J TOBACCO IS SELLING HIGH!!^I K Bring me a load and I'll prove it to you. Everybody that comes to the ROANOKE WAREHOUSE goes ■ home pleased. Tobacco is from $2 to $4 per hundred higher than last week. Z | Come to the ROANOKE NEXT WEEK | jg .. . , Vour frteui. TOM. S. QRAHAM ' { ************************** LOCAL ITEMS % All tiotices published in this column, where revenue Is to be derived, will be charged at Jhe rate of IO cents a line, (count six word* to a liar > each i**ue. Special rates will be made on long contracts. .-—Service at the...Episcopal Church to-night at 8 o'clook. —WANTED —To buy your old rags. No springs, old rags. Ap ply at tips office. —Tobacco continues to bring good prices on the market Jiere. ( P ert,c *9 sending some loads. __FOR SALK-tti lloise verti cal gasoline engine. Apply at this office for further information. - The Telephone Company is placing new poles along many of the streets, and running wires more directly -r-'Truly, ' Something for Noth ing." Read this article and get into the contest at once. SSO in hard cash given away free. —The colored Graded School opened Monday with an enrollment of one hundred and forty pupils. W. V. Orman is principal and is assisted by two graded teachers. —One So H. P —KOR SALI tubular boiler, also one cypress water tank never been Used, capac ity 900 gallons. Apply to G. I'. McNanghton, Kveretts, N. C. 8 6 —Friends of W. H. Carstsrphen will regret to learn of his illness at his home in Norfolk. His brother, C. D. Carstarphen left for Norfolk Thursday to visit him. Hopes are expressed for his sptedy recovery. —Some blight, active boy or girl, young man or woman should take advantage of out offer of a FREE SCHOLARSHIP. It is easy to reach the requirements if one has the atubitiou Are there none who would win their way to a good business college? —lt is a bit amusing to see how eagerly people will crowd around g'.reet peddlers. Two have been in town this week and the interest in their wares has been intense. It seemed that they were doing a thriving business —There has been some complaint about the noise made by some people at the Pickert show Tuesday night in the City Hall. Such conditions is annoying especially to ladies, and now that the hall is under the town govern ment, all nuisances could be stop ped. —John D. Simpson has been showing some fine peanuts dug from his fields near Everetts. The variety is the "Running Jumbo." The peas exhibited are large and meaty. The percentage of good peas on vines dug was 60 per cent. Mr Simpson has been raising fine peas for many years. —Friends here will be interested to learn that the Rev. Nathaniel Harding celebrated the thirty-sixth anniversary of the rectorship of the Episcopal Church at Washington pn last Sunday.- The Washington Daily News gave three coluins to the praise of him who the edititor ,calls "Our most jtopular citizen.' x —Howe's Great London Show will exhibit in Williamston on October Bth. It is clean, interest* Jjag and instructive. Trained ani- ft PERSONAL BRIEFS t ************************** Dt, B. h. Long was in town j Tuesday, G. B. McNaughton was in town Tuesday. . Charlie Robertson has returnen to Ahoskie. J. A. Getsingerj of Dardins, was here Monday. Hon. J. B. Coffield has been in town this week. Mrs. A. T. Crawford spent Mon day near ftver?ttb, j. i. Gillis, of Norfolk, Has been in town this week. Miss Mary Ilobbs is visiting re latives in Hobgood. Dr. and Mrs. J. D. Kit;#"* "fcent to Norfolk Tuesday. T. W; Sills, of Palmyra, has been here this week. W. L. Sherrod, of Hamilton. fc&S been in town this week. Dr. H. B. York we«t Vo Nor folk Tuesday 011 busttresS. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Boyle were here from Hamilton Thursday. J. Paul Simpson has been out of town 011 business this week. Albert Johnson, of Baltimore, spent several days here this week. Miss Annie May Wolf, of Ply mouth, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F' K. Hodges. Mrs. Susan Moore, of Stateboro, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Minerva Everett. Miss Lula Hollidav, of James ville, visited her cousin, Miss Addie Ieggett, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Barnes and Master Francis returned from Maryladn Thursday. . Mrs W. F*. Warren and Miss Deborah Fleming returned from a visit to Greenville Monday. Maurice Moore left Tuesday via Norfolk, for Washington City where he will enter school. I)urward Gurganus and Louis Manning have returned from a trip to Washington and Norfolk. Mrs. Louis W. Godwin who has s'lent some time here with rela tives, left Tuesday for Farmville. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Fulford, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sitterson while in town, left Monday for their home in Beaufort County. Attorneys J. C. Smith, of Rob ersonville, Francis D. Winston, of Windsor, A. O. Gayloid, of Ply mouth, J. T. Waldo, of Hamilton, are attending court this week. raals form a destinctive feature of the show with other things to please the public. Popular prices for ad mission. All who want to spend a most delightful day ( should come here on October 18th. Read ad on another page. . -C. D. Carstarphen and Com pany has been established so long in the town that every man, woman and child knows the "White Store." But this season the management is making unusual effort to please the trade, especially the ladies. The dress goods department has been carefully stocked, and the mil linary is maintaining the high standard for whych .the store is known. Miss Mrorison, who was with the firm last season is in charge again. She has the latest styles in shapes, colets, braids, feathers and all things needed to cbarm.|| Read ad. ' Truly, "Something For Nothing" To tlit Young Man or Young Lad) Who' Wishes to Take a FREE Business Course in Either Book-Keeslw or Shorthand and Typewriting at an Up-To-Dite Bus iness College. We have made arrangements I with the American Shorthand and Business College of Durban, N. C.. to enter one student in that College j before and not later than i' 14th, Iyll. I. Yile certificate that We hold to give to some bright young person in tbito contest Is good for and ,\\i 11 ' Vie Accepted, in full payment (5.50) . 'tor tuition in'the named in- ( stitution 'eutitVing the holder to an entire tobr.se in either Bookkeeping ( or Shorthand and Typewriting ab.so hitely FREE without any "strings" to it. We ate going to make somebody ' a present of this scholarship- md | pure hard cash, too. The proposition is bripfly this: We want some new subscrtbers to Thk Ektkrprish. We'll give every contestent 15 per ceut 011 the dollar for all cash subscriptions. The individual that secures the greatest number of cash subscrip tions above id between now (Sept. 17) and Nov. Ist, 1909, gpts this free fifty-dollar (#SO) tuition certificate for their trouble, and besides 15c on the dollar for every cash sub scription. This is the most honorable con test we could think to put on for the young people and besides it affords pure cash for ALL who try How can your friends afford to say "no" when you explain what you are working for? There is not a more desirable time of year to work than the Fall of the year, for every man has money during the Fall of the year. Taking all these desirable points under consid eration we cannot urge you too greatly to enter this contest. SPECIAL: To the one sending us the first cash subscription we are are going to credit him or her with five gift votes to start with for being first. WHO SHALE BE FIRST? Write todav for vonr name to be entered and sample bundle of papers Sincerely, MANNING & HASSELL, , Publishers Tiik Entkrprisk, Williamston, N. C. RKPORT OF THK CONDITION OR THK Bank of Robersonville Roberscnville, N.£., at the close of bus iness September 1 190 Q. rksoprcks: Loans aud discounts f 51,086.07 Overdrafts f,261.4s Hanking taousefa,s39.2o; fur niture and fixtures >944.75 3.4^3-95 Due from bank and bankers 1,698.28 Silver coin including all minor coin currency 5,035.3 6 Total f 62,568.64 liabilities : 1 Capital stock ( 15,000.00 Surplus fund 7,160.00 , Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 203.52 ' Bills Payable 10,000.00 Time certificates of deposit 8,870.13 > Deposits subject to check '' 16,128.52 . Cashier's checks outstanding *>6.47 1 Total $62,668.64 5 Statk op north CAHOLIH4, County of Martin. > hs:-tI, J. C. Robertson, cmhier of the above ! named bank, do solemnly iwear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge t. andt&jicf. J. C. ROBERTSON, Cashier , Correct Attest: J. H. Robertson, Jr., A. ft. Rob j r*o*, v ß. H. Hargrove. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 9 day of Sept. w S. X.. ROSS Notary Public. . Report of Condition of the Farmers & Merchants Bank at the close of business Sept. r, 1909 RESOURCES: Loans ami Discounts $107,627.60 Overdrafts secured & unsecured 6,736.H5 Banking house 7,53.8 28 Furniture and fixt' 3.383.i,S 10,921.46 Due from hanks and bankers 9,671.91 Silve*- coin, including nil I minor coin currency 5 J 4.49 ?«3(i. ! 1 UAHIUTIES: tapital Stock $ So.ooo.cjl Surplus fund 3,00q,«i0 | Undivided profit*, less current expenses and taxes paid Notes and Bills Rediscounted Bills Paysble 1 16,000.00 Time certificates of deposit 41,166.72 Deposits subject to check 4y547 61 Cashier's checks outstandhig 260.27 Total $136,472.26 Hints of North Carolina, County of Martin, «s: I, I'. H. lagan, C»*h*er 01 the above-named bank, lo solemnly swear that the above state j ment is true to the liest of my knowledne and tielief. E.'F. FAC AN, Cashier I Correct— Attest; John I). Simpson, A. Hassell. j John I>. ItitofM, Directors, Subscribed ami sworn to before me, this 15 day 1 of sejlt ember, lyoy. ASA T. CRAWFORD, .v Notary Public Report of the Condition of the Bank of Martin County at theclo!?eof business Sept. I, 1909 RESOURCES: , 4 Loans and Discounts 1108,608.11 Overdrafts secured 6,117.83 All other stocks bonds, uitgs 1,376.00 Banking house fur. and fixt'rs 1,750.00 Demand loans 1,900.00 Due from l»nks and flankers 9,637.36 Silver coin, including all minor coin currency 1,763.86 Total $131,092.14 1.1 ABILITIES . Capital Stock $ 10,000.00 Surplus Fund 15,0*0.00 Undivided profits, less current exj>en*cß and taxes paid 2,086.47 Notes and bills rediscounted 9,000.00 Bills payable J 1,000.00 Time certificates of deposit 26,2'>7.K8 Deposits subject to check 61.64fi.39 Due to Imnks and bankers 1,232.40 Total $131,09314 State of North Carolina, County of Martin, ss: 1, J, (1. Godard. Cashier of the .above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment Ik true to the l*-st of my knowledge and belief. J. G. GODARD, Cashier Corr«ct—Attest Wheeler Martin, J. U. Staton, W. 1. Whitaker ,Director*. Subscribed and sworn to t«-fore me, this 15 day of September, C. H. GODWIN, Notary Public _... _ a sag - * Report of the condition of the Bank of Hamilton - Hamilton, N. C., at the close of business Sept. 1, i«O9, RESOURCES: Loans and discounts $25,319.22 Banking house fyrniture and fitures • 570:(56 Cash items 3,036.13 Gold coin 810.35 Silver coin inclu ling all minor coin currency • 274.00 National bank notes and U. S. notes _ 1,284.42 Total 131,-93 77 LIABILITIES : p Capital stock # 6,000.00 1 Undivided profits less current expenses and taxes paid >48.44 ! Notes and bills rediscounted 5,600.00 > Time certificates of deposit 4,939-53 I Deposits subject to check 1^,196. Si 1 Due to bauks and hankers 1,000.00 r Cashier's checks outstanding 900 i Total State of North Carolina. County of Martin, aa: I, E. A. Council, cashier of the above-named ' bank, do solemnly swear that the above state f meet it true to the beat Of my knowledge and : belief. H. A. COUNCIL, Cashier r Correct—Attest: C. H. Baker, F. L. GUd - atone, T. B. Blade, Director*. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this » day f ot September, 1909. J. A. DAVENPORT, Notary Public The Autumn Display Silks, Dress Goods, Linens, Laces and Embroideries. Every day in added souiethiug new to the delight of and for the adprniment of women. NOVELTY SILKS IN WEAVES AND COLORS The Silk Weavers have rise'n still tltAftr to the pfer/ection of their art. The liiott beautiful colors and bltliiliiigs, the intricate weaves, the general tone and effect pos«\bly surpass any previous season—unnecessary to run out a longi list of French frames to which most of us pr® unfamiliar—but if you'll come down and take a i*hreful look you'll enjoy i display of unsurpassed beauty. NEW FAIX AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Ladies that inaW 'their own dresses have wunderful prettv things CO'picfc ftom. Every shade, plain or fancy weave, iu most fashionable fabrics are here, flur MiHwery Department is Now Open Willi all ParitHii Styles ami Mode*. It will pay yoo to visit our Milltnerjf Department before selecting you Fall and Winter Hats. C. D CARSTARPHEN & CO. THE GREAT ~ / * American Shorthand & Business College Durham, N. C. The Grc-a'est Friend to the Laboring People of any Edu cational Institution in the South. This is the ONLY Business College in the Carolinns presided over by an Incorgorated Accountant & Auditor. A sufficient guar antee of it's superiority. x Unlimited Scholarships - Easy Payments Coitrsks OF Studv:— Bookkeeping, Binking, Auditing, Shorthand. Typewriting, Telegraphy, Penmanship, Civil Service, English Branches. Expert Faculty — Railroad Fark Paid—Positions Gi t aratttkki> M. I. BROWN & GO. Successors to BROWN & HODGES fancy and Staple Groceries Let Us Supply Your Table Wants Our stock is complete Free delivery within corporate limits 'Phone us your orders 1... Littleton Female College ... One of the most successful and best equipped t warding schools in the I South with hot water heat, electric lights and other modern imprcvemants. ■ 28th annual session will begin Sept. io, 1909. For catalogue address J. M. RHODES, President, Littleton, N. C. [ East Carolina r v Teachers' Training Schpol Established and maintained by the State for the young men and women who wish to qualify themselves for the profession of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern. Sanitation perfect. Session Opens October sth, 1909 For prospectus and information, iddrws ROBT. H. WRIGHT, Presi dent, Greenville, N. C. The Union Central Pays Claims Promptly Williamston, N. C., June 5, 1909 The Union Central Life insurance Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, -r . t Gentlemen:— . .Your agent, Mr. Frank F. tagan, has this day handed me your cl\eck for the same being due, with dividends, addi tions to policy 011 the life of my late husband McGilbert Riddick. I desire to take this opportunity to Union Central for their prompt payment of this claim. My husbSßHdied on May i2tn, 1909, and the company's check is dated May 28tn, 1909, just stxteea days after his death. Very respectfully, MAGGIE L. RIDDICK, v * Administratrix. If You Desire a policy in the \TNION CENTRAL Call 011 or Write— FRANK F. FAGAN, Local Agent, Willianwton, N. C,