2 THE ENTERPRISE. rOBLiaHKO *V*R* FKIUAY n tsi umsmraisa rairrmo co. «IllUmiton M.C ■t ALFRED 8. WHITMORB. EniToa Kntcred •( lh« Foat Office at Wflllamaton, N. C. «a H€aul Claaa Matt Matter. Friday. November 8, 1007 Nearly all of the tobacco town*- are now feeling the result of the recent .panic. Tin? banks that carry the warehouse accounts, and the other banks as well, have stop ped paying dollar for dollar de posited with them; they are paying out only a limited amount in cash and giving cashier's checks for the balance. This is all right in tin face of existing circumstances, antl is no indication that the banks nre not safe, they are only following the lead of the banks in the inoues centres in doing this. The local banks cannot draw their deposits from the banks in which thev havV been placed, and iu most evety in stance where the local batiks lmve adopted the cashier's check method, they were f >rced to do so on that account. It is with a great deal of pride that we can say our local bank are in excellent condition, an«i have not been forced-to adopt tin methods of the banks in nearly every other tobacco town, The* are paying dollar for dollar in cast for every check presented, It is also gratifying to know Ilia! the depositors of these banks have the utmost confidence in'them,, and that instead of drawing out their money they are putting in more every day. With the gold from, Kuroj- landing in New York this week, aud the government turning out National bank notes as fast as pos sible, the money situation should lie relieved in a very-short time. We are in receipt of a copy ol the annual report of the Cbambei. of Commerce of Wilmington. In the secretary's comparative state ment ol the volume of business doue at that place during i'i>o6, an increase over 1905 of tfto and a quarter million dollars was shown. While there was a decrease in cotton of hall a million, there was an increase of one and a quarter million in groceries and >400,000 in dry goods, and half a million in building materials Some papers are congratulating Mr. Rockefeller on his large part in checking the financial panic Perhaps, how ever, if it hid not * t>een for Mr. Rockefeller and his ilk, there would not have peen sn mnch panic to need checking The South expects to cxpoit about a' billion dollars' worth of agricuitural products this year, which may be one reason why it is viewing with no particular alarm the paper panic they have b?eh having iu New York. The Louisville Courier-Journal wants to kuow whether it should be called "the Philippine Assembly, Dotima or Mob''. It is probably immaterial to the members so long as the salary is the same. What the Governor of North Car olina said to tlie Governors of Ala bama and Georgia is not recorded, but it wasn't as dry as his prohibi tion record. Colli Mil Croup in thlidren "My little j*f>rl js subject to colds" says Mrs. Win. II No. 41, Fifth St. Wheeling, W. Va "Last winter she had aseveiespeli and a terrible cough but 1 cured her with Chamberlain's J Cough Remedy without the aid ol a doc tor, and my little boy has been prevented many times fiotn flavin;- the croup by the timely use of this syrup." This remedy is tor fcale by All Druggists \ Dealeis in Pat ent Medicine A remark that "possum is fine eating" is attributed to Mr. Roise- Yelt. Tbjs should do something toward mollifying the colored vote. " . ' ' t When the is cross at d has you woiried and worn out you will 1 find that a little Casca sweet, the well known remedy for babies and children, will quiet the little one 111 a short time. Ihe ingredients are , printed plainly on the-bottle, Con tains no opiate-*. Sold by S. R Biggs, Williamstou N. C, Slade (ones & Co., Hami ton, N. C Cure Dandruff Why? Because IHs annoying, untidy. And mostly, becauac it almost invariably leads to baldness. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff I XI 9 Show It to your /Avers *■> ri„, „ mL. W m KJ ibnuoMbiiajri The new Ayer's Hair Vigor will certainly do this work, because, Hrrt of all, it de stroys the germs which are the original cause of dandruff. Having given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp i« restored to a perfectly healthy condition. Mniti-tir lho J. O. Aye? Co., Lowoll, *« PRESS CLIPPINGS Tlie 1 action laketi l>v the bank* of Greenville ami I'jtt County to temporarily pay drafts in cashiers' checks instead of cnsli, need not give any^one the slightest uneasi ness. It is done merely to tideovet a titnfc when the money they have deposited in other banks is not available, ami to meet the demands of business. The cashier's checks which the banks give out are as good as so much money, and will be accepted as so much money in any business transaction. I.et every body keep confident and business will go right 011 without interrup tion. The banks should be com mended for this action, for if such a step had not been t iken to protect business while money is being held in the cities, there is no telling what would have happened.— Greenville Reflector. They rushed Treasury money to Wall street to keep the bottom (torn falling out of stocks. So fart as heard from there is no disposition to do likewise to prevent the l>ot toiti dropping out of cotton and to bacco. Both are lower than they should be because millions of cur' rency. are locked up in New York If the Treasury can protect the stock market it can protect the cotton market. The money should be left in the hands of the people and theie should be 110 partnership between Wall street and the Treas ury Department. News it Observ er. Not a day passes but prohibition in the south has come a step nearer. In nearly every instance where an election is held the sentiment is overwhelming for 110 liquor. The day is coining when the" final step will be taken and the whiskey busi ness driven out of the country. Al ready the - people, who fail to see what tight a state has to make drunkards, are looking to the time when the legalized sale of l' ink will be one of the vices of the past. i 0 Raleigh limits. The panic of 1873 came while Grant wasseiving his second term; the panic of 1 came while Cleve land was serving his second term; and the panic of ujoy comes while Roo-evelt is serving his second term. Is this an argument against [a second term for a president 1 The In-st rule would In* a six-year term and ineligibility for re-election. — News iV Observer. Finding Money in not to U* depended hjuim If you spend all you earn what are you K°i n K to «t-» when sickne s, accident or lack of employment causes extra ex penw or stops the income? You can't pick up mon*y to n.ret such emergencies. Put a way a little each day, in A Beautiful Vest Pocket Bank which we loan you free Cat the little extravagances andde|>os it the money thu saved -with us'. Call. faxlay • '. ' . Farmers & Merchants Bank, WILUAMSTON, N. C. T-HK KNTKRPRISK, WILLIAfaSTON, N. C.NOVEMBER 8, 1907. OUR PARAGRAPhER In the flurry, a lot of wildcat corporations took to the woods. And now it appears that there is a collar button trust. The people get it in the neck again, of course Lucidly, however, not tnany of our American girls can afford to buy those dinky little foreign noblemen. A Missouri woman is asking SIO,OOO for a kiss. How can she have the face to demand a price like that? Another thing in favor of a bal loon race is that it doesn't get the innocent bystander's eyes and lungs full of dust. Harriinan and Rockefeller linioli ed together the other day. be tween them both they usually lickl the platter clean. Just because tile devil is always portraved as n man some women look with suspicion 011 every male person they meet. 1 * When a woman is over thirty she conceals her age, but when she is over a hundred she brags about it. In some restaurants they are 11 t>w cooking with electric stoves. Tliat shocks the steaks; the price shocks the consumers. Twenty years. from now, avers a scientist, we will all he Hying. However, the chances are that a good many of us will be frying. An impression seems to prevail that "American warships have a right to go where it may seem desirable to send thetu, without asking permission. "Mr. President you are no tender foot, said a guide, thereupon Mr. Rooxeve|t handed him a f,io bill", says a news item. Docs this renlly prove that he i,« or he isn't? Abe Ruef of Frisco, recently, swore in court that he did not know the meaning of "graft", Al>e certainly would make an ideal Standard Oil witness. A man named People.is a candi date for office in Pennsylvania. Here is one man that can truthfully de clare that he is running strictly and absolutely for the People's benefit A Connecticut man wants a divorce from his wife liecause she will give him only sausigc for breakfast. He is supposed not to lie a dog fancier." -^ Where-iSenalor Tillman is at present, we do not know, but we are free to assert that the box-o (lice nearest htm, shows no signs of tightness in the money market. Japan is buying great quantities iof American-made steel tails. Let her alone' A rattling good rail j road problem will give her all the | worry she wants at home. Hoiled down, the findings of the Hague Peace Conference amounts'to this: There will be no more war, but if there is, it should be as lady like as possible; and if there isn't, why, the delegates can't help it. It is now said that President Roosevelt is going to make all the fat admirals climb up a mast to prove their efficiency in seamanship. This ought to bring a big revenue to the government at 25 cents a ticket. 1 According to the N. V, Press, a I country paper announces gravely, I that ''Miss I.egg has given her hand to Mr. Grasp" Let us hoj>e j that he will hold on to her, The finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr Slioop of Racine Wis. You don't have to boil it twenty or thirty minutes, "Made in a min | ute" says the doctor. "Health Coffee" is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. Not a grain of real Colfee in it either Health Coffee Imitation is made from pure toasted cereals or grains With malt, nuts, etc. Really it | wrtul I fool an expert were he to unknowingly drink it for 'Coffee. |J. A. Mizell, A Co. The President and his hunting companions in Louisiana, ate three bears, six deer, one wild turkey, twelve squirrels, one duck and one possum. After that they ought to be able to get along on beefsteak and potatoes for a while. This 1$ Worth Ria»alcrii( As no one is immune, every per son should remember that Foley's Kidney Cure will cure any case .of. kidney or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine C. C. Chase, and S R Bigps. Lo.al B , alias Limber Twir Dr. W. E. Warreti, the owner of Loyal 8.. and Mr. and Mrs. A. R Mizell returned from Suffolk, Vi , last Friday. After arriving at Suffolk Dr. Warren was informed that Loyal B , could not trot in the 2:40 claws, in which he had been entered, owing to the Isct* that he, Loyal 8., had a lower record. Upon investigation it was found that Loyal had been on the tra:k under a different name. Limber T»vig, and had won a race in 2:,;o, this being trne he was haired iron) the 2:40 class. A 2:25 class was made up and Loyal B entered in that, winning second money. He was a clae second in all thiee heats, which were trotted in 2:16, 2:1 Hand 2:19, Loyal 8., was also euteied in the free for all, winning third money. The free for all nee was made tip of fast pacers, Loyal being the only trotter in the bum h. Tlere were pacers in this race that had records below 2:15. Limber Twig war. sold last Mly at the Norfolk Sfiecial Horse Sale. The following is his pedigiv»r t;.lt en from the Norfolk Special Hoist- Sale Co.'s catalogue. Limber-Twig, record 2:30; Trial 2:22 ' 4 . Trotter: Bay horse, 7 yearnl old, 16 hands high. Sired by I Portsmouth 95,56. Son of Alcyone 732. sire of Bush 2:09 A-4, Martha Wilkes 2 :oH, Alcvo 2:10 and 5 s others in 2:3001 better. A statement api>ended to the altove reads as follows: "Limber Twig was worked on a farm until last spring, fi«jofi), when lie was put into Mr. F auk Covington's hands at the Norfolk track, ami in just si* weeks wort stepped a lull mile in 2:22 ' 4 , last half iu 1:10. He is/good headed, always oil the trot, and we believe he will make a most consistent hotter and train on, to a fast hoise. His (| 11 ilttwi 111 n extia good wherever you place him.' Whit Would You Dt? Incase of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such inquires are liable to occur in any family and everyone should be prepare ! for them. Chamberlain s Salve appUed on a soft cloth wi I relieve tie pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a very severe one will cau-e the parts to heal without leaving a scar. For sale by All Druggists fc Dealers in Patent Medicine Resolutions of Respect respect adopted by the Woman's Auxiliary, of the. Church of the Advent, on October .lith 1907. Whkkkas, God, to whom be long tile issues of life and death, has in mercy taken to Himself the spirit of Louallie Poole St at on. therefore be it resolved: f 1. That this the first break in the chain which binds 11s together, conies with saddening force, but teaching us' the great lesson of patient submission to the Divine will. 2, That while our deceased friend could not be with us 111 the midst of otir labors for the upbuilding of the parish, she was ever readv to respond generously to every call. 3, That we deplore our loss, and mourn with the husband upon whom the dark hand of affliction has fallen so heavily: but with faith we can tuin with hi 111 and looking upward, sav, "The Lord gave, the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." 4, That a" copy of these resolu tions be inscribed upon the minutes of the Woinans Auxiliary, one lie given to the bereaved husband ar.d oue be sent to the Enterprise for publication. Mrs. Dknnin S. Biggs ' Mrs. Kaua B. Crawford, Miss Hattik Throwrk, COMMITTKK How to Tint 1 Strain Sprains, swellings and lameness are promptly relieved by Cham berlain's Pain Balm Thi* lini ment reduces inflammation and soreness so that a sprain may be cured in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. For sale by All Druggists A Dealers in I'ateut Medicine. u. _ ttonii.mpa puojd oa tfi| )| n»p|oiij an moqs mov iu* Xj*iv |3| ton op jai|.>va) KMia* *tou Sni uoiioj pa oij.tt joipiw) a inn aqj inn jj „')tiam«)M| amtt pV *l«i >ll "I «pw pu» qtnottj aqi tt| no|)aaS|a„ V,, |u»ra»j»j« *iqt »p»tu uodn pa||«a |J|S aqj •* '*u|Bttjnv>a|p aaqicj s«* jqmi a* tug aqx seep aqi paoonaeab poojajapnu ptq uoit.nutsa| itq qjiun Moq janf .uoa j o\ «no|xa« 'm -qaiai aqi ooi)*al|p no no«sa| • Ja^y •»»a •» *ri I GAMBLER'S PANIC: PEOPLE'S SCARE Better Be ■ Hero li Circulation In stead of • Martyr by Hoarding (Newa & Observer.) ' To the Editor: I understand the banks at Rocky M unt have stopped paying full amount in cash for checks, which leads ire to con clude that it is suicidal to auy in terest, whether it be nwrcha-t, farmer, contractor, real estatedeal er, or auv other occupation todraw out their deposits from the banks ami put it in idleness. It all has a tendency to retard business and depreciate the product of their labor. Out of the six or seven hundred thousand dollars of de posits in the banksof Rocky Mov.nt I would suppose that three-fourths of Ihe amount is out on good papers which is not due, .ar.d since out bank can't draw from another it> time of need, the liest thing t£ do is to increase deposits all vou can instead of drawing ou tbeui tin necessarily. It is a gambler's panic ami a people's scare, and needs lieing extinguished instead ol adding fuel to the flames. Bettei I* a hero iu circulation instead of 4 mattyr by hoarding. JI'SSK Bkakk. Rocky' Mount, N. C , Nov. 5. Appendicitis Is due in a large measure t> abuse of the bowels, by employ ing drastic purgatives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr Kings New Life Pills, the safe genllt cleansers and invi. orators. iiiar anlet dto (life headache, bilious ness, ma'aria and jaundice at S l, figgs, drugstore. ijc. The Butter Dish Factory Com mittee at Work The committee appointed at th meeting of the business men last week to look into the freight ratth and to secure a site for the butter dish factory, secured from the rail roads a rate, while not |t»i!e as low as was wanted, which was indeed quite a cut in the regular rate. The committee has been at work since last Satuiday trying tosectm | a still lower rate, but upf> to the present time has only lieeti able to 1 get letters from the railroads ac knowledging receipt of its letters In regard to the site for the plant several were visited f»y the colli mittee, accompanied by the gentle men interested, and it was found that a site satisfactory to tlit.se gentlemen could be had. Mr 4. B. Lav left morning for Ktn'poria, hefjtl they have an option 011 a plant, to take a futlier look into the timber situation there. Mr. O. H. Lav left Wednesday morning for liis home in Port Alle ghany, I'a., whither he was called on account of a serious accident to one of the metnlierso! his family. Before leaving, however, Mr. Lav stated to the writer tlint Wjl liamston was the most favorable lo cation yet visited He al-o stilted that the freight rate wis a little high, but the main trouble was that he fen red he could not secure the labor necessary to operate the factory. He further stated that lie would sec his son at Emporia aud would send him back to Williains ton for a further look into the mat ter Trial Catarrh treatments are be ing mailed out free, on.request, by- Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. The e tests are proving to the people— without a penny's cost—the great value of his scientific prescription known to druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, Sold by S. R. Biggs. Lincoln'* Great Oration. Uucoln s Gettysburg NjK*»>ch drives Its power front I lie follow ing fact,.; It* brevity—everything l* concise ami right to tbe point, so flint the reader receive* the fullest effect at mice: Its alisolut* sincerity, rivaling the impression thai the »|>eaker Is Riming not at effect, but at the honest unfolding of his soul's toiumjttgled joy and sorrow, sympathy and hope; Its perfection of style, Its words being J its I mich as were needed properly to cxpreax the Idea, simple, yet powerful, going straight to Ibe mark like well aimed esunou balls.— New York Auterlcau. SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME. Thev Heal the Skin and Take Aaway Its Impurities. Sulphur balli* heat Skin t>l«ea«e*. and alve the body a whole Home glow. Now you doc t h*rr to g» off to * high-prtc*«l mort !• grt them Put * lew (ponnful* of HANCOCK'S UQt'lD St'LPHt'R in the hot water, *at you g*t * prrfrct Sulphur hat'A right in youn on home Applv HANCOCK'S UQt'lO SUUfHCS to ( the affected parti, and Kncu aad other Mab | born akia trouble* *re quickly cured.' H. Tboman. ol Vatdoata, Oa.. wa* cured of a I iwiaful *kta trenbl* and h* praiac* it is the ! big heat term*. Vour dnigglM «Ht iu HANCOCK'S Ugl'lD SUI.PHU* OINT MENT la the beat cure for Store*. Pimple*. Hackhaed* and all lataaattoa. Oteca a aaft I, g-FemaleWeaknessn "Last Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun nelton.AV. Va., "I was going down by inches, from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui, Ohl My! Howl was benefited! I am not well yet, but am so much better that 1 will keep on taking Wine of Cardui till 1 am perfectly cured." Despite the envious attacks of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today fas in the past 70 years] for the relief and cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up ■ the organs, regulates RAN ADVKX ■ the functions, and aids .« ■ - # rrtt Advk-e.ii! plain Mated envelop*. in the replacement of la*** Advisory Department. The Chattanooga MedkineCo.,Chrtta a misplaced organ. " 0 °" T , " n - At Every Drag Store in SI.OO Bottles. L-7 CARDUH Cosby Patent Airjight Baker and Heater /m IT HEATS I ~ r^w "-7 y AND | COOKS TOO. Jfjtt, 1 ' The Mc.st Convenient. Useful ,3 , and Economical Stove for the Home Ever Made. . . .". IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY It warms the coldest and largest room 1 n [■ the honse, making it coxy. The bu*> / housewife can cook or bake anything /; Jtr -m from light roll* to • Thanksgiving or I Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as U ■ neat as any heater made. It is air-tight X 9 and a ((rent fuel saver. Thousands are be ing sold. Thousands of housekeepers are •tH enthusiastic. Pine Cast Iron tops and |TB bottoms, making it last for years without &JHJ repairs. Made only by Box 2745, RICHMOND, VA Wi IMB Just Received a Carload of Salt Come while prices are low The Freshest and most complete line of Staple and Fancy Groceries kept in Williamston can be found at our store The Choicest Line of Gandies, Fruits and Nuts (Jive us a Call x J. A. MIZCUL, & GO. Town Drummer*. In Scotland the town drummer waa mi Important |>or*>UHsjo and perform ed many dutle*. t When beggar* or auspicious characters could not slve * I satisfactory account of themselves on twins brought Iwforp the bullies and were ordered to he placed in the pit-4 lory or in the Jours they were after- i want drummed out of the town. The | drummer would also make known aft- | er beating Ills ilrnm to attract atten tion notices i-elntiiiK to town affairs, roupings under juillclHl authority, etc. —London Notes anil Qfteriea.• BUSINESS ITEMS. —Ask for K! Coreso. FOR SALE- Old newspapers jo cent* |wr hundred, this office. TafTy-Tolu Gum quenchtsS thirst. 1 OST—At Sparks Show Oct. 19, one Girls Hat and one Childs Knitted White Sack suitihle leward if returned to thi* offiie • tf FOR RBNT—A ftfrnished front room Apply at this office. tf LOST—On the day of the circus one pair of gold rim spectacles, ia case, name of W. H. Kd wards on case. f2.00 reward. Aj>ply at this office. tf Notice Having ipia lifted as administrators j u|ion the estate of John R. lVel. deceased Ute of Martin County, N. C. this ia to', notify all j ersons ha\ ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 25th day of (Sttober 1908, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recrverv. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate j*y meot. Thia the 15th day of October 1907. W. H. & Sylvestar Peel, Adms., 112564. Administrator'* Notice Having qualified as administrator of Mary Louallie Staton deceased, this la to notify all persons indebted to said estate to cusne forward and settle at once, and all person» to whom' this estate is indebt ed will present their claims to thcunder signed for payment on or before Novem ber 8, noB, or this notice wilt he plead in hnr of their recovery, Thia Bth day of November 1907, «i-Mt J. O. Staton, Ada. I * , —' ;ga«iis> «MHi TRAOC-tfARHB |>r»nn|>'ly 01. T.i all 6Muirt*t, urlo i * obtain PAT NTS I THAT PAY. «Qv*i-um them U.«»nni*hi> I otu ■ and orip yim hj RKt w. hnid modtO, pfeoU. t»r ak.tcJi for FHCF. Ip H on t>aWotai>iHty *a yrarV practice. Mjft- ■ MASSING ACFCRCNCCS. For fni *lfcW ■ Book on IV>ntalil(* Patetita write to I •0)-tOS S«v>nth Sir B gBSSBBi Alow is the time to have your piano put in good condition for the long winter ev enings. Expert Tuning and Repairing. Drop a postal and I'll call. All work guaranteed. W. V. ORMOND Bo* 174, WILLIAMSTON, N. C. wwnasaws, | N ai.L eounmicm. dim! wkk H'atkhtgton mh» /mw,l Mr pmUnt. A— I fJJJW NV nICIKI UOWIWj. H _** \sASHmQTOH ILI *1 WOn AQKMTI A IUOCIII THE OLD WORLD AND ITS WAYS WM. JENNINGS BRYAN Superb Engravings from Photographs, taken by Col. Bryan. Recounts his trip around the world r« t his visits to all nations. Greatest book of travel ever written. Moat suc cessful book of thia generation, called for in 4 months W rite us for ae tuple reports of first 100 agents em ployed. The people buy it eagerly. The agent's harvest. Outfit ( kit. —Send fifty..centa to cor. er cost of mailing and handling. Ad dress. » Tk Tlmhm Ml Ca., St. lute. Mi*