I All aoticea pahli.hed la thl«~"eo!umn. whtrr 1 revenue tt to be derived, wilt be chained II tbe rate of I* c m a Itae. (coaat «ti word* to a Use ) each to- oe. special rate» will be mad* uo f long o^a tract* Fur he; (laChe IV. PJU- Dr. MUaa AnU-Paln PUta relieve pain —Work on the City Hall is pro gressing rapidly. —Don't forget the tobacco meet ing Saturday the ist. —Every tobacco farmer should attend the tobacco meeting Satur day, February ist. , —Rev. C. L. Read attended the" Auti-Salflon League meetings in- Raleigh Tuesday. » —Messr«. T A. Peed and James Perry killed a deer while out hut t ing nearSweeteu Water Creek. —See the annouuncement in this issue of the tobacco meeting. Don't forget the date, Saturday the ist —Mr. G) L Whitley, who was hurt very badly alout two week* ago bv his horse tailing, is able t> be out agai»r —Farmers who have not planted their beds by the time the tobacco meeting is held, Saturday Febru ary i, can get what seed they need at the meeting. —The farmers of Martin Countv who have not been supplied with tobacco seed cjin secure what thev want bv calling on J. T. Fishel ot the Farmers Warehouse. ! —Dr. York reports several cases of blood poisoning this week, among the number being Fountain Lipscomb, compositor in this office, who has been practically unable to use his left hand for more than n week. All the cases are getting . well. —The farmers of Martin County who have not been supplied with tobacco seed can secure what they want by calling on J. T. Fishel ol the Farmers Warehouse. . —The more pleasing and pleasant our government can make farm life the better it is for the government Our cites are over-crowded with worthless toafers that might behon- orable and respectable farmers. The rural route is one of the things that his been provided to male farm life more desireable and attractive, ant# as we all have to live off the 'farmers nothing should be left tin s'>ne that could be done to make the farm inviting. Everybody loves our baby, rosy . sweet and warm With kissy places on her neck aud j *4 dimples on her arms Once she was so thin and cross used to cry with pain— Mother gave her Cascasweet, now she's well again. Sold by, S R. Biggs. m —The fanners of Martin County I - who have not been supplied with ' tobacco seetl can secure what Iheyl l - want by calling oil J. T. Fislulj of the Farmers Warehouse. j, —Mr. S. J Everett was in at tendance upon the Anti-Saloon League meeting iu Raleigh this week While iu the capital city he called at the office of the Cor- i poratiou Commission and was told : that letters wete being received dailv from people in this section i of the state in regard to the taking , off ot the shoo-flv train.- If the . people along the route through ' which this train runs will write the Commission asking them to continue the ttaip, it will very likely do so. Mr. Everett is to be i commended on the interest he has taken in this matter, and the peo- 1 pie of this town especially should feel grateful to him. Dlstirketf Til Cuc'iptlM The person who disturbed the congregation last Sunday by con tinually coughing is requested to buy ■ bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar. S R. B'ggs, C C. Chase. WHITE PINE COUCH SYRUP WITH TAR A Saleable Bomedr far Getda, C»a»« Breachtol Catarrh. Imai«i Grasp, winter Gaath and aH fcyoi at the air hudii. (Ml 4 ounce battle) Ttato preparation coataiaa aoothiag balaama anl attrlngeot priacioMa that! allay InSaßMli tloa. quiet the cmaahaad atimnWe aecretioo. It la mad* from careffilly refected refetabte draga Shd to wanao'ed to he perfectly harm leu ta - Ipi dlw»allv* orjua Read thealrcular wrapped arouad the bottle II oootalaa (all dincttona for reccrjniting Ihe earHcat lynptona of cold, and their coaiplicattotu. it tella yom how to cure oolde before they become firmly eatab lUhed a £ottle of WW IT it nut Cocoa Searp WITS TAB thould be kept la every family medicine cheat : . . U BIGGS WWHTW. MItMHIM » | • —Sheriff Crawford went to Ra [ leigh Wednesday morniug to take ► to the State Hosuital Mfs. Elizabeth r Spruill of Jamesville. ''■ —lt was rumored on the streets ,' here Wednesday that Messrs. Horn j thai Bros, of Plymouth had failed. 'f-Tbe liabilities, as rumored, are placed at $28,000. The asaets were | not, mentioned. ' —Elbert Johnson,'colored, who last fall made an assault on John Cbeason, also colored, and who" has been in hiding ever since gave him I -elf up to Chief of Police Page . Wednesday. Elbert is now taking h s meals at Hotel de la Jail, r! —Mr. Wil'itm Ward of Bear ,J Grass Township died Tuesday i morning at 8 o'clock of paralv-sis ! He was 81 years old. He is surviv '. Ed by hia wife who is very ill of pneumonia. The svmpkthy of The Enterprise is exteuded to the aged companion of the deceased. —Yesterday morning Chitf Pae arrested a negro, John Moore, -.uspected -of housebreaking and robbing the mails, at Plymouth On the 4:30 train the Sheiif! of Washington County arrived and identified the .negro"" as the one wanted and carried him ba:k to Plymouth on tbe eveuing train. —Last Sundav was,the lotst an-. niv*rsary of the birth of Gen. Rob ert E. Lee; and it was intended that t memorial service fhould be at the evening hour at the Methodist Church, but the sickness of the pastor prevented. TLis ser vice will be held nett Sundav, Jan uary 26th, at~lt a m. Christian Manhood will be the subject of the sermon. Christiau Womanhood will He.the subject of the services at the evening hour, 7 o'clock, put, You are cordially invited. —Don't forget the Moving Pic tures at Masonic Hall tonight over 5000 feet of finest film used. Strict ly moral and refined but treming with instructive amusement and bubbling over with pute, whole some, innocent mirth Bring the family and if you are nor' satisfied come up to tbe box office and get your money back. The sorrows and joys of life portrayed with truth fidelity and startling exactness. 15 and 25 cents. Choice reserved seats on sale at C. D. Carstarphen's 35 cents. —On account of the Tobacco Meeting we will make the same special rates for subscription to The Kntt rprise that we had for the Farmers' Institute, namely: *ll neiy subscriptions will be received i that day for 75 cents for 12 mouths, I all old subscribers who will pay all I Arrears and renew for 12 month I will be granted the same rate as new ones. In addition to this we will give you a year's subscription to the American Farmer. Tell your friends about tfiis offer, and help swell the subscription list of your county paper. D-ath ot Mr. J. B. Harris Mr. J. B. Harris, aged 36 years, one of Martin County's most pop ular youtig business men, died at 1 his home iu Bear Grass last Mon day morning at one o'clock, of pneumonia. Many of his friends knew nothing of his illness, he hav- ' ing been tak -n sick 011 Wednesday of the week before. . Mr. Harris had been in business at Bear Grass for about eleven years, and had established a repu- 1 tation for honesty and fair dealing with his fellow men; he had made many staunch friends who will ' morn for him. At the time of his 1 death he was the senior member of the firm of J. B. Harris & Co., his partner being Mc. G. The funeral was conducted Tues day afternoon and the remains were interred in the family burying ground. He leaves a wife and four chil dren; his wife was Miss Vena Jones, daughter of the late Levi Jones. ' The Euterpri e joins the host of friends in extending to thfe bereav ed family and loved ones ita deep est sympathy. Willunuton Graded School Roll of Honor Fifth and Sixth Grades January 17th 1908 The following pupils having an average of 95, are entitled to a place on the roll of Honor: Carrie DelT Blount 95 Roy Gurganus 98 Ophelia Hoard • 95 Sampson ftfdley 95 John Plnlpott • 98 i Pejly Perry ' 9 B Eva Peel 99 Stephen Robertson " 99 Irma Wood bouse 95 La Roy Anderson 96 Yftes DsweU -* •. . Laurie Ellison " 95 Eva Gurganus 95 SAe Legftett 97 ITittie Walker 95 Myrtle Woolard QS Alley Yancy "■ q, Kat* Phil pott 95 Maid Wynne oi Ellie Wynne * 95 Mas. C. M. Lanibs. . Twcbv ■\ •" \ -*r - f ■ *.: _ . . TUB ENTHRPRISE, WiLL!AMBTON N. C , JANUARY 24, 1908 LAW IN REFERENCE ■ ' TO .PUBLICATIONS 1 Ifßew Rullnr as ta the Legitimacy of the List •( Subscribers ta Matters ot 2nd Class. The right of a publisher to fix the price of his publication or to iti ' duce subscribers by Riving prem -1 iums, prizes or other cobsidt ration-, ' or by clubbiug his paper witU.other papers, or bv commission upon sub scriptions obtained bv agents is not ' questioned, but such methods will be carefully scrutiniz ft in of their effect upon the legiiitna y of the subscription list as a whole' and upon the questiou of the pri ujarv desire of the publication. A reasonable time will be allowed publishers to secure, renewals- of subscriptions but unless subscrip ttous are expressly renewed after the term for which they are paid within the following period: Dailies within 3 months, Tri weklies in 6 months, Semi week lie in 9 months, Weeklie-in 12 months, Semi-monthlies In three month-, Monthlies in 4 months, Bi month lies in 6 months, Quarterlies in 6 months. They shall not be counted in the legitimate list of subscribers, and copies mailed on account thereol shall not b; accepted tor mailing at the >econd class rate of postage >l one cent a pound, hut may lie at the transient second class postage rate, one cent for each four ounces or fractiou thereot prepaid by si a tup affixed. The right of a publisher to ex tend credit for subscription to hi* publication is not questioned or de nied but his compliance or notveom pliance with this regulation will be taken into consideration in detenu itig whet Iter the publication is en titled to transmission at the second class postage rate. Both Legs Cut Ot!. About a week ago a colored bo> was adiuited to the County Hottii Suffering from gangreen of both feet as a result of a frost b.te On Sunday Drs Warren and Rhodes. axisSted by Drs. Smithwick >nl Blunders and Mr, 8. R. Bigtf-v amputated both just btlow the knet-a; the legs were cut off at tht same time so as to save shock to the—boy. The boy being blind makes it morif pitiable. He is doing splendidly now and wills ion be well. .- DARDENS I^EMS r Messrs. Charlie and Ravmon' Coburn, left Friday morning for Florida where thty expect to make their future home. There has l>een services at the Discip'eChnrcl- this week, conduc ed by the Rev Mr: Davenpjit. Miss Addie Rollins, one of the accomplished and well-liked teach trs of the public school here, s|>ent Saturday find Sunday with her sis ter, Mrs. Svain, near Plymouth Mrs. Mittie Fagan continues very sick with Lagrippe. Little Miss Fannie Sullivan who has been suffering so Ion*; from can cers, is still dangerously ill. Mrs Jackson and daughter, Miss Olive, are very sick with Lagrippe. Mrs. Bettie Coburn is very r.ick with Lagrippe. Mr. and Mrs Davisof "B ill Ora v Farm" spent Sunday at Mr Joseph Swinson's. Miss Freddie Jordan has returned to her home in Everetts after visit ing her cousius, Misses Lucy and Annie Robbins. 'Our school fe flourishing, and never could be managed better than by the present teachers, Mises Hudson and Rollins they seem to give entire satisfaction and their pleasant manner has won for them a host of frieadsin this community, as they have not failed to visit al most every home of their pupils Mrs. Eva SaMinger and child of Norfolk. Va.; are visiting Mrs, Ladra Sullivan. lira. Mary Gttrkio was a visitor in the home of Mr. C. C. Fagan, Wednesday. Miss Ruth Darden spent Friday with Mi-s Vida Simpson. Little Ulys is very sick, we hope to see him out soon. Mr. Samuel McCaskey has mov ed to Wacren Neck. Two of his children are very sick with Ppcti noni. I SOCIAL NEWS I —The friends of Mrs. T. S. Gra ham. will be pleased to learn that she is a little better today. Misses Hannah Vic Fowden and Anna Pope spent Sunday in Wash ington. the guests of Miss Nora Fowden at the Washington Hospi tal. Miss Brinson of the Fowle Mem orial Hospital Washington, N C who nuised the late J B. Hams, i- now nursing Mrs. T S. Grahrm, who has been very sick for several la\ s v A Quiet Hume Wedding Wednesday morning at eight o'clock, at th* home of the bride, a quiet but preity wedding took place, when Mr. Lewis Godwin, third son of Hon. B F Godwin, Minor of Williamston, and Mis [.ln Williams, only J4Uhter of -Mrs LaVetiiu Williams were united in holy bout's of wedlock by tli Rev. Gio. J *D well of ihe Bqitist' Church. There had been no caids ""ftnd only a few intimate friends and the members of both families werp present. Tlu- happt souiig couple left on the morning train for Faruiville, N. C., where the groom is agent for the East Carolina Railroad Co.' The groom is a man of sterling worth, and well merits the confidence of his employers, and tnauy friends. The bride is a young lady of many charms and attract ions and is beloved by all who know her. . *• "" The good wishes of their numer ous friends and acquaintances fol low them to their home. Do you have backache occasionally or "stitches" in the side, and sometimes do you feel al! tired out, without ambition and without ener y? If so, vour kidney- are out of order. Take DeWiM's Kidney and Bladder Pills They prompth relieve backache, weak back, in llimmation of the bladder and veak kidneys. Sold by S. R. Bigg | PERSONAL BRIEFS | *****************«****♦**s Mr S J- Evtrett spent Sunday in S*otland Neck. Mr. W R Fowden spent Sunday here with his family. Mr. J H Fulford of Washington WHS in town Monday. Mr. Svdpev Jampolis spent Fri lay and Saturday here., Mr. Nun Everett of Gold Point *vas in town Saturday. ' Mr.R W. House of Oak City was in town last Saturday. Dr. J E. Smilwick ol Jaraesv.lle [ va in town vcstetdiy. Mr. Willie Morton of Roberson viile was in town Friday. Mr. W. U. Gladstone of Hamil ton was in town Monday. Mr. B, Frank Godwin spent Sun day bete with his parents. M'r. R 11. Norfleet of Kelford ivas in town Wednesday. , Mr. Henry Gilliam of Tarboro spent Sunday night in town Mr. F S Ha-.sell of Wilson spent Sunday here with his father, Rev. Sylvester Hassell. Nicholas Mobley who'for some time past hus been at work in Roper, has returned home. Messrs. *W. 1,. Thoruburg and A R Dunning of Robersonviile were in town Wednesday. Mr Wheeler M irtin retur ied Tuesday from Washington Cty where he had been on business. Messrs. Justus and D. B. Everett of Palmyra were in town urday attending the Farmers' In stitnte. M s-rs. R. A Bailey and Julius Baruhill'of Robersonviile were in town yesterday. ' Mr. R. D. Carter spent a few days this week in Middlesex in the interest of the Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. „ Uncle Dick Clary, who was taken stiddeulv ill on the street last Fri day night, is out again, and seem ingly all right, a — * Hon H, W. Stubbs left Monday morning for Raleigh where he went to Attend the.special session of the Legislature. Mr. C. r C Chase returned yester day morning from a trip to Ra'eigh On his way back he stopped off at . Wilson to take in the show, "Buat- I« Brcwa ". : J BUSINESS ITEMS | Notices will br published uurier'his hesd at the rite cf I cent » wonl. No notice uktu for less than 13 cent! an taaue. FOUND—A mourning viel. Owner will call describe aame and pay for thin ad Applv this office. FOR SALE- Old ncwapapera to cents per hundred, thi« office. FOR SALE —One Second hand buggy in good condition cheap. Apply at thia office. 1 ' tf 200 acres Kood land for rale yi cleared in 1% mile ot steam-boat wharf. Price low and terms easy Williamston Land and Improve ment Company For Sale or Rent Farm kuown as the Moore place thrte miles from Robersonviile on Kinston & Weldon railroad thirty five acres cleared and fine tobacco and peanut land, one hundred and fiftetn acres of good woodland and within two hundred of yards rail road siding. The J. >ard farm near Has srlls seventy five acres cleared, one hundred and thirty-five acres in wood and timber. I will either rent these farms 01 sell them cheap, and on the most reasonable terms. T. W. Fkrrkli., Robersonviile, N. C * DEPOSITORS RIOHTLY SMILE at him who refutes to avail himself of the advantages of having a hank account. They know their money it safe from theft, injury or fire, while hit is in dan ger all the time. y Bank of Martin County suggests that if you have not yet opened an account it would do no ha-ui to do so as nn experiment. If you dou't like the freedom. from worry inch an account will give, you can dose it auy time. Hut I you'll like it.' We Pay Interest on Time Deposits Tin Your Roofs \ I will furnish and put 011 tin for 4 cents a square foot. , Better grades in proportion. Those who have roofs to tin will do well to see or write, M. P. SMITH, Robersonviile, N. C. Gknkkal Health and Accidknt INSURANCE A policy taken with me for Health or accident, will assure the holder of an income duritg loss of time by illness or accident. The cost of this insurance is junall compared to the benefits received. INVKSTIGATK S. H. ELLISON DISTRICT AGENT WILLIAMSTON. NORTH CAROLINA I "i 1908 1842 66 J This i the 66th year in Sirr hia • tory as piano manufacturers, be ginning in a small way in 184% I'roin the start, we have been mak-' ing the very best pianos human skill can devise, and selling them direct to the people from our own warerooms, saving each purchaser at least SIOO and giving them the very best instruments. We are proud of our record, and refer to thousands of pleated customers alt'over the Union. Write for particulars. CHAS. M. STIEFF L. C. STEELE, Mgr. U4 Oranby St., Norfolk, Va. "The Piano with the Sweet Tone" Official Piano Jamestown Expo sition. Mention this paper. * Brown & Roberson DEALERS IN ■"X. Dry Goods, Glothing and Shoes Ladles' Taney Dreee Goods, Notlone, Ctc. g Y*"- , ' • We invite the inspection of the buying public to call and our stock of Marked Down Goods - We are reducing our stock for the spring goods and they arc going at less than real value. A trip to our store will convince you that you can buy goods here less than you can elsewhere Clothing at Wholesale Cost These special price* only last 10 days longer. Brown & Roberson VJk ■ u RALKIGH D. CARTER JOHN D. BIOOS CARTER^ * Fancy Driving and Saddle Horses WwKjL • SPEED A SPECIALTY J J We invite your patronage W11.1,1 AMSTON. - NORTH CAROLINA Removal Notice \\ e desire to notify tbe public that we have moved from the "Cook Store" to the one formerly occupied by H. M. Burras. U e thank the public for the patronage we hava received and solic it a continuance of the *ame. Cowing Bro&. dc Company Next to Blount's SYSTEMATIC BUYING Is productive of good results —if you buy at haphazard you ars likely to regret it. By Your Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Clocks, tc., of a Dealer You Know Our experience has qualified us to be experts in judging these goods, and careful buying enables us to sell as reasonably as good val- I ue can be sold for. l*°°k here if you need anything in these lines. M. D. PEELE, y , f THE JEWELER BROWN & HODGES Dealers in Fancy and Staple Groceries Our stock is complete Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Free delivery within corporate limits ' 'Phone us your orders Williamston Hay & Gain Co. bomb conckrn ~ Wholesale and Commission Hay, Corn, Oats, Meal, Hominy, Meats, Coal, Lime and Cement * MEMBERS NATIONAL HAY ASSOCIATION Y Storage Rooms: Norfolk, Berkley and Williamston. Phone 35 Use Robinson's Code Farmers' Educational Meeting / ... Tobacco Culture and Curing will be fully discussed Specialists from the U. S. Department of Agriculture Will be present Williamston, Saturday February 1,1908 Mr. A. D. Shamel, breeding and seed selection. Mr. E. H. Matthewhoifwfli discuss the; relation of the U. S. Depart ment of Agriculture to tctoaeco growers and how they may be benefit ted. Mr. W. W. Green will discuss preparation of soil, fertilization and curing of tobacco, 1 Dr. J. A- Bousteel, the widely known soil expert, will discuss the soils and their relation to tobacco culture, - Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt, State Geologist, and a representative from the State Board of Agriculture will also be present. . _ , Meeting will open promptly at ioo'ckx£ A.M. 3

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