VOL. XI. NO. 6 MR. WILLIAM BRYANT LILLEY After Years of Suffering Died Sunday Night--A Highly Respected Citi zen of Martin Courfty-- Buried With Masonic Honors Tuesday. The death of William Bryant Lilley at his home near Jamesvflle, on Sunday night at 11 o'clock, was uot unexpected. For tbrvg vears he had been an invalid and had suffered intensely with a complica tion of diseases, the immediate of his death be'ng organic heart trouble. In early life he was marriel to Miss Martha Manning, auut of W.' C. Manning, who died quite a number of yeafs ago. Three chil dred born of this union, are living, among whom is Mrs. Samuel Brown, of Williamston He after wards married Miss Lenora Joues, and seven children were given them, all of whom are living. Mr. had lived an active, life—Aorking faithfully with bis hands and had secured a worthy rank among the people of the coun ty. For twenty-one years he wdrk ed for the Dennis Simmons Lum ber Company, and was regarded as one of its most trusted emplovees. He was senior member of the firm of Lilley '& Martin, at Jamesville. For >ears he had b*ren a member of the Missionary Baptist Church and a Mason. Tuesday at 2 o'clock, the funeral cervices conducted by the members of Skewarkey Lodge, un der the direction of W. C Man ning. A large crowd of friends and acquaintances were present to witness the sad rites and to give expression to the sympathy felt for the bereaved family. Interment was made in the cemetrey at the Lilley home. Death o! an Aged Woman Mrs. Bettie Simpson died at her home near Jamesville on Monday night. She had lived to a goodly age and reared a family of chil dren. Quite a number of years ago she was bereft of her husband. The funeral services were con ducted by Rev. Asa Manning of the Christian Church, interment in the family cemetary. Miss Daisy Whitley The death of Miss Daisy Whitley, eldest daughter of Hon. J. A. Whit ley, at St. Vincent's Hospital, Nor folk, Wednesday at 1:30 p. m , was a shock to her large circle of friends and relatives. She had b6en in the hospital for treatment since September. The funeral services were con ducted at the Whitley home near Everetts to-day (Friday), and the interment was made in the family cemetery. The family whose hearts are torn aud bleeding, have the deepest sympathy of the entire county. • Kills Her Foa 01 20 Yiars —"The most merciless enemy I had for 20 years," declares Mrs. James j; Duncan, of Haynesville, Me., "was I Dyspepsia. I suffered intensely after eating or drinkiug and could ■ scarcely sleep. After many reme- I dies had failed and several doctors gave m»-»up. I tried Electric Bit-! ters, wjjich cured me completely. Now I can eat anything. I am 70 1 *years old and am overjoyed to get my health and strength back again A For Indigestion, Lo?» of Appetite, r Kidney Trouble Lame Back, Fe male Complaints, its unqualed. Only 50c at All Druggists. * Im» i in —— 1 iii 1 * " *"• ' Subscribe to THB ENTERPRISE THE ENTERPRISE \ fctate I,ib r «r r Episcpaloians at Windsor The 158 th meeting of the Convo cation of Kdenton me* at Windsor, 27 2s. Representatives were present from the center Albermarle section, in all about a hundred repre>enta tive people. Rt. Rev. Robert Strange, bishop of the Diocese of Kastern Carolina, was present. The officers are: Rev. Claude F. Smith, dem, K'izabeth City; Rev. R. B; Drane, 1). D . Kdeuton, treasurer, and Rev J K Gibble, Windsor, N. C., secretary. Various guilds, societies and auxiliaries were represented and mission work of the Episcopal Church was given added impetus. The various reports show a won derful growth along all lines of Christian endeavor. The sermon and addresses wsre of a very high order. The woman's missionary meeting oti yesterday was highly interesting It was conducted by Mrs. James G. of Williamston. A most unique and entertaining address on China was made by Mis. J. B Gibble. The old town kept open house and the genuine hoapitalitv of the old days was seen on every hand Kvery church in town was active in entertainment, voicing the note of Ciiri>tian unity that dominated all of the deliberations of the con vocation The delegates, their hosts and friends were tendered a reception at Windsor Castle by Hon. and Mrs. Francis D. Winston. Much new missionary work was mapped out for the*coming year. The next meeting of the Convo cation will he held at Bath ou Wednesday and Thursday before the fifth Sunday in January, 1910 The history that clusters around Bath and the old church building there, will make the session a most interesting one. The ol ', old story, told times without number, and repeated over and over again for the last 36 years, but it is always a welcome story to those in search of health—There is nothing in the world that cures coughs and colds, quickly as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Sold by Saunders & Fowden and all dealers. Notice to Telephone Subsribers Subscribers of the Williainstou Telephone Company will please make the following changes in Telephone Directory of July Ist, 1909: Change Brown BrdH. from number 17 to 102-1 Daniel & Staton from 102 to 114-3 'At J- Hardison from 102 to 114-1 Simon E. Hardison from *lO2 to "4-4-, Discontinue the following: Ice House; Adams & Ward; Ellington & Leggett; Ben Ward; Jno. E. Pope. Add to Directory the following new subscribers: Bunch, E. P., Residence No. 126; Dixie Tobacco Warehouse No. 121; Gurganus, George N , Residence No. 127; Hoyt, F. W., Residence No 120; Hopkins, J. W., Residence No. 114-3; . Leggett, W. H., Market No 52; Mobley, Sidney A., Stables 122; Residence No. 123; Peed, Thos. A., Residence No. 87; Pope, Mrs. Bettie, Residence No. 88; Peel, R'. Residence No. r257- Peel, Jas S., Office No. 103- Roanoke Warehouse, Office 89; Simpson, J. Paul., Office No. 17; Ward, J. Herbert, Market No. 44; Waters, Jas. 8., Residence No. 124; Williams, Dr. John W. f Office No. ">3 3 . Respectfully Williamston Telephone Co., This November Ist, iqo)- • * * 4 Lame back comes on J suddenly and is extremely painful. It is caused by rheumatism of the mus cles. Quick relief- w Afforded by applying Chamberlain's Liniment. Sold by Saunders &>Fowden and all dealers. > WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEBER 5, igoq. HASSELL ITEMS J. T. Haislip speut Monday in Tarboro. Mrs. W. D. Jordan went to Bethel Monday. Peyton Anthony, of Greenville, was here Monday. Miss Dixie Hollowell spent Sat urday in Greenville. - tl. R. Haislip attended the circus at Tarboro Wednesday. **' V * * 1 Miss Zela Parker is spending this week with Mrs. W. D. Jordan. W. A. Fleming, who has been away several weeks, returned home Saturday. . ■ - ■ Miss Mary Sherrod, of Enfield, spent several days with Miss Alma Fleming this week. \V. D. Hyrnan, after spending several months here, left for his home,in Richmond, Wednesday. Miss Julia Salsbury, who is at tending school at Greenville, spent Sunday and Monday at home. She was accompanied by her friend, Miss Julia Stroud, —There is 110 risk in taking a policy with the New Yotk Life represented here by Charles lias sell The company is the largest in the country and. offers a sound proposition to every person desiring iusurance. See ad. Dissolution ot Firm Notice is hereby given that the copartnership formerly existing between us, the undersigned J. S. Turner and S. A. Gravely as pro prietors of the Dixie Warehou-e at Williamston, N. C., under the Style or firm of Turner & Grav ely, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent; and that the said business in future wdl lie carried on by S. A. Gravely aforesaid, but in style of Turner & Gravely, who will receive and pay all the debts of the co-part-nershin. Dated this the 30th. day af Oc tober 1909. Signed, J S Turner, S. A. Gravely. To my friends and patrons: — From the above you see that I have served my connection with the Dixie Warehouse for the bal ance of the season. I appreciate your kind patronage and sSunt you as my friends, and trust that I may be able serve you better next year. I bespeak tor my former partner continuance of your business with even higher prices than have pre vailed thus far. With best wishes for you all, and again thanking you, 1 am * , Your friend truly, J. S. Turner. When a cold becomes settled in the system it will take several days' treatment to cure it, and the best remedy to use is Chaml)erlain's Cough Remedy. It will cure quicker than any other, and Also leaves the system in a natural and healthy condition. Sold by Sannd ers & Fowden and all dealers. Forced Into EXIle Win. Upchuich of Glen Oak, Okla, was an exile from home. Moun tain air, he thought, would cure a frightful lung-racking cough that had defied all remedies for two years. After six mm)tlis he re turned, death dogging his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes, "and after taking six bottles! am as well as ever." It sa.ves thousands year ly from Operate lung diseases. Infallible for Cough and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throit. Cures Grip, Bronchitis. Hemorrhages, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough. . 50c and sx.v o. trial bottle free, guaranteed by All- Druggist* ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS % J. B. Kdmondaon was here Sun day. Mrs. J. E. Ward went to Bethel Friday. Prof. B. W. Allen went to Frank linton Friday. Miss Lucy Riddick, of Evi.ri l Us, was here Sunday* II Bently Harris, of Grenville, was in town last week. J. H. Griffiu, of Syracuse, N*. V. is visiting in town this week. Robert Salsbttry and Van Gray, of were here Sunday. Joseph Ward spent a few/days with I>r. J. E. Watd last week. Mrs. Maggie Griffin, oi Greens iboro is visiting in town this week Walter Whichard and Fred Ma>o, of Bethel, were here Satur day. M iss Bettie Roberson and little brother weut to Brier Swamp Sat urday. Prof. J. I). Everett, of Rocky Mount, spent Friday night with his mother. ' I)r. Ward, of Bethel, was liert Sunday visiting his brother, Dr. J. E. Ward. Rev. Mr. Reynolds conducted services »t the Methodist Church Sunday night. W. S. V'ick and George Holliday attended the Association at Bel haven Sunday. J T. Brown and W. I«. Johnson attended the Union at Faimville Sunday, and report that it will be hew next year. Rev. W. J Gordon and Misses Nannie Smith, lilizabetli Gordon and A. D. Mizell, of Williamston. were here Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cordon dalivered a very interesting sermon. One of the saddest deaths that has occurred iu our community, was that of William House on Fri day evening. He was only twenty six years old and was married less than a year ago. Soon after his marriage, he and his young wife began life together on the farm Hut several weeks ago, typhoid attacked him and death came as the result. The entire community sympathize with the loved ones in their affliction. ■ ■' m Subscribe to THE ENTERPRISE Croup is most prevalent during i the dry cold weather-of the early 1 winter months. Parents of young I children should be prepared for it. All that is needed is a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Many mothers are never without it in their homes and it has never dis 1 l appointed them. Sold by Saunders j & Howden and all dealers. Subscribe to THK ENTRR PRISE Carolina Literary Society Programe for October 29th, 1909:, Incidents and quotations; Sketch of William C Bryant, Mary Brown; Planting the Apple Tree, Kllie Wynne;' Ode to a Water-fo,wl, 1 Seven girls; Death of the Flowers, j Mattie Brown; Recitation in con cert, Eight and Ninth Grades. Penelopie Biggs, Scc'y * ' ' Subscribe to THK ENTERPRISE Flour Mill "Plant a few Acres iu wheat.! Raise your own bread. A strictly 1 up to-date Flour Mill, 50 barrels per day capacity is being erected in Washington, X. C and will be ready to run January j, 1909. For information address J. Havens, Washington, N. C." Woman's Missionary Society The Waman's Missionary Soci ety, Roanoke Aj-sociatiou, was he'd in the Baptist Church at Washington, on Thursday and Friday of last week. Mtsdames S. Justus Eveaett and Geo. J Dowell represented the Society of the Williamston Baptist Church. Adrisses of welcome were made by Mrs. Thomas Latham, Mis N. T. Plyer and Miss Wiswell, to which Mrs Dowell graciously responded. Mrs Everett made a very earnest and impressive address. Much business of importance was transacted, atid the members were very enthusiastic about the WMrV., The «-1»»-linn nf. resulted in t,he choice of Mrs. liverett for president. She has been vice president for the part year. Mrs. Eveiett is one of the most J rominent missionary workers in Eastern Carolina, being fullv prepared in heart and mind for the Iwoik in which the women of the I world are so largely intetesttd. A Scalded Bov's Shrieks horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes tint, when all thought he would die. Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scald", Cuts Corns, wounds Bruises. (Hires Fever Sores, Boils, Skin Eruptions, Chilblains, Chap ped Hands. Soon routs Files. 25c at All Druggists. A Lesson From the Circus Those who wtrp here "Monday saw an immense throng of people gathered from all sections of the county. And why were they here? You'll readilv answer, "They came to, see the circus" The next question is "How did they bear a circus vCould be here that day?" The answer c.an be given in three words: "The circus advertised." The;y let the people of this sec tion know that Howe's Great Show would be here 011 a certain day. They used the newspapers, posters and other means of advertising. Advertising jusicionsly done pavs. Any merchant or firm who will brains in advertising his or their business, realizing that pub licity, or advertising, is a necessary part of the business, will always reap a good harvest. This is the reason that big firms all over the country oay out so much of their good money for advertising. It pays them. It will pay you.— Smithfield Herald. Debating Soc ety y j The Society met Friday, Octo s ber the 29th. and found the follow ing programme: Query: Resolved, f; That the roads should be worked .! by taxation. Talk by Dowell Bur t roughs on National Prohibition. The l>ovs showed great skill in s j the way they handled this subject. ! After listening very attentively, the I judges gave to the affirmative. Homer Peel, Sec'y. Hallowe'en Party . A jolly crowd of young people , met at the home of Mrs. A S. . Coffield on Monday night to invite . the presence of spooks and goblius galore. Games were played till a j late hour, when around a fire bla/. , ing iu the yard, every one stood, while the oldtime witch told the fortunes of the merry party. Simple refreshments, consisting of apples, ginger snap* and candy, were serv ed fmid j peals oi laughter from hearts happy and free. Those present were: Misses Irene Smith, Hannah Vic Lottie Critcher, Annie Kate Thrower, Louise Fowden, Eva Wolf and Susie Purvis; Jack Biggs, Louis Bennett, Leslie Fowden, John Hassell, Wig Watts, John Throw ®r i Henry VanNortwick, Grover Godwin and Durward Gurganus. sr.oo a Year in Advance LETTER FROM CHAPEL HILL Carolina Wins in Athe letics---Contestants for Debate With Pennsyl vania---Chapel Services a Strong Feature of the University Life. (Reported) Carolina added another feather lo her cap Saturday, when she met and defeated\Richmond College ,by the score of 22 to o. The game though one-sided, vvus fust and full of spectacular ft! a vs. Three touch downs, two goals, one drop kick, and a safety told the tale. Caro line was penalized several times, thus preventing a larger score. Richmond played a defensive ga ue throughout, while Carolina, with apparent ease, broke through their defence for gain after gain. The line playing of Meridith for Richmond, and Beldin and Porter for Carolina, also the spectular runs by Winston, deserve special mention. Time of halves, 20 min utes, attendance 500. The preliminary for the Caiolitia-Pennsylvania Debate was held this wtek. Those contesting vvete J D. liason, J. H. Houshall, both of the Senior Class; and K. M. Hixhsmith and K. lv. Burnet, of the Graduate School Dr. C. L. Raper, Dr. J. G. Hamilton and Prof. M. H. Stacy, the committee, decided in favor of Burnett and Highsmith The debate will be held in Chapel Hill about the middle of November. Last year the debate was held in Philadelphia and North Carolina won by unanimous decision. Pennsylvania won in the fall of 1907 at Chapel Hill. The debates this November is the third of a series, and decides the tie. The Chapel exercises were con ducted this week by Rev. W. R. Royall, of the Methodist Church. Talks were made by I)r. Mangutu upon "Personal Hygene and the Care of the Body", and bv Dr. Mc Nider upon the "Prevention of Diseases", and by Professor (Gra ham upon thoughtless destruction of property, and President VVnable | upon missing classes. Next wiek I talks will be made "upon the value of exercise and other subjects of vital relation to student life. Young Girls Are Victims lof headache, as well older I women, but all get quick relief and , prompt cure from Dr. King's New | Life Pills, the world's best reiutdy j for sick and nervous headaches. jThev make pure blood, and strong nerves and build up your health. ■ Try them. 25c. at All Druggists. Notice to Club riembers Kvery member of the Lotus Club j is cordially invited to attend a "Pro- I gressive Hearts Party" to be given !at the Cub Rooms on Wednesday evening November 10th. from 8130 to 12 o'clock and all are requested to bring a lady. livery Wednesday evening here after ha* br.du net a part a» Ladies Night and we invite theui cheer fully to come and made the even ings more pleasant for all. My nrdfrof the Hoard of (gover nors in session Tuesday evening November 2nd. J. L. Hassell, President. Many school children suffer from constipation, which is often the ■ ' cause of seeming stupidity at les sons. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are an ideal medicine to give a child, for they are mild [ and gentle in their effect, and will cure even chronic constipation. Sold by Saunders & Fowden and all dealers.

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