred Meelin, Stanley Whitaker, Jas. G. Tweedy, Win. W. Tweedy, Gabriel Allen, John Batenian, Jos. Butry, Noah Asby, Crosby Gardner, R. W. Rives Capt., Eugene Burras, 2 Lieut, Johu R, Mizell 3 Lieut, Seth Williams. Camp lid wards July 25 IR6I Warren Co., N. C. We the undersigned officers of Co. 11., Bagley Guards, first.Reg iuient of State troops of North Carolina, Martin Co. do swear this to be the vote of our Company for County Court Clerk. Votes for Harrell, 20 totes for F. W. Moore, 34 votes, for James R. Robason, 14 votes. R. W. RIVKS, Capt. Kt'l. KNK BI'KRAS, 2 Lieut. JOHN R. MIZKI.L, 3 Lieut. —Smoke R1 Coreso. CURES ALL SKIN TROUBLES Sulphor the Accepted Remedy for a Hundred Years Sulphur ts »u* of the greatest remedies aa lure ever gave to wan. Svery physician knows It cures skin ami blood troubles. HANCOCKS UUt'lD SULPHUR eaablea you to get the lull beneSt la moat convenient fotm. Don't take sulphur tablets" or "wafers," or powdered sulphur In molasses. HANCOCKS SUUUiU SULPHUR ts pleasaat to take sad perfect la' Its actiou. Druagists sell H. A well knowncttlsea of Daavtlle, Pa., writes 'l have had an aggravated case of Kcsensa (or •re 1 twenty-five years. I have ased seven ja cent bottles ml the Uyt'lU, and one jai of your HANCOCK'S SULPHUR OINTMENT, sad aow 1 feet aa though 1 bad a brand aew pair of hands. It has cured ine aad 1 am sure it will cant anyone tf they persist In usiag HANCOCK'S UyVID SULPHUR According ts directions. "■vTLia" College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts I A , Practical education in Agricub ture; iu civil, Electrical, and Me chanical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing; Dyeing and In dustrial Chemistry. Tuiton $45 a year; Board |>to a month. 120 Scholarships. Address, * ~ - PRESIDENT WINSTON. WMt Raleigh. N. C. ■i ■>. A ail ACCldißt. Wednesday afternoon about 4 o'clock the little «*•' v.u-old girl of Mr. Luke Mizell v. •» accidentia shot by her eight-year-o!d brother. The children were playing with a double barrel shot gun, it went o0 and the load struck the little girl iu the fleshy part of the right kg a love the knee tearing a*ay near ly all the flesh. Fortunately the bone *u not broken. i>f* bar ren and Rhodes attended the child and say, while it i* a very serious Aound there is a chance for bet getting over it. Truateea Sale By virtue fit authority ««f 11 "l>eed ofl fruit" execuled to me by i-aunie Be!) 14 the 161b day of March 1903 and duly i corded in the Register's office in Mar uu County in B«V DOG Page 464 1« *cure the pnyti" nt Ol * «»- «•» I'Oni firing even date tbcicwilh, atid iht tipulatU'i'» in at*id I'«-«d of Twit >" living been CMBplied, with, I shall e* xttt at i'nUU- mic'ion. fur ru bui Sou I iy the 19th day of Auguat 1007 at the eaurt house in Mjl ill C'oui tv, tlie foi- Inuring "p-op»rtyi • —— A one irvriit'i t:nlivi.le-1 int/rc.t in » crtain tract of laud known as the l*au Aig|(int and Pattie WlKKim land, ad (lining the lauils of I e'iry Sl.iilc and ithera, iinituiuitiK one l.i.nilii-d aui! twenty-five ncre* nunc or les*. Thia July 19, 1907. 7-16-41 J. K llA!,i.Ain; Trufttee I . Notice Having qualified as executor* of thi lite F. A. ilo) ltr, tllis i» t» notify al! ,irraena indebted to aaid eatate to conie t'»wftr«l and .ftlie wilti tl.c tiiidet*i|{tH'ii at once, and all persons UuUlihk clainn> against aaid estate will present tbem foi payment on or before J uly 19, 190*. or thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Thia 19th July. 1907- A. S. BOVI.K, JOHN P. Bovm, 7-i6-6t Executors. Notice Notice la hereby given that I will ap ply to the Commissioners of the town of Hamilton and to the Commiaaioncrs oi Martin County for licenae to retail apir ituoua, vinoua and malt liquors in the town of Hamilton, N. C., in the itore of Dr. D. W, Lewis, for the six months be ginning thi tat day of July 1007. 7-J-4t J. W. Puoh. Notice IlavinK qualified as administrator upon the eatate of C. V, Morton, deceased notice ia hereby given to all persons holding claiuta again at aaid eatate to pre sent them to the undersigned for pay ment on or liefye the 7th day of June. 1908, or thia notice will be pleaded in b:ti of their recovery. All persons iuilebted tv aaid eaUte are requested to make im mediate payment. This 7th day of June, 1907. 6-7-61 W. 7.. MORTON, Admr. Notice Having qualified aa executor of the es tate of A P. Aakew, ileceaaed late of Martin County, North Carolina, all per aona having claims againat aaid estate are hereby notified to present aaine to the undersigned executor on or hi fore June 28, 1908. All peraona indebted to said eatate are requested to make immed iate payment. This »7th day of June, 1907. W. H. ROOKKS, Executor R. F. n. No. t 6-3H 61 V. 8. Hahsku., Att'y. Notice By virtue of a decree of the Superior Court of Martin County in the special proceedings entitled, W. Z. Morton, ad miniatrator of C. V. Morton, deceased, vs. J. W. Andrews anil others, heirs-at law, it being a proceeding to sell land for aaseta, I shall, on Saturday tl e loth day of Auguat 1907. at two o'clock p tn, at Robersonville, N. C, offer at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash the following described property, t« wit: Situate in the town of Robersonville, N. C., and beginuing iu the eeuter of Broad Street, runs thence aB2 w 17 poles to the S. W. Outterbndge and the Kob erson heir's Hue, thence with said Out terbridge and Roberaon heir's line s 45 e 8 M poles, thence n 84 eta 1-2 poles to the center of Broad Street, thence up Broad Street the center thereof, a 13 w 6 poles snd 3 links to the beginning. This 12 day of July 1907. A. R. DUNNING, Coin. Certificate of Dissolution To All to Whom These Presents Ma? Come—Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion by dnly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary disaolu tion thereof by the unanimous coeseat of alt the stockholders, deposited ia my office, that the Harrison A Cowing Co., a corporation of this State, whose prin cipal office ia situated in the town of Wllliamston. County of Martin, State of North Carolina, Geo. H. Harrison being the agent therein and ia charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, has complied with the requirements of Chap ter ai, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corpor" at ions," preliminary to the lasniag of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the aaid corporation did on the 5 day of July 1907 file In my office a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the" disnln tioa of mid corporation, executed by •11 the stockholders thereof, which said Wedding Presents! y' * * You do not have to send out of town for them. We hare a fine assortment. Come and ex amine our stock THE JEWELER, H. D. PEELE, WILLIAMSTON. N. C. BROWN & HODGES Dultn In fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Ytrar Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders FOR THE 3 - • Farmers' Interest Sell your tobacco at the place you can get the most money for it, and the Roanoke Warehouse jsjmEj^cE I have had 28 years experience in Warehouse business, and I never let auy man—men or warehouses pay any more for tobacco than I do. lam going to give every man that sells his tobacco with me the very top of the market. I can get you as much money as you cau get in Wilson, Rocky Mount, Greenville or anywhere else. I run my Warehouse for the Farmers' good. He pays me to sell his tobacco and it is uiv duty to get every cent out of it for him. All I ask you to do is WATCH the sales on my Warehouse floor, then if you are working for Dollars and Cents yon bring your tobacco to me. I want to thank all my friends for their kindness in selling with me last season, and 1 hope by hard work aud good prices to sell for all of my old friends—and new ones, too—this season. I OPEN FRIDAY, AUGUST 2. 1907 Tom S. GRAHAM, Proprietor Roanoke Warehouse consent and the rcford of the proceed ing* aforesaid are now on file in my MW iffice aa provided by law. In teiitinioiiy whereof, I have hereto et my hand anil affixed my official aenl, *t Raleigh thia 5 day of July 1907. J. BKVAM GKIMKS. Sec'v of SUte. J. B. SPELLER, DEALER IN Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs and. Furs. Willlamston, N. C. H, Doctor, I know vot Q der do Veu I don't got some pishuess uit you And midout any price yWv * v '" IP* der advice: Vy Get acquainted mit "Taffy-Tolu." ElCoreso Qgar Its a' Mild Cigar and of a peculiarly fine flavor. Made exclusively for myself. Ask for it. Refuse Others L. E..COREY, Whohuh Gm * * .. , . L vi I have a nice line of TESTAMENTS AND BIBLES Front 35c. to fas at the Bible and Grocery House Where I alao handle a nice faeah line of Groceries, Chickens, Eggs J. L. CHERRY i - Hamilton Road, Near Cemetery ; STRAW NO. 7 ' Straw* Show Which Way the Wind* Blow PREPARATION FOR THE JOURNEY "Say Bill, I ha/e decided to go over to South Africa in aearch of gold. Will be gooe for two year*. "Well how in the world can you do that, John? What will become of your wife and five children? Aten.t yon going to make provia- Mi for them before leaving"? "No that'* not aecemary. Thar will get along aome how. Provi dence take* care, you know. No body ever perishes in thia coun try/' "John 1 most my that yon are a fjfool." Fran abeve oonvenation it ap pear* how readily one would be (raided a foot Who would take a journey without making praviahm for family. BUT HOW ABOUT THE MAN WHO DlßS—takes the journey from whose bourne no traveler ever returns, not. having provided for Ma family in the way of LIFE INSURANCE? Meditate on thia awhile aad then cone and let na fix up a Life In surance Policy that will amply provide KB. T. COWPER Life, Fire, Accident. 'Phone No. 7 Office over P. * M. B'k BTd'g

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