ADVERTISING your mh back —Judicious advertis ing is the kind that pays back to you the ino—j you invest. Space 1M this paper assures yon prompt icturaa . . | VOL. VIII. - NO 48 Nine | Commandments w From c. D. CarsUrpheu Buy 1 P'k'g Colgan's Taffy Tolu а. " H. M. Burras ' 2 «« 3 " Cowing Bros. & Co. " 3 " 4. " Chase's Drug Store "4 " 5. " Harrison Bros. & Co. " 5 " б. " J. L. Hasaell & Co. 44 6 •• 7. M Browji & Hodges " 7 " 0 8. " J. A. Mizell & Co. " 8 " . " 9. " S. R. Biggs " 9 " " And if this uine you obey, be you German. Gentile or Jew, You can never refuse to chew Colgatijs Taffy Tolu Gum. L.E. COREY, WHOLESALE GROCER TOBACCO FLUES Now is the time to place your order for Tobacco Flues All Kinds and Sizes Made to' Order. Try Us Woolards 7V Combined Ikf . Harrow and M Cultivator , Horse and two hands f Workß both sides WIH ■"lMfflßsHLgr of the row at the same and Cultivates With as Much Ease a$ any Ordinary Plow What every Farmer and Truck Gardner needs J. L. WOOLARO, Wllliamston, N. C. LOOK LOOK I /S> . .v••••• •. , * - New Firm At Farmers Warehouse , " A , 4 -- ....„ f * n'. ' • The Partners Warehouse here will be run this Season by Eli Gurga vus and John T. Fishel. Our Mr. Fishel is known as a good judge of Tobacco a«fi one among the best auctioners in the state. He was with M*. Graham of this place last year and desires to thank the farmers ■and patrons for the courtesy they showed him last season and ask you all to come to see us at r N former® Warehouse Gurganus & Fishel A New Business School Eastern North Carolina now has a first-class business school where its young men and women can acquire a business training equal to that given iu any of the business schools of the larger cities and at much less expense. Opened June 3rd. Enrollment first month, 52 pupils. Can begin at any time. Speci&i rates to first pupils who en roll from-new sections. Write TODAY for catalogue if interested. Courses of Study: Business, Shorthand, English, iefcgraphy First Nat Bank Building, Washington, N. C.; ftfco Norfolk, Ports-, mouth and Newporr News, V*. * J. M. RESSLER, Pres. She GWerjrrist. WILLIAM LOVE AND THE LOCKSMITHS. By MARTHA COM SAMPORD. Oonrrlffhtail, IW7, by M. M.Caanln*luuu. Agatha. lifting her skirts daintily, tripped around the coruer from the fashionable avenue where she lived to the dtugy little aide street, with Its miniature shops aud pretentious signs. Tea, It still hung there between a cigar shop and a secondhand store-a nuuimotb yellow key. Sh« had seen tt many a time. That must mean a locksmith, and a locksmith was for her at that crucial moment uiunt essen tial, for Agatha had locked beraelf out But the locksmith's door refused to budge. Then a piece of paper stuck In the Inside of the door frame caught Agatha's attention. "Out. Will return at 6p. in.," she read, with dismay. Bhe looked at her little chatelaine watch. It was Q:3& In half an hour her father would be home to dinner, bringing a business friend with him. It was hard euough, heaven knows, to have the niald take French (or, more truthfully Bpeaklug, Scotch) leave that vary morning and courageous enough, Agatha knew, to plan to get the din ner herself so as not to disappoint her father, but to be locked out of the house at the eleventh hour and to find the locksmith out into the bargain— this was a crisis for tears. ' A young man stepped out of the nelghltorlug cigar abop Just iu time to aee Agatha's handkerchief make a lit tle dab at each of her moist blue eyes. "Can I be of service to you?" he aaked gallantly. "I'm afraid not, thank you," Agatha replied, checking her momentary dis play of emotlou. But the young man was so politely solicitous thst Agatha, In her distress, explained her dilemma, ending her ex planation with, "And the locksmith, you see, has the incousideratlon to be out" "Well, wo can overcome that diffi culty easily enough," was the young man's cheerful response. "You see, I know the man who keeps the cigar store here very well, and I can get through Ills shop Into the locksmith's. Just wait a minute." Agatha waited and soon the young man reapiieared, dangling a bunch of skeleton keys In his band. "These will open most anything, I reckon," he said, smiling at Agatha. "Now, If you'll kindly let me accom pany you to where you live, I'll have the door open lu a Jiffy." He wus us good as Ills word, and Agatha, actually inside of her own home once more, was profuse in her expressions of gratitude. "I don't know how to thank you, Mr."— She stopped short aud then added naively, "I don't know your name either." "Black," the young man prompted, "Just plain Black." "It was an awfully white thing for you to do, anyway," Agatha replied, her eyes twinkling. "And lam under deep obligations to you, Mr. Black." "Not at all," answered the alleged Mr. Black, lifting his hat as he left The dinner went off with remark able smoothness, and Agatha bad no Intention of discounting the compli ments she received by letting her fa ther know of her carelessness, but suddeuly she put her hand to her belt and exclaimed, "My watch— I'va lost It!" Then she remembered when she bad last looked at the time, and In a flash it came over her that ber watch had been stolen from her by the solicitous "Mr. Black." She was forced to make a full confeaaiou. "What sort of looking chap waa be?" inquired ber father. "Not at all bad looking" answered Agatha almost defiantly; "really, rather handsome. You don't auppoee I'd let any horrid looking old thing eorne to my assistance, do you 7" Her father laughed In spite of him self. "But be waa a friend of the man that keepa the cigar store, you say, and had no trouble in getting a bunch of skeleton keys?" Agatha admitted both points reluc tantly. "Hum, bad lot," commented her fa ther. "Probably had the keya in his pocket all the time. Come on, Bain bridge," be added, addressing his guest, "you and I have got to get busy mighty quick. Suppose we visit that cigar store first" Agatha, left alone, sat for awhile tapping the toe of her amart little ■Upper on the floor, evidently puzzling over the details of ber sfteraoon ad venture. Then ahe picked up a book and waa endeavoring to make herself follow the thread of the story whan the bqll rang. She Jumped up nerv oualy and ran to answer It, expecting her father and Mr. Bain bridge back again. When ahe opened the door, ahe gave a little scream of flight and fainted. "Mr. Black" caught ber in hla arms and then, realising the eeriouaneaa-of the situation, hurriedly laid ber ion a couch and ran Into the dining room lor a glass ot water. As aoon aa Agatha revived suffi ciently she screamed "Thief!" at the too of ber voice. As If In providential answer to her cry, a key clicked In the lock of the outside door, and Agatha, hearing her fathers step, ran to meet him, still calling "Thief, thief T breathlessly. Ear father grabbed the young man by, the throat and yelied at htm hoarse irlx-aott spat eamfb to ataal mx TrfM'TK . —l - 'ON, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1907 daughter's watch. "You had to come back, while she was alone, you scouu drel, and try to rob my house. Search his pockets, Agatha I'M Agatha hesitated. "Search bis pockets, glrll" Mr. An dersou repeated. This time Agatha obeyed. She had never seen ber father In such a towering rage. "Oh!" she cried suddenly. "Ob, he did steal It I Here it is," and she drew the little Jeweled timepiece from one of the man's pockets. The young man made a frantic ef fort to speak, and Mr. Andersou re leased his grip ou his throat slightly. "Well, what have you to say for yourself?" be demanded harshly. "I'm not a thief," Mr. Black said huskily. "I wish to explain bow I came by the watch. Tour daughter must have dropped It this afternoon outside the locksmith's. The man iu the cigar atoru found U ou the side walk, and when I went back wtth the keys he gave It to me and asked me to ttud out if It belouged to this young lady." J "A pretty story," commented Aga tha's father with a sneer. "Agatha, rlug up the police. Walt a minute," he added as the doorbell rang. "Thafs Balubrldge. Hun aud let him in." "Uncle I" exclaimed the prisoner aa Mr. Balubrldge crossed the library threshold. "Why, Itoger," returned the latter, "what does this meanf Agatha luughed hysterically. "Then you aren't Mr. Black, after all, aud your story Is true," she cried. The youug man shook himself as If to get free of the horrible effects of the last few mliiutes. "No," he answered, with a feeble at tempt at a smile, "I'm my uncle's namesake, Itoger Bulubridge 2d, with my compliments." "Aud to think," groaned Balnbrldge aenlor, "that I've been out setting the pollco ou tho track of uiy owu neph ew !" "That lsu't half so bad as choking him," was Mr. Audersou'a rueful com ment Some months after this dramatic lit tle Incident Agatha discovered that she had been robbed again. This time she felt sure young Mr. Balubrldge was guilty, but she shrank froai facing him with tbe accusation. Hbe was saved thst ordeal, however, by the sudden full coufesslou of tbe crimlual himself. "Agatha," be announced very serl ously oue evening after dlulug with ber, "what would you say If I told you 1 have really beeu trying to steal something from youY" Agatha started. "Why," she an sewered, "t'd rather give you auythtug of mine than have you steal It." '"Are you sure, Agatha?" asked itog er, looking at her tenderly, yet search ing!)'. "It's u very precious thing I want." "If it's my heart," answered Agatha, "you've stoleu It without waiting for me to give It to you," aud she smiled blnr iirarely and aweetly through ber blushes. He folded her close to blni. "I'm awfully afraid," he said, Isughing soft ly In bis great Joy, "that your father will choke me lu earnest this tliue." Agatha laughed, too, for, as sbo said, love cuu afford to laugh at locksmiths. A Clsvsr Deserter. An army officer who waa talking of tbe escape a few days ago of u couple of prisoners from Castle William told several stories of other attempts, fre quently unsuccessful, to get uway from Governors Island. "One of tbe most Ingenious that I re member," he said, "took place a few years ago aud succeeded beautifully. Tbe uiau who escaped bad beeu u bar ber liefore he entered tbe army, aud bis Job in rustic William waa to shave aud cut the hair of the other prisoners. Ho managed to aavo enough of tbe clip pings to make a false mustache. Then lu some way—lt's hard to tell how those things arc contrived—he had a ault of plain clothea smuggled in to him. Still he wasn't in any rash hurry to get away, but waited till a really good opportunity occurred. This came to blm wben a gang of plumbers were In tbe old fort making repairs. One evening be rigged himself up in his clothes and mustache, and picking up a couple of pieces of lead pipe and a for gotten solder pipe be walked lelaurely out with tbe plumbera when tbey quit work, ltlgbt past the guard be went without being recognized, and, so far aa I ever heard, be waa not recaptured. I alwaya thought that was a really clever escape— rather a theatrical one too."—New York Time*. Why Pa Waa Mad. Farmer Jones, after eating a hearty dinner, stepped out on bis porch to en- Joy a smoke, when be noticed iu front of tbe house, which was on the main road, an overturned load of bay, and beaide it a small boy, seemingly in great perplexity. The farmer went ont and spoke to the boy. "Well, my boy, I aee you have bad an accident, but never mind. Turn your horses to tbe hay and come la 1 and have some dinner." "I can't," said- th* boy; "pa'll be mad." "Oh, no, be won't Come on." "Nope, I can't; pa'll be mad." "Now, look here, sonny. You didn't mean to- upset that hay. There's no harm done. Come light along, and after you have bad sometblug to eat 111 help you to load up again." Tbe boy consented, saying aa he looked back at .the hay, "But I Just know pa'll be mad." After be had eaten and tbe farmer had started back with him to load up, the latter aald, "Now, don't you feel better r' "Very mucb, air, but pa'll be mad, though." t. "Why will your pa be mad!" "Because ha'a under that load of WASTING STRENGTH Women who suffer from unnecessary, disagreeable, 1 painful, weakening, female complaints, will find that Wine of Cardui is a safe and pleasant remedy for all their ills. It acts directly upon all the deiicate, inflamed tissues, purifying the blood, throwing off the clogging matter and relieving female disorders sUch as irregular, scanty, profuse, painful catamenia, prolapse, etc. Also relieves headache, backache, dizziness, cramps, draggfng pains, nervousness, irritability, etc. If you need advice, write us a letter, telling us all your symptoms. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope). Address: Ladies' Advisory Dept., 1 The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT IN SI.OO BOTTLES w " OT ' TOU I wine p AD nil I for atfvka, and by folkMrinc It «n4 I ■■ I taking C '.artful, my I emal* Trouble* aa aa la M M I ■. vra .;-»..,5.»ii... Qp Ufflllllll Maryland, My Maryland's Big: Entertainment Baltimore Md., Aug. 21 —Mary- laud is sending invitations to her sous and daughters scattered every where to come to a grand reunion aud is making exteusive prepara tions to give them a week of right royal entertainment wlieu they come. Old Home Week covers the dates, October 13 to 19, aud there will not be a moment of that time that will not thrill with the spirit of hospitality for which the Old L,ine State is famous. The celebration will include a number of spectacular features iu this city, such as an electrical pageant, a grand military and navy display, a gathering of societies; A parade aud ball by the fraternal orders, a big concert, a night carnival, etc. There will also be a special pilgrimage to Autiapolison l'eggy Stewart Day, which falls iu Old Home Week. The visitors to the capital will have au opportunity to inspect the magnificent new buildings of the United States Naval \cadeiuy and the remodeled State House of his toric associations. The New Baltimore, which has sprung from the ashes of the disas trous fire of 1904, will uot be the least of the features that will afford delight aud will surprise the re turning sous and daughters of the State. The Homecomers will have the benefit of special transportation rates granted by railroad aud steamboat companies, and arrange ments are on foot to secure for the visitors the prlviledge of a side trip to Jamestown without extra charge. Every former Marylander of whom the Maryland Home Coining Association secures Information will receive a special invitation to attend the homecoming. These invitations are being sent out by Governor Rdwin Warfield in the name of the State. All persons who have information of the where abouts of former Marylanders are urged to promptly forward such names and addresses as are in their possession, to the Association, 602 Fidelity Building, Baltimore, Md. c • A Difficult Bubjsot. Wben Mrs. Hanson entered tho pho tographer's studio, her small sou held in a firm grasp, there was a look of determination on her faco which show ed It was no time for trifling. "Now, see here," she sttld, swinging the reluctant James Henry Into prom inence from the position ho had select ed behind her skirts, "this boy has got to have a picture taken to send to his grandfather that he's named for, and I expect you to do It" "Certainly, madam," said tho photog rapher blandly. "Now what style"— "1 don't expect any style at all," an nounced the mother of James Henry, pulling htm up from the floor to a half kneeling attitude. "If you can Just get hW features into the camera thafs all I expect. There was a traveling tin type man came to our town last spring. He took two dosen of me for a break fast and supper and two dosen of fa ther for his nlghfs lodging and three dofcen of little Emma Jane for the next day's dinner. But after he'd had one try at James Henry he said that oalese father had a good half worn suit o" clothe* to let go he couldnt un dertake to secure a likeness of the boy, 11(4 uttntttr la qotlhc m!L. "They Say." (By the Spring Poet) There's a very wise family abroad iu the laud, The largest I have ever known, You have uiet them I know, forou every hanil Some branches of this family l ave I e grown. Ymruiay not care lu this Company to v share. And try to keep out of the way, Still you're under the ban of this num erous clau, Who are known by the name of "they", a wondrrful knowledge of all your affairs. Of your charecter, business, and health; They have known ull your family years u|iou years, There mistakes, loses, or wealth, 'And if one of the throng has ever gone wrong. The disgrace will not soon pass away, Twill lie treasured iu store, To repeat o'er anil o'er, By the meddlesome family of "they,' 1 If a stranger should come to your vil ' lage, or town, lie must not iu ignorance renaiu. He must know all the failing of Jones, and of Brown, Though the telling should cause them pain. And they seem to arrange (though it looks very strange) That in some unaccountable way, Nearly all do wrong but those who lie- Imig, To this paragon family of "they" With a shake of the head, and a very grave face, And a voice mysterious and sad, They will say, "Did you know" such and such was the case, I am sure it's really too bad. Then t|ie story will grow," like the ball of snow, Which the school hoy* roll in their play, Getting large and strong, as it passes along Iu the hands of the family of "they." Oh! There's uiauy an unjust prejudice horn, And many a sharp sting given, By the thoughtless tongue, while hearts are torn, And truest friendship riven. The erring soul, that has lost ils goal Yet yearns for the good old wwy. Shrinks back from the light, into dark est night. Because of the unkind words of "they" What a heaven indeed this world would lie, If this troublesome family of 'they" Would only the good iu their fellow man see And turn the evil away. If we heed the word of our loviug L,ord, Tell me, who will be to-day, The sinless one to cast the first stone, At those who have wandered away. Oh! The«c tongue *of ours we should guard with care, For our words will have an end, And by these words, God's liook doth declare, We are justified, or condemned. 'Tis a solemn thought, forget it not, Drop along tliy way only words that are kind, and blessings you'll find Though nnmliered with the "they." IIARRV B. LATHAM. "Eiirvktdv Should Kiov" Says C. G. Hays, a prominent business man of Bluff, Mo., that Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the quick est and surest healing salve ever applied to a. sore, burn or wound, or to 4 case of piles I've used it and know what I'm talking about." Guaranteed by S. K. Biggs, Drug gist »sc. ADVERTISING Your money back.—JadidoM advertis ing U the kind that paya back to yoa the money you in SSi paper aaaurea you prompt retaraa . . WHOLE NO. 39 o Professional Cards. HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Jeflreaa Drug Store. OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 10 A. U.;J to 9 *. M Williamaton, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone 1^0^63 DR J. A. WHITB. SF&B DENTIST Ovvica—MAlM STRUT PHONKg I will be in Plymouth the firat waefc ia every other month. W. B. Warren. J. S. Rhodaa DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICK IN BIGGS' DRUG STORK 'Phone No. 29 BURROUS A. CRITCHBR, ATTORNRY AT L*AW X Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, *3. WILAIAItSTON, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWEU, LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Bigga. Phone No. 77. TILLJAMSTON, N C. 49* Practice wherever aervicea are desired Special attention given to examining and mak ng title for purchaaera of limber and timber landa. Special attention will be given to real aetata exct}angrn. If you winh to uuyor aell laadl can tatlpyou* n . »HOW«4f F. I). WINSTON S. J. HVKKKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNRYS-AT-I.AW WIU.IAMSTON. N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan.~" : A. R. DUNNING ATTORNKY-AT UW ROUKRSONVII.I.K, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH * I). C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBKRSONVIU.B, N. C. A*' Rates $2.00 per day Special Rates By the Week A l'irst-Cloas Hotel in Every Partic ular. The traveling public will find It a most convenient place to stop. RUNNING FOR AN ENGINE is a pretty poor way of protecting your* self from loss by fire. The only aane method of avoiding loss is to PROCURE FIRE INSURANCE We represent the best, soundest and fairest companies in the country. Iat us write you a policy to-day. The coat is but little, the protection great. An ounce of foresight is worth a ton of re gret. —7~ K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building WiHiamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLI AMS TON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutea; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. To Washington >5 eta. " Greenville as " " Plymouth 15 " " Tarboro : 25 ' " " Rocky Mount ~... 35 " M Scotland Neck as •' > " Jamesvitie 15 " " KaderUltey'a 15 . " . " I. G. SUton IS," " J. L. Woolard IS " " J. B. Harriaa &Co IS " " Paruiele IS " " Roberaonville '. 15 " " Everetta i 15 " " Gold Point IS M " Geo. P. McNanghton IS " . " Hamilton SO " For other polnta In Baatern CaroHaa see "Central" where a 'phone will found focaaeof non-rahacribaca.