ADVERTISING Your money b«ck.—Judicious idvotU tug is the kind that pays back to yon the money yon invest. Space in this paper assures you prompt return* . . VOL. IX.- NO. 7 THE HOARDING SPIRIT How Farmers Who Don't Trust Banks Hurt Themselves (News & Observer) "An incident that came under niv personal observation some weeks ago," said a well-known and prominent cotton manufacturer who was in Raleigh yesterday", "has been giving me a good deal of speculation in connection with the money stringency in the financial centers, as showing how the pecul iarity of the individual may, as it were, become contagiuo> aud make the community sick. The more I have thought fcbout this happening since the recent New York disturb ances, the cleaier has it been made to me what a far reaching effect on the body of the people even the most personal of the citizen may have. When it comes to a question of money, every man is trustee for every other man, no matter how much maney he has or how quick he would be to say that what he has he owns, without any strings to it." Explaining the circumstances the cottou mill president said that a few weeks ago a prosperous farmer with whom he had had dealings for several years, came to his office to sell a lot of cotton, the price of which was in the neighborhood ol SI,OOO, The cotton mill man start 1> ed to write a check, but the farmer stopped him saying that he wanted the amouut in money. When the mill man proposed that he would send to the bank and have the amount entered to the farmer's credit and deliver him the book, he still found that he wanted the cash. "What are you going to do with it?" he asked. The farmer grinned and replied: "Put it away at home, along with the nine hundred you paid me last year" "Wheu I reflected," said the cotton mill president "that this man was a typical representative of a prosperous class of farmers who are making money, and that he had absolutely destoryed by his own industry the working power of about two thousand dollars, I began to consider the seriousness of the situation he might indicate. If, in this peculiarity, he repre sents auy considerable per cent of farmers the situationfts one that is in every way regrettable. It not only means that the South is losing hundreds of thousands and even millions of money that are paid for its crops, but it means, also, thai the entire financial situation is be ing hampered and the farmers them selves indirectly injured in the prices that they obtain for their products." Although Southern banks are generally unaffected by the recent financial panics in New York and other money centers, the effects of these disturbances are indirectly felt at this time in several ways. In the first place the season of cot ton marketing is at its height. Millions are required to meet the demand, more than the South can raise of itself when the great inter ests that buy the crop are hamper ed in obtaining their funds from their usual sources of supply. This tightness of money, of course, op erates to enhance the value of the money itself and to pat down in sympathy the price of the things which money will buy. And, pending the settlement of these disturbances, although the South ern banks have nothing to do with the panic and are not affected by it themselves, they are asked to fin ance the farmers with loans to en able them to hold their cotton for better prices. For the farmers, therefore, to hold out money in strong bpxes at home, weakens the money supply of a great agricul tural section, just as the Brooklyn people who withdrew their savings weakened the supply of the New York Banks and turned a tempo rary feeling of uneasiness into an acute attack of panic from which recovery is slower in inverse ratio as the trouble was short and sharp. Tba incident related puts in sharp relief the duty of the farmer to his bank. He is bound to realize the reciprocal character of hi* relation ship to it. While the banks have been generally accomodating farm ers with loans on cotton in this im mediate section and in other sec tions of the State, there is heard oc casional complaint from some farm er who has been unable to get a loan on his cottou. Is such a farmer the sort who hanks at home, and can a man of this sort who has 110 confidence in his bank have a legitimate reason for blaming the hank for not accom modating him? As was stated the other day, the Southern and Western banks are now nearly independent of the great financial centers, in the sense that they do not have to call on them for money. When the crop moving time happens, the home banks must draw on their New York deposits. And when such a time occurs at a moment when the banks of the centers are so pressed that they will uot re spond to the drafts, somebody has got to suffer. Generally, as is the case this year, when the movement is not free, and the farmers are try ing to hold back their crops, the sufferers are those who have got to sell at a price that is lower than it ought to be by reason of the money stringency. At this season of the year, when conditions are normal and the crops being rushed to mar ket, the banks are overflowing with money. Now that the condition is reversed they are hot in all instan ces able to lend out as much money as they would like. How much more money would there be at this time in the South to make it independent to the point of hiving funds on deposit suffici ent to handle its great cotton crop by itself, if there we're no farmers like the one mentioned, who "bank" at home. In another cotton town a farmer recently was complaining that a l>ank had refused to lend him money to hold his crop. The gentleman to whom he was talking asked: "Where do you keep your money?" "In a box at home," was the re ply. ' "Well," he was asked, "What do you expect? The neighbors in your section have all been supplied with the money they needed. Thev Tiappened, also, when they had money to put it in the bank instead of a strong box, Now, after you have cut loose from the bank so far us being a depositor is concerned, you want it to tie up with you In becoming your creditor. Do you think that is a fair bargain?" Hoarding is,- of course, indefen sible in any point of view, person ally or otherwise. What is intend ed here, however, is not to dwell on the chances of loss so greatly in creased, for that is a matter of per sonal opinion in the last analysis, but to iudicate how in reducing the strength of his section, in robbing himself and his neighbors of the opportunity of borrowing money for their needs, when they need it and in the last instance helping to put down the pYice of very basic staple the price of which it' is his dearest wish to sustain, the farmer who keeps out of partnership with the banks is hurting himself and his people. As a part of the capital of the Sooth and as the one who controls the capital which must finance the staple crops and make the South independent of the speculator, the fanner, like other people, is a trus tee for the benefit of the business in which be is engaged. And, in every dollar that he keeps from circulation and use, he is failing to perform the obligation that is fixed upon him by its pos session. A Slgilflcait Prifir "May the Lord help you make Bucklen's Arnica Salve known to all," writes J. G. Jenkins, of I Chapel Hill, N. G. It quickly took the pain out of a felon for me and cured it in a wonderfully short time.'' Best on earth for sores, burns and wounds. 15c. at S. R. Biggs, drug store. ■ Cfjc (flit crprisi. WILLIAMSTON. N. C„ FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, [907 Kadkerine's j; ii Lessons. By CECILY ALLEN. ! ► I ( « Copyrighted. HOT, bjr I', t:. Kant maul. > It was Katherine Morgan's Brat week at the Setttuient'a house. It was also a week of revelations. She was now alive to the fact that, despite her fa ther'a wealth, her liberal education, her years abroad, she kuew little or noth ing of the treat mystery of life. Katherlue had plunged Into settle ment work moat impulsively directly after her quarrel with Arnold Gresb am. If a war had been In progress she felt sure she would have gone out as a field nurse. She had thought seriously of entering a nunnery, but. being a Protestant, this would have taken time, and at that particular moment Kath ertne did not want time to hang heav ily on her hands. She wanted action, and a different action from tlie usual round of teas, dances and dinners. Moreover, she wanted action apart from the world where she would meet Arnold Gresham, and, somewhat bit terly, she remarked to ber tear stained Image In the dressing table mirror that unquestionably Arnold never would find time to visit a Settlement house! Neither wealth nor careful chaperon age had been able to protect Katherine Morgan from the shafts of one Dan Cupid. Heretofore the wealth at least had bought her everything that she de sired, but it could not buy the slavish devotion which. In her unthinking way, she demanded of Arnold Uresham. Other men bad apparently iieeu will ing to spend their days and a large portion of their nights In serving her smallest ends, meetiug her least Impor tant desires, but grave eyed Arnold Cresbam, who had asked her to marry him .and placed the betrothal ring 011 ber finger, had actually Insinuated that hp was not sufficiently enamored of her to play the role of doormat. To be sure. It was uot Arnold who had spokeu (hose words literally, but Katherlne's brother Hob,. and the words rankled. Arnold had merely refused to break Important business engagements to follow her In sudden flight to Mrs. Croxton's house party in the Adlrondacks. Aud on various oc casions when she bad called up his of fice on the phone he had been out when be had said that he fully ex pected to lie In all morning. If. during their engagement, he was so indiffer ent, what chance had she to queen It over him after marriage? And Kathe rine down In her willful beArt wanted to qtieeu it over him as she bad queeued It over all who had come her way since babyhood. Wherefore the Settlement house aud Katherine seated In a deep window ledge with Maggie Helaney, discussing Saturday half holidays. "It's fierce to get all your plans laid «nd then have the lioss turn'eui all up side down," Maggie was saying, with tears very close to her big gray eyes. "I wouldn't care so much for myself, but Tom, he's sort of run down, and he needs fresh air. We was going out to Ridley's park, where you can get a boat for 2.') cents sn hour, and the music's fine. Tom he always takes a nnp under the trees, and then we have a row and a bite to eat, and he feels Just fine for dancing. The dancing pi« vllion at Ridley's Is Just grand." "Are you fond of dancing?" Inquired Katherine mechanically. "Do I love to dance? Well, 1 guess yea," answered Maggie enthusiastical ly. "And since Tom sud me are en gaged It seems sort of different. When the band plays. Td Rather Twostep Than Waltz, Bill,' seems like It ought to bo 'Tom' Instead of 'BUI.' 1 could Just dance right through life with Tom. Funny what a difference it makes when you know some one loves you!" She looked up Inquiringly at her companion's lovely face, but there was no answering enthusiasm. . "I really don't know how It feels," replied Katherine aa If her body tie side the young factory girl had sud denly been unlinked front the soul which answered the question. The mobile face of the factory work er changed, and her voice softened. "Of course I know It ain't Tom's fault, but If he's ever going to make a home for me and take me oaten the factory he's got to stand In with his boss. Ridley's or no Ridley's, we'll take a trolley ride after supper anyhow, so I guess I'll be moving on aud make a new stock out of that lace you gave me. Say, that's a lovely piece. I had a mind to save It for my trousseau, only It will please Tom If I have some thing pretty aud new on. Might as wall chirk him up a bit He's worse disappointed than me." The daughter of the rich and the factory worker went out of the door together. At the corner they paused before separating. "I wish you'd take this to your Tom," said the Impulsive young heir ess. "There's a lovely little restaurant In the park. Tel) Tom to take you there for dinner." She opened her gold mesh purse and hauled out a crisp, clean bill. The factory girl flushed and drew back. "Tom ain't that sort He'd never take money from a woman." The young heiress saw ber mistake. "Well, then, give It to soma one you think might not be able to afford a half holiday trip—some one who has no Tom to take ber ot#." And she sprang on board a waiting trolley car before Maggie could reply. The car stopped at the next corner. _;'"Thls car goes to Ridley's park?" de manded an elderly woman. "Tea'm. Step lively!" yelled the con ductor. "Ridley's park!" Why, that was where Maggie and Tom bad planned to go. Katherine felt -a "sudden whim to see the pleasure ground of the young people among whom she had worked during the past week. She would go to Ridley's park. Away the car bowled, stopping now and then, but less frequently as the suburbs were reached. Aud U seemed to Katherine that at every stop more Maggies and Toms scrambled aboard, all with au air of golden anticipation that she had never Celt at prospect of an automobile tour -or garden party. 80 absorbed was she in watching the half holiday crowd (hat she did not notice the attention she was attracting from a group of half tipsy youths who had dubbed her "the queen" and were daring each other to "pick up the peach." At Ridley's park she felt oddly dizzy with the coufualou. Perhaps"she had worked a hit too bard at the Settle ment house. Perhaps she bad not eat en enough. At any rate, when they reached the park entrance, and the crowd shoved ber this way and that, and the three youths clustered around her and paid her loathsome compli ments, she wondered whether she should faint or scream aloud. Sudden ly a mau iu uniform shoved the leer tug youths aside and touched Iter el bow deferentially. "Where do yon want to go. miss?" inquired the trolley Inspector, for such lie was. "Home, borne," exclaimed the tired girl, with a touch of hysteria In her voice. "Car on the third track," said the luspector laconically, and he put her aboard. Once out of the crowd, with the cool lug west v|Jnd fauulng ber face, Kathe rine felt better. She understood now why Maggie felt that Tom—big, pro tecting Tom—bad given the girl a new view of life. It must tie dreadful to be alone and unprotected lu the world. Now, If Ar uold had only lieeu different. If he had not been so absorbed In business. Then suddenly a feeling that had never come to Katherlue Morgan liefore obsessed her. Had Arnold ever really neglected her? Had lie ever (refused her his at tendance save when she willfully cbauged her mlud or made childish de mauds on his time? She remembered, too, that her father said something about a sbsky market, possibilities of a panic, the need of conservatism, etc. They bad nil been meaningless terms lu her moment of anger, but now she understood If Arnold meant to take her "outen the factory" he must stand in with Ills boss, too, and Aruold's boss was "the street." Something bright aud round fell from Katherlne's eye to the gloved baud she raised hastily as a screen, and then It happened—crushing • beams, crackling glass, shrieking wo men and groaulng men. Wheu Katherine woke up she was in Arnold Gresbam's big touring car aud Arnold Oresliam's face was very close to bam. \N "How did you ge(|off?" she Inquired dully, feeling as If she hail been cbung ed into Maggie Delany and Maggie's Tom bad come to the rescue. "1 went down to the Settlement bouse for you, found you had left with one girl, and another told me she bad seen you board the car for Ridley's park. I was Just following you out—when I saw (lie collision ami thought I might IK- of some ■ervtov to the Injured. Katherine, why In lho world did you go out like tills alone?" Katherine laid her bead contentedly on Gresbam's still trembling shoulder. "Recause I needr I to know that—l could not get along without you. Ar nold, dear, take me home." Spoonsful and Mouthsful. Heaven forfend that with rash hand I should rip open the chronic contro versy as to the proper plural of spoon ful et hoc genus omne. At present And for the present that controversy Is happily slumbering, and I would say non rnolestar II can che dorme. It Is very sure to wake up ere long and vex us Yet I cannot refrain from citing one word of that class which, strange to sny, has hitherto been over looked in the controversy and which yet ought to lie decisive of it. That word Is mouthful. Now, If the advo cates of spoonsful, etc., have any pre tensions to consistency they must doubtless maintain that the proper plural of this word Is mouthsful. Well, If so I would only submit that If any person should be directed to take a few mouthsful of milk or tea he would lie tempted to ask, like Sydney Smith wheu enjoined by bis doctor to take au occasional walk 011 an empty stom ach, whose?— London Notes and Que ries. His Idea of Lunch. It was the hour of spelling lesson, and the teacher of the primary grade waa pronouncing the words while the small persons lu front of her labori ously wrote them down. According to the usual custom sbe called for vol unteers to define each word as It was pronounced. "Lunch. Now, who can tell me what a lunch la?" There was a long period of silence, then a hand went up. "Well, Johnny, you may tell us what a lunch la." "A lunch," said Johnny—"a lunch Is what you hsve for dinner when your father la away."—Harper's Magazine. Corrsotsd. It was at a reunion of a gallant Irish regiment, and In due course a member rose to express bis carefully rehearsed sentiment "Here's to th' ould Fifty-ninth," he began hotly, "tb' last in tb' field an* th" first to lave uH" X -»■- "Ye muddler!" shouted a compatriot, apringlng to bis feet "Here's to tb' ould Fifty-ninth, equil to BOM!"—. Youth's Companion. HIS LOGIC. How John's Father Mad* ■ Teat Caaa of It. The old couple were eating their first meal with their sou after his return from -college. "Tell us, John," said the father, "what liave you learned at college?" "Oh, lots of things," said the sou as he recited his course of studies. "Then," he concluded, "I also studied logic." "Logic." said the old man—"what Is that?'*- "It's the art of reasoning." said the son. "The art of reasoning." said the fa ther—"what Is that, my boy?" "Well," replied the son, "let me give you a demonstration. How many chickens are on that dish, father?" 'Two;" suld the old man. "Well," fin Id John, "I cau prove there •re three." Theu he stHckjbls fork lu one and said. "That Is one/Isn't It?" "Yes," said the father. / "And this Is two?" sticking his fork In the second. "Yes," replied the father again. "Well, don't one and two make three?" replied John triumphantly. "Well, I declare," said the father, "you have learned things at college. Well, mother," continued the old man to his wife, "I will give you one of the chickens to eat, and I'll take the other, and John can have the third. How Is that, John?"— Judge's Library. Economy. A Chicago medico tells of two phy sicians In a Wisconsin town, the oue elderly, with a long record of cures, the other young, with tils record still to make. The older doctor, It appears, was Inclined to surrender some of his night work to the younger mau. One bitter night lu winter the vet erau was aroused by two farmers from u hamlet eight miles away, the wife of one of whom was Seriously 111. The doctor at once referred them to his young colleague, but they refused the latter's services. "Very well," replied the doctor, thinking to put a convlnclug argument before them. "In that case my fee Is $lO, payable now." Whereupon there ensued a remon strance on the part of the farmers, but the doctor was obdurate. Finally one of the meu asked the other: "Well, whnt do you think I ought to do?" "I think you'd better pay him the $10," said the other. "The funeral would cost Vou more." Harper's Weekly. Sweet Ravanga. A little boy came Into a dentist's of flee a short time ago and had a trou blesome tooth removed. After the den tlst had finished with him the boy asked for the tooth. The dentist gave it to him and Inquired ns to Ills rea sons for wanting It. "I'm ngoln' to take the old tiling home an' stuff It with sugar an' watch It ache!" the boy replied. Tha Answer Unfortunate. "What are these cigars called, Col lins?" "All sorts of things, sir."—Bystander. A Foragona Conclusion. "And theu, mind you," exclaimed Miss I'ussay Indignantly, "she asked me if I wouldn't marry the first man that came along." "The iden!" exclaimed Miss Cutting. "Dou't these obviously unnecessary questions make you tired?"— Philade lphia Press. Should Fly. Critic—You say here, "The faithful dog went flying after its prey." How's that for nature faking? Wright Itong—Oh, that's nil right. You see, this was a bird dog.—Kansas City Times. Not Enough. Penner—The critics roasted your book, didn't they? Scriblet—Yes, but not enough to In sure its success.—New York Life. Tha Football Haro Comas. Hta nose la strapped and wrapped up in a near soft leather pouch; Each musty muscle's cricking as he prac tices his crouch (For htm the purgy aurgeon Is preparing a soft couch). Soma things like pancake turnera hold his near small ears In place; His head la kept together by a hair lined, potlike brace (The stocky doctor's at hla heels with medicine filled case). Ha wears a woolen envelope or aweater, without fleck; * JSK) He atands with hands prepared sMpe one's anatomy to wreck t)r gently land with hla soft corns on his opponent'a neck). He's dubbed the brawny vizier of the pig- Skin and hla viz Has strips of courtly plaster on his al most hidden phiz- All these things prove the 'rah-'rah hero's -Mow m deck for MB. —r. p. FUnr in JudgSb j MAYOR OF SUNBURY Says Pe-ru-na Is a Good Medicine. • Hon.C.C. Brooks, Mayor of Bunbury, Ohio, also Attorney for Farmers' Bank and Hun bury Hut Id in K and !>>sn Co., writes: "1 have the utmost confidence In tho virtue of Peruna. It Is a great medicine. 1 have used it and I have kuown many of my friends who have obtained bene ficial results from its use. / cannot pralae Peruna too highly." j| HON. C. C. BROOKS. ji THEKK are a host of petty ailments which are the direct resu't «f lite wea'her. This is more true of the excessive heat of summer and the intense cold uf win ter, but is partly true uf all seasons of the year. Whether it be a cold or a cough, ca tarrh of thehend or bowel complaint, whether the liver bo affected or the kid neys, theoause Is very llablo to be the same. The wnalher slightly deranges the 1 mucous membranes of the organs and the result is some functional disease. Peruna ban become a standby la thousand* of homes /or minor all' merlin of till s sort. The president insists on that battleship expedition to the Pacific' He is for peace, and he wants thy people on that side ol the globe to see that we know how to get what we want when we want it, When the Stomach, Heart, or Kidney nerves (jet weak, then these organs always fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. That is simply a makeshift. Get a pres cription known to Druggist every where as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. The Restorative is prepared ex pressly for these weak inside nerves. Strengthen these nerves build them up with Dr. Shoop's R« storative—tablets or liquid- and sre how quickly help will come. Free sample test sen ton request by Dr. Sh'iop, Racine, Wis Your health is surely worth this simple test. S'.'"R, Biggs. Someone is trying to stir up ex citement over the discovery that Scotch whiskey is made in Japan. What of it? Are not plenty of Irish potatoes grown in (Verinau town, and Turkish cigarettes made in New York's Ghetto? A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thorough ly harmless, and safe, that Dr Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The whole some green leaves and tender stems of a lung he ling mountainous shrub, furnish the curative proper ties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, ami heals the sore and sensitive bronchial mem brances. No opium, no chloro form, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "1 he Sacred Herb" Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. S. R. Biggs. A Presidential boom should not be regarded as permanently out of commision simply because it has been drydocked for a little while. The, Postmaster of Gasconade. Mo., Daniel A. Bugh. says ot De- Witt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, '•I am doing so well, and improv ing so fast in health, that I cannot say too much for your Kidney«o& Bladder Fills. I feel like a new man.*" DeWitt's Kidney «nd Blad der Pills are sold by S. R. Biggs, WiJli amston,'Nv*C, Stade —Jones "if Co , Hamilton, N. C. Subscribe to The Enterprise. ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judidom advertis ing U the kind that ptji back toyoa the money yon invest. Space ia this paper aeeuree yon prompt retnraa . . WHOLE NO. 401 Professional Nardil, HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office: Chase's Drag Store. OPPICK HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 TE F P. H, Wiiliamslon, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 63 DR J. A. WHITE. DKNTIBT OPPICK MAIN STKIR PHONK 9 I will be in Plymouth the first week ia November. W. E. Warren. J. s. ik^« n DRS. WARREN & RHODES. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OPPICK LLF Bior.s' DRUG STORE 'Phone No. aq BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNKY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin's office. - j ——— 'Phone, 23. / WILUAMSTON. N. C. s. ATWOOD NEWELL LAWYER Office formerly occupied by J. D. Bigga. Phone No. 77, Wn,UAMBTOM** C. . . "»>>«»«' serrtAs arc deslrs* special attention given to examining and ng title for purchasers of timber sad tlasbet lands. cH r Special attention will be virta to real aetata exchange*. If you with to buy ar wl! laad I C * N ""P* o "- PHONI4I F. D. WINSTON S. J. EVIBKTT WINSTON & EVERETT WIUI.IAM STON, N. C. 'Phone 31 •Money to loss. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNEY-AT LAW ROBKRSONVILUK, N.|C. HOTEL IjEULAH D. C. MOORING, Proprietor ROBRRSONVILLK, N. C. Rates fi.oo per day Special Rates By the Week A First-Closs Hotel in Every Partic ular. The traveling public will find It a most convenient place to atop. IHf A SUDDRN REMINDER if your negligence in securing a, fire ia surance policy may come in the shape pf a fire at any time THE SOONER YOU INSURE the better for you. You know it, aad this is only to remind you that the knowledge will do you no good unless you act upou it. Let us write you a pol icy and have it over with. You'll feel better and sleep easier. K. B. GRAWfORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Williamston Telephone ft. 8. ATWOOD NEWELL, MANACK*. Office over Bank of Martin County. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. Phone Charges: Messages limited to 5 minutes; aztrs charge for over time. To Washington ij eta. " Greenville *5 '• " Plymouth 1 7$ " " Tarboro »5 " " Rocky Mount 35 " " Scotland Neck 15 •* " Jamesville IJ " " Kader Lilley's '. I) " " I. G. Staton 15 " " f. L. Woolard 15 " " J. B. Harris* k Co 15 " " Pannele..... 15 " " Rotiersonville 15 " " Everetts 15 " " Gold Point IJ " '• Geo. P. McNaughton fj " 7" Hamilton ...",.7.V,.""..T>i For other pointa call "Central." Noa- Subscribers must go to Castral. Naa- Sulwcribera must pay (or phaae raaaar tione, *

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