I* LOCAL ITEMS j 1 All notice* puhliahrd ia this colaaa, whet* revenue la to be derived, will b* charted *1 the F rate of la era W a line. (coont at* Wocda la a line i each lame, special rates will he made o* Isnff contracts —EI Cores© t —Are you a Chnloo? n —W. O. W. meets to niglit. ' —Taffy-Tolu Gum. The Best. —Read the new ads. iu this issue v —Ask tor EI Coroto, Refuse , others. f —Smoke El Coreso. ii —TatW-Tolu. that's me. , Mr. J W. Biggs of R. F. D. c No. i was a pleasant caller at our t office Tnesday. 8 Mr. H. J. Smith of Roberson ville was a pleasant caller at our office last Saturday. —Mr. W. E Griffiu of Rober sonville was a pleasant' caller at f our office last Saturday. —Captain W. R Fowden has ( moved to the house formerly oc« » cupied by Rev J. R. Tingle. f —Peanuts are not bringing any thing like the money they did last season. The lieat are bringing . c only j cents. —Dr. M. L. Krome, the eye specialist, will leave for his home in Elizabeth City next Friday, the t 22. He will be gone two weeks. ' —Tks Treasurer of the Church ( of Advent acknowledges the recipt ( of sio contributed to the Rectory { fund this week. This makes the total coutributed >IOO.OO including the $19*.00 promised tn Jsnuary. 4 fl —There is much talk now of j msking arrangements for a county , fair for next fall. Let every one f interacted in a movement of this ' kind speak out. This paper will J published the views of anv upon ( this subject. —There are two ways of getting into a newspaper—"purchasing an interest and purchasing sn inter view." There is still auother way | pulling the wool over the editor's eyes and getting in for nothing. I This is s very populsr form of en- ■ ,fy - t —Williamston is tbe onlv mar ket we know of in Eastern North j Carolina that is not paying for to bacco in script. Sell your tobacco now while the price is higii, and , with the Old Reliable Tom Gftbam, who will give you Green backs, Silver or Gold, either want. —Mr. T. S. Graham returned last Friday from Winston-Salem where he went to be with his mother in her lust illness. Mrs. Graham .' died Tuesday and was buried Thursday. Mrs. Grsham was 69 years old. She leaves three sons, all of whom were with her when the end came. The Enterprise joins in sympathy with Mr. Gra ham in this hour of grief. —Mr. Wm. W. Jones of Griffins Township died lsst Friday morning. He was about 42 years old, and leaves a wife and eight children to mourn their loss. Mr. Jones was a good farmer, an excellent neighbor a loving and affectionate husband and father. His funeral service was conducted Saturday by Elders Henry Peel aud A. D. Mizell. The body was laid to rest in the family burying ground. —Mr. R. D. Carter received this . week several nice horses and a pony, that were purchased by him last week while in Virginia. Amoag the bunch is a very nice mare that will very likely develop into a good trotter. These horses are for the firm of Carter & Biggs, snd we understsnd that anoth er one of pretty good racing qualities ia on the way to Wil liamaton. Masaes. Carter & Biggs issue a challenge to trot or pace against anything in the county. —Dr. James S. Rhodes and Messrs. K. B Crawford snd J S. Cook, three of our local sportsmen, sienttheday yesterday hunting. 1 The sport was very good and a large number of quail were killed- When ready to return, tbe bqrses having stood for some time in the cold' Wire anxious to move and began plunging and rearing and while try ing tq getaway the pole was broken and one of the horses was thrown: Luckily for tbe sportsmen Mr. J L. ' Woolaid drove up about this time ~ ih.a surry aud brought the three gentlemen to town. -The horses were not injured. ' ( —Rev. J. R. Tingle and family have moved to Plymouth.. While here Mr. and Mrs. Tingle made many Iriends who regret their de parture.— —Williamston is the only mar ket we kuowof in Eastern North Carolina that is not pay ieg for to bacco in script. Sell your tobacco now While the prices is high, and s*U with the Old Reliable Tom Graham, who will give you Green backs, Silver or Gold, either von want. —A few days ago a rather bash ful young woman went into a store carrying three chickeus. She inquired the price of chickens and at the same time put them 011 the counter. The clerk didn't know the chickens' feet were tied, and aaked if they would lay there. She bit her handkerchief aud said: "So. sir; they are roosters." Services at Church of Advent Rev. John I{. Griffith, Jr., of St. Marys Church Kinstmi, N. C., will hold l>oth services at the Episcopal Church on Sunday Nov. 17th 11 A. u. aud 7:30 p. 11. Rev. Mr. Griffith is oue of the most successful clergymen in East Carolina. He ha* just completed and paid for a very attractive new church in Cinston the meeting place of the last Diocesan Council. Bishop Strange will make his next visitation to Williamston on Wednesday and Thursday Dec emlter 11 aud 12. Ccnlirniation services on Wednesday night, morning service with Holy Com munioa at 11 A. M. Thursday. Aiiiiililtls Is due- in a large measure to abuse of the bowels, by employ ing drastic purgatives. To avoid all danger, use only Dr. King's N'ew Life Pills, the safe gentle cleansers and Guar anteed to cure headache, bilious ness, malaria and jaundice at S. R. Biggs, drug store. 25c. —Chew Tatly-Tolu Gum, NO SCRIPT, NO PAPER, Nothing but HARD CASH Paid by Bank of Martin County —Williamston is the ouly mar ket we know of in Easteru North Carolina that is not paying; for to bacco in script. Sell your tobacco now, while the price is high, and sell with the Old Reliable Tom Graham who will give von Green backs, Silver or Gold, either you want. —lt It not easy to learn to keep a household account book all at once A young husbaud gave bis wife a neat little account book prettily l>ound aud designed to be inviting in appearance. He also gave her fifty dollars, and said: MI want you to put down what I gave you on this side, and on the other write down the way it goes, and in two weeks I will give you another supply." Two weeks lat ter be asked for the book "Oh, I have kept that account," Mid the young matron: "here it is." And on one page was inscribed: "Re ceived from Fred fifty dollars," and on the opposite was this sum nary, "Spent it all." F=i A Piano For Ghristmas Splendid idaa, iaa't it'\ Would add to much to your bota* pleat arc*. Think you can't afford it thi* rear, '>ecaua* you don't feci a* flush a* usual ? Well tbat't tao bad. We think w* can help yo« out- W* m*k* the Stiaff Piano, *o if you buy from ua, you UTt at least (too. Now if you can apart * very few dollar* aacb month, we ' will mak* it ao easy that you will really consider u* ■ benefactor. If you will give u* a cbaaca, we will writ* you all about it; *o «*ud your nam* and addr***, nentiou iag thi* ad. Yours for * Happy Christmas CHAS M. BTIEFF, LC. STEELE, Mo*., 1 MGrsuby St., Norfolk. V'a. Th* Piano with the Sweet Too*. Ottcial Piaao Jama*t«Wß Sapor. sfcloa. THE ENTKRPR I The - | Jamestown !; Exposition | Close* with thi* month, but the ,> holiday* follow closely with the | happy custom of loving gifts. | The best (election u made from * I 1 Jewelry store, »nd we have the | largest in the South which en- I, able* us to offer yau peculiar ad- 5 vsntages \ We Send Goods s ou approval, so write about your | 1 needs and see how quickly «e re- f I pl y I 1 If you "l>on't kuow what to tg've'' 1 We c*u assist you in deciding Jutt r | write us frankly. httt'-Gtle-Greeawood Co Inc. T Watchmaker! suit Jewelers a [ 1 Granby S.reet aud City Hall Ave- * Norfolk. Va. To Book Lovers ■TO*** The clever aud energetic pro prietor of Chase's Drug Store has added the known Tabard Inn Lib rary to his place of business. Some of the very latest books published will be found in this library, as well as a good selection of old books of th* standard authors. By becoming a member ot this library one has at his diaposal the best books published aud at very small cost. After Itecoming a member thfr-eosLof reading anv hook lifted in the library is fiye cents, provid ed however, the book is read in one week. Now (hat the evenings are growing longer many will waul' good books to read, and they will do well to join this library. Call at Chase's Drug Store and have the pl.tn thoroughly explained ot you. Birthday Celebration A very pretty and uotable birth day party was given last Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. Wal ter Anderson, to his sou, Clyde, and little Miss Glenwood Ellington The occasion was to celebrate the ninth anniversary of these little folks. The afternoon was spent in playing games, and having a good time in- general. There was a large number of their friends ent to congratulate them and wis : h them nothing but sunshine and pleasure through life's voyage. The popularity of these young' people is attested by the tiutubei of presents given them on this occa sion. To Hold a Bazaar. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Episcopal Church will hold a Ba zaar one evening in the week prior to Christmas. Dressed dolls, doll's wardrobes, fancy articles and use ful things suitable for presents will be on sale. Refreshments will be Served aud the committees on en tertainment will present an attrac tive prograiue. The committees named are: Managers: Mesdatnes I). S, Biggs and S. aud MUs llattie Thrower. On entertainment: Mesdames Carter and Jeffre.ss aud Misses Nannie Smith and Clyde llassell. On Booths: Mesdames Frank Barnes and K. B. Crawford, aud Misses Mayo Lamb, Bettie Gordon and Nannie Biggs. On Refreshments: Mesdames Gordon, Hassell.Fowden and Cook Notice The Colored Teachers Associa tiou meets at the colored Graded School building Saturday Nov. the * All teachers in tbe schools of the cotfnty are required by law to at tend. R. J. PKKI. Sup't. PERFDMERY Best line in the State CHAMOIS SKIN for all purposes GENERAL LINE TOILET ARTICLES ♦ SPECIAL 5 and 10 cents TOILET SOAP 1 Sa Ra BICGS SE, WILLIAMSTON. N. C., NOVEMBER ij, 1907 SOCIAL NEWS "|j THE BRIDE The tittl* white bride it left aloue With him, her lord: the guettt have a gone; The featal hall it dim. No jetting now, nor autweriug mirth. The hush of deep falls ou the earth And laavet her here with him. Why should there he, O little white hride, When the world lia» lefl you by his aide. A tear to liriui your eye*' Some old love-face that comet again, Soeie old love-moment sweet with pain Of pataiouate memories' i Kjki your heart vrarti hack with last regret Tor the maiden meads of uiiguouette And the fairy-hauuted wood. That you had not withheld from love, A little while, the freedom of Yoitj happy maidenhood' Or ia it but! a uamelest feai, A wordiest joy, that calls the tear [u dumb appeal to rise. When, looking ou him where he standi, You yield up all into hit bauds, Pleading into hit eye*' For days that laugh or Mishit that weep Vou two ttrike oars across the ilerp With life's tide at the brim. And all time t beauty, all love's grace Beams, little bride, upon your face Here, looking up at him John Charles McNeill. Miss Lilla Whitley is visiting Mrs. Sue Rwell this wick M lis Nora Fowden came home last night from Washington. The Misses Kamp of Lancastei County, Vs., are visiting Mis D S Biggs 1 Miss Louise Rives ol Roberson ville spent Sunday in town with Miss Delha Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Carter who have been .spending some time in I,an caster C«unty, Vs., returned Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Robinson of Sharptown, Md., are the guests of Mr. and Mis. F I'. Barnes on Smith wick street. Mesdames F. D. Taylor and.Fau uie Ray returned from Scotiand Neck Wednesday where they spent a day or two visiting friends. Miss Hetlie Warren returned to her home iti Greenvilla vesterday after spending ten days with her brother Dr. Win. li. Warren. Mr. and Mrs. W. O- Lawrence spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. J. I). Biggs in Williamson Scotland Neck Commonwealth Mr. John W. Hassel ha* left Richmond, Va., where he was cm ployed by Everett Waddey Co., to accept a position in Kttoxville, Tenn. The Postmaster of Gasconade. Mo,, Daniel A. Hugh, says ot De- VV'itt's Kidney and Bladder Fills, 1 1 am doing so well, and i'riprov mg so fast in healt'i that I cannot say too much for your Kidney & Bladder Pills. I feel like a new | man." DeWitt's Kidney and Had der Pills are sold. by»S. R. biggs, I Willi imslon, N. Slade Jones & Co , Hamilton, N C. I PERSONAL BRIEFS J Mr. T. C. Tilghman spent Weil nesday in town. Mr. C. A Jeffres returned Tues day from (ireenville. Mr. T. S. Graham sj>ent Wed nesday in Robersonvillc. Mr. (J. T. Brai.tley went up the road on a business trip Tuesday. Mr. George Hurrisson left Mon day for Rocky Mount on business. Senator Harry W. Stubbt spent a day or two in Kins on this week. Mr. J. I. Champion left Sunday morning for Oxford N. C. on a business trip. Mr W. J. Cherry of Gold Point was a pleasant caller at our office Yesterday. Charlie Brantley came home Yesterday morning from Warren ton, where he is attending Warren ton High School. Charlie will stay over till monday. * . Colds ud Crni 11 Ukliirm "My bttle girl is subject to colds" says Mrs. Win, H% Serig, No. 41, Fifth St., Wheeling, \V. Va "Last winter she had a severe spell and a terrible cough but I cured her with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy without the aid ol a doc* tor, and my little boy has been prevented many times., from having the croup by the fimeiy use of this syrup." This rernedy is lor sale by All Druggists 4 Dealers in Pat ent Medicine II •„ A ' Consider This You pay no more litre lliau you must pay elsewhere and without risking Highest Quality and NEWEST FASHIONS of the DAY MONEY BACK ON DEMAND I W. G. Allen & Co.'s Garments we, being competent to judge after 5 years gaining clothes knowledge, place be fore you absolutely the Best and the Mostour motvev can procure and thii is one l ' le things that's making us grow no fast. Men's Suits from $5 to S2O Jjfjw Youth's Suits- - - u $4 to $lO —ML Boys' Suits - " $1 to $5 Meu's Overeats and Craveuettes from $4.50 to SIB.OO Boys' Overcoats from $2.25 to $5.00 53' * Come and See us. Costs Nothing to Look Harrison Bros. & Co. | BUSINESS ITEMS | Nolle will be published und.t this head st the tste i.ft cent wtrd. No notice lakru fur 1... thtn ijituu so Issue Ask for El Coreso. FOR SAI.K- Old newspapers io cents |ier hundred, this office. Taffy-Tolu Gum quenches thirst. FOR RENT -A furnished front room Apply at this office. tf LOST—On the day of the circus oue pair of gold rim spectacles, in case, name of W. H. Kdwards on case #J,oo reward. Appeal this office. tf FOR SALS-Fine Cabbage Plants. 1. W. Watts & Co. Notice, lown lax Your town and graded school tax for the year 1907.is now due. You will please come forward nnd settle at once. Yours respectfully, J. H PACK, 11 -K-4t Tax Collector. Wanted From a pint to a quart, each, of acorns of the following kind of oak:—Willow Oak, Laurel Oak, Water Oak, Overcup Oak. 25 cents a pint will be paid for them. Sylvester Hasscll. Williamston, N. C. Nov. (>, 1007. DEPOSITORS RIGHTLY SMII.K lU hini who refuses to avail himself of the advantages of having a bank account. Tliey know their money is (rom theft, injury or fire, while his is in dan ger all the time. Bank of Martin County suggests that if you have uot yet opened an account it would do no lis-in to do so as an experiment. If you don't like the freedom from worry such an account I will give, you con close it any time. Hut you'll like it. We Pay Interest on Time Deposits Ir " . No Insurance Company will insure any one hav ing any trace of Kidney Trouble F*verv frtce of Kidney trouble is i eliminated by UVA SOL I SIOO.OO will'be paid by the Inter state Chemical Co., of Baltimore, Md., for any case of kidney trouble UVA SOL will not A word to the wise. "Ktrt' sale by Chase's Drug Store WILLIAMSTON, M. C. | The BENTHAL PEANUT PICKER;j Will Cost You Only $350.00 , :j Let Me Sell You One y Also am Agent for Gasolene or Steam | , Engines to Match I Gasolene Engines, $l5O Steam Engines Mounted $235 f Soliciting your orders, I am respectfully, J. PAUL SIMPSON, I , Wllllamston, N. C. A. BIG SALE Bargains Bargains WeJjave bought H. M Burrass' entire stock of New Goods, and are selling them strictly at WHOLESALE COST We must close this stock out in 30 Days So com early and get your choice before the stock is picked over Remember for 30 days only *■ So don't be slow Lor this stock must go Yours to please, GURGANUS & SON BROWN & HODGES K ■ ' i Dealers In /■ ~ \ - ■ 1 _ •* Fancy; and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free elivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders BAKER & SALSBURY HAMILTON, N. C. announce lo the public that they now occupy their new store on Front Street and present to their friends the greatest values of the season. We have Daniel Miller & Co.'s beautiful line of Samples in: Knit Goods: Underwear and Hosiery For Men and Women f-fr J ¥"% J and other articles too numerous to mea- C*oys lclrHS tion, all ol which they are offering at Baltimore Wholesale Prices Come and see their line and save one-third the value We also carry a full line of • y DRESS OOODS. SILKS • an® all found"in'"a BrsTclasTstore"aridinvfte-your special examination. •. • • We can save you money-Gome to see us 3

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