/"> XT' \jure Dandruff Why? Because it is annoying, untidy. And mostly, because it almost invariably leada to baldness. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All eaaily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop thia formation of dandruff I Jk ror»«j^ttaS>«rb»sir Zjk f Show it to row ixuers V tn»n «o The new Ayer's Hsir Vigor will certainly do this work, because, first of sll, It de etroys the germs which art the original cause of dandruff. Having given this sid, nature completes the cure. The scalp Is restored to s perfectly healthy condition. —Xadeby th»J. C. AyerCo., L?wU.Win."— J. S. Speller -DKALEft IX- Wood, Shingles, Poultry, Eggs and Furs. We c*rry a bin line of Wall Paper. Willlamston, N. C.7T Jos.K.Saunders, M.D. Physician and Surgeon Day J'hone 53. Phone 67 Willlamston,N. C. Dr. J. T. Underwood DENTIST Robcrsonvillc, - N. C. DR. J. A. WHITE, ass* DENTIST Office Main St. Phone 93 W. E. Warren J. S. Rhodes Drs. Warren & Rhodes PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Office in BIGG'S DRUG STORE \Phons No. 29. Hugh B. York, M. D. Microscopy, i Electrotherapy, ? - X-Ray Diagnosis ) 00>C«: time ft Drutt Store. SrvFiOE Übvxs. * to 10 k. M.j 7 to 9 r. n. ■"•Ben Pho tie No. (3. '"'Kut Phntiw No. KB. 8 rrous A.Ciltchcr. Wheeler Martin. MARTIN tCRITCHER, Attorney* at Law, WILLIAMSTON, - - N. 0 Phono 23 F. D. Winston S. J. Everett Winston ® Everett Attorneys at Law WILLIAM STON, N. C. Thone 31. Monty to Loan A. R. Dunning, J, C. Smith Dunning & Smith Attorneys-at-Law. 4 WILLIAMSTON, - N. 0. i ROBERSONYILLE, N. C. S. Atwood Newell LAWYER Offlos formerly occupied by J. D. Biggs. Phone No. 77. WILLIAMSTON *. C. w *.rr!i ajii trme report. I ftm iidrtoe, N>w to obt«lA patent*, trade marks, ■ IN all countries. BusineiM Jirtriu-iiA It'atihflM m:w mottry anJc/un ikt Mm!. Mtf tofrlnfremer/. Prtctlot E.-:Wwy. V or eoroe to us &t t I BSS Xatfc Itjmi, Vmlt*4 gtfttn Mat Ut^l DEALERS" cIItoIE 11 ■ 1 THE POCLTRYMAN'S ALPHABET. By William Zeis. Advertising la the stepping stone to success. Be thankful to get any prise at all without expecting anything. Choose your variety and Jump In. Discard the narrow breasted, one legged ones. They are a delusion and a snare. Every neglect has Its cost In poul try raising. Fatty meat should never be ted to laying ctock. Gentleness Is virtue in the poultry yard. Have an object In view and then work strictly to the line. Indifferent care will ruin the ca pacity of any breed. Johnnycake is a good feed. It you want to become a slave to your chicks. Keep on advertising. liet the comb act as your health barometer. Mix common sense with a good dis infectant for the roosts and do not neglect to use it. Nothing is better for crowing stock than dry bran. Overcrowded quarters mean dis ease, death and disaster. Profit In any kind of poultry breed ing comes from having the best Quite a few dollars can be made In poultry If you have enough sense. Read all you can lay your hand on regarding poultry breeding, and then use you own ommon sense. Scratching hens lay the eggs. Trap-nests expose the fraudulent hens. Utility means more than symmetry, shape and feathers. Vigor and vitality are the factors that make the money. Working hens, like working peo ple, are the healthiest to get along with. Xanthus-legged fowls are market uppers. You can not expect to keep pills and capture the cups. Zetetlc methods will bring results where blind following of custom falls. Test Fop Eggs. Placed In the water an egg If fresh will remain resting at the bottom of the vessel; If not quite fresh It will rest with the big end raised higher than the small end, and the higher Waltr T» i of Egfcd. the big end is raised the older is the egg. As an egg gets older, says the Bpatula. the water contained in the white of an egg evaporates and this canse» the empty space at the thick end of every egg to become enlarged. The larger that empty space becomes the more the egg rises in the water, till in course of time it floats. Eggs, Fresh nnd Otherwise. Information comes from Secretary of Agriculture Wilson that hence forth eggs styled "freßh" or "strictly fresh" must live up to their profes sion. Storage eggs must be labeled as such. If this rule Is rigidly en forced—and the States •»* Nebraska, Minnesota and Pennsylv inla are lead ing the van In punishing violators of the law—there will be some queer experiences. It is a well known fact that many persons have been eating eggs two years old under the caption of "strictly fresh." While any per son of sense realises that "strictly fresh" eggs are almost unobtainable In midwinter and that the develop ment of cold storage facilities has been a boon to the consumer, it goes without saying that free-born man has a right to know what he Is get ting for his jponey. Then If he pre fers eggs under the ban, let him have them _ ... The Ideal Season. Give your fowls as near spring conditions all the year as is possible, if eggs and especially fertile eggs are desired. This requires comfort able bousing and inducement to exer cise. plenty of vegetable and meat food, as well as a variety of grains. Hens that have become too fat will Bet reduced to the laying point quicker on a diet of oats and lean meat thaa on any other diet i WASHINGTON NOTtS Much voting and little talking characterized the work in the Senate Wednesday. The lumber schedule was disposed of and the duty on pine apples was increased, the finance committee suffering a defeat in &• latter ease. An attempt to reduce the finance committee's rate of $1.50 per thousand on sawed lumber to sl, the House rate, was lost. The entire wood schedule making reductions of about 25 per cent from the present rates was agreed to. A new amend ment to the coal schedule, offered by Mr. Aldrich, reducing the duty on bituminous coal from 67 to 60 oeuts a ton and eliminating the reciprocity clause from the House bill, was adopted. The two Senators from Florida, a pineapple- producing State in upholding the amendment to in crease the duty on pineapples from $7 to $8 per thousand, were opposed by the two Senators from Maryland, in which State there are a number of large pineapple canning factories. The Wright brothers, whose time in which to complete their official tests with their areoplnno would have expired next Monday, wore granted an extension of thirty days. • • • Just before the Senate adjourned about 7 o,clock Friday night, Senator Aldrich, chairman of the finance com mittee, introduced the corporation tax amendment to the tariff bill, rec ommended by President Taft. To encourage American shipping, Senator Elkins introduced an amend ment .which would allow to American vessels a reduction of five per cent in tariff duties. Petroleum, linoleum and scrap iron tariff schedules were the principal ones discussed in the Senate. Sen ator Penrose's amendment fixing a duty of half cent a gallon on crude oil was lost. Increases over the House rates were made as follows: On harness from 35 per cent ad val orem to 40 per cent; on scrap iron from 50 cents to $2.50 per ton; aud on wire nails from 1-4 to 1-2 cent, and from 1-2 to 3-4 cent per pound, the former for those less, the latter for those an inch or more in length. • • • • Although it devoted almost eight hours to strenuous effort in that di rection, the Senate Saturday afiled to conclude its consideration of the schedules of the tariff bill, and at 5:12 o'clock, an adjournment was reached, there were stil la number of important rates to be determined. The day, however, was full of achieve ment and a number of provisions were disposed of. Probably the most exciting inci dent of the day WHS tho vote on Sen ator Beveridge's amendment reducing fr"m 30 per cent ad valorem to 15 per cent ad valorem, the duty on cash registers. The Indiana Senator began his light for*. this reduction some days ago and was enabled to force a vote on it Saturday after compratively little discussion. The vote resulted 31 ayes ami 33 noes. Stating that after the vote was an nounced several Senators had inform ed him that they had voted against his motion under misrepresent ilion, Mr. Beveridge said he would renew the motion at a later date. The wood pulp provision also ligain received attention, and it was sup posed that it had been finally acted nntil N*»nnter Glapp, taking ex ception to the retaliatory provision of the schedule as amended, stated that he would make an effort to have tiie provision entirely eliminated before final action should be taken upon tho bill. • • • • The Senate concluded its discus* sion of the schedules of the tariff bill Monday and is now ready for the corporation and income tax jues tions. Senator Aldrich introduced a resolution proposing an amendment to collect the taxes on incomes from whatever source derived and without apportionment among the several States. An increase in the duty on struc tural irou and steel valued at more than 9-10 of a cent per pound was made by the Senate, the increase be ing from 3-10 to 4-10 of a cent per pound. Cotton bagging was placed on the free list. Ineffectual efforts were made to place cotton ties, school books, bind ing twine and salt on the free list and Egyptian cotton on the dutiable list. "What is whiskey?" was discuss ed in the Cabinet room of the White House. President Taft listening to attorneys for rectifying distilleries and blenders, who oppose the recent decision of Solicitor General Bowers as to what should be labeled 'imita tion whiskey." The hearing will be continued. • • • • After defeating Senator Tillman'• amendment for a tax of 10 cents a pound on tea by a vote of 18 to 55, thus concluding the Schedules of the tariff bill, the Senate took up the income and corporation tax questions. Senator Aldrich said be would sup port the corporation tax amendment as a means of defeating the income tax, expressing the opinion that the tax would be repealed after two years or the rate materially lowered. The Democrats held that this position was a subterfuge on Mr. Aldrich's part to the income tax. Sen ator Flint, who will have charge of the corporation tax amendment, spoke in favor of i£. Senator Cummins ia favor of the income tax; and Sen ator Dixon in favor of an inheritance tax, although the latter said he would vote for the corporation tax Senator Flint said the corporation tax would yield, in his opinion, a revenue of ♦40,000,000 to $60,000,000 a yew. Secretary of the Treasury Mac- Veagh made a eall on national bank depositories for a return to Treas ury of government funds approximat ing $25,000,000. President Taft left for New Haven to attend commencement exercises at Yale University. Suffragettes Arrested. London, By Cable.—The thirteenth vain attempt of the military suffra tfetts to obtain access to Premier Ac quit h by deputation resulted in ex citing scenes in Parliament Square Tuesday night and the arrest of more than one hundred women. The '' woman's parliament'' assembled in Cnxton Hall at 8 o'clock and sent a deputation, headed by Mrs. Park hurst, to endeavor to see the Prime Minister, who had previously decided not to receive the deputation. Tight on Bucketshopa. i Cincinnati, 0., Special.—County Prosecutor Hunt's spectacular cam paign against bucketshops was con tinued Monday when he and ten dep uties over-powered two armed watch men and raided the offices of the Cousolidiated Stock and Grain Com pany. C. A. Aoton and C. B. Fox were arrested, all the books of the concern were taken and the wires cut. The men were held to the grand jury. Ten days nso this same company was raided by T T ■■■'■ and his deputies. Perished in Pack Ice. Tromsoe, Norway, Special.—The steamer Arctic, of Walter Wellman's North Pole expedition, returned here Sunday from Spitzbergen with her flags at half mast, bringing the news ttiat Knul Johnson, one of the two men who remained at the camp this winter, had perished in the pock ice when his airship had been destroyed by a heavy storm. On May 13 Johnson went with his fellow watchman, Paul Bjorvig, on a hunting expedition over the pack ioe. NEWSY GLEANINGS. Frederick De Martens, a famous Russian statesman, died suddenly In a railway station. A bomb wrecked the house of Father James Zuccarelll, In Newark, but harmed no one. A Wall Street rumor that E. H. was dead tn Vienna caused a big Blump In stocks. George Kraus, of Pittsburg, eigh ty-three and despondent, committed suicide by taking poison Colombia has decided to present the tripartite treaty to the National Assembly, which will be elected on July 20. A committee of the trustees of Brown University formally recom mended that the Institution become non-denominational. The Rev. Dr. Leon Harrison said In his sermon tn the Free Synagogue, New York City, that Christians shouldn't marry Jews. Philip Lamb dived into the East Uiver, New York City, to show bis uncle how well he could swim and never came to the surface. General George B. Loud protested to the War Department against the "desecration" of Memorial Day at West Point by a baseball game. Edwin * TTawley's' railroad system obtained au outlet on the Pacific by a traffic agreement with the, Kansas City, Mexico and Orient Railway. The State Depal ment is satisfied that American capitalists will be al lowed to charo In the profits of the loan to enable China to build a rail way. Frederick Cudmore. a young clerk, Illustrated in a boat on a pier, In New York Cfty, "how a fool rocks a boat." He fell oft the pier and had a narrow escape. The Oregon legislature has pro trtbltcd thw use of a hatpin more than ten Inches long. There Is a point, explains the Washington Sfnr, at which a hatpin becomes a rapier. City Barber Shop J. 11. Hyman, Manager MAIN STP.EET • i First - Class Shop Four Chairs. Everything clean and in ordev, Give U3 your work. Next — l —R-V —— *F;" " ' -7 * - ~~~~~ ~ to postoffice. BEES LAXATIVE COUGH MM? CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURIFODD AND DRUGS L - W» An lmpror«in«nt or«r many Cough. Lung and Bronchial Ramedle*. because it rid* tho •yttem of « cold by acting •• a cathartic on th« bowtlt. No opiata . Guaranteed to ovt MtlaCactlonor monty rafuhdcd. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINEC(>.,CUJCAfiS, U,Lib *OE SALS AT- CHASE'S DRUO STORE. PROMINENT PEOPLE. Professor Kirchwey resigned as dean of Columbia University Lew School. H. C. Frlck, of Pittsburg, bought in Paris & famous picture by George Komney. William Henry Baldwin, philan thropist, died at his home in Boston, aged eighty-three. President Judson. of the Univer sity of Chicago, said newspapers are as useful as colleges. The Rev. Alexander Irvine, the Sv ciallst pastor, praised John D. Rocke. feller as a financial genius. Senator-elect Lorimor, of Illinois, lives in Washington, D. C., at the Y. M. C. A. clubhouse on O street. Enrico Caruso has refused an offer of |4OO a night to sing at the Opera House in Buenos Ay res during the coming summer. / District Attorney Henry A. Wise decided to go to Paris, to be present at the examination of witnesses in the Panama libel suit. Two antelopes captured by Colonel Roosevelt in Africa arrived on the Vaderland. They are the first of his African trophies to arrive. President Taft made a start on his plan to reorganise the legislative ma chinery of the Government In the in terest of regulation of corporations. Baron Goto, Minister of Communi cations, is investigating the advisa bility of transporting mail by auto mobiles in the principal cities of Ja pan. Replying to the Pope's Jesting query, Archbishop Farley told the Pope he pitched the first ball in a game near Rome and got a "glass arm." Senator Carter said If hides are put on the free list twenty-two Re publican Senators would Insist that the\products of hides be put on the free list also. No Chance for Argument. No TD.tn dares dispute that a mar ried woman Is a al&ve. His wife won't l"t h'.nn atamhu-rt-Unloti KILL thi COUCH amp CURE TH« lUNOS w >™ Dr. King's New Discovery FORCBKSr J3S*. »WD ALL THROAT AND LUNB TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY 08. MONET REFUNDED. I Get Well 1 I I? you are sick, you wish to get well, don't you?B lOf course you do. You wish to be rid of the pain and I ■ misery, and be happy again. If your illness is caused by female trouble, you I I can quickly get the right remedy to get well. It'sH ■ Cardui. This great medicine, for women, has re-1 I lieved or cured thousands of ladies, suffering like I I you from some female trouble. I , p or YVomen's IJIs '' l STra, Fannie Ellis, of Foster, Ark., suffered agony for seven I years. Head her letter about Cardui. She writes: "I was sick for I ■ seven years with female trouble. Ever}* month I would very nearly H ■ die with my head and back. I took 12 bottles of Cardui and was I |9 cured. Cardui is a God-send to suffering women." Try it» AT ALL DRUa STORES H T. W. Tilghman, Presidorrt, and General Manager: J. 0. Staton, President; John D. Biggs, Treasurer; Asa T. Crawford, Sec retary; T. C. Tilghman, Gen. Superintendent. The Dennis Simmons Lumber Co., Manufacturers ot Kiln Dried N. C. Pine Lumber Dennis Simmons Brand Cypress Shingles >Orders rad Correspondence Solicited. WILLIAMSTON, N. C. iMiHiIiMUMk ir m « m* mm. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages andlesacusamDition; beauty, vigor and cheerful new soon disappear when the kidneys are rUlnflrA^4nr —" 004 °' or(^er or di*> > . Kidney trouble bee tbL ]f y become so prevalent that it is not nncom /y VP 2 * mon for 0 cWld to be yJIWIL- born afflicted with ii. * iveak kidneys. If the child urinates too often, if the urine scalds 1 the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, thecause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to • habit as most people suppose. Women a 9 well as men are made miser able'with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of 5 warnp-Root is soon realized. It is sold size bottles. You may have • sample bottle Igjj about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer 6 Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. A - Sure Cure for Piles provm aflUacloaa in a atubbora cut of Ptlaa ud wb * r * ararythtag alaa haa feiU, Bloodin, Ointmant U told on a poaitlra naiuM tacax, FUaaormonayUck. t Ja«ha »oat haallna aalro In tha world Itwfllpoa. Itiralr curt nil. bares, old >orM, IIIIH IMtM, Mlt rnaam ud ail akin diaaaaaa. ' Tound At Last • cwy for Ec«ma. tin. Charlaa Blanchard of Pbiladalphla, Pa., writaa that aha had anflarad for many yaara with thia tarribla diaaaaa and had triad ramady altar raaiady far It. but coald not And a enra, antll aha waa adviaad to try Bloodlna Oiat maoL and to bar mat aurpriaa oaa box haalad up naarhr all at tha old aoraa, aad tha aacond bos aotnplataly enrad hat. joc a box by mail. Lhrar PUk con Conatipatioo. ajc. a C. D. CARSTARPHEN & CO., Special Agents.