THE ENTERPRISE. nmuM*e iwv HIMT •T m munM rmiKTiiro co. «ilHuutaa N c« ALFREDS. WHITMORE, HDITO*. T ' = ■aland at tba roat OAcc at willtamMoa, >. C aa Sacoad Claas Mall Mailer. Friday, August 16, 1907 Good roads we must have. Let 'every man. woman and child in the county take up the cry of GOOD ROADS. The farmers o» Martin County who failed to attend the meeting held last Saturday at the Court House missed a great deal. It is no small job foi a congress man to give to his constituents, such an opportunity as that given by Mr. Small last Saturday. Al though the Department of Agricul ture is run for the benefit of the farmers, and the farmers can de mand the service of any of the ex perts at any time the occasion war rants it, it is quite au undertaking for a v congressman to practically bring the Department to the farm ers door. This means a great in crease in the work for Mr. Small and the farmers in his district should appreciate his efforts in their behalf. The Suggestions made and the advice given by the gentlemen from the department are well worth heeding aud putting into practical use. These men have de voted years to hard study and ex periment in order to know the things they spoke about and it stands to reason that they know what they talk about. It is gratifying to know that Mr. Small will continue these meetings, as well as give a tobacco day during the wiuter, and. in behalf of the farmers of Martin County The Knterprise extends sincere thanks to Mr. Small and party. I'll stop your pain free. To show you first—before you spend a pen ny—what my Pink Pain Tablets can do, I will mail you free, a Trial Package of them-Dr. Shoop's Headache, Tablets, Neuralgia Toothache, Period pains, etc., are ilue alone-to blood congestion. Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets simply kill pain by coax ing away the unnatural blood pressure. That iS all. Address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Sold by S. R. Biggs. EDUCATIONAL MEETING The educational meeting, under the direction of Hon. John H. Small, Member of Congress from this District, was called to order at 11 o'clock last Saturday morning by Mr. Henry Slade Chairman. Mr. SmalJ explained the object of the meeting, which was to assist the farmers in every way possible. For years the U. S.' Goveruient has maintained a Department of Agriculture, aud the duty of this department is to gather statistics from all sources, and to experi ment in crop production lor the benefit of the individual farmer. This department has in its employ the best men it can find—all ex perts in their respective lines these men are studying the crop conditions of all the country and are doing it for the information of the farmers. The farmers of this district were not availing them selves of this opportunity, and Mr. Small realized what tliev were missing and took it upon himself to bring the farmers in his district in closer touch with the Depart ment of Agriculture. The farm ers of the country pay foi the maintenance of this department and if they do not take advantage of the valuable information gained in this way, the department is not, filling the mission for which it%a.v created. Mr. Small introduced Mr. F. G. Plummer one of the experts who spoke upon Forestry. Mr. J'lutu rner informed his hearers that at the present consumption of timber and the present methods of cutting it. it would take only about thirty five years to deplete the forests of the entire country. He stated however that if the farmer, or timber owner, would use discre tion in the marketing of bis timber that the could be made perpetual. V s - Dr. J. A. Bousteel of the bureau of soils, spoke tor some time upon the subject of soil and its utiliza tion. Dr. Bonsteel thoroughly understands his subject and knows how to handle it. He condemned b in strong terms the habit of a great many farmers of this section of the country of buying hay aud meat, and also the habit of using so much commercial fertilizer. He suggested the raising of more food stuffs and the mixing fertilizers upon the farm. In mixing the fertilizer himself the farmer knows what he is using and is putting money lU his pocket, as he is not then paying the manufacturer for the privilege of letting him niake it, nor is he paying for a lot of sand. Dr. Bonsteel stated that «ye had enough sand in this section without buying it from the manu facturer of fertilizers. After dinner Mr. Boykin, the cotton expert, was introduced and he talked iutelligently and interest ingly upon cotton, especially the selection of the seed. His advice toths farmers was to select the best plants in his field and from these plants select the best bolls, and from these bolls the best aud heaviest seed, aud not take any and every seed tnaVcame to hand. The result of the crop lies in the care taken inyselecting the seed. Mr, Boykin made suggestions that if followed will benefit the farmers of.this county. The last subject, but not by any uieaus the least was that of roads. Mr. W. L, JSJOOII, of the good roads department, was the next speaker. Mr. Spoon lias been in Mnrtiu County before and knows souiethiug about the roads here, and he knows that we have the material to make good roads. In opening his remarks he asked what benefit would be gained by materi ally increasing the farm products if the farmers had to over bityl roads. He N it would not be better to pay a tax to good roads than to pay a tax to bad roads. Mr. Spoon informed his audience that it takes work to inaks good roads; and it takes the projier drainage to keep the road in good condition. The l>est thing for keeping a road in coifdition, said Mr. Spoon, is tliei "King Drag". At this point souiethiug was said about Mr. Alfred Gray Griflin having a dray that was a good one, and thought to better than the "King Drag '. Mr. Spoon's talk was recived with strict attention, and it merit ed it, as good roads is at the present time the greatest need of Martin County. After these speakers were through Mr. Small ahnouueed that there would be a meeting sometime in January devoted exclusively to the tobacco crop. He stated that there would be four or five ex erts who would take up tobacco troiu the selection of the seed and discuss the methods o( handling it until ready for the warehouse floors. He also stated that another meeting, like the one held Satur day. only better if it could be made so, would be held sometime next summer. At the close of the meeting the farmers offered resolutions of thanks to Congressman Small and party for the valuable information imparted to tlietu. The Limit ot Lite The most eminent medical scientists are unanimous in the conclusion that the generally ac cepted limitation of hum it n life is many years below the attainment possible with the advanced know ledge ol which the race is now possessed. The critical period, that determines its duration, seems to be between 50 ami 60; the pro ,per care of the body during this de cade cannot be too strongly urged, carelessness then hging fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper after 50 is Electric Bitters, the scientific tonic*medicine that revit alizes every organ of the l>o ly. Guaranteed by S.- R. Bi c gs, Drug gist. sc. Card 9J Thanks To our kind friends and neigh bors who so freely and willinglv assisted us during the sickuess of our daughter, Lena, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks, and to assure them that their kind uess will never be forgotten. MR. and MRS. T. W. THOMAS —Follow the crowd to the Roan oke Warehouse when you get your tobacco ready. —Mr. J. W. Watts is moving to his handsome new home in Bur roughs grove this week. This is one of the finest homes in Kasteru Carolina, and Mr,. Watts is to be congratulated. He gave a big dinnei*last Friday to a large num ber of friends. Tbe*>ccasion was greatly enjoyed. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS Mrs. W. 8. Utley and son, Master Herbert Utley, of Wilson are on a visit to Mrs T. H. Bain a daughter ot Mrs. Utley. Mr. and Mrs. Few of Goldsboro, are visiting Mrs. Frank Parker of this place. On last FridSy there were very heavy breaks of tobacco in all the warehouses here, some 20,000 lbs. were sold. During the week smaller offeriugs of the leaf were made, and prices ranged according to the qualiy of the tobacco, as high an average as elsewhere. I desire to say to the tobacco farmers of Martin aud surrounding counties that to command the best prices you must learn how to grade crops better. The writer of this article, has been a farmer for many years, Iris raised, graded, and sold many thousands of pounds of the leaf, and his long experience has taught him that the neater the bundles, the more uniform in qual ity, color and size of the leaf the better the prices obtained. I no tice a large quantity of tobacco brought to this market all tied up in unsightly bundles, which in this condition forces the buyers to pay. less than he otherwise would do but any one conversant with tobac co either as a producer, buyer or manufacturer knows, that the buyer is foicedto buy such tobacco at a low price for there is the addi tional cost of regrading which the buyer must pay, which the farmer should do before he brings his to bacco to market, thereby obviating the unnecessary expense of extra assorting aud then commanding a lietter price. While on this subject permit me to advise the farmers, (for I put your interest at heart) cure your tobacco as nice as you cau, under stand how to handle it after curing and then grade it very carefully, aud all low classed lugs which are entirely useless on the ma nure heap or as a disinfectant and mite destroyer in your jioultry houses, should lie carefully separ ated anil never be offered on the market. In the Piedmont Section of this State wrtvre tobacco of the very finest grades are grown, and while growing it is primed very high which prevents the chaffy lug from being grown and when galher edis of 110 brother farmer that it takes just as much hard labor and toil and sweat to make an inferior crop of tobacco as a good oue, and if yow exercise judgment in growing, curing and grading, you will command better prices, and you will feel you are getting value received for your crop. Try this plan aud see if the advice of one whose experience is Get a free sample of Dr. Shoop's "Health Coll'ee"at our store. If real coffee disturbs your Stomach, your Heart or Kidneys, then try this clever Coffee imitation. Dr. Sftoop has closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in tlavor and taste, yet it has not a single grain of rea' Coffee in it. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made in a minute. No tedious wait. You will surely like it. Sold by J. A. Mi/ell & Co. A Bag of Gold was saved t>y a hoy. I!e started I with only | 10 cents S Some days he saved 20 cents v One holiday he saved 50 cents | Out ot his first week's salary he j[ v saved SI.OO > So fast did hi* money grow that ! | he soon had ' I $5.00 j S Then he worked and saved to •] get ' 1 SIO.OO r At the end of one year he was . delighted to .find that he had aaved 1 up * SIOO.OO You can do the lame. Come to ' |t' ui aud get a Beautiful Pocket 1 Savings Bank Free. Farmers & Merchants i Bank, ■j 1- ' WfbLIAIISTON, N. C. more than a quarter of a century la length in bandliog tobacco will not be of benefit and profit to you. We were pleased to meet that moat polite and clever gentleman, Mr. Ferrell of Greenville, the fath er of our resident tobacco buyer, Mr. Will Ferrell who like his father possesses those traits of character which tend to enoble and cause all who may meet him to honor and respect as one worthy of all respect aud confi dence. ■ OBSERVER" Eilirsii If til Cuiti •'The most popular remedy in Otsego County, and the best friend of my family,'' writes Wm. M. Dielz, editor and publisher of the Otsego Journal, Oilbersville, N. Y., ' is Dr. King's New Discovery. It has proved to be an infallible cure tor coughs and colds making short work of the worst of thein. We a ways keep a bottle in the house. > bel.eve it to be the most valuable prescription known for Lung and Throat diseases.'' Guaranteed to never disappoint the taker, by S. R. Biggs. Drug store. Price s°'l and #I.OO. Trial bottle free. Gold Point News Miss lielen Galloway of Grimes land is visiting the Misses Rober son. Miss A Hie C. Little of Pitt County is visiting Miss Leiter Taylor. One of Mr/ Willie Harrison's children died here last week. There was a fish fry out at Mr. Will Salsbury.s last week. Sev eral attened from here, y* Our are nearly though curing tobacco. Mr. Alonzo Johnsou of Texas is visiting relatives near here this week. Mr. J. Henry Robersou will leave for Norfolk to day where he expect to visit the exposition. We learn that his sisters Misses Lydia and Vivian will accompany him. A Game of BaselJall was Played last Thursday eveniug at Roberson ville between the Gold Poiut team and Robersonville team the resut wan as Follows: Gold Point 12, Robersonville 6. The feature of the game was the pitching of Whit field of Gold Point. UNK Vf- GOt.D POINT: Whitfield, P.; Iawreuce, t.; Everett, F. B.; Taylor, S. B ; Kduioutfon, T. B.; Ross, R. F.; Kduiousou, C. F.* Ross, 1,. F ; F,dtnonsoii, S. S.; Kobk ß soNvn.i.K: Norman, P.; Crisp, C.; Virk, F. B.; l'ope", S. B.; Ross, T. B.; Carson, S. S.; Daniel, R. F.; Roberson, C. F.; Morton, L. F.; .. - Robersonville was only able to get one ball of the dimond. Gold Point expects tp play a match game iu a few days with Oak City. ' Eviriliii Skull Ksow" Says w. G. Ilays, a prominent business man of Bluff, Mo., that Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the quick est and surest healing salve ever applied to a sore, burn or wound, or to a case of piles .I've used it and know what I'm talking about." Guaranteed by S. R. Biggs, Drug gist 15c. __ Annual Meeting of the Lotus Club Last Friday night the annual meeting of the Lotus Club was held in the club rooms. The meeting was well attended and the election of officers consumed but a short time. The Lotus Club was chartered last August aud there were about forty charter members. Since then a dozen or more have been added. The club rooms have been fitted up iu excelleut shape. The hand some furniture, carpets, pictures, plants, magazines and newspapers aud pool room make it au inviting place for one to spend idle hours. Oue can amuse himself at different games or can devout the time to purusing his favorite pap» or ma gazine. The Club has prospered under the old officers, and is now upon a very solid foundation. The following officers were elect ed to serve for the next twelve months, begining the second Thurs day in October: President, W. H- Crawford; Vice President, S. Justus Eveiclt; Secretary and Treasurer, Alfred E. Whit more; Board of Gov ernors, Charles H. Godwiu, Dr. James S. Rhodes, B. A. Critcher, T. J. Smith, Wheeler Martin and Asa T. Crawford. After the election of officers Hon, J. H. Small and party, Dr. 800- steel, Mr. Spoon aud Mr. Plummer, of the government service, were in troduced to the members. Each of these gentlemen made a short talk and praised the members of the club for having such nice quarters, and also spoke flatteringly of the town and surrounding country. During the evening Mr. Hardy the News & Observer repreaentalive, was introduced, and he made a short talk Iu behalf of the Club Mr. S. Justui Everett responded to the talks made and extended the thanks of the Club and assured the gentlemen of the appreciation of each member present for th? SUR gestiuns made, a id information re ceived from those talks. Moonl'ght Picnic. In honor of the visiting young ladies, Misses Alice Davis and Rlla Jacobs of Wilmington and Mis.* Sallie Dunn of Scotland Neck and MifS Clara Jones of Seaford, Del., the young men of the town t?avt [ a very deligl tful moonlight picnic last Tuesday eveniug. The crowd left town about eight o'clock in wagons aud drove -out to Brown Springs where lunch was served After partaking of the lunch and spending an hour or more the party returned to town much elated with the trip. Mesdames K. B. Crawford audj Lela Newell were cliaperoues. i | i ■ — TOUR GRANDMOTHER USED IT Bat She Never Had Sulphur In Sucb Convenient Form as This Your C.iaudmother used Kulphur n her fav orite household remedy, and no did tier grand mother Hulphur has been turn g »kiu aud blood diseases for a hundred yea** But In the old day* they had to take powder ed sulphur Now HANCOCK * IjgL ID »Vl*- PHUK dives It to you In the heat possible form aud you get the full beneAt. HANCOCK S UUl'lU ht'l.l'lH'K and OINT MKNT quickly cure Kcxeina. Tetter, Salt kheuru aud all skill diseases It cured au ugly ulcer for Mrs. Auu W. Wlllett f .uf Wa«hiugtoii, 11. C. in three daya. Taken Internally, It puriSes the blood snd clears the complesftoa. Ywui druggist selU it. Hulphur Booklet free, if you write HAN COCK * Uyrlli tit l,Hllt K COMPANY. Balti more. Certificate] of Dissolution To All to Whom These Present* May Couie --Gfeeting: Whereas, it appear* "to uiy satisfac tion by duly authenticate)! record of the proceeding* for the voluntary dissolu tion thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Kverett# I.umber Co., a corporation of this State, whose prin cipal office is *ituated in the tojyn of Kverett.H County of Martiu, State of North Carolina, G.P. McNaughton being the ageut therein ami in charge thereof, upou whom process may l>e served, has complied with the requirements of Chap ter 21, Kevisal of 1905, entitled "Corpor ations," preliminary to the issuiug of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I, J. Bryau Grimes Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did ou the 14 day of |uue 1907 tile iu my office a duly executed and at tested consent iu writing to the dissolu tion of. said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceed ing* aforesaid are now on file iu my said office as provided by law. - Iu testimony whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed uiv official seal, at Raleigh this 14 day of June, 1907. J. BR VAN GRIMKS, Sec'V of State. Notice North Carolina—Martin County Hymau et als Hx Parte Sale for Partition By virtue of authority vested in me in the above entitled special proceedings I shall sell for cash on Monday September 1 at iiii&at the Court House duor in Williamston the following described property; being in the above state and county and lying in Hamiltou tow u ship, known as the A. W. Hyiuan place being on the Tarboro road and adjoining the lauds of heirs of Calvin Griffin, John C. Salisbury and Joshua Kwell, containing 63 3-4 acres- August 1, 1907. 8-A-4t _ S. J. KVKRKTT, Cent. Notice Having qualified as executors of the late P. A. Boyle, this is to uotify all persona indebted to aaid estate to come fowanl and aettle with the at once, and all persons holding claims against aaid estate will present them for payment on or before J uly 19. 1908, or thia notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. This 19th July, 1907. , A. S. BOVLK, JOHN P. Bovu*, 7-a6-6t , Executors. Administrator's Notice North Carolina—llartin County Having (justified sa administrator of the estate of the late J. H. Tucker, deceased, I hereby give notice to all parties having claims against the said estate to present the said claims at once f«r settlement, all claims not presented within the next twelvemonths win have thia notice pleaded in bar of their re covery, all persons indebted to this es tate will pleaae settle. Thia August 6th 1907. 8-9-6* S. J. BVSSKTT, AD 'as. Mortgage Sale of Valuable Lot In Jamesville Under and by virtue Of the authority ronferred upon us by the provisions of a certain Mortgage deed executed by J. D. Coitrain and Mirtie L. ColUrain, his wife, to us, bearing date Jan. 13th. 1905. snd duly recorded in Book N. N. S. at page 241 of tbe Martin County Public Registry, we, tbe undersigned, will, on the 16th. day of September, 1907 be tween tbe hours of IJ o'clock M. and 1130 P. M. before the Court-Mouse door in the town of Williamston, N. C. ex pose to public sale to tbe highest bidder, tbe following described lot or parcel of land: Same situate, lying and being ia tbe town of Jamesville, N. C. aad known and designated as follows, viz: Being the Mary Ann Ward lot on Saint An drew's Street in said town, adjoining the lands of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad Company and others, contain ing one ai re, more or less. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the loth, day of August, 1907. A. P. Stalling!), Alice V. Suitings. , Mortgagees. Trustee's Sale By virtue of authority of a "Deed cf Trust" executed to me by Fannie Bell On the i6th day of March 1903 and duly recorded iu the Register's office in Mar tin Cbunty iu Book G G C Page 464 to secure the payment of a certain bond tiearing even date therewith, and tbe Uipulatiousiu said l»eed of Trust not having been complied with, I shall ex pose at Public auction, for cash oil Mon day the 19th day of August 1907 at tbe court house in Martiu County, tbe fol lowing property: A one seventh undivided interest in a certain tract of land known as the Isaac Wiggins and l'attie Wiggins land, ad joining the lauds of Henry blade and Wedding Presents! You clo not have to send out of town for them. We have a fine assortment. Come and ex amine our stock THE JEWELER, H. D. PEELE, WILLI AM STON. N. C. Come in and inspect our line of Fall and Winter Woolens for Tailor Made Suits Orders taken now for for deliveries s to suit customers One more week of our Cost Sale on Clothing See our Window Display Brown & Roberson Roanoke > Warehouse J GOOD NEWS All grades of tobacco have advanced, and I think now is a good tiuie to sell all your high color tobaccos. Itfrave had a .sale every day since niv opening day and while we had some kicking ou the opening, I want to say we got as much as any market in North Carolina. And now my sales are pleasing every man that sells with me ou the Roan oke Warehouse Floor. It is a pleasure to me to send my friends home pleased with their sales, and I am doing that now on every sale. I am determined to sell tobacco and shall not let any warehouse man here or at any other plnce beat me, in prices. I have spent my life iu the warehouse business, commencing when ouly 13 years of age, and I study my business day and night too, in fact I dream about it. s . I have worked hard this summer in the field, plowed, topped and cured tobacco myself and I amiu a position to know the farmers needs and wants, and what they should have, and what they SHALL bftve wheii they briug tobacco to my warehouse. We have a large STEAM TOBACCO PLANT in Williamston, owned by the Tobacco Board of Trade, therefore it ia built for any body who may want their tobacco redried. We claim (and justly so) that we can pay more for tobacco than other small markets who have not steam drying plants. Now my friends I want to say to you in honest words if you will bring your tobacco and put it on the Roanoke Warehouse Floor I will give you a good price. I have not come here to Steal and Beat and leave tomorrow, I have come among yon to LIVE AND BB ONE OP YOU, and to build up the market and 1 good business for myself, and to do this I know I have got to give as much for tobacco as and market and that I shall at %11 times do. I _yill look for you oa the Roanoke Warehouse with your ntxt tobacco. r Wishing you the very best of good luck, I am your friend, Tom S. GRAHAM. ' ' ■ •; ***.: ' '• others, containing one handled aad twe*ty-iv« acres asore or lesa. This July 19. 1907. 7-*6-4t J. R. Baixakd, Trustee FOR Exposition People Take any carriage at Depot folk, Va., to 21 Falkland street at my expense Room and Breakfast SI.OO per Day Ocean View and Cape Henry re sorts furnished at the same rates. Come or address, O. L. GREGORY, 21 Falkland Stmt NORFOLK. VA. P. S- —Bring clipping from paper. J. B. SPELLER, DKALBRIN - > Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs and Furs. We crrry a Big Line of Wall Paper Williamston, N. C. I have a nice line of , TESTAMENTS AND BIBLES From 25c. to |]j at the Bible and Grocery House Where I also handle a nice freih line of Groceries, Chickens, Eggs J. L. CHERRY Hamilton Road, Near Cemetery

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