2 THE ENTERPRISE. f' • ev til wturtiu co. I milliuutoa M.C ALFRED B. WHITMORH, Kdito*. SUBSCRIPTION RATHS One Year - - - • ♦ l 0 ° Six Month. Three Moath* 35 Mrtctly Cash «■ Advaace ADVBRTISINU RATES y> cciiU id inch for first iowrtiou, 25 cent* an inch each *ub*ejuent insertion. For special rate* on long contract* ap ply at office. Kntered at the Port Oft« at Wllllam-ton. H. C. a. Second CUm Mall Matter. J Friday. December 0, 1907 The "dog-poisoneV' has been at work again this week, and a** re " stilt of his cowardly acts a number of dogs have died This poisoning of dogs has become to be a regular semi-annual occurrence, and it should be stopped. . It looks as though it is done for sport, but instead, it is the work of a cowardly assassin, who, in our opinion, would as readily poison a man or woman, were it not for the fact that he is afraid of being caught. A person that will p»ison, >r otherwise willfully kill a^og—a man's truest friend —is to l>e jpl.iccd among the worst criminals/ We cannot find iti the linglish language words with which to ex press our contempt for such a per son. skies Are Brightening Business conditions arc l>ettei, the 1 >anks in North Carolina have more cash in them than ever before, the price of cotton is going up and money is-coming to buy it, and every judication points to liettei times and an end of the money panic. When cotton moves freely —(but farmers should not sacrifice their crop by rushing it at the first advance) —there will l>e moie teal cash in North Carolina than ever liefore in its history. The way to hasten that coining is for every man to pay as much of his debts as possible and keep the money moving. It is hardly probable, however, that the New Yoik banks will turn loose much money until January first, when annual dividends and coupons of various sorts become due. Then, so the wisest business men think, the statements will show larger sums of money on hand and the era of stringency will end, though it will require tiuie lo restore confidence and bring back normal conditions.- News Sc Ob server. The Coastal Canal and Mr. Small "To Abolish Cape' Hatteras" is the title of an interesting article on the Atlantic inland water-way in The Technical World Magazine for December, which is accompanied by a pictuieof Hon. John H. Small, Representative in congress of the first district of North Carolina, who is spoken of as "the father ot the inland waterway" and the success of whose seven years fight is con fidently foreshadowed. And upon this great enterprise and its fore most promotor The Norfolk Vir ginian Pilot says: "Should the proposed coastal ca nal become as accomplished fact in the near future, and there is reasoti- T able ground for believing that it will, no small measure of ere lit therefor will be due Representative John H. Small, of the first North Carolina district. Ever since his initial eutrauce into Congress sev eral years ago. Mi. Small, while striving particularly in behalf of the Norfolk Beaufort link, has tailored indefatigably to impress upon his colleagues in that body Snd upon the country at large the importance and value of connecting up the chain of interior water-ways which nature has provided along the At lantic seaboard from Massachusetts to Florida. To this end he has from the first persistently urged just such concert of action and ef fort which is now assure i as a re sult of the Philadelphia convention of last week. Had his plea l*en heeded when first made, it is a safe statement that the project would now be well on the way towards consummation. When it is con summated there will be credit enough for allj but to the man who first agitated the movement and has for years battled in behalf of the project, alooe and single handed, The Fa Physician The best medicines in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult him early when taken ill. If the trou b le is with your •hroat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking A yer's Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. W* publish our formulae m w • banish alcohol Jn, 7 from our us4iotnoa /liters "-sis," .tii ous attacks, sick-he»d#che», indiges tion, constipation, i'my spell* —these ure some of the results of an inactive liv, r. Ask your doctor if he endorses V Pills in these cases. The dose •s - n?;iP, one pill at bedtime. ,u» J. O.Ajru C'».. jLowell, Mae*. nssurdly an Jp.special -measure of credit will be justly due." This great work will assuredly oue clay be effected if for no other rea son than the undisputed merit of the proposition. We trust that Mr. Small will live to see the con summation, but what her so or not he has had the singular good for tune to live to see public interest thoroughly enlisted in the enter prise and himself awarded the credit for it which is his dye.-Charlotte Observer. m -« THE TIME TO ADVERTISE. IstbeTlme When You Most Need Purchasers lor Your Goods. • "We continue to do things—ri iculous tilings—because our fathers did them," remarked a man today, "and we go on doing them year af ter year without asking out selves why we do so. A case iu point is the matter of advertising, which today is a thing of necessity iu the business world. If you will notice it you will find that the average business man in periods of dullness ,ind financial depression begins to r etrt'iich in the matter of his ex pense account by curtailing his ad vertising. He does it because his f itlier did it and because he argues that lie can lop it off and restore it ;igain with less inconvenience than he ciiu other expenses. But if he will think for a moment and weigh the matter as a cold business propo sition involving dollars and cents he is bound to admit his retrench inetjfhad Ix-st begin at another 1 m . - —t —. — "If advertising is a good busi ness practice at any time surely it is most valuable when the people are buying least, for il its object is to attract the purchaser and get h 1111 into tiie store, naturally there uuist be greater effort expended in that direction when the public is buying least. No matter how severe periods of depression are, and how stringent the money mark et may be, will spend what they must, and naturally they ate at such times more quickly attract ed bv the offerings ol advertisers, as they are eager to have their ex jienditures bring the best results." - -The Hditor and f'ubllshei. OUR PARAtIRAPHHR They're off at Washington. On Dec. 2nd, 11)07, Hon. Joseph (', Caution assembled in session at Washington. It is mighty unfortunate for Finding Money ia not to upon • ■ II you spend all you earn what are vnu going to da when sickue*s, accident or lack of employment cause* extra ex |x-u*e or stops the income' Vou can't pick up money to meet Mich emergencies. Put away a little each day in A Beautiful Vest Pocket Bank which we loaa you tree Cut the little extravagances and depos it the money thua with us. Call »«ay : ' v*- „ •" Farmers & Merchants Bank, WILLIAMS TON, N. C. THF. ENTERPRISE, WII.UAMSTON, N. C., DECEMBER 6, 19'7 Capt. Richmond Pearson Hobson's Japanese war scare that it chose such a crowded session of Congress for its publicapperauce. Senator Daniel tries lo make it plain that instead of being the god father of the free coinage plank in the 1900 platform, he was its step father. It will lie hard to convince the average telephone subscriber that Central has not been using that chesty method of transmission right along. Scientists predict that the earth will become as dry as the moon within 50,ocx),000 years. If the rate at which the .South is going is nny indication, the scientists will have to shorten sail on that guess considerably It seems with the march of mod cm progress, airships are the next things that will find their way into the lost and found column. If the present epidemic of sui cides continues, the life insurance companies will be forced to place bank presidents in the extra haz ardous class. At least Mr. Fairbanks can rest assured that they have riot found out anything derogatory to the character of 'the buttermilk in Washington. The Btiay Marrtmac River. J The Mervlmac valley la one of the I bus lea 1 liivei* of luduetry on earth. The j Merrtmac river, It la claimed, turna j uiore whoela than any atreani 111 the 1 world, for not only Maneheater, but ! l/owell. Lawrence. Newburyporl, Ha» •rhlll, Anieabury, Nashua and other big manufacturing town* He upon It* banks. The value of their united prod ueta moiinta up Into the hundred* of million*. - Exchange. Har Lost Jawats. Daekluts— What* ihla 1 hear about Mrs. Bwellman being robbed her Jewel*? Buhbuba Fact! They're gone, and Mr*. Jlrsft la the guilty party Backlats—What! You don't ine«n to •ay the stole Hubbub* What elae ran you call it? Hbe offered the cook Ml ahllllnga a week ami the eh am hernia Id Uo alillliug*. aud now all'''* got >m -London Mall. Putt! Elimination Svicmtullt James Donahue, New Britan, Conn., writes; "I tried several kid ney remedies, and was treated by our best physicians for diabetes,but did not improve until I took Foley's Kidney Cure. After the second bottle 1 showed improvement, aud five bottles cured uie completely. I have since passed a rigid examina tion for life .insurance." Foley's Kidiu-y Cure cures back-ache and nil forms of kiduey anil bladder trouble. C. C. Chase and S. R. Biggs. An Ancient Flying Ship In the t:\i>ulug I*o*l, a I.oudou new* paper pobjlabcd iu the ictgn of ytieeu Anne aud bearing dat» 20 I>e-em ber, I7OU, there Is jf euriou* deaerlp lion of a tmng*)np. stated to hav* been Invented"Uy Barthnlomeo l/oren ao, u Bruxillau prteat. The paper has an engraving of the *lrahtp and a long lettcrprt-M* description. The Inventor vtaluied that he could travel 200 mile* | In twenty-four hour*. For that Dull Foiling After Eating I have used Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tabids for some time, and can testify that they have done me tuore good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating. David Freeman, 1 Kempt, Nova Scotia. These tab lets strengthen the stomach and improve the digestion. They also' regulate the liver and bowels. They are far stipetior to pills and cost no more. Get a free sample at All Druggists and Daalers in Patent Medicine and sett what a splendid medicine it is. Anaw*r*d Teacher Tourist Can all the real j dent* Iu Iheae parts read and write .' | Old Resident Troth they can. every mother's aou of them Teacher Tourlel - Have you no lguoramu*e« among I you? Old Resident Never a one Teacher Tourist- Do you know the | meaulug of the word lguor*uin»? Old | Resident—l do Teacher Tourllt --What ' Is 11? Old Kealdeut- A stranger ilk* | yourself School Hoard Journal. — I ! ; L I.L. | SULPHUR BATHS AT HOME. ' Thev Heal the Skin and Take Aaway Its Impurities. I Sulplmi hath* heal Skin Diftea*c». ntul aive the Nbdy a wholnoinr gltw. Naw von »lor.*t hive to go off to a higHttriceri renorl to get them Put a few *poonfithi of HANCOCK'S ! UQUIO HUI.HHrK in the hot water, and yr»u get a perfect Sulphur hath right in youu own home " * Apply HANCOCK'S the affected part*, and KerettiA nod other a|ub> horn ftkin trouble* are quickly cured. Dr. K. H. Thomas, ef Valdonia. (»a., was curetl of a liainful >ktu trouble and he praiaen U in the I higheat term*. Your druggiat telU it. UANCOi'K'S LIQUID Bl'l.l»Hrk OINT MKNT in the \»e«t cure for Sore*. Pimplea. Hlackhe».U and all inflamation. Give* a Mifi n civetv skin. i- I UNIVERSITY mm OF MEDICINE, I t: tndfm I ■Wnlmiii i* chu|i el yrtltih Qii)iS)r«*ak fapttior Cli—n. SeduJeaeeckiag i* our ewm 1.» IrJonMrin., wmi TH« PKOCTOS. North Carolina Methodist Conference - Special Correspondence) Wl I>NIiSOAV* DECEMBER 4, 1907 At nine o'clock the 71st session of the North Carolina Annual Conference of the M. K. Church South, met in Newberu. After ihe administration of the ford's Supper ihe Conference was organ ized. Bishop C. B. Galloway in the chair, the former secretary railed the roll, and 134 answered ihe roll call. Rev. W. If. Cun ningham was re-elected secretary. The different committees, such as on Temperance, Books and Periodicals and Sabbath Observ ance*. Several reports Were hand «d in from the Publishing House The rejiort froui the Trustees ol Trinity College wus and vas referred to the Committee 011 liducation. I)r. K B Chap|ell, 'iur Sunday School was introduced to the Conference. Rev. J. S. Hunter of the Virgin ia-Conference was introduced. Ouestion 20 was called. K. R. John Presiding Elder of the Ral eigh District was called and a ! report made. —-Uev. J. B. Hurley. Presiding Kkter, Durham District reports i;ortl revivals, si«> conversions, fi nancial condition good. Rev. J T. Gibbs, Presiding El der Fayettville District, made good' report. . \V. E. Moore, .Presiding Elder Rockingbain District, rej*>rts prog ress on all lines. W. I- Cntiuinggilii, Presiding Klrfer Wilmington District reports 450 accessions and nieat progress ~n nil line.". M. Bradshaw, Newberu District, leports good meetings, 500 addi tions and the financial condition in full. A. McCullen, Presiding Klder Washington District, makes a »plcndid report, greater progie-s ,has l>€en tuade on all lines, about 450 accessions on district. \V. S. Hose, Watreiilon Distiict. made a considering the sickness and other hindrances of the preachers, nearly 50*1 acces sions. Rev. J. Nl. Moore, Assistant Ed itor of the Nashville Christian Ad vocate was introduced to the Con ference. J. 11. Hall, Presiding Klder Kliz al>eth CitV District reports a gGod year, all collections in full. The names of R. 11. Townsend, J l). Guthrie and W. 11. Towns end were called and their name* in each were referred to the com mittee on conference relation for a supernumerv relation. The name of M. C. Thomas, ai* old veteran of the corps, worn out in the service of the church, now 77 years old made a very feeling talk to the Conference, giving a short talk on his life's work, its trials and he hopes his ultimate triumphs after death, W. S. Davis not being present, sent his expressions of love, his name was referred. Bio Bristowe, J. K. Thompson and T. P. Bonner, were referred to the committee on conference sup crauuited relations. Rev. P I. Kirton's name was referred to the committee on snp eruutnary relations. The preachers on the Raleigh District were called and each pas tor gave an encouraging report. The report of Rev. T. Editor of the Christian Advocate was read and referred to "the com mittee on Books and Publications. Rev. J N. Cole, Superintendent Methodist Orphanage read the re port of the institution over which be is presiding. There are 1 20 children tieing cared for and a full faculty of efficient teachers. Many improvements have been made such as new stables and other necessary out buildings. 'Great good is being done by this noble work to our or phans, and our church should re spond liberally to this school and aid in preparing .these fatherless [and motherless children for the du ties of the present life, as well as the life to come. We hope everv member of the Methodist church in the N. C. Conference will make an early gift to this school and all do nations sent to Rev. I. N. Cole, Supt. Raleigh, N. C. Rev. L. L. Nash, our Missionary Evangelist made a very interesting talk on the special work assigned to him by our conference. Rev. Mr. McMurray secretary Board of Church Extension, was introduced to the confeeence Dr. Moore the assistant editor of the Nashville Advocate, addressed the conference on the subject of church literature. Ifev. M. T. Plyler offered a reso lution asking that on Wednesday 1 evening of each annunt Conference a special sermon on seine subject of our loved doctrine, and that the | person shall lie selected by the an nual conference . preceeding the I meeting of Ihe next conference The zo question was called, and the preaf tiers on Durham, Wilming ton, New Bern and Washington Di-fticts made their reports and there characters were passed. One o'clock having ai rived the conference closed its first session tor the day. Dr. I. C. Kilgo will deliver an address'liefore the con ferriice tonight at 7:30 | > •! |uul»j4i> J l.ifl . • ». w I.v MT Oil 7 HAT IM Y, aa*rn»«« ttu»r*. 1 C vui I fa«l I-IU'U/ wr -Wo*.;* fur f nr.t I j 1 :*u#uf«l>ihtr. •."• rt-arV pn*.-tt «. *m- H j I AftSING KCrCRCNCCt. »ur(n« Jufcte ■ " t" M!| •••! Pruflt«il»« Client' arlfi-tu 1 fjo3-»Ot* a«V'*nth Sir «t, f NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of- authority contained in a err tain Irimt deed executed to me by* E*» sex Devreaux nud wife, Joacphine I)ev t'Cni'X, l>eariiix.ib«te. 25th day of Fehru »*y, r9us, and duty recorded in th* Refc iatei'a office of Mat tin County»in Book I* P P, at page 399. to secure the pay ment of a certain bond * earing even date theieaith. and the stipnlation* in said deed of tritai not having l>ee»i complied with, 1 shall rxpot»e at public aiution, to t'.ie highest bidder, for cash, at Par tnele, Martin County, North Carolina, on Saturday the 4th DIJ of Jan. 1908 ut 10 o'clock, a. 111,. the following de sert lied proi*rty: B, ginning at a corner, Sol. William'* line, imiiiiug back 70 yards to a cottier, therce Southwardly along Turner Jenk in's line 17 S yards to a corner, thence Wcstwardjy along Turner Jenkin's line 70yirds to tlir right-of-way, thence along the right-of-way 17') yards to the begin ning. Containing one half acre, and lie iug Ihe same lot conveyed to said Dev reau* by Turnef lenkins. .. This November 29th, 1907. V. K. KItORN, Trustee. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of authority of a certain deed of trust executed to ine by Joseph Ihtllock and Mamie Builock, his wife, on the firat flay of Deceud>er nineteen liupdred and nix, to secure the payment of a cer tain bond tearing e\en date ami tenor therewith> and the stipulation* of said deed of trust not having been complied with, 1 shall expose at pnblic auction, for cash, on THURSDAY. JANUARY 2,1908 at ten .o'clock A. M., in the town ot Robersonville. N. C , the following Real estate -to--wit; one town lot situate in the town of Robersonville, Martin countv, N. C.—bounded a* follows: Hegiiiuing ill Uolx-rsou street at « jKiiut three feet North of a liue. straiglit with the North side of the G O. Rot> erson olil store; running thence a West erly course jwralel with the A. \ R. R R. to J. R. Rol«;rson'* line, uow S. I, ROM S line; and thence Souttierly course with the said 8. L. Ross line to the A Sf R. R. R.; thence with the saiif R R. to RotH'rson street; thence with Roberson street to the beginning, containing one eight of an acre more or less. This December ttie second nineteen hundreil fnd seven, JKO. T. Rt)SS, Trustee. " NOTICE OF SALE I will on Friday, December JO, 1907. at n»y home place atiout I '•> miles South of Wiltiainston. N. C., e*pose lor sale at public awctum, for cash, all mv house hold and kitchin furniture, farming utensils, about 30 tiarrels of corn, i,»co Itounds fodder, 10 hogs to be *o|l »n the hoof, a carts, one mule. MiI,TON M. BKNNKTT. NOTICE OF SALE f On Thursday, l»ecemt>er 19, 1907* )J, will sell lor cash, at the late resilience of Stanley Peel, deceased, iu Rear tirass Township, all the personal property be longing to said Stauley Peel's estate-con sisting stock, farming implements, household and kitchen furniture, etc. J. S. PRKI., Administrator of Stanley Peel. Deceased Notice of Application Notice is hceby given that 1 will make application t■* the Board of County Commissioners, al their regular meeting on the first Monday in January (p ovided the town of Jauiesville goes wH at the election to be held on Tuesday, Decem ber .%r, 1907.) to retail spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in the town of James ville, N. C., for thesis months ending June 30, 1908, in the.store house on the aortti sl*e of Main Street known as the "W. L. Stallings Old Store r " This 17th day of November 1907. , n-»9.jt H. T. STALUNGS. Apfllcitlti tor LItHU Notice is hereby given that I will make application to the board of County Cam* miss tuners at its regular meeting on the first Monday in January. «9°S, for the license to retail spirituous, vinous, and | malt liquors in the town of Parmele, N. I C., for the six months ending June 30, : 190S, in the store of J. L. S|cight St Co., I fae:ng the Rocky Mount & Plymouth R. , R. This 19th day of November, 1907. J. L. PERKINS. JR. ApflleitUi fir Litem Notice is hereby giten that 1 will make application to the Board of Couuty Com n. -loners at is regular meeting on the fiist Monday in January, 1908^for license to retail spirituous, vinoiK. and malt tiqi ors in the town of Parmele. N. C., for the six months ending June 30, 1908, in Whichard's Store, facing the railrr ad. This and .lay of December, >907. * T. E. CARSON. Coiitt Statement, "k" I. W. C. Maiming, Register of Deeds and Cleik to the Hoard of County Com mis ioners of Martin Countv, do hereby certify that the following is a true and a' curate statement of the accounts and amounts a dited bv and paid to the sev eral meuik'U uf the Board ot Comuiiw siur.ers ot Martin County fr»m December 1, i /«i> to November 30, and also incliding a balance from IHUIi. K II Salsbnry served Ir ilays as com uiis- loner. 814 day. bridges, travelled 414 miles ami received pb\ 20. IV. M. Perry for 14 days as commis sion rr, 14 days bridge »uk, travelled 376 milt s and revived £74.80. W. A. RroWli served 14 days as coin -111 is: ioner, 8 days bridges, travelled 471 mills and received Jt6q 30. Amount for lqo6 James Statou served 13 days as commissioner, 5 days ou bridges, trav elled 90 miles and receive*! $40.30. C.>-o. W. Griffin served 1 days aa com mis-ioner, 3 days bridge work, traveller! 104 unles and received $15.J0. . Witness inv hand and official seal at offite in Willi.l rn>ton, N. C., on this 30th day of Movetulier It >". I | | W, C. MANNINI"., • SK*I. -1 Clerk to Board of I I County Commissioners. - , - > Notice ef SißDons North Carolina, | • In the Siqierior Court Martin County. I Rose Hill vs I.i/./ie Slight and the Williamstoii Laud a Improvement Co. J The defendants above named will lake notice that an action entitled as aiiove has l>een commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County, for partition of pieces or parcels of land situate in said county; ami the said defendants will fur ther tnke notice that they arc required to a]>|>ear at the office of the Clerk of the .Superior Conrt of Martin Cauntv, on the Mli day of January, 1908, and ans wer the complaint, a copv of which will lx' deposited iu the office of the Clerk of theSiqierior Court of said county, with in tea days from the date of this sum mons; and let the defendants take uotice that if they fail to answer the said com plaint at that time, the plaiuttffs will ap ply to the Court fur the relief demanded 111 the complaint. V This the sth day of Decfuilter, 1907. J. A,.HOBBS, Cletk of Superior Court. Ni ict to Heirs North Carolina, j Superior Court 1 Martin bounty, \ , Before the Clerk W. 11. Peel and Sylvester Peel, Ad ministrators, John I!. Peel, Deceased. VS. N. S Peel. A. T. Peel, 1.. B. Peel, P. Peel, Alex Peel, Mac (}. Peel, Mariam I'cel, N. T. R "liersou, llenery D. Rober- SJll, Sallie A. KOIKISOII and husliand N-tali Roberson, I'll/ilieth j. Tice anil busbtud W. Iv Tice, William T. Ward, i. K. Ward, Kt'hraim Peel, David Ward, (ohn P. Waul, aud Sarah M. Ward, the last three named infants andwithout guardian. Heirs at Law. , To Henry D. Roberson, William T. Ward anil David Ward: The defendants above named will take notice that an action, entitled as above, bus been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County by the said plain' ttlTa, administrators, for the purpose of stl lug the lauds of tlieir said intestate for assetts; and, the said defendants wil) further take notice that they are required to appear be'ore the clerk of the Super ior Ottirt of Mai tin County, N. C.. at the Court House in Williamstoii on the 30th dny of December, 1907, and anawer or demur to the complaint in said action, .r the plaintifis will apply to the Court for the relief demanded iu said com plaint. - v . This Decenilier 4, 1907. J A. HORHS, Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me by Jetf. Daughtrv and wife, Mary Daughtry, lieariug date. February 9, 1903, and duly recorded in tbe Register's office of Mar tin County, in llook P P P »t page I J», to secure the |«ymcnt of a -certain bond bearing «ven date therewith, and the stipulations in sad deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall ex pose at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at Parmele, N. C., on SafirAi. 4't Day of Juurr. 1901 at 10 o'clock a. m". the „ following de scribed property: Beginning at a stake in the Washing ton branch wf the Wilmiugton & Weldon railroad, runs thence South with said railroad to a *t.»ke, thence East 35 yards, tlience North 35 yards, thence West 70 yaflls 15 tTOTtVigll»rtf«g. contaWlSJ; onV half sere more or less. Thia November 29, 19»7- W. K. EBORN, Trustee. i Notice of Publication North Carolina—Martin County In the Superior Court •, M E.& Robt Ausborn ami R.B. Hymau vs. K. AUshrook. Add it M. Allsbrook, Mat tie St. Clair.and husband, St.Clair, Rosa Lee Park*. Puuliue and Clee Yaughan, Carrie Whitebur«t, and husband, White hurst. R. H. Stamper, Sr.. R. H. Stamp er, Jr., H. N., Columbus, J. W., and Robt. Stamper. Mary M. and Chas. Roosher, Laura L. Armeling and W. L. Sum per. The defendants, Addie M. AUsbrooks, R. H. Stamper, Sr., R. H. Stamper, Jr.. H. M., Columbus. J. W., W. 1.., and Robert Stamper, Mary ami Chas. Roo sher, Laura L. Armeling and Carrie Whitehurst, will take notice that a special proceeding, entitled aa above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin county, to sell for divis ision.a certain tract of land in which they hare an interest, located in Goose Nest township, of the above Slate and coutty, and known as the John W. Hymau land, containing ijo acre*, more or less and adjoining K. P. Hyuun, J. W. Le«{- ijctt. Wade Mi/ell and others. And the ■aid defendants wilt further take notice that they are required to Hpjiear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of laid county, on the joth day of Dec. 1907, at the Court House of said county at WH- Uamstoa, N. C.. and answer or demur to the petition field in said special proceed ing. or the plaintiffs'wilt be granted the relief demanded in said complaint. And H. N., and William L. Stamper will further take notice that if they do not appear by Guardian before January 19th, icoS, that a Guardian ad Litem be ap pointed to act for tlicm in this said special proceedings. This November »jth, 1907. tl-*9-4t J. A. Hobbs, C. S. C. Administrator'.* Notice Having qualified as adminiatrntnr of Mary Louallie Staton deceased, this I*ol notify all persons indebted to auid estate to come forward and settle at once, aud all persons to whom this estate is indebt ed will present their claims to theunder signed for payment on or before Novem ber 8, 190S, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Thia Bth day of November 1907. I t-H-6t J. G. Staton, Adm. Administrator's Notice * Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of Kphriam Whitfield, de ceased late of Martin County, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them on or He fore the j>nd day of November 1908, or tlila notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the Jind day of November 1907. II M-«t WHKELKR MARTIN, Adm. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administratrix upon the estate of Reuben Harrison, deceased late of Martin Couutv, N. C., thia is to notify all persons having claims against the f tate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the Jjn.l day of November 1908, or this no tice will I* plei d in bar of their recovery All )>ersoiis indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the und day of November 1907. MARY ANN HARRISON, Administratrix Administrator's Notice Having qualified as adminstrator upon the estate of J. A Ronerson, deceased, late of Martin County, N. C.. this is to notify- all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhib it them to the undersigned on or lieforr the 15th day of November 190 ft or this notice will he plead in bar of their recovery, all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 15th day November 1907. 11-15-61 C. L. KLLTNOTON, Adm. Election Notice At a meeting of the Commissioners of the town of Jamesville, N. C., held on Friday the :*ud of November 1907, a pe tition having lieen presented signed by one third of the votera of said town who were duly registered for the preeeeding municipal election, asking that an elec tion be held to determine whether bar rooms, or saloons, should be established in said Town; it was ordered that an elec tion for said purpoae be held on Tuesday, the 31st Dec. 190T It was further ordered that, for the purpose of conducting said eleciio*, H. G. Griffin lie, and he la het»by appointed registrar,and C T Roberson ami C. A. As kew be, and they are hereby appointed judges. This November ajth, 1907, W. W. WALTERS, MAYOR W. H. STAI.LTNGS, Cuttle. 11-»fst Sale OH VALUABLE Personal Property As administrator of Mary L. Green, deceased, I will sell for cash at her late residence near Williamaton on Tuesday, Deceufber H>, 1907 ' all "the Personal Property lielonging to her estate consisting of household and kitchen furniture, bogs, cattle, jnul e. horse, etc. T «t®. - - —*£■ This 9th day of November 1907 ' W. M. QRBBN, Adm. , n-i*4t

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