I ROBERSONVILLE DEPARTMENT y> • Cdlted by JOHN D. BVBBBTT Miss Ira Taylor was in town Monday. Mr. J. C. Smith is confined to His room on account of illness. Mr. J. C- Robertson went to Norfolk on business last week. Mr. J. C. Smith went to Rocky Mount last week ou legal business. Mrs W. A. James and little sou visited friends in Everets Monday. Mrs. A. S. Evef&t has been 011 the sick list, but is convales cing. Mrs. Mary E'erett is with her daughter Mrs. J. C. Andrew* week. Mrs. W. Z. Morton visited her parents at Hassell.f fe-v days last week. Mrs. J. C. Andrews who has been quite ill for sometime is Mime what improved. Mrs. G. M. Roberson and little son Georgie Morton spent Monday i:i Williamston. Messrs. Paul and Sherrod Sals bury of Hamilton were here Mon ,dav and Tuesday. Miss Maree Rol>ertson has re turned from Bethel where she spent several days, Mrs. Jim Andrews and two little daughters, Mildred and Yella, went to Williamston Monday. Mrs. J. K. Ross has been quite ill for sometime. Her many frieuds hope-to see her out again scon. Mr. H. S. Everett of Oik City attended the speaking Tuesday evening by Hon. Garland E. Mid yette. Messrs. J. B Roberson and Wille" Taylor have just purchased new, improved machinery for tlueshing —l>eanuts. —- Misses l'earlie and Blanche Rob ertson attended the coalmen ce ment exercises of Williamston Graded School and spent some days there with friends. Mrs. Burroughs of Warrentori is here with hsr daughter Mrs Read, who has been very ill for souie tinrrfe. " Mr. Read of Wijiiamston took the corpse of his brother's in fant baby to Norliua for interment last Saturday. Rev. E. C. Andrews of Plymouth filled his regular appointment at the Baptist Church Sunday.' All who heard him were very much pleased with the plain, simple me.-* sage of truth. He showed the ne cessities and means of spiritual ' growth. Miss Dare Mae Krider has re turned to Salisbury. She made many friends while here, and they all hope that she will return next year. Miss Krider taught the seventh and eighth grades iu the graded school during the past yeqr. She proved herself a very efficient teacher, being firm in government thorough in instruction and faith ful iu every duty. Miss Lula Sails went to Rocky Mount last Thursday en route to her home at Norfolk. S'ie has had the music class'for some months at, the graded school." The patrons ot her department are all very en ' thusiastic for her return. She is a thorough, comj>etent, energetic and proficient teacher. She will doubt less have a very large class next fall, as a result of h:r gou.l work this Spring. Miss Annie Tew passed to her final rest Wednesday night at ten o clock. She had spent several years here with her sister Mrs. Frank Parker, aud had many friends among the young people of the town. - Her health had been failing for some time, but her •friends had not expected the end soon. She was takeu quite sud denly one evening last week;" aW the decline has been very rapid since that time. Her brother and his wife took her r'emaius to Golds boro Wednesday morning for in terment. Mr. A. R. Dunning went to Norfolk Thursday on business. " Mr. and Mrs. Baker Womack are in town visiting friends this week. Misses Lydie Roberson aud Dora Krider went to Bethel last week to the sehool closing. Mr. and Mrs. Adkiis are awav this week visiting relatives in dif ferent parts of the state. Mrs. Dr. Nelson and Miss Lillian Smith attended commencement ex ercises ai Bethel last week. Miss Redmond from Tarboro, several yodng ladies and gen tlemen fiotu Bethel came down Fri day to attend the dance. Mr. andMrs. Sam Barnhill, Mr. and Mrs W. A. James, Mr. and Mrs. Kd James, Mr and Mrs. G. M Roberson, Messrs. Dr. Har grove. R. K. Grimes, A. O. Rob erson, J C Smith, Richard Jen kins, Joe Miz.ll, Thomas Rober son, Lafayette James H. O Dan iel, W. L. Thornlmrg. J. H. Ever ett, W D. Thomas, H trvev Rob erson, Nun Everett, Henry Grimes; Misses Alice Grimes, Allie G. Lit tle, Lydie Roberson, Maud Peel, Richardson, Sue Everett, Krider spent the day at Shepe'd's Mill last Friday on a pic nic. Thev re port a very enjoyable time Two young men have spoken here on prohibition. Saturday af ternoon Hon. R. O. Everett of Durham addressed a large and ap preciative audience in the town hall. Mr. Everett discussed the question as a governmental policy, j showing that it is the duty of the State to take such action as the in terests of the majority of the peo ple demand. With irrefutable facts he showed that the industrial, intellectual and moral develop J 4Hvnt uf—the people.. WQlild be ad van :eil l.y state .prohibition lie coiitra>tpl the state in ISSI and the present, and showed that the large growth of prohibition senti ment and strength is lue to elitni nation of ignorant and vicious vote v-fr"n) the t>allot aud the dis semiuat.ua- of nitell gence u4l the i>eople ; Tire speech was strong, logical and fair. No doubt the cause was very much strength ened by this calm, intelligent -and impassioned address. Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock another good crowd assembled in thef nvn hall to bear Hon. C. ir land K. Midyette. lie greeted his hearers with such just and manly arguments that not the strongest anti-prohibitionist could take any offetlse at what he said. lie con trasted with vivid effect the wet and dry cities of North Caro lina, showing that prohibition in variably helped every city that had tried it. He said that this move ment was not the pet of any party or order, but was a natural result of the onward march of intelli gence, morality arid "good- govern ment. He appealed to reason, not prejudice; to virtue, not vice; to the heart not the stomach. All lie asked was that every man honestly weigh the evidence for and against prohibition and then vote to the dictates of his conscience. x After the speaking the Hamil ton Athletic Club played "Ten Rights in a Bar Room " Tived Serves, with that M uo am* bitiou" feeling that is commonly felt in spring or early summer, can be easily and quickl v altered by taking what is known to druggists everywhere as Dr. -Slioop's Res torative. One will absolutely note a changed feeling within 4S hours p.fter beginning to take the Restora tive. The bowels get sluggish in the winter-time, the circulation of' ten slows up, the K'dneys are in active, and even the Heart in many cases grows decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is recognized everywhere as a genuiue tonic to these vital organs. It builds up attdstreugthensthe worn-out weak ened nerves; it sharpens the failing appetite, and universally aids di gestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life vigor, and ambition. Try it and be convinced. Sold by All Dealers. Closing: ol Hamilton High School. (Special Correiponlence) On last Friday night, the closing: exercises ol the Hamilton High School took place. The was filled with people, many from ,adjoining towns. ». The negro sermon, recited by Watson Sherrod, pleased the audi ence, he acted the negro to perfec tion. The Brownies, with more than twenty little boys taking part, and they ranging from seven to fifteen, was a lovely sight, and showed skill in training. Darden Jones recited his piece well. Fan nie Matthews, her piece being one of Dorothy Dix, "Mirandy on Vanity" was taken off to perfection, and greatly amused all present. Mr Neal offered three prizes, one for attendance, two for the ones writing the best compositions throughout the year. Aunie Jones received one on composition, and Fannie Matthews the other one. He al«> offered one for attendance. Fannie Matthews receiving that one. Mrs. Grimes offef&i three, one for attendance, and for deport ment, also one for the one that missed the least words in the spell ing class, this w»s awarded to Dennis Inscoe. Reta Upton re ceived the one for attendance, and Mildred I'itgh the one for deport ment. Mrs. Gladstone offered three in the department of music, Castine Purvis, receiviug first and Maggie Peel and Fannie Gladstone recived the others. Mildred Pugh recited her piece ''Two old to kiss," with a great deal of Charm and credit. More News from the New EngliaJ) States If any one has any doubt as to the virtue of Foley's Kidney Cure, thev need only to refer to Mr. Alvin H Stimpson, of WiUiniantic Conn., who, after almost losing hope of recovery, 011 account of the failure of so tnanv remedies, finally tried Foley 's Kidney Cure, which he says was "jUst the thing" foi hint, as foil'- bottles cured him com uleiely 11 eis nnw entirely yell and tree fon all the si.tte.iMig in cident to acute kidney tioublg. C. C. Chase. S. R Hijjgs. HARDENS ITEMS. Mrs, Annie Bateman was a of Mrs Fagau Sunday. N. T. Coburn and C. C. Pagan went to Roper Wednesday. \ Little Miss Eva Spruill has been quite sick but is improving. Mrs. David Swinson was the guest of Mrs. Matilda Divenport Sunday. M iss Gurganus of Ply mutt th—4s I the guest of Miss Olive Jackson this week. A * MissA'ida Simpson and Mr. Asa Allen were out strolling .Sunday afternoon. ' Stanford Jackson who has been | How People Lose Their Money ■ Bv concealing it about iheir person, by stowing it away iu mugs, ;tnd* }'«*•*;! by sewing it up in skirts atnl * ioks; by j tuc kuij; it under the couches an 1 carpets, in cupboards anil bureau drawers; these are some of the ways by whWh people' lose tlieir money, and sometimes tbeir lives. How Peopic Save Their Money By depositing it iu a good, reii-i' V Bank. CONFIDENT that this Bank ful.y meets tbe public's needs we tender its services to all who believe in keeping on the safe | side. • ■ ■■— Bank of Robersonviiie- Sobersonville, N. C. DR. R.II.HARGROVE J. C. ROBERTSON Pres't. Cashier A. S. ROBKRSON J. A |M 1 ZM.I. Vice-Prest. Ass't L.istaier ' TT";- Tin Your Roofs , • a, ' 1. ■ I will furuish and put on tin for cents a square foot. Better grades in proportion. Those who have roofs to tin will do well to see or write, M. P. SMITH,' Robersonville. N. C ...... very sick with pneumonia is very much improved. Miss Mary Hassell of Jamesville spent last week with her cousin, Miss Bernice Fagan. Mr. Vance Fagan and Miss Minnie Riddick attended church at Poplar Chapel Sunday night. Misses Annie and Lucy Robbins spent Saturday night in Warren NecH with Miss Hilda? McLaskey. Rev. Mr. Singleton of Plymouth held a temperance lecture at the Methodist Church last Sunday to an attentive congregation. Gov. Winston and Prof. Peel.j after le turing on Education at the Hiptist Church Friday uight, were guests in the home of Mr. C. C. Fagan. Miss Sabrah Iludsoa, our ac complished teacher, left for her home in Saturday after spending the night with Miss Ber nice Fagan. We are glad to see Mrs. C. C. Fagan home. She returned last week from an extended visit to her parents in Columbia and was there duiing the Baptist Association. May the time soon arrive when temperance sweeps the licensed saloons out of this state, and takes the "Privilege to get drunk" from so many men that do flot need any ' privilege" at all. Miss Hudson, the teacher that the children think must have come from Fairyland irave them a de lightful picnic at Dailvs Hill last week. They greatly enjoyed eating their lunch, and rusticating on the hanks of the old Roanoke river where the Lotus is spreading it's wide leave-i over the dark preparing to bloutn so beautifully to loose its fragrance on the desert air. We hope to have Miss Hud son with us next session, the chil dren are more improved iu every manner than before,aud in fact she is quite an acquisition to the whole community Whooping Cough "In February our daughter bad the whooping cough. Mr. I.aue, ofYllattlaud. recommended Cham berlain's Cough Remedy and said it gave his customers the best of satisfaction. We found it as~ he said, and can recommend it to any one having children troubled with whooping cougli," says Mrs. A. 'Goss, of Durant, Mich. For sale by All Druggists v aud Dealers iu Patent Medicine. Oak City Speaking I S(>eeial to The Enterprise) Oak City, N. C., May 10 —The largest crowd ever witnessed in (ioose Nest Township, Martin County, gathered at Oak City last Sunday afternoon to hear the great moral issue >f prohibition discussed by Mr. R. O. PJverett ol Durham. The day was ideal, the crowd open-minded and Mr. PJverett at u- 1 his best. The speaker showed a thorough understanding of his subject, handled it at all times with power and eloquence. Manv arguments against the gieat question were convincingly answered. | Mr. Ivverett is a son of Martin [county, and her people welcome him and the message he brings. She has watched with pride his ca reer in his adopted city, and hopes thai he may ever be found stead fast and strong on the side of right ■ A committee from Hamilton I came to the afternoon gathering to extend to'the speaker an invita tion to deliver a like address to their people oti the following eve ning. A large crowd, and attrac tive program, and a thorough dis cussion of the subject is reported. Oue of the most remarkable There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, that will positively stop any pain, anywhere, in 20 min utes. Druggists everywhere sell them as v Dr.' Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pam cen ters —that is all. Pain comes from blood pressure—congestion. Stop that pressure with Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is in stantly gone. 20 Tablet 25c. Sold by All Dealers. things about the speaking was that every element of life was present, and enthusiastically sup porting what was here-to-fore thought by other parts of the State to be an unpopular measure in this community. This is a tribute to Mr. Everett, who is a native and well known in this county, and no man oould have drawn more people and been heard with more enthu siasm than could Oscar Everett as he is so well knowu throughout this part of the State. It was one time thought that Martin County would' go over whelmingly against Prohibition, but owing to the articles of Elders Gold, Hardy and Hasseli. the per sistent work of the advocates of temperance, and the speeches by Mr. Everett, it is now hoped and believed that this section, at least, of the county will go dry The people of the county are gradually awakening to the righteousness, of the cause. /" TliWirin Beit Cliaati is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affections lassi tude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility the most effective remedy is Elec tric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and insomnia. Sold under guarantee at All Druggists. Price 50c OPENING OF THE RACING SEASON There Will be Some Fast Racfs at the Gentlemen's Driving Park — Horses From Windsor, Gatesville Roper and Nearby Towns—. Special 2:20 Race for a Large Purse Next Wednesday, May 20, the racing seaspti will open at the Gen tlemen's Driving Park. This will be an excellent opportunity for the lovers o£ the sport to see Some fine racing. The owners of fast horses here have been for some weeks get ting tlidr horses in condition and from all reports some surprises are in store.for the crowd that will at tend the races next Wednesday. The first race wilP be the 2:20 special, with a special purse of $1,150 00. This race is made up specially for Merry Legs, owned by Mr. Rawleigh t). Carter, and Brig adier, owned by Mr J. Paul Simp sou. The second race is the 3:00 min ute trot; purse $25.00 The third race is the 2:35 trot; purse $50.00. The fourth race is the free for all; purse SIOOOO. This last race promises to lie something extra good, and those attending will be well repaid. The special running iace has] not b.een nude up at this writing and it is not known now whether it wilt be carried out. Music by the Williamston Brass Band. The Most Common Cause ot Suffering: Rheumatism causes more pain and suffering than any other disease for the reason that it is the most common of all ills, and it is cer tainly gratifying to sufferers to know that Chamlierlain's Pain Balm will afford relief, and make rest and sleep possib'e. In many cases the relief from pain, which is at first temporary, has become per manent, while in old people subject to chronic rheumatism, otten brought ou by dampness or changes in the wsather. a permanent cure cannot be expected; the relief from pain which this liniment affords is alone worth many times its cost. 25 aud 50 cent sizes for sale by All Druggists and Dealers in Patent Mediciue. —At the approaching Littleton 1 College Commencement, the Bac cilaureate Sermon will be preached by Dr. F. I). Swindell, on Wed nesday, May 27; and the Literary Address before the Faculty and student body will be delivered by Ex-Gov. C. B. Aycock, President of the Board of Trustees, on Thurs day, the 28th. DeWitt's Little Early Risers are small, safe, sure and gentle little pills. Sold by Chase Drug Store, aud Biggs Drug Store. NORFOLK, VIRGINIA Interesting Easiness Notes From The Hustling City That Should Interest Every Reader. The Mail order department of Paul-Gale-Greenwood Co. Inc., makes it very convenient for peo ple in this vicinity to get anything in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Dia monds, Silver-ware, Cut-glass &c. as they do an immense business in sending out goods, aud just now are very busy filling orders for wedding presents and engraved stationery. Just write them and thev will make snggestiot s. and sends goods on approval, paying all charges on goods ordered by mail. Have all your repairing done here too. Prices are lower here than in small stores, and they have lots of things not found else where. Good trade keeps up at Samuel C. Phillips' great Furniture store. 333 to 337 Cbuich Street. His out-of-town trade grows fast under the low price selling plan. If not going to Norfolk soon, write him about what vou need. The Stieff Player-Piano is at tracting great attention uow-a-days and people are appreciating the ad vantages of this great instrument, as well as the fact that when you buy a Stieff Piano or a Shaw Piano from Stieff, you buy direct from the maker aud save a good round sum that you would otherwise have to jay to retail dealer. With a Stieff Player-Piano vou cau have the very best music any time for ' any member of the family can play it. Write and ask about it; they will lie glad to send you full par ticulars. Address Chas. M. Stieff, L. C. Steele, Mgr. i i4*Granby St. Norfolk. The Lorraine Hotel is so near the shopping district and the thea tres, the conveniences a great con sideration, and tlieJße music dur ing meals and at is another, to say nothing of the excellent table, and the attention you get. No wonder it is so popular.Both America" and European plans. THE HUB is extensively ad vertising their famous 1 Royal" and "Admiral" Blue. Serge Suits at sio. and sls. which are conced ed by clothing experts to -be the best serge suit values in the United States. Both the "Royal" and the " Admiral suits are made of pure all wool serge of a pretty navy shade. Every yard of ma terial used in these suits is careful ly tested bv the sun and acid test before making, and the crack tail ors of The Hub's big clothing factory are alone allowed to work on these suits; thereby first class tailoring is assured The Hub guarantees every "Royai" and '•Admiral'' suit to give satisfactory service to the wearer, aud if one should fail, a uew suit will be given absolutely free Write to The Hub about these splendid suits. Mail /.an Pile Remedy comes ready to use, in a collapsible tube, with nozzle. One application soothes and heals, re duces inflammation and relieves soreness and itching. Price 50c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store Annual fleeting of the Charitable Brotherhood The annual meeting of Char itable Brotherhood was held Wed nesday in Roper. There was a large crowd present and every thing passed off pleasantly. Prof. R J. Peel, president of the Grand Lodge of North Carolina and Mr. J. R. Mobley of this place attended the meeting. The follow ing officers were elected for this year. W. M. Chancey of Washing ton, president; Mr. Hopkins, of Washington, vice-president; W. H. McDevitt, of Washington, sec retary; Mr. Mitchell, treasurer; C. C. Fagan of Hardens, marshal; Thomas Green of Pantego chap lain. The Charitable is'hr " excellent condition and(prosper ous year is looked foward to. a Man Zan PUe Remedy, Price 30c is guaranteed. / Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any form of piles. Soothes and heals. Sold by Chase's Drug Store.