ADVERTISING Your Monet advertia ing is the ktad that pay» back to joa the «>ooey yon inreat. Space in thb paper aaanrf you prompt return* . . VOL. IX. - NO. i f do 1 take Cardui"? writes Mrs. ■Am II ■■ * Jelemma Mullins of Odessa, W. * Va. "Because, after suffering ■ ■III for several years with female , trouble, and trying different doc tors and medicines without obtaining relief. I at last found, in Wine of Cardui, a golden medicine for all my ill?, and can recommend it above all others for female complaints." Cardui furnishes safe relief for backache, headache, periodical pains, irregular, painful or unhealthy cata menial flow, and all ailments from which sjck women suffer. A perfect tonic for delicate women. A pure vegetable medicine for girls and women who are subject to the complaints peculiar to their sex. Has benefited over a million who used to suffer as you do. At every drug store, in SI.OO bottles. I WINE PADnill •lid .(will Mid you Irn AJvi. • ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ agsHsgra of VnllUUl Farmers Let J. T. FISHEL, the Silver-Tongued > Q Auctioneer Sell your TOBACCO and he will make MONEY . * ' - . i . " I For You at the * * ?l . ~ '' k *' '•> \ 9 -': t j V *■. uj Farmers Warehouse We have led in Prices since the opening sale, and by hard work on our floors will continue to do so. Come and see us day or night, always open and ready to work for your interest and see that you get a good price for every pound of your tobacco. Yours truly, / Gurganus & Fishel The BENTHAL PEANUT PICKER Will Cost You Only $350.00 Let Me Sell You One Abo am Agent for Gasolene or Steam Engines to Mtch Gasolene Engines, $l5O Steam Engines Mounted $235 Soliciting your orders, I am respectfully, J. PAUL SIMPSON, Wilttamstoii, If. C. —fTTTTTJT . ™ Take Your Clotting To Octavius Price When you want them cleaned or pressed Ladies Skirts cleaned and pressed at a reasonable price. " . Wor* Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction. : . Roanoke Pressing Club in Mobley Building rjCjp , .7? . - '» ! ' » N ■ ' > ' . ... ' * 1 "CS B \t m WHLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1907 Ctaua Folk Hard Worker*. The amount of physical work done by the performers of the circus la These people make the can of their bodies their religion, and will do nothing that mili tates aMnst their strength or their hMlth. then the performers rise In the morasg they hurry to the cook tent for Then they must get Into tlgr trappings for the parade, failure to Report at 10:30 Involving * line of $5. If the big tent Is up early the chancnare that the arena will be filled wltl'; performers practicing for ao hour I* "ore the parade. After the street dlsilky the performers have their dlnnei, ant than they must dress for the gratii entree, from which none la excused, Only a very few of the circus folk icape with a single act Nearly all oijthem do two and moat of thMk'4tor«* lots, (or each of which they must «Vugw their costume. A woman perfumer often works In a gymnastic acion the ground, another In the air, riles In a uienage act or two and In tb» flat races at the cud of the performance. In addition she will very probably "do a turn" In a con cart after the 1 show, and she must change her coMUtnc for each appear ance.— Everybody's Magazine. A Trick That Won. > "Once, wbeu "Voiik John' Weutworth was mayor of Chicago," sold an old time resldeut of that city, "a bot cam paign was la The rough ele ment was showing aliens of turbulence, and 'Long John' knew that the police force was totally unable to cope with it If there should be a riot. There wasn't much of *ny |>ollce force lu those days. The fvw officers that there were didn't have nny uniform outside of a plug bat. On the front of this waa a semicircle of tin with the uian'a number on It. There wtm no money to pay for additional officers, so ' John' bethought himself of a bright scheme He bail a figure *o' udtled to the number on evert one of those hats. On electlou day the different members of the force were stationed conspicu ously where the trou >le waa most like ly to break out. Tb' roughs saw the numbers, "250,' "290,' '3Bo' etc., where the}' had before seen unl) *2B,' "JO* and *3o.' The word weut around that 'tang John' had added several hundred men to the police force, and the tough crowd wor* ao Intimidated that they Mvar dared to do a thing." Stomach troubles. Heart and Kid ney ailments, can !>e quickly cor rected with a prescription known to druggist everywhere as Dr.Shoop's Restorativ.e The prompt and surprising relief' wh-rh this remedy immediately brings is entirely due to its Restorative action upon the controlling nerves of the Stomach, etc. A weak Stomach, causing dy spepsia, a weak Heart with palpi tation or intermittent pulse always means weak Stomach nerves or nerves. Strengthen these inside or nerves with Dr. Shoop's Restoratve and see how quickly these'ailments dis appear. Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. will mail samples free. Write for them. A test will tell. Your health is certainly worth this simple trial.* Sold by S. R. Biggs Picture Forgeries. It has been computed by a leading authority that one In every ten pic tures In the National gallery Is a for gery. Near Parla Is a factory where these replicas are turned out In large numbers, mostly for the benefit of tour ists. They are sold chiefly In back atreets In Italian towns, where the vis ltors have the satisfaction of "discov ering" them. Home artists have a per verted genius for copying other men's work, and so successful are they that frequently even the painters of the originals cannot swear that the faked pictures arc not their own handiwork. It has now been estubllshed that a cer tain picture which I .and seer on tieing consulted believed to be his own la really a forgery —Stray Stories. Cures Blood. Skin Diseases, Cancer. Qreateat Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure, thin, diseased hot or full of humors, if you have blood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, eczema, itching, risings »nd bumps, scabby, pimply skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheumatism, or any blood or skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) Soon all sores heal, aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich. Druggists or by express fi ou per large bottle. Sample free by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. B. B. B. is especially advised for chrouic deep-seated cases, sa it cure* after all else fails. CITY BARBER SHOP 1 J. H. HYMAN, Mgr. Main Street First Class Shop 5 Chairs Everything Clean and in Order PRESSING CLUB We are running a pressing club in connection with our barber shop and have an experienced presser and cleaner in charge, Oive us Your Work Til Niv Pin FMJ ill Drug Law We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey anil Tar for coug 1 s, colds and lung troubles is not . f. fected by the National Pure Fo (! and Drug law as it contains i «» opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it a safe remedy toffchildren and adults, fJ. C. Chase; S. R. Biggs. The Stout Woman—l'm not going to let iny son run th«> elevator any more. Custodian of Building- Why not? Stout Woman—l heard n man nay yenterday that that elevator weighed 2.500 pounds, and *he't too young a boy to be lifting that nil day,—Syra cuse Herald. Occasional hcadadje, belching bad taste in the mouth, luck of ap petite and flight nervousness are symptoms of indigestion which, when allowed to go uncared for will develop into a case of dyspep sia that will take a long time to get rid of. Don't neglect your stomach. At the frst indication of treble take something that will help it along in its work of digest ing the food you cat. Kodol For lndigeston and Dyspepsia will do this. Kodol will nwike your food do you good and will, enable you to enjoy what you oat. .So d by S. R. Biggs. The Peking Guaette ti the oldest pe riodical In the world, and It* circula tion Is estimated to lie over 100.000 copies. This pitpor In the city of Han ton alone has ten publishers, who In turn employ about t"n distributers, thus making about l(H distributers In the city and suburbs alone. Attack ot Dlirrkon Cured b| One Dose ot Chamberlain's Colic. Colen and Diarrhoea Remedy l was so weak fro in an attack of diarrhoea that I could scarcely at tend to niy duties, when I took a dose of Chamberlain's Colic Choi era and Diarrhoea 'Remedy it cured me e.itirely aivl 1 had been taking other medicine for nine di»y» » ithout relief. I heartily rec ommend this remedy as being the best to my knowledge for bowel complaints.—R. G, Mewart of the firm of Stewart & llro., Greenvi.le, Ala. For sale by S. R Biggs New York 4jily banket* are tbe innst auspicious men In'tin w rid. Persons who have dealt with bunks In oflier cities are made extreiurl> uncomforta ble when they are made to realize that the.v are looked on as dishonest and as trying to take some unf.ilr advantage. —New York Herald. How ro Avoid Appendicitis M*st victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipa ted, Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by slim ulaling the liver and bowels,, and restores the tiatui ll action of the bowels Orino Lu\.iti\e Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe aiuH is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. C C. Chase; S. R. Biggs Broadly speaking, the essential dif ference lietween merchant ships and warships Is that tlj- former are de signed to carry their loads or principal portions theeof low down In the hold, whereas warships h»ve to earry their heavy burdens of nrtiHjr and armament high up on their side* Lame Back This is an ailment for which Chamberlain's Pain Balm has pro ven especially valuable. In a'most eviry instance it affords prompt and permanent relief. Mr. I.ttke LaGrange of Orange, Mich., says of it; "After using a plaster and other remedies for three weeks for a bad lame back, I pu'cha-'ed a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Bairn, and two applications effected a cure. ' For sale by S. R. Biggs. The following Is a remedy for oily ikln: Liquid refined honey, one ounce; alcohol, two ounces; cucumber emul sion. one ounce: elder flower water, four ounces; strained Juice of two lem ons. The mixture should lie used night and morning and applied with a soft rag or sponge. H Had Titter for Thlrtf Years I have suffered with te ter for thirty years and have tried almost 'countless remedies with little, if any, relief. Three boxes of C ham berlain's Salve cured me. It was a torture. It breaks out a little sometime, but nothing' 16' what it used to do.—D. H. Beach, Midland City, Ala. Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by S. R. Biggs t "How do you know (te hasn't any aenst of humor V "Because he hasn't any sense of any kind."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are good for anyone who needs a pill. They are small, safe, sure, little pills that do not gripe or sicken. Sold by S R. Biggs. WHICH DID .IT? j When they were building the Colo rado Midland railway Bmoke Rus sell was proprietor of the "saloon and, hotel" that hung over the edge of a rock close to Windy Polttt; Bomemllea west of I^advllle. Smoke's shanty was the rendezvous for the contractors, bonnes and work men, especially on Saturday nights. Wages were high, but hands were scarce, and there was bad blood among the contractors on account of some alleged sharp practice on the part of those toward I/cadvllle, who were accused of cutting off the men contracted for farther up the moun tain. This was particularly the case with Donovan and O'Malley, who had adjoining contracts for blasting a roadbed out of tho solid rock on the side of old Sugar Loaf'. (I'Malley, who' had the upper section, accused Dono van of stealing hoboes Intended for him. Donovan denied the charge and coupled the deulal with some strong reflections on O'Mailey's personnl character, antecedents and general characteristics. The result was tho usual feud, with dire threats on the part of each principal to exterminate the other at the first ginnt opportunity. The opportunity came sooner than either expected or wished, for they were lioth cowards when. It came to a sure enough tight. Both men were peaceable enough when sober, but there was no telling what they would do when druuk If they should chance to meet. That very thing happened one Saturday night. Donovan bad come down -to Russell's dive for his usual recreation aud commenced tilling his tank early In the evening, so that by 10 o'clock he was pretty drunk. , The boys got him started ou O'Mal ley and egged hlui on nutil he was red headed. He kept ou getting mad der and drunker, threatening his en emy with all kinds of sudden deaths If It were ever his good luck to run the coward Into a corner where he would have to stand and tight, .lust at this Juncture the door opened and In walkisl O'Malley, catching Donovan's last words. The boys were pretty bad ly frightened and tried to Joke about the matter and laugh It over, but Dou ovan was drunk and O'Malley was mad, aud there was trouble In the camp. The latter seemed to pay no attention to his drunken foe, but walked up to the bar and called for bis poison. Several of the crowd Joined hltn, and the drinks began to go down In a rapid and reassuring manner. Everybody seemed satisfied but Russell, who kept a watchful eye on the crowd and stood close to the end of the liar by the lamp, so that he could douse the liglil In case of trouble. After a bit O'Malley turucd suddenly, facing Donovan, and licgan In a most offensive and aggravating manner: "How are you, Mlsther Donovan?" "Bad luck to you!" roared the other. "What the devil do you mean byatalk- Ing to me?" "Oh—ohl That's It, Is It, you low down, lying thief of a dago'/ Stand up and take your medicine!" Donovan sprang to his feet and be fore his friends could Interfere had his gun out and let drive for O'Malley, who was scarce an Instant behind him, for the two shots Hounded like one. Almost before the first shot sounded Smoke Russell bad put out the light, ahi I there was a general scramble of nouconihatants to get out of the lino of Are. The two maddened contractors kept on firing until each had let off the five rounds In Ills gun. After a dead silence of about live minutes lUissell crawled out of the bombpriS)f under the counter and relit the lamp. As soon as Donovan tuid jlred Ills last shot he rushed out of the shanty to get his horse. He was Still pretty drunk, but mounted with the assist ance of the greaser stable Isiy and started down tbe mountain for I.ead vlllo. The greaser tried to tell him something, but Donovan was bio ex cited to listen, lie only muttered In a broken voice: "Holy saints! Five shots in poor O'Malley and every la'st olid- of 'em through the heart!" He took the long trail around tbe mountain and had considerable troii ble In finding the tem|iorary bridge •cross the Arkansas river. So that It was Just breaking day when he pulled up In front of the sheriff's house in I.eadvllle and gave himself up. A couple of hours later O'Malley ap peared before the sheriff's house O'Malley shouted several times, un til finally an upper window wus raised and a bnsby head stuck out of It. "Hello, O'Malley!" cried the sheriff, with considerable astonishment. "Where did you come from?" "I've conle down from Smoke Rus sell's to give myself up for shooting Donovan." > "Oh. you shot Donovan, did you? Now, that beats me ail holler. Say, did you hurt him much, do you thluk?" "Hurt 'lin!" exclaimed O'Malley In dignantly. "Does It Jiurt a man to have five bullets in his heart, do y'oiT think?" "I reckon it do, Mr. O'Malley. Now, what do you want me to do?" "I want you to take me to Jail for killing Donovan." "Now. I'll tell you what. Mr. O'Mal ley, you Just go round to the falabooae jrourself. Y'ou'll find Donovan there. He got here aliout two hours ago and gave himself up for killing you. Just go 1 around there and settle among yourselves which of you Is dead, and I'll come around later and arrest the other one." ■ „ O'Malley went to the Jail, where he found Donovan. What transpired there was never known up the moun tain, but that the two men afterward were close friends and finally became partners was a fact no ono cares to dispute.—Cincinnati Commercial Trlb — ' , -« ALL HAIL PE-RU-NA. ... A Cast of STOMACH CATARRH. Mlas Mary O'Brien, 11(16 Myrtle Ave., Brooklyn, N. V., writes: ■ •'Peruna cured me In five weeka of catarrh of the stomach, after suffering for four years ami doctor ing without effect. In common with other grateful ones who have been benefited by your discovery, 1 say, All hall to Peruna." 4 Mr. 11..1. llenneinau, Oakland, Neb., writes: "1 waited before wrltlbg to you about my sickness, catarrh of the stomach, which 1 had over n year ago. "There were people who told me It would not slay cured, but I am sure that I ain cured, for 1 do not feel any more ill effects, have a good appetite and am getting fat. ; •'So 1 am, and will say to all, 1 ain cured for good. "1 thank you for your kindness. ••Peruna will be our house medicine hereafter." Catarrh of the stomach Is also known In common parlance as dyspepsia, gas tritis and Indigestion. No medicine will i lie of any permanent benefit except It removes the catarrhal condition. Nervous Debility. Mlsg Irene Hmltli, 10 Minnesota Ave., i Handle Highlands, Washington, I). ■ writes: i - "lVruna cured me of catarrh of the ; head and stomach and nervous debility i" from which I suffered for two years." [ i Pigs as Jewelers. The bracelet w as apparently of Ivory I — ii tiny tusk thill by Koine freak of nu ■ tine bad grown Into a circle. ) "Hut, no," said the dealer; "tln.i Is no freak. Il Is a deslguinl thing. It Is , one of those bracelets that llie pigs of t the New Hebrides are made to grow. "Yen, ill the New Hebrides -they make their pigs ihelr Jewelers. They do this simply, by removing, the unl - ma Is* upper canine teeth. Then the lower ones, having nothing to grind ■ grow Into a spiral. These i spirals as soon as they are complete are removed with a plnclicrlikc Instru ment and are worn upon the wrist, i •Sometimes a pig's tooth will grow i Into a perfect circle that Is. the point • curves round and grows directly into the root. Such a bracelet us that la 1 highly prized 111 fad, It Is worth twen , ty of the ordinary spiral ones."—l.os ' Angeles Times. ; XT.WX / HARPER\ ! / KENTUCKY \ (whiskey) I \ for Gentlemen / \who cherish / 0 u.,llty. 7 For sale l>y J. W. Watts & Co. "KILLTSS COUCH"? AND Dr. King's New Discovery FOR CSrSf 6 AND ALL THROVT AND UING TROUBLES. QUARANTINED SATISFACTORY OI^tONETMaEFUNDEIX^^f I ~~ ' | Weak Kidneys Wuak Kidney*. gurely point to woak kldnay Nerves. The Kidnuy*. like thf. Heart, and tne Btomach, find their weakn«'lW. not In the organ lUelf, but in the nervim that control and guldo and STRENGTHEN them. DR Hhoop'S Restorative is ft medlrtne FICIA 11 y preirtir«d to reach these control line nerves. To airwtor the Kidney* alone, Is futile. It is a waste ol time, and ol money at well. If your back aches or is weak, If the urine tcalds, or is dark and strong. if you have symptoms ( of Bright# or other distressing or dangerous kid ney diseaae, try Dr. Hhoop's Restorative a month— Tablets or Liquid— and what it can AND will DO for you. l)ruggist recommeud and sell Dr. Stoop's Restorative LL S. R. BIGGS. ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judiciont advertis ing i» the kind that pay* back to yon the money yon invest. Space in thia paper assures you prompt ratnraa . . WHOLE NO. 395 Professional Cards. tIUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Chase's Drug Store. OFKICK Houna: 8 to to A. MIJ 7 to 9 p. u. Williamston, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR. J. A. WHITK. T£JFR DENTIST OKHICK-M.UN STRUCT , PIIONK g I will be in Plymouth the firat week la November. , n - W. 11. Warren. J. S. Rhodes DHvS. WARREN & RHODES. PHYSICIANS ANDSURGKONS. OFFICE IN Bioos* DRUO STORK 'Phone No. 2g BURROUS A. CRITCHKR, ATTORNKY AT LAW ' Office: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, 23. WILUAMSTON, N. C. S. AT WOOD NEWELL, LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. I). Biggs. I'hone No. 77. WILUAMSTON, N C. wherever services are d est re a Hitentiuu given to examining and mak ug title for purchasers of timber and timber lands 4 Special attention will I* given to real estate exchstigeH. If you wish to buy or sell land! can hrlpyou- rim PHONI4/ I'. I). WINSTON S. J. BVKRKTT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNKYS-AT-LAW WII.UAMSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNKY-AT LAW ROBKRSONVII.I.R, N. C. HOTEL BEULAH O. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROHHRSONVIM.K, N. C. Rates $2.00 per day Special Rates By the Week A Kirst-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. The traveling public will find it a most convenient place to stop. rnWiiff RUNNING KOR AN ENGINE is a pretty ]>oor way of protecting your self from los;i by fire. , The only sane method of avoiding loss is to ? , PROCURE EIRE INSURANCE We represent the best, soundest and fairest companies in the country. L»t us write you a policy to-day. The coat I is but little, the protection great. An ounce of foresight is worth a ton of re- K ret - « K. B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone Co. S. ATWOOI) NEWELL, MANAGKR. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. ' Phone Charges:, Messages limited to 5 minutes; extra charge for over time. To Washington 15 eta, " Greenville 25 " " Plymouth 25 " " Tarboro 25 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck .• 25 •' " Jamesville-. 15 '• " Kader Lilley's 15 " " I. G. Staton 15 f "• I. L. Woolard 15 " ' " ]. B. Harrias fcCo... 15 " " Parmele 15 " " Robereonville 15 " " Everetts 15 11 " Gold Point 15 '• Geo. P. McNaughton 15 " " Hamilton ;. ».... 20 " For other points call "Central." Non- Subscribers must go to Central. Non- Subscribers must pay for phone connect tions,