| ADVERTISING | Yoar money back.—Judicious sdvertis w nig is the kind that pays back to you X the money you invest. Space in this £ paper assures you prompt returns . . VOL. VIII. • NO 46 Nine- * Commandments *l. From C. D. Car:>t3rpheti Buy r P'k'g Colgate's Taffy Tpju 2. " H. M. Burras " 2 " 3. " Cowiug Bros. & Co. " 3 " 4. " Chase's Drug Store " 4 " . ' * " 5. " Harrison Bros. Sf Co. " 5 " 6. " J. L Hassell & Co. " 6 " " ' " " 7. ." ~ Brown & Hodges " 7 " 8. " J. A MiZell & Co. " 8 " " v " 9. " S/R. Biggs ** 9 " And if this nine you obey, be you German. Gentile or Jew, You can uever refuse to chew Colgan's Taffy Tolu Guiu. L. E. COREY, Sl WHOLESALE GROCER TOBACCO FLUES Nowisthe time to place your order for Tobacco Flues All Kinds and Sizes Made to' Order. Try Us _ Woolards Combined Ij Zp Harrow and - m Cultivator U A Saving of One M■ JBn Horse and two hands q —*t Works both sides in —" of the row at the same Breaks the clods and Cultivates With as Much lCase as any Ordinary Plow What every Farmer and Truck Gardner needs J. L*. WOOLARD, Williamston, N. C. LOOK LOOK 4 & t New Firm At ■- • ■ Farmers Warehouse > • The Fanners Warehouse here wHI be run this Season l>y Ivli Gurga uus and John T. Fishel. Our Mr. Fishel is known as a good judge of Tobacco and one among the best-auctioners in the state. He was with Mr. Graham of this place last year and desires to tliank the farmers and patrons for the courtesy they showed him last season and ask you all to come to see us at rarmerg Warehouse Gurganus &- Fishel A New Business School ' Eastern North Carolina now has a first-class business school where its young men and women can acquire a business training equal to 'that given iu any of the business schools of the larger cities and at much less expense Opened June 3rd. Enrollment first pjonth, 52 pupils. Can begin at any time. Special rates to first pupils who en roll from new sections. Write TODAY for catalogue if interested. Courses of Study: Business, Shorthand, English, Telegraphy First Nat. "Bank Building, Washington, N C.; also Norfolk, Ports mouth and Newporr News, Va. J. M. RESSLBR, Pres. Clj c (Mtrprist WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY AUGUST 16, 1907" PEOPLE OF THE DAY .. 1. North Carolina's Governor. Governor U. B. (ileuu of North Caro lina, whose clash with Judne I'rltch arJ attracted wide utteutlou, holds thiit state courts have rights the fed erul judiciary should respect. "Our courts having Jurisdiction," says Governor Glenu, "we contend we have a right |o proceed to fluul judg uient aud that If aggrieved defend ants can only appeal through our su prctne court to the supreme court of the L'nlted States. This Is'the orderly HOItKHT BHOONAZ UI.KNN. method the railroads desire to oujoln us froui taking and to take all cases Into the federal court." The cause of the trouble briefly stated Is: The Southern railway, was found guilty of violating (lie North Carolina law forbidding, uuder SSOO penalty, tickets to lie sold for more than 2Vi cents a mile, was fined SBO,OOO, aud two of Its officials were sent to prison. They .Federal Judge Prltchard Immediately tbff otllcluls on habeas corpus and lu velglied against the law us "coulls calory" on the ground that the South em might have to pay us uiuch us $2,000,000 lu tines. Governor Glenn Is a native of North Carolina, a lawyer by profession und fifty-three years old. For many years he has been prominent In politics nnd has served the state In various capucl ties, lie was a Cleveland elector In IHB4 flud IKii'J lje was chosen govern or of North Carolina lu W0&, his term explrlug in ltaiti. A Stiff Upper Lip. Hugo Osterhaus, the new captain of the battleship Connecticut, praised at a dinner lu New York the old salt of the past. . "He has disappeared," said ('uptuln Osterhuus sadly. "We made fun of him, and before our ridicule he blushed and vanished. "Such stories as we used to tell of him. "One, for lustunce, dealt with uu old shall block's beard old fellow, 'that you never shave your "upper lip clean?' " 'Well, you see,' Bill answered, 'a (nun's gotter have some place to strlki his matches on.'" The Kingdom. The recent abdication of the em peror of Korea aud the ascenslou of the crown 'prince to the throrie have turned the eyes of the world toward the Hermit Kingdom. Since the close of the Busso Japanese war the Japa uese have liecu absolute masters of Korea, aud the recent change of rulers Is attributed to their Influence. The ex emperor of the Hermit King dom ruled over his people for forty-four years and was Induced to abdicate under stress of pressure. Ilia UK.rTENiNT OKNKitAI. 1. HASE4JA WA. cabinet and council of elder statesmen convinced him libit no other course could safely be pursued. Want of pre caution and prudeuce in the old em peror's policies, especially lu dlplo ma tic affaire, whereby he was en dangerlng the safety of the nation, are the reasons given for his downfall. Lieutenant General V. Ifasegawa, commander of the Japanese troops lu Korea, is one of the most dls tiuguisbed officers of the mikado's army. During the war with Bussla be commanded the Imperial guards. His division operated with General Kurokl In Manchuria when the latter rolled up Kuropatkln'a army. FOR THE HOUSEWIFE # —- Whira the Breath la Offeneive. Offensive breath Is caused some times by decayed teeth. The ouly rem edy Is to have them attended to -ex tracted, If that Is necessary; tilled, If possible Sometimes the cause arises In the atoiuach. For tills the disease must be removed. A bit of cluuaniou chewed or of Florida orris root or calamus often helps to make the breath sweet. The rnustlc tree gl\es out a sort of resinous tjuin tliat hardens the gums and gives a delicate odor to the breath. Ml* a few drops of spirits of cam phor and tincture of myrrh In a glass of water and rinse the mouth, using it also as a gargle when some small In disposition has affected -the breath. A small bottle of tluctdfe of myrrh luay Ik- kept on the aUud and ten drops used lit a little water after the mouth aud teeth are well cleansed. A cup of Itfobg black coffee removes "the odor of onions; so- wtH. a sprig of fresh parsley, chewed, t'harcoal tablets are good for those Willi this distressing af fecttou Club Sandwiches. Tuke equal parts «>f cooked chicken ultd hard boiled eggs, chop and cook In enough thickened Uillk gravy to hold the mixture together and season with salt, .pepinjr and a touch of paprika. Cut slices of stale bread and season also. Place c'lilckeu, jnUturo between two slices, lietween the next two a slice Of fried bacon or chopped ham If preferred, then another of chicken. Tie these sandwiches together with twine anil fry quickly In hot deep fut till a light brown. I>ry and remove twine, gswi Imfc ..... i -—. . Household Notes. A little ammonia In the water used In cleaning mirrors and window glass Is excellent for removing ily specks and dust. A drop of oil of lavender on the hair or pillow of n sick person -Will keep away anuoyluft flies. Butter applied at once to a burn will prevent the skin from blistering. * A tnhlcspoouful of glycerin lu a glass of but milk Is said to give Instant re lief lu severe paroxysms of coughlug. Stand F,or Ftstirone. An arrangement to pievent tiatlrons from sliding from the Ironing Ixiurd has been patented by a Michigan womiui. This Iron stajid Is made of a base of resilient wire, which can be easily attached to any lroulng board Secured and maintained In |M>sltlon on the base Is u receptacle which has I HON CANNOT BLIP, three of the sides elevated and one side opeu, the- open side disposed toward the longer portion of tin- board When the stand Is In position and a flat I roil lu the receptacle, the tilting of the board will uot cause the Iron to slip from the stand, the dosed sides effectually preventing such uecldejitH. Canned String Beans. Prepare as for the table, boll until i nearly done, then add one pint of salt ) to every ten pints of beans and cook until thoroughly done. Then pour Into cans or Jars, covering well with brine and seal tightly. To cook Iteuus canned in tills way drain the brine from the beans, pour Into n stewpun and cover with water, boll live or ten minutes, then pour off wuter aud seasou with butter and pepper, a little sugur and creuin if desired. For Hardening the Gums. A decoction of tannin, oak bark and myrrh, which will cvni pound, Is excellent for this soft, spongy condition of the gums. Those who ure affected In this way have to avoid too salty foods, fruits that are very add and also much sweets, pastries, etc Hadlshes sometimes cause softness of the gumn Too much fat or oils Is •Iso bad In such cases. M The Bun Injures th* Hair, Those who are in the ha lilt of going out lu their bare heads should remem ber that nothing causes the hair lose Its color so soon as the direct rays of the sun. This exposure. In addition to streaking tlie hair, will in course of time dry the natural oil and cause the sea I p to become Impoverished. ~ Bleaohing Yellow Ivory. A very simple process will restore Ivory carvings that have become dis colored. I'alut them with spirits of turpentine ami expose them to the sun shine for a few days. This treatment will also prove beneficial to Ivory pi ano keys when they begin to turn yel low. " y, - Glycerin Lotion. Pure felycerln, one ounce; distilled water, six ounces; rose water, three I ounces. This Is excellent where the I skin Is rough and pimply. -Growing Girls—^ Growing girls need care, advice and medicine, especially on reading the age of puberty. A mother's tender care and words of caution will often .accomplish wonders. As for medicine, a gentle, safe and reliable strengthening tonic is Wine of Cardui, Hi will prevent and relieve pain, regulate the functions, clear the complexion and strengthen ; "the constitution. It is a valuable medicine for growing girls. It has tided thousands over a critical period, and - saved them from years of suffering. It can never do harm and is sure to do good. A relief or cure for all female disorders in girls and women. At every druggist's in #I.OO bottles. Try it. —T CARDUi— The SPORTING WORLD —i— Kelly Won't Rece This Bummsr. j liini Kelly, the world's champion sprinter, will not compete this summer' lu the eust. Kelly, who lives lu Port i land, Ore, recently Injured a tendon ~ DAN KELLY. In Ids leg nnd was reluctantly forced to- breuk training He says be may be In shape by fall, Tiowttver. Kelly -became famous—by lowering the World's record for tile 100 yard dusii established by Arthur Huffy, the cxOeorgetovs n university student. The Delehantye, Baseball Notables. Jauies lleleiillllty of Cleveland, O, is futlier of more good players than any man in the United States Sl» sous have won fame on the dlmnoud, four of tlieui In the big leagues. Iml Delebuuty wus the greatest of all. Jin was with the Philadelphia club lu the National b-ugue aud was with the Washington teaui lu the Auicrlcuu league, lie gained a repulutton as one of the greatest butsnicn who cvei pluyed baseball. He died four years ago. Joe Deletion ty perhaps bears- a more striking resemblance to Ed than any other of tin* brothers, lie lias play ed with Allcutowu, Pa., Moufreal, New Orleans, Worcester and Buffalo. For tlie last two years he has been with the Wlillnnisport Trlstate team luiil IB one of the hardest hitters In the fF#Rim Frank Delelianty got his start with the Montgomery team, played In Syra cuse and was with the New York Americans before being traded to tlie Cleveland club, Which he afterward left Jim Ilelehanty began with Little Hock, went to Chicago Nationals, then to Hoston, theu to Cincinnati and this year was sold to the St. Louis Browns, who later turned him over to Wash IngtoD. | Tom Ilelehanty played with Toronto, Atlanta, Detroit iiud Seattle und last yeur was with the Wtlliuuisport team of tlie Trlstate league, found the life too strenuous slid retired this year. The youngest of the lot, Willie, has started at Oswego, N. Y. He -Is a promising youngster and Is expected to get In the big show before he Is many years older College Baseball. College baseball captains for next season have beeu elected as follows: Princeton, Harlan, outfielder; Dar£_ mouth, Sklllln, pitcher; Georgetown, Blmons, outfielder; Cornell, Heilman, shortstop; VUlanova, Savage, third base; Brown, Raymond, outtielder; Holy Cross, Barry, shortstop; Exeter, Connelly, third Base; Ahdover, Kellly, first base; Pennsylvania State, Cree, shortstop; Tufts, Atwood, pitcher; Washington and Jefferson, Ramsey, thin] base; Lehigh, Qalbraith, second bMe: EhUJU>s-ltl*tS£. JkUwkcv: Wicht- gßli, HUIIIVRII; Minnesota, Put Boyle; ("citrate, (union; Peiiunylviinlii, Ken ni'll, idtcljer; Harvard, l«otiurd, third IMIHC ; Yuli\ Toil Joiiea, catcher. The Hprluifliekl Republican ranks the college tenuis, an follows: Brown, Cornell, Princeton, PennHylrmilii Sluta, Kordliutu, Hurvurd, Holy Crows, Wil liams, Yule and Vermont. Army'a Football Schedule. The Army Athletic- association hna U rrun Klll the following foothull aclied ule fur the ijeiisonof 11KI7: Oct. 5, Franklin Marshall; Oct. 12, Trinity: Oct. lit. Yule;* Oct, 20, I'nlverslty of Rochester; Nov. 2, Colgate; Nov. 9, Cornell; Nov. 10, Tufts; Nov. 2,'t, Syra cuse; Nov. B>, Navy. Itequust for the detail of Captain llenry C. Kinlther, Fifteenth cavalry, RH heiid Coach litis been made lie will be assisted by Ruliert \Y. Forbes of Yule. Czar and Czarina. JndKe William II Moore, "tile tdiow ring enthusiast of New York city, driven a pair of gruy Orlops, imported from 1t usslii, IIN leaders for Ills four- Vu hand road team. They ure nauit'd Czar and Czarina. DIRECTORY Methodist Church HKV. C. L. KKAD. Pastor. Methodist (episcopal Chun \\, South, Williaiiiston i'unl TTniuTlToti Charges: Services as follows. Williauiston on the Ist \rd i hihl 4th Sundays at 11 a in and 730pm Sunday School at 9 30 a 111, W. A. I ; ,l lisou, Supt. I'rayer Meeting each Wedne.d i> at pin. > * IVailillton Pleaching mi, (lie 1»«I and af 11 atu and 7,5*1 p'rri. Vernon Preaching the Ist Sunday at 4 P ln - Holly Springs Preaching the \id Sun day at 1 p 111. All friends of the church mid the piih lic general I) an- ««»i«11.« 11 > imited to at lend all the sei \ ices. Christian Church Services at the C hiisti.lll 1 I 1111« h, Wil liainstoii. Preaching third Sunda\ 11 a 111 and 7 pin Sunday Schocd 3 p 111 every Sunday. , Macedonia first sunda\ s 11 a 111 and Saturday 11 a m and 7.30 P «»• Old Ford Second Sundays and, Sat unlays 11 a 111. "Janiesville - Fourth Sundays 11 am mid 7 P *'»• J. k. TINGM-;, Pastor. Baptist Church (•KO/J. PoNVKI.L, Pastor. Preaching every Sabbath morning and evening, except the first Sabbath evening, at 11 a 111 and 7 \o p 111. Sabbath Schijol, »S. At wood Newell Su|ieriutelideut; every Sabbath. at 945 The I/ord's Supj>er i"Verv fouitli Salihatti Cliurch Conference eve-ry Second Sab hatli. Preaching at Kiddick's C.mve the first Sal)bath 111 every uioiitli at 4 p in. At Biggs' School House every 4th Sabbath at 3 p 111. ! The Ladies Missionary Soiiety. "Mrs Justus Everett, Pres.. meets every first and third Monday at 7 30 p in ! You are very respectfully mid. earnest ly invited to attend these services. Episcopal Church A Church of the - J Rev. WM. J GORDON, Minister in Charge Sunday School, 9:30 every Sunday mom '»g. Regular Service# on Ist Sunday at 11 a m and H i) tn, on 3rd Sunday at 'l,l .a 1 m and 5 p 111. On 2nd and sth Suydays Rev. Mr. Gor don will hold services at Plymouth, Grace Church, and on 4th Sunday at Hamilton, St Martivs. A DVERTISINO Your money back.—Judicious advertis ing is the kind that pays back to you the money you invest. Space in this paper assures yon prompt returns . . WHOLE NO. 389 Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . Office: Jeffress Drug Store. OFPICK HOURS: Btolo A. M.; 7 to 9P. M WillirttnHton, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 • DK. J. A. WHITK. DRNTIST OFKICK- MAIN STRRKT PHONK9 I will t>e in Plymouth the first week in every other month. W. li. Warren. J. S. Khcxlas DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICK IN BIGGS' Dkuo STORK 'Phone No. 2Q BUKROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTOKNKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. S. AT WOOD NEWEL, I LAWYER Oilier formerly occupied by J. I). Rfgga. I'hone No. 77. "V II.I.IAMBTON, N C. •tfM'iaihce wlirirvfi service* are desired special 'Mltrntiuii given to examining and nmk i»K title foi ptiit liHMfin of limber and timber land*. Special attention will he given to real eatate en hanger. If you *rish to buy 01 dell land I ..1. lirlpyou PHONK* / I'. I>. WINSTON S. J. KVKRKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTOKNKYS-AT-law WIU.IAM.STON. N. C. 'Phone 31 Money toloan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY AT 7,AW RUHHK.SONVII.I,k, N. C. HOTEL BBULAH I). C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBKRSONVILLK, N. C. Rates J2.00 per day Special Rates By the Week A First Closs Hotel iti Kvery Partic ular The traveling public will find It a uiost convenient place to stop. CARRYING A POLICY • f life Insurance is about as wise an ac as a voting niati can perform. There are several contracts especially adapted to v«»ung men. They are txrth an insurance and an investment on which you can reali/e without dying. * A LIFE INSURANCE POLICY «»f this class is as secure as a savings hank account and pays larger interest. Come in and talk it over. K. B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Otfu'c.over Hank of Martiu County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge wilt positively be made for longer t imt^ To Washington 25 ct». " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth 25 " " Tartioro 25 " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 25 •' " Jauiesville 15 " " Kader Lilley's 15 " " I. O. Staton 15 " " J. 1,. Wo&lard 15 " " j. B. Hariiss & 15 " " Parmele " " Roliersouville 4". A. 15 " " Hveretts /, 15 " " Gold Point I.S " - " Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " " Hamilton „ 20 " For other points in Kaatero Carolina see "Central " where a'phone will ba found for use of non-«i bacribara.