VOL. Xi. \). 20 PRELIMINARY RE PORT ON TOBACCO The Burning Qualities of the Weed Very Defective in the New Belt--lnves tigations Carried on in Pitt County --- Kainit Thought to be Injurious Investigations *ere begnn last year in a preliminary wav in the so culled new o > elt of e st »1 North Carolina, with he;id quat tet> ai Greenville, P't C u-ity.* \vi li sp*cial reference to h study of th varieties of tobacco I> >• to this section, the lernlzn t»qui'« nitrts of the Soils for mtiniaimm and increising their pM«duc'iveiit >• au I improving the >QIMIII\ K f 10 bacco, and the l>e.sr -'stem i f c p rotation for the e tobac* I >nrl- Tiie work has nm pi gei-sed tai enough as \et to tiff n «iefimt« conclusions regarding 'h se ant points, but it i> planned to pti»li the work as vieo on>h a> possible, and we hope in 'he near tuiuie to secure more c> mpleieuata alon* the-e lines. As regards the relatively poor burning quality ot the tobacco pro duced >u this SeCUou, I may say, in the first place, that our extensive laboratory stud es of the relation ship ot the composition of tobacco to its burning quJitu s have indi cated very cleailv that potassium as pointed out in Bulletin 105 ot th s Bureau. It is further pointed out that the coloi of tlie a>h is co i * -■> trolled largely by the quantity ot lime contained in the leaf Hence a satisfactory fir*--holding capacity combined with the proper color and texture of ash is a-s ciated with the proper balance bet ween the coutents of potash and lime These studies did not have special reference to the North Caiolraa tobaccos, but doubtles£ these ge eial conclusion would apply to theconditionsexist iug theie. The light soils of East ern Norih Carol'na a e more likely to be markedly deficient in potash than are the heavier soils of the interior portions of the S'cte. Again, it isveiy geiernlly believed thatchlonne is injutiuus to the buruing qualities ot tobacco, ami our investigations indicate thai magnesium salts ulso ate injurious in, this respect It may be, there fore, that the use of kaiuit as a source ot potash, which is rather M general practice in that section, may have an injurious effect on th/ burning qualities of the tobacco. We are carry ing on experiment-1 with fertilizers in Pitt County cover ing a number ot |lus, to which are applied different fertilizers and in varying quantifies and we hope to get some valuable information on this subject by a careful com parison of the tobacco obtained from the diflereut plats. In the absence ot more complete infortna tion. we would recomineud the use of bigb grade sulphite as a source of potash on these soils for improv ing the burning qualities of tbe tobtcco, snd applications of lime would also prove btrneficisl in this re-pect in most TJxiSfSstve" amounts of nitrogenous fertilizers also tend to give poor burning qualities, particularly when not y* well balanced with the necessary amounts of potash and lime.—G. L H. Powell, Bureau of Plant Indtir ■ try. A few minutes delay in treating some cases of croup, even tbe length of time it takes to go for a I doctor often proves dangerous, The safest way is to keep Cham } , berlain's Cough Remedy in the ■ bouse, and at the first indication of croup give the child a dose. Pleas ant to takf and always cures. Sold by Saundd* & Fowden and All - j Dealers. ' State Library x THE ENTERPRISE Wobersonville News Items N T R"! irk wh here Tuesdax. \li*. Ro is still -ick. \* C. Everett wis «u townTuV— d . J sse Ward is on the sick list this we» k A. R. Dunniug was in town Tue-dmy N. R. Robt ison went to Palmyra M mday. Mr-. W J. Little was in town Tnes ia\ , , VI !>s Ora Trylor was in town Tu s av. VV: A. Ross is on the *ick list 1 is week KHI of Grind >ol, was her 'Suii'iay. J W Keel, of Wilon, w-s in to.\n Sunday,- Mrs S-.ni Harnhill went to Green vilh Sun da> J A M Kell went to Williamston TlUSdi\ IJ'Jfllt John Wai'nrtglit, of Parmele, w.s in tuwn Sunday. M C. R- »••', of Bonnerton, was in mwn Tiie-day. 1 A C'flßed ami family spent 1 eai Bethel Rev E. C. Andrews filled his appointment Sunday. Prof Peel, of Williamston, visit ed the school here Tuesday. *\ Rolxrson.of A>den, was U' day with his family. j S m 1 Everett spent Sun day wiih Mi»s Nina Roberson Jes-e Hulloand Walter Which ard, of Bethel, were here Sunday W L. James went to Everett* to attend 1 he Barnhill-James marriage. Misses Pattie Davenport and Alma Fleming were 111 town Tues day. Miss Annie Mooring and Staton Everett spent Sunday near Gold Point. Mrs. Tripp is still 011 the sick list Fiiends wish ner a speedy re covery. M ssrs. Andrew Roberson and Wi 1 Sal-bury speut Monday in the country. R. E. Grime-s, Rd James and R. T. Mar tin went to Williamston Monday Kld rG. D Roberson stiff' red very much with rheumati.-m Thurs day night. Mrs. J L Roberson and children spent Saturday and Sunday in Greenville. J. A. R Dunning aim .Mr. ii Biigs were he»e Irotn Will lamston Sunday. Miss I.i?na HolKday, of Hainil to 1, is spending some time with VI 9 G H Hoi lid Ay. Misses Pea'l and Re 1 a Robertson spent Sunday with Miss Norma Burtouglis near Everetts. ). H Roberson. Jr., J. W Fer rell and A S Roberson weut to Tarboro Monday on business. On Monday night Miss B'ttie Roberson charmingly eniertained a number of friends. R fre hmuit were served. The stockholders of the Hosierv Mill met here Tuesday and elected following officers: J W. Fcr rell, President; J. H Roberson, Jr , Vice-President; R A Bailey, S.-c --rectary; Treururer. Broke Collar Bone Charles, the young son of Dr. J. B. H. Knight, while playing on the campus of the Graded School. Wednesday, was run over and knocked down by one of the larger boys, and suffeied a fracture of the collar bone. The little sufferer walked home alone, but was very w«ak on reaching his mother, who immediately phoned for Dr. H B York. Dr. J. H. Saunders was called to assist and the bone was soon set. The bruised flesh was badly swollen and the pain was in tense, because such a long time elapsed before attention could be given. WILLIAMSTON, N. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18. kho. Roebuck—Corey t (Reported) There was a beautiful marriage at the home ot Mrs Laveuta Harris, near Bear Gras" Ctiu-ch in Martin County. February 13th. 1910 M r.. Wi'liam R. Ru uct: and .Miss Dora Corey were m »de one in Christian matrimony. The room was beautifully decota'ed with evergreens and mauv friends were there to witness th-? gl id scene. The attendants were Noah Darnells and Miss Nora Corev, I, E Corev and Miss Mamie Roebuck. The happy pair with cithers went to the Christian Church and from thtre to the home of Mr. Ed' Roebuck, the fattier of the groom, where a uice dinner was prepared Mr Roelrtick is a nice young man and a successful farmer. Miss Corev is a beautiful youn lady and held in high esteem auimg her many friends. We congratulate thtn*' on their choice, ahd wish them a happy and prosperous life over the matrimon ial sea. Hi v 8. W. Summerall Officiated. President Helps Orphans Hundreds of otphaus have been h» Iped ny the President ot the In dustrial and Orphan's home at M 'con, G« , who writes: "We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years. It has proved a mo-t excellent medicine for Stomach, Kidney troubles. We iegard it as one ot the best family medicines 011 earth " It invigo rates all vital organs, punfies the blood, aids digestion, ce.ites appe tue. To strengthen and build up pale, thin, weak children or run down people it has no equal. Best for female complaints. Only 50c at All Druggists. Jury List for March Court O. R. Guion, Judge Jamesville Township John A. Getsinger, J. R. Hardi son. L. P. Holliday, J. M Long. Williams Township N. S Cherry, W H. Hopkins, J. H. Manning, John E. Moore. Griffins Town-hip Noah T. Daniel, P. E. Getsinger, John E Griffin, J. J. Roberson. Bear Grass Township Rol>ert E. Harrison, Mc D. Mob ley, John R. Kogerson Williamston Town hip F. U Bart.es, S S Btown,]. G God*rd, Aionzo Hassell, J. L. Woolard. Cro,ss Roads Township Joseph L«Knett, A. L,. Robuck, E A. Roberson JJ.ot>trsonville Township •J A. Coffie'd, A S Everett, W M G ecu, J. L Speight Poplar Point Township J. A. Everett, J. K Gurganus. Hamilton Township G A Baker, H. L. Everett, F L. Hai-.lip, J. D Holliday, S. R Stalls. Goose Nest Township J. R. C«)cncil", W. J. Johnson. Cooity For Solicitor We, the undersigned members of the bar ot Na-fcy County, heartily endoVse the candid icv of Hon. R. A. P. Cooley for S licitor of the Fourth Indicia! District— We can say truthfully of him: (1) that he is an able advocate and tully eq'iip ped for the duties of this important office; (2) he has alwajs been an unswerving and active Democrat, and (3) he is a most lovable and attractive man. We appeal to the Democrats of the district to aid us in securing Mr. Cooley's nomina tion. February 4, 1910. Bernard A. Brooks, Leon T. Vaughn, S. F Austin, J. P. Bunn, F. S. Spruill, Jacob Battle, _ _ _ E. B Grantham, T. T. Thorn, 2-1 j ' J. W. Keel. . • > , :,:m Notice to Telephone Subscribers Subscribers of tlie Williamston Telephone Company will please mike the following changes in Telephone Directory of July Ist, 1909: ' Change Brown Bros, from number 17 to 102 1 -,yZ Dank I & Sfaton from 102 to 114-3 l A'> J- **• Hardison from 102 to 114-1 Simon E. Hardison from 102 to "4 4 Di-continue the following: Ice Ho«>e; Adams & Ward; Ellington & L'ggett; Ben Ward; J no. K Poj>e. Add to Directory the following new subscribers: Bunch, E. P., Residence No, 126; Dixie Tobacco Warehouse No. 121; Gurganus, G'Orge N , Residence No. 127; Hoyt F W., Residence No 120; Hopkins, J. W., No 114-3; Legijtett, W. H., Market No 52; Mohley, Sidney A ,S'ul>l«-s 122; Residence No. 123; PeeJ, Tlios A., Residence No. 87; Pop*, Mrs Bettie, Residence No 88; Peel, R. J., Residence No 125; Peel, J.is S., Office No. 103 \'i i; Roanoke Wan house, Office 89; Snipson, |, Panl , Office No 17; Ward. J. HerlK.'rt, Market No. 44: Wnters Jas B , Residence No. 124; Williams, Dr. John W., Office No io 3 3 Yi! H M Burras, Residence No. 128;' S W. Manning, Store No. 114 2; James A. Ruber son, Residence No. 114 1; J W. W«tt»'& Co. Stables No. 37; Gur gsnns, J. Henrv, Residence 109 4; Griffin, Wm. W., Residence 102 4; Hardison, Jo-euh A , Res'dence 114 Levgeit. W H. Residence 78; Stublm, Harry W., Office 130; Taylor, Eli, Residence, Unison. Lou s C , Residence 73; Simpson, J. Paul, Farm 107 5 Respectfully, Williamston Telephone Co , This February "JOth, 1910. HAMILTON ITEMS Mrs. Bon Slade returned from Macon Tuesday. Mrs. G L Perkins lia* returned from Henderson Mrs. Deal is visiting her mother, Mrs. B. L. Long. Orren Hymau spent a few days in town this week Friends of Miss Chistitie Purvis are glad to see her out again. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Matthews are spending a few days in Norfolk Mr«f L B Beal, of Philadelphia, is visiting her si-Ur, Mrs. J. P. Hov le» > * m ! Mrs. M I. Sherrod is visiting her I mother, Mrs. W. L Slierrod, in Enfield. T. B. Slade was called to Raleigh Tuesday on acc unt of the illness ol his son. Friends of Rev C. L. Read were sorry that lie could not fill his ap pointment here Sunday on account of :;ickne-s. Master Earl Brewer celebrated bis fifteenth birthday last Wednes day evening Misses Council and Edmondson assisted in receiving then uest s De I i ciaus re I resbmcnUi were terve37 An enjoyable child's party was given Monday afternoon froth 3 to 5:30 o'clock, when Mrs I) C Jones entei tained at her home in honor of het nephew, Master Wil liam Carstarohen, of Williamston Various games were pla>ed and re freshments served. Master Car starphen's guests were Mioses Pat tie Slierrod, Elizabeth and Helen Davenport. Masters Earl Brewer and Frank Williams. __t " , An attack 01 grip is often fol lowed by a persistent cough, which to many proves a great annoyance. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been extensively used and with good success for the relief and cure of this cough. Many cases have been cured after all other remedies bad fail. Sold by Saunders & Fow den and All Dealers. ; ftea h ot Mrs Justus Everett At her home near Palmyra, Hali fax County, on February 7th, at 7:18 o'clock p. m., death claimed the spirit of Margaiet' Elizabeth, wife of Justus Eveiett, in the fifty eight year «f !;ur -gc. Mrs. Everett was born in Martin County and was the daughter of Reuben T and Maccilla Purvis, Her father was a brave Confeder ate soldier, who lost his life Ht Petersburg, having a wife with six children to Tear, the eldest Iniiig omy twelve yeais of age At tlie age of eighteen vears, she niairied Justus Everett, of Martin Countv, then a salesman for the late John I). Hig>i> ai Williamston The first twenty years of her marned lite were spent at Hamilton, whete Mr. Flvert tt engaged in the inei cantile business They af'e r waid> boun lit a'country home near P-1- uivra, HIKI have sine • resided th - e She leaves a liusb aid aid nin children to miss 'he tei dt r niiins trutions of wife and mother. iJA brother and vister also survive her Mrs. Maty W Everett ami Jul ius H Furvm. of Martin County. Her life wa.i lull ot charity, loving kmdntss and stlf-saci lfice. Al though not a member of any bo ly of Cliristai.UK, she had the Chriat'an's faith as death ap proached, viewimr it with caltnti aui talking brave'y about the end with each child separately. The luu> ral service- were con ducted by Elder M T Lawrence, of Hamilton, on February _ 9th, at 11 o'ciock at Spring G.ten Cnur h. The int nuent was in the f.muly cemetery about four miles trout | Hamilton The pall hen ret 8* were the five »ons—S. J. Evi-r tt, of Greenville ; R. O*. Evt-rett, f Durham; B H Kvereit, ol Palravri; J. Alphonso and W Robeit Kvereit, students at the University and Hiyli School, and N C. Everett, a nephew, of Rob«rsonville. A large number of relatives and friends so»row with the bereaved ones in their hour of trial . While it is often impossible 'o prevent an accident, it is never im possible to be prepared—it is not beyond any one's purse. Invest 25 cents in a lx>ttle of Chaml>er loiu's Liniment and vou are pre pared fur sprains, 1) uises and like injuries. Soldby Saunders & Fow den and All Dealers Scarlet Fever Dr. W B. Warren, H*ahh Of ficer, lias quarantined the family of J. W. Watts 011 account of scarlet fever .which has attacked M"y Gladys, the little daughter of Mr. Watts The little patient is suf fering verv much with her throat, but there steins to be HO immediate danger Several other suspicions casts in the neighberhood wre diagnosed as other diseases by Dr. Warren Hans, the little son of Mr Watts, had the misfprtun" to burn his fai?e painfully Wednesday. With a boy's love "or noi>>e, he procured an e mpty shell- ftm)-- frHtntr tt~wrrtr powder. proceeded to ignite it with a match The flush was install t3ntous and the little fellow could not get away quickly enough for safety. He was burned verv erely about the eyes, but the injury is probably temporary. Dr. J. II Sounders was called and made til*" little suffer comfortably. ■■■k/ -V- Do you know that croup can be prevented? Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse or even after the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It is also a certain cure for croup aud has never been . known to fail: Sold by Saunders & Fowden and All Dealers. [ f » Si.uo a Year in Advance WILUAMSTON AS A HOME Good Town to Hind Health And Steady Cirowth--- Not on a Boom but Safe Town Lots For Sale March lst--Fine Invest ment For The tlome Seeker Podplt all over the wo: hi are coi)t>nn.illy changing and looking for the h> s' in. everything. The sig is hdi emi g one, ami t*iwße things 'vhich profit and jile-c-e are taken hold ■>» and made to 11 «e hearth mi l hunpiness ol ;he people" A u.o >d pi ice In build a IHUJC or 10 mv. st i i li Hue- is pro ha My the fi'ft thought it> ill- minds of the nibses. Lmd" ire cheap or ex- pensive as i iftceion decides (if the vvntits demand Healthy loca'w tie- are HI « a\n -ought—as good hedtni- tli«- ptim • factor in the sncces- ot the woiker, whether n olhce or «-lio C« in >i v down »• • the po.nt wliivh is d sign d fr ttnphasis, there is no fu iur town m the htnteof North Carotin i than WI I.U A MSTON. It is lieaiititullv -Hunted,' and gits m clo e touch with the out side W'nldl>v means of the Roanoke River and At'auue Coast I,itie R;i Iroad. I s people are conserva tive. no.spii.tble, charitable and t!*e stand.ird ot good ri izeiishinis high. Wt h good iltatnage, pure water and I h- .11 streets, the health of the town hi- nl ah . s been remarkable, i he sit adv giowtli of bu .iness 'is uoten in the r«p>rt of it- hanks, and he stability of the mercantile "ou-ts The residential portions of the town have rapidly for the past un years All this itn provement has not been, produced t»y any s|iastni»dtc efforts upward, but ov sate liusiness methods and the splendid farming section which has plantfi such a suie found it ion b neath Williatn-iou's prosperity. There is plenty of room for the newcomer, and fine lots, conve niently situated, a e to be sold on MARCH THE FIRST. These lots are splendid investments for the min desiring to put his money where returns will De good. The v.ilue of property has not diminish ed lure even in these panicky years. This one fact demonstrate to the business man and investor that the Town is in the hands of men of sound business principles. REMEMBER THAT "PINK IyOTS IN WILLIAMSTON WIU, HP; SOLD ON MARCH THE FIRST. If troubled with indigestion, cnn sipaiion, no appetite or feel bili ous, give Chamberlain's Stomach ami Liver Tablets a trial and you will be pleased with the result. These tablets invigorate the stom.ich ami liver and strength? fl the digestion. Sold by Saunders & Fowden and All Dealers. Loose Coins in Mall Boxes In view of the extent to which tb© practice of placing loose coins in boxes- hy rural patrons has grown, and the delay in the deliv ery and collection of mail and the hard:ship imposed on rural carriers incident thereto, the public is in formed that, commencing February 15, proximo, rural letter carriers wdl not be required to collect loose coins from rural mail boxes. Patrons should enclose coins in aii envelope wrap them securely in a pi«®e or paper, or deposjt thttn in a coin-holding receptacle so they can, be easily and quickly taken from the boxes, and carriers will be required to lift such roins, and, accompanied by mail for dis patch, attach the requiste stamps,. P. V. DeGraw, 4th Asst. P. M. General. k . ' a ki j I. ' . .

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