J • IAK.AL ITEMS All notice*published in this column, where ferenue li to be derived, will be charged at the rate of to cent* a line, (count *i* word« to a liar) each i««ue. Special rate* will be made on contract*. I —Dust Dowo —The greatest floor Cleaner on earth. Harrell Ik Pope. 5 or t> doses "GOG" will cure any case of CHILLS and FHVKK. —Agriculture and Building Lime Harrell & Pope. f> or 3 doses"O0O" w>N cure any case of CHILLS and FEVKR. —Abraham Lincoln was l>orn in a little hut in Kentucky just one Jiundred years ago today. —IOO cords of dry pine wood for sale, t>i> per cord at your door. C. H. God win, 'phone 8. "Dr. Worthintfton's Southern Remedy kills pain. Used over 60 years. Price Guaranteed by dealers." Mr. W. J. -Hodges is arrang ing to occupy the Mobley store, ftewill carry a full line of groce ries. For health and happiness —De- Witt's Little Early Risers —small, gentle, ea«-y, pleasant little liver pills, the best ' made. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. Bigg's Drug Store. • * —The pot office force has been increased by another clerk, and the work is not so heavy on the popular and efficient chief clerk, Je-se T. —The debate betwten the two societies at the Graded School prom ises to be a very interesting one. The boys are getting "shakey al ready, and one has withdrawn. —Mr. Harry A. Biggs gave a very interesting description of his recent visit to Cuba, before an ap preciative audience at the Method ist Church, on Wednesday ni^'ht. —There will be a Valentine Party at Mrs. J. S Turners'.? resi dence Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 o'clock. Ten cents admissions. Refreshments served. Candy on pale. Proceeds for the carpet fund for -Methodist Church. —Tennis is beginning to be the favorite pastime of manv of the young peop'e in the town. Several parties are putting down good courts, and soon the fun will be more largely indulged in. It is a healthful sport, and should become popular. —The inters! of \fr.,' Theodore Roberson in the firm ot Brown, Rob erson & Co., has been purchased by the senior member of the firm, P. H. Brown. Tbe firm has attrac tive quarters in the Leggett Build ing and keep an up-to-date line of clothing ami dry goods. , —At the alarm of fire on Wed nesday, a large crowd ran hurried ly up the street, but soon found that only a small house was burn ing back of tbe colored M. K Church. The fire department turn ed out on quick time with Chief Page on deck. —The Bank of Martin County has made a splendid mark as is shown bv the statement in another column. This institution has been and is now of untold benefit to the business of the county. The earn ings have reached a good margin, and the bank is as safe as wise man agement can make anything in the business world. —Sunday is St. Valentine's Day, known so well to the boys and girls.. Already the penny article is' beginning to be seen, as the school liOys and girls delight in hav the first laugh on the teacher or felfoyr student. It has become the atyie to exchange gifts of flowers, or little souvenirs of friendship on the day also. y } 'K- ;>•/• *■- .... v ' 1 » V • ** "J ir —Mr. P. H. BTOwn, of the firin of Brown & Koberson, and brother, Mr. J. M Brw ol Belfast, Ga., have purchased the entire iuierest of Mr. Theodore Roberson in the above named firm, and in the future w}ll cater to the public with an up-to-date line of mercan tile goods. Mrs. P. H. Brown will be in the [store with Mr. Brown, and solicits the patronage of her many friends. I PERSONAL' BRIEFS 3 Mr. B. F. Perry* of Everett, was here Thursday. Mr. Ed James, of Robe'rsonville, was here Tuesday. Mr. W. H. Williams went to Parmele on Tuesday. Chief of Police Page spent Mon day in Rocky Mount. MM. A. K. Dunning went to Robersonville Tuesday. Ex-Commissioner W. A. Brown was.in town Thursday- Miss Delia Ray come home from Robersonville on Monday. •Judge Franris D. Winston spent Wednesday night in town. Mr. J. J. Robersop, of Griffins, has been in town this week. Mr. R. O Jeffress, of Greenville, was in town on Wednesdey, Rev. W. J. and Miss Elizabeth Gordon went to Hamilton Monday. Mr. T. C. Smith was in town from Robersonville on Wednesday. Mr. John L. Rogerson,of Ever ett*, was a pleasant caller on Wed nesday. Mr. Alexander Getsinger, of Dardens, was in town Tuesday on business. Mr. A. R. Dunning went to Tarboro on professional business Tuesday. Mr. S. Justus Everett went to Hamilton on professional business Wednesday. Messrs. R. G. and J. C. Sexton, of Jamesville, were here Thursday on business. - Mrs. W. J. Hodges and little sort are spending,several weeks in Ports month with relatives. Mrs. James O. Guthrie, of Ral eigh, is the guest G f Mrs. Wheeler Martin 011 Main street. Miss Olivia Hodges who spent, Sunday here with Mrs. C \V. Keith left Monday for her home at Wash ington, Mrs. Bessie Boblitt, Miss Kliza Daniel and Mrs. £. W. Short left for Rocky Mount Wednesday Af ternoon. T —There is 6ne nuisance that should be kept oil the streets of the, town—namely, Hector of begging fame. He is a menace to the place of some women and children, as he refuses to get out of the way of many on the walks. Altogether he is ati unnecessary nuisance and if the county authorities cannot keep him at the home, tlii town officer should take the matter in hand. »•?* \ "The Piano With the Sweet Tone" 15 MEN have held the office of President of the United States si ice the beginning of the manufacture of STIKFF PIANOS The country has been through three wars and several severe financial pan. ics, but the making of STIKFF PIANOS has steadily grown through them all. This could not have been jwssible without strictly'upright dealings and the bust instrument. The growth and success of this busi ness is a strong argument in favor of your having a good STIBPF PIANO l)ou't yovj think so? Sold from maker to user 00 &sy terms if youwwisth t and saving yon a good round sum. Write t CHAS. M. STIEFF ' s L. C. STKT-Ui. Manager 114 Granby St. NORFOLK, VA. Mention this Paper. ■- ■ , omclit Pirn, Jnettm Eipwtlien Best Hotel in Norfolk, Va. * - THE LORRAINE - , American and European Plans Granby St. I*. BKRRY DODSON, Mgr. B«*t Lunch in the dtp, 35 cents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Moody left for their home io Newark, N. J. oo • Tuesday, acconipained by Miss Emi'y Whitley *■ Kev. \V. J. Gordon went to Wilmington, Wednesday, where he was called to t-fficiate at the bap tism of an infant. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Staton, ac compained by Miss Rlla Staton, left for the mountains of Pennsyl vania on Monday, via Norfolk and Baltimore. Misses lima J* ffiess and Mary Burwell who have been the guests of Mrs. C. A. Jeffress, weni to Greenville Saturday. While there they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Jeffrrss. | BUSINESS. ITEMS J ******** Notice* will be published Knder thia head at thi"rate cf I cent a word. No notice taken for less than 15 cents an issue. I'OR SALK—I two horse wagon, 1 two horse disk harrow, I weeper, 3 plows, 1 buggy, 1 cow, 1 yearling, 1 fine bred sow, at my home (the old Harrell place) for cash, apply to, S. T. LII.KS. WANTED—for cash all kinds of old papers, Coins, Stamps,. Relics, Curios and Furniture. Send lists. Rare books Relics, CIIMOS and Furniture. Send lists. Rare Hooks our specialty. Southern H'»ok F,*ch»nge, Kaleigh, N. C." • - If you tieeil a pill take I)eWitt's Little Kearly Risers Insist on theni; gently, easy, pleasant, little liver pills. Sold by Chase's prug Siore; Bigg's Drug Store. Miss Nora J. Fowden, Registered Graduated Nurse. ' I Services Rendered Prompty. WillUmston, - North Carotin*. > k! fcW'ftZ] 1 kyi / [trs* m wWW 1 WW WHEN YOU READ OF aujuenis does it eve'r occur to you how you would he fixed if you wer£ disabled? Not a very pleasant thought, is it? Well, the remedy itumtiple. AC C.I DENT. INSU R/VN'C V. will not prevent you getting hurt. Hut it will provide against the expense and loss while you are laid up.'? us tell you more bhout it. How cheap it is,*for instance. , * t K. B. GRAWFORD INSURANCE AGKNT, (lodard Building Tp The Public! -• ' •* , ' ...» »■ v" ,( I have opened the. Blacky shith Shop formerly oc cupied by the late John H. Hatton, and am in po sition to do blacksmith, Machinists work, braz ing, pipe fitting and gun repair work. All work guaranteed. GEO. L. WHITLEY, Jr. J. B. Jones & Company Manufacturers of Wall Pocketf and Framers of all kinds of Photographs and Fancy Pictures. Next to Atlantic Hotel hi i" n «i ri i n J. A. Mizell & Co. Cash Orocery Store We.have jufct received a fresh line of Groceries, which we are selling at low jyices. Coffee, 5, 15 and 25 cts. per pound. Sugar, 5 and 6 cts. per pound. Grain pepper 12 1-2 cts. per pound. Everything in the Giocery Line at reasonable prices. We also carry a line of Ghicken Feed, viz; Beef Scrap, Ground Oyster Shells,.„ Wheat, Mico Spar Cubjicdl, Grit. e*e. . • , ;Ut»a tbiM *«d make your hens r lay. 200 eggs a year.'N ' > '*! • ✓Buist'si higU K rl| de prtie setvU in nacknges or hv Weight. ' ■ Stlecie«l Silver Skin an«! Yellow! Dan-, ver Onion Sets. Pure Mrcd mean# success in gardenia;;- Yours to serve, J. A. MIZELL & CO. Williamston, - N. C. The Best of Everything Can be found in our Stalls Sausage. Freshly Made, Ten der Btef, Dres'ed Poultry, Vegetables—All Things Need ed by the Careful Housewife. Phone Your Orders. Polite Attention Ellington & Leggett -Stalls i and 2 City Market WHITE PINE COUCH SYRUP WITH TAR A Valuable Brmedy (or OoMs, GouftH*. BromJiUl Catarrh. ftpaamodlc ('•roup. Winter Gonth Md ll dliMMt of tke ale Pimlnt. (Pull 4 ounce boltle) Thin preparation contain* soothing lialum and astringent principle)! that allay inflamma tion. quiet the cough and stimulate accretion. It Is tnade from can fully selected v*H« table« druj* and in warranted to. I* .perfectly harmless > to the digestive organs. Head tjie circular wrapper aroung the bottlf. It Contains full directions for recofeniaing the earliest symptoms uS colds, iind their noitipticatlons. It tells you how to cute coKls before they become firmly -estab lished. A bottle of White Fink Covgm Stxcp WITH Tah should be kept iu every family medicine chest. „ • Ts ji 28 CENTS 8. U. DIQGB Prescription Prutftlst NORTH (.AIioUSA t Sand Ridge Poul try Farm. / Eggs for hatching front the following t>reed«: S. C. Brown Leghorn, Barred .Plymouth Rocks, White Wyandott, S. L. Wyamlott", White Holland Turkevs. three White Holland Toms and a few trio's of brown Leghorns-for M j e , Now is the time to send in "your orders for eggs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, * r J. B. McGOWAN R. F/l). 3 Williamston, N. C. 1 . v*. ' 60 YEARS' .yI^HLEXPERtINCE tot I V J J L J " fill J a I M ■ wM k ■ ■ 1 TRADE MARKS Anyone tending a sketch and deaerletton Bay quickly aaeartam our opinion frwa whether an iurenUon l« probably pat«U»ljL_Commimlca tlona atrtctly conadentlaL HANDBOOK ouPatanta "patent* Utara tfrSwjh°ll tftciMi notit*, without charye, la tha Scientific JftnerlcatL A handaomely IDnatratad weakly, fcanraatctr eolation of any Twgajga . .... - -r ■ Bank of Robersonrille Robersonville, N. C. STATEMENT At close of business, January i 6, 1909 Capital Stock J15.000.00 Surplus and Profit 7.497-77 Casbiers'Checks 1,072.37 Deposit* , 62.908.20 156.478.34 In Banks £39,804.10 Loans and I>isc. 33."59-29 Banking House Fur. & Fix. 3.483.9$ Over Drafts '693 33 Cash and Cat>b Items 8,637.67 f»6.478.34 v A bank prospers when the people pros per, on the other band, the people pros per when the bank prospers. Neither is independent of the other. We deaire to arkncwledge our thanks j to the customers of t) is bank for their, confidence, gocd-will, and generous pat- : ronage. Dr. R. n. Hargrove, President, A. S. Roberson, Vic .'-President, , . J. C. Robertson, Cashier, ' ]. A. Mizell, Aaa't Cashier. / -X.. ■*>:. A .A., dfc w A.A.. ! At A-. jinn^. 1 THE ELCO CAFE ► \ Elegant Rooms—Fine Cuisine r i * > . y \4 FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN ► Service at all hours 'I • *" I i jT ELLINGTON and COOK, Proprietors ± MAIN STREET. - WILLIAMSTON. N. C. ' t» ——■ —— —* | • '' . J. R. HARREI.L J. E. POl'l^ Harrell & Pope BROKERS at ''v "* *"& Meats, Lard, Cheese, Batter, Flour, Molasses, Fruits, Hay, Grain, Lime, Coal, Oils &c. We respectfully at.k our friends to allow us to quote them prices, knowing that we are prepared to meet any competitors in our lice. Offices over Farmers & Merchants Bank , WILLI ALSTON, N. C. i Baugh & Sons Company Importers and Manufacturers ' FERTILIZERS Baltimore, Md., fanuary 27. iyog Messrs J. L. Hassell & Co., Williamston, N. C., Gentlemen: Replying to your valued favor of the 25th we are pleased to advise that the Special Cotton Seed Meal Mixture 20 tons of which we recently shipped you. has the ammonia derived from Cotton Seed Meal, Nitrate of Soda and Blood in combination. We found these sources produce most excellent results and it is our purpose to make up the goods so that vour customers will he highly pleased with the field test. Thanking you for your favors, we are, Yours truly, Baugh & Sons Company BOND SALE 11 The Commissioners of the town of William* ston, N.-C. will sell to the highest bidder on Monday the first day of March, 1909, at 12 o'clotk noon, in front of the Town Hall of said town .. $3500 . . $3500 of town bonds with six per cent, inter est,bearing coupons, payable semi-annually. Bonds will be sold in denominations of SSOO with privilege of SIOOO. Sale io continue until all bonds are sold, interest to run from delivery of bonds. By order of 7 _ C. H. GODWIN, i Clerk to Board. i i>—— —iqmmm—m a*—— — *mmmk Job Printing ALL BANK • are not men by any means. Many wo men have found" " ont bow much bet ter they can ac count for their ex ■ ■tj-.i penditures through !_ -30000 3010 E| ffl worrv about where- J U 0 U □ their money has 3HBOO checks. THIS RANK "17^*" mvites deposits nn' ' If f row women. Mi i £ Housekeepers a » . '•■hK 'mil well as business I ff' f»S- women will find an ! ii, f 1.1 account here, has i • wr _ v many advantages. Farmers & Merchants Bank,. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.