VOL. X. NO. 23 LENTEN SEASON OF f"909 r Observed by a Large Part of the Religious World --Schedule of Services at the Episcopal Church. • 'The season of Lent is now upon the religious world. Its observance is not an arbitary and useless re quirement, preserved as a mere custom; but was introduced into the Church in the earliest times because its need was felt, and has been preserved because found use ful. It was designed to commemo rate the fast of Jesus Christ in the wilderness, aud to prepare Hjs fol lowers by abstineuce, lasting, pray er, and spiritual communion to profit by His life, death and resur »ection, to which it leads. It is a time of spiritual rest and soul—re freshment. It is a spiritual stock taking a balancing of accounts t see how one stands in the realm of spirit." Strvices *at the Church of the Advent will be held as follows* U SUNDAY Holy Communion (3rd Sunday) 8 00 a. m. Merning Prayer and Sermon (rat Sunday) 11 00 a. m, Wkkk days Tuesday Evening Prayer 4.30 p. m. Wednesday Litany and Address 4 3° P- M - Thursdays livening Prayer 4-30 p. m. Friday Evening Prayer 8.00 p. m. v HOLY WKKK Monday, livening Prayer 4.30 p. m. Tuesday, Evening Prayer 4.30 p. m. Wednesday, livening Prayer 4 30 P- »»• Maundy Thursday, Holy Com munion 7.30 a. m. Good Friday with Sermon 1100 a. m. .EASTKR DAY Sunday School Festival 4.00 p. m. "" m m r , There is not any better Salve than DeWitt's Cartylized Witsll HflzeL aaiVt. We hereby Wafn the public that we ate not responsible for any injurious effects caused from worth less or poisonours imitations of our DeWitt's Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve, the original. 'lt is good for anything when a salve is needed, but it is especially good for piles. Sold by Chase's Drug Store; Bigg's ~ Drug Store. RESOLUTIONS Adopted February 18th, 1909, by The Woman's Auxiliary Willlam ston, North Carolina. Be it resolved, That whereas God in His divine wisdom has seen best to take unto-*" himself a beloved member of the Church, and former ly enrolled with us, JKNNIR MOORE COWPKR, we, the members of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Church of the Advent, while recognizing the fitness of all His works, "for He doeth all things' well," feel deeply the loss, of our sister and friend. That our loving Sympathy go out to the sorrowing husband and rela tives in their sore affliction, and pray that the everlastjng arm of the Father who has promised His mercies, may be beneath them now pnd evermore. That these resolutions be record ed on the minutes of the Auxiliary and a copy be sent to the husband, and oue to THK ENTKRPRISK for publication. Colds contracted at this season of the year are quickly relieved with Bees Laxatives Cough Syrup. Its laxative quality rids the system of the cold. Pleasant to take. . Best for children for coughs, colds, ( cronp and whooping cough. Sold ; by Chase's Drug Store. — —■ m 1 mmm_ Death ot C. E. Hardy Mr. Charles E. Hardy, who had b.'en living with bis family ou the farm of Mr. L. B. Wynn neai Main St., extension, died early Tuesday of paralysis of the brain. He bad bien suffering for several weeks, and finally succumbed. A wife and several children survive him. •'. 1 . . THE ENTERPRISE , Five Dollars in Gold THK ENTKRPRISK purposes to isfcue as early as practicable, a sketch of MARTIN COUNTY, ! PAST AND PRESENT. Tostimu late more interest in local history, it will give to the student in anv white school in the County. FIVE DOLLARS IN GOLD for the best 1 sketch of any event connected with j the history of the county,. . The sketch must be three and not more than five pages of letter size paper. CONCISE NESS, NEATNESS, TRUE STATEMENT OF FACTS, and ORIGINALITY are required in all j papers presented. They nust be writteu only on one side of the pa per, and be sent to THK ENTKR PRISK office at or before 12 o'clock noon 011 April Ist. 190*9 The ar ticle receiving the prize will appear in these colums. No paper must be typewritten, but must be in the hand writing of the contestant. Any variation from the rules, will debar contestants. This is an opportunity every pu pil iu the County should seize. County pride should be inherent in the breast of every son and daugh ter of the County, and whatever is btst in it should be known of all ' men. | | | a Revolts At Cold Steel "Your only hope," said three (doctors to Mrs. \1 E. Fisher, I)e --j troit, Mich, suffering from severe I rectal trouble, lies in an operation," I "then I used Dr. King's New Life I Pill," she writes, "till wholly cured." They prevent Appendici tis, cure Constipation, Headache. 25c. at All Druggists. ■» » m i»n ■ Wedding Anniversary _ Mr. and Mrs, William H. Craw ! ford enterained ■informally 011 Wed ! nesday evening, it being the twelfth j anniversary of tbeir marriage. 1 There was a small party of invited ; guests preheat, and an elegantly prepared supper was served in Muises. Mr fc n d Mrs. Crawford have received many congratulations from friends. Among the out-of town guests, was Mrs. James O. Guthrie, ot Raleigh. Williamston Graded School. 'HONOR Ron.. Week ending Feb. 19, 1909. THIRD AND FOURTH GRADES. Inez Williams, Loualhe Walker, Carrie Delle White. Gladys Balance, James Turner, Robert Peel, Lula j Anderson. ROSINA DOW KM., Teacher. I * Teachers' Association The teachers of Martin County held their regular session on Feb ruary 19th., with Prof. J. D. Everett in the chair. devo tional services by Supt. Peel, the regular order of business wasi taken up. In the absence of those ap pointed on Language Work, Misses Brown and Dowell made impromptu talks that were full of interest and practical suggestions. A paper on "English in the 7th. and Bth. Grades" was read by Miss Mizell, which reports from the Better -1 merit Association were heard by Mrs. Aug. Johnson, the President. Several of the teachers reported funds raised by box parties fpr libraries or improvement of school buildings. Mr W. C. Manning addressed the Association, asking the co-op eration of jfche teachers in his under taking to write a historical sketch ■ of Mp.rtin County. The program for March was ar ranged as follows: "Hyde's Eng lish," Miss Robertson and Mrs. C. M. Lanier; "Reading", Prof. Rose; Hamilton's "Recitation", Misses Ballard and Thomas, and Messrs. j Peel and House. • Most cough cures are constipat- j ing, because they contain opiates, and you should be careful to take something that does not tend to constipate. You should take Ken nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. It not only allays inflammation and irritation of throat and lungs, but it drives out the cold from the sys tem by a free yet gentle action of the bowels. Children like the pleas ant taste that is so nearly like ma ple sugar. Sold by Chase,s Drug Store; Bigg'a Drug Store. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. t FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1909. •*. . V ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS S People Coming and Going--As Gathered By Our Regular Correspondent. By JOHN D. EVERETT Mrs. W. H. Adkius is on the 1 sick list this week. Master Shepherd Morton spent Friday in Parmele. Mr. J. B. Britton. of liveretts, was in town last week. Mr. Newman Turner left Monday for his home in Durham. Mr. John Simpson, of William stou, was in town Satu'day. I • X Mr. I. C Smith visited his par ents at Middlssex last week. Mrs. George McNcughton was in town Thursday from Everett. Miss Sue Everett spent ljst week iin the country with Miss Millie Everett. « Rev. Mr. Howard filled his ap pointment at the Christian Church Sunday. j Mrs. J. W. Audrews and children i spent Thursday and Friday in i Parmele. j Misses Hattie James and Lucy Riddick, of liveretts, were in town Tuesday. Mi-ss Fancy Taylor, of Gold Point visited Miss Selnia Everett here Saturday. Miss Leta Taylor, of Gold Poiut, visited Miss Lydie Robersou here Sunday. Mm. Butler, of Elizabeth City, is the guest of Mrs. I) B. Parker this week. Messrs. J. H. Rawls and R. E J Grime# *r? spending this week 111 ; Richmond, 1 Miusi Vivia Rives is ill at the ! home of her aunt, Mrs. Julius Out* | terbridge. Miss Lula Sauls spent Saturday and Sunday in Rocky Mount with her sister. DARDEINS ITEMS Miss Addie Gardner is the guest of friends here. Miss Mary Hooker, of Plymouth was here Sunday. Mr. Pearly Davis, of Poplar Cfrapel, was here Suuday. Miss Mary Jane Davis, of Poplar ! Chapel, was here Sunday. Mr. Jule Riddick, of Spring Hill, lis the guest of friends here. Miss Bern ice Fagan spent Sun- Iday with Mrs. Annie Batemati. Mrs. Mary Bateman returned i Monday from a visit to Norfolk. Mr. Stanford Jackson, who has an attack of typhhoid fever, is still very ill. Mrs. Addie Rollins aud Mr. Sam I Coburn attended church here Sun* 1 day night. I Mr. Rowland Biggs and Miss Lucy Robbins were out to church j Sunday night- Miss Donnie Bell Gardner was the guest of Mattie Fagan Satur day afternoon. Mr. Asa Allen and the beautiful ! Miss Vida Simpson attended church here Sunday night. Miss Mattie Fagan ba} a very nice organ to arrive last week to give her home a tone. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Fagan were guests in the home of Mr. J. E. Evans at Jamesville Sunday. Miss Minnie Riddick has return ed from an extended visit to Bertie. She reports an enjoyable visit. Mr. Askew, of Kinston, filled bis appointment here Sunday, and de serves much credit for ope so young Miss Ora Taylor, of' Oak Grove, is spending this week with Mrs. A. S. Robersou. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Brown, of Washington, visited Mrs. J. H. Roberson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dunning, of Williamston, were in town Sunday the guests of Mrs. R. L. Smith. The many friends of Mrs. A. S. Everett are glad to see her return from the hospital much improved. Misses Maude L'tchfiel 1 and Minta Bonner, of Aurora, were the guests of Mrs. 1). B. Parker Sun day. - v t.Miite a number of citizens attend* ed the unveiling of a monument to Mr. Tom Grey, last Sunday, by the Woodmen of the World. Misses y Marian Peel and Mary Tire, of Williamston, spent last week in town the guests of Mes dames J. T. Brown and J. C. Rub ber sou. Wedding bells are summoning guests to the marriage of Mr. W. 1. Martin to Miss iiessie Powell, also Mr. lvlector Mayo to Miss Sailie Everett, on Wednesday of this week. Clarence, the little son of Mr. John Dixon, died last Thursday. He was a bright little pupil and "wiH be missed at school. The l>e reaved parents have the sympathy of teachers and pupils. Misses Chandler, Maloue, Sauls, Krider, Roberson and Little, and Messrs. N. C. Everett, Dr. Under wood. L. H. Roberson, W. W. Salsbury, J. W. Taylor, W. H. | Everett and Richard Jenkius were | thi guests of Miss Leyta Taylor I Wednesday night. 1 Miss LiP.ie Wynne, one of the competent teachers in the school here, spent Siturday and Sunday* with her parents in Williamston^ Mr. Raymond Coburn has return ed from Florida after spending sev eral months there, admiring the the beautiful flowers and being I lanned by the gentle zephyrs of the I land. But metbinks he has fouud la "Wynne" here that comes up to 1 all of Florida—so mild, gentle and j exnilirating. A very quiet but beautiful mar -1 rage was celebrated at the home of | Mr. W. T. Coburn at 6 o'clock Sun lilay morning. The contracting | parties being Mr. W. A. Moore, Jr., 'and Mrs. Courtney Marrow, nee Coburn. The bride who is still a girl, is one of Hardens' most charm ing ladies and has a host of friends, won by her sweet and attractive manner. Mr. Moore is a popular 1 young business man. Immediately dfter the ceremoy, they left for Norfolk and other northe«p cities. On their return, they will make their home in Hali fax, N. C.' Mis. Moore was handsomely at tired in a blue travelling suit, and never looked lovelier than 011 this occasion. entire community wish for them a life of prosperity and happiness. Kodol for Dyspepsia and Indi gestion is a combination of the natural digestive juices with nec essary acids, and it actually digests the food you eat —no matter what kind of food it may be. It does the ordinary work of the stomach, so that by taking a little Kodol every now and then» you cannot possible have indigestion or any form of stomach trouble. Sold by Chaae's Drug Store; Bigg's Drug An Appreciation Nancy Elizabeth Lovejoy was born in Raleigh, N. C., 011 Apiil 9th., 'S47. She was the daughter of Jefferson Marshal and Virginia Ann Lovejoy. Her father was for forty years principal of the Raleigh Academy—a remarkable record. She was one of a large family of children, all of whom were from their earliest youth taught to love the Church, for which during her life she gave herself so frcel»\ After her marriage to Mr. W. Pitt Jones, she came to live at the Jones home, near Palmyra, now the home of Mr. Justus Everett. Later they moved to Hamilton, and for the twenty years since that time, she has been thoroughly identified with the life of her community. The very center mid heart of her life was her church. Rain or shine morning, noon or night, whenever the church bell rang; or whenever the call came to serve the Master, she was there. It was one of the things of which she was justly proud, that 110 matter how bad the weather, there was not a Sunday when she was in Hamilton on which the Sunday School was not open. She and Mrs. Darden went hand in hand, and shoulder to shoulder, nursing the sick, reliev ing the distressed, visiting strang ers.doing the work of the Lord,until Mrs. Darden was taken, then Mrs. Jones went forward to carry the ourdens of both. .She did not con fine her minisrtations to the town, or to the people of her own com niuniou. but went cheerfully. here and there at the call of sickness and distress. Hers was a work to meet ihp-Master's test: "1 was a hunger ed, and ye gave me meat; I was thirsty and ye gave me drink; I was a stranger and ye took me in; naked and ye clothed me " And we have the comforting assurance that these words must have bten meant lor such as she; "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the founda tion of the world." Among the last words upon her lips were these which are an index to her life: "A charge to keep I have, A Oou to glorify, A never dying soul to save And fit it for the sky." Hers was "the uplifted eye and the life laid down " May she rest in peace, and may the example of her life be like a guiding star to others to follow in her steps. • ♦ « TSiSecrit Df Lout Lift A French scientist has discover ed one secret of long life. His method deals with the blood But long ago millions of American* had proved Klectric Bitters prolongs life and makes it worth living. If purifies, enriches and vitalives the blood, rebuilds wasted nerve cells, imparts life and tone to the entire system. Its a godsend to weak, sick and debilitated people. "Kid ney trouble had blighted my life for months," writes W. M. Sher man, of Cushing, Me , "but Klec tric Bitters cured me entirely•" Only 50c. at All Druggists. * ♦ Pleasant Debate "Resolved, That Woman Suf fage should be added to the Con stitution ol the United States," was the subject of a very heated debate on Friday last between the girls of the Carolina Literary Society and the boys of the Mclver Debating Society. Kach side had been earnestly preparing for the contest, and every point was warm ly fought, but when left to the judges, Rev. Mr. Gordon, W. C. Manning and Miss Annie Mizell, the decision was unanimously In favor of the girls. The boys ac cepted their defeat gracefully, and the girls seemed satisfied that they won the right for the women, if they cannot appropriate it. A Jiucb Needed Machine The exhibitian of the Interna tional Feed Grinder on February lytb , was held at the store roouis of J. Paul Simpson, Agent. Ow ing to the steady dawn pour of rain, spectators could not come in from the country to'see the workiug of the machine. The grinding of corn on the cob will prove a great sav ing to ,the farmer, as it has been demonstrated that much nutrition is wasted when the cobs are thrown on the waste pile. It would be both profitable and helpful to have one machine, at least, ia each neigh borhood. Labor saving machinery is the hope of the Southern farmer. - si.oo a Year in Advance BRINGS TO MIND RE CONSTRUCTION DAYS Hanging of Lieut. Walsh, of Ist Texas Calvary, For Shooting at Gen. Kilpat rick and Staff. A dispatch, dated February 17th, was received here from Hamilton, N. C., which said: "Mrs. Junes passed away 011 the night of February 14th, being sick one week. She had b-en, 011 a de cline for about one year. She had a violent case of gastritis. She was noted for her kindne-s to the sick iu all walks of life, her love and fondness for children, her great devotion to her church. She leaves three boys, one sister, Mrs. Hod- , gins.'of Portsmouth, who was at her bedside; two brothers, JeIT and (jhty Lovejoy, of Beaumont, Texas, and Birmingham, Ala., who were unable to come." It is with unfeigned sorrow the old citizens of tbis city read the above news of the death of Mrs. Nannie Lovejoy Jones She wan the daughter of Mr. Jeff Lovejoy, whose military academy stood oa the site where the present executive mansion is now located. Many old citizens of Raleigh now living re member Jeff's familiar words: "I'll jerk that miserable jacket off you " as he was wont to say when he dealt with unruly boys.* Soon after Gen. Kilpatrick's U. S. cavalry enteied Raleigh, at its surrender, as his staff was parading up Fayetteville street, Lieutenant Walsh, of the First Texas Cavalry, while on his horse near the head of Fayetteville street, shot at Kilpat- t rick and staff, who were near the Yarborough House, riding towards the capitol. I mmediately Kilpatrick's cavalry chased Lieutenant Walsh up Hills* boro street, who, when neariug the railroad budge crossing (if the writer mistakes iaot) the horse of the Confederate cavalry officer stumbled aud Lieutenant Walsh was captured and led to Lovejoy's Grove (Governor's Mansion site) and by ordei of the federal com mander, was made to ride hie horse under a limb of an oak, when a rope was placed around the litnteu ant's neck and the horse was driven from under the tr;e and the Confederate was left to strangle to 4eatb. H« uow>-Ues buried in the Confederate cemetery and his grave receives the greatest attention of anv dead there memorial day. It was Mrs. Nannie Lovejoy Jones who plead for the life of Lieu tenant Walsh.—Raleigh Times. Personal experience with a tube of MauZau Pile Remedy will cou vice you it is immediate relief for all forms of Piles. Guaranteed 50c. Sold by Chase's Drug Store. G. F. C. A'.umnae , No accurete record of the Alumnae and students of Greensboro Female College ha.\ing been kept during the sixty-three past years of its history, the Alumnae Association is now making an effort to gather as much material as possible for a permanent record of each student. In order to accomplish this, the co operation of every former student and friend of the College is earnest ly solicited. We request the read ers of this paper who may be in possession of any information which would be of value in making this record to kindly send us such in formation as early as possible. We would like for every former student to write us; giving her maiden name and preseut name aud address; also what profession or work she has been or is now engag ed in, and any other facts of inter est. Why not write at ouce before you forget it, to Mrs. W. M. Curtis, Recorder Alumnae Association, Greensboro Pemale Co!!ege,GreenS boro, N. C. Pineules for the Kidr.eys are little golden globules which act directly on the kidneys. A tiial will convince you of quick results for Backache Rheumatism, Lum bago and tired wornout feeling. 30 days'trial SI.OO. They purify the blood. Sold by Chafe's Drug

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