in aetei ADVERT/SINO Yoar money back.—Judicious advertis ing is the kind that pays back to yon the money >OO in rest. Space in this payer sssiuas yo« proapt ret u ras . . VOL. VIII, - NO 50 Big Premium Sale September 25, 1907 Sales Open 9:30 a. m. The premiums applies to the Roanoke Warehouse, Dixie Warehouse and Farmers Warehouse, at Willlamston, N. C. We will have plenty of good lively buyers arnU* want ev erybody to bring a lead of tobacco. Whether you have any hopes of a premium or not, you can rest assured of a high price for your Tobacco. Also there will be a big horse race and plenty of fine music all day. We will have disinterest ed judges to give the "Qold Out." Premiums will be as follows: - , t * * * For the largest oue- horse load of To- For the largest one-hon* load of To bacco not over 5 miles distance from bacco ovef to miles distance from Wil- Williamstou, $5 00 in Gold. liamston, >5.00 in Gold. For the largest two-horse load of To , , - p or the largest two-horse load of To bacco not over 5 mile* distauce from bacco over 10 miles distance from Wil Williamston, >5.00 in Gold. liamston, *5.00 in Gold. For the largest one horse load of To- _ , , , . , .. For the man who comes the longest bacco over 5 miles and under 10 miles ... t . « distance with a load of Tobacco, to distance from Williamston $5.00 in , * - Gold • J weigh 500 pounds or more, SIO.OO in Gold. For the largest two-horse load of To bacco over 5 miles and under 10 miles T. S. Graham, Kli Gurganus and J. distance from Williamstou, $5.00 in G. Staton, being Fanners are debarred Gold. ■ ' "* from competing for these premiums. Everybody bring a load of Tobacco on the 25th of September and you stand a good chance to get the GOLD. If you don't get a Premium you will get a'big pile of Qold anyway, for your Tobacco will sell high. DON'T FORQET THE DATE ** % Wednesday, September 25, 1907 And Come Along. It will be the Next Thing to the Jamestown Exposition COME ONE. COME ALL. BROWN & HODGES . . Dealer* in Taney and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits , 'Phone us your orders Statement oi the Condition of BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE At the close of business Augast 32, 1906. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. . . .. Capital stock flj.poo.oo Loans and discounts f6i.43««9 gjpi,,, fund 5,800.00 Overdraft! 1,0*6.76 Undivided profit. 39°-35 B'k'ng House, P. and fixtures 3,685.81 Bills Payable 33,000.00 Dw from banks and banker* >,300.57 Time certificate, of deposit 4,819 00 « «■ Deposit. aa,826.85 ~ _ IfcMM 3. Cashiers' checks outstanding 248.14 State ol North Carolina—County of Martin. I, J. C. Robertaon, cashier of the above named bank do solemnly swear that the above statement ia true to the best of belief. J. C. ROBERTSON, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before we this »7 day of Augnst, 1907. S. L. ROSS, Notary Public. Correct—Attest: *. H. Har*n>rs and J. H. Robertaon Ir., Directors. Cosby htentjyr-Tight Baker and Heater IT HEATS VSKSKjjjHi AND SH COOKS TOO. I The Most Convenient, Useful and Economical Stove for the St ■" Home ByeoMade. .... IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY ,-.j» It wanna the coldest and largest room in "» 1 *■:' the house, making it cosy. The busy 1 • Tmu.sitlfi eaa cock or hake anything 2 - from light toDa toKa J«P Christinas turkey. Still it looks jnat aa want aa say heater—de. It la atf-tight 3 and a great fuel aarer. Tbonaaali are he- BBH log sold. Thousands of housekeepers are enthusiastic. Pine Cast Iroa tops aad ' bottoms, making It laatlor yean without |> repairs. Made only by (Sntetpnsf. WILLIAMSTON, N. C„ FEIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1907 FUTURE OF CATALOGUE ' - - HOUSES How the Editors are Helping the Merchants and other Valua ble Information It matters not how much retailers protest against the business of the large mail-order houses, how great may be the opposition to thein by the trade press and local papers, it is apparent that these concerns will continue to do business. Their methods may be different from the plans now followed, but still thry will exist. There is nothing illegal in doing a business through the means of the United States Mail as long as there are no infractions of the law. It is doubtful whether the different States can legislate against the mail-order business or in any way restrict it. While the business is legitimate, there is no economist who can point to any sub stantial virtues that the system pos sesses. In the face of strongest opposi tion, the business nf two of the greatest Chicago mail-order houses is increasing at a rate that shows that there is great necessity of mer chants meeting this class of compe tition in a different way. But the mail-order houses are quick to counteract any efforts made toward diverting trade froni them. During the post year two of the biggest houses started branches in different Western cities. From these points adjacent territories are supplied with goods. This move gives a lo cal color to the business, and has tended to retain trade on account of saving time in the filling of or ders It will be noticed that the volume df newspaper advertising of the cat alogne bouses has been decreased more than 75 per cent the past year. Instead of page advertisements in the wide circulation mail-order journals, advertisements of two or three inches are used. But this does not mean that thev are not changing their methods. For the past several years they bave been compiling lists of people throughout the land, and one bouse boasts that it has listed as percent of the heads of families living in towas and ag ricultural districts. Instead of us ing advertising space in newspapers money is being spent in catalogues and postage. One of the latest things undtr consideratiou by one of the great houses which has distributng depots in a number of cities, is the estab lishment of stores on the department plan, and selling both froui behind its counters and through the mails. It appears that this will be the fu ture of the great concerns. Kven so, the evil of the system will not be lessened. The mail order house will coutiuue to draw the dollars from the rural communities and towns just the same as ever. All that the cities where the Itranch houses are operated will get out of the business is the small amount of money that will be paid in salaries. The profits will go to the owners in Chicago, and go to swell the coffers of the Wall Street capitalists. As long as the people will blindly ignore the underlying faulty econ omic principle of mail order house patronage, th .*se bouses will contin ue to do business, and in some man ner wjU secure the goods to fill or ders they receive. One of the best plans for the merchant to pur sue to bead off the evil of trading away from home is to carefully study better business methods, adopt tbem, and keep the home people interested in the fact that home stores can sell, and do sell, as good goods at as low prices as the foteign concerns. The country press for the first time is carrying on the l>est educa tional campaign ever made as to home trade. Week after week in tlVe auxiliary sheets are presented common-sense articles directed against the catalogue house system. Every side of the question is weigh ed. Soundest arguments are giv en, and if this work does not bring the people of the country to an understanding as to the direct results of sending money frrom home, there can be little ho|>e for the home town. I notice that'the Asheville Citizen runs daily edito rials on the Retail Muil-OrjJer Pro blem, and the Winston-Snletu Sen tinel and the Newport News Times- Herald daily print articles setting forth'the advantages of trading at home. Merchants should realize the power of the local papers aud give the editor proper encouragement in the way of advertising patronage. It Is not merely "contributed," but it is au investment that will bring splendid returns. But unless the merchant is up to date and in posi tion to make good, advertising will do him little good. The day of the moss-back has gone by. The busi ness man of the present must be a live one, or he will find himself a bankrupt. It is the tfeek-kneed and incompetent merchant that the catalogue house hurts the most. The live fellow manages to fight his battle against the mail-order octopus and turn it to profitable ac count. It is moie upon the mer chants oi small towns that the fu ture of the catalogue houses depend than upon the masses. Let each and every merchant meet the com petition rightly, and the evil will not be the great bugaboo that it ap pears to be. —Tbeo. B. Brown in September Merchants Journal and Commerce. Cknfetntli's Ctigk mail! On of tb« list II tki Mirkit For many years Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has constantly gained in favor and popularity un til it is now one of the most staple medicines in use and has an euor moussalc. It is intended especial ly for acute throat and lung dis eases, such as coughs, colds and croup, and can always be depend ed upon. It is pleaeant and safe to. take and is uridoubtedly the. best in the market for the purposes' for which it is by S. R. Biggs ■ —Deeds of Trust, Warranty Deeds, Crop Liens, Chattel Mort gages, order Books, etc., printed 1 and for sale at this dlice. rFemale Weakness! - t "Last Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton, W. Va., " I was going down by inches, . from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui, -Ohl My I Howl was benefited 1 I am not well yet, but am so much better that I will keep on taking Wine of Cardui till I am perfectly cured." * .v.,,—- Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today [as In the past 70 years] for the relief and cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up the organs, regulates RAW ADVICK the functions, and aids MM in the replacement of Th* Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatta a misplaced organ. T,nn - At Every Drug Store In SI.OO Bottles. CARDIIH Farmers Let J. T. FISH EL, the Silver-Tongued Auctioneer Sell your TOBACCO and he will make MONEY \~ ' '•* ■ ' •• - - For You at the Farmers Warehouses We have led in Prices since the opening sale, and by hard work on our floors will continue to do so. Come and see us day or night, always open and ready to work for your interest and see that you get a good price for every pound "5T your tobacco. Yours truly, Qurganus & Pishel JOHN D. BIGGS, President ASA T; CRAWFORD, Senetary & Treasurer T. W. TILGHMAN, General Manager. The Dennis Simmons .•- A. ' . _____ . | Lumber Co. MANUFACTURES OF Kiln Dried N. C. Pine Lumber ■». \ j -i DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED WILLIAMSTON, N. C. A New Business School > Eastern North Carolina now has a first-class business school where its young men and women can acquire a business training equal to that given iu any of the business schools of the larger cities and at much less expense. Opened June 3rd Enrollment first month, 52 pupils. Can begin at any time. Special rates to first pupils who en roll from new sections. Write TODAY for catalogue if interested. Courses of Study: English, Telegraphy First Nat. Bank Building, Washington, N C.; also Norfolk, Ports mouth and Newporr News, Va. J. M. RESSLER, Pres. ADVERTJS/Na ' Your back.-Judldow adverti.- i» the kind that pay* back to you tfie rnouey you inveat Space in thia paper aaaurea you prompt retuma . . WHOLE NO. 393 Professional Cards. r HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Chane'a Drug Store. OPTICS HOURS: 8 to JO A. M. ; 7 to 9 P. M. Williamßtou, N. 0. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITE, ifrdh DKNTIST Orvicß-MAiM STKKKT PUO2TK J I will lie in Plymouth the firat week ia November. W. li. Warren. J. S. Rhodaa. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFPICR IN BIGGS' DKUO STORK 'Phone No. aq BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNRY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILUAMSTON, N. C. S. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Bigg«. rhoue No.' 77. WIMJAMSTON, N 0. wherever services are desire* Bprcial attention given to eumiuing and m««k UK title for purchasers of timber and timber lauds. special attention will be given to real estate exchanges, if you with to buy or sell land I CM helwfou- ' RHONE*/ F. I). WINSTON S. J. BVRRKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNKYB-AT-I.AW WILI.IAMSTON, N. C. » . 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ' ATTORNKV-AT LAW RoBKRSONVII.Ut, N. C. I--.. . 1 ' HOTEL BEULAH I). C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBICRSONVII,LK, N. C. Rates SI.OO per day Special Kates By the Week A I'irst-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. The traveling public will find It 11 most convenient place to atop. RUNNING FOR AN KNGINE is a pretty poor way of protecting your self from loss by fire. The only sane method of avoiding loss is to PROCURE KIRK INSURANCE We represent the best, soundest and fairest companies in the country. L»t us write you a policy to-day. The coat is but little, the protection great. An ounce of foresight is worth a ton of re gret. K. B. CRAWFORD INSURANT AGENT, ' Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. S. ATWOOD NEWELL, MANAGE*. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge for over time. To Washington 45 ct». " Greenville 15 " Plymouth ; 25 " " Tarboro as " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck „ 25 ■ •* " Jamesville 15 *• •• Kader Lilley's 15 " " I. G. Staton 15 " " T- L- WoolarA... t§ " J. B. Harriss &Co 15 '• " Parniele IS " " Rolwrsouville ........J IS " " Everett* 15 " "C.oM Point is " ""Geo. P. "McNaughton : IS " " Llamilton JO " For other points call "Central." Non- Subscribers must go to Central. Nou- Snbecribera must pay for phone conned tlnna, •" ~ "