VOL. X. NO. 17 Salsbury-Sberrod. X (Reported) On Wednesday, January the 6th., 1909, at 5 oclock p. m , a beautiful marriage was solemnized at St. Martin's Episcopal Church in Ham ilton, N. C., when Belle Sherrod became the bride of Mr. Herbert Lester Salsbury. The bride is one of the most pop ular young women in Eastern Carolina, and the daughter of Mr. W. L. Sherrod; the groom is the son of Mr. Robert H. Salsbury, and is a prominent businessman of Au gusta, Ga. The enterior of the church edi fice was decorated with potted plants and cut flowers, carrying out the color scheme of pink and white. After a beautiful solo: "O Perfect Love") sung by Miss Helen Forbes, of Greenville, the attendants, while the strains of Mondebohnn's Wed ding March, rendered by Mrs, William K. Gladstone filled the edifice entered as follows: Little Miss Louise Sal-bury, sister of thf groom, end Fannie Gladstone both dressed in white, and carrying pink and white ribbons; then came the bridemaids, attired in white sheath gowns of mescaline, carrying white carnations: Mtss Bessie Gold, of Wilson, with Miss Elizabeth Mayo, of Tarboro,; Miss Alma Fleming, of H asse H. w 'th Miss Deborah Sherrod, of High Point Next came little Miss Carrie Sheirod, sis ter of the bride, bearing the ring and wearing an embroidered dress. The Dame of Honor, Mrs. Major I. Fleming, si.ster of the bride, enter ed wearing a directoire gown of white chiffon over satin with pearl trimmings and carrying white car nations. Miss Pearl Carrington, . of Durham, the. Maid 'of Honor, wore a pink satin directoire gowu with opalescent trimmings, carry ing white carnations, and was fol lowed by the brideileaning on the arm ot her fathtr. She wore an imported going-away gown of blue chiffon broadcloth, and carried a shower bouquet of lilies of the val ley. The groom with his best man, Mr. Walter Salsbury, awaited her at the altar. The very impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. William Jones Gordon, rector of the church. Numerous handsome gifts gave proof to the high esteem in which the wedtJed pair are held. On Tuesday, January sth., the entire bridal party was eutertaiued at "Oak View", the handsome country home of the bride, at an eight course dinner. The guests were welcomed on their entrance into the reception hall, by Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Sherrod, and present ed them to the bride elect, who, as sisted by Mrs. M. I. Fleming, re ceived them in a cordial and grace ful manner. At two o'clock, the were the dining hall which was beautifully decorated in pink and green. The table was a pict ure of loveliness with handsome pink candelabra*, shower bouquets of pink roses and magnificent pieces of cut glass and silver. At a late hour in the afternoon, the guests departed reluctantly, voting Mr. and Mrs. Sherrod charming enter tainers. - It requires a proper Conj Wl i atimi of certain acids •.;.]} naihr#j tive juices to perfect a cure. And that is t Kodol Is a perfect diges*' et digest all the ;'°°d yon * e at If you will take for a little while you wiU no longer have indigestion. Youthen couldn't have indigestion. How could you have indigestion if your food was to digest? kodol digests all vou eat. It is pleasant to take, acts promptly. Sold by Phase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. THE ENTERPRISE The F. M. F. L Meets The Martin County Branch of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insur ance Association held .its annual meeting at the Court House in Wil liamston, January 13th. The un pleasan ness of the weather reduced the attendance very much—the crowd being smaller than usual. The reports made gave a fine outlook for the company, as the business for 1908 gaiued largely. The losses have been small, the cost of insurance not exceeding 20 cents 011 the hundred dollars. The following officers were elect ed for 1909: John D. Simpson, President, W. C. Manning, Secre tary and Treasurer. Directors, S E. Hardison, B. R. Jenkins and W. H. Peel: Agents, P. R. Rives, C. C. Fagau, Jas. L.. Coltrain and W. C. Manning. Township Superviser: M. S. Pagan, J. H. Bailey and W A Brown, Jamesville; W. M. Perrv, W. J. Griffins and Joshua L. Col train, Williams; B. Mc. Manning, Henry Robersin, and P. Peel, Griffins; Simon S. Perry, Jas. B Bowen and C. B. Harrison, Beat Grass; J. G. Statou, J. S Meeks and G. L. Whitley. Williamstoti; Mc. G. White, Jno. B. Burroughs and R. I). Woolard, Cross Roads; B. R. Jenkins A. I?. Smith aud B. H. Roberson, Robersonville; Henry Slade, J E Barhill and V. R. Tay lor, Poplar Point; Jule H. I'urvis, Whit Davis and J. T. Waldo, Hamilton; Justus Eyerett, Jno A. Bennett and T. T. Council, Goose Nest. You may eat all (he good sensible food you like if you will let Kodol digest it for you. Don't worry abouft dyspepsia or indigestion for worry only t*nds to make you more nervous. Besides you don't, bave to worry any more about wbat you eat, because Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion will digest any and all food at any and all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give prompt relief. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. ' _ The Book Club. (Reported) The Wednesday Afttrnoon Book Club was entertained by Miss Mary Hassett, January, 13th at her home on North Smiihwick Street. The meeting was arranged one week earlier so that Mips Hassell could entertain complimentary to her guest, Miss Bessie Gold, of Wilton. After the meeting was called to order by the president, and minutes and roll call by the secretary, the meeting was turned over to the hostess. The "Missing Letter" contest was entered into with pleas ( ure by all present. Miss Gold prov ed to be the lucky one, and received an attractively framed-picture a of Venetian scene. Miss Elizabeth Taylor won the consolation a pretty belt. The contest being ended, the guests were ftivited-to the dining room where an elegant course, consisting of salads, olives, pickles f beaten biscuits, sandwiches and chocolate, was served. The meeting was more largely attended than any since the forma tion of the Club, ouly one member being absent. Guests of the Club were: Misses Gold, Elizabeth Tay lor, Eliza Davis and Mrs. A. L. J. Boswell. I?vcry one enjoyed the afternoOn and pronounced Miss Hassell an ideal hostess. Woods I,iver Medicine id iiqliid form regulates the lfv&r relieves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills fever and malaria Its touic effects on the system felt with the first dose. The SI.OO contains 2 l / t times as much as the 50c size. Soltl by Chase's Drug Store. What Dncle Jose Cannon has to say in reply to Uncle Andy Car negie has become congealed sul phur in course of transportation. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15. igog. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS People Coming and Going—As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. Bv JOHN D. EVERETT Mr. Bill Renfrow returned Home last Sunday. Miss ijaude Peel is 011 the sick list this week. Miss Maggie Salsbury was i« town Sunday. Mr. D. B. Parker went to Willi auiston Monday. Mr. and Mrs. State Purvis were in town Sunday. Mr W. M. Daniel went to Wil liamston Monday. Mrs. Turner is visiting Mrs. K. T. Roberson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Everett were in town Sunday. Mr. L S. Thompson, of Graham, spent Sunday in town. Mr. W. Whicbard, of Pitt Coun ty, was iu town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray have moved here from Scotland Neck. The teachers gladly welcome the jmpils coming in this week. Master Robert Nelson, who has been quite ill, is convalescing. Mr. Joe Mizell visited h!s home near Williamston on Monday. Mr. J. H. Robfcrson, Jr.. went to Norfolk on business Monday. Miss Reta Roberson spent last week visiting Mrs. State Purvis. Mr. Geo. Daniel, of Oak City, was at home a few days this week Miss Bertha Thomp«ou spent a few days in the country last week. Miss Myrtle Everett was the guest of Miss Faye Kverott Sunday. Misses Addle and Lishie Coburn, of Gold Point, spenl Sunday in town. Mr. Jesse Crisp has accepted a position with Harrell and Ross at Oak City. Mrs. Leila Everett and children visited her brother near Oak Grove last week. To My Friends and Patrons: I wi»h to thank you all who have given us your patronage the past season (my first year with you), aud to say to you that I have Come To Stay. The building up of your home market means a favor conferred upon you as wtll as a benefit to me. After 2S years ex perience in the warehouse business in the biggest lcose leaf market in the world ( Danville, Ya. ), you know that I am amply prepared to serve you and your market. Prices have l>een good the past year, most of the time selling like the 1902 crop did, but quality very inferior to it. We are hoping for a good season this year aud tobac co makes our only money now as peanuts and cotton sell low. Good tobacco yields from SIOO to $2 *j per acre properly handled. So plant tobacco, if you want to make money. "Thave the best kinds of seed for distribution, both at tuy residence (Mrs. Ja* E. Mpoie, Main St.) and at my office at the pixie Warehouse. Call at either place, they are FREK, and let's pull together and m£ c rgog a }lfOSp4fbiis i'ear to ail. With thanks for the favors and hoping to HferVe you all in the coming sertson, I remain Yours truly, J. S. TURNKR. Williamston, .N. C., January 7, 'O9. It soothes pain, it is cooling and healing. Good for cuts, bu-rns, bruises and scratches, but especial recomtnended for piles—BeWitt's Carbolfzed Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Chase's Drng Store; Bigg's Drug Store. t Mr. Will Everett has moved here and will be in the employment of Coffield & Co. Rev. li. C. Andrews filled his regular appointment at the Baptist Church Sunday. The Robtrsotiville Sunday School meet* at 10 o'clock Sunday now instead of at 3 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Perkins of Beaufort Coun'y, spent Sunday With Mis. L. T. Robeison. Messrs. Bailey and Barnhill are greatly improving the appearance and capacity of their store. Miss Lizzie Rob* rson returned home Monday after an extended visit to friends in Edgecombe. Mrs. J. E. Ward, who lias been visiting friends and relatives at Harrell&ville, returned Saturday. The stork visited the home of Mr. and Mr*. Jl. T. PUT vis last week and left them a fine 10 -pound lw>y. Misses Chandler and Mnlone spent Saturday ami Sunday with Miss Lillian Smith in the country. Farmers are making rapid progress in the preparation of their land for the new crop, during this fine wea ther. • Messrs. J. A. Coffield and Co., is the new firm that is opening goods in the old Jenkins and Roberson store. v Mr. and Mrs. John Bunting have the sympathy of the entire commit ni»y in their bereavement. Their little child died Sunday night,-it is thought from eating matches. Mr. N. T. Young lias returned from a visit to his parents at Wins ton-Salem. This is the first time that he has seen them in several years. They are sweet days that we spend in cheering our aged par ents. Williamston Graded School W HONOR ROM,. Week ending Jan. X, ujoj. THIRD AND FOURTH GRADKS. 'Corinnfc Smith, Louise Kdwards, Jim Upton, Carroll Brown, Inez Williams, Sylvia Upton, Reynolds Smith, James Turner, Joe David Thrower, Francis Joe Williams, Sam Mcore, Karl Wynne, Robert Peel. ROSIN A Dow KM., Teacher. FIFTH GKADK. Charles Higgs, Leona Page, Richard Smith, Delia Kate Warde, Fitzhugh Roberson, Bruce Jenkins. SIXTH GRADES Titus Critcher, Stephen Rober son, Kva Peel, Oscar Anderson, Mittie Walker. MRS. LANJKR, Teacher. T* Maj.-General Robt. *E. Lee, of the Confederate Army. On one occasion, in 1864, when General I,ee was visitiug a on the lines below Richmond. th* ; soldiers fcfbwd&i around bim and attracted the fire of the tneniy. He said to them quietly, but ear nestly: "Men, you had better go into the back yard; they are firing at us he»e, and you are posing yourselves to unecessary danger." The men obeyed the order, but saw their chief walk across the yard appearently indifferent to his own danget, and stoop down and pick up tenderly an unfledged sparrow that had just fallen from its nest, care fully .placing it upon a limb of the tree overhead.—Ex, Pasto^diied. In the Conference of the Mis sionary Baptist Church on Sunday morning, by a unanimous yote, Rev. Geo. J. Dowell was called to its pastorate for another year. Several of the members spoke \'ery complimentary ot their pas tor, and all seemed much pleased with the manner of his life and faithful work during the two years he has sojourned among them The call first extended to him was indefinite, but Vhe call Sunday was intended as a renewal of their love and confide oe. At no time iti the history of the church could tht re be foutul bet ter organization, tnore harmony and good will among the members, more peace and love, better con gregations, larger contributions and the best actended * Sumhfy School. At the annual election of officers of the Sunday School, S A. New ell was re-elected Superintendent; W." C. Manning, Assistant Super intendent; Grover Hardison, Sec retary, and A. T. Crawford, Treas urer. One hundred and twenty were present at r.oll call. The second Sunday in February will be the day of, ''Home Coming'' for the Baptists of WilHamston. All the members of the church are easiest ly and most cordially in cited to be present, especially those who have not attended regularly for any reason. Appropriate hyms will be sung, a special str uion will he preached and remarks made suitable to the occasion. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Hees Laxatives Cough Syrup.' Its laxative quality rids the system of the cold. PleAtmit to take. Best for children for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold by Chase's Drug Store , « Entertained at Cards. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Coffield en tertaintd atmds,on. Friday eve ning last at thtir residence in East Williamston. Delightful refresh ments were served in the dining room at 11:30 o'clock. Mrs. W R. Fowde'n assisted the hostess in serving. Those enjoying the hos pitality uf the hoit and liosttss were; Misses Frances A (ientry, of Washington. Nora J. Fowden and Elizabeth S. (iordon; Messrs K H. Hardison, J. l'anl Smipson, Irvin Coffiel 1 and Drs. Siunders and Rhodes. A Horrible Hold-Up "About ten years ago my brother was "l:e!d up" in his wotk, health and happiness by what was believ ed to be hopeless Consumption," writes \\\ R- Lipscomb, of Wash ington, N. C. "lie took all kinds of remedies and treatment from" several doctors, but found no help till he Dr. Kind's New Dis covery and was wholly cured by six bottles. lie is a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs, Hem- Coughs and Colds, Bron chitis, La Grippe, Asthma ami all Bronchial affections 50c ajid $1 00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All Druggists. Concert at Griffins. ( Reported) A few ot the young men of (Grif fins Township gave a concert on the night of January yth. The nrograme contained farces" and tumorous f-icetehc s. A large and appreciative audience wan bill the Township Hall nevclr held so great a crowd. The show opened at 7 o'clock sharp, and for three hours laughter filled the house. The most attrac tive feature of the evening was the clown, who by his funny ways and witty speeches soon had the crowd going his route. The old as well as the young enjoyed the fun. After the programme endad, the players mixed with the audience, and expression of appreciation were numerous. - Year in Advance Woman's Auxilary. The last meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary in igoH, was an enjoy able and helpful one —a fitting close of a year full of earnest work in eveiy phase of the church life. T1 e meeting was called to otdtr at the home of Mrs. J.is. G. Staton by Rev. Mr. Gordon, who conduct ed devotional services. After which the regular order of business was disposed of, the president, Miss H.. K. Thrower, presiding. In a dis cussion of the finances of the Aux iliary, and the pledges for the com ing year, expressio n of joy were heard anew from those present over the cancellation bf the debt cf >2OO on the Rectory, which had been previously announced. This set tlement was made possible at the lime by a gift from Mr. Jas. C». Staton, who gave the difference be tween the debt and the net proceeds of the bazaar, $127. Mrs. Francis Barnes talked in terestingly of the Priory School in Honolulu. This wan especially" pleasing localise of ihe fact that ihe Auxiliary has pledged to con tribute to the support of this great work, dutiug the coming year. Bishop Qsborn's visit to Panama / was told in a delightful manner by Jj| Mrs. Kadtr Crawford all America is looking toward the Canal Zone, the truth about the Church there is of great importance. These talks will be a Tegular, fea ture during the coming year. -Rev Mr. Gordon will tell something ot the Mission at WayucsviUe, N. C , • T!( -» TT ' ■ / /\ at the next meeting Before the close of the session, cake and cream were served, and as the day was warm tor Decem ber, thev pioved delightfully re freshing. Thanks were voted Mr*. Staton for her thought fulness. Personal experience with a Tube of ManZan Pile Remedy will con vice yon it is immediate relief for all forms of Piles. Guaranteed 50c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store ✓ _—— . HASSELL ITEMS. Miss Martha Coffield, of Green ville, is spending soruetine with Mrs Margareft Salsbury. Miss lira Kawls left for Winter vilie Tuesday to enter the High School there. ; Mr. Roy Fleming left for Raleigh Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Salsbury, of Hamilton, stxnt Sunday here. Mr. \\'. J. Thighen has moved to Pitt Co., neWr Karmville. Miss Laura Salsbury returned to school at Winterville on Sunday. Mr. Lynn Harrell, of Scotland Neck, was here Wednesday. Miss Hilda Knight has re-titter ed the Robersonville High School. Several of our people attended " the sale at Mr. lid. Purvis' home 011 Tuesday, A great many people have, Hid- ' ney and bladder trouble, mainly due to neglect of the occassional pains in the back, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, etc. De lay in such cases is dangerous. | Take DeWitt's Kidney and Hladder Pills ' They are for weak back/ 1 backache, rheumatic pains and all kidney and bladder trouble. Sootti [ing and auti,septic. Regular size toe. Sold by Chase's Drug Store;' j Higg's Drug Store. - • ' jJsm Carolina Literary Society. The regular meeting of theCaro-jG liua Society was held on January, Bth. ' The program had been taken from the N. C. Day Program sent out by Supt. Joyner. | Life," Maude Wynne: Sketch of John Henry Boner, Katie Blount; Poem by John Henry Boner, Jessie Brown; Recitation, Frances Knight; Story of a Historical Picture, Daisy Jones; Song—"Carolina."

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