ADVERTISING Suiel Your money back.—Jodicioui advertis ing is the kind that pays back to yon the money you invest. Space ia this paper asanree 70a prompt returns . , VOL. IX. - NO, 22 LIVED NINE HOURS WITH HOLEraROUH HEART E. B. McLohon Shot While Entering Church Yard DIED 6 A, M. TUESDAY MORNING While Bishop Strange was Holding Service in the Church of the Advent Monday Night Three Pis tol Shots were Heard---Inquest and Post Mor tem Held Tuesday---Body Taken to Ayden for Burial---No Evidence as to Suicide. At about 8:45 o'clock last Mon day night as Mr. E B. McLohon was entering the Episcopal Church yard be was shot trom ambush. Only one of the three shots took effect, that passing through the heart. The sexton of the church, Uncle Joe Huff, heard the shots and opened the outer door, when he heard some one groaning. He went inside the church and called Mr. Frank Pagan and told him thai some one bad been shot out in the yard. Mr. Fagan went out immediately and was soon joined by Dr. Rhodes and others from the chufch, among whom was Jan-is Mcl.ohon, son of the man shot It seems that the man bad not been recognized until young McLohon approached and said that it wasj his father. When reached by those from the church Mr. McLohon was found to be conscious, and he remarked to his son, that some one arose from behind the gate post and said, "you are the man I have been looking for, and shot me." It is also stated that Mr. McLohon said that the man turned and ratt up through the chnrch yard. Sheriff Crawford and Chief Page, who were attend ing the meeting of Odd Fellows were notified, once went to! the church. From the time'that the shots were j heard until the man was reached by Mr.Fagan,at least two or three min I uteshad elapsed, the party that did the shooting had escaped. Although the night was bright, there were heavy shadows about the church yard, through which the cowardly assassin evidently made his escape. Matches were struck and a lantern was brought out to examine the 1 ground for tracks or to fiud the pis- 1 tol with which the dastardly deed had been commited, but no pistol could be found. The tracks made -by the guilty party, if they could : have been distinguished,were soou obliterated by the crowd that had 1 assembled, and uoclew was found. 1 Mr. McLohon was carried to ECHO, No. 4232, Coach Horse Register of France Kmported French Coach Stallion, 'n; foaled March 25, 1904. Bred by ne. Department of Calvados. Sired Dvernment Stallion Quotide'n, dam s by Ris Toujours, 2d dam Solfice rus. The blood of this Stallion k in unbroken strain to 1732 to rabian. • rses is Noted for En durance and Good Temper Ice by Insurance, $35.00; payable ire is known to be with foal. *" Williamston, N. C. Owned by '■ T PRINT ■ his home where further exaraina -1 tion showed that he bad been shot 1 through the heart. In this condi tion he lived nine hours, and was conscious for three hours after the shooting. During the time of his consciousness he talked freely to , those around,' and remarked that he had plenty of nerve, that he would not die from nervousness. Sheriff Crawford, tried several times to get the dying man to tell him who shot him, but all that he would say was: "I am not positive who the man is; but, the man that wrote the letter to my daughter shot me, and he is a married man and a white man." He also said that if be lived he would get the man. He gave as his reason for not telling whom he suspiciened, that whatever state ■ ment he made, should he die, and the party he mentioned was arrested i that his testimony would go a long way towards convicting him; and that as he was not absolutely sure, he would rather (be guilty man go unpunished than an innocent man | should be punished. i The letter referred to was an anon ymous letter sent to bis daughter, who has a position in the printing office here, making an improper proposal and asking for a se | cret meeting. This letter was ! turned over to the officers of the l law, and is now in their posession. The letter was not on Mr. McLohon's person when he was j shot, as was stated in the News & Observer's account in Wednesday's' paper. And as yet there is no clew ' its to the writer ot the letter. There are many theories „as to i how he was shot, and some thftik j that he shot himself. But the suicide theory has no foundation as the evidence before the coroner's inquest proves. Some think he, was shot by a resident of this town, atut still others think that the guilty party is not a resident of Williamston. There is absolutely no clew to work on, and all the theoiies are mere conjectures. The officers, Chief of police Page, (Menjrrst. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY at, 1908 QOOD DIGESTION , IVitk Coed Digtitum a .Van Can Over' tvwte Every ObitcuU, COHfuf Every Difficulty. V. LICKIl" MR. R. T. LECKIE, Reno, «Mlss.. writes: "l writs to Mil yon of th« great bens flu that Parana has accomplished (or me. It baa cursd ms of cstsrrb and aeemlngly ell ths other til* that 1 was aubjsct to. "/ can ear anything before ms and digest anything 1 sat. Physical:)- lam a new man." With wsak or deranged digestion, the source ot strength sod vitality ia im paired, the nerves are jrsak, the blood circulates feebly Mo man la capable of thinking ac curately or doing anything vigorously While suflerlng with indigestion. To rid the stomach of catarrh will produce clean, healthy raucous mem braces and thus correct the digestion, Peruna baa ths reputation ths world over fordoing this very thing, A course of Peruna promptly and compiatelj lett 'he dlgeillv organs at 'heir I rut function, ' 3* ——— --- 'T-—. - Sheriff Crawford and deputy, Mr. L. L. Roberson, and night police man, R. B. Brown, have done all that could be done up to this time to find the perpetrator of the crime. Rev. W. J, Gordon of the Epis copal Church and Rev. C. 1,. Read lof the Methodist Cburchj and other prominent citizens of the town went to the home of the w»unded man, and remained as long as their services were needed. A number of them stayed all night, among whom was Mr. Read, who states that the dying man conduct ed himself manfully, and thought fully, thinking of the welfare of each member of his family. The dying man called his sons to his l>edside and gave thent a father's parting advice. He asked them to promise him never to drink. (Continued on second page) The proposed anti-Roosevelt and Bryan party might be called the Sockdollagers. I NORTH CAROLINA WOMAN 132 Born Before Declaration ol Indepen dence and now Living in Texas (Fort Wqrtt Diipatch) At the great age of 13a, Mrs. L. Kilcrease, living \t Pine Mill near here, celebrated her birthday today. It is believed she is the oldest white person in the worl She was born February 19,1776, in Halafax coun ty, Norih Carolina, and lived there 100 vears before she came with her family to Texas. Her daughter, aged 98, and graud-daughter, aged 63, live with her. Mrs. Kilcrease hows records in a family Bible corroborating her statement as to her age and investi gations have proved them correct. She still enjoys good health and is able, by the use oi a. cane, to walk about the house. She saw George Washington, her recollection of incidents she witness ed a century aud t quarter ago is marvelous and ahr likes to relate stories of those stirring times. NelgMirkud Fmrlti. J Mrs. K. D. Cb tries of Harbor , Maine, speaking of Electric Bittets, (says: "It is a neighborhood favor- I ite here with us." It deserves to » l>e a favorite everywhere. It gives > ; quick relief lndyst>epsia, liver com ' plaint, kidney derangement, mal | nutrition, nervousness, weakness and general debiitjK Its actiou on . ( the*b!ood, as a thorough purifier r; makes it especially useful as a spring ; medicine. This grand alterative II tonic is sold undfr guarantee at •; S. R. Biggs drug ftor*. 50c. n > I There is a judge in Mexico who 1 nppears to be quite aa fresh as a new Congressman. He has sen ! fenced a woman to be silent for six months. rf* | Everything taken into the stomach •should be digested fully within a certain time. When you feel that your stomach is not in good order, j .that the food you have eaten is not j Ijeing digested, lake a good, nat-1 I ural digestant that will do the I work the digestive juices are uot | doing. The best remedy known: today for all stomach troubles is! Kodol, which is guaranteed to give | , prompt relief. It is a natural di- j gestant; it digests what you eat, it is pleasant to take and is sold here i by S. R. Biggs. • "Does your Utile brother know how I to walk. Aimer?" j "Yetli. He knowth how. Wo nil j, Allowed him, lmt be ean't do It yet." j Foley's Iloney and Tar cures the most obstinate coughs and expels | the cold from the system as it is midly laxative. It is guaranteed I 1 The genuine is in the yellow pack age. C. C. Chase., S. R. Biggs the most healthful CSE&JhM of fruits, comes the gf chief ingredient of rlfK. vilh I ILxJI |K JTj I UfCM Royal you are lure ol pure, healthful food, j m ROBERSONVILLE DtPAI^TMENf j, Cdlted by JOHfN O. SVCHCT I Mr. J. C. Roberson spent Tues ! in Tarboro. Mr. Ed went to Wasbing ton Wednesday. Miss. Bertie Gardner of Everatts was in town Tuesday. Miss Hattie James was a vistorin our town a few days this week. The wedding invitations are out for Mr. Cbaltuer Jenkins and Miss Hettfe Keel. Miss. Lillie Jenkinsand Miss Fan nie Dupree returned to their home at Pine Tops this morning. Invitatious have been issued for ihe marriage of Mr. Willie Morton and Miss Clara Salsbury. Miss Janie Thorton of Richmond. Va., is spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. John D. Everett. Dr. Hargrove, who has been ill with the "Grippe" is recovering, to the delight of his many friends. Miss Norma Burroughs, visiting Miss Maree Robertson, returned home near Williamston Friday night. Miss I.ula D. Sauls an accom plished young lady of Norfolk will take charge oHhe music chus in the 'Graded School next Monday. Why is il that Prof. Everett wears a smile that will 119$ come i off? The "Mot k ' visited hll home oti February u, leaving ft little niii. -JJLjL*,* Rev. Mr. Howard of Kinstoti filled his regular appointment at the Christian Chinch, Febnury '7- The people of Kohersouville are very fortunate to have tnnity of hearing so able a minister every mouth. Mrs. Mnrgarett Orrendqf, our music teacher, will go to Atkanoas to make it hei future hotofl. We regret her departure very n|iich as she was very popular m R«|t>erson ville and we h"pe her in her adopted .stale. I.ast I't itjny evening Mis £ Marie Robertson entertained til L school with some splendid selec k)ns on her phonograph. The scl 00l ex- I tendered Mi , J. C. Rob sttson a vote of thanks for the us |of the instrument, and Miss Mari s a vote i of thanks lor operating it., L Wedding bells have I*4' so und ing quite often in our t Oil this winter Among tlioss vy to have flighted their troth and a arted on the voyage of life togethei BO: Mr Reuben Purvis and Miss S ||ie Rob erson; Mr. W ill Keel i id Miss I Lucy Keel; Mr. John 1 {Brown and Miss Lit la Roberson. » The school and the peo fe of the community are to be congtttulated on their success in securing Gov jeruor Glenn to deliver thellliterary j address at the close of thett school May I, 1908. Governor plenn is one of the most forcefuLlspeakers in the state He is in demand as an orator all over the country. So those schools and communities who secure him may well 'jgpe their prize. Misses Grimes, Krider tnd Rob erson of the Graded Schocl faculty attended the Teachers Association at Gieenville second Saturday. The rain prevented the teachers from attending the Association at Williamston. thiid Saturdi y There is great good to be gained from the monthly meeting of the teachers to discuss the problems of e location. and the ways and rn tin; solution of these, the PURVIS-ROBKRVT At the home of HjfTf R«*&* ersou."on Wednesday p. m 3-3° o'clock a quiet b'lt bt autitil wed* ding ceremony was preA where Mr Roberson gave in\ riage his daughter, Hattie, 1° r " Kdward D Purvis. The bricnP waa (Continued on fourth paga^ : > ADVERTISING Yonr money baek.—JodidoMafortb- Jng U the kind that pay* back tOTON the money yon invest. Space in thU P»P«aMure. you prompt ratnnia . , WHOLE NO. 415 Proiessional r!a«v4 ffl HUGH B. YORK, M. D. Microscopy "j Electrotherapy j. Specialties X-Ray Diagnosis J Office: Chase's Drug Store. OFPICK HOURS: 8 to 10 A. M.; 7 to 9 F. U. Office Phone No. 53 Night Phone No. 6j DR. J. A. WHITE. ' DENTIST OFFICII— MAIN STMKT PHONK Q W. K. Wsrreu. j. 3. Rhodes. DRS. WARREN & RHODES, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. OFFICK IN Bioos' DRTJO STORK 'Plione No. 2Q BURROUS A. CRITCHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW s3fce: Wheeler Martin's office. 'Phone, aj. WIUJAMSTON. N. C. F. D. WINSTON 8. j. Rv«m*TT WINSTON & EVERETT ATTORNRYS-AT-LAW WIUIAUSTON, N. C. 'Phone 31 Money to loan. S. AT WOOD NEWELL LAWYER _Offlce formerly occupied by J. D. Biff a. Phone No. 77. "VILLIAMBTON. N C. A. R. DUNNING ATTORNRY-AT LAW Roan RSONVIU.R, N. C. J. E. POPE GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT rißc and L»ife a Specialty Health, Accident, Boiler, Plate Glass, Fidelity, Bonds, Burglary. Theft, and Larceny Insurance. J. E. POPE, 'Phono 46 Office: Enterprise Office Jj||f CONGRATULATE YOURSELF that this Christmas finds yon still unharmed by fire. But if you are wise you'll not rely on mere good luck for protection. A FIRE INSURANCE POUCY beats good luck all to pieces. That is protection you can lie sure of. Let us write you a policy to-day; you have escaped fire so long that it is possible your turn is about due Yon never can tell when fire iseo ni|i£ you know. K. B. GRAWrORD INSURANCE AGENT, Godard Building _ - and TRADE-MARKS promptly obUI mRTA j nil cuuiix. na,or m 1«*. We obtain PAT UTS I I THAT PAY. th«m thocmigfcfr Imm I ox* '-niß, and beip you to raooeee. bond model, pnotoor sketch for FMKI f(tt I or patentability fO pmetiea UVt* ■ UfASSINQ REFCWIWCCS. Forfr« M«Ae■ j on l*roflt«bl« Pat*ntn write to ■ I 003-SOS Svvinth Sir |WJASHIHOTO«iO. I (.