4 " - •—•*" The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. •» Hn to * disease prevailing Jo this country most danroroun because ae decep [ ' ; 111 II llfjJA I've. Many sudden deaths B re caused by failure or spoplcjy |nW r clien the result fc/Vpfe iN\ \/j of kidney disease. If I J G"n ' kidney trouble Is »1 lF| 1 \ \ tipwea lo advance the KMS )-*== kidney-polaoned kidneys thamselves break down and w.-ste away cell by cell. Bladder troubles most always result frirn a derangement of the kidneys and a cure Is obtained quickest by * proper treatment q( the kidneys. If you ate feeling badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver md bladder remedy. It cortecti inability to hold nrlne *no-".tl-i --lng pain In passing overcome, ilial unpleaiant necessity ol leii.g compelled to go often during the Jay at; j Ij get up many times during the r.ipht. The mild and the. extraordinary effect of Swaiop-Roft Is .?orn realised It standi t' ;K, !v; I fcr IU voi,- derful cures of the ir>„3t ilisti jssin,; caae*. Swamp-Root is plcasiUil to tike and sold by all drugguts In fifty-cent and one-dollar sued bottles. You may CdSrt**. have a tamp.: bottle I this wonderful new dio covery and a boak that tells all about it. both iijnw ia s«»i»i>Rout sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer h C Binghamton, N. Y,. V/hen writing rr.ention reading this genera .s after In this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Klimer s Swan.p-Roo! anJ the aJdrtss. bmghamton, N Y on every bo'tie. When in need of Good Mouse Paints i\il! on or .» ltir» ss T. A. PEED,' Williamston, N. C. J. H. SI 'EI.KKH, - l KM.iR :N VV tx*J. Shingles, Poultry, Hjcrs and Eurs. We . ttt> * fc.i List »' Wall l'aper W'illiamston. .N. C. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup CONTAINS HONEY AND TAR Relieves Colds bv workup them out of the system through a copious and healthy action of the bowels? Relieves Coughs by cleansing' the mucous membranes of the throat, chest and bronchial tubes. "As pleasant to the taste as Maple Sugar" Children Like It lot Sale By: S. K Higs's. Willlamston, Slmle, Jones a Co.. Hamilton. 'LUMTEFG IPHES 'VT ■ kIHkOC »Aotnn f. IX- I I CNMLC Uf Ti.UJVI v»wimrni Jia I cuss m arrtKHTHs y*j hi - " ■, THI ties THIT Titus AH» VI I"**WRITE TOOfIY r# " FREE SMIMC U laM ■.ruLL or i>rwm*rit>» you Now , 9 is the time to have your, piano put in good condition for the lout- winter rv I enings. -rß*pert Timing ami KciwiritiK | Drop a postal anil 1 11 call. All norV : guaranteed W. V. ORMOND Bo* 174, WILLIAMSTON.N (.' PROCU RED AND DC ft ft Ot.) *"«• ■ dmvtn« orphofei. f..rcii« i 1 o i*u.t fi rrpurt, ■ ' rreeedvice, how U> obuun paUuit*. tradr uutrka,H Wo., , N Atl- COUNTRIES Busimrti Jtrt I V tik II win rimr, B momfr amjof/tm tkt paUnt. PitMt and lafrinfuimit fricOos Eaclualyely. I WrUi or eon« u, ut Ml Mt Itraai, efp. ValM'stata FbUbl oa. ■ WASHINGTON. P. C. I TQLEY'S HONEYANDTAR The original-,- f LAXATIVE cough remedy.;» For cough*, colda, throat and lune i' troubles. No opiates Non-aicohoUc. ' l Good for everybody. Sold every where. | The genuine rOLEY'S HONEY and TAR i. in ' a Yellow package. Kefueesubatitutea. ;« Prepared only by I A Company, . THE HOME CIRCLE COLUMN ' Pleasant Evening Reveries—A Column Dedicated to Tired Mothers as they Join th« Home Circle at Evening Tide. I Bv J. KN J A Hot SK IJI.RSSING. . "The IleJiitty of lUehotme is Order; j The Bitting of the bouae la Content meutf I The O'lorv of the house is hospitality; Tin- CroWB of the house is Goilliness." The bar of the Baloou, the bar of the court, and the bars of the jail nre very closely related. ' ' | ion' i judge a man by his clothes, j Vod nta'le one and the lailor made j the other. Don't judge a man by | his futinly, for Cain belonged to a no,l l family. Don't judge a man jby his failure in life, for many a | man fails because ha is too honest jto sticcnd. Don't judge a man by 11 he hoti e hftHives in, for the lizard J .ml i lie i it often inhabit the grander -tru tuie, When a tnau dies they vlto survive him ask what ptoperty I here is left behind; the angels who (I tend over the dying man asks what j ;ood deeds he has sent before him. I - Diil you ever know a woman to tegret that she knew how to do - xquisitely fitie needle-work or plain sewing, to bake light, whole some !>r *kl, or delicious pien or take' . Ptdyoo ever know one who was ash mevi ol her skill in pick ling ati-.; jreacrvtng. or who was nnwil'.!3i t»-»dniit that she could irrune i table, m!er a course din ner. i". f need be, do the cooking l-ier-e • No, indeed, hot many a | ~-nni. t* spent years in trying to | - i« knowledge of house lioia '• 'sof which she Should 1 l,a\ t- ; mtstre»s liefore she was iin j. i .ong dresses. The mother |w h :j -to instruct ber daughter li't-u anches defrauds her of I woman test right, the right to a kn. n > ,:e of how to make a home, j I'erlup nly a home for herself, j • 'tit ill' iow pretty and pleasant it i .in ' c f the tact, the skill, the j i.tair a trained hand and eye j and t.»-te tre there to bring it into I |'ti fee' \mmetry. \\ otn.m, cau't you see? You i .inglit \i tir husband with honey | itul >oi] uinot hold him vinegar. Die i.iit-tie of the honse is the ■niH s:,;. .vhich in truth bHongs to I i Inn j- Iced husband. They take . to tin- ntside so speedily when i t it ! i ii nupleasantuess within, that ' j 111\ wi.ni.in with only a little tho\ ' jv\ ill (unieof trying to train a hus , i jikl i- she would a fractious school I »».v Whatever he may be, for I tlti- hoiit sake, she is obliged to kccji sweet. We have seen women w In> .ipjvircntly enjoyed scolding t'leii In mils in the presence of others, .tinl we have .seen mot her* j utilise i e'iv punish their children ilu-fou- visitors, thus humiliating I the dcut wayward ones and tnak ! tr-el that their reputations iMie so damaged that there was uo , use in living to be good. But such imuikii .nr not the mistresses of 1 1 lio.se In miios where the household ' nuchini'iv glides Oil with noiseless j ease « m limit force or effort seem | i i>; lo 1" ii f|uired to move it along. ' They i innot create the sunny, i-liceifn'i firesides that men love bet Ut tit an all the world beside, I a id thi- nu'iuory of which children tendeih cling to as long as life ) 1 1- 'Mir thv Mother.^ llotiot the dear old mothej. Time ;It is ssi-.itit | the snwv flakes upon ■ h"i liro v, plowetl deep furrows mi !n r i lierk mt is she not beau i f ul j n >w. I'i.r lips are thin and shrunk, lint those ,ite the I p-i that have | ki-sed .i>\ iv many a hot tear I' on I the childish i heeks, and they are I the sweetest lijis in the worl I. The eye sdim yet it glows with soft ; radiance ii holy love that can nevei fade. (11l ves; yes she is a dear old j mother. The sands of time are nearly run out, but feeble as she is, she will go farther and reach down lower for you than any other on earth.- You caunot walk into a midnight where she cannot see you; you cannot enter a prison where bars will keep her out, yon can nc* ei nionnj a scaffold too high for, U-* to [j, — y OU with ber deathless I*«. When the world shall despwi and forsake you, when it leaves y«A by the wayside to die unnoticed, Abe dear old mother will gather you in her feeble old arms and carry Jfou home and tell you of all yonf viitues until you alnio&t forget that your soul is disfigured by vice. llvOve her tenderly and THE Etf'TfcftMliSE, U*lLt,lAMSfdtf r K. C., jANtIAftV 24. 40X HALL cheer her declining"yftrrs with holy devotion. It is very important and in fact if is absolutely necessary to health , that we give relief to the stomach promptly at the first signs of trouble—which are bleching of gas, nausea, sour stomache, headache, irritability and nervousness. These are warnings that the stomach has been mistreated; it is doing too much work and it is demanding help from you. Take something once iu a while; especially after tneals; something like KODOL For Dyspepsia and Indigestion. It will enable your stomach to do its work properly. Sold by S. K Biggs. Officers Grand l.odge of Masons " Elected S. M. Gattis, of Hillsboro, form-1 er Speaker of the House of Repre-1 .tentative, was elected Wednesday ijight of last week Grand Master of the North Carolina Grand Lodge of Masons, to succeed Hon. Francis I). Winstbn, who has served the two-term limit. * , Other officers elected were R. K. Hacket, Wilkesboro, deputy grand master, W. B. McKay, Wilming ton, senior grand warden; G. M Winchester. Charlotte, junior grand, warden; John C. Drewry, Raleigh, secretary; F. N. Skinner, Favetteville, grand chaplain; Leo 1) Ileartt.Kalrigh, grand treasurer. l'ast Grand Master F. H. Busbee delivered the annual oration on Masotirv and Mr. C. S. Noble, of the State University, ruade the speech for the presentation of an oil painting of K W. Hatcher, late grand lecturer. Static! Trouble Cured If you have any trouble with your stomach you shbuld take Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tablets. Mr. J P Klote of Kdina. Mo., says: "I have used a gre»t many different medicines for stom ach trouble, but find Chanilierlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets more lieueficial than any other retuedv I ever used." For sale by All Druggists & Dealers in- Patent Medicine. Still sticking'" asks Bryan's Commoner. And from the White House conic* the reply: "You bet. Big sticking'" The finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produced by I)r. Shoopot Racine Wis. You don't have to boil it twenty or thirty minutes. "Made iu a min ute" says tht; doctor. "Health Coffee" is tcally the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet ptoduced. Not a grain of real coffee in it either. Health Coffee Imitation is tnaoe from pure toasted cereals ot grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert —were be to unknowingly drink it for coffee. J. A. Mi/ell iS: Co. It will be just like some bache lors to say "This is so sudden" when proposed to by young ladies they have been courting lor about seven years. Dry Georgians will refuse to re gard the future as dark so long as they can see a bit of moonshine oc casionally. --TTW ■ ■ m W SUS PEN jfSfik S ' V SENSIBLE, USEFUL GIFTS tor Ihe HOLIDAYS wR fif Attr»ctjT*l» Packed la tataw tlafl* Mr Mm Th«? mWi am »4 Wmit nkk«r thu u) »U« Mb, ten MMfIH M«-rwalißf ATM TUOM MT4 MII MIL HDM« UWK MMM IM / TR*« ITTIO FFMIM WW ML WFIRT >OMMI **« MY MJMWMM. A iir 3 v.v°, B c D royi^^\. w - Tk« JIfWT COM*O*TJ*BLM ti>M«in W» •• U«FC». BMTT «K KITTT HWV W«4«**. •■TO* |MI I** LRTI% OMV tkey *afcel*ea»e*eiveilhe eveereee.sreelfc ee key will ileilyfeeelre ' IIWES A POtTU. D»»«. . 17 '"' ■ OM MaUti »ni DM LIMIM OMI &m CAM WBLL NT I*. fiUlMi. UMMMN ■ 1 >nklH» Xyto. of ■»» w Dr— ' tow it yw ■—>*■ ifch |WM>HM g DRMILESANTI-PAIN PILLS I I llAflf«AA —> , P " Try One e °i V '' V ' . PAIN INCHEST 3gjjj -' DISTRESSIN A jfflPU \ZT¥ TAKEUNK. 25 Doses - STOMACH. •« rry of the Li Hie Tablets fl 25 Cents |.SIEEPUSSNESS[ \ * ' _/ AND THE PAIN IS GONE. Never * ' !;-•••% . h i -• - „ ;• •• • . . ~ ; - Ljm Slmllr Cartf I,ame shoulder is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles and 1 1 quickly yields to a few applkationa of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Mrs. F H. McElwee, of Boistown. New Brunswick, writes: "'Haying been troubled for some time with a pain iu my left shoulder. I decided to , give Chamberlain's Pain Balm a trial, with the result that I got prooipt relief." For sale by all druggist and dealers in patent med icines. Miss Gladys Vanderbilt's Count I Scze-Zacb-Szzki well, says it is a "pure love match." At the same time, of course, he doesn't deny he needs the money. • Ai Inlllois Diigir One of the worst features of kid ney trouble is that it is an insidious disease and before the victim real izes bis danger he may hav a fatal malady. Take Foley's Kidney Cure at the first sign of trouble as it corrects irregularities ami prevent Bright'* disease And diabetes. S. It Higgs, C. C. Chase. j We arise to insist that that Ken tucky Senatorial deadlock be bro ken with "Marse Henry." Rnk FMHskaits "When attacked by a cough or a cold, or when your throat is sore, it is rank foolishness to take any other medicine than Dr. King's New Discovery." says C. O. Eld* lidge, of Empire, Ge. "1 have used New Diacovery seven year* and I ■ "know it is the best remedy on earth for coughs and colds, croup, itnd all throat aud lung troubles Mv children are subject to croup, but New Disoovery quicklv cures 1 very attack." Known the world over as the King of throat and lung remedies Sold uuder guarantee at S. K. Biggs, drug store. 50c. and £I.OO. Trial bottle free. A large section of Vesuvius era tor caved in a few days ago. .It would be a gieat thing if a few hu man Vesuvises would take a tumble to themselves. When the Stomach, Heart, or Kid ney nerves get weak/* the these organs always fail. Don't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart und Kidneys- That is simply a make shift. Get a prescription known to Dnttpists everywhere as Dr. SLiojp's Restorative. The Restora tive is prepared expressly for these weak insid; nerves. Strengthen these nerves, build them tip with Dr. Shoop's Restorative—tablets or liquid-—and see how quickly help will pome. Free sample test sent on request by Dr. Stioop Racine, Wis Your health is surely worth this simple test. S. R Higgs Chattanooga boasts a railroad that linau't killed anybody iu forty seven years. It is to be hoped that it will never take-it into its (lead to make up for lost tunc. Dei't Tike Tk« Risk When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic- bronchitis or de velops into an attack of pneumonia, but give it the attention it deserves and get rid of it. Take Chamber lain's Cough Remedy aud you are sure of prompt relief. From a small beginning the sale aud use of this preparation has extended to all parts of the United States and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable cures of coughs and colds have won for it this wide rep utation and extensive use. Sold by all druggist an J dealers in patent medicines. When yon want the bett, get De- Witt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. It is good for little OF bis , cuts, boils or bruises, and is espec ially recommended for piles. Sold by S. R. Biggs. In St. Joseph, has been j discovered that a deed man is on j the city pay rolj, and has been f r years. Even in Philadelpfai i, they content themselves with merely carrying that class of citizens on the voting lists. A Cin far Mnrf "I have fonnd a cure for the misery malaria posion produces," says R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. "It's called Electric Bitters, and comes in 50 cent bottles. It breaks up a case of chilla or a bilious attack in almont no time; and it puts yellow jaundice clean out of commission.'' This great tonic medicine and blood purifitr gives quick relief in all stomach, liver and kidney complaints and the misery of lame back. Sold under guarantee at S. R Biggs drng store. "And another thing; what in ducement is there for a man to go fishing now?" asks the Atlanta Georgian- Can it be possible that it is realty and truly that bad in dear Jawjaw? A tickling cough, from any cause, is quickly stopped by Dr. Shoop's though Cure. And it is so thorough ly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere to give it without hesitation even to very young babes. The whole some greeu leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish the curative proper ties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and 'heals the sore and sensitive bronchial mem branes. No opium, no chloroform, uotliinf harsh used to injure or suppress. Simply a resinous plant extract, that hel| sto heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor use«, '"The Sacred Herb." Always demand Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. S. R. Biggs. After sutiering so much by hav ing politicians steal his thunder j William Jennings Bryan must be doubly annoyed to find a young! Senator walking off with his very name. If a cough ouce gets into your system it acts on every mu«cle and fibre of the body aud makes you , ache all over. It especially affects the intestines and makecotetipated, so in order to get rid of a cold throughly and without delay you should not lake anything that will I tend to constipate. Kennedy's! laxative Cough Syrup ac»s upon', the bowels anil thereby dlives the told out of tbesystetu. It contaius no opiates—it is pleasant to take and is highly recommended for children. Sold by S. R. Biggs Weak Kidneys Iwolf but In Um tm M wMI 2 «uE mo KNaaOMa Uim. rrMjnna i iim i«n nit a bmimim «iaiasu r nnS w wk «MM control tin# mm*, To doctor tK* Kldoan mioot, do tor you. Dnicfla aMnU Dr. ShMp's Restorahw JOHN D. BIGGS, Present ASA IV CRAWFORD, Secretary 4 Treasurer I T. W. TILGHMAN. General Manager. T. C. TILGHMAN. Gnrnl Superintendent I The I I Dennis Simmons Lumber Co. MANUFACTt RERS OP Kiln Dried N. C. fine Lumber DENNIS SIMMONS BRAND CYPRESS SHINGLES ORDERS AND CORRESPONDENCE SOUCITED \ , ' WILLIAMSTON, N. C. RKPORT OF THK CONDITION OP BANK OF ROBERSONVILLE At thiTclose of business December 3, 1907. RKSOURCKS. LIABILITIES. ... * Capital stock $13,00000 Loans and diacounta M 688 *> surplus fund 5800.00 Overdrafts a,905.81 Undivided profit* 884.7 a B'k'ng House, P. and fixtures 3,685.81 Bills Payable 19,500.00 Due from banks and bunkers 10.8a9.7j Time Cer. o{ Deposit 7,869x10 _ . _ ... Deposits sub toch'k. J5.007.97 Cash and caah turns 9.339-68 r ~ . - .. V JT Cashiers' checks outstanding 3.387.53 *8".449»4 »»0.449 14 R'ate of Herth Carolina County of MartU I.J C. Kohertwon. Ca»bi« r, of theabeve named bank. do tnletunly iwcir (hat Ibe above •iatfßfßl U true to the brat of «nv knowledge and belief. J. C. ROBERTSON, Cashier. KuWribed and *worn to before me tlila 6 day of December iqny. * ph. L. ROSA. Notary PvbUc. - Correct— Attest. R. H Hargrove, J. H. Roberaoa, |r.. Director*. CARTS AND WAGONS - Made to Order WooUrd'# Combined // Harrow and Cultivator. 'jtf* A saving of One Hone and twa Works both tides of the row at the 0 Breaks the clod* and cultivate* I *'th aa much aaae as iit ordinary . What every Parmer and Truck' ' *» KV'**- Gardner needs. J. L. WOOLARD, Williamston, N. C. I Cosby Patent Air-Tight Baker and Heater ; IT ™ AI v ' :> COOKS TOO. Home Ever Ma . IT DOES DOUBLE DUTY I It warms the coldest and largest room in JjjtJv vL the house, making it coxy. The busy t housewife can cook or bake anything IPf - from li?ht rolls to a Thanksgiving or K£A - fCR/ j Christmas turkey. Still it looks just as E''% it?*** neat as any heater made. It ia air-tight V! A and a preat fuel aaver. Thousands are be- g 4vJ* ■ ittg sold. Thousands of housekeepers are g enthusiastic. Pine Cast Iron tope and 'C, 9 bottoms, making it laat for years without . UNION STOVE CO.. Inc., ' jvU Baa IHS, RICHMOND, VA KILLtaaOOUOHf /TTX wQIIWIiw LUHCS X X wrm Qr Kjiw't j HARPERX | / KENTUCKY \ New Diseaviry I WHISKEY fo* CBtsr* jfflL IV _ o „,_ J MP Lt TI«OAT»MIUWtI»OU I >U»j I \ / QUARANTXXD BATIBPAOTOHTf ! \ Qwtt> / OB MOMET BMrVMPKPi J j * ./ OPIUM "wSKn" RtMtt ciniM ar Isaaurlf In a (w VMU. in css r»ura U Jo'* koM Itaiin «•>>. tr» sad u«*r. j w. witu&cr Man.PryorSMM, tllasu,mm.