VOL. x: NO. 33 ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS .... — r - ir™j m • -iii |B" " n People Coming and Going Ws Gathered By Our Re gular Correspondent - - John D. Everet. Mrs. Bessie Warren left Tuesday' for Oak.City. Mr. M. P. Smith went to Will iamston Monday., Miss Kiider left Friday for her home in Salisbury. Mr. Theo. Cox of Winterville was here Tuesday. Mr. T. W. Ferrtll, of Greenville was here Sat inlay. Mr. George Daniel, of Oak City, was in town Tuesday. Rapid progress is being made 011 the two biick stores. Mr. W. A. James, of Williams ton was here Monday. Mi's Leyta Taylor of Gold Point was in town Tuesday. Dr. Ward's mot lief left Monday for her home in Wilton. Miss Emma Robertson is spend ing this week in Bethel. Mr. C. T. Roebuck of Everetts was in town Wednesday. Mrs. Lester Everett, of Gold Point, was in tow n Monday. I)r. Ward and Mr. J. C. Smith went to Greenville Tuesday. Miss listelle House left Tuesday for her home in Scotland Neck. Mr. and Mrs'. W. L Riddick of Williainston were in town this week. Mrs. G. M. Roberson and George Morton went to Williamston Tues day- Heavy rains and cold weather have done much damage to the crops. Mr. Cecil Everett received an in jury to his arm last week by a run away horse. Miss Lula Sauls left Thursday for Rocky Mount en route to her home in Norfolk. Mr. and his bride, of Greenville, came over Monday to visit their mother. Mr. Thomas Roberson Norfolk Monday, where he has secured a position. Mr. Lester Roberson bad the misfortune to shoot a rifle ball through his foot Wednesday. Misses Meads and Maree Robert son,spent some days in the country guests of Miss Lillian Smith. Mesdames W. H. Adkins, A S. Everett, M. R. l'eel, and Bessie Warren went to Smith's School House Sunday with the superinten dent, W A Ross. . 9 \ Last Tuesday was election day in Robersonville. All the town officers and five school trustees were re-elected without a dissenting vote. This is the strongest possi ble ratification of the efficient ser vices of these officers. One of the strangest objects seen in this section for some time was a hen egg exhibited by Mr. D. F. Roberson. On the small end of the egg was a perfect'capital "J." I' looks just like the rest of the shell, except it is raised about the thick ness of the shell. Who wilt inter pret the meaning of thm miracle? Evidently it is the- writing of God on the wall of an egg. When you take Kodol, the food you have eattn will be digested naturally, regularly and promptly, and in this way Koiol gives the stomach a chance to regain its lost strength and heal h. and after a little while you need not take Kodol longer, but take it while you do need it and if it fails to benefit you your money will be refunded to you. It is sold by Biggs' Ding Store. THE ENTERPRISE" I.- of the I CIRCUS J Is COMING to TOWN 1 r /■ i AFTER ALL OLDTHINGS) | ARE BEST AND WHO IS i | NOT THRILLED IN THE 1 STRANGEST WAY BY A IJ I TALE OF. THE COOD OLD I CIRCUS DAYS • H | She's the prettiestdaintiest most , s i j| I appealing little circus girl that iJ | IkJ you haw ever seen. I 1 1 |V| She is so attractive and she has PJI ml 1 ( had such an interesting life Hp I \ that we have arranged for her i 1 'M to appear only for us ! I I I i \ "} I I BREAD THE STORY OF POLLY M] I 1 AND IN A. LITTLE TIME YOU 1 1\ I WILL THINK AS MUCH OF I \\\\\ I I POLLY or THE CIRCUS I .\V| />» WE DO J \\\ intresting and thrilling story will be published in "The Enterprise" ning in the issue of May 21, 1909. It's not too long nor too short to - become monotonous, and wili prove to be interesting. This Service at Christian Church Rew John W. Tjndall will begin a series of services at the Chistian Church en M>"day night May 17th. He will be accompa nied by Prof. Perry, who will lead the singing. Everybody is cordi ally invited to attend these services. New Phone Management The Williamston Telephone Company has sold its stock to Mr. W. C. Manning, who will have personal supervision of same. The storm of la"st week did considerable damage to wires, but repairs were soon made and everything put in good working oraer. Phones are WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 7. igot). indispensable now, and business houses are out of date without goo 1 connection with the world. State Normal The fallowing card has been re ceived: Tne Faculty and Senior Clas» of The Nortii Carolina State Normal and Industrial College invite you to be present at the * Seventeenth Annual Commence ment May the twenty - second to the twenty-fifth nineteen hundred and nine Greensboro. Be Sunny A gloomy day is a chalenge to cheerfulness. It is easy—and weak —to be gloomy when the weather is gloomy- It is hard—and takes character—to be sunny when the sun isn't visible. A cloudy day calls for a bit of brightness about the clothing, a little extravagance in smiles and cheering wards, out off set the gloom. If ever there is need of joyousuess and good cheer in our words and looks and de meanor, it is when we feel least like it and when others about us are most likely to be helped by it. —Sunday school Times. AFTERMATH OF 'THE STORM Thousands of Dollars in Damage--Crops Wilted in Fields--Land Washed ' Almost Free of Fertili zers ; The path of the storm of list ! week is stiewn with uprooted trets, boughs, water - soike l fields and blackened crops. Fii day night all the battery of the | heavens opened on the defenceless I earth— the winds blew and water fell in. sheets. A'l through the night the storm lasted, and the day dawn told of the damage. Perhaps, the >lflt st inhabitant has not seen I anything hke it so early in the year. Hut the wind did not end I with the n'ght, but increased in [Velocity until Saturday afternoon I it was blowing great guns. To see the force of thestorm, one Khns only to go out to "Kelvin (Vtove," the country honie of Mr. I James G. Staton, two utiles South of \\ illianjston. Magnificent oaks I are prostrate ar.d Iri-h potatoes, corn and tobacco .seem to have been in the ttack of a sirocco. This is J but a picture of other places in the county. Great clouds of sand beat the "life aid strei gtli out of the I tender plants, leaving them bl.uk ] etvedand wilted. It is impossible t> estimate the. damage in dollars and cents. But litis greater than the people who have siffTered can tell. Much fruit 'was destroyed also. Shade trees | have been robbed of much of their beauty by having the tender leaves whipped to shreds. Still tlure was no los-» of life as in other States. North Carolina was reached after the storm had spent a great dial of its force. It swept into the ocean and was lost in the waters of the deep. Roberson to be Executed Gov. Kitchin lias named June i ith. as the date upon which Robt. Roberson is to be banged. Rober- Json shot and killed Charles Which ard at RobtrMmvifle last fall. He was found guilty of murder in the j first degree and sentenced to be hanged November 12th, 1 90S. I Judge brown in a lengthy opinion affirmed the degree of tile lower j court. Extracts From Commissioners' Meeting The Board of County Commissi oners met prrtnply with Chairman Hurras ptesiding. All niembeis were present except A. S. Rober son. It was a very important meet | inn for several weighty matter were j before the Board. There were sev ieral orders allowing people $2.00 for each month and one applicant for a room at the County Home twas heard favorably. The petition for a bridge across Hear Trap Swamp was granted. This is a needed improvement, and will be beneficial to the public. .Mr. C. Smith was appointed list taker tor Jamtsville Township. orders were placed in the hands of the Sheriff one for l'o;>l»ir Point, the otlu-T for Cross Roads. i The County Board of Health was chosen for the ensuing too years. It is composed of Dfs; Warren , T,ong, aid Saunders; Or War feu was re-elected • Superintendent of Health. This Board together with the B >ard of Commissioners form the Sanitary Committee of the County. An innovation in the manage ment of County affairs was that of appointing Harry W. Stubbs County Attor ey, with a salary of SIOO to be paid quarterly. DeWitt's Little early Risers, gen tle. easy, pleasant, small little liver pills. Sold by Biggs Drug Store. sr.oo a Year in Advance WILLIAMSTON IN SAFE HANDS Election Quietest in his tory -• Board Composed of Sound Business Men. The town election Tuesday was noted for extreme quietness. A vote whs catu, there being hut one ticket in the field Mayor Godwin, who was re elected, has served for a number of years and is a favorite of the people. He is fair and just in the abministration of t lie laws—is conservative and the:e fore very little ciiticiMn The Ityard of Aide men tin unh untried, gives promise of a strong administration. livery man ps~ sessess splendid business qualities. They aie full »f the t-pint of pro gress, but will not waste the money of the people. Their nominatjctt and election were made by the citi-. Zens and the interest i>f the town will be protected by them. The Hoard is composed of James R. Roberson, Charles 11. Goc'wm, James G. St a ton, Alon/.o Haskell and \V. llenry Crawford. Annual Commcncemeut The-Sixth Annual Com met ce ment of the Wil'i.unston Graded School wi I ben in Thursday even ing, May 13th. at .S o'clock in the City Opera House. The pupils under the Faculty have h lie good work in arranging nn attractive progrtun for each hour. Ttiennv-ic cl-i-s under Miss Martha Taylor h is labortd to present the best so lections ever listened to by a Wil lia'imtou uudeince. Friday mo* rt i-ig 11 o'clock the 'Graduating Exercises will be held. The liter ary address will l>e deliveied by I'iof. M. 11. Stacy, of the Univer sity of North Carolina Friday evening at 8 o'clock the final concert will be given. The program for each evening is wt I! selected. Operettas "Cindeiilla" and "Snow White' with an ag gregate number 6f one hundred arid fifteen actors are charming mi ru bers. Other features will be 1 layes, "drifts, pantemines awl chernsesi ~ Marshals: Ida Jenkins, Chief, J. f I). Lilly, J. II Thrower, LUa \V>a and Fm ma Roberson HASSELL ITEMS Mr. Jim Randolph of House was here Thursday. Miss Maggie Salsbury went 'o Oak City Mpnd iy. Mr. R. 11. Salsbury spent Mon day at Williamston. Mr and Mrs. W. I) Jord;n sj)ent Sunday at Home. Mr. W. D. Hyman of Richmond . is spending sometime here. Miss Alma Fleming spent We l nesday night at Greenville. Mr. Herbert Johnson from Scot land Neck was here monday. Miss. Laura S dslviry . has been sick this week but is now conval i escent. Messrs. J. 11. Eubauks and G. F. Roberson went to Williamston Monday. The Christian preacher from Gold Point held services here Fri day 11 i lit. ___ Miss Roland Jenkins of Grteu ville spent Sunday with MisS ' Hilda Knight. Mr. W. J. Rollins went to Bethel Wednesday to attend the commencement Thursday and rrt day. Sick headache, constipation an* biliou-ness are relieved by Ring* Little Liver Pillfi. They cleanse the system. Do not not gripe. Price 25c. Soldby Chase's Drug Store*