VOL. XI. NO. 3 THE SEASON .IN PEANUTS Has Closed and the New Crop Will Soon be Har vested--The Virginia- Carolina Peannt Com pany Prosperous—Under Splendid Management. The biggest "spot" market for peanuts of the large variety is to be found at Williamslon. The soil of the entire County of Martin with the exception of a small area, is specially adapted to the culture of tbe'product that has become one of the lading commodities of the country. There are very few farm ers who do not have a field of peanuts for their hogs if not for the market. So when speaking of the crop of this section, one may know that the peanut leads, though fine tobacco and cotton are also grown. In 1907 a company was formed for the cleaning of peanuts for the trade. Previous to this all the stock was purchased by iocal buyers for Virginia dealers The Virginia- Carolina Peanut Company was in corporated, and all necessary and modern machinery was placed in the three-story building adjacent to the A. C. L. R. R. depot. Since its establishment, the factory has been making good has become one of the leading indur tries of the county. At the close of business on Mon day, October nth. four million (4,000,000) pounds of peanuts had been cleaned. Of this stock enough remains to supply their customers until the new crop is marketed All the farmers' stock has been cleaned The season has been a good one and the stock has been readily plac ed with responsible dealers who are perfectly satisfied with the grades offered them. The area covered by the company's salesman reaches from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico A force of one hundred and fifty employees is necessary to carry on the daily work, and the pay roll amounts to 81,500 each month. The brands sold are: "Peidmont Jumbo," "Belle of Williamston," "Toney" with Number 1 Virginia shelled and Number 1 Spanish shell ed. Trade has increased largely this season and all brands have reached a popularity which is gra tifying to the company. The management ot the com panv's business is in splendid bauds, and the future prospects of th 6 fac tory are bright, it means greater capacity and a larger stock handled next year. The farmers will have a ready sale for all good stock they can raise. James G. Staton, Pres ident, is a large planter himself and the people have confidence iu his judgment as to quality and other conditions. W. T. Meadows, Sec retary, is well adapted to the posi tion, being a man of keen discern ment and careful training. The other officers are: Vice president, J. R. Mobley; General Manager, Eli Gurganus; Treasurer, J. G. God ard; Supt., Herbert Cowan. / Roanoke Baptist Association The Baptist Memorial Church at Greenville entertained the Roan oke Association this week begin ning Tuesday night at 7:30 o'clock p. m. The Association was formed two years ago and embraces all the territory lyi.p&,.J>etween the Tar and Roanoke Rivers, and reaching to the sea coast. The members living within thesfe bounds numbet 4,500. The Association brings to gether a large number of repre sentative Baptist of Eastern Car olina. The Greenvillt people are most delightful hewts and tne guests were royally entertained. The Baptist Church here was represented by Rev. G. J. Dowell, J. W. Anderson, Mrs. Ellen Ken nedy and Miss Mary Hobhs. THE ENTERPRISE"" Howe's Circus a Good One. Howe's Great London Shows, which exhibited here Friday last proved»to be the best vet for the monoy ever in our town. The street parade was merely a fit prelude to the performance, which was good from the grand entry to the concert. We believe it can be truthfully stated that every feature during the perform ance gave satisfaction and more than sustained the advance notices that were published. The Tybelle Sisters, of New York Hippodrome fame in their mid-air performances deserve special mention. The for Miss Kate Doolev "the circus beauty" in h:r pose* on her flying perch. The herd of elephauts evidence wonderful skill of the trainer, the tr&pese and horseback riding were of high order. The clowns, the best seen here in a long time, furnished merriment for two hours. Not the least of the many excel lent features was the Japanese family in their specialties. THE ENTERPRISE has only pleasant recollections of W. A Rhodes, the press agent. When it comes to showing courtesies he is all there, and makes a favor seem as a matter of course, till you think about it and it occurs how very kind and clever he was. BEAR GRASS ITEMsf Dock Ayers spent Sunday in town. W. A. Bailey is 011 the sick list this week. Miss Ella Peel was in town Sun day evening. A. B. Rodgerso 1 went to Rober sonville Tuesday. Mrs. Jane Mobley is spending c few days in town. Mrs. Florence Peel spent Sun day night in town. Mrs Maggie Riddick was in town Monday on business. The farmers of this section are busy housing peanuts- Mrs. Louisa Harris who has been very ill, is improving.' Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Bailey spent Sunday in the country. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Rodgerson went to Everett Sunday. • Misses Eva Peel and Glendora Mobley were in town Monday. Briant Mobley and, sister, Miss Bertha, were in town Monday. Messrs. G. H. and J. D. Harri son went to Robersaville Tuesday. Miss Dora Corey spent Saturday night with Miss Bertha Mobley on Cross Roads. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ayers spent Sunday in town with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ayers. Quite a number of young people attended singing school at Bear Grass Sunday. Herinon Roebuck and Miss Pennina Harrison went out driving Sunday evening. Messrs, H. C. and H. P. Harri son of Williamston spent Sunday with relatives near Bear Grass. Miss who has been spending a few in town with her sister returned home Friday. Mission Closed Rev. Claudius F. Stfiith, who began a Mission at Hamilton Wed nesday of last freek, was forced to leave for hotae Saturday. The ser vices wete very interesting and Mr. Smith's sermons were strong pre sentations of Gospel truths. He returned to Elizabeth City where be held service Sunday. Regret was expressed, that Jhe Mission could not continue as intended. / — ll WILUAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, IQOQ. ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS J. A. Coffield was in town Wed nesday. L. C. Keel went to Everetts Tuesday. 1 Ed James and family went to Everetts Sunday. Miss Aunie Mooring is on the sick list this week. J. Bamhill and family spent Sunday in Everetts. N. T. Turner, of Rockv Mount was in town Sunday. R. T. Martin spent Sunday in the country with his parents. Misses Higbt and Parker spent Sunday with friends a.t Hassells. Miss Dora Mae Kriiler has the sympathy of friends in her sickness. English Bodenmeimer, of Ashe ville, was in town Monday night Miss Isabel Morton, and Mrs E J. Ward went to Bethel Tuesday Messis. A. R. Dunning and J G. Staton were in town Monday Miss Clyde Tripp, who has been visiting here, left for Williamston Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Andrews conducted services at the Baptist Church Monday night. Messrs. J. G. Barnhiil and Joe Bullock weut to Hobgood last week on business. Mesdames H. H. Pope, R. F*. Grimes and Ed James went to Williamston last week. Mrs. A. P. Barnhiil, of Everetts, spent Monday night with her daughter, Mrs. R. A. Bailey. Misses Addie Coburn, Lcta Taylor and Lvdie Rober*on, of Gold Point, were in town Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Francis,' who is teaching school at Parmele, spent Saturday with Mrs. T. H ( Grimes. Mrs. ~J. W. Watts and little daughter, Mrs. W. H. Crawford, and Mr. and Mrs. Hardison are in town this week. Me>dames R, J. Nelson, W. H. Adkins, J. K. Ross, Hatlie Everett Miss Lillian Smith and Spier Coch ran, Bill Johnson and H. C. Moor ing attended the Association at Greenville. Last Saturday morning; between four and five o'clock a tenant house owned by Mrs. A. R. Dunning was found to be on fire. It was occu pied by a colored man, Top Drue. When discovered, it was too late to save the house. Faithful work kept the flames from reaching ad jacent buildings. After an illness of several months, Mrs. Penina Everett, wife of the late Eli Everett, died Tuesday even ing with heart disease. In 1875, Mrs. Everett joined the Primitive Baptist Cburcb, and has lived a consistent christian lite, and a large circle of friends held her in high esteem. She was 75 year old and is survived by seven children all of whom survive her. Sei vices were conducted at the home of James Everett where she lived, interment in the family ceme tarv. The entire community deeply sympathize with the tamily in their affliction. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has become famous for its cuers of cougbt, colds, croup and influenza. Try it when in need. It contains no harmful substance and always gives prompt relief Sold by Saun ders & Fowden; and All Dealers. Tax Notice Town taxes for the year 1909 are now due, and I ask all who are liable to pay promptly, thus avoid ing the troule and expense incident to non-payment. W. R. White. EVERETTS ITEMS S. F. Everett went to Tarboro Tuesday. John L. Rodgerson went to Williamston Tuesday. Biilv and Bamhill are building another brick store. State Avers w-nt to Willhmston Monday on business. J, J Stroud, of Williamston, was in town Wednesday. Mrs D. B. Eanier spent a few days in Williamston last week. 1 Miss Fonnie Woolard has re turned to her home near Bear Grass. Quite a number from here at tended the show in Williamston last wefk. - Mrs. Lizzie Little, of Cross Road-, was carried away from here Monday a corpse Peanut picking began here this week. Farmers say there is only f)5 Per cent of a crop. Bob Bailey and family, and J. G. Barnhiil and family spent Sunday here with J. T..Barnhiil. Miss- Daisy Whitley, who has been in the Sarah Leigh Hospital in No:folk, is improving rapidly. Mrs Walter Taylor and-children, of Philadelphia, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Me- Naughton. Will James and family, of Wil liamston, and Ed James and family of Robersonville, spent Sunday with Mrs. J. James. Mrs. T. H. Crudhp and children, who have been visiting Hon. J. B. Coffield, returned to Kittrel Friday accompanied by Miss Mildred Pnrvw. The Bad-rock ot Success lies in a kfen, clear brain, backed by indomitable will and resistless energy. Such power comes from the splendid health that Dr. King s New Life Pills impart. Thev vitalize every organ and duild up brain and body. J. A. Harmony Lizemore, W. Va., writes: "They are the best pills I ever used " 25c at All Druggists. GOLD POINT ITEMS Hywood Ross was in town Sati. urday. Robert Weaver has commenced threshing peanuts. Miss Addie Coburn was here Thursday evening, J. B. Coburn went to William ston Friday to the show. Several of our tobacco farmers have sold out their crops. Farmers are taking advantage of the fine weather, and peanuts are being dug rapidly. J. L. Croom lws greatly improv ed his residence on Main street by having it newly covered. Mrs. C. L. Buuting is spending some time at the home of Mi. Wedd Bunting this wfeek. J. B. Coburn has purchased the residence now occupied by W. A. Roberson on Main street. Revival services closed here Monday night Large crowds were in attendance through the meeting. We are glad to hear that B. L. Roebuck, who has been cjnite feeble all the summer, is now con valescent. Messrs. W. T. Price and J. A. Leggett attended the meeting of the Charitabje Brotherhood at Rob ersonville last Thursday. There was a splendid entertain ment hfer last Thursday mght by Little Chief, the Chorokee Indian ventriloquist, which was greatly enjoyed by those present, especially the little ones. Assaulted and Robbed One of the boldest and most daritig assaults and robberies ever committed in this city occurred between 12 and 1 o'clock,Sumday morning, in front of Mr. W B Morton's residence on East Main street. Mr. C R. owner of sev eral of the Barkoot carnival shows, was g' ing to his boarding place on Kast Main street. He heard foot steps approaching him from behind, but paid no attention to them, supposing them to be other carni val people going home. As the steps caught up to him, a hand was laid on his shoulder with a friendly greeting Mr Shafer on looking around received a stunning blow in the face, ren dering him unconscious. The> unfortunate man was found bv L). \V. Bell who imme dintelv phoned for Dr. Joshua Tavlor. He was taken to Brawn's drug store, and from there to the hospital where an operation was performed. Several large pieces of b..ne were removed from the right temple. If he holds his own for a week there is a chance fof his ! life. About fifty-two dollars were taken from the pocket of Mr. Sha ft r.— Washington News, Ottober 11 th. Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure indication of ap proach of the disease. It Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is given at oi\ce or even after the croupy cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poison. Sold bv SMinders & Fowden; and All Dealers CROSS ROADS.ITEMS Mr. McDonald, of Scottand Neck was here Tuesday. Larry spent last week with Ben Overton. Miss Lizzie Overton returned from Stokes Sundav afternoon. A. N. Turner, of Rocky Mount, spent Sunday with G. B. Overton. Farmers are busy digging peanuts some reporting a very short crop. G. B Overton and daughter, \ r ada, spent Sundav in Pitt County Miss G. B. Overton and children spent Wednesday night at Oakley. _ Miss Velrua Overton left Wed nesday for Wintervilie to enter school. Misses Mary and Etta Beach, of Spring Green, spent Sunday here with friends. Messrs Warren and Gray, of Pitt County, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Katie Harris of Bear Grass, spent Saturday night with Miss Myrtle Clark: b- 1 ' 1 Miss Belle Ay ers » of Bear Grass, spent Saturday night with Miss Leunie Overtoil.' Miss Dora Corey, of Bear Grass, spent Saturday night with Miss Bertha Mobley. Miss Eva Peel, of Bear Grass, spent Saturday night with Miss Glendora Mobley. Misses Eva Rodgersonand Bertha Leggett, of Pitt Coijuty, spent Sat urday night with Misses sallie and Nettie Wynne. Mr. Summeral held a series of meetings at Christian Chapel last week. The meeting closed Sunday night with additions. Mrs. Louise Little died at the home of her son, W. E. Little, Sun day night. She had been sick for the past week, but the end came unexpectedly. She was about eighty years old and leaves a large number of children and a host of friends. The body was taken to Fountain for interment Monday W. E. Little and family accompanying it. s[.oo a Year in Advance UNIVERSITY ■ ALUMNI MEETING Held at Lotus Club Rooms on University Day--EI-' der Sylvester Hasself Re-Elected Presldent--A Pleasant Occasion End ing with College Songs, [Reported] The University Alumni of Willi— amston met in the rooms of the Lo'us Club last night to celebrate University Day. The meeting \vas» presided over by the president. Elder Sylvester Ha-sell, of the class of '62. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the sec retary, the Rev. \V. J Gordon. Each member talktd freely of the days at the University, and the oc casion brought to his mind vividly the scenes of his college days. Mr S. Justus Everett, the only one of the younger set who is married, re ported that that the 12th of Octo ber was his young son's, Justus 111, birthday, and that in truth he was a University man. The president and secretary were re-elected, and Mr. Harry A. Biggs was made treasurer for the year. A subscrip tion was raised for the athletic as sociation Messrs. S. Justus Ever ett, J. Paul Simpson and Harry A. liigg* were appointed a committee to arrange for a banquet ttf be had during the autumn to which all the alumni of the county \Vill be invit ed After th.e adjournment of ttie meeting the men went on the bal cony of the Lotus Club and sang the college soups and gave some yells. Mr. J Paul Simpson sug gested that the banquet be held in celebration of Carolina's victory over Virginia on Thanksgiving, Day but the date has not yet been determined. The alumni of Williaaiston are: Elder Sylvts'er Hassell, Hon» Harry W. Stubbs, Hon. S. Justus Everett, Dr. J. A. White, Dr. Joseph H. Saunders, Mr. Charles* Hasssll, Mr. Harry A. Biggs, Mr, J. Paul Simpson, Mr. Wilson G, Lamb, Jr., Mr. Luke Lamb, Mr. Haywood Knight, Prof. Z. H. Rose, Mr. Harry Si Stubbs. Rve. W. J. Gorden. Your cough annoys you. Keep 011 hacking and tearing thedelicate membranes of your throat if you want to be annoyed. But if you wish relief, want to be cured, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sold by Saunders & Fowden; and All Dealers. HASSELL ITEMS V. B. Gray spent Wednesday in Hamilton. Robert Salsbury went to Oak City Wednesday. Messrs. Bateman an| Herring were in town' Wednesday. K. Q Fleming, of Greenville, spent Sunday with W. A. Fleming. P. L. Salsbury, of Hamilton, was here Wednesday en route to Green ville. VV. J Rollins returned to Ins work here Monday after spending a few days at home. Mrs W. R. Bowers from I'armele is'spending a few days with Mrs. J, H. Kubauks this week. Misses Alma and M\'ra Fleming spent Tuesday and Wednesday at the home of.Columbus Mayo. Billie Haislip and,, s'ster, Miss Nannie, left this week for Rober sonville, where thev will go to school. _ r It is in time of sudden misliap or accident that Chamberlain's Lini ment can be relied upon to take the place of the family doctor, who can not always be found at the moment. Then it is that Chamberlain's Lini ment is never found wanting. In cases of sprains, cuts, wounds and bruises Chamberleiu's Liniment takes out the soreness and drive* away the pain. Sold by Saunder* & Fowden; and All Dealers.