ADVERTISINQ Your money back.—Judicious advertis ing is tbe kind that p»y» bade to you the money yon nt«L Space in this paper assures you prompt returns . . VIII. - NO 49 N. Nine Commandments I. From C- D. Carstarphen Buy I P'k'g Colgan's Taffy Tolu а. " H. M. Burras "• a " 3. «' Cowing Bros. & Co. " 3 4. " Chase's Drug Store " 4 " 5. " Harrison Bros. & Co. *1 5 " б. " J. L- Hassell & Co. " 6 " " 7. " Brown & Hodges " 7 «" 8. " J. A. Mizell & Co. "8 " " . 14 9. " S.R. Biggs " 9 " And if this nine you obey, be you German. Gentile or Jew, You can never refuse to chew Colgan's Taffy Tolu Gum. L. E COREY, WHOLESALE, GROCER TOBACCOFLUES Now is the time to place your order for Tobacco Flues All Kinds and Sizes Made to' Order. Try Us ~ Woo lard s .4\ _ Combined J Harrow and m dr Cultivator M \Af A Saving of One M jOv Horse and two hands Works both sides of the row at the same Breaks the clods and Cultivates With as Much Kase as any Ordinary Plow What every Farmer and Truck Gardner'needs J. L». WOOLARD, Wi/liamston, N. C. Farmers Let J. T. FISH EL, the Silver-Tongued Auctioneer Sell your TOBACCO and he will make MONEY For You at the 1 ; - - ■ ' i _ ' ■ Farmers Warehouse ~ % We have led in Prices since the opening sale, and by hard work on our floors will continue to do so. Come and see us day or night, always open and ready to work for your interest and see that you get a good price for every pound of your tobacco. Yours truly, / Gurganus & Fishel BROWN & HODGES * Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock Is complete* Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits "Hfotte us your orders ©t Enterprise. WILLIAMSTON. N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. IQO7 PEOPLE OF THE DAY Mieeiaelppi'a New Senator. By defeating Governor Vsrdaman at the recent, primary elections In Mis sissippi John Sharp Williams, l>cmo eratic Door leader in the house, be comes the nominee of his party for the senators hip. As Mississippi la safely Democratic Mr. Williams Is sure of election if he lives lons enough. As the term of Senator McLaurin doss »ot expire till lIUI the representative has ample time In Which to prepare for the toga. The prospective senator, however, is well equipped to take the job at a moment's notice, having spent four teen years In the lower house. Four years ago he was- choeeu floor leader of the minority and will doubtless re tain that leadership in the Sixtieth congress. Possessed of s vast fund of Infor mation aud a ready debater, Mr, Wil liams is recognised as one of the wit* of tbe house. A good st«yy teller, be ■ar / VBSBkSt ™ JOHN SHARP WILLIAMS. often regales his hearer* with a hu morous tale. At tbe end of one of his recent debates with Governor Varda man be talked about pride. "There is a decent mid noble pride," said Mr. Williams, "and there is a pride 4hat is mean and ludicrous. An aged cltisen of Yasoo tells of sn old woman whose pride was of the latter sort . "This old woman lived iu Yorkshire. There waa a funeral one day In the next village. She did not attend it but a neighbor of hers was there. That night she called on the neighbor and said: " *WeH, JJancy. I hear you wor at f funeral.' " 'Yes, I wor,' Nancy replied. " 'What kind of a funeral wor It?' "Nancy sniffed. " 'Why, it wor a wery mean sffair,' she said. 'There wor nobbut a few biscuit sn' sich.' " 'Ah,' said the other old woman, 'them's the sort of wsys I don't hold to. I've lost five, but, thank 'evlns, I've burled 'em all with 'am.'" A Vetsran Saa Fighter. Rear Admiral Kobley D. Kvuns, pop ularly known as "Fighting Bob," will probably command the big fleet of warships soon to lie sent to gusrd Uncle Ham's Interests in the i'aclflc ocean. Recently Admiral Kvsns was at the Jamestown exposition with s squadron in honor of the visit of Crown Prince Wllhelm of Sweden. While there, so the story goes, he was outwitted by one of his own men. Among the jsckies "Fighting Bob" is regsrded aa a martinet in the matter of neatness of apparel; otherwise the Incident would not have happened. A number of tbe Jsckies were given shore leave, and Admiral Bob stood on tbe deck watching the detail BOBXiIT D. KVAKS. formed to go ashore. "Send tbst third man in tbe second line here," said tbe admiral to an officer. "Is that the only pair of trousers you have?" asked Bob as tbe ttailor approached. "It Is, sir," said tbe man, saluting. "Go down below and tell the commissary stew ard to give you a new pair and don't let me see you report for shore leave with torn trousers again." The trou sers were duly issued without coat to the seaman, and it developed later that the man bad purposely put on sn old pair of trousers sad placed himself In a position where be waa bound to beobasrved by ttw admiral In older tol •Mate tree "*a*k~ fOR THE HOUSEWIFE ■ iitl ■» 1 * The Hot Watsr Bag. Boiling water should never be put In to a rubber bag. Do not much more than half All the bag. then place It In the lap before putting In tbe stopper and csrefully press out the steam. This makes tbe bag softer, aa It 1s relieved of tbe (tnessur* tbe steam makes If left In It After using tbe bag drain out the water, let It hang bottom side up for a little while, then take It down and with the mouth blow a little air Into It, just enough to keep the insldes from coming together, as it will often do if there Is no sir In It, In which case the bag Is almost sure to be ruined in pulilug It spart If tbe bag ever should stlrK put Into It some hot wster with s few drops of ammonia, let It remain a few minutes, then with s thin, dull edged stick try to separate the inside carefully. Care af the Teeth. In no way is more Injury done to teeth than by tbe natural acids In one's mouth. They act quickly on tbe enamel, bringing esvlties aa well as yellow ness. I.imewater, a agent, should be used to rime the mouth several times a day, and bicarbonate of soda is recommended even more highly for the ssme pirpose. A toothbrush should always be curved, at least a little, that the length of the center bristles sbsll not inter fere with the end. Unless those st the tip are longer than any other part no benefit Is de rived of Its use. A flat brush Is good for the frout teeth, aud thst is all. Care of Parquet Floors. A few hints ss to the care of parquet floors may lie useful Grease or oil of any sort should never lie used, as it penetrates the wood little by little until after a few applications It Is streaked with stains. When the surface gets at all scrstched wax ef tbe consistency of Isrd should lie used, applied with a soft woolen rsg. The dust should flrat be thoroughly swept off the floor, and when It Is quite clean it should be pol ished with the wax; otherwise the dust sud dirt will be rubbed lu by the wax Instead of removed. Aids the Seamstress. A very simple aud practical aid to the dressmaker Is a device called a "work holder," the Invention of an In diana woman. It wus designed espe cially to ssslst the sewer In basting and similar work. As shown In the Illustration, It consists of a holder, which can be Instantly clamped to the work table or other nearby object. At the top of tbe clamp Is a large needle, "U - r ' : : - HOLDS THK HLOTH FIJIMI.V. which Is supported rigidly upright lu the bolder. In use one end of the piece of goods to be sewed Is slipped on the needle and the gooda stretched with the left baud. The operutor is thus alilo to sew freely and quickly with the right hand. As one part of the piece of goods Is sewed It Is slipped off the needle and advanced to the next point. Hair Wash and Tonio. For the wash cuf a large, Juicy lem on lu halves. Dip tbe head In a large bowl of tepid water, while the lemon Is rubbed over tbe scam and among the roots of tbe batr. Soak and rub the hulr thoroughly, then rinse well lu wa ter of the same temperature. Dry at once with vigorous rubbing, and there will be no danger of taking cold. No soap Is required. The add of the lem on removes dust and grease, leaving tbe hair pliable and gloasy. Peliehing Mahogany. The simplest and best way to clean mahogany la to take warm water and soft cloth, dampen the cloth well and rub on a white soap, making a good lather. This rub freely over tbe article to be cleaned sud at once wipe off and dry with soft cloth. The result Is su perior to tbst secured with any polish and more lasting. Same gives the beat and moat lasting polish to patent leath er shoes. For Colds and Hoarseneee. For colds and hoarseness lemons are an old and approved remedy. For a cold tbe lemon should be baked whole until thoroughly tender, then eaten hot with loaf sugar to sweeten Just before retiring. For hoarseness the juice of a lemon mixed with the stiffly beaten white of egg and loaf sugar or honey to sweeten Is most efficacious. Odds and Ends ef Soap. A good use for tbe blta of soap that accumulate on toilet stands Is to dry them out thoroughly by placing on tins In the warming oven and then pound ing them to a powder. Mixed with bran or oatmeal and aewed Into little chsisecloth bags, Lhsy ar* excellent for ! the hath. - I Operation—| Mrs. Malinda Akers, of Basham, Va,, writes: "I had what doctors call 'prolapse,' and couldn't stand straight. I had pain in my back and shoulders, and was very irregular and profuse. Doctors said an operation was needed, but I couldn't bear the thought of the knife. After tak ing three bottles of Wine of Cardui, I could walk ■ around. Can now do mv housework and am in I splendid health." Cardui is a pure, vegetable, medicinal essence, especially adapted to cure women's diseases. It relieves excessive periodical pains, regulates > Irregularity and lc a „ —■ safe, pleasant and re- nuut ADVICE liable remedv for all Wrl,e u * '• i " ,m ' •" I , , lul a » your symptoms, »nd w» will s«nd you Sick women In Advice. In plain scaled «nvslop». ■ r i * HI bUC Address: Ladles Advisory Department, Cessful use for over 70 Thel.hattanoota Medicine Co.. Chatta- ■ * noufa, l enn. years. Try it. At Every Drug Store in SI.OO Bottles. CARDUM Ganderbdn's September . Forecast. (Copyrighted 1907 by C. A. Keith) The old school bell is soon to ring, the poets all arise and sing, the frost will soon displace the dew, and the wind jamb through the peek-a-boo. Untutored youth, with tears of brine, returneth sadly to the mine, and the new schoolma'ani prepares to whack the bad boys where their pants are slack. The football player lets his hair Fall into autumn unrepair, And the more athletic college cops The students with the largest mops. The moon will be full on the 21 sit, aud the password for the month will be "Soak Standard Oil." Everybody will run a little harder for President. Mr. Bryan's smoke will continue an interesting spectacle. Mr. Roosevelt will drop a wasp into the hip pocket of Mr. raft, and that laggard will move up a couple of places in the race. Mr. Fairbanks to pass the grandstand every seven seconds sucking buttermilk with a nipple, out of bis pneumatic shirt front. The war with Japan will sleep fretfully, and Uncle Sam will sit by the cradle crooning soft lul labyes and giving paregbric with a funnel. The coming county fair is billed, The big prize hog is corned and swilled The pumpkin that will lift the prize Is watched with proud and hopeful eyes, And the family mare to win the pot Is training for the county trot. The autumnal equinox will come in on time on the 34th, aud Mr. Harriman will absorb all water that falls to use in floating stocks for de velopment of our great natural re sources. The Standard Oil Com pany will place a twenty-year 4 per cent mortgage upon the earth and will pay the $29,400,000 fine im posed by Judge Senator Beveridge will end his honeymoon abroad and return to affairs of the Republic, which will restore that feeling of security. The summer girl romantic thing! will homeward come upon the wing, and show her neighbors for a week where some man bit her on the cheek. The freckles on her arms (aud legs?) resetrble those on turkey eggs, and the neighborhood will bet per the men were only joshing her. The lucky wives of millionaires will put up jamb and pickle pears, But the most of us, denied these boons, will pass the winter full cf prunes. Some red-hot sealing-wax, alack will fly down Nancy's tender back, exploring where the flesh is bare, and three shrill screams will pierce the air. The men, a-washing at tiie pump, will hasten thither on the jump, but Nancy 'mid the fruit o'erturned, will not divulge where she is burned. President Roosevelt, fresh from Oyster Bay, will issue on the 20th a proclamation officially opening oyster season. Turnips and foot ball players will run to tops. White duck trousers will begin to migrate. \ Comet will make one night Stands in the northeast sky. The weather and politicians will become very agreeable. Nature, which has been in the nude for the outdoor summer painting season, will put on a thin gossamer, and the Corn Huskers' Uuion will por mulgate a new wage scale by which they will get the corn and the farmer the husks. The boys on Satuiday are loose To stain their hands with walnut juice, The cider swollen apples drip, The pig squeals for a morning nip, And the billy goat, by Autumn cheered Lets cool Winds frolic with his heard. Summer excusion tourists will come home in a chair car with their skull grass full of carbon mites, the aisle full of braided legs, and the saw-tooth chair back embossing the name of the railroad on their spineS. Tließfg Dipper will ap pear in the heavens upside down, which will encourage Prohibition to resume his war paint and ex tend the booze drouth. John Bar leycorn will return to his guns with a Booker Washington tint un der both eyes and his pants torn, and the Kentucky Colonel will toss in his mint bed while Carrie Na tion rides a night-mare through the windows of'his boudoir. The cotton fields with boll and stem Are beckoning to dusky men, And soon from cotton seed we'll boil The pure, imported olive oil. The Greeks began their year in September. Our Labor Day was their New-Year's Day. They did this because their families spent the summer at the seashore at con siderable exj> While the men played poker at home at even more expeuse. This left the Greeks badly in the hole, and the only way they could get out was to have the new year begin September ist and swear off drinking and smoking at that time. This enabled them to save iu September what we save in January, and was a much better plan than ours. Cheer up, cheer up, the summer's o'er the piping quail is up at tember sweet is on the job, and the green corn ripens on the cob. October crisp will soon be here With softly-falling leaf and sere. With frosty morn and hunter's moon And pumkin pie, not yet but soon. DOMINOCARDS—The new household game that cotAWes ami excels l>otli Cards and Douiiuoes Canvassers want ed-to intnx'uce in every community. Sample game and particulars, postpaid, soct# DOMINOCARDS CO., 1807 Chouteau Ave., St. Louis, Mo. ) Trial Catarrh treatments are be ing mailed out oii request, by Dr. Shoop Rficme, Wis. These tests are proving to the people a penny's cost—the great value of this scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, Sold by S. R. Biggs, ADVERTIS/NQ Your money b«ck.-Jw&dowi«dwtl». ing is the kind that pays back to you the money yon invert. Space la this paper aaaures yon prompt retimu . . WHOLE NO. 392 ""Professional Cards. fIUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Chase's Drug Store. OFFICK HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M. ; 7 to 9 r. if. Wiiliam»ton, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE. DENTIST OFFICK—MAIN STRUT PHONX Q I will be in Plymouth the first week la every other mouth. -' W. B. Warren. J. s. Rhodes DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICE IN BIGGS' DRUG STORE 'Phone No. 2Q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT UW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WIUJAMSTON, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWEI.L, LAWYER Offlce formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. Phone No. 77. WILUAMSTON, N 0. W*Pracltc« wherever xrHce* are desire* Special attention given to examining aad mak ng title for purchasers of timber and timber lands. special attention will be given to real estate exchanges. If you wish to buy or sell land I cnhelpvou I_»MONI4/ P. O. WINSTON S. J. EVRRKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNRYS-AT-I.AW WIU.IAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNKY-AT LAW ROBKRSONVIU.B, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH ; D. C. MOORING, - Proprietor Y ROBKRSONVIU.B, N. C. Rates Ja ,00 per day Special Rates By the Weak A First-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. The traveling public will find It a most convenient place to stop. _» - RUNNING I'OR AN ENGINE is a pretty poor way of protecting your self from loss by fire. The only sane method of avoiding loss js to PROCURE EIRE INSURANCE We represent the best, soundest and fairest companies in the country. tat us write you a policy to-day. The cost is but little, the protection great. An ounce of foresight is worth a ton of re gret. K. B. GRAWfORD. INSURANCE, AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge will positively be made for longer time. * ... To Washington *5 eta. " Greenville 1 *5 " " Plymouth 85 " " Tarboro '. 13 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 25 ■' " Jamesville.. 15 " " Kader Lilley'a "15 •• .." Q. Statou ..... jj —" " I. L. Woolard 15 •• "J. B. Harriss &Co ; ... 15 •• " Partnele 13 «• " RoMraonville 13 '• " Everetts j - 15 •• " Gold Point . 15 " " Geo. P. McNaughton 15 '• " Hamilton ao " For other points in Eastern see "Central " where a 'phone will b« found for uae of noo-subacribara.

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