VOL. X. NO. ANNUAL BANQUET The Lotus Club Rooms Filled With a Happy Throng--The Event En > joyable (Reported) On Tuesday evening the I,otus Club held its autiual meeting and banquet. The hour began at 9:30 o'clock, and. continued far past midnight. It was one of the hap piest occasions ever seen in the town. The handsome rooms had been made more attractive by beautiful arrangements of evergreens, potted plants, cut flowers and bunting, carrying out the color scheme of pink and white. Croccia's Italian Band rendered an attractive pro gramme throughout the evening. The Lotus Club is thoroughly democratic in its scope end pur pose, and is intended to devtlop the social and economic phases of the life of the town. The Club be longs to no clan, no exclusive® in society—in all things it is is dem ocratic in purpose. Th's purpose was manifested in its public cele bration on Tuesdav evening. Over one hundred ladies and gentlemen attended, and enjoyed to the fullest everything provided to render the occasion worthy of the Club and its management. The large reading room was tasiily arranged for the banquet hall, the menu being elegantly served. Punch was served in two rooms, and*coffee ended the delic ious repast. It requires a proper combination of certain acids with natural diges tive juices to perfect a dyspepsia cure. And that is what Kodol is— a perfect digester that digest all the food you eat If you will take Kodol for a little while you will no longer have indigestion. Youthen couldn't have indigestion. How could you have indigest ; on if your food was to digest? Kodol digests all vou eaf. It is pleasant to take, acts promptly. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. GOLD POINT ITEMS Mr. A. C. Smith is in Ncrfoik this week. Mr. W. J. Chewy and family are spending tbe week in the country. , Mr. Tom Johngsn has accepted a position with J. L. Weaver. Mrs. Befsie Williams « occupy ing her new residence on Main St. Things have been very quiet .since the saloons closed. Mr. Reuben Edmonson has ac cepted a position with Sahbury & Bro., at Hamilton. Mr. George Gray, of Arkansas, is the guest of his unc!e, Mr. R. T. Taylor. Mr. Ed H. Nowell has moved to the Spriug Green section. Rev. S. W. Summerell filled bis regular appointment here Sunday. It looks like the cotton crop in this section will be reduced greatly ibid JWt Mo'? beg and bc~;~ w!H be raised, dome of out farm ers are still holdihg their cotton, waiting for better prices. - A Delightful Evening Quite a fittmbfer of fi lends en-j joyed the hospitality of Wheeler Martin,' Jr., Saturday nigQt last wbfen he 'entertained i\ honor of his guests, Miss DaVis, of Norfolk, and Andrew Denser, of Kingston, Jamaica. GJuaes were played and much nutriment was provoked thereby. Croccia's Italian JBand rendered delightful music, and many couples indulged in the pop ular "barn dance " At a late hour, delicious refresh ments were aenned in the dining room, and the young host was vot ed a royal entertainer. ' - ' -,V: .■ . ■. r THE ENTERPRISE • - ■' .... .JL* FIRE IN EVEREHS Several Buildings Con- sumed--Goods Burned and Damaged The alarm of fire was given in Everetts about 10:30 o'clrck ou Friday night last. Flames were seen to be isst ing from the roof of the store occupied by D J. Meeks, and belonging to K. A. Clark. A defective flue was the cause cl the fire. ' People woiktd heroically to save the goods which amounted to $2,800. The loss on stock is estimated to be about $2,500 with $1,500 insurance. Another small store owned by E. A. Clark was consumed also. J. B. Barnhill ifc Co. had been using a building for the sale of whiskey, but had closed out neatly all thtir stock the day before —that building was burned. Bailey & Baruh'll lost a large amount of merchandise by the burning of a wareroom connected with their brick stoie. The fire is very inconvetfient to the trade just at this time, but there is an energetic people in the town and the burned buildings will soon be replaced by better and more modem ones. Several insurance policies had been cancelled the day previous to the fire. Woods I.ivcr Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills fever and malaria Us tonic effects on the system felt with the first dose. The SI.OO hotile contains 2 1 / 2 times as much as the 50c size. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. DARDENS ITEMS Miss Bernice M. Pagan is spend ing a few weeks in Norfolk, Mr.-Will Moore is the j£t»est of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mcore. Mr. Ebb Sallinger is visiting; his sister, Mrs. Laura Sullivan. Mr. Carroll Fagan and Miss Fee fie Reddick went driving Sun day afternoon. Mr. E. S. Mizell attended the social at Mr. Davenport's residence last evening. Miss Maltie Fagan spent a tew day* in Plymouth last week. Mr. Bell, of Scotland Neck, was a guest of Mrs. Annie Bateman duting the holidays. Mrs. Hattie Harrison is visiting her riece, Mrs. W. T. Gurkin, on Gurkin's Avenue. Mr. John Fagan and wife were the guests in the home of their parents during the holidays. Miss Feefie Riddick was the guest of Miss Minnie Riddick dur ing the holidays. Mr. John Sullivan and sister, Mrs. Pattie Peel, are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. David Swin son. Mrs. Bedie McCaskey, who is with her daughter, Mrs. Mary Gur kih is serictb-ly ill With little hope of her recovery. »Ir». Letft firateii, of Blount's Creek,"is visiting her sitter Mrs. J. F. Jaclc«on. . Miss Martha Lilly was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Joues, last week. Mr. Pearlie Oliver had the mis fortune to lose his barn by fire on last Sunday night. Mesdames Annie Bateman, Mit tie Fagan and domtney Marrow spent Thursday in Plymouth— Mr. .and Mrs. Adrian King and Mr. Woodie King of Portsmouth, Va., baye returned lft>me after spending the holidays with Mr. N* T. Cob urn. •-- ' ; , uL - •- • ... u, WILLIAMShTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, IQOQ. ROBERSONVILIE NEWS ITEMS People Coming and Going--As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. By JOHN O. EVERETT Weddiug bells will be heard soon in this old town. Mr. J. H. Robirsoti Jr., went to Greenville Monday. Mr. Darrell Baker, of Hamilton, I is in town this wtek. j Miss Reta Roberson is visiting near Hassell this week. I Mi's Emma Robertson returned from Jamesville last week. Mr. W. F. Parker went to Kins j ton Monday 011 a business trip. Mrs. Lossie Griffin, of Greens boro, is visiting friends in town. Miss Lillian Smith went tu Beth el Frieiay and returned Sunday. Miss Maree Robertson has re | turned from a visit near Williams ton. Mr. Sam T. Rrss left Sunday for Tarboro, where he wi ! l work this year. The Misses Rives of Greenville, have been visiting Miss Louise Rives. Mrs. Lela Everett and family are visiting her brother near Oak Grove this week. Miss Effie Williams, after a visit to friends here returned to her home in Parmele 011 Monday. 1 1 , Mr and Mrs. C. H. Rawls have returned from Rocky Mount, and are occupying their former resi dence. % Mr. John Perkins and family have located here. Mr. Perkins has gone out West for several months. Misses Lillian and Fannie Lee Gainor who have been visiting Mrs. J. H. Robertson, returned to Beth el Monday. • • The entire community heard with sorrow of the suddeu death of Mr. Robert Brown in Richmond on Monday night. Mr. Asa T- Allen and the charm ing Miss Vida Simpson were out strolling Sunday afternoon. Mr. Alexander Getsinger who has been dangerously ill with pneu monia is convalescing to the de light of the entire community. Mr. Price has moved to Warren Neck, and occupies the residence where Mr. Chesson has been living for the past few years. Misses Rollins and Wynn came Sunday and began school on Mon day. They are energetic young women and the school will flourish under their management. Misses Sallie Moore and Claudia Phillips of Washington, who have been the guests of Mrs. W. A. Moore, returned to their home Tuesday to the regret of their maqy friends. Ybt sociable at Mr. Iloyle T)av enport's borne last evening was quite an enjoyable affair; All Who attended pronounced the host and hostess capital entertainers. Misses Blanche Davenport and Mary Hassell of Jareesville, Emma Roberson, of Robeisonville, and Louise and Tot Ayeraof Plymouth spent a few days in the home of Mrs. C. C. Fagan. Pineules for the Kidreys are little golden globules whUfe act directly on the Tcidney*. A trial will convince you of quick results for Backache Rheumatism, Lum bago and tifred wornout feeling. 30 days' trial $t .00. Tbey purify the blood. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Misses Kidder, Malone, Chand ler and RoUersot) are back after the holidays, and took mp their work in the school again. Misses Kffie Roebuck aud Dora Johnson and Messrs Tom Johnson, W. J. and R. T. Martin spent Sun day with Maud Powell near Gold Point. Rev. Mr. Reynolds, the new pas tor of the Methodist Church here, held his first service cn Sunday. The people of the town gladly wel come him and his family. Mi*s Lula I). Sauls resumed her work in the musical department of the Gradtd School lure on Mon day. Lovers of music are fortu nate in having her in their midst. Work at the Graded School be gan Monday tor another four mouths. We were glad to welcome back so many old pupils and a goodly number of new ones. Those pupils are wise who begin with the session and remain until the end. The stores in town closed for Old Chr'stmas. Many believe the duy to be the true birthday of the Christ-child. They accept the Gre gorian Calendar for all thing* ex cept this event. This calendar has l>een in use over 300 years, yet some people wiil not accept it. Still there is no harm done in cele brating the birth of Christ twice in the year. Friends of Mr. Arch Sherrod will be glad to learn of his success as a manufacturer of funrniture at High Point. He is filling large orders for the Government to be sent to Panama. His daugber also is making a brilliant record in Arizona as a teacher, having made the highest average of the sixteen who stood the examination for a state certificate. Mr. Sherrod was instructed by Prof. Ontterbridge, who is always proud of his boys. Nr. and Mrs. R. W. Saisbury Eater sV tain at Hamilton. / Mr. and Mrs. R. Walter Sals bury were at home from 8 to 10 o'clock, on theeveniugof January, sth, complimentary to Miss Mary Belle Sherrod and Mr. Herbert 1.. Salisbury. The guests were receiv ed at the door by Master Willie and Miss Paltie Sherrod. Pr. and Mrs. Major I. Fleming ushered them in the parlor, and were there welcomed by the receiving party, composed of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Saisbury, Mr. Herbert Saisbury and Miss Mary Sherrod, Mr. Pat Daven port and Miss Pearl Carrington, of Duibam, Mr. Cary Fleming and Miss Una Mayo, of Tarboro, Mr. Berj. Mayo and Miss Alma Flem ing, of Hassell, Mr. Will Rhodes and Miss Helen Foibe?, of Creed' ville, Mr. Watson S h err*l una Miss Bessie Gold, of Wilson, Mr. Edgar t,ong and Miss Debbie Sher rod, of High Point. The entire house was appropriately decorated, the principle colors being green and red, suggestive of the Yule-tide. The large punch bowl was presided over in the drawing rroin by Miss Fannie Gladstone. The dining hall was tastefully decorated in pink and white, pink and white carnations forming the chief de coration. Those serving were Allsbrook, Mathews, Sals bury, Baker, Purvis and Mrs. R._ J. Shields. Miss Lou Mayo Brown served coffce in tbe rear ball. Mr. and Mrs. .Salsbury received the congratulations of all present for the splendid manner in which tbe guests were served. s^ a sr.oo a Year in Advance DIED IN RICHMOND Mr. Robert Brown Suffo cated by Gas in his Room. A telegram was received from Richmond on Tuesday, conve- ing the sad intelligence that Mr. Rob ert Brown, of Martin Countv, had been found dead in Irs room at a hotel in thatcity. Upon investiga tion, it was learned that some er ror had betn made in turning off the gas, or else the gas arrange ment was defective. Mr. Brown had gor.e to Rich mond the previous day to enter Massey's Business College, so as to better prej are himself for the earn ing of a livelihood. This actiou was made necessary by an accident last year from which he suffered a fracture of both ankles, thus in capactating him for farm work. He was the sen of Mr. Henry BreWn, and was a splendid young man, full of energy and of high moral char acter. In the Democratic conven tion held in September, he received' strong support for the office of treasurer of the countv. The deceased was born on Nov. 17th. 18S1. On April 24th, 1906 he mairk-d Miss Hattie Manning, who, with rue child, survives him. Mr. Charles Brown went to Rich mond on receipt of the news of his brothers death, and arrived home with the remains 011 Wednesday night. The funeral services wete conducted by Elders A. I). Mizell and M. T. Lawrence, on Thurs day, afr 12 o'clock. Interment In the family cemetery near Gold Point. T&rBook Club The fifst meeting of the Wednes day Afternoon Book Club, in the New Year, was held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Jeffreys on Main Street, January 6th. The interior of the house was decorated with bolly, potted plants and cut flow ers—the light of many candles gave an added charm to the darkened rexHijs Mrs. James Grist Staton presid ed at the business session, and then the hewtefs, assisted by Mrs. A L. J, Boswell, of Chase City, Ya., pro vided entertainment for the rest of the afternoon. unique, and attractive, with the picture of a woman on a heart of red and a clnb—typifyi g that no male is ev er allowed to profane the Club with his presence, and if he should dare, the"c!uj>" would get nervous ly active—were given to each one present. Around the room figures were pinced, together with some thing suggesting the nam** of a book. The untnes of the members of the Club were guessed by arti cles rejresenting syllables in their respective names. The interest and enjoyment of the guests were pleasing to the hostess. For uniqueness of conception and per fect arrangement, the contests were the most attractive seen in the life of the Club. Mrs. Jeffress has all the charms of the Southern woman, who is famous the world over for her delightful hospitality. After tliecontest had ended, the y. into the dining rew>m a iid a menu of sal 'ad, beaten biscuits, olives, cheese balls, olive sandwiches, marrons, cakes and coffee, was seived. Visitors present were: Miss Tillie Haughton, of Washington, Mrs. C. W. Killinger, of Norfolk, Mrs. Clyde Tilghman, of Wilson and Miss Eliza Davis, of Norfclk. A great many people have kid ney and bladder trouble, inaiuly due to neglect of the occassional pains in the back, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, etc. De lay in such cases is dangerous. Take DeWitt VKidney and Bladder Pills Tbey are for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all kidney and bladder trouble. Sooth ing and antiseptic. Regular size 50c. Sold by Cha9e's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. NEW YEAR DANCE The Opera House a Brill* iant Scene-Many Vis itors Present. ( The first dance of the New Year • was g'ven by the German C?inb, on . Wednesday evening, at the Opera X House, and was a social success. White and pink hunting, contrast ing with Spanish moss, kII in grace- i ful lines around the room, and with the soft kIOW ot gas lights made a pleasing ycene to the on-lookers. £ There were many gues's Irom out of town. The ladies were arrayed in delicate hued gowns of the latest and most attractive designs; the gentlemen appeared in lull evening dress. Croceia's Italian Band reti- f dered beautiful selections during the evening. The chnpt rones were Mesilames W. Henry .Crawford, Pi at lie H. ■ Brown, Arthur Anderson, Wheeler Mat tin and B. C. Crawford. At 9:30 o'clock, Mr. C. B. Hhs st-11 with Miss Tillie Ha ugh ton, of -j Washington led the opening; figure -|j and each succeeding one, until the clock chimed forth the lu ur of two j in the new down. jfl The dancers included Miss Besslcj/ Gold, of Wilson, with Harry Biggs; Miss Hann;h Vic Fowdfcit 1 with N. C. Everett; Mips Dt.Ha j Lanier with W. IJ. Watts; Missel Frances Gentrv, of Washington, with I)r. J. S. Rhodes; Miss Nora Fowden with Harvey Roberson, of Robersotiville; Miss Blanche Mizcll with Bruce Whitley; Miss Fannie Hardison, of Rocky Mount, with Juo. W. Hafsell; Miss Essie Peel with E. H. Hardison; Miss Mary Hardison, of Rocky Mount,with B. F. Godwin, Tr.; Miss Irene Smith with W. H. Gurkiu; Miss Anna Crawford with J. Paul Simp son; Miss Ella Statou with Edwin Harden, of Hamilton; Miss Mary Hassell with Jno. E. Pope; Miss Nannie Smith with S. R Biggs, Jr.; Miss Elizabeth Gordon with Frank Fagan; Miss Katie Blount with I). F. Keel, of Wd«on; Miss Anna Pope with Leslie Fowden; Miss Louise Fowden with W. Fountain Lipscomb; Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Bnrnes, Mr. and Mrs. A. R Dunn ing, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tilghtnan, of Wilson, and Miss Carrie Biggs, Mr. and Mrs. Kader Crawford, Mr.' »il and Mrs. Jas. G. Statou. Mr. and Mrs. C. A Jeffreys, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs A Has sell and Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Cof field. Stag;: Irvin CoMeld.of Everetts, Benj. Everett, of Palmyra, C. A. Baker, S. Justus Everett, J. W. | Watts, Jr., and Jos. G. Godard,Jr. You may eat all the good sensible food you like if you will let Kodol digest it for you. Don't worry 1 about dyspepsia or indigestion for worry only tends to make you mere nervous. Besides you don't have to worry any more about what you eat, because Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion will digest any and all food at any and all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give prompt relief. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Stare. Death of a Young Woman. entire community was shock ed on Monday evening at the death ofMiss Mary Yarreii, at the home ji of her paic..ts, Mr. and MjtMfc N. |gt Yarrell, near Williamstou. For several days she had beeu suffering with hemorrhagic fever, and was | seriously ill from the beginning. Miss Yarrell was nineteen years old, 4 an active the Methodist | Church being president Of the Ep- li' worth League of Holly Springs Church and the comfort of home, which has been so often ?j| bereft of loved ones. The funeral services were con ducted on Wednesday at 2 o'clock. I by her pastor, Rev. Chas. Read. A.H large crowd of sorrowing frieuds , and relatives witnessed the inter- 3 ment, which was in the Yarrelt|M Cemetery near the family residence.