PEANUT ICKER REMARKABLE INVENTION PEANUT CROWERB' HOPE REALIZED WRITE NOW Benthall Machine Co., Suffolk, Ya. ; STRAW NO. X j I t Straws Show Which Way the 4 Winds Blow * * 1 ► Wc are Coming Father , a Hundred and ' Fifty Thousand Strong. 1 ► 1 ' By the terms of the cxjii 1 * tract with our Company, our 1 ► agency must sell just $30,000 i ► Life Insurance between this , ► and September Ist. —lhe end -1 k of our fiscal year. i 9 . 4 We have an unexcelled , y policy issued by an unex- a. celled company. e *' We'll deliver the goodsr see " * if we don't. ► * t B.JT. COWPIiR, - I.ifc, Fire, Accident. ' 'Phone No. 7 , f Office over I'. & M. It'k H'l'il'g stlltusuiiilfi'iitiiiLli sdlUuM JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION Rates from Williatiistou as follows: Season ticket sold daily April 19 to November 311 th. 60 day ticket #5.25, Sold daily April 19th to November 30111. Coach Excursions o, sold each Tuesday; I,imit 7 days; en dorsed: "Not good in parlor or sleeping cars". _ Through Pullman .sleeping cats From Port Tainpu and JaVkson ville, l'la. Atlanta and Augusta, Ga. Wilmington, N. C., via Atlantic Coast Line R. R. Co. Write for a lieautiful illustrated folder containing maps, descriptive matter, list of Motels, etc. For reservations 01 any itifoi ma tron Address. T. C. WHITE Oen'l l'ass. Agent. W. J. CRAIO, Pass. Traffic My'r. , Wilmington, N. C. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts Practical education Agricul ture; in civil, lilectrical, ami Me chauical Engineering; in Cotton Manufacturing; Dyeiujf aiid In dustrial Chemistry. Tuiton $45 a j year; Board $lO a month. 120 Scholarships. ' Address, PRESIDENT WINSTON, West Raleigh, N. C. | Indigestion! Btomarh trouble is bat a symptom of. and not ftbltaelf a truu disease. W,. think of L»ynp« p«la, Heartburn, and Indigestion a* roal dtaoa*'*. t«>| BMy8 My are Ryniptom* only of a certain SpeclflO •rr* slckiMse—uothlng »«lst' 1% w»i this fhet that ami correctly tad Pr. Shoop In the creation of that now very popular Rtotnactf lUui»edy—Dr. Bhoop's Restoratlv* (ioing direct to the stomach nam* al«h> brought that mnvu ; and faror to Dr Shoop and hit Rostomtlvi*. With* out that original and highly vital principle. no guah lasting accomplishment* were everJo U» had. For stomach distress. hloattng, blllousm**, t*d breath and sallow complex Umi. tnr l»r Mh>oi>'* B—lorntlve—Tablet* or Llquld—and set* for jrotir» , U oanyid will do. Wa toll and cheer. Dr. Shoop's Restorative S. R. BIGGS. KILL the COUCH w CURE thi LUNCB w ™ Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CBISf 8 il MX nMMMTMa UWWnMKWLEt. WrUAWMP MTOfAOXOBI FOR THE CHILDREM 4 Conundrums. * Why In a mail who lias nothing t boast of but lilh ntx-efltoi'fc llko a |«i to to plant? The bent thing U-lonk'ln; to hlni 1m under ground. Why didn't tin* dog want to get lnt the ark? B«H;»tiAc he has a bark o his own. What was It that was ouly fou week* old when Adam wn» a lx>y ou apt five wwlts old when be wan i |ipo? The moon. • What Bub Rota M«an«. From time Immemorial tbe rose hai been considered the symliol of silence lienre the pliraso "snli rosa" (undei , tbe rose) that In to say, between our selves. Certain Italian writers elalii that tho expression arose from the clr cumstanee of the* pope'* presentlm consecrated roses, which were placet over the confessional to denote secrecy Antiquity of Horssshoet. Horseshoeing Is very ancient. It h represented on a coin of Tarentutn south Italy, about 3M> 11. C. Iron am; broiiKo horseshoes liavo been fount In tumult In France, (Jcrinany, Bel glum and.JMntflnml. It Is of course lin jKisslble to designate the first Instance In which a bronze or Iron horseshoe was used. Littls Foxes and Little Hunteri* Flrnt: Aiikiiik niy tender virion I spy A liltlu fox numed— lty-und-by. *An*wer: I Than iet"upon him, quick, I say, Thu swift yuung hunter- Kltfht-uway. Second: Around enrh tender vine I plunt I find tho little fox—l-can't. Answer: # Then, fnst mi ever hunter ran, Chuffo him with bold and bruve— I-canl Third: / . N".use-In trying-lairs and whlnea Thin fox uinong my tender vines. Answer: Then drive him low and drive him high With till* good hunter named -l'lMryl Fourth: Among the vines In my small lot Creeps In the young fox—l-forgoL Answer: Then hunt him out to his den With r.I-wlll k not forget-againf Fifth: 1 .The little fox that, hld'len there, Amnnjt my vines Is I'don't-care. Answer: Then let I'm-sorry - hunter true— Chase him ufur from vines and you. Tho Five: What mlw.hlef making foxes? Vet Among our vines they often get. In concert: But, now their hunters' names you know. Just drive them out and keep them so. - I'hlladolphlu itecord. HAO AN AWFI/l TIME But Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him It is with pleasure that 1 give you this unsolicited testimonial. About-;r year ugo when 4 Kail a severe i use'd measles I pot caught out in a hard rain anil the measles settled in iny stomach an! bowels. I had an awlul time and had it not been 4or tin'use ul Chamberlain** Colic, Choleru and Diarrhoea Remedy I could not have -possibly -livuul..hut a tew—liuut*—lougW-,—lint thanks to this remedy 1 am now strong and well. I have written the above through simple gratitude ami 1 shall always speak a good word for this remedy.—Sa «i, 11. G win, Concord, Ga. For sale by S. R. Biggs. — « -*. » If n.cocimuut Is put In tho oven to warm before tryliik to break It « slight Mow will crack It so that ttio shell will easily come off. KVeryhody loves our baby, rosy, sweet and warm, SVi h kissy places on her neck and dimples on her arfus. Oiicb she was so thin anil cross, used to cry with pain Mother gave her Cascasweet, now she's well again. Sold by ST R. Biggs, VVilliamston, N. C-; Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. The *«wtest mystery of~medical got enco Js tho exact use of the thyroid gland, which Is tho sent of*tho illaeasu known us goiter. Keep the pores open , and the skin clean when you have a" cut burn bruise or scratch. DeWitt's Carboli/ed Witch Ha/el Salve penetrates the pores and heals ijuickly. Sold by S. R. Biggs, Williainston, N. C, Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C. Down to tho Normnn Conquest tho Heltons hint "living money" anil "dead money," the former l*lug slaves and cattle, the latter metal. Piles get ipiick and certain relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Its action is positive and certain Itching, painful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use Large nickel capped glass jars 50 cents Sold by S. R. Biggs. "Her husband doesn't like n pug." "Well?" "Nile's undecided whether to rhange husbands or dugs."—l.oiilsvllle Courier-Journal. Get a free sample of I>r. Shoop's '•Health Cott'ee"f»t our store. If C»)ffee disturbs your Stomach, you* Heart or Kidneys, then try this' clever Coffee imitation. Dr. Shoop has closely matched Old Java and Mocha Coffee in llavor and taste, yet it has jiot a single grain of rea'. Coffee in it.' Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted grains or cereals, with Malt, Nuts, etc. Made in a minute. No tedious wait. You will surely like iG Sold by J. A. Mizell & Cl>. I Over-Work Weakens Your Kidneys. " Unhealthy Kidneys Blake Impure Mood. • - , e All the blood In your body panes through your kidneys once every three minutes. rv jpjl a The kidneys are your f tflvy, blood purifiers. Ihey fif- II ,er *ul' lhe waste or . jrfxV&tr '""P*" l "®*'» 'he blood. " they are sick or out Vf order ' «hey fail to do a ID'I their work. "SWWwT"f I Pain-:, aohen and rhf u / matlsm come from ex- AT* cess of uric acid in the ■ 0 blood, due to neglected H kidney trouble. , I Kidney trouble causes quick or unsteady r heart beats,makes one feel as though Ihey had heart trouble, because the heart it 1 over-working in pumping thick, kidney .. poisoned blood through veins and arteries. - It used to be considered that only urinary • troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly - all constitutional diseases have their begin ning in kidney trouble. If you are sick you can make no mistake 4 by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer'* | Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy It . sqon realized. It stands the highest for ill wonderful cures of the most distressing cases and Is sold on Its merits 5 cent and one-dollar siz sample bottle by mail Hon. or s«moM«*. free, also pamphlet telling you how to find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper wnen writing Dr. Kilmer U Co., Binghamlon, N. Y. Dbn'l make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kllmer't Swamp-Root, and the address. Binghamlon, N. Y., on every bottle. „ Love. Almost as ffiii'leiit ns tho earth her self was Kroa, the peraonlflcntlon of love. Ifeslnd related that hu was anion# the first of existing things and that he assisted tho earth lu hrluglug forth from chaos thu earliest forms of life and beauty. Arlstophanea aud oth ors wrote of Eros as the ion of night. Later poets sang of hltn as the aoa of Ares aud Aphrodite and honored tilai ns the sweet minded promoter of hu man affections. They represented hhn aa a fair fared boy winged and carry ing n how with which to Inflict sweet wounds upon those who came within range. Nor lias Eros ceased to exist even lu this practical age, for to tills day lhe poets slug of this Uttlo winged god as skillful and as pitiless as In the days of old. The philosophic myth of Ei'os aud I'sychu Is one of thu most lieaiitlfnl of the ancient allegories.— Pearson's Weekly. Eczema For the good of those suffering with eczema or other such trouble I wish to say, my wife had some thing of that kind mid after using the doctor's remedies for some time concluded to try Chamberlain's Salve,..and it proved to be better than any thing she had tried. For sale by S. R. Biggs. ■— An Opportunity Slighted.. "Why don't you buy stock In that company?" "ft doesn't seem to .mn that the man running It have good liuslihmmi Judg ment They say that lu a month the prlin of the stock will be doublo what It Is selling at now." "Yes?" "Well, then, why don't they wait • month Itefiire selling It to ine f — Waafc lugtou Star. John Riha, a prominent dealer ol Vining. lu , says: ''l have been selling DeWitt's Kidney, and Blad der I'ills for about a year and they better satisfaction than any pill I ever bold. There are a doz en people here who. have used them and they give perfect satis faction 111 every case. 1 have used them myself with line result,*' Sold by S. R. Biggs, Williarnston, N. C;' Slade Jones, A Co. Hamil ton, N. C. In the Days of the "Terror." Rome old French memoirs throw an Interesting light on the manner lu which the French republic cauie to bear the nickname "Marianne." Dur ing the days of tho "white terror" there was an old woman called I.a Mere Marianne, whose duty It was to mop tip thu pavement after an execu tion. In this capacity shu attended the decapitation of Louis XVI. and Marie Antoinette, as well as other dis tinguished victims. The gay hearted royalists Jeered at her uuder her fnmtllar name, which came to be ap plied to tbe revolutionary party. Later the secret societies adopted It aa a watohwordr and ("Marianne" came to bo used aa a revolutionary ayuibol, even by the Italian carbouarl. - For ai lipilrid Apietlti To improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion try a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Mr. J. H. Seit/., of Detroit, Mich., says: "They restored my appetite when impaired, relieved me of a bloated feeling and caused a pleasant and satisfactory movement of the bow els." Price, a 5 2ents. Sample free, S. R. Biggs. They Shelved Browning. Douglas Jerrold was convalescing from au Illness when he "R'ad Brown ing's "Bordello." Not a consecutive Idea could he get from that mystic pro duction. It struck hltn that he bad lost his reason during hit lllueaa. He thrust tho volume luto hla wife's band.' After several attempts to make any sense out of tbe tint page ahe returned It, saying: "Bother the gtbbertaUl I dou't understand a word of It" ' "Rtgilir IS tkt Sll" Is an expression as old as the race. No doubt the rising and setting of the sun is the most re gular performance in the universe, unless it is the action of the liver and bowels when regulated with Dr. King's New Life PiHs. Guaran teed by S, R. Biggs, druggist. >5. Th# Missing tpsaws. TtirM couple*, husbands sod wires, of thu hlfbsst repute dJued at • New York city hotel a lev evenings since, and tbe bout and Ills wife directed that the coffee be eeut to their rooroa. This was done, and tbe waiter, calling later for the cups, (Mincers and spoons, found that three of the spoons were missing. He reported Jtie matter to tbe manager, wbo quickly made a demand for the return of tbe three spoons. The host snd hostess were greatly embarrassed, and you may Imagine the feelings of their guests, but the manager waa ob durate. A little search disclosed tbe missing spoons beneath the table. Tbe host and bostans on tbe following day protested In vigorous terms to tbe own ers of tbe hotel aud got this reply: "Sorry, Indeed, very aorry you were embarrassed, but we stand by our man ager. We don't dispute your word, but we would rather have you leave tbe hotel than criticise blm. He kuowa that every year we are comitelled to mark off In profit and loss fully |2f>,ooo which represents silver aud almost ev ery known article under tbe sun stolen by guests from this hotel."—New York aim. Chiakiilili's Cille, Ckaliri i»l Dlir ikoti Ri»Mf. littir Tin Tkrn Oictofs I "Three years ago we had three doctors with our little boy and everything that they could do , seemed in vain. At last when all i hope seemed lo he gone we began i using Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a few hours he began to improve. Today he is as healthy a child as parents could wish for."-Mrs. B. J. Johnston, Linton, Miss. For sale by S. R. Biggs. By Baron Ball, 2:09. W. \V. Evuua, the widely knowu trainer, recently worked a two yenr-old colt by Baron Bell, 2:00, a mile lu 2:80, last lii»lf in 1:14. Tht* colt was only broken to harness last spring. • PeWitl's Little Karly Risers don't sicken or gripe. Small Pills, easy to take. Sold by S. R. Biggs Williamston, N. C; Slade Jones, & Co. Hamilton, N. C, • The Nsrws of Him, "Mr. Blopny, I understood you bars said that nothing could be more unsat isfactory than a mual at my tableT' said the landlady. "1 said that, but I have changed my mind." "Oh, then you think there are more unsatisfactory things than 4 meal at my table?" "Yes, ma'am; two meals."— Houston Post 4 . "We never repent of eating too little," was one of the ten rules of Thomas Jefferson, president ol the United Stated, and the rul& applies to every one without exception during this hot weather, because it is hard for food even in small quantities, to be digested when the blood is at high temperature. At this season we should raj spar ingly ultd properly. We should also help the stomach as much possible by the upe Of a little For Indigestion and which will rest the n by dig esting the food itself Sold by S, K. Biggs. WilliftfUtoii, N. Slade Jones, \ Wo, Hatniltoa, N. ~ J J*" 1 11 «' The Qnt special correspond ut« sent, by Moutesuma U report on/tb» tyoniarts under CoftM/wheu they/Qrst lauded. J Those who have stomach trou ble, no matter how slight, should give every possible help to tbe digestive organs, so that the fund may be digested, with the least vffort. This may be done by tak ing something that contaiu* nat ural digestive propeitio-some thing like Kodol For Indigestion and Dyspepsia. Kodol is a pre paration of vegetable acids and contains tfie very rame juices found in a healthy stomach. It digests what you Sold by S. R. Biggs, Williamston, N. C; Slade Jones, A Co. H-amilton, N. C. ' !As Oyster, When an «rster has Its abeO closed it U alive. Trained "shuckei*- say It la not dlfltarit to t>pen the shell ot an yau know Ww and that tl»wA«n open from thirty to thirty-six tnA minute. It la said that oysters la iSimon may be eaten at all hour* et •ttber day . night without causing the lea at symptom of Indigestion. When served raw tbe small v arte tie* ars considered best I will mail you free, to prove merit, camples of my Shoop's, Restorative, and my Book on either Dyspepsia, The Heart or The Kidneys. Troubles of the 1 Stomach, Heart or Kidneys, are merely symptons of a deeper ail ment. Don't make the common error of treating symptoms only. Symptom treatment is treating th£ kksu.t of your ailment,and not tmk causi. Weak Stomach nerves— the inside nerves—mean Stomach weakness, always. And the Heart and Kidneys as well have their controlling or inside nerves. Weak en these nerves, and you mevitf bly have weak vital organs. Here is where Dr. Shoop's Restorative has made its fame. No other remedy even claims to treat the "inside tferves." Also for bloat ing, biliousness, bad breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's Res torative. Write me to-iay for sample and free Book. Dr, Shoop, Racine, Wis. The Restorative ts sold by S. R. Biggs. > **"4 * - ■%,-* , J "" -■ -- *, , i' :-k The Ticks of Jamaica. There are few flies or mosquitoes It the island of Jamaica, but there are swarma of the most villainous ticks, which have to be guarded against con tinually. To walk across a pasture or, In fact, to step off a beaten path or roadway Is regarded as a very foolish performance by a Jamaican. Stran gers usually begin by running head long into danger and then repenting la haste. bul| fir ClarrkMi Ktftr Khvi to M "I want to say a few words for Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diatrhoea Remedy. I have u-ed this preparation in my family for the past five years aud have re commended it to a number of peo ple in York county and have i.ever known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I fel that 1 can nol say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world " —S Jemison, Spring Grove, York County, Fa. This remedy is for i ile by 8. K. Biggs. UNIVERSITY COLLEBE OF MEDICINE*"V^ni 1 * 0, moiciM-»»Tinrr-M««MACT (QuuSftum. Superior Ciiaacs. Uedeida tMckini la our own HotplteL For detailed lafen—rtae. write THS PROygQK. CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. HYWAN, Mgr. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs F.verything Clean and iu Order PRESSING CLUB We running a pressing club in connection with our barl>er shrp and have an experienced presser and cleaner iu charge. Give us Your Work §our Stomach No appeilta, loss ot strength, nervosa* Bess, headacha, constipation, bed br*th, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Kodol relieves indigestion. This nr« discov ery represents the natural jutce* of d I gear-1 tion as they exist in a health, stomach, combined with the greatest known Unaa and reconstructive property. Kodak tor dyspepsia does not only r-Jkeve IndigeetKon and dyspepsia, but thlfamous letvedy helps all stomach iriuUss by clear sinf, purifying, sveelentag snd atraafthening the mucous m«u\b»nes lining tb* svomach. Mr. S. S. at KitMnuod, W. V* . sera:— I w»» troubles* with tout tfomsch lor twenty yaira. K,*t I nue\ M and we sra mm uelnt II is talS lor Saby kodol Diw sts What You Eat. onlf. , f»s. etc, Pt spared hf 1. q OssrtTT * 00., OHtcsoa I'tir Sale Ily: &. R, lli K4 a, WilHaiuslon, Slade, Jones.a Co., Ibuuilton. Cures Wteod, Skin Diseases, Cancer, ItoMtcst Blood PurWer Hree. k if your Mood is impure, thin, iHseas»i Ihot or full of humors, il you have blood poison, caucer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings »nd bumps, scabby, pimply skin, lione pains, | catarrh, rheumatism, or anv I 'loot lor skin disease, take Botanic Blood Halm ! (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is tna)e pure and rich. Druggists or by express ti.oo per targe bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlauta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chronic ilok-p seatcd cases, las il cures after all else fails. eouiui »**. ur AO fee W« übuua |»AT iMTt H THAT PAY, im Umu thoro««liij Worn ■ Mpi-a, «ml Mp you to auocim •and iimM. photuor ikt4ck for FHKC %att I aa !«>.«»«bl»»T. m ;n >rV mrOMk OUR- ■ passiNo acriacNccs. iKMhial m KMX write tu •OS-SOS Seventh Str Ist, I WfMHIHOTONjO.'). 1 ■■ IN ALL COUMTBItS. . Mmi Mritl trkk K'otlvM MtW saMts/slndf/aM ssd Mttyisast fratMss tiWi). I MS Malla«»SSM SMa Ma« saee.l WAIHHIITfOi >,c, ■ I / HARPER\ / KENTUCKY \ (whiskeyJ \ tor OcntfcMD / \ wfco cherisk / For sale by J. W. Watts & Co. Littleton Female College Splendid location. Health resort. Hot water Heat. Electric Kghta and other modem improvements. 240 boarding pupils last year. High standard of scholarship, culture and social life. Conservatory advantages is Music. Advanced courses in Ait and Elocution. Business College, Bible, and Normal courses. Health record not surpassed. Close personal attention to the health antf social develoittnrnt of each pupil. Uniform worn on all public occasions. CHARGESiVERY LOW. 1 . • 26th Annusl Session will begin on September 18th, 1907. For catalogue, address REV. J. Nl. RHODES, President, LITTLETON, N. C. Take Your Clothing To Octavius Price When you want them cleaned or pressed. Ladies Skirts cleaned and pressed at a reasonable price. Work Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. : : Roanoke Pressing Club in Mobley Building JOHN D. BIGGS. President ASA T. CRAWFORD, Secretary ft Treasurer T. W. TILGIIMAN, General Manager. ! The Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Kiln Dried N. C. Pine Lumber DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLI AMSTON, "N. C. Suffolk Fowl and Fuel Company , eurrouK. VIBGINI* , DEALERS IN Corn, Oats, Hay. Cement, Lime,'. Coal;, Meat and Meal ! You on Short Notice. Give Ui You# Orders Q. T. BRAN I LEY, Local Representative j You Will Fiud Us the Same During 1907 that You Did During 1906 We Carry at WllHamstirfi, N. C., A Stock of Corn, Oats, I.ime and Cement so as to save delay iu filling orders WE SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY Statement ot the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE At the close of business Friday, May 18th, 1906. RKSODRCtvS. - LIABILITIES. Loans and discounts $55,894.19 Capital stock fi3.e00.09 Overdrafts 1, Surplus fund - Undivided profits 714.7 a H'k'ujj House, F. and fixtures 3,685.81 p a y a j,j e £ 13,000.00- Due froui bunks aud bankers 1,568.6s Time certificstes of deposit 4,344.00- Cash itoms *.071.77 Deposits «,44« W ' Cashiers' checks outstanding 53.66- *64.359-3' #&4.359J» State of North Carolina— County of Martin. I, ]. C. Roliertsou, cashier of the shove named bank do solemnly swear that the above stateuieut is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. > J. C. ROBERTSON, Caahier. Subscribed and sworn to l>efore me this 29 day of May 1907. _ S. L. ROSS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: A. S. aoberson and J. H. Robertson Jr., Directors. ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD CO. PASSENGER TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, - . „ WILMINGTON, N. C., April 6, 1907. TRAIN SERVlCE:—lnauguration New Train Service, Noa. 73 and 72, between Weldon and Kinston, N. C. Effective April 8, 1907, new train service will be inanguarated be tweeu Weldon and Kinston, N. C. trains Nos. 73 and 72 on following schedule. NO. 73 7* DAILY KXCHPT SUNDAY DAILY KZCXPT SUNDAY |S 2; a 111 Leave Weldon Arrive 730p m |8 4oam " Halifax leave 710 pm, 9 a m " Tillery " 651pm! | 9 18 a m " Spring Hill " 640p an 933 a m " Scotland Neck ..." 626 p m 10 02 a m " Hobgood " 610 p m 1018 am " Oak City M 54«P «■ 1030 am " Parmele " 520pm 11 17 am" *, House " 432pm 11 25 a m " * Greenville " 4»4P ■* 11 39 a in Wiuterville " 4 10 p m 1149 am " Ayden " 401pm 12 07 p m " Grifton " ta jopm " Grainger ~ " 330 pm 1235 pm ar. Kinston " 315pm Wedding Presents! You do not hare to send out of town for them. We hare a fine assortment. Come and ex amine our stock THE) jBWBLfeR, H. D. PEELE, WILLIAMSTON. N, C- ■

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