VOL. X. NO. 18 FARMERS' INSTITUTE • * Will be Held In Williams ton, January 30 th-- Women's Institute at Same Date—lmportant Meeting --Big Crowd Wanted. The Martin County Institute for farmers and their Wives will meet at 10 o'elock at the Court House on January 30th. The De partment of Agriculture has a corps of experts in charge of this Insti tute. ' Mess. Parker, Burgess, aud Sherman will discuss the most im proved methods of farm woik. There will be a questioh box and general discussion A prize of $1 will be given for the bes\ eai of corn presented. At the same hour Mrs. Sue Hollowell and Mrs. F. L. Stevens will hold an Institu'e for the worn en. They will discuss everything that interest the farmer's wife. A joint session will be .held at 3 o'clock. This will be interesting from the fact that Mrs. Hollowell will tell the meu of the duty they owe the women at home. A prize ot $1 is offered for the best loaf of bread. A big crowd is expected, and the day will be a red letter one for the people of the county. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Bees Laxatives Cough Syrup. Its laxative quality rids the system of the cold. Pleasant to take. Best for Children for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold by Chase's Drugstore. Car»Una Literary Society. On January iflrch , the Carolina Literary Society was called to or der by the president. Roll call and minutes by the secretary—min utes of the last meeting read and approved. The program was as follows: Facts about the Crimean War, Saliie Hadley; Sketch of Florence Nigbtingalel, Delia Lanier; Sketch of Clara Barton. Mary Brown; Poem ""Balaklava," Eva Gainer; Song "Tenting To- Night," by school. _ , \f Launch Burned / On Sunday night, Mr. Clyde Tilghman with a party of friends was en route up the river from Jamesville on the launch owned by the Dennis Simmons Lumber Co.. and when opposite Cedar Landing, the launch oaught fire from an ex plosion, and the men were forced to swim to shore. The boat was quickly consumed by the flames. Fortunately no one was injured. A great many people have kid-, ney and bladder trouble, mainly due to neglect of the occassional pains in the back, slight rheumatic pains, urinary disorders, etc. De lay in 9uch cases is dangerous. Take DeWitt's Kidney aud Bladder Pills They are for weak back, backache, rheumatic pains and all kidney and bladder trouble. Sooth ing and antiseptic. Regular size 50c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. Williamston Graded School. N. HONOR ROLL. :1 - Week ending Jan. 15, 1909. THIRD AND FOURTJI GRADES. Carroll Brown, Inez Williams, Esther Danltls, Sylvia Upton, James Turner, Robert Peel, Joe David Thrower. ROSINA DOWKLL, Teacher. FIFTH GRADE. Rose Crowe!!, Charles Biggs, Edgar Blount, Walter Stubbs, Richard Smith, Frajik Weaver, Plummer I^islea, SIXTH GRADES Titus Critcher, Stephen Rober son, Eva Peel, Oscar Anderson, Mittie Walker, Perley Perry. MRS. LANIER, THE ENTERPRISE Annual Meeting 0! Stockholders The regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Farmer* and Merchants Bank was held at their Banking House on Wednes day January 20, 1909, at 3.30 p. in. 177 of the 250 shares being repre sented. President Biggs submitted his anuual report which clearly showed that the business of the Institution is steadily growing and the num ber of depositors increasing, there being 250 checking accounts on the bcoks at the close of business December 31, 1908, against 224 December 31, 1907. The deposits are steadily growing aud at the enj of the past fiscal year reached a high watex mark, $111,092 33. At a meeting of the directors liell on January Ist it was decided to declare a dividend of six per cent, and carry the remainder of the earnings to Undivided Profits. The old board of Directors was re-elected as follows: John BigKS, Chas. D. Carstarphen, JllO. D. Simpson, N. S. Pe,el. T. J. Smith, W. H. Crawford, Alonzo Hassell, G. P. McNaughton, Geo. D. Roberson, R. W. Salsbury and Ambros 1,. Owens. After the Stockholders Meetings adjourned, a directors Meeting was held and the same officers re-elect ed as follows. John D. Biggs, Pres ident, Chas. D. Carstarpheu, Vice Presideut, Frank F. Fagan, Cash ier and Louis H. Harrison, Assis tant Cisbier. Ss Irma Wood house Entertains rfTuesday night last, at her le on Main Street, Miss Irma Woodhouse had, a party of twenty three boys atich girls to enjoy the freedom of the house and fill the hours with fun and frolic. After playing interesting games the little guests were invited into the dining room. The table had been beautifully arranged with ferns and the light of fourteen can dles fell upon happy faces. The young hostess received many pres ents which »he may keep in re membrance of her fourteenth birth day. Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts as a geatle laxative. For chills fever and malaria. Its tonic effects 011 the system felt with the first dose The $i .00 bottle contains 2 yi times as much as the 50c size. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. To My Friends and Patrons: I wish to tliauk you all who have given me your patronage the past season (my first year with you), and to say to you that I have Come To Stay. The building up of your home market means a favor conferred upon you as v well as a benefit to me. After 23 years ex perience in the warehouse business in the biggest lcose leaf market in the world ( Danville, Va. ), you know that I am amply prepared to serve you and your market. Prices have been good the past year, most of the time selling like the 1902 crop did, but quality very inferior to it. We are hoping for a good seasou this year and tobacco makes ouly money crop now as peanuts aud cptton sell low. Good tobacco yields from SIOO to $200! per acre properly handled. So' plant tobacco, if you want to make; money. I have the best kinds of ' seed for distribution, both ~at my j residence (Mrs. Jas E. Mooie,! Main.St.) and at my office at the j Dixie Warehouse. Gall at either! place, they are FREE, and let's 1 gull together and make 1909 a | prosperous year to all. With thanks for the past favors' and hoping to jrbii ail in the I coming Season, t remain Yours truly, j t«H,. # J- S v VITRI&k. Williamstoo, 7, 'o£. _._.i ££ .4R , 1.• VTA WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRipAY, JANUARY 22. iqog. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS People Coming and Going--As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. Mr. Lester Keel was in town Sunday. Mr. D. B. Parker was on the sick list last week. Mr. M. P. Smith is on the sick list this week. Mr. R. E. Grimes went to Rich mond Tuesday. Master G. L. Perkins visited in Everetts Saturday. Mr. Roy Carson went to see his parents on Sunelay. •Mr. Will Salsbury of Hassell visited here Sunday. Mr. G. D.' Holliday went to Everetts last Friday. Mr. Solomon Jones, of Bethel was in town Sunday. Mr. A. I). Barnhill, of Everetts was in town Monday. Mr Alex Wynne, of Oak Grove, was here 011 Saturday. Mr. C. H. Brown and family have moved to Belhaveu. Miss Rosa Baker, of Hamilton entered school here this week. Mr. C. A. Bowen, of Everetts, came up on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dunning of Wil liamston spent Sunday in town. M r « M. E. Gurganus visited her son in Pitt Coun y on Monday. Miss Celie Holliday is vUitiug her nephew, Mr. Geo. Holliday. Mr. Jesse Highsmith, of Mt. Olive, was in town last Tuesday. Misses Isolan Brown and Effie Robuck went to Bethel Saturday. Mr. H. C. Norman made a bus iness trip to Williamston Saturday. Elder G. D. Roberson preached at Conetoe on Saturday and Sun day. Mr. James Ward has moved in to the Guilford bouse on Main A Handsome Gift Mr. R. W. Clary was the recip ient on Tuewday of a handsome loving cup, the gift of Mr. E. B. Blanchard, of Providence, Rhode Island. The circumstances attend ing the presentation of the cup, are very interesting. Several months ago Mr. Blanchard visited Williamston and asked to be shown the place where the Federal and Southern troops fought at Rawls Mill. He had been a member of the army making the ever memor able Foster's Raid, aud had come I back tn learn more of the scenes which occured at that time- Mr. Clary, who wears the Iron Crosb of the Confederacy, found much pleasure iu showing tlife Northern visitor the battleground. Mr. Blanchard appreciated the cordial reception received from his old foe, and as a testimonial of the cemented friendship sent the cup. The gift is solid silver on an onyx I base, and lined with gold On one side appears this inscription: "E. R, BU»c}r«Tfl, 4-fUI, Mass. tq R. W. Clary, 17th. Mo. Car." On the other side is engraved: "Rawls Mill, Nov. 2nd., 1862. Onc6 Foes, Now Friends." Thefe is also clasped hands, one from out a blue sleeve, the other from a sleeve of grey. Mr. Clary is deservedly proud of the gift, aud appr*" tully.he spirit in whi^ (lft4slen dered. X ~ ' It soothe pain, it is cooling and healing. Good for Ctlts, burns, bruises and scratches, but especial recommended for Spiles—DeWitt's Witph Hazel Sold by Chase's f)rug sfbue; Bigg's Drug Store. By JOHN D. EVERETT Mr. James and Miss Leyta Tay lor, of Gold Point were in town Sunday. Rev. Mr. Howard filled his ap pointment at the Christian Church 011 Sunday. Mr. Albert Ross was in town last Wednesday visiting his brother, Mr. S. R. Ross. Mesdames W. S. Barnhill and J. L.'Roberson visited ftiends in Oakley on Tuesday. \" Mr. VV, E. Thornton, of Faison was the guest of his sister, Mrs. J. I). Everett this week. Misses Addie Cobtirn, Vada Wynne and Minnie Bailey entered school here on Monday. Mrs Andrews, of Tarboro, is visiting at the home of Elder (1. 1). Roberson this week. Misses Saul*, Kiider, Roberson, Maloue aud Chandler attended the Teachers' Association 011 Saturday. Mr. W. A. Jame* came up from Williamston Saturday to spend Sunday at home lie reports fitie prospects for business. I Mrs. G. M. Robetson gave a party last Friday night; the f llow ing guests being present: Missts Chandler, Maloue, Roberson, Sauls, Everett, Morton, Poarl Robertson, aud Mess. Jenkins, Everett, Rob erson, Mizell, Smith, and Under wood. He who properly employs his time and talents iu this world, will have little to regret in the next. A man has no more right to waste his time than he has to waste his money. Franklin said: "Dost thou love life theu do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of." Loafers should be ar rested for stealing other people's time, and for cruelty to themselves. Teachers Association In sfite of the threatening weather, there was a fairly good attendance at the Association, Jan uary 16th. Miss Brown in a very ins\ructive and attractive way demonstrated the method of teaching arithmetic in the first and second grades. A paper on fourth grade work in ar ithmetic was read by Miss Krider iu which she discussed the work in a very interesting manner. One number was omitted on account of the absence of Prof. Liles. There was a good deal of profit able discussion at the close of the program, aud several visitors add ed to the interest of the meefing. Program for February is: Lan guage Work in Primary Grades Misses Malone aud Rollins; How to Teach Hyde's Book, No. i,Mrs. Lanier; English in 7th and Bth grades, Miss Mizell; Study of one hundred pages of Pedagogy, The first buudfed pages of Hamilton's "Recitation" were l ' ,e teachers to be read .aud discussed at the next meeting by the follow ing: Chapter One, Miss Annie Ballard; Chapter 2, Mr. T. L. House; Chapter 3, Miss Thorny.. Chapter 4, Mr. Sylvester i» ee L T .MBiallatioti Services at the M. E. —-—■ . nitirch. At the H o'ctyck Services at the Methodist Church on Sunday next, the officials of the church for the present year will be installed. At 7:30 p. m., there will be Robert li. Lee memorial services. "Lee and The New South," the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Rev. C. L. Read. F>ery body is cordially inVited to attend these services. , v Death 0! Mr . Anderson, A telegtam was received here on Tutsday announcing the serious ill ness of Mr. George Anderson at his home in Oriental. His brother, Mr. Walter Anderson, left 011 the afternoon train tor his brother's bed side, but death claimed the loved one ere he could reach Ori ental. The remains arrived here on the morning train Thursday, arcom paniedhy Mrs. Anderson, Mr.rshall and Willie Anderson, Mr. Griffin, of Oriental, and J. W. Anderson. The deceased was the youngest brother of Mess J.W. and Aurthur Audeison, who with a sister, Miss Annie Anderson, survive him. He was forty seven years old, and was married to Miss Delia Bannett, of Martin County. Of this union two tons were born. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, and a member of the I. O. O F. The Odd Fellows buried him With the honors of the Order, the Lodge lure being assisted by a representation from Robersouville. The iuUrment was in the family ceiueteiy at the Pippin homestead near Williamston. " It requires a proper combination of certain acids with natural diges tive juices to perfect a dyspepsia cure. And that is what Kodol is— a perfect digt?ster that digest all the food yon eat If you will take Kodol for a little while you will 110 longer have indigestion. Youthen couWn't have indigestion. How could you have indigestion if vour food was to digest? Kodol digests all you eat. It is pleasant to take, acts promptly. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. A Sad Accident The death of Mr. James Rober son, of Martin County, at Vaughn, N. C., was one of unusual sadness. Mr. Roberson held an important positioh with Greetileaf Johnson Lumber Co , and in attempting to get off a iog train on Tuesday af ternoon, he was jerked back against the engine and his head was crush ed by the crank. One arm was also cut off at the shoulder. The remains were brougftrdown" 011 Thursday, accompanied by Mr. Johnson, and carried to the family home near Jamesville. A wife and five children survive him. He was the father of Mrs. lid Stubbs, of Belhaven. The members of Ske warkee Lodge, A. F. and A. M., buried binr with Masonic honors. Interment in the family cemeterry near Jamesville. You may eat all the good sensible food you like if you will let Kodol digest it for 'you. Don't worry about dyspepsia or indigestion for worry only tends to make you more nervous. Besides you don't have to worry any more about what you eat, because Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indigestion will digest any and all food at any and all times. Kodol is guaranteed to give prompt relief. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Higg's Drug Store. HASSELL ITEMS Mr. Ernest Fleming, of (ireon ville was the guest of Mr. W. A. Fleming on Sunday. Mr. W. D. Jordan went to Sunday. Mr. Van Grey spe?, t Sunday in Enfield. Mi. Walltnan, of Richmond was here Monday. Mr. Cary Fleming and father went to Trfrboro Monday. Mr. Robei tscn from Williamston was here Tuesday. Mr. T. W. Davenport returned home Monday from a visit to rela tives at Bath and Roper. Mr. R. H. Salsbury went to Scotland Neck on business cn Wednesday. i.oo a Year in Adva TOWN HALL Meeting to Discuss Ways | and Means of Furnish ing Second Floor . Pursuant to a call issued by the j Mayor and Alderman, a goodly number of citizens met at tlie Court , House on Friday night last to tajte some action about completing the - upper room of the town ball. Jj W. C. Manning was chosen chair* til man of the meeting and A. R. Dun ning, Secretary. The object of the meeting was stated by the chairman, and N S. Peel was asked to give a statement of the co-.t and the further needs of the building. He stated that $10,900 had beeu ex pended already, being #9OO in .ex cess of the Vond issue, and tb»t 51,500 would be required to ar range the secomllloor for an assem bly ball and opera .house. Tbis much discussion, and np -011 motion of S. J. Everett, it wa# unanimously agreed to issue bonds «- to the amount of £3,000 if neces sary. Out of this will be paid the S9OO now due, a clock put in the • tower and the second floor furnish- > ed. The motion provided for a committee to arrange for. the issu ing of the bonds. The chairman was asked to appoint the said com- , inittee. He named Attorneys fev erelt, Newell and Dunning. The nfbeting was a very enthus iastic one. It is the sense bf the tax payers that tNe completeness of the hall is a thi ,g necessary, aud should be done so that there may be revenue derived therefrom. !t| designing the uppir floor, the aich ttect made a serious blunder, and the building committee realized if when too late for re-arrangement. When the tower is fitted w'th « clock, the building will be one of the prettiest in the State. A Horrible Hold Up "About ten vears ago my brother was "held up" in his work, health and happiness by what was believ ed to be hopeless Consumption," writes W. K. Lipscomb, of Wash ington, N. C. "He took all kinds oT remedies arid treatment front - several doctors, but found no htlp till he u c ed I)r. King's New Dis covery and was wholly cured by six bottles. He is a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the sure«t cure for weak or sore lungs, Hem orrhages, Coughs and Colds, Bron chitis, La Grippe, Astbma aud all Bronchial affections and $1 00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by All Druggists. B. U. w. Notes. Monday, January 18, 1909, marked the beginning of the Spring Term at the Baptist Univer sity for Women, at Raleigh, N. C. New students have been coming in since Lriday and the application for rooms already nearly double those of last year. For the first time since the School opened the new entries seem likely to make up the losses at the end of tne last term. The mother of Miss Sophie,-3 Lanneau, recently gave a most de lightful and entertaining talkbefore our Young Woman's Christian As sociation 011 the life and work of her daughter in China, 'J'dr trustees "have established an annual Founder's Day in this stitution. For the present sessio* 1 this day will be observed on twenty-eight dav of January Pres- | ider.t Henry Louis Sniitli; of Dav- J idson College, wilkdelivjr the zA- J dress, aud Dr. R. TN\ auu, presi/ dent rrf the bistiUrtkwv will gjjjfc - a sketch of the school Special music will be rendered by .the College Choir, which consists of* forty voices of four voice parts* | All friends-of the institution are ; invited and requested to gftend the is exercises. ' J i .