2 TIE ENTERPRISE. mumomiTPUMi ■T rmm insirnu rsisTino co. Wtlltamston H.C ALFRED B. WHITMORK, Km TO a. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - #I.OO Six Months ... .5° Three Months - • - » •** Strictly Cash in Advance ADVERTISIN(I RATES 50 cents an inch for first insertion; 15 cents an inch each subsequent insertion For special rates on long contracts up ply at office. Knured si Ui« Post o«ee si Witllasaton, H. C. ss second Class Mall Matter. Friday. December i-j, 1907 We enjoyed our Christinas very quietly, thank you. We hope that you had as pleasant time as we did. We wish you one aud all a happy and prosperous New Year. Once more the tide has brought us to the flood titnepf noliU-i things —the world has again sWung around to the days when men's thoughts are arrested by old, famil iar, holy things, made ever new by the freshness with which childish eyes gaze upon them and childish tongnes tell of them. Christmas day was almost like a summer day, it was so mild and clear. It reminded one more of a June day than it did of Christmas While the Christmas spirit seemed to fill everyone, yet, the lack of the noise and hubbub incident to this occasion, as is usual the case, made many remark that it did not set in like Christmas. Who is paying the immense stuns which it must cost to send broad cast throughout the country the lxiok written by Chancellor Day of Syracuse University in which lie attacks the Roosvelt policies and lauds the Standard Oid Company to. the skies? We don't know But we do kuow that Appleton it Co., the publishers are not print ing an expensive book and sending • 11 out iree jusi 101 ineir ne.nt 11. Heip Your Town Grow No towu will become a good busi ness center so long as its business men rely 011 a few merchants to make the offort to bring trade to town. Too often the men in a few lines of trade are about the only ones tljat reach out after custom Other merchants wait until these men induce the people to come to town and content themselves with trade that naturally drift to their place. A public spirited man fhould ask himself if lie is doing • his part to attract people to come to town to trade in helping the en " tire busiiisss commumtv, and no town is a success unless all lines are working to extend the trade as far as possible and trying to bring a larger territory in the circles in which the town is the business center. Why MOve? These are the days when the dis- j contented farmer's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of moving. The great railway systems of the West, flood the mails with manuals setting j forth the beauties and Virtues of | this and that region, each claiming to be parexcellence the home-seek ens paradise- Agriculture has in this aspect taken the place of min- j * iug. In former times the "new! country" that offered the most at tractions to settlers from a distance ! was that in which gold was taken out of the ground in big yellow nuggets or infinitessimal dust; in these later days the search is still; for a quick fortune, but the medium exploited is the growiug crop, j which can be turned into gold—or greenbacks—by the slowei process-1 es ot planting, cultivating and bar-1 vesting; and the pioreer now has for his emblems the gang-plew at.d the reaping machine, instead of the pick and pan. Now, the advertis-! ing circulars teem with prints in ] which the settler's comfortable homestead aud happy family are shown, projected against fields of heavy-headed grain, trersproauing under apples and peaches pro|>or- j tionatelyas large as watermelona, and the cattle of a thousand hills - grouped in a pen by the side of. the lailrond, awaiting rapid shipment to markets where buyers stand in Sliae, longing lor the chance to diaw I KvU ~ :• ■ ■ T A Cough Medicine Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough medicine,, a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper- V..- Jts. If your doctor (Indorses it for your CASC, tal.e If not, don't i;ikcli. N:vir 1 jio contrary to his advice. W| pakl)i h our rariili.lM 1 A _ W# b«nl«h SIM' ol I fjk y modioli t« 1/1 uers 1 „ I h- dose of Ayer's Pills is small, only -me «i !• dtime. As »rule, laxative dose* are bitter ihnn cathartic doses. For con- It! tvitio n, biliousness, dyspepsia, aick headache*, they cannot be excelled. doctor shout this. ly 1U« J. 0. Afli' Co., LcW«ll, HM*/ - " fat checks in, payment. While these pictures attract the eye, few, if any, have ever bettered their condition by leaving our own fair county, and the few who have left would only lie too glad to be back. Christmas Celebration ol the Episcopal Sunday School The Christmas celebration of the Sunday School of the Chinch of the Advent was held last night at the Rectory between the hours of seven aud nine. The children were there, the teachers were there, Mie fond tnolhets were there, and last, but not least surely, there was pres ent that delight of hearts, both young aud old, Old Santa Claus. The cry of hard times did not seem to have affected the old fellow much as he brought with hint a tree well stocked with gifts to please. At least, says he, Christmas spirit is Christmas spirit whatever the rimes may be. To begin with, the children gathered around the piano and sang the glad Christmas hvmns. After some Christmas words and questions by Mr. Gordon Sinta Clans was introduced. He asked first for the presentation ,of the two prizes given by Mrs. I). S. Higgs. The first was for the best Sunday School record for the church year of 1907. It was a very close cou test The award of a t,s ir«bl was made to Charles Higgs. Fine recoids were also made by Louise Upton, Sylvia Upton, Richard Smith, George Howard Kent, I.nurd Kllison, Pennie Higgs, l.ou ise and Hannah Vic Fowden. The second prize given to the one bring ing the greatest number of new scholars was awarded to little Miss Mary Cook, it was a beautiful doll. After these presentations by Mr. Gordon, Old Santa got busy and each scholar was given a gift from the tree, with u card and a bag of eatables. The Sunday- School Teachers: Misses llattie Thrower, Muvo I.ainl) and Miss Gordon, and Mes |dames I). S Higgs, K. 1). Carter and K. H. Crawfoid, each received appropriate gifts, Miss Nannie Smith was given a church hytuunl iti appreciation of her faithful ser vices as church and Sunday School organist. Mrs. and Miss Gordon 1 each received a special remem ibrauce from the ladies of the Church, aud lastly, Miss llattie Thrower, in behalf of the Woman's Auxiliary and Guild, presented to Mr. Gordon a beautiful vestment lease, as their Christmas remeui« bra nee. Finding Money is not to I* depended upon If you spend all you earn what are , you xoiug to do when sickness, accident lor lack ot employment causes extra ex | pense or stops the income? - You can't pick up money to met* such emergencies. Put awav 1 little each day in A Beautiful Vest Pocket Bank 'which we loan you free Oat the little extravagances and depos it the money thus saved with us. Call «w(lly.~* ~ r*; ~ : Farmers & Merchants Bank, l WtLUAUfiTON, N. C. J THE KNTKKPRISK, WIUJAMSTON, N. C., DECEMBER 27, *9"»7 25 Per Cent Discount Sale A Great Sale We are going to sell out our entire new stock»of goods consisting of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes and Groceries strictly at 25 per cent, discount, which means less than wholesale cost. For 30 Days Sale Beginning December \tr Everything must be closed out 50c. Childrei/s Shoes 38 jfi .50 Men's Shirts . 1.00 75 '• " 501 i.OO " " 75 *I.OO " " 75; 5° " " 1.75 Men's " 1.351 15c. Andrsscogging Blencbinjg 11 2.00 " " j.s»j " " 'jsi ««**• . " "JL ■j 0,, " " 2.251 8 Calicos fi's 4*> " " 3-25' 7 " 5^4 5.00 " " 4"»: '5 I'ere ale* 11 25 Men's ami Hoys.' Caps iH! i2 l /i " ,u 50 " ;10 " 8 #I.OO " " " " 75 jl° t'.i oghams B'i 5.00 Stetson Huts 3.50 8 " '' 3.1K1 " Special " 2.25 to Outings 8 2.50 " " H " 175 7 " 5- 2 " " * " i . 501 6 Granulated sugar 5*4 1.50 " " " I .4k>j i,h Flour .3 $1.25 Men s Pant 80 15 Horsfonls 12'4 j.cki " 1.50 34 Vinegar 20 2, 50 " " .2.im>|4o Molasses 3° oo " " 2.2$ Strictly ,Np. 1 Timothy May $1.15 i iMI " " 3.00 1.40 (.1. A Salt 80 bag 4.50 " " _ 3-5° I Meal 'i 7" S.OO " " 4.1W1 Corn 1.70 " #I.OO Corsets .75, ..so Corsets .38, .25 Corset 2.. Remember, 25 Per Cent. Discount on Everything Gurganus & Son A complete set of store fixtures for sale cheap. 25 Per Cent. Discount Sale Unconsoious Mutt lt,S. "Have you ever noticed," hhM the melancholy man, "how li Is the voca tion of certuln people to net In the way -to tie around when they are not want ' Oil) ' 1 that if tlto.v waru it WII r# of their crllliik the.r would feel badly sboul It. but, hh 11 matter of fact, they uever are aware of It, aud this prob ably explains why they keep at It. "Take my brother-in-law, for In stance. He tins a marvelous faculty for tnruluK up nt Inopportune mo ments. If we arc ttolng to have com pany to dinner, we ohti surely count oil a ineasugo from him asking wheth er It would l«> convenient for his wife aud himself to drop In on us. If I am anticipating a unlet hour of reading In the evenlug. It Is ten lo one that I'll hear his voice In the hall. ,lust as I am hastening to close up my ottlce lij, the afternoon he Is apt to come In mid establish himself for n prolonged talk. "Take a hint? Such men never take h hint. They are so obtuse that they don't see when their presence turns company Into a crowd. They have not learned the art of effacing themselves on occasions, aud they never will. 1 You feel sorry for them at first, but | sorrow soon changes to another sentt- | nient."—New York Press. Cupid's Lucky Day, "What Is the best and luckiest day to be married on?" somebody ouce asked au old gypsy whose fame as a sibyl had sprend far aud wide. The vencrnbla dame smiled a sardoulc smile aud answered 111 oracular fash ion: "Today is never lucky, nor yet tomorrow. The only lucky day Is yes terday." But there is a popular rhyme, so pop ular and so well known that perhaps I ought uot to quote It yet sgaiu. that tells us definitely what sort of luck, goojl, had or Indifferent, we may ej pevt accordlug lt> what day we have chosen on which to appear liefore the nltsr of Hymen. Monday for wralih. Tuesday for health, Wednesday the beat of all; Thursday for crosses. Frtdsy for losses. * Saturday no luck at all! October Is said to be the luckiest mouth for marriage, though June Is almost equally fortuuate. May Is sup posed to be the most unlucky month out of alt twelve, but I have known 1 several May marriages that have been more fortunate, prosperous aud happy than the mtjorlty.—Modern Society. The .Heat Attraction. English tJIrl You American girls have not such healthy complexions as we have. I cannot understand why our noblemen take a fancy to your white faces. American Girl - It Isn't our white faces that attract them, my dear; It'# our greenbacks.- at, 1.011 Is Republic. Fir Ecztai. Tittir ill Salt Una The intense itching characteristic of these ailments is almost instantly allayed by Chamberlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by All Druggists and Dealersin Patent Medicine. Kind Lady—You are a strong and healthy looking man. Why dou't you go to work! Tramp—Weir, It's I tire this, ina'ajw. I ain't got nobody to look out ter m* hut nueaelf, an' ef 1 got work 1 might be deprivin' a man with a wife an' a Ux ol kids of * Job. Now is the time to think ol giving presents. What would be more appreciated by friends and relatives, living in others parts of the country, than to receive n copy of the Enterprise each week next year? Send us the name cf your relatives that have moved away from Martin tmt\ and SI.OO and we will send theui the pajx'r for 12 months'; this will be a pleasant, reminder each week of those back at the old homestead. We will mail them a receipt for the suljscription with your compliments that tliev may know who sent the 1 -paper. Do this NOW. t BUSINESS ITEMS } fl 6 # i+it 4 it 6 £ ## # ##4 Jt #4666 #4 I Notice.* will l»e |Hihli*hed untlri thin hrad at the rat* cf i cent wor«l. No notice taken for la** than is tent* nti i«*#iie. Ask for El Coreso. FOR SAI.E- Old newspapers Jo cents |>»r hundred, this office. Taffy-Tolu Gum quenches thirst. LOST—On the day of the circus one pair of gold rim spectacles, iu case, uauie of W. H. Jidwards on case, fj.oo reward. Apply at this dltioe. tf —KI Coreso. —Chew Taffy-Tolu Gum, SULPHUR BATHS AT HONE. MHSSW They Heal the Skin and Take Aaway Its Impurities. Sulphur hath* heal Skin DUeaiws, ami give the l»ody a wholrrame glow. Now you doit'l have to go off to a high-priced reaort to iret them Put a few spoonful* of HANCOCK'S LIQUID SULPHUR in the hot water, ami you get a perfect Sulphur hath right in youn own home. Apply HA STOCK'S UQt'ID •ULMIVIt to the affected parta, and Kcsema and other atub horn Akin trouble* are qnlckly cured. Dr R. H. Thomaa, of Vatdoata, Ga., waa cured of * (ttiuful «ktu trouble and he pr*i*e« It in the higheat terma. Your dntggint aella It. HANCOCK'S IJQITIU SULPHUR OINT MENT la the bent cure for tftorea. Pimplea, Blackhead* and all inftamation. film a «»ft velrtty "kin. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed executed on the 15th day ol uary, 1907, by J. R. Corey and wife, Sophia Corey, to J.J. Mason, which aaid mortgage ia recorded irt Book QQ Q, Page 541 in the Registry of Martin County, which is hereby referred to for full particulars, I will sell fer cash to the highest bidder, at 11 o'clock neon on Monday, the loth day of January, 1908, at the Court Uoute door in Williamston, the following described tract or parcel of land of 50 acres, lying and being in lu Griffin Township, »d- North Stile; lohu Alfred H"dn« »n the i West Side; Jonas Hodges on the Sr>uth | Side, «nd Sylvester I'eel on the / K»t I Side. Term* of sal* cash. Thin the 17th day of Deeemlier, 1907. ]. J MASON Mortgagee. By: James K. Runs, Owner 01 the IVbt. Ward & Crimes, Attorney*. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of a power of sale con tained in a certain judgment ren dered at the Dec. Term, I9°Z. of Martin Cuuntv Superior Court, i«. the case of James Manning, et al>. Holliday, et als., we shall offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, oti Monday the 3d. day of February K>oX, at twtlvt o'clock, noon, at the conrt-huuse door in Williamston, Martin County North Carolina, the following de scribed proßeity, to wit:- lieginning at a point on the pub lie road at Sain Williams' corner running thence a Northerly course with Sam Williams' line to Sprint; branch thence down said branch to die fork of Cabin branch, thence up said branch to said road, thence ilotig said road to the point of lie ginning, containing 50 acres, mote or less. This 18th. day cl Dec. 1907. A k. Dunning S. A. S'e%vell Commissioners. Administrator's Notice lluving ipialificd t\s Administrator "li ttle Kstate of Julia Council deceased; Notice is hereby Riven to all persons holding claims against said Rstnte to pre sent thcui to the undersigned forpsy ntent on or liefoiv the Ist day of January 1909 or this notice will lie plaarled in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Kstate lire requested to make immediate payment This 14th day of IJec., 1907 K. t. Council, u-jo-6t Administratoi Notice of Application Notice is hereby given that I will make application to the, Hoard of County Commissioners,' at their regu'ar meeting 011 the first Mo'ti ,-day in January for license to retail spirituous, vinous and malt lk|u rs, in tile town of Williamston, N.C., iu the l.eggett store on the north side of Main street, for the six months enditiK June 30,, 1908. Th : s rath dav of Dec. 1808. t J. C.J A NIKS For Sale or Rent Farm known as"tlie Moore place three miles from RoliersciivilK' on Killston & Weltlotl railroad thirty five acres dented and fine tobacco and peanut laud, one hundred and fifteen acres of good woodland and within two hundred ol yards rail jpad siding. The J. C. Hoard farm near Han sells seventy-live acres cleared, one hundred and thirty-five acres in wood and timber. 1 will either rent these fat ins or sell them cheap, and on tlie most reasonable terms. |. W. Kkkkk'U,, Robersonville, N. C. Notice of Application Notice is hereby given that 1 will niatfe application to the lloard of County Commissioners, at their re gular meeting on the first Monday in January for license to retiil spirituous vinous and malt liquors, in the town of Williamston. N. C,. in the stoic formerly occupied by K. A. Phelps, iu the Mobley Build jtig, on the south side of Maiti St., for the six months ending June 30, 1908. Thisuth day of Dec. iqo". R. P. Alston. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE S SALE Ily virtue of authority contained in a certain trust deed executed to ute by Hs ttex Devreanx and wife, Josephine l)ev reaux, lieannß date, 15th day of Febru ary, 190s, and duty recorded in the Reg ister's office of Martin County, in Hook P P P, at pane 399, to secure t.ie pay ment of a certain bond bearing even date therewith, and the ftipulatious in said deed of trust not having been complied with, I shall expose at publioaauction, to the highest bidder, for cash, jit-T'ur mele. Martin County, North Carolina, oft Sitirlai tli 4th Bay if Jia. 1908 at to o'clock, a. m., the following de scribed property: Beginning at a corner, Sol. William's line, running back 70 yards to a corner, thence Southwardly along Turner Jenk in's line 17 % yards to a corner, thlnce Westwardly along Turner Jcakin's line ,jo yards to the right of-way, thence along the right-of-way 17V yards ti the begin ning, containing one-half acre, and be ing the same lot conveyed to said Dev reanx by Turner lenkins. This November 29th, 1907. W. K. KBORN, Trustee. Applleatlaa fir Ucaasa Notice is hereby given that I will make application to the Board of County Com missioner* at its regular meeting on the first Monday in January, 1908, for the malt liquors in the town of Pannele, N. C., for the fix months ending Junejo, 1908, iu the store of J. L. Speight & Co., facing tbe Rocky Mount k Plymouth R. R. This 29th day of November, 1907. J. L. PERKINS, JR. AppJlcitioi fir Uensi Notice is hereby giren that 1 will make applies.ion to the Board of County Com missioners at is regulaw meeting on the first Monday in January. 1908, for license to retail spirituous, vinous, and malt liquors in the town of Parjrele, N. C., for the six months ending June 30, 1908, in WKlchard's Store, facing the railroad. This 2nd day of December, 1907. 'T. K. CARSON. Counti SfiUatit, "A" I, W. C. Manning, Register of lteids and Clerk td the Board of County Com missioners of Martin Countv, do hereby .certify that the fallowing ie a true and accurate statement of tlie. accounts aud ■mounts a' dited by and paid (o the sev eral members of the Hoard of Commit* •doners ot Martiu Count) from December 1, 1906 to Novemlier 30, 1907, and also including a balance from IHOfi. R. H. Sulsbury served 12 (lavs as coin iiiissionerf K', day bridges, travelled 444 miles anil received H&3 20. W. M, Perry for 14 days as commis sioner, 14 days bridge work, travelled 37* miles ami rceived £74.80. W. A. Ilrowu served 14 days as coin missioner, B'j days bridges, travelled 471 miles and received £69.30. Amount for 1906 James i. Staton served 13 iftiys as commissioner. 5 days on bridges, trav elled 9ii miles and received ♦40.50. Oeo. W,-Griffin served 2 days as com missioner, 3 days br'dge work, travelled 104 miles ami received ¥15,20, Witness my hand sud official seal at office in Williamstoa, N, C\, on tlii«i3oth day of Novemlier 1907. 1 1 W. C. MANNING, -' SKAT, >■ Clerk to Bonn lof Notice if Summons North Carolina, ) V In the Sujierior Court Martiu County. ) Rose liill vu Mz/ie Slight aud the Williauistou Land a Improvement Co. The defendants above uamed will take notice that an action entitled as a'nove has l>een commenced in the Superior Court of Martin Couaty, for partitiou of pieces or parcels of land situate in said couuty; and the said defendants will fur ther take uotlce that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the .Superior Court of Martiu Comity, on the Mh day of January, 1908, aud ans wer the complaint, a copy of which will lie deposited iu the office of the Cierk of the Superior Court of said couuty, with in ten ilays from the date of this sum mons; and let the ilefeudauts take notice that if they fail to answer the said com plaint at that time, tbe plaintiff*, will ap ply to the Court for the «*Hef demanded in the complaint. This the sth day of Deceuilwr, 1907. J. A. HOBBS, Cletk of Sujierior Court. Nfttlci to Heirs North Carolina, j Superior Court Martin County, 1 Before the Clerk W. 11. Peel and Sylvester Peel, Ad ministrators, John K. Peel, Deceased, vs. N, S. Peel, A. T. Peel, 1,. B. Peel, P. Peel, Alex. Peel, Mac G. Peel, Mariani Peel, N. T. Roberson, lfeuery D. Rober son, Sallie A. Rolierson and husband Noah Rolierson, rii/alielh J. Tice and husband W. K. Jive, William T. Ward, t». R. Ward, Kphraim Peel, David Ward, John P, Ward, and Sarah M.Ward, the last three uamed infants and without guardian. • Heirs at Law, To Henry D. Roberson. William ,Jf. Ward and David Ward: The defendant:) almvt uamed will take notice that an action, entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Martin County by the said plain tiffs, administrators, fAr the purpose of selling the lauds of their said intestate for assetls; and, the said defendant!, will further take notice that they are required to ap|iear lie'ore the clerk of the Super ior Court of Martin Couuty, N. C., at the Court House in Williamston on the 30th day of December, 1907, and answer or demur to the complaint in uid action, cr the plaintifis will apply h*. the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This Decemlier 4, 1907. J. A. HOhBS, Clerk Superior Court NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of authority contained in a certain deed of trust executed to me by Jeff. Daughtry anil wife, Mary Daughtry, bearing date, Felwuary 9 1905, and duly recorded in the Register's office of Mar tin Couuty, in Book P P P at page 152, to secure tlie payment of a certain bond bearing rven date therewith, and the stipulations in said deed of trust not haviug been complied with, 1 shall ex pose «t public auction; to the highest bidder, for eash, at Parmele, N. C.. on Satiriif. 4tl Day tf Jmanr, 1908 at 10 o'clock a. in , the following de scribed property: Beginning at a stake in the Washing ton branch of the Wilmington & Weldon railroad, runs tlienee South with said railroad to a stake, thence Bast 3$ yards, thence North g) yards, thence West 70 yards to the beginning, containing one half acre more or less. i- ~j This November 29, 191.7. ™ W. Hi. RBORN. Trustee. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE By virtue of authority of a'certain deed of trust executed lume by Joseph Bullock and Mauiine Bullock, bit wife, on tbe first day of December nineteen bnudreil and six, ami duly recorded in tile rejji*- try of Martin Cuur.ty, book Ul'U. at page 357, aud to secure the |M> incut of a certain bond beating even date and ten r therewith, aud tbe stipulation* of said deed of trust-not having been complied with, I shall expose at {Hiblic auction, for caah, on THURSDAY. JANUARY 13,1901 at ten o'clock A. M„ in the town of Roberson yille. N. C , tbe followiug Real estate to-wit; one town lot situate in the town of Robersonville, Martin county, N. C. —bounded as follows: Beginning in Roberson street at a point three feet North of a line, straight with the North side of the O. O. Rob erson old store; running thence a West erly course para lei with the A. & R. R. R. to J. H, Roberson's line, now 8. I*. ROM'S line;thence with the said R R. to Roberson street; thence with Roberson street to the Iteginning, containing oue eighi of an acre more or less. Also one >ther town lot situate in said town, and lying on the west side of Broad Street mil bounded as follows; Beginning at a stake on the West side t( said street, J. R, Whichnrd's corner; ruiuiing thence North 6 w 35 yard* to the A. 8. Roberson line; theuce South Hi w 5J yards to a ditch; thence s 39 e j p and 11 links to a uew ditch; theuce s 6 e 1 p 20 links to said Whichards line, corner; thence u 84 e to the beginning, containing 7-16 of an acre, more or le-s. This December the mh nineteen hundred i-nd seven. J NO. T. ROSS, Trustee. Notice of Application Notice i» he-eby given that 1 will make application to the Board of County Commissioners, at their regular meeting on the first Monday in January (p-ovided the town of Jainesville goes wet at the election to be held on Tuesday, Decern tier Vi '907.) to retail spirituous, vinous and malt liquors in the town of James ville, N, C., for the six mniiths ending June 30, 190K, in W. 1,. Stalling* store This 27th day of Novemlier 1907. 11-29-51 H. T. BTAUJN;S. Administrator's Notice Having qualified as administrator upon the estate of liphriain Whitfield, de ceased late of Martin County, N. C. this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them on or before the 22nd day if November 191)8, or this notice will lie plead in liar ot their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 22ml day of November 1907, 11-22-61 WHKRL.UR MARTIN, Ailin. Administrator's Notice llaviug qualified as administratrix upou the estate of Reuben Harrison, deceased late of Martin County, N. C., this is to notify all person* having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit Ihetn to the undersigned on or liefore the >2iul day of November 1908, or this po lice w ill lie pletd in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to estate will please make immediate ia>meut. This the Jind day of Novemlier 1907. MARY ANN HARRISON, Administratrix Election Notice At a meeting of the Commissioners of the town of Jainesville, N. C., held on Friday the ?2ud of November 1907, xf*- titiou having been presented signed by one third of the voters of said town who were duly registered "tor the preceediug municipal election, asking that an elec tion be held to determine whether lutr rooms, or saloons, should tie established in said Town; it was ordered thatanelec tkra for said purpos? he held on Tuesday, the 31st Dec. 190? It was further ordered that, for the purpose of conducting said election, H. G. Griffin be, and he is her. by appointed registrar,and C T Roberson and C.A. As kew be, and they are hereby appointed judges. This November 25th, 1907. W. W. WALTERS, MAYO* W. H. STAI.MNOS, CI.SK. Notice of Trustee's Sale By virtue of the authority given by a certain Deed of Trust execu ted to u»e by J no. T. - Lynch and Robert White on the 10 th, day of Novemlier, and duly recorded in Book P. P. P. page 45, of the office of Register of Deeds of Mar tin County, and in Book 152, page 4V of the office of Register of Deem of Bertie County, and upon the ap plication of the Bank of Martin County, ihe assignee and owner of the bond secured by said Deed of Trust, the same not having been paid. I shall expose at public, auction for cash at the Court House door iu Wllliamston, N. C., on ftoitfar, t&e 20th day ot January, 1908, at 12 M. ihe real estate described in said Deed of Trust, aiJ being all of those several tracts of swamp lands in Bertie and ftartin Counties, lying on an Island formed by the Devils Gut and Roanoke River and Spellers Creek of which Clayton Moore died seized ami possessed, or which may have reverted to his estate since hid death;, also auv other lands In-longing to the estate of Clayton Moore not specifically described in said Deed of Trust ly ing and being in the River and GntPocosin lu the Counties of Mattin and Bertie. This nth Decemlier, 1907. lUjmmo, Tnnut. -w - - . •- . .

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