ADVERTISING Your money back.—Judicious advertis ing is the hind that pay* back to iron the money you invcat. Space la thlt paper assures yon prompt return. . . VOL. IX. - NO. ii COUNTY STATEMENT"F»" 1 >eoemb*r 3, 190* 1 J G Statou, 13 days Com. >26: 5 dart hridges fio, 90 miles @ 5c > S° 2 Geo W Giiffin, 2 days Com. £4; 3 days bridges miles @ 5c 15 so 3 Henry Modlin, filling in Cooper's Swamp 50 00 4 MD Moblev, making fill at Reedy Swamp 3° 00 5 J D Bowen, services keeper Co. Home J 7 ao (1 Brown & Hodges, supplies to poor '» 5 U 7 Anderson, Crawford & Co. supplies to poor 10 00 N Carstarpheu & Co. supplies to Co. Home 32 7 3 y '* " " " poor 900 10 W D Corey " «- •» ■ bOO 11 DS Powell ...... 4 00 12 J G Staton lumber aud hauling for Co. Home 35° 13 N R Manning building mill bridge and lumber 166 60 14 A j Stalling* supplies to poor «* SO 15 8 S Cowing services holding election at Bear ixrass 12 94 16 A S Cwflield " regis'rar Poplar Point 1030 17 Henry Smith 41 poll Holder" " too iH J"F Britton " registarr Cross Road* 1164 19 J L Croom " " Gold Point 7 20 ND Young " poll ho'der Robersouville 200 21 SD Jenkins " " " " •• 43° 22 W H Keel " bailiff " too 23 B L Upton Conveying prisiotter to jail »00 24 W W Waters services poll holder Jame>ville 200 25 JHD Peel Croee Roads 2 *» 26 Jno A Ward . " registrar Jamesville 1062 27 " " " conveying prisoner to jail 250 2« Fannie Slade supplies to poor T 1 75 29 B B Allen service bailiff jamesville 100 30 Prank Jackson Judge of election " 200 3!' H S Everett " " " Goose Nest 200 32 Jno J Manning service registrar Griffins,/ l » 4° 33 H T Roberson services poll holder Griffins 43° 34 Geo E Peel " •« .. .., 2 00 35 J H Everett service! poll holder Gold Point 4*5 36 ATCrawfotd " " " Wiltiamstou 300 37 B F Godwin " registrar " 94° 38 J H Whitefield 4> " Roliersouville 8« 9 39 M D Wilson " poll holder Williamstou 3 o> 40 N S Peel " Chm. Co. Bd. e'ection '••S 41 JO Kell " poll holder Gold Point 200 42 J T Waldo " holding election Hamilton 16 38 43 N T Brown " poll bolder Goose Nest 200 44 HenTy Rogersott" lumber at Africa and Jack Swatnps 14 °° 45 Edwards & Broughton record books * " '305 46 J C Crawford sbff. jail and court fees 101 60 47 HB Batcman supplies to poor 00 48 Harrison Bros & Co. " " " 200 49 S R Biggs aud nied. Co. Hoaae 475 50 Eubank* aud Purvis lumber and building bridge 00 00 51 B C Corlisll lepairs on Brown's Bridge 13 00 52 Jno. Brown " " Sherrod mill " !27 53 vV R Warrett services Co. Supt. Health 1000 54 J Paul Simpson wire fence for county '4 >7 55 T H Council services registrar Goose Nest 999 56 J A Hobbs " C. S. C. 5 57 Clias. M Peel lumber for bridge 282 ,s8 K B Crawford insurance premium on Co. Home 39 00 59 W C Manning services tax books elk fees per bill 322 69 January 7 1907 60 J D Bowen services keeper Co. Home 2500 6j V R Taylor supplies to poor i—— 23 00 *62 R M Griffin coffin for poor 3 8 3 63 Jenkins & Roberson supplies to poor '8 00 64 l» D Roberson fit Sons " " " * 36 00 f>s H Modlin & Bro. material for Cooper Swamp bridge 3 110 (>6 NT Reddick sen-ices as registrar Williams 74 8 67 Salabury & Bro. supplies to poor 38 00 jftK A F Stalling* " " 925 P Sherrod " " " -- • 1800 70 Baker & Rolwrson " " 2-250 71 Cowing Bros. " v " __ 1000 ■ji J A Hobbs C. S. C. fees Dec. 1906 * 28 62 73 C C'Danils Solictor " * " 2000 74 J C Crawford Sheriff" " " 570 75 Geo. E. Ricks *•' " " " ho 76 BF Godwtn-J. P.. " : " " S7B 77 J T Waldb 285 78 J H Page Constable ..." " 620 79 B L Upton " " " " 365 80 J E Smithwick witness " " 220 81 BMcManniuE' " " " 230 82 CCColtiain " " " " 330 83 J S Griffiu "" t 73 84 Henry Bell ...... , 85 J TPwmw " " " • .140 86 J ease Brown " > 210 87 Tobe Williams" ...... 210 88 Dr. B L Long " " > " " 180 89 B B Sherrod " " 380 90 BL Upton i ..... «i 2 91 ( Will Rives " " " " 380 92 ' Ben Ashley " - ,oo 93 Annie Anderson •.«• 2 , 0 94 Sarah " " / 210 95 Henry Rogers witness fees Dec. 1906 9O 96 BU Smith " " " '• 80 97 Cieo. Keys " " " " - tlO 98 R T Taylor supplies to poor 24 00 99 Fanny Slade •• " " 275 100 H E Brown repairs Conoho bridge 1 25 101 J F •' " " 2 93 JO2 Salsburv & fHt> Council " , 200 103 J M Sykes conveying presioner to jail , 2 00 104 Slade, Jones & Co. supplies to poor 28 00 105 H& B Bateman " '• " 10 00 106 R LTaylot for paupe r ob 107 S L Wallace supplies to poor 96 50 108 Carstarphen & Co. aupplies court house and jail 7 92 109 " " " to poor • 900 no " " \ " "Co. Home 2737 ill AS Robersojrifli Co. " " poor 49 00 119 J A Micell & Co\ •••*-.. 100 113 WW Walters > " 41 " ,6 00 114 Anderson ft Co. I " •' 10 on 115 M W Ballord " " " 4*50 116 B R Jenkins services on Co. Bd. of Elections 2 60 117 WBWanen " Co. Supt.. Health 1000 118 Jno. E. Griffin repairs Fomes and Little Creak bridges S3 46 119 C W Keith board for jurors 9 120 J A Hobbs stamps and C. S. C. fees *43 121 S D Burroughs wood at jail 3«o 123, H M Burr as stationery faes office 9 40 123 Hsrrell Ptg House " Reg " 160 124 S R Biggs Sup. to poor snd Med. Co. Home and jail 5 05 125 J H Page conveying prisoner from jail 4 90 126 J C Crawford Sheriff and jail fees 72 20 12 capture and conveying prisnoer from Beaufort Co. 15 77 129 S E Haxdiaon aervicea Judge of Election 4 00 130 WE Daniel " ♦♦ »» —* 2 00 131 W C Maiming service as clerk to board 29 25 $k (Merpnst. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1907 i► > ii Fate and ii ii Humpy, ii „...By Chartaa Calvoreon. ' ; ; CawiUliM, MM. by K. C. P&ro.lls. > | "What dues the lad/ look Ilka?" da minded Humphries. Cultun rvgardnd bin coolly, "I don't think that there will be mare than a dttsan or two ladles clamoring for transportation to tlie Twin Hearts," Mid Bumptirla*' employer. "Even yvur bo>Ugtit»d Intellect might appreciate that fact" Raiaphrtaa hIM and tvirued away. Oartts Ositoa, owner of the Twlu Hearts, waa peculiar. Above all, lie wanted men about him who could car ry out brief order* without demanding aa elaborate amplification of the same. Humphries had supposed that la this case the question was justifiable, but If Oottna thought otherwise he had no comment te make He went down ta the corral and hitched the blacks to the buckboard, one or two of hli fallows lounging over ta see what waa up "Qoln' to town. Humpy?" demanded Ran Tyler, lighting a fresh cigarette. "No," eald llnmphrlea, with asperity, 'l'm golu' to drive orsr to China te hlra a new oook. What makaa you think I waa golu' to town?'* Tyler grinned amiably. "Tou'd think he was the old man If yaa could hear him talk with your area shut." be commeuted musingly te Bock Byers. "By the wsy, 1 wish yaa'fl stop oa the way b*ek and bring Wt some makings." He tossed a silver dollar to Hum phries as that worthy climbed Into the saat and started the team. HV-npbrle* pocketed the coin, with s grunt, aud devoted himself to his thoughts. That something was doing up at the big house was rlearl.v apparent. Th* minister from Silver Forks had driven ever that morning, and new he was sent to Brsylsys for n young woman, with orders ta return her to Ibe ranch with all spaad. He grinned as be ob served the brand on the flanks of the MacU, the twin hearts from which the ranch took its naine "Ought to put a cupld's . arrow through 'em," he told the blacks. "Then you'd look Ilka valentines Wonder who It la goln' te get hitched?" ■a ran through the list of probables, hut mn id not decide until the Overland paused st the little flag station to de poelt a young weman and a trunk. A* the girl raised her veil flumplirlei sprang forward "Miss Bess." h* cried, a note of real waleoia* In his voles. "I've got th« hnck board here." ■a held bar bsud an Instant lu greet log snd than strspped the trunk be Iliad the seat before helping her In. The year before he had bfen working OB the Circle I.\ when lies* Psrley had oome to spend the summer with her brother, bis employer. Kreu then there bad been talk of a marriage be tween bar sod Colton. but the gossip had died down, and It was supposed that there had been a quarrel. Now she was hare, the preacher wss here, and there could be no doubt but that she would bocome queen dt the Twin ■aarts as well ss the heart of every rider on the range Humphries engaged her la converse ttau. supplying bits of local news aud llatealng with ao amiable grin to her tales of "back east." Almost before Ui*g knew It they bad come to the gate of the raach laclbsure, sod Humphries wss shout to Jump down snd open It whea she laid a detaining hand upon his arm. "Wl» stop hers?" she asked. "Circle t Is only Ova mile* ahead." "Circle ET" he echoed. "I thought yea war* coming bar*." TDM ray brother ssy so?" she asked "I haven't seen Mr. Farley in six Mentha." be said. "I'm working htr« BOW, and Mr. Colton told me to go snd prt a lady. I asked what she looked ilka, and he eat me off short, like be al ways does. I supposed It must bs all right. Tea was the ouly lady to get off." "I didn't knew that you had Isft my larwther'* ransh,' she explained Is re tarn, "and I thought, of cour**. It waa all right I wrote hiss three days ago Chat 1 was coining " "I guess the letter's there st th* hansa," com masted Humphries. "Too sea, he went up to Denver sbout a wash ago, s« nobody knows that yau're sum lag. Better turn la here. Th* CI sale E boues Is all clnaad up while year brother's a wsy." ■uaphrles climbed out of the buck hoard and opeaed the gate, driving th* Imb through and closing It again be ten* he climbed back to the eeat 'Tee will be bettor or bore." k* aoaOauod comfortably, "snd thsrs's fee nlststsr from Mirer Spring to h* shape roe" "What to the sola later dstag here?" ■be Aemsaded. ■omphrtss blushod. "I dM think hs aama ever te do a Job 01 hltehla'," h* explained, "but I gma* new that I was In wrosg. Hero'* the booa." ho added ss Col toe osms out m the parch at the sonad of the sr gsmhtag Tshlela. R was a posaUd Celts* who eeaaa dawa th* Stops ts assist Bess from the haekbsaad. 'This was ths saly lady that pot off the trmla, ss I breught her," explained ■asaphrisa defiantly as hs nnioadsd As truok aad drove sff to ths stablss. "I dM sot knew that Bumpy was weWag far yaa," orplalaad Boee ss fee hsefchssad diss see* red around ths l*a*r a the ho as* T Suppoeed that Bs had Wtm slass I wrsts | ftsd aetasal I waa esaa -»ir "■ " ' jig I learn thst the houes la closed np, and 1 could not explain to Humpy that I would rather live in the closed j house than—here." "You will bo seat right on U you ] wish It" be said stiflly "I ssnt to ths tntlo for a woman who is to marry ths ' esok. Bs wss gnxlou* to hav* th* caremooy over before the boy* would find out, and I did uot explain te Uumpbrl** who Waa coming." "Quit* a complication," ah* said, with s fslnt sotlls. "1 aw sorry ts put you to th* additional trouble of Modlng toe on." "At least you Will atay to dtasar," be urged. "1 can Dot let you g* oa be fore you hsv* eaten Dinner will be ready In half sn hoar Mssnwblls yes asn wssb up and rast on ths ptassa." He took her soceptanos for granted and Isd th* wsy to s spars room, where ho *aw that shs wss provided with toilet accessories. He did Uot •how up until dinner time, when ho and the minister enjoyed the meal the more for her itraclotia preannee at tho table. Colton followed her out upon the at the conrlualos of tho din ner and stood Iteslde her under tho heavy vines that screened the porch. "I shall send a wan around proo ently," he said softly, "If you Insist upon going, lie**, dear, can't yen reconsider your determinationf' "1 oouUl, not very well *tay h«ro," ahe answered Indifferently. "A* my wife?" he asked. "Aro yos going to hold against Ine that ono silly moment last summer when I lost my head aud my temper and through that lo«t you? If you could kn*w bow bit t*rly I havo repented." "Penitent does not efface ths scar of the wound you Inflicted," she said. "I, too, have anrfered, hut I bavo taught mysolf to forget." "And will you not furglve a* well a* forgot?" be pleaded "When I ssw you at the bead of the table Just now and reallxcd that but fsr my luapotn oslty you would always be at the head of that table, It waa all I could do to k«op from crying. out for forglvonoss Won't you forglvs?" For a moment the girl searched tho eager face before her. It was a face good to look upon, and her own heart crlef out In surrender, but still ah* pnuaed. Then from around the corner of the house came Humphries' rich barytone. It was a "cow *ong," crude a* to word* and almple In It* melody, * *ong *uug to cattle on the night watchea to reaaaur* th* tluild animal*. Ulie remembered that bo had boon •luglng It the night that Colton pr» poaeri, and a great wave of tenderness swept over her a* ah* rscalled those -linppy day* of Isat summar. Tha whit* hand stole out and sllppsd within Csl ton's browned linger* "Blnce fat*—and Humpy-***** to will It *o," *lie *ald *oftly. Good CouKb Mediclm tor Ckildren _ The season for couglis and colds is now at band and too much care cannot lie used to protect the cliil dien. A child is much niorelikeK to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when he lias a cold. The quicker vou cute his cold the les«- the risk. Cliiitulierlain's Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried it arc willing to use any oilier. Mrs. F. F. Starcher, ol Ripley, W. Va . says, "I have never used anything other than Chamberlain's Coujjh Remedy for my children and it has always given good satifaction." This remedy contains no opiuo. or other narcotic and may be confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by All Drugirts aud Dealers in Patent Medicine. -— - Constant Reader -No, That grat ing noise you noticed in the base ment of the Capitol was the anti administration grindstone working over time on Senator Foraker's bat tie ate. Trial Catarrh treatments are being mailed out free, on request, by Dr. Slioop, Racine, Wis These tests ate proving to the people—with out a penny's cost -the great value ol this scientificpiescriptiou known to druggists everywhere as Dr Shoop's Catari h Remedy. Sold by S. R. Biggs. The courts are now determining whether an American girl who has married a foieigu nobleman can re tain ber title in c»ae of divorce. Well, it certainly looks as though the custom authorities ought to guarantee ber a drawback ou it if re-exported. Whenever yon feel ston ach has gone a little wrong, or when you feel that it is not in good order ss is evidenced by mean headacb.esnervousness, bad breath, and belching, tak* something at times, and especially after your meals until relief is offorded. There is nothing better offered the public today for stomach troubles, dys pepsis, indigastiou, etc., than EO DOL. This is a scisntific prepara tion of natual digestants combined with vegetable acids snd it contains the same juices found in every healthy stomach KODOL is guaranteed to give relief. It is pleasant to take; it will make vou feel fine by digesting what you eat. Sold by S.'R. Biggs, Wiliiam&lou. N. C., Slade Jones ft Co. Hamil ton N. Cv I Game of I Hearts and the !: | Rubber.... By Martha Cobb Sanlord. | OepfrtgktW. Mxr, by C. H. SatcUffa. J; I/*oaora was the moat fascinating craatur* that aver breathed. Every body admitted that. How ah* had ever managed to g*t paet the twenties with out yielding to the numerous alegvs laid to bar heart was a matter of com mon wonder. Now that the tnomentoo* eve of her thirtieth birthday bad ar rived Uoonora horself was wondering abeatlt Bbe thought of the faithful Itob and alghod. She thought of the Impulsive Jack and laughed outright. She thought of the imperious Roland and lifted her •yebrow*. They were remarkably beau tiful eyebrows, and the eyea that look ed frsukly Into hers out of the mirror were liewttcblngly merry and brown. For s few moments I.eonora brushed her wavy hair vigorously. Then she twined It Into a long thick braid, aald good night and goodby to the twenty nlne-yoar-old girl In the mirror, turned out the light aud Jumped Into bed. "Hotber th* whole bunchl" she mutter ed sleepily. "I'm uever going to think of them again " But shs did. At least, go where ah* weuld In her dies ma, the persistent Rob followed her, hi* willful, admiring •j'** fastened upon her until It seemed ss If shs could not stsnd It a moment longer. Then Jack would appear from seomlngly nowhere aud without any polite preliminaries or regard for the curious people around them, would be gin to tell ber how he loved her, bow be lived but for sight of her. bow h*- Buddenly exit Jack aud enter Holaud, the autocrat. "I don't like Ihe looks of that man who wa* with you Just now, ray dear," was hi* ultimatum. "I don't want you to have anything more to do with him. Come; ws will bo married Immediately. I won't stand any more trifling." And then—ob, then the rain began to pour In torreuts, and the wind blew a gale, aud she wss all alone, and she lost her rubber while crossing a muddy street, and-well, aa it went on and on through the night. In the morning the doctor wa* called. Leonora had a high fever and other alarming symptoms. "Are you subject to attacks Ilk* these?" aakrd the young physician In hla tno*t professional manuer. "Never remember having bad a doc tor before In my life," Leonorn answer *d, a lulling feebly. Then, a flash of her tru* mischievous self flaring up for a momeut. *be added: "But I think I'm going to enjoy It; You're so nmusing ly young and serious, Dr. Torrence." Perhaps it waa Just aa well for Leo nora that a sharp pain In her side pre vented her from expressing her obser vations more freely. When the pain had passed the doctor rsaumsd hi* cross questioning. "Do yon recall any way you may hav* taken cold?" lie put the ques tion tills time In nn almost Jocular twia "Tbst's better," commented I^eonora. "Ths pain? I'm glad." "No; I msant tho— never mind. What waa It you asked?" Dr. Torrence repeated the question. "Oh, ye*. Why, I lo*t my rubber y**t*rtl*y In the rain. Can you take gold by wetting Just one foot?" Tbs physlclsn refused to commit himself. Before Leonora could get a ehancs to push ber Inquiry she found ber mouth effectively Btopped by a clinical thermometer. That evening Dr. Torrence called again. He fouud hl* patient not quite ■o well and far less frisky. "It's been *ucb an endless day," ahe tolfl him, "the dreariest 1 ever knew In my life, and It'* my birthday!" "It flo*sn'l look dreary with all these beautiful flowers nodding their con gratulation*." "Congratulations?" Leonora groaned. "Dr. Torrence, I'm thirty years old." Th* doctor gave vent to a hearty laugh. ■ "Too look about *lxt*eu," he answer *d gallantly. L*onora fluabed faintly at the com pliment. lifted one of her long braids that lay over her eboulder and dropped It again waarlly. "lt'o an awful tragedy," *h* ln f*rmo4 hlin. "You '* n't appreciate it" c. "1 thought 1 did three years ago," he asswsrsd, ■mlllug at her gently, "bnt l'vs found out since 1 was mistaken. Why, you're Juet beglnnlg to llve n; dear.'' Tho laat two words be felt at liberty to add by virtue of his three yesr*' seniority plua bis professional priv ilege* "I'*rhap* so," sighed Leonora, "only 1 fssl mors a* If I were going to die." lodaed, for the next few daya it looked aa though her pathetic prophecy might prev* only too true. At ia*t, aft*r * bard flght, the dread pneu monia wa* conquered and the daya of convalescence dawned, none too bright ly, bnt surely. Whoa Leonora cuuld at length alt «p the light of ber tranaparent, white looking face almost scared ber. Bh* aasd to pinch ber cheeks for the Joy of ssetng the color eome beck to them. Just l*t ber get strong again and wouldn't abe. ahow everybody how young and heart free abe waai Aa it, Tor that matter, any one had over thought of ber aa anything ela*! "Surrounded by flowers, as nsnal," •waa tho doctor's cheery greeting sa he h rap pod in fori semtsocial, semtpro f*s*lonal call one afternoon. tliaw Mat really head his asrr- Icea any longer,' but the doctor found I It difficult to deaert 10 fascinating a patient. "Who neut them." he teaaed her— "Tom. Dick or Harry—l mean Bob, Jack or Holand?" Leonora'* big brown eye* looked at htm In nmaiement. "How did you know about therat" The doctor laughed a bit abeeplthly. r "Oh. that's all you talked about when you had the fever." • ' Lenora blushed prettily. /~\ "Yes. they sent them," she 4cknoWl edged, "Rob and Jack nod 1 Rol/ud. But not even the American Rea title* give me such keen Joy as my rubber violets." The doctor followed her gate. From the chandelier hung a woman'* rubber overshoe filled with rich, fragrant vio lets. "It's the most romantic thing that ever happened to me In my life," ei clalmed Leouorn. her eyes shining with happiness. "You see It's the rubber I lost that rainy day before 1 was taken 111. Some man saw me drop It and has sent It hack to me In this artistic fash ion—anonymously, of course." "Rather n footless procedure, It strikes me," commented the doctor. "For shame!" Leonora reproved. "You're jealous!" The doctor's face crew serious. "Maybe I am," lie replied. I /Conors dropped her eyos under his steady look of admiration. "The other three were strong enough rivals without this un known mackintosh butting In with his rubber plants." Leonora 111 mod aside the doctor's meaning lightly. "He's the one luterest In life for m* now." she said gsyly. Following the advent of the vlol«t* came lady slippers, with n fanciful lit tle note expressing the hope that they'd prove ss fitting an expression of the donor's devotion as the rubbers, and when they had fsded a grest bunch of brilliant autumn leaves fillod their place. "Leonora, 1 am Jealous," annonnced the doctor as he watched her go Into ecstasies over the gorgeous foliage. "1 bellevo If It weren't for this aggres sively sentimental scamp I'd stand half a chance myself. Don't you care for me the least little bit, LeonoraT" The girl hesitated. "More than a little lilt, Dr. Torrence. But, foolish or not, all my thoughts center around this unknown admirer. He appeals to my Imagination more thnu any man I ever actually knew. I love romance. I can't help It" "Well, then," said the doctor decisive- "the sooner he's discovered and laid low the better., I'm going to hunt him down If It takes a month of Sun day* and present him to you, llttl* Miss Romance." In less than a week word came from the doctor that he would call on a cer- I tain afternoon, with Leonora'* consent, ntid bring "Mr. Mackintosh" with him. With feverish anticipation Leonora waited the culmlnntlon of her ro mance. On the stated afternoon she dressed herself 111 her most becoming frock and tucked some of the violets that had come that very morning Into her belt. The liell rang. Her heart beat furl oußly. Sl)e was half joyous, half 1 afrnlij. The doctor entered her sitting room alone. "Wouldn't he come?" faltered Leo iiorn. "He wunts time to have a little talk Willi you first, First, he's ask ed me to tell you a bit what he's like, and then If you don't want to see him you needn't. I'm going to be Just as frank mid- fair about him as I know how. He Isn't handsome—ln fact, 1 ! think he's about as near homely us they nuike 'em—and he's conceited— awfully conceited. He Isn't rich cither —makes just a fair living, though be hopes to do better some day. He's pretty fond of Ills own way, I've dis covered, but you could manage him without doubt. He's"— "He's everything you sny he Isn't," Interrupted Leonora "He's handsoma and modest land unaeUlsti and—and iinywsy, money Isn't everything." "Why, Leonora!" stammered the doc tor, utterly taken back by her burst of passionate defense. "And 1 know something else about him too. I found It out today. Ills handwriting Is always the same funny boylHh Brian-1 whether It's on a pre scription or in a note sent with lady slippers." The doctor's face was radiant "Leonora," he cried, "yon do lov« m* —tbero In no rival?" "No, dear; none. You've won the rub*)®? even If you did Juggle the card* o bit I acknowledge my defeat" And then the man who was "pretty fond of his own way" Insisted on tak ing thirty kisses—and on* more to grow on. Notci to Our Customers We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. C. C. Chase and S. R Biggs. After all there are people who think Mr. Bryan was rather hard on the donkey* : Just a little Cascasweet is all that is necessary to give your baby when it is cross and peevish. Cas casweet contains no opiates nor. harmful drufcs and is highly recotn mended by mothers everywhere. Cor.fortns to the National Pur* Food Law. Sold by S. R. Biggs, Williamstoh, N. C., Slade Jones & 1 Co , Hamilton, N. C. ADVERTISING Your money back.—JudidoosaAvtrtie ing U tl>« kind that Mlheak the money you invest. Bpaca tq Ode paper assure* yo« prompt rrtUHM . . WHOLE NO. 404 Professional Cards. 1 I i-l Hi 1 ' HUGH B. YORK, PHYSICIAN AND SUTLGEON, Office: Chasa's Drug Store. OFFICB HOC**: • to to A. to 9 c. m. Wiilianmton, N. C. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 6j DR- J- A. WHITE. IMFC DENTIST OFFICII— MAIM Bru«T PHONK q I will be in Plymouth th* first wwkli November. W. E. Warren. J. g. 'n DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OPPICB IK BIGGS' DKOO STORK 'Phone No. jq BURROUS A. CRITCfIJUI, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office: Wheeler Martin'* office. 'Phone, 2j. WILUAMBTON, N. C. F. D. WINSTON S. J. Km ITT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNKY3-AT-LAW WILLI AMBTON, N. C. 'Phpne 31 Money to loan. 5. AT WOOD NEWELL LAWYER Oftce formerly occupied by J. D. Bin*. Phone No. 77. TILUAMSTON, N C. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNKY-AT LAW ROBRR3ONVILLB, N.'C. D. C. MOORINfc, Proprietor ROBKRSONVIIX*, N. C. Rate* ft.oo per day Special Rate* By the Weak A Ptra'-Clo** Hotel in Bvery Partic ular. The traveling public will find tt a most convenient place to *tOp. ■' A SUDDEN RBMINDBR if your negligence in *ecuring a firs in surance policy may come in the *h*p* of a fue at any time TH K SOONER YOU INSURB the better for you. You know it, and this in only to remind you that th* knowledge will do you no good unle** vou act upon it. Let us write you • pol icy and have it over with. You'll feel better and sleep easier. K- B. CRAWFORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building Tire and Life INSURANCE i have some of the Strongest and Bwt Companies on the Globe, Let me write you a policy on your building TODAY. J. E. POPE jlneurance A&ent Morgan's Sanitary Barber Shop First Chance Last Chance ,7y . * Best Chance Intide Restaurant in the Rear Now is the time to have your piano pat in good condition for the lonr winter It- eninßs. Expert Tuning and Repairin*. Drop a postal and I'll call,. All guaranteed.. W. V. ORMOND [ Box 174. WILAIAJf STON* N. C.

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