VOL. IX. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS 1 \ Some Improvements in Our Hustling Neigh bor Town BALL SEASON IS OPEN * .'• • * Lightning Strikes Barn. Peo ple Traveling To and Fro. Several on the Sick List. Athletics Essential Miss Lillian Smith was in town i Saturday. Mrs. A. E. Gray and children were here §unday. Miss Susie Ross has returned to her home at Stokes. Mrs. W. L. Johnson, Arthur and Gertie, visited here Sunday. Miss Isabel Morton is visiting friends in Tirboro this week. Mr. and Mrs. Staton Purvis spent Sunday with friends here. Miss LatlaWynn, of "Williams ton, is in town visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs S. T. Everett and little Bruce were in town Sunday. Mr. A S. Roberson is moving into his new home on Railroad St. Mrs. J. W. Andrews and family are spending the week in I'armele. Simon Everett is spending the week with his brother and sister* in town. Rev Mr. Summerdl was in town Saturday on his way to his appoint ment. Miss Fannie Mayo, of Raleigh, is at Mr- J- C. Robertson's this week. A. S". Roberson and Co. are put ting improvements upon their store this wetk. Mesdames Edmondson and Page left Monday for their homes in Tarboro. Miss Isola-i Brown has returned from a visit to friends and relatives in Jamesville. Misses Annie and Mary Cqm mings returned to their home near Tarboro Monday. Mrs. W. H. Adkins, with Helen and Robert, have gone to Tarboro for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Parker have a new arrival at their home, in the person of a fine daughter.'* Mrs. W. F. Parker returned Sat urday from Goldsboro. where she had been visiting her sister Elder Bartleyof Indiana is at Elder Roberson's this week. preached at Flat Swamp Thursday. Miss Marie Robertson spent Sat urday night and Sunday in the country with Miss Lillian Smith. Messrs. Lon Roberson and Jesse Everett left Tuesday for Panacea Springs, where they will spend some time. Mr. J. C. Robertson had the misfortune to lose a very fine Jersey calf Tuesday by its being run over by the train. Elder G. D. Roberson snd Mr. J. C. Robertson went to Farmville Saturday where Elder Robertson preached Saturday and Snaday. Judge Rous had Mack Matheson, Col ,in court Monday for larency of bicycle. He bouud him over to September Superior Court. . Misses Sammie and Ebbie Langley and Miss Fannie Flem ming. of Washingtonr are the guests of Miss Sue Everett this week • # II any newt, failed to be reported THE ENTERPRISE last v. was an oversight of the editoi.iind the Result of the reporter's writing on both sides of the paper. Mr. W. H. Adkins is spending part of this week in the country with the tobacco farmers. He and Mr. Bailey have secured the service of Mr. J. C. Andrews this year. ' Rev. E- C. Andrews, of Ply mouth, was entertained Saturday and Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Everett. t He preached two able sermons Sunday to good audiences. He is deservedly popular with his congregation. Mr. A. S. Roberson is moving into his handsome new home on Railroad Street. Mr. Roborson is leaving nothing undone in the way of beautifying and making comfort able this elegant home. It will be an ornament to the town as well as a joy to its owner. Mr. and Mrs.. Dunning have re turned from the'ir extended trip to northern points. They are especial ly enthusiastic over the inspiiing grandeur of the Niagra Falls, say ing that the earth, as well as the heavens, declares the glory of God. Miss Lucy Manning and her brothers, I)r. Major and Lewis, were here last week, they were ac companied by Miss I.ucy's guests, Misses Myrtle Harris and Stewart, of Washington, and Miss Pennie Mizelle. of Roanoke Rapids. Thrre was quite an electrical dis play here Monday. The elements seemed ablaze with fire, and the crashing of the warring forces was terrific. The barn of Mr. J. B. Rawls was struck by lightning. It seemed providential that some pirti's were near to di tinguish the fire before much damage was done. / Willlamston Robersonville There was a game of base ball between Williamston and Rober sonville Monday The line up for WilliamMon: Chas. Roberson. John Thrower, Edwin Ward, Roland Roberson, Haywood Knight, Sam Gurgamis, Louis Manning, Nicholas Roberson and Russell Tell. Robersonville line up: Theodore Bullock, Julius Whit field, Kichard Jenkins, Thomas Bunting. Church' Pierce, T. H. Ev erett, Ross, Chas.. Yick and Richard Martin. - The umpire, J. C.Smith, called the game at.3: 15 p. m. After four lively innings the game was stop ped on account of a heavy rain,. The score then stood 6 to 3, in fav or of Robesonville. Manly bearing and fair playing were characteristic of both teams. The visiting boys called forth comment by their gentlemanly conduct. Another game will be arranged soon be tween these two teams. Captain Roberson, of the Williamston team played with Robersonville at Cone to Tuesday." Conetoe-Robersonville Game Tuesday between Rober sonville and Conetoe, at Conetoe. The Robesonville line up was: — Charlie Roberson, Julius Whitfield Richard Martin, Richard Jenkins. Hubert Morton, Wade Yick, Char- He Vick, Theodore Bullock, Tom Buntibg and Church Pierce. Rooters for Robersonville: —»W. A. Jame* Ed James, C. James, W. J. Martin, Willie Ambers, John Ed mondson, J. T - Ross, Joe Barnhill. Athletic sports cannot be too warmly commended when indulged in for special deveolpment and for recreation. President Winston, who has just returned from Eng land. said of the English people, "They are undoubtedly the finest specimens of manhood on the ■globe." They are large in body, (Continued on page 8) WILLIAMSTONrN. C., FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1908. HON. JOHN H. SMALL AGAIN RENOMINATED ' '* The First Congressional District Convention In Plymouth Yesterday Attended by a Large Crowd. Hon. WalterL. Cohoon Named as Elector. Dr. Pendleton Again Selected Chairman of the Executive Committee, Dr. John D. Biggs Committeeman From Martin County The First Congressional Conven tion met in Plymouth yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. The Con vention was called to order by the Chairman. Dr. A. 1.. Pendleton, of Klizabeth City, who called Dr. T. S. McMullen. of Perquimans to the chair an temporary Chaiuuan, who, after making and excellent' speechv in which he recited the growth of, andvjhe foundamental ■ principles upon which the Demo] cratic party is founded, an in elo queiit language paying tribute v« 5 the nominees of the democratic national and state ticket, proceeded to organize the convention, Hon. T. W. Hlount chairman D J Whicliard, of the Greenville Re- j flector was elected secretary, C. Y ; \V T . Ausbon of the Plymouth Bea can, W. K. Jacobson, of the Wash ] iogton Progress and A. E. Whit I moreof the Williamston Enterprise | were elected assistants secretaries After the various counties hn!" perfected organizations the coin mittees on resolutions, credential; and permanent organization r tired The following report of tin credentials committee was adopted | All counties were properly r presented except Currituck, which sent a written proxy. Motion was; made and sustained that the proxy ; be not permitted. The following are resolutions ;:s drawn by the committee and adopted: We the committee on resolution beg leave to submit the following: Recognizing in our representa tive in Congress, the Hon. John 11. Small, a wise, able, and corageo'is leader, and reviewing with pleasure ami satisfaction his course in Con gress. Be it" Resolved, that we the Democrats in convention assembl ed, dc cheerfully and heartily en dorse his course in congress, as our Representative. And Be it Further Resolved, Th?it we recognize the action of the National Democratic Convention, in the nomination of Hon. W. J. Bryan, as wise, proper, and im minently fitting, and we do pledge ourselves to do all in our power, consistent with our sense of honor, to procure his election. And be it further resolved, that HON. JOHN 11. SMAI, l in Hon. W. W. Kitchin, we rcc* ] ogiu/e a popular ami wise leader, and we hereby pledge our undivid ed support to him, and the whole stak- ticket as named at Charlotte in (lie Democratic Convention. H. W. STUBBSIChm A. IP. GODWIN, SKC I F. C. Harding of Pitt placeo Hon. John 11. JSmall in nomina tion.- lion. A. P. Godwin of Gates seconded the nomination The speeches of both these gentle men were full of fire and enthusi asm. paying high tribute to the First District'-* representative, and brought tort h much applause. At the conclusion of his speech, Hon. :A. P. Godwin made a motion to noiuinaUf Mr. Small by a-clama ition. This brought an objection 'from Martin-County's delegation, Col. W. G. l.amb demanding that the vote be taken. The follow- I ing is the result of the roll call: Saiall Keaufort 39 Camden 8- Chowan 11 1 not voting Currituck ll not represented Dare 9 Oates 15 Hertford 16 Hyde J4 Martin 28 1 not voting Pasquotank 20 Perquimans 13 Pitt 46 Tyrrell H Washington 10 237 Mr. A. F. Ayd'ett of Pasquo tank placed in nomination for elector from the First District, Hon. Walter Cohoon of Elizabeth City. Dr. John I). Biggs seconded this nomination. Dr. Biggs and Mr. Coboon were cpllege mates. The rules were dispensed with and Mr. Cohoon was nominated by acclamation. Messrs. Harding and Godwin were appointed a committee to in form Mr. Small of hi« nomination. When Mr. Small entered the court house there was prolonged ap-1 plause. His speech of acceptance was a rededication of himself to Democracy and to his District, and received the closest attention, the speaker being applauded time and tiawtgaip. i. : Messrs. Aydlett and Biggs were appointed a committee to inform Mr. Cohoon of his nomination and to escort him to the hall. Mr. Cohoon was hear,tily applauded upon his entrance. His speech of acceptance was short, but is was full of assurance and the Conven tion was satisfied that it had named the right man for the place. The following is the list of the j executive committee: County Name Post Office ! Beaufort J. P. Taylor Washington ' Camde n C. S. Sawyer Camden Chowan W. M. Bond Kdenton Currituck I)- W. H. Cowell Shawboro Dare W. J. Griffin Manteo Gates W. T. Cross Gatesville Hertford W. P. Shaw Winton Hyde P. P. Spencer Fairfield Martin ]. D. Biggs Willtaiuston Pasquotank A. L.Pendleton Eli/.ab'h City I Perquimans T. P. NVinslow Hertford K. W. King Greenville | Tyrrell J. L. Sprtiill Columbia Washington S. B. Spruill Plymouth Dr. A. L. Pendleton, Chairman, Eli/f --j betli City. I I HASSELL ITEMS Mr. Robert Salsbury spent Sun- I day in Hobgood. Mr. R H Salsbury spent Mon day*in Wiiliauiston. Mr. T. W. Davenport has been on the sick list this week. Mr. I,eon Shields of Hobgond spent Sunday night here. Mrs. W. A. Ayers who is visit ing here, is spending a few dcys in Hamilton Mr. William Hyman. of Rich mond is spending a few weeks in this neighborhood. Mr. Lester Roberson of Rober sonville. is spending a few clays at the home of Mr. J. F. Purvis* this week. Mr. Carey Fleming who has been in the hospital at Tarboro, return ed home Tuesday. We are glad to see him out again. Imogene, or the Witch's Secret The appreciation of the efforts of our local talent in its presenta tion of Imogetie Wednesday even ing was well demonstrated by the large audience which swarmed into the opera house and to their seats early in the evening. We have heretofore had demonstrated the fact that Williamston had a good deal of real stajje talent, but never before has this fact been so well shown as it was in this great pre sentation, of - linogene. - Kaeh player acted his, or her, part as though it were an actual event Tn his natural life, and you were im pressed with the naturalness of the whole presentation, which would have done credit to any opera com pany. The between-act-specialties, too, were strictly up to date and full of amusement and kept the audience in a roar of cheers and encores. This presentation coming just at I this time to break the lull and ! monotony of the summer was ! gladly welcomed by all, and we | look lorward with no little degree of expectant delight to the promis ed presention of "Because I Love You" at the completion of the City Hall. ' NOTICE There will be no services at the Episcopal Church on Sunday. Act ing under a special arrangement made by the Bishop. I shall have service at Plymouth next Sunday instead of Williamston. This change is made in behalf of Ply mouth this month in order that the Church there may not have to go two months without services. Sunday School as usual at 9:45 A ' M " V (Signed) Win. J. Gordon. s[.oo a Year in Advance HEAVY RAIN STORM MONDAY Much Damage Done Through out the County THE WORST IN YEARS Telephone Lines Damaged— Barns Burned, Trees Torn up, Crops Badly Damaged In Several Sections. One of the worst storms in years visited this county Monday even ing. The rain fall was the large t ?ec 11 here in souie time. The storm was local and lasted for nearly two hours. The lightning struck in several places. A large tree about fifty yards from the residence of Mr. J. W. Watts was struck and badly torn. Phephone in the drug store of Mr. S. R. Biggs was burned out. and the I telephone lines were crossed up pretty badly around here. Phone messages from Hamilton, Everetts, and Mr. Kader I„illey's tell of much damage to crops and other property. The rain did the most damage around Hamilton,, washing the land pretty badly in many places. The telephone line of Dr. B. L. Long was damaged' considerably, but has been put in' good shape again. The corn and cotton crops around! Everetts. on the light sandy lands,, were damaged considerably. Che lighting struck the house of Mr. Eli Wynn, the place better known as the A brer Beech farm. The porch was torn pretty badly but no one in the house was hurt. At the farm of Mr. K.ader Lille/ about eight miles from town the lightning did much damage. It struck the barn of Mr. Lilly and set fire to it completely destroying it. The stock was saved, as was some tools. The report is that the storm in the immediate vicinity of Mr. Lilly's was the worst in years. Several people were in the barn when it was struck but none of them were hurt. The lightning: | also struck a large tree in the yard of Mr. Romulus Lilley near his | house, but no other damage was HAMILTON ITEMS Mr. Oren Hyman is visiting Mr. B. B. Sherrod. Mrs. Smith, of Williamston, was I in town Friday on business. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Sherrod re turned from Richmond, Va., Fri -1 day. : Wr. W. L. Sherrod and daughter Miss Carrie, left for Plymouth Sun day. Messers. Joe Goddard and Wil lard Teel were in town to attend the ball. Mrs. A. T. Harrell, of Ports mouth, Va., is visiting her sister* Mrs. Allsbrook. Miss Bettie Lawrence retoraecK from Scotland Neck where she has been visiting Miss House. Mrs. C. A. Johnson and Mnv Smith, of Tarboro, spent several days with Mrs. W. E. Gladstone this week. Hamilton defeated Scotland Neck here in a slow and uninterest ing game of base-ball; the score being Bto 3. The score is as fol lows: R H 8 Hamilton 8 21 9 Scotland Neck 3 9 16.