VOL. X. NO. 20 THE ROANOKE BAPTIST UNION Profitable Session—-Many! Present--Will Meet at Hobgood in May. ( Reported) The Roanoke Union met Friday last at 11 o'clock with the Church at Scotland Neck, Rev. W. G. Hall preached the introductory sermon. Bible authority for ni v > n g. wa£ dis cussed by Rev. Geo. J. Do well, and the Union was then organized by electing him Moderator and J. A. Sullivan, Clerk. Rev. K. B. Waltz having died since the last session, J. A. Sullivan read an obituary. He and others made remarks concerning the de ' ceased brother. The remarks made by Dr. I. B. Meicer, Noah Biggs, J. M. Bennett and others were very touching. Reports of thtir work were made by J. A. of Washington, D. E. Yipperman, of Halifax, T J. Crisp, of Conetoe, J. M. Bennett, of Elm City, G W. Harrill, of Tarboro, Geo. J. Dowell, of Willi ams ton, A Corey, of Pine Town and R. A. McFarland, of Scotland Neck. At night J. A Sullivan preached an txcelleut sermon on "Unpaid Vows," ' Saturday the program included; "The U;iion, Its History," Geo. J. Dowell; "Its Mission," J. B. Cook; "How to Make It More Effective," J. M- Bennett. Saturday evening, J. M. Bennett preached. "Associational Evange lism" was discussed by G. P. Har rell. The discussion as to whether the time of holding the Union yhoiild be changed or not, provoked some lively remark* from Messrs. Biggs, Mercer and others. It was finally decided to meet on Friday and adjourn on Saturday morning, the Union to appoint two ministers to remain Sunday and preach where directed the others to be free to return home if they wish. Sunday morning, Rev. G. J. Dowell preached in the Baptist Church. Mr. A. Johnson spoke in behalf of the Orphanage, and a collection oi $75 was raised for the institution. R. A. McFarland pre sented the claims of Pine Town, and a colection of about SSO was taken for a church. G. P. Harrell preached at night; thus closed an eventful session of the Union. The next session will be held at Hob good on the Friday before the fifth Sunday in May. Pineules for the Kidreys are little golden globdles which act directly on the kidneys. A tiial will convince you of quick results for Backache Rheumatism, Lum bago and tired wornout feeling. 30 days'trial SI.OO. They purify the blood. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Williamston Graded School. . HONOR' ROM,. Week ending Jan. 29, 1909. THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES. Inez Williams, Louallie JValker, Sylvia Upton, Ester Daniels, Gladys Balance, Reynolds Smith, James Turner, Robert Peel, Cor rinne Smith. ROSINA DOWEI.L, Teacher. FIFTH GRADE. Daisy Manning, Leona Page, Louise Upton. SIXTH GRADES Titus Critcher, Stephen Rober son, Carrie Dell Blount, Ophelia Hoard, Sampson Hadley, Perley Perry, Eva Peele, Ruth Crowell. MRS. C. M. LAMF.R, \ Teather. * ' # '» - ' A pill in time that will save nine lis Rings Little Liver Pills, For ' biliousness, sick headache constipa tion. They do not gripe. • Price 35c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. ' ■ - . ' "S THE ENTERPRISE The Book Club. If the February meeting-; of the Wednesday Afternoon Book Club will follow closely in attractive ar rangement that held at the home of Mrs. Charles Hudgins Godwin, on Wednesday afternoon, then there is an unusual amount of pleasure in keeping for the club members and their guests during the contin uance of the season. At this meeting .the president, Mrs. Clarence Albert Jeffress, pre sided, and the business was dis patched in regular order. Then the social feature, arranged by the hostess, was introduced by the dis tribution of score cards. From these cards one learned that the day was the centenary of the birth of Mendelssohn, and that the con test would be "Illustrated Songs". Each ore drew a number corres ponding to the title of a song in the catalogue printed on the card. Af ter the sketches" were finished, they were placed on the wall for inspec tion, and a vote was taken to de termine the artistic merits of-each one. As artists are born not made, the representations were in keeping with tjie talent of the club. A count of the ballots gave to Miss Msry Douglass Bur well, of Chase City, Va., the first prize—a beauti ful picture complete for hanging. Her illustration of "When The Robins Nest Again" was full of artistic merit. The consolation, a toy music box, fell to Mrs. T. J. Smith. The embryonic artists found much pleasure in penciling, and there were no heart-aches over failures. In the arrangement of the dining hall and the selection of the re freshments to be served, Mrs. God win gave another evidence of the taste for which she is known by those who so often partake of her hospitality. Soft lights from silver candelabrums, polished tables with cut glaas and silver, arranged for four, and the guests' table in the center, formed an attractive scene. Everything was in perfect harmony, and white and red carnations were placed at each plate as favors. The courses served were delicious and consisted of salad, turkey aud nut sandwiches, olives, radishes, toma toes with mayonnaise, pickles, salt ed wafers and coffee. The guests of honor were: Mrs. Marion Cobb, of Mildred, Misses Barnes and Vaughn, of Murfrees boro, and Misses Burwell and Jef fress, of Chase City, Va. Till Secret Of Long Life A French scientist has discover ed one |»ecret of Ion? life. His method deals with the bloocr Hut long ago millions of Americans bad proved Klectric Bitters prolongs life and makes it worth living. If puri6es, enriches and. vitalives the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the entire system. Its a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kid ney trouble had blighted my life for months," writes W. M. Sher man, of Cushing, Me , "but Elec tric Hitters cured me entirely." Only 502. at All Druggists. County Commissioners. The February Meeting of the Board of -County Commissioners was held Monday with Chairman Burras presiding. There were the usual orders pissed, but no new of business of any importance The Jury for the March Term court was drawn, and will be pub lished later. This is just the time of vear when you are most likely to have kidney or bladder trouble, witb . rheuma tism and rheumatic pains caused bv weak kidneys. Delays are dan gerous. Get DeWitt's" Kidney and Bladder Pills, and be sure you get what you ask for. They are the best pills made tor back ache, weak back, urinary disorders, et''. They are antiseptic and act promptly. We sell and recommend them. Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5. IQOIJ. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS People Coming and Going--As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. Bv JOHN D. EVERETT Mrs. W. F. Parker was ill last week. Master William Everett is ill this we?k. Mr. R. T. Purvis spent Suuday in the country. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Perkins were in town Sunday. Mr. A. S. Roberson spent Mon day in Williamston. Mrs. C. L. Barnhill.of liveretts, is visiting her children here. Di. and Mrs. Ward left Wednes day for Harrellsville to visit frieuds. I)r. Hargrove returned from a fishing trip on the coast Saturday. Mr. Van Gray was here Monday to see his aunt, Mrs. L. T. Rober son. Master Leon Roberson spent Monday with Master Willie Rob erson. ' The Dora Mystic Lindley Co., gave good entertainments at the Opera House Monday and Tuesday night. Mrs. Fresh Brown dud near Oak Grove on Sunday night. She leaves a large family aud many friends who will miss her wise coun sel and helpful spirit. Mrs. A. S. Everett was taken to Wilson last week for treatment. Her physician, Dr. Ward accom pained her, and reports that her condition is much improved. Misses Maree, Pearl, Blanche, Nina and Reta Roberson, aud Messrs. Thomas Roberson and Jas per Johnson spent Sunday at the home of Misses Lillian and Sallie Smith. The writer returned from Raleigh Saturday night, where he had been in attendance upon the meeting of the City Superinteudents' Associa tion of North Carolina. The pur pose of these meetings is to devise ways and means for improving the schools. To bring the greatest good to the greatest number at the least expense, is the burden ot thought at the present time. If there is truth in the proverb: "In multitude of counscllers there is safety ', every city superintendent Annual Meeting:. The annual meeting of the stockholders of The Dennis Him tnons Lumber Co., was held in the office of the Company Thursday. Officers elected were: T. W. Tilgh man, President; J. G. Staton, Vice- President; A. T Crawford, Secre tary; Jno. D. Biggs, Treasurer; T. C. Tilghman, General Manager. The affairs of the company were found in excellent condition and a ' handsome dividend was declared. ■J A Miss Gordon Entertains. i Thursday afternoon, the Woui jon's Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. J. G. Staton, and after all bus iness was dispatched, the president, announced, at the request of Miss Elesabeth Gordon, that an infor mal reception would be held at the Rectory, complimentary to Misses Barnes, Vaughu, Jeffress and Bur well, to which every one present was cordially invited. From five to six o'clock the guests enjoyed the open hearted hospitality of the hostess, and heard the Rev. Jno. Handon tell ofhis country, and The Holy Catholic Church, which he represents. Delightful refresh ments were served by Miss Gordon, assisted by Mrs. C A. Jeffress. should avail himself of this oppor tunity to seek safety in cuonsel. It is easy to find fault. The people who are most severe and uncompromising in their criticisms, are those who do the least to help raise you above criticism. If it were possible to Ret your town, schools, churches and all enter piises above criticise, this class of people would die of gout. Their only occupation would be taken from them aud they would kick al>out that. Let us cultivate a help ful spirit and not a hurtful otie. Then life will have more sunshine for us and for those we now over v> shadow with our lowering, threat ening visages. A marriage of interest to a large number of Martin County people, was solemnized at Robersonville, January 23th.„ at 8 o'clock P. M. when Miss Isolan Brown became the bride of Mr..Henry Grimes A general invitation had been extended to all friends both in and \ out of town, so when the happy hour arrived, the home of the bride was full to overflowing. The parlor was tastefully decorat ed with ferns and evergreens. All was beautifully both in and out of doors, for Cod had given them a lovely day on which to plight their troth. The bride, attired in a handsome gown of white Bilk, entered the iiotftn leaniug on the arm of the groom. Rev. C. W. Howard per formed the ceremony, using the impressive ritual of the Christian Church. After receiving congratu lations, they drove to the home of the groom on Main Street, where dainty refreshments were served to the guests. The Grimes home, al ways noted for hospitality, was thrown open to welcome the many friends. Mrs. J. Iv. Ward presided at the punch bowl, and Mesdames W, K Parker, K. L. Smith, K. li. Grimes O" M. Koberson assisted Mrs. A. R. Dunning in serving the refresh ments. The bride is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. J. T. Brpwn the groom |is the eldest son of Mr. James i Grimes, and a successful business I inan of Robersonville i The Debating; Society On Friday, January 29th., the Chas. 1). Mclver Debating Society met in regular session. The meet ing was called to order by President Manning, who, after a few remarks, escorted his successor, John H. Thrower, to the chair. President Thrower delivered a very strong address setting forth the plans of the Society for the coming year and bow best to perfect those plans. The debates were of unusual Inter est, and gave evidence of thought ful care in preparation. After the appointment of the various-.-com mittees, a motion to adjourn was carried and the president dismissed the meeting. The next meeting will be held 011 Friday, the sth. of February. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indi gestion is a combination of the natural digestive juices with nec essary acids, and it actually digests the food you eat —no matter what kind of food ft may be. Tt does the ordinary work of the stomach, so that by taking a little Kodol every now and then you cannot possible have indigestion or any form of stomach trouble. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. Stockholders Meeting. The Stockholder* of the Bank of Martin County held their annual meeting, at the offices of the Bank, Tuesday Afternoon at 3:3oo'clock, 140 of the 150 shares of the capital stock was represented. The President's report, which was read and adopted, showed the following conditions; The deposits, over last annual statement, show a gain of $4000., the net earning for the past j ear were over 22 per cent. The number of checking accounts are now over 400, which show a steady increase, $->SOO 00 was ad ded to the surplus Recount which makes that account sls 000, and a similar amount has been paid oat to rfhe stock holders in dividendsduring the toyears of the Bank's existence. The success of this institution has been marked from the first, and and its influence in promoting aud encouraging legitimate business and industries of every kind, has been of great valu? to the commun ity.. The following officers wre elected for the ensuing year: Wheeler Martin, President; J. G. Staton, Vice • President; J. G. Godard, Cashier; C. H. Godwin, Assistant Cashier, with the following board of directors; J G. Staton, J. G. Godard, W. J. Whitaker, S. Iv. Godard, A. Anderson, and H. M, Hurras, Finance Committee: ■ Wheeler Martin, J G. Godard, J. G. Stnton, and W- C. Manning. « 1 1 Colds contracted at this season of i the year are quickly relieved with 1 Bees Laxatives Cough Syrup. Its . laxative quality rids the system of the cold. Pleasant to take. Best for children for coughs, colds, : croup and whooping cough. Sold ■ by Chase's Drugstore. v ' What Three Men Have Done. Mr. Augustus Williams, of Mar -1 tin County. N. C., is raising sev enty bushels of corn to the acre on land that very recently was poor ! clay hillside. Mr. Williams gave ' a great barbecue to celebrate this accomplishment, which shpws that ' he has a correct idea of its import ance. Mr. J. A Beak, of Nash county, raised uixty-two and oue ; half bushels per acre last year. Five years ago this same land pfo ' duced seven and one-half bushels. Mr. W. B. Brooks liarveste l ninety one bushels per acre. Once upon a time the land that grew this crop was thought hardly worth clearing 1 and taxes. The increase in crop ' and land values which these three Carolina farmers have brought to pass is the difference between starvation and prosperity.—News & Observer. Woods Liver Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation stomach, kidney disorders and acts as a gentle laxative. For chills fever aud malaria. Its tonic effects on the system felt with the first dose The SI.OO bottle contains 2'/j times as much as the 50c size. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Carolina Literary Society. The hundredth anniversary of the birth of Edgar Allen Poe was celebrated l»y the Carolina Literary Society on Friday, January 29th with the following programme: Sketch of Poe, Hilda Crawford; Incidents in the life of Poe, Emma Graham, Ora Cherry, Susie Purvis and Sue Leg get 1; "The Raven", Delia Lanier; "Annabel Lee ', liva Wolfe; Reading, "The Gold Bug", Katie Btpunt; Stng —"Auld Lang Syne." - ' Washington One* 6ave Up To three doctors; was kept in bed tor five wEeks - : Blood poison from a spider's bite caused large, deep sores to cover his lej?. The doctors failed, then "Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured me," writes John Washington, of Bosqueville, For eczema, boils, burns and piles its supreme. 25c at All Drug gists. si.oo a Year in Advance THE FARMERS' INSTITUTE T & The Largest Meeting Ever in the County-help ful Talks by Mrs. Sue fiollowell. The Institute arriuged t'y the Agricultural Department Vas op-» eued on Saturday, January 30th., - 1 uiuler tht management of Mr. T. B. Parker, assisted by Messrs J. L. Burgtss and Franklin Sherman. Mesdames Sue Hollow ell and F. L. Stevens were present to instruct the farmtrV wives. Mr. Parker announce ! the pur pose of the Institute, an J the in terest of the Department in the farming element of the country. That the government desires to make the farmer self-reliant. He stated that the Department would pay a premium of s>o for the l>est acre of corn cultivated by a boy between the ages of 12 and 17 years. The boy must live in the country, and the acre of land must be all in one piece. The land must have not previously produced more than 35 bushels of crru, and they' boy-farmer must not more than , $lO worth otcomaurcial fertilizer, and he must do all the work him self. He may Ret advice, if he so desires. This is a good chance for any industrious boy. The second prize is $25 the third $lO. Mr. Burgt ss spoke ou the selfec tion of cotton seed. He showed that many failures were attributa ble to impel feet seed. That cer tain kinds of seed are best for cer tain soils. Hig bowl cotton from the alluvial lands would not pro duce in light sandy soil. He warn ed the farmer against buying high priced cotton seed from foreign com munities, unless conditions of eleva tion and soil were similar. Mr. Parker instructed the audi ence upon the selectioiyof seed corn. He advised the procuring of corn from the nearest neighbor, who has similar land and who exercises great care in the selection of his seed. In fertilizing, he urged the home mix ing, if the farmer can properly de termine the needs cf his land. The prevention and extermina tion of insects was discussed intelli gently by Mr. Franklin Sherman. 1 n America one tenth of the crops are annually destroyed by insects, and yet the farmers go carelessly on from year to vt-ar without real izing their loss. Mr. Sherman told of bee culture, as an interesting and profitable occupation. The extremely cold weather pre vented the holding of the Institute for women. At 3 o'clock, Mrs. Hollowell addressed the meeting. Her talk was of the home life on the farm —showing how pleasure or trouble might arise from the same conditions. She pleaded for the proper training of the children in the home; how often they were neglected both in education and in the general knowledge of life with it s tremendous responsibilities. That the girl in the home should be especially trained, because the educutlon of a girl means the ed ucation of a whole family. The lecture was a most interesting one, and the fanners should try to in corporate her teachings in their home government The prize for the best ear of corn, was won by Mr. John R. Griffin, of (iriffins Township. The Institute will be held here again one year hence, and it is ex pected that the good results of the meeting will be seen more clearly then. It soothes pain, it is cooling and healing. Good for cuts, burns, bruises and scratches, but especial recommended for piles—DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Chase's Drugstore; Bigg's Drag Store,

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