ADVERTISING Your Mttf back.—Judicious adrertia ing ia the kind that )»?a hack to you the money you invest. Space in this paper aaaurea you prompt returna . . VOL. VIII. - NO 44 STATEMENT DIXIE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Of Aiherille, North Carolina CONDITION Dacwan 31.1906, AS SHOWN BY STATSMXNT FILKD Amount of capital paid up in cuh, None Mutual Assessment Income—From Members, fl,a*&6o; Miscellaneous, #216.59; Total, f1,495->9 Disbursement*-—To Member*, $ 357-93! Miscellaneous, $995.33! Total, fr.353.16 ASSKTTS Cash Hi Home Office t *8.71 Cash Deposited in Banks, til 3« Agents' Valances 3*-7° Furniture and fixture* »©.oo Printed Matter aad Supplies,.... '.\s-93 - ' 33*-66 tmmrktuftU, not admitted 191.63 ToUl admitted Assetta, ) 140.03 LIABILITIES Salaries, etc., doe or accrued, i 810.00 Premiums paid before due, *>-85 L>ue for borrowed money is/. V >53-59 Total Liabilities ? 1.084.44 Balance to ths right of assessment f 944-41 BUSINKSS IN NORTH CAROLINA IN 1906 Policies or Certificated in force December 31st of previoua year J ...Number, o; Amount $ o Policies or Certificates issued during tlie year, Number, 1708; Amount, $ 39,141.85 Policies or Certificates in force Dec. 31, 1906, Number, 855, Amount, #20,099.40 Loses and Claims unpaid Dec. 31, previous v'r, Nunrfjer, o; Amount, $ o Losaes and Claims incurred during the year, Number, 141; Amount, % 357-93 Loaaes and Claras paid during the year,.: Number, 141; Amount, f 357*93 Premiums and Assessments collected during the year,.,., I 1,116.10 Preaident, Josqph S. Bradley, Secretary, Joseph U. Walker Home Office, Ashevllle, N. C. a - General Agent for service, Officer! of Company, Ashevllle, N. C. Business Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATS OP NORTH CAROLINA—INSURANCE DKFA«TMINT KALKICII, N. C., May 1, 1907 I, JAMBS R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Dixie Mutual Life Insurance Co, of Asheville, N. C., filed with this Department, showing the condition of ssid Company on the 31st day of December, 1906. Witness my hand and official aeal the day and date above written. JAMBS R. YOUNG. j Insurance Commissioner LOOK LOOK "., x tyew Fjrm At_ . Farmers Warehouse The Farmer* Warehouse here will be run this Season by Kli Gurga nus and John T. Fishel. Our Mr. Fishel is known as a good judge of Tobacco and oue among the l>est auctiouers in the state. He was with Mr. Graham of this place last year and desires to thank the farmers aud patrons for the courtesy they showed him last season and ask you all to come to see us at , rarmers Warehouse Opening Day, August 2, *O7 and we will get you the highest possible prices for your tobacco and send you home happy. Our market will have this season a large steam plant and there is no reason why we can't have as good a market as there is iu the state. Bring u* your tobacco and we will look out for your interest We have plenty room and good gradere ou hand, will grade your tolWc. co and look after it for you if you will briug it to our warehouse and you can come and see it sold, and we will only make a small chargjp for same So we again ask you farmers to come to see us aud try us with your first load, and then we are almost sure that you will be so well pleased that you will sell your entire crop with us. Don't be deceived and listen to what Dick, Tom, and Harry say about ua for M. &S. will siug you a little song and Mr. G. will give you a dance, but Gurganus and Fishel will treat you right if you will only give them a chance. Your Servants, Gurganus & Fishel TOBACCO FLUES Now is the time to {dace your order for Tobacco Flues All Kinds and Sizes Made to Order. Try Us A Woo lards fa. Combined u j/Sr Harrow and A Saving of Otje M jjjW Hone and two uanda p. Works both sides | °. f tbe r ° W * ( tl>e same "■ Breaks the clods and Cultivates With as Much Base as any Ordinary Plow What every Farmer and Track Gardner needs J. 1,. WOOLARD, WiUiamston, N. C. f|e mitxyxxzt WILLIAMSTON. N. C.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1907 Thermopylae •r NARTIA MXULLOCI-WILUAMS. Copyrighted, IMF, by K. C. Parol la. "I raise here to play I am a dryad," Klspeth said, smiling wickedly at Hln dou as he tolled after her up the steep and narrow steps that ted to a ratted platform, weather beateu, but stilt Sound and weight worthy, set In the lower branches of a (taut oak. Hin doo thought the ellmbtug a craay per formance, but love which inakee the fool often a wise man make* tbe wise man oftw a tad. i&Ad be did not deny to himself he was In love sud with the bit of quicksilver he was ao painfully following. "H-ml I seem to remember that dry ads were not always all tbey should be," he said, sitting dowu so ponder ously the brancbea quivered. Klspeth Isughed softly. "You are to have a re ward for coming' up with me. I adore stories. Tou may tell me one luatead of writing it—the very best story of them all." "Impossible!" lUndon said gravely. "Don't you know there are but seveu stories In the world, and six of them unlit for ladlesT That leaves only one. I bad much rather live It than tell It" "No! You must tell It" Klspeth said decisively, "Begin 1 Thla la much bet tor fun than private theatricals"— "I tell you I can't begin. The story baa to begin Itself," Hindoo Interrupt ed. Again Klspeth laughed. "At least you ran ssy how It begins," she mur mured. Hlndou smothered a growl. "I can tell you what It takes to uiske a sory," be aald. "First of course, there's a girl"— "That's me," Klspeth Interjected. Hlndou nodded. "And a man lu love with her"— "That fits you," Kl«peth said Incor rigibly. Hludon flushed In aplte of himself snd bit his Up, but soiuebow .kept his yolce gay as be ran on: "Aud aa obstacle- any sort, some sort. The obstacle, you know, Is what really makes the story." "Desr me! What a pity!" Klspeth said. "Yet I quite understand. But for the obstacle the sweethearts would have to marry right at tbe start and Dve happy ever after. 1 think -yes, I'm sure the obstacle Is loomlug up. Seel Jack Delauy la gettlug dowu at the stop*."' "A plague ou him, ou all Delauys everywhere," Hludoii began. 'Klspeth shook ber bead at blm, saying: "How ungrateful. You said there had to be au obstacle. Could you ask a more proper oug than Jack?" "No! That's Just tbe trouble," Hin doo admitted. "You uilgtit easily full In love wlUi Jack—lf I were not lu his way." "I believe he hat cast you for the obstacle role," Klspeth said demurely, yet with dancing eyes. "You don't play fair- not in tbe least," she went on. "I asked you for a story and here I'm making up oue for you"— \ "You've reduced It to Its lowest topna -anyway I don't like It" Uludon broke In, bis cblu In tbe air, the Ught of battle In bis eye. He'saw Jack Delany sauntering toward tlie ouk, hi* bat In one band, the other swinging his Ivory mounted crop. Jsck was a youth of parts rich, well bred and disgust ingly good to look at. Moreover, he waa new. Until a month back Klspeth bad never seen blm. Illndon bad dis covered the real Kls|>etb at about the same dlatance of time-When be had 'come down to World's Knd for silence and a measure of solitude. After years of struggle his latest book had hit the public hard. He wanted its .Muccessor to go a bore aud beyond It. Then, Just when the opening of It was fairly In mind, be had dined at the dean house and fallen under Elspetb's spell. There bad been a week of rultelllon, then submission to tbe Inevitable. He had had a conceit of knowing women kind, also the verb to love. In sll its moods and tenses. Klspeth hud shown htm how greatly he was mistaken. Hindoo had a way with him that most women had found Irresistible. After a surfeit of aweeta one relishes a whole some bitter. Klspeth's artleas Joy over hla subjugation had not misled blm Into thinking she was to be had for the asking. He had two minds about ber— one curiously aloof, wholly detscbed, ever noting tbe effect of unlikely con quest upon a nature girlishly vain and bnman and marshaling its Impressions as for future reference; another, pal pi tantly masculine and possessive, alert to win and keep ber against all coiner*. Now the virile Impulse dominated htm. As Jack came within ball Hln dou swung himself to the head of tbe step*, clutched a hand upon the rails at either side and half shouted: "Jack, I'm a life saver. You can't come up!" "Can't—sb! Why notr Jack de manded, moving forward. "Oh, because you're quite too good looking and much too vain—so vain this cranky structure would never bear tbe weight of it" Hindoo flupg backet blm, settling himself more (Irmly in hla aeat. Jack laughed heartily. "I'm com lngt Look out!" he admonished, mak- Ing a dash for the stair foot. Aa ba toocbed it Hindoo looked down, with twinkling eyee, to say: "Remembei Thermopylae! Behold roe, a new lao utdaa, holding the pass!" ' "Hang Thermopylae snd all thoee other slasy games," Jack said, wits frank' scorn. "I tell yon, there's no erring a fellow thafs been throogt straight football"— "So i perceive" Hindoo said, hb twinkle broadening. He turned h*U about Ur glance at Klspeth. She wai sitting very straight her band clinched bard on the book in bar lap, the gboal of a dimple llckitrlng In oue cheek. The estate la Ma wherein Juat now aha found herself was clearly not dlaplaaa ing to bar. Cautiously abo peeped over the edge of tbe platform and aald to Jack, batting below It: wlab you would coma up, Mr. Delany. We- we are inaktaff *9 a atory. Mr. Utudon la going to write It and you can't Imag ine bow faactnatlng It la.',' "If I can't bnaglna It I cuu Dud oat" Jack aald energetically. stepping back Ave pacea to aurvey the big oak'a spread of branches. The braucbea wen- tirAad, -*« d Mm* of tbeu>*>eudu- I loos. Dpon tbe farther aide outrsway- Ing tip came within six feet of the ground. With a short, running leap Jack caught the tip, felt It allp almoat away from him, but managed to keep hold, draw K down and clutch It hand over hand until lie come to a place that was stout Enough to swlug upou. Back and forth, bar If aud forth, he clung and swung, until at last bo caught foot hold In toward the trunk. Inalde three minutes be was sitting upon a branch level with tbej>latform, aud but a lit tle way from It saying, aa he lighted a cigarette) "Is tbls a detective story? Tou can put me to It as a porch climber or something." "Toa're In It already," Klspeth said, smiling with \joft malice. Hindoo sat blocking the way down, divided be tween laughing aud glowering. "Yea— you're lu It, all right uupugh," he said, nodding toward Delany. "Trouble la to work up a climax that shall leave you out of It altogether." "I won't be left out—of the atory— nor anything," Jack cried, laugfelng gnvly, rising and balancing himself as ho siHtke. It was a perilous undertak ing there ou the swaying bough, but he accomplished It stood stockatlll with folded arms for a breadth's apace, theu leaped lightly to the plat form, landing fairly In the middle of It. It was almost twenty feet lu air, well stayed betwixt two giant boughs. But the tree In Its youth had been topped, so down where the boughs parted, unueeu, unnuapected, there waa a blotch, rotted nnd cankerous, weak ening fatally tbe Hound outer wood. Therefore under tbe Impact of Dela ny'a leap one bough broke looee at the trunk and cruabed down, carry lug with It tbe railed tloor and those rcatlug upon It. As by • miracle Klspeth was flung far out afuld cushiony, well leafed branclilets aud got up with no worse hurt than the shock. Iltndon, white and breathless, also scrambled to his feet, but with an artu dangling limply beside h!iu. Delauy lay motloulees, seuseless. He bad struck bis head In falling, cutting un ugly gash. El*|ietb dropped down beside him and laid her cheek ugnlust his, crying softly: "Jack! Jack! You won't go and leave me, Jack! This Is Klspeth! You love lue! You will live for me! Darling, open your eyes! Ood can't be so cruel as to take you just us I know bow I love you." There was a flutter of the heavy eye lids. ITlndon, white and remorseful, touched Klapeth's shoulder. "He la only stunned," ho said. "But, of course, you will never forgive me"— "There Is nothlug to forgive," Kl speth said, looking up at him with wet eyee. "Indeed, I owe you much. It was all lu fun, and but fof ifgt mtg'it not have found out In time, about the obstacles." >1 ■ ( I'll stop your pain free. To show you first—before you upend a pen ny—what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of thein-Dr. Shoop's Headache, Tablets. Neuralgia Headache; Toothache, Period pains, etc., are due alone to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coax ing away the unnatural blood pressure. That is all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis Sold by S. R. Biggs. : * ~, A Man's Name. The law allows a man to call himself by any name bo to aud to spell It In any way You may change your name as often aa you like without violating any law. Tbe reason . for getting one's name changed by a ' court or act of the legislature Is to pre i serve tbe record In case It should ever i become necessary or desirable to es . tabllsb one's identity under tbe new and the old name.--St. Louis Republic. "Rtgiliris tki SIR" Is an expression as old as the : race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most re- I gular performance in the universe. . unless it is the action of the liver » and bowels when regulated with i Dr. King's New Life Pills Guaran . teed by S. R. Biggs, druggist. *5. 1 A Alt ef Baroaim. "A poor tramp st6pped at the door ' today." said Mrs. Subbuba, "and I gave ' him a good meal." t "Well, well," sneered her husband, , "Why did you_jlo that softy?" "I juat couldn't help It He remlnd - ad me so of you. I asked blm If he'd - saw some wood for me, and be said > be was too tired."—Catbollc Standard l and Times. f 1 EvinMf tail* Kiif' » Says C. G. Hays, a prominent 1 business man of Bluff, Mo.. that ' Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the quick -1 est and surest healing salve ever , applied to a sore, bum or' wound, torto a case of piles I've used it 1 and know what I'm talking about.' I Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs, Drug » »5 C - ~ All IMM do I take Cardui"? writes Mrs. II ■■ Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. ' | Va. "Because, after suffering for several years with female trouble, and trying different doc tors and Tnedicines without obtaining relief. I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ills, and can recommend it above all others-for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sick women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in SI.OO bottles. wmtx us a Lrm* WINE A Anil 111 dMriiblnc fully all your «ymptom» 111111b ■■ II U M •nd W« will %rn«L you ITM AJvlt* ■ II 11 In DUIn I**l*l envelop*. Ladles' I m M ■ ■ M I I I I fcfe cMiSnsr QF Uf\ IIUUI Hustling Zebediah. By LUCY STEWART. Copyrighted, 1907. by E. C. Ptrcelli. "Jabea Strong, I'm not going to stand this thing another day!" "Shoo, ma, how you tulk!" "And you've got to help me." The cows bad been milked, tlie hogs fed, nnd Jabea Strung, farmer, bad taken bis seat beside bis wife on the veranda. He didn't usk what It was she would r >t rl md, for tbe matter had been tbo uubjtct of numerous con versation i before. He bad always as sumed a n 'Utrat position and argued that thii:it would come out all right If left alone, but now be realised that a crisis had arrived. "If she bud a mother It would be different," continued tbe good wife us she funned away tbe mosquitoes with a folded paper, "but she hasn't oue. She's only got a father, and lie's tbe biggest old poke In six counties. Jest tbe last thing Melvlua \yilllauis said to me on ber dying bed was to be a moth er to Kmeiine, aud uow I'm going to be or know the reason why. I'm going to call hej; over here tomorrow for a talk, aud I'm going to liuve u talk with Kebedtub. It hain't right, and you can't niuke It right." "It alius inukes things WtMafeßlnlx In," answered ber busbund after a minute. "It wight If Emollne Intel a mother, but she hulu't gut. I've lot It go on uml ou, thinking inebbe I hadn't better nay nothing, but I shan't let It go an other day. I may want you to" help mo. If 1 do, you've got to pitch right In." Across tho highway from Farmer Ht rung's wan the farmhouse of Farmer WlllluniH. The two fuuilllos had been neighbors for fifteen yearn. Farmer Williams was a good uiau, but It wan alHo true that he was a "poke." That In, he worked from morning till ulght, and then after reading his county pa per for half an hour he wound up the clock nnd went to bed. When bin wife had dfed, xho left a daughter ICmeline, eighteen yearn old. That was two yearn before the openlng.of this story. Just about that time Zebedluh Hender son had been taken ou an a hired man. Zeb was twenty-three years old and well thought of, but he was slow and conservative by nature. Borne hired men would have fallen In lovo with Emeline Inside of a week, for she was a bright, attractive coun try maiden, but Zeb waited three months. It came to be a case of love on both sides, and three months later he proposed and was accepted. It •topped short at that, so far as Zeb was concerned. He meant to, marry lorne day, blit that day was Indefinite. Farmer Williams cauie to know of the •ngagement, but he had no opinion to express. He went on with his plowing and eating boiled dinners and left mat ters to fate. It was this state of affairs that had provoked the Indignation of Mrs. Btroug. Bhe didn't think It right ou the part of Zebedlah to keep Emeline "on the books," as she expressed It. While all other young men were driv en away by knowledge of the engage ment, Zebedlah continued to "poke around" as If he had fifty years to get married In. On one or two occasions, when he had come over to borrow a hoe or alt on the veranda and discuss crop* with her husband, she had spok en her mind pretty plainly. Bhe bad hinted that she knew of farmers' sons who were looking about for wives aud that there were more windmill and wire fence men coming along than •he could shake a stick at,,but Zebe dlah *u unmoved. She had made Binellue own up to the engagement, •nd she had advised her not to make a long engagement of It, but when the girl blushingly asked her what she rjould do Mrs. Btrong had no plan at hand and didn't.know where she was to get one. Fortune favors the conspirator a* well as the brave. Two, or three days after her taTK With her husband on the ▼eranda Mr*. Strong's brother came on a vlalt from UJlnoti. He was a Jovial. I—UIM IWM T "■ U ft* hadn't had a* 1 WsTl(i%fr tiMck* Dome tie' would have fallen lu love with timeline YVjUI Hams. It was while he was praising her that Mm. Strong got her plan. It was as simple aa sliding down a cellar door. She crowed and giggled over It for half an hour and was atlll crowing and giggling when the girl from across the road came over to borrow a draw ing of tea. Mrs. Strong brought out the tea and then motioned her pretty neighbor to take a chair and began: "Biuellne —Williams, you have no mother." "Nor "Your mother asked me to be a mother to you after she was gone." "I know It, and you've been awfui good to me." "Buiellne, It's a dreadful thing for a girl to he In love and have no moth er and an old poke of a father, and I can't atand It any longer. I'vo got to be your mother and advise with you." "Btft father 1h kind and good, rnd Zeb Is—ls" "Zob Is what? Been engaged for a year and a half, and he hain't asked you to set the day yet. He may go another yenr and a half. He may go live years. You can't tell nothing atxxit such a critter. He'll keep ookltuc Continued on Page Four - DIRECTORY a Methodist Church R«v. C. L. RKAB, Pastor. Methodist Kpiscopal Church, South, Williumston anil IluiililUm Charges. Services as follows. Williamston —Preaching on the Ist 3rd ami 4th Sundays at II a m ami 7:30 p m Sunday School at 9:30 a in, W. A. lil lison, Supt. Prayer Meeting each Wednesday at 7:30 p 111. Hamilton —Preaching on the 2nd and SHI Sundays at 11 a 111 and 7130 |> .11. Vernon —Preaching llu Ist Sunday «t 3 p 111. Hotly Springs—Preaching the 3rd Sun day at 3 p in. All friends of the church and the pub lic generally are cordially invited to at tend all the services. , Christian Church Services at the Christian Church, Wil liauistou. Preaching third Sunday nam and 7 pin Sunday Scliool 3 p ui every Sunday. Macedonia first Sundays u a 111 and,. Saturday it a ni ami 7 30 p tit. Old Ford—Second Sundays anil Sat urdays nam. Jamcsville—Fourth Sundays 11 a in and 7 p in. J. R. TINGLK, Pastor. Baptist Church GKO. J. DOWKI.I,, Pastor. Preaching every 1 Sabbath morning and evening, except the first Saliltath evening, at 11 ain ami 7:30 p in. - Sabbath School, S. At wood Newell Superintendent; every Sabbath at 9:45 The Lord's Supper every fourth Sabliath Church Conference every Second Sab bath.. Preaching at Ridiliclt's Grove the first Sabbath in every month at 4 p 111. At Biggs' School House every 4th Sabbath at 3 p ni. The Ladies Missionary Society, Mrs, Justus Everett, Pres., meets every first and third Mouilay at 7:30 p m. •You are very respectfullx and earnest ly invited to attend these services. Episcopal Church Church of the Advent Rev. WM. J. GORDON, Minister in Charge Sunday &hool, 9:30 every Sunday morn ing. Regular Services on Ist Sunday at II a m and § p M; on 3rd Sunday at II a m and 5 pm. . On 2nd and sth Sundays Rev. Mr, Gor don"" wiM hold' services at Plymouth, Grace Church, and on 4th §yoday »T Hamilton, St Martins. U .... . v * «frrr~ ADVERTISING fflßi Your money back—Judicious adrertie ing Is the kind that pays back to you the money ycm invest. Space In thla paper assures yon prompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 387 Professional Cards* FLUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeftres* Drug Store. OPFICS HOURS: Btolo A. M.; 7to 9F, M | Williftimton, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J- A. WHITE. » JSFT DENTIST OFPICS— MAIN STURKT 1 PHONK9 I will be in Plymouth the firit week la * every other month. jj W. R. Warren. J, 8. Rhodaa, DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICR IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 2Q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNKY AT UW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. : WILLIAMSTON, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL - LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. Phone No. 77. "VILLIAMSTON. N 0. •••Practice wherever aervicea are dealred '■ Special attention given to examining and nak i ug title for purchaaera of timber and timber landa. Special attention will be given to real catata eachaugea. If you wiah tu buy or aetl land I can helpyou- r-M , _ PHONK4# -P. I). WINSTON S. J. BVMITT ■ WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNKYS-AT-IM.W WILUAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. , A. R. DUNNING ATTOKNRY-AT 1 ROBKRSONVIM,B, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH D. C. MOORINff, Proprietor ROBKRSONVIU.K, N. C. Rates $2.00 per lay Special Rates By the Week A l-'irst-Closs Hotel in Rvery Partic* ular: The traveling public will find It a most convenient place to atop. CARRYING A POLICY of life Insurance is about as wise au ac as a voting man can perform. There are .several contracts especially adapted to young men. They are txHli an insurance and an investment ou which you can realize without dying, A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY of this class is as secure as a saving! bank account ami pays larger interest. Come in aud talk it over. K- B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, .Godard Building j Wiliamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. : WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 miuutea; extra j charge will positively be made for longer 1 time. To Washington as eta. • " Greenville as " : i " Plymouth as ,4 ; " Tarboro as " j " Rocky Mouut ...„• 35 ** \i " Scotland Neck ...i.... as '* ' " Jamesville 15 '* ; " Kader Uilley's 15 •* g '• I. G. Staton ,» 15 " 'I J. L. Woolard ij "/J " J. B. Harriss &Co IS " | " Parmele IS "I'M " Roberaonville 15 " Kveretts IS " Gold Point 5... 1... ..: IS *^9 " Geo. P. McNaughton is " Hamilton ao For other points in Kastern "rmlhwj ' see "Central" where a'phone found lor useof uou-tubscrfbera.