VOL XI. MO. iq f ROBERSONVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are Coming | and Going, Here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres- j pondent. A. R Dunning was in town Fri day. \V. A. Ross spent Sunday in Oak City". J ihn E Imondsou was in town S >n lay. K*. A. Cirson is in town for sev eral days. N R. Roberson went to Everetts Tu sdav. W Sdsmry sunt- Monday in Bet In I. M'ss Ethel F«.el vi-itel in Bethel last we« k M'ss Reba Eveiett was here visit ing last week. *i John Blight ot Tarboro, wa> in to vii Tuesday. Mi-s Julia Salsbury spent Sun day in Has.-.e'l . J T. Dmiell, of Oak City, was in town Sunday. W. Z. Morton was in Williams - ton rnday nigtit. N. T. Riddick, ot Everett, wa in town Tuesday. J W. Ferrell, of Grindool, was, in town Tuesday. W. H. Fleming, of Hassell, was in town Tuesday. , J. B. Eduiondson, of Norfolk, was in town Tuesday. • C. F. Guilford, of Bonnerton, is. vi-iting relatives here Mr. and Mrs. Gid Baruhill spent Sunday in the couutry. Thomas Roberson and wife spent Sunday in the country. J I) Smith spent Suuday iu the country with hts parents. . Miss Essie Peel, ot Williamston, is visitiug Mrs. R. fc*. Grimes. R. T. Martin returned from Wake Forest College Tuesday. A. W Salsbury and wife, of near Gold Point, spent Sunday here. Miss Belle Boyett, of Washing ton, is visiting Mrs. J T. Ross Miss Blanche Dauiell spent Sun day with Miss Betlie Roberson. Mr. and Mrs Mair, ot Washing ton City, were in town Monday. J M- Highsmith is erecting a nice dwelling on Railtoad Street. Walter Whichard aud Frank Cobb, of Bethel, spent Sunday here. Mite Lois Parker and Staten Everett spent Sunday in Gold Point. Alfonso Everett, of Palmyra, spent Sunday night at the Gem Hotel. Little Yeltna, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Henry Smith, is on the aldr list. —"f ——' ! Miss Maggie Jsdsbury has ac cepted a positiou with Jenkins and Roberson. : \ . v - • , Mi-s Martha Council, of Hamil ton, vi-ited Mrs. John Edtnondson la-t week. Quite a number of voung people atteuded a party at Grindool Tues day night. ■ Edgar Craft, Paul Whiter* and John Wainright, of. Bethel, were here Sunday. / Miss Lina James, accompanied by Earl James, of Grindool, was in town Sunday. I Mrs. A. S. Everett and Mrs. S. L. Ross spent Tuesday with Mrs. W. A. Everett. THE ENTERPRISE There was a dance given Wed en-dav in honor of the'visiting iris in the town. A. S Roberson and Company are preparing 'o- rect a brick building on Railtoad Street Misse- B1 n»che and Nina Rober son were a liom j to a number of | fiiends Mnndav c-,v«^ning. Elder G D» Roberson went to T irboro 011 tMe fitst Sunday to fid the appointment ot Elder Gold. Mi-s Isiib« lie Morton went to j Washington v to attend the i funeral of tier aunt, Mrs Bogart D. Moore, of Wilson, vn'a/'here Wed ues'av in consultation with j, Drs Hargrove, Ward and Ntl-on in the cas •oi Mrs. Gns. Everett Ail op ration \yas p> Mis Everett's tu iiv friends me glad to learn thit she is doing nicely. Miss Lent Parker charmingly entertained u few of tier intimate friends at her home Friday evening the h «ur» t eiiU'' from 8:30 tu 11 (o'clock. Those present vi.eii 1 Civile Tripp. Nina Rolieison, Myrt a Heght, Annie and M ■ ssrs Harvey Rober-on. Will Ross Ji 111 Taylor, Nathan Rober son and Jark Taylor Refie-di- Ujeuts were served. A few minutes delay in treating some cases o! croup, even the length of time it tikes to go for a doctor often proves dangerous. The safest way is to keep Cham btrlain's Cough Remedy in the house, and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleas ant to take and always cures Sold by Saunders & Fowden and All Dealers. Killed io Sand Pit Last Friday while Clark Peter son, a nTegro about twentv-one years old, was digging saud out of a pit on the Roanoke River near Hamil ton, the sand raved in burying the man so that he could not extricate himself. Some ope passing found his team Standing waiting for the load, and upon investigation dis covered the unfortunate man under the sand without a spark of life. Death ol Mrs. Joseph W Ward The Death Angel has visited our home and taken from us our darling mother. About twelve years ago, she was confiued to her bed for four months "L . ~ V. with typhoid fever, since then she has been an invalid- In the spring of 1906, her sight failed and had never returned. She was never heard complaining at any of God's wortTs, but would often say: ' What a dark world this is.*' On the fourth Sunday in January, pneumonia attacked her frail holy, and ou the following Thursday morning, atter untold agony, at 2 o'clock her spirit left its tenement of clay and entered that eternal haven of rest prepared for the saints of-God lrom the foundation of the world. # The funeral services were con ducted by Elder G. I). Roberson, Friday afternoon and Ikt body was laid to rest in the family cein.-tery A large crowd of heart-broken rela tives md fiiends were present to pay the last mark of respect. No one but those who have lost parents can sympathize with lis, but we can only hope to meet her in tha laud of eternal lest. How sad to give mother up—to thiuk ! that never more on earth will she clasp our hand in hers! A darling mother from us is gone, A voice we loved so much is still, Her chair is.vacant in our home, And no one else can ever fill." Her daughter. Parmele, N. C. - v.:- .» • WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1910. Reso. ujtons H 411 of Skewarkee I,odne Nf. 9v> A F & A M. Our I,od*e is again forced 10 raourn t n 1 ut uiott.er of its d**a>est and ulo-t f aitliiul members, B F Go!w n J l , wa - t>on Mn h 17»li 1883 and died January 13th 1910 He wa* elded 10 lake the de grees ot Mason y June 2yd 1908, ma le an Eut rv >i Apprentice S p te ah-1 Bth 1908, pa>se| to the Dg'e- »! 11 F ilnw C> tt Februa'V 23r 1 1909, .aid to the Su'ilirne D gi.'ttoi a Master Mason March 9 I 1 1909 lii' ep in nt iile 111 the tu'l noo Iduo' hi mauhod. in the 1111 sot t bi illil it > caieer, death touched hini and h ■ »l-|>t The dra-n.a ot hie with him it ende.. An ter luk 111 triend* >hi(i's g>lun cli.tin is hrok~u,' Aiiothei pill 1 r 111 ih.* To in, k* •>§ Masouarv lias laden To h >se v\ho 11 lie knew and f-sUi met!, he *»s more than a friend "aid o mpani >n, end his tr nknes-. 811HVTHy, and neVif • ii inn vjood spirits made his S cu tv ei joy il'K* and tiesiraMe. With a chirity . s brunt as'he sk / and a disposition trop'Cal, til its/tich'ie>» oMnve and die 1 fulness, he lived to make others happy We t>eln v-that somewhere be yond the trackless fields of space, somewhere beyond 1 lie iuip netr ible 111 id n*^hi >t death thee exists a sweet and peaceful realm where dwell the eternal spirits of mortals; a land where endless morn prevails, where tne sun slimes forever, and the skies are perpettiallv serene. In that bright realm there are 110 aching hearts no disappointed hopes, no stifled ambitions, no tcrors of sickness or death. There the cypress of defeit and the laurel of victory will be perpetually en twined. Resolved:— First: That Skewatkee Lodge sincerely mourns the death of B. F. Godwin Jr . and ttiat we inscribe upon the ie ords of the Lodge this testimonial of our respect, confi dence, and love. Second: That we extend to his relatives and friends our deepest svmpatny in this hour of their sore bereavement. Third: That this preamble and resolutions, under the seal of the Lodge, be sent to his mother and father, andtha' a copy b furnished "THK ENTERPRISE" with the re quest that the same be published, Respectfully submitted * C. 1) Carstarphen, H. W Stubbs, R. J. Peel All attack of grip is often fol lowed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been extensively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies had fail. Sold bv Saunders & Fow den and All Dealers. % 'V Coolcy For Solicitor W*;, the undersigned members of the bar of Na-h, County, heartily endorse the candid icy of A. P. Cooley for S licitor of the Fourth Judicial Distiict. We»can say truthfully of him: (1) that he is an able advocate and Hilly eq iip ped for the duties of this imjiortant office; (2) he has alwa\s been an unswerving and active Democrat, and (3) he is a most lovable .and attractive man. We appeal to the Democrats ot the district to aid ns in securing Mr. Cooley's nomina tion. February 4, 1910. Bernard A. Brooks, Leon T. Vaughn, S. Iv Austin, J. P. Bonn, F. S. Spruill, Jacob Battle, E. B Grantham, T. T. Thorn, 2-11 y W. Keel. Notice to Telephone Subscribers 1 Subscribers of the William-ton Telephone C 'inpauy will pl-ase m ke the following changes in Ti 1 phone Directory of Julv ist, : 19 [>9: Change Brown Bros, from 1 m; tuber 17 to 102 t Diniel & ( • - S'M'on from 10? to 114-3 %'• J- B Hirdison trom 102 to 114 1 Simon K. Hardison from 102 to i , "4 b Discontinue the f> llowi'g: Ice Hou-e; Adam-& Ward; Kllmgion & L> g-iett; Bin War I; J no. K Poj ie. i Aid to DireciprV the fdlowinu new subset r eis: Bunch, E. P., 1 | Residence No. 126; Dixie Tobacco > Waiehousi. N". i2i; Guiuanus > G O'ge 'N , Resldi uce No. 127; Hoyt F W., Residence No 120; y Hopkoiv ( J \v., Residence No ■ 114*3; L' wwett. W H . M rkei I N > 52; Mohlt'v, S due\ A ,S a l*s f 122; Ke Men e No 123: Peel, Tnos v. Re i iei.ee N 87; Pop , I Mr- Hfitie, R. si.l. ii. e N > 88; 1 e!, R J , R stdiMjce No 12 s; i peel, Jis S, t »fli e No. 103 l /j •; • Roanoke Warhous', Offi-e 89; S nipsou, | Paul . Offic« No 17: j 1 \> Hid-, J Her »ei 1, Mukei No. 44; 1 1 W.itc - J 1- B ,R sid net No. 124; i WIIIIIIII-, I »r. John v\'. ( Office N • f ,n 3 3/v; H M Burras, Resilience No. 128; S W Manning, Store . No. 114 2; J lines . Robeisoti, , Residence No. 114 1; J W. •W It iV Co. St ihles 4 \.i 37; (.iui i nanus, J. Heiiiv, ResidMice 1094; » G irtin Win W., Residence 102 4; ; n.irdi-ou, Joseuh A , dence , 114 2 x /i; W H. Residence I 78; Stubbs, Harry W , Ofiic.* 130; . Ta vlbr, Kli, Residence. 107-^1; > Harrison, Lou s C , Residence 73; llf&Dpaon, J r Paul, Farm 107 5. ) Respectfully, ; Williamston Telephone Co , 1 This February 10th, 1910. GOLD POINT ITEMS J. S. Griffin, of Norfolk was here last week. Will James, of Williamston, was i here Sunday. I . Peyton Anthony, of Greenville, was in town to-day. Mrs. Heber Mumfurd, of Ay den,' j was visiting her parents here last [ week. ■ Rev. Mr. Summerall filled his regular appointment here Saturday and Sunday. Our farmers are planting less to bacco seed tli 111 last year. The acreage will be reduced considera bly. 1 Mr. Budd Roehuck died January '3oth. after a lingeting illness with consumption. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Stanley : A vers, of Cross Roads. Interment ' in the family cemetery. The de ceased leaves a father and mother, ' three sisters and three children fo 1 mourn their loss The bereaved 1 family have the sympathy of. the 1 community. m m ( While it is often impossible to ' prevent an accident, it is never jm possible to be prepared —it is not ] beyond any one" purse. Invest | 25 cents in a bottle of Chainber loin's Liniment and you ate pre pared for sprains, b uises 'and tike lnjuiies. Sold by Saunders & Fow-- ' deu and All D-aiers. * 1 Carolina Literary Society The Society met on Feljrmry , 4th, and" the following program duly rendered: Sketch of Father Ryan, Hilda Crawford; Quotations, from The Song of the Mystic, MaryJ" Brown, Ailie H-idley, Kmma Rob- ( ertson, Vada Wynn, Ellie Wyun , and Susie Purvis; The Conquered Banner, and the story of the poem, , Lala Wynn; Reading, "Their Story , Runneth Thus," Pennie Biggs. ALUK HADLEY, Sec'y. a> - - - . ' V v.- . rt '.*MJsili&>, is& J# w;.. .4- Convocation o> bdenton-bioceso ol East Carolina The fourth m eting of the Woman's Auxiliary and Parochial Socn ty of the Convocation of Eden- j ton, Diocese of East Carolina, was neld in St Thomas' Church, Bath, | J itmary 27th, 1910. Tiie >vas a most interest- i iiiioue Mrs C. J. Sawser, f j Wind-on read an interesting and in.sirnctive ptper 011 China; i' was replete with historic and missionary j f cts The determination of an I mis nuiary made us resolve anew j •o li nd China our r.id, and send our 1 1 cai a'lle \oung un n tiiete Ms I' Minnie All.ert-on riad a paper o 1 M thods ol Wo t«. Th'sis'an in 1 i>r sii• g and helpful subject, and ' M iss Ailiertson proved tqu lto th> j ' ta-k ot suggesting the wavs and me lis of effective wo kvm Ili ; ( Auxiliaries. Coining as s e i'l ' I• om a welloiganiztdpaii.su untie I' an .ible an.i eutlnisia.siic leitoij Mis Al'ietisou could I'emfii by tu r ' it Ie is the woiin n wh> aie ever 1 leatlv to hnd he methods An en 1 c nracing paper *as ls 1 read -t y | j M'SS J -ne Mvers». t .f Washingtou. I I Her 1 heme as the United t)ffe>- i nig. She showed that lip to d.fte,-' the Ctiuvocaiiou of Ede ton had given ove two tliiidsot the amount already sent the Treasurer, This offering is used ext lusivelv for Mis-ions As the boxes this fall were s nt to the Oneida Indians, the paper on that subject by Miss Hattie Tnrower, ot Williamston, was most tim lv —giving 111 detail thebtsiory of the Mi sion and showing the eagerness of the rt d man lor tlit love i*.nd sympathy of the pie face expres ed in the lives of the Miss ionaries, who receive Support from home It made the heart glow to hear how happy these. I ndiaus had been made at Christmas by the use ful at tides sent 111 the boxes Mrs. J B Gitible, the Diocesan Secretary of the Junior Auxiliary, made all earnest appeal in her paper The Call of the Church to the Vouug All present realized the importance of training the young, and resolved to return home and use every effott to direct the young in the right paths. Mis. James G. Staton, the presi dent, gave a condensed t report of the work done since October, 1909. The amount reported from all socie ties-for the mouths, front October 1909 tojauuary lyio wa552,628.56 Guilds are husy building chinches, buying organs, repairing, refurnishing, and doing other pir ish woik. The Auxiliaries ari predating to study St Matthew's" Gospel during Lent It is arrange. I in seven les?ous, and will, no doubt, prove helpful to every member who enters into the spirit of the truths contained therein. A box was sent to the Thompson 1 1 Orphanage from every one of the nineteen parishes, and nearly every ' one gave the Oneida Indians a Christmas box. The response in 1 answer to the call irom the presi dent, was cheerful-and generous on j ' tile part "of each parish." ~ There were seventeen delegates present the unpleasant weather and j the lack of quick transportation ! rec ucing the number greatly>. But ! the women of 'Bith responded' Ileal tily, anu the meeting in the otd-st Cliuich in the State, around j wliii.li so many memories clus ir,' was one ot the m >-t #helpful for j years.' The peflple of the town gardless of sect gave the visitors a ' warm welcome*. troubled with indigestion, con j stipaiion, no aj»petite or feel bi 1 i ous, give Chamberlain's Stomach; and Liver Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the result These tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion. Sold by Saunders & 1 Fowdea and All Dealers. st.oo a Year in Advance SKED CORN DAY WEDNESDAY Many Farmers Make EJC hib't from their Crops— Instructive Addresses by Leading Simon K. Hardison. Agent for Demonstra tion Work Set"! torn IIHV, which /f» It (.a We nesilay i)i this in clc, was ramy and unpleasant Ds; >ito this fart, however, a go> illy nntnlHr of lat in' is wete in town with sotc'tnrfts of c»rn to lie judgt-d bv theexpvrls from theStateAg ictd ural Depart meilt The meeting wis he'd at the C >titt H 'U->e and not only did the "firmer* learn how to select the be«it corn f>>r pl:tt»iim purposes, lut receive I whol> some insti iictiou u tireo.traMon of laiul, eulivation, ft rtibzers and tlit- quantity p» rai re and cost ol pYoducij n tier - lutein 1. The ;id !rt-ssrri were delivered by C K Hudson, F. A N«:v\eil and I O Schanb. Thelatur oryatn*-. ing Boys' Corn Clubs over ihe S ate, and d >il much to stimulate love tor the (arm among the young «>n the f»ttti-> M.inv farmers neg lr-ct the corn trop foi other things, and 11le I) paitmi-nt is using ev?ry effort 'o biiug them to realize thw* mistake, lor corn is a vital factor iitiel te of the South, The i«>rn clil> must l>e on the tarin and nit n the We-t. "Live at hmur" should be the cry of every tiller of the soil Simon li. Hardison, agent tor Demonstration Work for Manw County, presided over the meeting Mr Hardison is giving earnest at tention to his duties and good re sults will follow his efforts to intro duce the best methods in cultivat ing crops. Mirti ii County is mak ing rapid strides towards the mark of crop production. Peel-Bullock f V In O.ik City on Sunday, January 6th Lawrence Peel and Lottie Bui lock were in irried by a Justice of the Pence The bride lived in Suf folk and airived in Hobgood Sun day where the groom awaited her The pair drove to Oak City, as thev had license tomarrj in Martin County Thcv arrived here Sun day evening and have made tlieu home with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert P, el. The bride is a grand-dattgh ter of Mr Robert Ward, and the* groom is well known as a salesman in the jewelry house of 1! ' 1). Peel & Company. Do you know that croup can be prevented? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as so in as the child becomes hoarse cfr even after thi croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cuie for croup and- has never been known to fail. Sold by Saunders & Fmvden and All -Dealers; ~ * rirs. Emily Hardison At the country residence ol her Min, Simon li. Hardison, Mrs. Emily Hardison,.after a long use ful life, pissed at the call of the Ma-tef to her eternal reward be yond the skies, on February 4th, 1010. For y-fc.irs her health Jiad bjtri delicate, and the end came peacefully. She wfis born on April 1911. and married in Octoler i6=)(y In the year oi 185 a, she ao-/ cepted C.hiist and joined the Disci-l pie Church, living always near to the Father. Four children survive her, among whom are Mrssrs. Jos. A. and Simon E. Hardison. The funeral services were coo ducted on Saturday last and inter ment was in the family cemetery.