VOL. X. NO. 21 A MEMORIAL The Presidents of the State's Educational In st tut ions Ask Aid of /Legislature. A sense of duty to the Stste and to the institutions which we repre sent Compels us to make a frank 'statement concerning their condi tion. We need not enlarge upon the necessity for the higher training of the young men and young women of North Carolina. The future of . the State depends upon this. If the number at present in these in stitution were doubled it would not equal the proportion in other pro gressive commonwealth*.* Your higher institutions are a}- solutely unable to meet the de mands which are made upon them or to enlarge their work The needs of an institution are not determined by its president or board trustees, but by the necessi ties of a growiug sta'e. The re peated calls tor aid coming trom' these institutions are simply an evidence of the Riowth of the peo ple and of their retching forward for better and higher things. We have stated these needs as our experience and careful study show them to be. We' (earnestly coun«el the representatives of the people that in fome way provide means to provide means to place these instisution upon a footing for efficient and satisfactory service for eight or ten years to come. Our | statements cover this in so far as it is possible for us to foresee the probable demands- which will be made upon these institutions. We believe that if the people of North Carolina thoroughly under stood the great woik now being done by these institutions, their worthiness, their needs present and iuture, and the urgent pressure upon them to care for and train their sons and daughters, they would heartily endorse any pro vision made by you to place them in a positiou for service befitting a great State. Francis P. Yenable, President, University of North Carolina. I). H. Hill, President, Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege. J.I. Foust-, President, State Normal and Industrial Col lege. This is just the time of year when you are most likely to have kidney or bladder trouble, witb rheuma tism and rheumatic pains caused by weak kidneys. I>elays are dan gerous. Get DtWitt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, and be sure you get what you ask for. They are the best pills made tor back ache, weak back, urinary disorders, et". They are antiseptic and act promptly. We sell and recommend them. Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug Store. Williamston Graded School. HONOR R01.T.. .Week ending Feb! 5. THIRD AND POVBTH ORADH#. 1 . Ine* Williams, Loualiie Walker, Sylvia Upton, Ester Daniels, Gladys Balance, Reynolds Smith, James Turner, Robert Peel, Cor • rinne Sroi\h, Jim Upton, r Carroll Brown, Neftfe Cat ton, g •, \t ROSIN A; B(WHU., '' •> m ■ Teacher. * 3 i Tbi-Secfit Of Laa( Life' A French scientist has discover ed one secret of long life. His methoddeals with the blood. But long ago millions of Americans bad * prov*a Electric Hitteis prolongs lift "ajUrfT makes it worth living. If purifies, enriches and vita lives the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the entire system. It* a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kid ney tronble had blighted my life for months," writes W. M. Sher man, of Cashing. Me, "but Elec tric Bitters cured me entirely." Only 50c. at All Druggists. My -- — • ■ -« • 4a ~ x ■ THE ENTERPRISE DARDENS ITEMS " ! ™iss Mary A. Bateman is visit ing in Norfolk. I Miss Mary Warren Coburn is visiting relatives here. Mr. Randall Jackson has accept ed a position in Washington. Mrs. Bonds, of Warren Neck, was here shopping Saturday, Mr. Eddie Riggsby, of Pinners, Va,, is visiting relatives here. Milton Wright was here to-day, preparing to move to Greenville. Misses Rollins and Wynne speirt Saturday afternoon in Plymouth. Miss yueenie Sprtiill ; of Mack ey's Ferry, was a visitor here last week. Miss Willougbby, of Bertie Coun ty, is the gues.t of her si.-ter, Mrs. George Smith. Miss Minuie Riddick spent last week in Pinetown, aud reports a jolly good time. "jMr. Alexander Gitsinger has re turned from a visit to his parents near Jamesville. Mr. As n Allen and Miss Vida Simpson attended Sunday School Sunday afternoon. I Stanford Jackson who has tfeen very ill with typhoid fever, is convalescing to the delight of his many friends. . Mrs. J. E. Smithwick and Master James and Mrs. M. A. Fagau, of Jamesville, spent Friday with Mrs. C. C. Fagau to help eai wild tur key. J' Miss Fagan entertained uite a number of young people last nigbt. Several games were in dulged in, and all left pronouncing Miss Fagan a delightful hostess. The young people anticipate hav ing a "pie eating" at the Academy soon. The pies will be cut in quar ters, each piece selling for five cents- Come when you hear of it, bring your pocket-book and eat the best pie ever tasted. One of the most enjoyable events of the season was held at the home of Mr. Tctterton 011 Friday night, when the young people asembled to dance. The room was the scene of animation and gayety, enriched by the fairest and most beautiful young ladies and handsome gentlemen Every one seemed to have a good time. : The dance given at the home of Mr. Preston Swinson, a few nigHts ago, was a dt?cided success. The night was perfect, and the moon never shone brighter, and we could not have had a fairer "Wynne." It was indeed a beautiful sight to see so many fairy-like figures glid ing so gracefully o'er the floor. It was fun for the young people, and pleasant to the older once to revive memories of "long, long ago." It soothes pain, it is cooling and healing. Good for cuts, burns, bruises and scratches, but especial recommended for piles—DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve. Sold bv Chase's Drugstore; Bigg's Drug Storg, Teacher's Meeting The white teachers in all the schools of the County are earnestly requested to. be present at the Teachers' Meeting, Saturday, Feb ruary 20th. We want to make it the best meeting of the year. No lire, energetic teacher can 1 afford to miss this means of im provement. If these meetings are not interesting to you, it is because you are not interested in your work in the school,—Surely the strong, efficient teacher should be willing to come to these meetings that he may help others, and the weaker that they may help themselves. Your non-attendance is taken by the school officers and citizens gen erally as a lack of interest in your work. f R. J. Peel.Supt. WILLIAMSTON, N. C v FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12, IQOQ. ROBERSONVILIE NEWS ITEMS People Cbming and Golng--As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. Bv jphN D. EVERETT Mr. R. H. Salsbury was in town Sunday. Miss Sallie Everett was in town Monday. Mrs. Mary Everett went to Oak City Monday. Miss Bettie Cherry is visiting Mrs. C. James. Miss Ora Taylor visited Mrs. R. J. Nelson Tuesday, v. Mr. George Daniel, of Oak City, visited hiere Sunday. Miss I.eta Taylor, of Gold Poiut, was in town Monday. Mr. C A Bowen, of Everett, was in town Monday. Misses Chandler and Malonewent to Gold Point Sunday. Miss Minta Bonner spent Sunday with IVlrs. I). B. Parker. Miss Fefie Riddick spent Friday with Miss Nina Roberson. Miss Sara Beverly, of Bethel, is visiting in town this week. Hr. and Mrs. R. I. Taylor, of Bethel, spent Sunday here. * Mr. V, I). Gray spent Sunday with Mrs. L T. Roberson. Miss Emma Roberson visited in Bethel Saturday and Sunday. Dr. J. E. Ward returned from a visit to Harrellsville this week. Dr. D. H. Harris, of Tarboro.was in town Saturdary on busing. Mr. N. D. Young made a busi ness trip to Greenville Monday. Mrs. A R. Dunning, of Willi amston, spent Tuesday iu town. Miss Hattie Everett was the guest of Miss Lois Parker Sunday. Miss Allie G. Little spent Wed nesday with Mrs. J. H. Roberson. Messrs. Gardner and Fred Smith, of Jamesville, were here Monday. Miss Vivia Rives was the guest of Mrs. Julius Outterbridge last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins from Cone toe spent Thursday with Mrs. Neal James Jury List, March Term ol Court J. B. Allen, John H. Baily Henry S. Hardisor., Charles I. Simpson. Tlieo. Roberson, W. M, Perry R. N. Griffin. M. W. Bissell, S. C.'Griffin, Ephraim Peel. J. L- Peel. John T. Hadley, W. P. Bowen, Javan Rogerson, Benjaman "Ward. NVII.UAMSTON. J. W. Anderson, Joel Bennett, J. W, Cowan, Geo. N. Gurganus, W. T. Meadows, Joseph A. Rober son. W. J. Ausbon, J. M. Edmond- son, J, I. Britton. ■ ROBKHSONVIU.K S. L' Grimes, W. T. Price, T POPLAR POINT. J. L. Ballard. J. M. Coburn, W. H. Everett, Jr., A. W. Salsbury, S. Sals bury, J. Henry Taylor. GOOSR Nusf. J_B. Barfield, Ju4ius Bennett. JAMESVIU.K WIM.IAMS. GRIFFINS BICAR GRASS. CROSS ROADS, HAMILTON. Mr. and Mr". P. R. Rives spent Thursday with Mrs. Julian Outter bridge. Mr. J. T. Ross and Hester Moor ing spent Sunday with fiietids at Stokes. • Miss Reta Rol>erson spent Sun day with Miss Lishie Cobuni, near Gold Point. Miss Annie Mooring spent Sun day in Gold Point with Miss Min nie Bryant. Mrs. Baker Womack spent last weik visiting at the home of l>r. R.J. Nelson. Rev.*J. C. Reynolds and family are spending this ween with Mrs. \V H. Adkitis. Misses Nina Roberson and Lena, Parker made a flying trip to Willi atnston Saturday. Messrs. Theodore ll.issell and Wig Watts, of Williamston, visited friends in town Suiidav. M ; ss Dora Krider spent Saturday and Sunday at Gold Point, the guist of Miss I.ydie Roberson. Mesdames T Roberson and Ed James with Genera and Jesse spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Simon Everett. Presiding elder, Rev. Mr, Mc- Cullen. preached at ttie Methodist Church Sunday night to a large congregation. Messrs. Herman and Kelly Rawl*, Lester and Roy Roberson, Hugh Ross, Krne>t Parker and Shepherd Morton spent Sunday with Mr. Williams Gray in the country. AAbout 12 o'clock last Thursday night, the gin house belonging to Rogerson and Ro!>erson was dis covered to be 011 fire, iiy heroic efforts the flamis were quickly ex tinguished ami the propetty saved. Mr. W. A. Ross, by invitation, was at Smith's School house Suu day where he organized a Sunday School. There was a good crowd in attendance and they entered en thusiastically into the work. Mr. Ross was elect .»d superintendent and Mr. Fate James, secretary. Death of an Aged Woman. On February 4th., at 7 o'clock P. M., in B;ar Grass Township, the soul of Mrs. Miley A. Taylor left Its teneme it of clay and re turned to the God from whom it came. The deceased had lived be yond the period of time allotted to man, beinp eighty-one years old. £>he had always lived at the old Taylor homestead, near the home of her son, Daney Taylor, whose family together with a colored ser vant, - attended to her carefully. Fpr ten months she had been con fined to her bed. A large family of ehildren survive her—the children and grand children have numbered as many as one hundred and sev enty five. There are living, at present, one huudred and forty de scendants, among whom are Messrs. Eli and Daney Taylor. The funerel services were conduct ed by Elder John N. Rogerson. was iu the family cerae t^y. Wnfcligtoi OIM SAN UP To three doctors; was kept in bed for five weeks. Blood poitson from a spider's bite caused large, deep sores to cover his leg. The doctors failed, then "Bucklen's Arnica Salve completely cured me," writes John Washington, of Bosqueville, Tex. For eczema, boils, burns and piles its supreme. 25c at AH Drug gists. . Whiskey Fakirs. Der Sir i Writen to you several days ago i hant receaved eny anser i Saw your address in the NeW idea a Philadelphia paper in regards how to make whiskey out of drugs for 25 cents per gallon you said you would send the receeps free j leas send tlx. 111 i want to learue how to make itt wee exspect to by the in gredeng from you pleas dont fail to write Wee Will Bye the recete if you Charge Kuy thing for itt and theu Hye the drugs from you for the Same pleas Write. Your twily Williamston, N C The above letter shows hotfT easily people are duped, and also to what desperate* means they will go to try to get whiskey and violate the law. This comuiuneation was addressed to a firm in a North Caro lina town, who is attempting to dupe the people. Even if a kind of whiskey can be made from the drugs advertised, the same would in all probability be dangerous te» the system. Already deaths have occurred from the drinking of so cared liquors. The people should be protected as much as possible from dangerous concoctions atul the men who sell them. This is the only purpose for which the publication of the letter is made. It is an exact copy. v Pineules for the Kidi eys are little golden globules which act directly on the kidneys. A tiial w'ill convince yon of quijk results for Backache Rheumatism, I.um bago and tired wornont feeling. 30 days' trial SI.OO. They purify the blood. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. N( Johnson-Anderson ■ The home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Walter Anderson was the scene of a very pretty marriage on Wednes day afternoon, when Miss Annie C. Anderson became the bride of Mr. Augustus Johnson. Promptly at 3 o'clock the bridal party entered the parlor. The at tendants-were Miss I>yta Taylor, of Gold Point, as maid of honor and Mr". T.aClVtirles Baker as best man. Rev. George J. l) nve'l, pas tor of the Williamston Baptist Church, performed the impressive ceremony. Owing to the recent death of the brother of the briele, the marriage was a very quiet one with only a few friends and rela tives present. Tile wedding party drove to the home of the groom, near Gold Point, immediately after the ceremony. The bride is the sister of Messrs. J. W. and Arthur Anderson, the groom is a prosperous farmer and the son of the late Joel Johnson. A pill in time that will save nine is Rings Little Liver Pills, For biliousness, sick headache constipa tion. They do not gripe. Price 25c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Death at Jamesville Mr, Asa Roberson died at bis home in Jamesville on Wednesday after aNhort illness. He had been in the employ of the Dennis Sim mons Lumber Co,, t'or several years and was one of its most trusted men. He leaves a wife and seve ral children. The Woodmen, of wbicb the deceased was a member, buried him Thursday with all the honors of the Craft. Kodol for Dyspepsia and 1 ndi gestion is a combination of the essary acids, and it actually digests the food you eat —no matter what kind of food it may be. It does the ordinary work of the stomach, so that by -' taking a little Kodol every now and then you cannot possible have indigestion or any form of stomach trouble. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug store. sr.oo a Year in Advance- FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD To the Student in Arty White School in the County for the Best Historical Sketch. THK ENTERPRISE purposes to issue as early as practicable, a sketch of MARTIN COUNTY, PAST AND PRESENT. To stimu late more interest in local history, it wtll give to the student in any white schocl in the County, HIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD for the best sketch of any event connected with the history of the couujy. The sketch must be three' and not more than five pig* 1 * »£ letter size pap#>r. CONCISE NESS, NEATNESS, TR U E STATEMENT OK FACTS, and ORIGINALITY are required in all pipers presented They Trust he written only on one side of the pa per, and he sent to Tilu KNTKK PBISK office at or before 12 o'clock noon on April Ist. 1909 The ar ticle receiving the prize will appear in these colums. No paper must be typewritten, but must be in Jhe hand Writing of the contestant. Any variation from the rules, will debar contestants. This is an opportunity every pu pil in the County should seize. County pride should l)e inherent iu the breast of every son and daugh ter of the County, and whatever is best in it should be known of all men. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Hees Laxatives Cough Syrup. Its laxative quality rids the system of the cold. Pleasant to take, llest for children for coughs, colds, croup and whooping cough. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Tbe Debating Society On Kriilav, February sth., the Cbas I). Mclver Debating Society held its regular meeting, President Thrower presiding with great dig nity, as usual. Tbe debating was of unusual merit. The most im portant decision of the meeting was that of a challenge to the members of the Carolina Literary Society for a joint debate on Friday February, 19th. 1909. The challenge was gladly accepted by the girls. The subject for debate is: "Resolved, That Woman Suffrage should be adopted by an amendment to the Constitution of tbe United States." The pubiic is cordially invited to attend. Those selected for tbe debate are: Negative, Hill Harrell, Klbert Peel and Julian Anderson. Affirmative, Delia Lanier, lvva Ganior and Daisy Jones. Woods I,iver Medicine in liquid form regulates the liver relieves sick headache constipation' stomach, kidney disorders ami acts as a gentle laxative. For chills fever and malaria. Its tonic effxrts on the system felt with the first dose. The SI.OO bottle contains 2b4 tiroes as much as the 50c si/.e. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Reunion, Williamston Baptist Cborch February, I4th. 1909. FKOGRAMMK: € n A. M., Sermon by the pastor. Roll call and reading Church Cove nant, J. W> Anderson. History of Williamston Baptist Church, « • Dt. J. D. Biggs, Statement of Financial Conditions, Sabbath School and its Progress,' S. A. Newell. Remarks by others present. Benediction. AH cordially invited to be with us. GRO. J. DOWRJJL, Pastor. *• • • •. .MSB