VOL. X. NO. 2 NEWS FROM TH£ COUNTY Hamilton News—Death of Miss Nettie Lawrence- Items From Dardens and Hobgood. HAMILTON ITEMS D. L. Baker went to Williamston Saturday. Mr. J. W. Waldo left Sunday for Hertford. Miss Clara Everett went to Oak City Friday. Miss Martha Johnson is visiting Miss Delia Purvis. A large crowd from here attend ed the Convention. Mr. Willie Hurst was here Sun day from Oak City. Mr. E. Edmondson from Norfolk Sunday. Mr. Willie Lawrence left Wed nesday for Whitakers. Mr. A. E. Council went to Scotland Neck Tueaday. Mrs. Blanc of New York is visit ing Miss Hattie Darden. Mr. and Mrs. David House left Monday for Greenville. A large crowd went to Spring Green from hfere Sunday. Edgar Long left Monday for Baltimore to attend schooJ. Miss Lelia Pippen is here attend ing school a*. Hamilton Institute. Mni. J» B Cherry and mater Mrs. Baynor have from their vacation. Mrs. P. L. Salsbury and son have returned fiom Scatland Neck. Mr. E. E. Edmondson and wife are visiting relatives in Plymouth. Mrs. D. C. Jones and daughter Annie went to Williamston Thurs day. Mr. William Grimes of Rober sonville spent Sunday with his mother. Elder Sylvester Ilassell came here Sundav to bury Miss Bettie Lawrence. Miss Estella House and sister left Monday for their home in Scot land Neck. Miss Belle Carstarphen of Wil liamston spent last week here to the delight of her many friends. Miss Mamie World, who has been visiting Miss Moore, left Monday for her home at Tarboro. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Sherrod re turned home Sunday from Edge combe, where they have been visit ing friends. The Youngs People's Club gave a party to the boys last Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. J. J. Brewers. Delicious refresh ments were served. Among those preseut were: Miss Martha Coun cil andjjohn Rook, Miss Hellen Edmondson and Dcrrell Baker, Miss' Rachel Edmondson and Dar deu Jones, Miss Susie Johnson and / Harper Peel, Jones and Walter Perkins, Miss Clara Ever ett andjC. D. Peikins, Miss Lillie May Baker and Waldo Grimes, Miss Fannie Matthews and Bog Barnhill. Miss Clara Everett and Mr. Darrell Baker were the most attractive couple present Death ot Miss Bettie Lawrence The Death Angel came to Hamil ton on last Saturday and took the soul of Bettie Lawrence to Paradise. During an illness which for a year compelled her for the most of ber time to kerp her room, she never murmured or repined. Whilst in intense suffering she was unselfish, patient and gentle. Her death was peaceful, ffrfd whily^we sorrow ■ ■ ' . "* "l" * State Library THE ENTERPRISE for bereaved we joy in the con ciousness that her long virgil of pain has ended in rest of Paradise. The sore trial to the sorrowing father, mother, sisters,, brothers and friends will we trust be born with resignation to the Fathers will and with the consoling thought that the beloved one while with us was beloved by all. "While here in the Valley of conflict, I stay O give me submission and strength as my day, ' In all my afflictions to thee I would come Rejoicing in hope of my glorious home.'' Do not let anyone tell you that something else is just as good as DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills because there isn't anything just as good for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains, inflammation of tbe bladder, or any Kidney and Bladder disorder. A weeit's trial will convince you. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. DARDENS ITEMS Mr. J. J. Stroud spent Tuesday in Williamston. Mr. Carroll Fagan spent Tues day in Jamesville. Mr. C. C. Fagan spent Tuesday in Williamston. Littfe Miss Elsie Wright has been quite ijl this week. Capt: C. C. Bundy continues ill and is not expected to live. Mrs. Laura Sullivan was in town shopping Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J.* C. Smith are spending tlie week in Winterville. Mrs. M. S. Fagan spent Sunday with Mrs. Chessou in Warren Neck, • • ■ , Mrs. Annie Bateman bad a box party at ber residence Friday ntgbt for the benefit of the Methodist Church. There was a barbecue at the new academy Friday. Everybody had a good time. * Miss' Fagan was the guest of Miss Mattie Fagan Satur day afternoon. Mr. Z. U! Fagan attended the Democratic Convenlion at William ston Tuesday. ~ ~ - Mrs. Nannie Coburn, of Buell, Va., returned home Saturday after visiting relatives here. Mr. A. B. Waters returned from Williamston Monday where he had been attending courtr" V Mrs. Chesson and daughter Miss Donnit May of Warren Neck were here shopping Monday afternoon. Miss Minnie Riddick is home after spending some time with her uncle, Mr. Corprew. in Hertford. A crowd of young people went down to Warren Neck to get chin capens. They made a very success ful trip. Misses Hudson and Rollins left last week for their homes in Tyner and Bethel. We hope to have them with us next school session. Ftr Clapptd Skin Chapped skin whether on the hands or face may be cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also unequaled for ■ore nipples, burns and scalds. For sale by All Druggists and Dealers in Patent Medicine. HOBGOOD ITEMS Mrs. Bettie Hopkins went to Scotland Neck Monday. The potato crop is poor in this County this year. The weather was to wet. We have the best corn crop this year that I have seen in this com munity in ten years. But hogs are not so plestiful.- [Continued on Page 5] WILLIAMSTON, N. G.. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2. igoS. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS People Coming and Going--Fire Sunday Night Does Considerable Damage—Death of Mrs. Gray Whitaker. Wednesday Sept. 29, 190s Mr. J. A. Mizelle spent Tuesday in Williamston. • ! i Mrs. John Jenkins of near this! place is very ill. and Mrs. Ward Tues- , day in Tarboro. Mrs. John Griffin spent last Sun day at Gold Point. . Mrs. Stella Purvis of Hassell was in town this week. Mr. Alfred James of Ashville is visiting relative here. Mr. John Roebuck went over to Williamston Tuesday. Mrs. Dr. Ward has returned from a pleasant visit to Wilson. Mrs. M. Kverett and family spent Sunday at Gold Point. Mr. and Mrs. Dunning spent Wednesday in Williamstop. Mrs. Pope is away for a few days visiting in Williamston. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Briley visited friends in Greenville last week. Messrs. John Whichard and John Mayo were in town Wednesday. Mr. J. L. Robertson made a business trip to Winston Tuesday. Mr. Simon Kverett was here '.tst week from S. C. to visit relatives. Miss Vada Wynn is absent from school this week on accout of ill- Mrs. J. O. Williams of Oaklev sped Tuesday with Mrs. J. T. Brown. Miss Pearl Bell visited Miss Willie Roebuck last Fiiday and Saturday. Mr. James Daniel and sister, M iss Blanche, made a brief trip to Hamilton. Miss I.ula Sauls went over to Rocky Mount Saturday to visit her sister. Mr. Bodenhammer made a busi ness trip to ' v arsaw Friday return ing Sunduy. Miss Maude Powell and Mr. Augustus Powell went K> William ston Tuesday. Mr. Mayo Rives was in town Sunday night the guest of Mr. A. S. Roberson. Mrs. George Roberson and little son Georgie Morton made a short trip to Parmele. Mr. and Mrs. W. H # Oawford of Williamston spent Sunday with Mrs. J. W. Andrews. Miss Delia Purvis of Hnmiiton is spending sometime with litr sis ter, Mrs. A. E. Gray. Misses Minnie and Mattie Which ard and Sallie Everett have been visiting friends in town. Misses Susie and Effie Koss .of Stokes came over to attend the meeting at Spring Green. Misses Fannie Lee and Lillian Gainer spent a few days at the home of Mr. H: T. Brown. Mr. J. K. Cobb of Coneto is here learning the business of the rail road office under Mr. Pope. Miss Isabel Morton spent Satur day and Sunday at Hassell, the guest of the Misses Salsbury. Mrs. Mary Stephens, of Dunn, who has been visiting friends sev eral weeks left for home Thursday. Misses Sallie Everett* and Leyta Taylor accompanied the Misses Whichard to Parmele Wednesday. Bv JOHN l). EVERETT We are glad To see Miss Kffie Roebuck again in school after a prolonged absence otj accouut of illness. Miss Sue House who has been with Mrs. Jule Outterbridge for some time left for Hamilton last Saturday. George Everett was called home from school to take his mother to see her brother, Geftrge James, who was dying. Miss Mattieand Annie Whicliard of Bethel and Miss Isolan BroWn spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss Sallie Everett. ; Misses Bertha and Lille Barnhill of Grindool, spent a few days with Miss Annie Mooring last week, re turning home. Monday. " tfMiss Hallie Meades, who is visit ing at Mr..John C. Robertson, is on the sick list this week. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Among those'who attended the meeting at Spring Green from here were Misses Maude Peel and* Alice Smith and Messrs. Lon Roberson and Joe Mizelle. Mesdames Blanche Forbes, Ida House. Lizzie Mooring of Green ville, Sue May, Azella Mays of Bethel, were the guest of Mrs. Dr. Nelson Thursday. Mr. arid Mrs. S. W. Outterbridge and their guests, Mrs. and Miss Hell and Mrs. Stephens attended the Yearly Meeting at Spring Green Saturday and Sunday. After attending school at several places at a distance, Mr. Charlie Roebuck has derided to prepaie himself for college at the home school. He entered last week and is already showing that he is work ing with a definite end in vi«w. He wpatiilH later to euttr medical col lege. Mrs. Gray Whitacer was taken very suddenly to her final reward Wednesday. The tupture of a blood vessel in her brain proved fatal in spite of all medical skill. She leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss May the Giver of all hope strengthen them in the hour of grief. The many friends here of Rev. Thomas Lawrence *-«*f Hamilton extent their condolences lo him in bis hour of breavement in the loss of his daughter. Miss lkttie, whose call to her eternal rest came very suddenly last Saturday. May the great Comforter of all be with him in this affliction. Quite a number of people from here attended the Convention at Williamston Tuesday, and report rather an enthusiastic and exciting day. The people of the town feel honored that one of their citizens was chosen without solicitation on his part to a position of trust and responsibility. We feel assured that in the person of Mf. A. S Roberson, the affairs of tha county will receive efficient managment, as one of it commissioners. He is a sucsesaful business man, and has the interest of the citizens at heart. We extend congratulations to all the candidates who were successful and sympathy to those who were unfortunate as to miss the nomina tion. Thtf town was aroused by an alarm of fire Sunday night about twelve o'clock. In an incredibly short time the bucket brigade was on the scene and a hard fought battle to save the town ensured. The fire had made too much head way on the wooden buildings on Railroad and Main streets to per mit them to be save. But owing to the efforts of the townsmen and especially the heroism of Mr. M. P. Smith, all the brick buildings are still intact, expect a few broken windows and cracked walls. The loss from the fire was con siderable, falling most heavly on Messrs. R. T. Purvis, R.T. Rober sou, C. James, J. Albert Robuck, Roberson & Biown and Henry and Jim Moore, colored, all of whom lost buildings. Those losing most heavily from moving their goods from stores into the muddy streets were A. S Roberson & Co., jen kms & Roberson, and Brown & Roberson. Messrs. R. T. Purvis, R. I. Roberson, C. fames and Jim Moore carried no insurance so their loss was total. The origin of the fire is not known but is supposed to have been incendiary. It was first dis covered in the rear end of the bar ber shop owned by Henry Moore, and spread rapidly to the adjacent buildings. The heavy rain, which had faPen that day, seeemtd providential, for otherwise the greater part of the town would probably have been dtstoroyed. At any time when ybur stomach is not in good condition, you should take Kodul, because Kodol digists all the food you eat, and it supplies health and strength tor the stomach in that way. You take Kodol just for a little while when you have slight attasks of Indigestion, and you take it just a little longer in order to get relief from severe at tacks of Indigestion or Nervous Dyspepsia. Try Kodol today. Sold by Chase's Drug Store;- Bigg's Drug Store. The Show was Great WilOamston appreciates a show. Circus meirsay that it is a place not to he missed in their tours South. Cole Bros, were here two years ago and made a good hit. Wednesday they came with larger eqnipment and everybody was de lighted. The whole family was here, but the dog could not come for fear of the Table?.™" T?abies ga lore, and the candy man did a rush ing business. The parade was one of the lon gest and best seen in years and thousands thronged the streets, laughing at the clowns and express inn wonderment at the huge ele phants and other animals. The chief attraction was the beautiful horses, so well-matched and train ed. The performance was of a high order, the riding being excep tional good. Is is a clean show and managed by clever men. To those afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble, backache, rheumatism. Pineules for the Kid neys brings relief in the first dose. Hundreds of people today testify to their remarkable healing and tonic properties. 30 days' trial SI.OO They purify the blood. Sold bv Chase's Drug Store. A Resolution The Y. P. Club of Hamilton re cord with sorrow the death of Bet tie Lawrence. Resolved as one of the charter members, her interest in and devotion never flagged. The summons from the land beyond came with no dreaded premoni tion. lif the dawn of the new day, very early in the morning, her ta9k accomplished, her labor done, the spirit freed from the burden of the flesh entered into the world of God's eternal recompense. Re solved that a copy of these resolu tions be entered on the books of the club and they be sent to the Enterprise for publication. Rachel Edmondson Helen Edmondson — Fannie Matthews Martha Council Susie'Johnsbn Annie Jones. '*Wm L. SI.OO a Year in Advance DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Largest Ever Held Mere- 1 * J Full Ticket Nomina ted Amid Enthu siasm. The Democratic Convention held $ on Tuesday will be remembered for J tfliD things—noise and size. The | crowd was estimated to be about I eighteen hundred—Rofcersonville j and Goose Nest townships making 1 a train load, Township, managers J were busy through the day* look- " ing after the iuten sts of their res- J pective candidates. Everybody was good-natured, and while disap- | poiutments were numerous, the ' situation was accepted with good giace and the ticket will have the | strong support of every democrat. The Couventiou was called to order at 12 o'clock 011 the Graded, School Campus by H. \V. Stubbs. J no. N. Rogerson of Bear Grata, I was made permanent Chairman. Messfs. R. J. Peel, KphrtJm Peel, jj R. A. Bailey and W. S. Rhodes, Secretaries. The order of nomination was changed, mak ing that of County Commissioners first. The vote resulted in the nomination of S. K. Hardison of Williams Township, W. H. Daniel ' of Griffins, J. G. Godard of Wil liamston, J. A. Bennett of Goose Nest and A. S. Roberson of Rober- / sonville. J. C. Crawford, Jas. R. Rober son, W. A. James and J. S Peel, were placed in nomination for the office of Sheriff. W. C. Manning, A. S. Coffield, 1,. B. Wvnni and Jos. L. Jlolliday for Reg'ster of Deeds. The nomination of H. W. Stubbs for Representative, I)r. Jos. H. Saunders for Coroner, Car starphen tor Treasurer ter Peel for Surveyor, wtre made by acclamation. A. S. Coffield was nomiuaUil for Register of Deeds 011 the second ballot. The nomination for Sheriff was hotly contested by the friends of all candidates, but in the third ballot, after the withdrawal of W. A. James, J. C. Crawford won by a good majority. The County Executive Commit* tee was named as follows: W. H. Martin, Jamesville; J. H. Riddick, Williams; H. T. Rober son, Jr., Griffins; B. S. Cowing, Hear Grass; J. L. Hassell, Wil iTamston; M. W. Ballard, Poplar Point; J. H. D. Peel, Cross Roads; Ed. James, Robersonville; W. S. Rhodes, Hamilton; Justus Everett, Goosa Nest; Chairman, H. W. Stubbs; Secretary. \V. C. Manning. Kodol is a combination of the natural digestive juices aud it dig ests all classes of food aud every kind of food, so you see it will do the work that the stomach itself does. The only difference between it and the stomach is the stomach can get out of order and Kodol can not, but Kodol can put thestomach into good order. Buy Kodol to day. It is guaranteed. Sold by Chas's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. s Death of Mrs. Mary Carstarphen The death of Mrs, Mary Carstar*' phen which occurred at 5 o'clock p. m. yesterday, was not unexpect* ed. She had been an invalid for several years, having fallen and broke a limb and. had never re» covered from the shock. Her life had been spent in faithful service to her family, the church and help-, fulness to the unfortunate. She is survived by three sons, C. D.| Carstarphen, J. K. Carstarptaenl and W. H. Carstarphen and by Mrs. D. C. Jones, of Hamilton, andi Miss Belle Carstarphen. ,\. The funeral services will be hetS from the family residence to. morrow. Jfl

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