VOL. XI. NO. a 2 ' robersoNVille NEWS ITEMS _ Local Happenings and People who are Coming and Going, Here, There A and Yonder as Gathered j by our Regular Corres- i pondent. \ J. T. Tavlor went to Everetts w , 1 uesday. I Dr. Ward, of Bethel, speit Tues- i day here. Cecil Everett spent Sunday hi Greenville. J. C Smith spent Tuesday at Whichards. Miss Susie Ross, of S'okes, spent Sunday here. C. M Jones, of Greenville, was in town Tuesday. Arthur Johnson, of Gold Point, was here Sunday. Miss Isabelle Morton visited in Hassell last week. Miss Maud Peel returned from Baltimore Friday. Walter Which,ml, of Bethel, spent Sunday here. Prof, Allen rode horseback to! Franklin ton Friday Miss Louise Salsbury, of Hassell, speut last week her^. Miss Lessie Overton, of Stokes, visited here last week. Edwin Tripp and son visited rel-1 atives here last week. Lector Griffin, of Washington, is I visiting relatives here. Miss Bertha Thompson visited near Pannele last week. Mr. and Mrs, Tbouns Roberson spent Sunday in Hamilton. Guy Tripp, of Kinston was in l town Tuesday on business. Miss Nina Roberson and W. L. James spent Sunday in Bethel. T Mrs. J V. Gray, of Jamesville, i is visiting Mrs 1.. T. Roberson. * Miss Rosa Biker, of Hamilton, is visiting Miss Bettie Roberson. R L Smith and J. R. Jenkins returned from Baltimore Friday. A. R Dunning and wife spent Sunday with Mrs. R. E. Grimes. ,N. C. Everest and Miss Vivian Robersou spent Sunday in Bethel. Mrs. Robert Nelson spent sever- j al days last week with her mother. ' Misses Bessie and Myrtle Rober-. son, of Hassell, were in town Sun-! day. . j Miss Fannie Bazemore, of Suf-1 folk, is visiting Mrs. J. H. Rober-i son, Jr. . Rev. Mr. Autrji, of Bethel , filled hts regular appointment here! 4siinday. Miss Lizzie Roberson is at home again after a visit to friends in Hassell. Mr. and Mrs. Hi. T. Pet kins ] spent Wednesday with Mrs. L. T. j Roberson. Elder Tom Lawrence, of Hamil-I ton, filled his regular appointment here Sunday. Lester Gainor, of Williamston, and John Gardner, of Bethel, were here Sunday, Misses Leta Taylor and Addie Coburn, of Gold Point, were in town Monday. Miss Allie G. Little, accompani ed by Harvey Roberson, spent Sun day in Bethel. _ Mr. Vaughan, of Norlina, has accepted a position with A. S. Roberson & Co. W. W. Keel attended a meeting of the Junior Order held in Green ville Wednesday. . THE -ENTERPRISE; | R. L. Smith &Co are iuiprov- ! jitig their store by having a new | coat of paint put on. Miss Lizzie Roberson was a' 1 : home to a number of young friends'' ! on Tuesday evening. J Miss Fefie Riddick, of Williams- , | ton, spent Sundav with Misses j ! Nina and Blanche Roberson. 1 • I : I Miss Hester Mooring entertain ed Friday evening in honor of her!, cousin. Miss Overton Delightful I relrtshfiH uts weie served in the I* j dinning room, and each guest left |, declaring Miss Mooring a "cleliglit | fnl hostess. I Miss Clyde Tripp was hostess toj a few friends last Tuesday evening. 1 A contest was arranged which give; much pleasure. The prize wasi drawn for and Harvey Roberson wort. The guests were: Misses I Hester and Lizzie Mooring, Lena Parker, Blanche and Nitia Rober sonyMessrs. W. A. Jim Tay lor, Staton Everett, Cecil Everett, J Harvey Roberson, Si lias-House andr Lafayette James. The evening was| a most pleasant one and tlie guests departed with reluctant feet. • I Fully nine ont of every ten cases of rheumatism is simply rheuma tism of the muscles due to cold or | damp, or chronic rheumatism, 1 | neither of which require any inter-1 I nal treatment. All that is needed to afford relief is the free applica | tion of Chamberlain's Liniment. Give it a trial. You are certain to be pleased with the quick relief ! which it affords. Sold by Saunders ! & Fowden and All Dealers. j ' " " "* Ganderbone's Forecast For HARCH (Copyright 1910, by C. H. Kieth.) ! ' 10, have you heard about the hog ' * Since it is worth it* weight in gold? Tbey keep a heater in its pen And give it quiniue for a cold. ! You wouldn't know the lucky brute j Since pork went up to thirty cents, Tbey pet it so and keep it in Such unheard of magnificence. ! ! The farmer always tastes the food I j To see if it will make him ill, j And rich and appetizing soups Are given it instead of swi 1. The best and most expensive foods-j Are set before it without stint, j And indigestion is forestalled Hy capping them with cretne de mint. I | You wouldn't know it for a stye The hog is quartered in today. | 'it lias a ventilating fan, . ! A roof, A skylight ami a spray; j I And how it sleep-), eats, drinks and I feels, And how to safeguard it from: harm. ; Is all they think and talk abuUt These piping days upon the farm. j The farmers lie awake o ' nights Devising-prophylactic troughs. , ; The doctors fly from farm to farm j t Etfamitii ng hiccups and cotrghsr| And nowadays when farmers meet j Each other out upon a jog j Their first and most solicitous. Inquiry is, How is your hog?" March was the favorite month of j the old Romans and the beginning j of their year. It was named forf Mars, their god of war, and cou- tinued to rank the other tnonthsl until 44 B. C , when the peace 1 party in the Senate allied witJi the; insurgents and reduced it to third place on the calendar. Brutus and ; some of the others thought the em-1 pire ought to make less of war and more of business, so tbey made* Tanuary, named for the Two Faced Janus, the beginning of the year, and the month of Februus, who typified the dark and evil ways of 1 business, to immediately follow. Caesar, who was speaker of the j * 1 :- v , % . v ; ■ { ■ ' WILUAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 4. 1910. Senate* stood pat on the old caleil-, dar upon the ground that while war. as someone bad said, is hell, business, when it reaches the trust stage, is a good deal heller. A few regulars of the war party supported him, but the allies were irresistible,' and he was finally stabbed. Revising the calendar was as great an issue in Roman politics as revising the tariff has become in our own, and more than one brave leader laid down his life' for the division of time as he thought it ought to be or his party had pledged The Romans discovered very eirly 111 their history that it is in the nature of man to revise something, and they finally agreed upon the calendar as the tiling over which politicians could tight with the least damage to the peace and prosperity of the people as a whole. The melancholy days will pass, and spring will to fresh en tip the faded grass and wake the hearts of men. The ground rtiog will "awake again, borne out upon the whole, and the geese will march across the sky to see abcut the pole. The thrill of spring will run along the backbone of the calf. He'll buck and dance upon the mead and hoist his hinder half I He'll dream of blooming clovtft [ fields and waving curly dock, and gambol with his ligid tail stuck up I at 6 o'clock, The blithesome nieadowlark will sing the glories of the dawn, and the robin will turn somersets upon the greening lawn. The spring intoxicated colt will do sirdo about, the festive frog will wake to help the Weather bureau out, the poor consumer will rejoice and hope for better luck, and the trusts will sit around and dam tbeooming garden truck. On the 4th Mr. Taft will cele brate his first anniversary in the White House with a masquerade. | There has never been a masquerade I there, but Mr. Taft is very anxious \ J, ito have everybody come, and in j view of the unsettled political con- I ditions, the Ballinger- Pinchot con ! troversy and some other things, he i feels that as long as nobody can ' determine positively who else is 1 present, there will he no occasion I for anyone staying away. Pink j tea will be served, and there will I be a pictureof Mr. Roosevelt under i the coal pile in the basement. Take | offs 011 the consumer, allusions to | June 1.5, costume caricatures of J Speaker Cannon and other cmsed [nessthat insurgents or ! Pinchot men may be up te>, will be I censored at the door. ; And then the ides will come around In sorrowful progre^siob, I And all the peanut carts will form 111 annual procession. They'll wdiistle up and down the street Their shrilly adaionition, And bid us think upon the price . Of temporal ambition. It's terrible the way we are dis -1 heartened by example. It matters' 1 hot which way we turn, we always !see ;i simple of '.someone like -u --i who aspired at unaccustomed ang | les, and always got it in the end where Cora wore the bangles. You know'the Romans understood our metes and limitations, and what fools are we that aspire above our lowly stations. They used to have a man to meet the victor home from battle and mount behind liischariot, am d the din and rattle, and while his vanity was roused with great acclaim to chortle and keep repeat ing in his ear, "Remeipber, you are mortal!" They kept lot of Romans straight That otherwise Ijad strayed; But, anyway, the seventeenth The Irish will, parade In memory of him who did For Irish snakes the same As Roosevelt is doing now To Rpwenzori game. , ... .r - Kfr. Moigaii will continue his flight from Halley's Comet, passing, through Paris about the sth. Mr. Rockefeller, emboldened by his escape from Judge Landis, will u t j run. It is likely, however his ] benefactions will discreetly increase a* the comet continues to approach. ( Mr. Carnegie will also give away" money on a larger scale now. The moon will be on the celestial equator on the rath. This will be a fortunate couibinat : on for l'in chot, ahd he may be able to" make a point that some of the rest of us can see. The Spiing Equinox will come on the 21st The storm will be central around Hallinger's job, and will continue until the 25th, when the moon will be full. 11 the the shy is clear we will be able to see if he is still on the job, and, il so, whit is probably holding him up. And then the April wind will blow From Araby atar, And on the i->t we shall recall" What fools we mortal are. An Awtul Eruption of a volcano excites brief inter- M, anil \otir interest in 4kin eruptions will be as short, if you use Buck len's Arnica Salve, their quickest cure. Kven the worst boils, ulcers, or fever sores ore soon lit aled bv it Best b>r Hums, Cuts, bruises, Sore is Chapped Hands, Chilblains and l'.les'. It gives instant relitf'. 25;. at All Druggists. Delightful Evening (Rej.orteil) ' The V P. C. composed of Misses > Margaret and Annie Jones, Martha Council, f.elia Pippin, Susie John son Helen and Rachel Kdmombon, ; jFutmie Higgs Matthews and l.illie 1 Waye Maker entertaine 1 a small i,timber of their friends on last Tuesday evening at a George W'ash . ngton party at the home of Fan nie li.* Mat thews on Main Street, HamiltiOti, X, C. Dainty and at , tractive invitations stating the hours to be from X to 11 o'clock, and that the guests 11111 st dressed in red, white and blue, were issued. The residence was brilliantly illuminated and the interior decora , tons were 'll perfect keeping with the occasion. The night was an ideal one with a brilliant moon shedding its soft rays on the happy scene. The young ladies were clad in national colors and the men iti conventional evening dress. The hojirs were spent in games, contests atifl tnusic. Mrs. K. \V. Salsbury presented the prize to John W. K(|t)k alt. r a very appropriate speech. At ten o'clock the guests were prsented with parts of a hajchet and in matching then found a jiirtner lor the deliccious lurich eotj which was serve 1 in the dining rooln. I fere each one w; s present ed kith a miniature hatchet/ by Mesdmaes Matthews and Salsbnry ►Thpse prtsent "Tie ides the Club .meinbers were: Messrs Iv A. Conn cilJl-;. 15 Darken, I'. R I'eel, D.I ~CL Matthews, tj. \V.AuUu>uy, Jr W. Rook, R A. Kdmondson, J. I, i';i chard and T i> Slale, Jr." - > edicines that aid nature art; al ways most successful. Chamber lain s Cough R-medy acts on this plai . It loosens the cough, re- , liev s the JUlJigs, opens secre tion and aids nature in restoring , the system tp a healthy condition,. ( Sole by Saunders & Fowcten and ( All Dealers. m * * | PridajH night Services A the service to be held "in the; Kpi copal Church to-nigh,(Friday) at 7 30 o'clock, Mr. S. S. Nash, of Tar oro, w ill Misiions." Mr. Nash is one of the 1 mos prominent lajmen in the Stat ', and was delegate to the Lay- -1 mens Convention held at Greens- bore The public is cordially in- ] vitei to hear him. r | 1 Matilda Laniti Morton Died February 2 vd. iuio. , "Strange, strange fur thee and mej Sally afar ; Thou safe, beyond, above, I 'neuth the star; Thou where flowers deathless spring ! 1 where they fade; Thou in God's paradise, I 'mid tile*Mi ult*. Thou wdiereeach gale breathes balm j I tempest-tossed; Thou where true joy is found, 1 where 'tis lost. Thou counting ages thine, I not the morrow;- * ; 1 lion learning more of bliss, I more of sorraw. Thou in eternal peace, I mid earth's strife, Thou where care hath no-name, I where 'tis life Hum without need of hope, I where 'tis vain; Tluni \vith wings dropping lit^ht, I with time's chain.'' Carnejflt's t»itt | Rev. M !'. Phler, pastor of the I rust Metholist Church, Washing ton, Nr. C , announced last Sunday that A ndrew Carnegie had agreed to give Si ,250 to the church for the purpose of installing a pipe organ, provided the church raises $2 250 The money is already in hand with the exception of £2OO, which will lie raised--soon and the amount placed /in the bank. Then Mr. Carnegie will be notified, and bis check will be for thcorning. Notice to Telephone Subscribers Subscribers of the Williamston Telephone Company will please make the following changes in Telephone Directory of July Ist, Change Brown Bros, from number 17 to 102-1 Daniel iV Staton from 102 to It 4 3 |v; J. B. Ilardison from 102 to 114-r Simon I',. Hardisuti Iroiu 102 to 1 1 t 4. Discontinue the following; Ice House; Adams N Ward; Ellington Lpggett; l!en Ward; Jno. li Pope. Add to Directory the following new subscribers: Bunch, li. i *., Residency No. i2>; Dixie Tobacco Warehouse No. 121; Gurganus, George N , Residence No. 127; Iloyt, !•'. W., R.'sidence No 120; Hopkins, J.- W., Resilience N'g. ii) t,: Leggctt, W. H., Market \*o 52; Mobley, Sidney A., Stables 122; Residence No. 12;: Peed, l'hos. A., Ke-idence No. S7; Pope, Mrs. Bettie, Residence No. ss; Ptel, R. J., No. 125; Peel, Jas S., Office No. mj- 1 1 I Roanoke Warehouse, Ofhce . S'liijisftn, f. Paul . Office No J ,. 17; Ward, J. Herbert, M irket No. )|; Waters, J as. P> .Residence No. 12 j; Williams, I)r, John W., Office .No. '°.V3 1 j; 11.-M- Burras, Residence' No. 128; S. W*. Manning, Store 1 No. 11j 2; A. Robersoiy. Residence No. 11 4J 1; J. W. Watts iK: Co., Stables No; Gur-' gaiiTrs.XTTtjn v, Resideifce 109 j, (itiffin, Win. W., Residence 102 4: Ilardison, Joseph A , Residence, ii) 2 1 _; W. 11. Residence 7.1; ,St 11 t)ljs, Harry W.,' (lilico 130; Taylor, ' lili, Residence, 107- 1 . 1 , HaAis«)n, Loir's Cj-Rvsidence 7;,; Simpson, J. Paul, Farm 107-5.; Carper, John I. , Residence, 131; Cook. John S., Residence", 132. ally, Williamston Telephone Co., ' This February jntlr, 'Oj 1 o. Are you frequently hoarse? Do! you have that annoying tickling in | your throat!' Does votir cough an- | you at night, jmd do yau raisel mucus in the morning? Do you want j reliei? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be j pleased. Sold by Saunders & Fow- ■ den and All Dealers. —" . 1 * #t.oo a Year in Advance ; AUCTION SALE OF - BUILDING LOTS * lii Williamston on Next Tuesday People Are ; Not "Land Crazy" But Want Safe Investment ---Williamston Offers Great Opportunities. Some people ej.iim tint sr> miuv ,of the world are "land ciazy." Jt lis true that there is a skady demand for the possession of good land whether in buildi igs lots ure farius. There are no more acres tioW than when Noah walked the earth, hut the p.ople have rapidly increased j until the acquisition of 1 mil- is one of the ruling passions of the m e. As tlie population increases, land will advance in price,, and the pres ent is (lie time to m '.ke a purchase; People looking aljo'it them tor investments will note trial propei'y jin a town with the steady growth of Williamston pays w ll now, r>d I in the future promises a tin- I crease in value. A good hum# is the dream of every mm :uid woman who loves life and th best 111 it. People desire to make a h me . where things are not built on "hot | air" bul have btnearih them the : bed-rock of substaiiti d growth, j This i-i what Williamston offers to the home seeker, and now is the j time to invest before lols rise in j value as rise they will. Ou next Tuesday, March *h., a i j large number of desirable lots for I white and colored will he offered I for sale at auction. Never has 'there b.en a more opporpiue time I for land investment in the town . The wise will take advantage of 1 the great opportunity and purchase j a lot—the indifferent will ignore I I the sale and repent when the price ! advances in the near future. | ATTKNI> THE SALK AND 1 Bl'Y ONK OR MOKK LOTS. » I Chamberlain's * STo iu ac h and , I Liver Tablets are safe, sure and [reliable, and have been praised by | thousands of women who have been j res'ored to health through their gentle aid and curative properties. | Sold by Siunders S: Fowden and t All Dealers. , ♦ ♦ ♦ Cooley For Solicitor We, the undersigned members of the bar of Na-li, County, heartily ' endoise the candid icv of Hon. R. A. I'. Cooky for S diei.tor of the Fourth Judicial Distiicf. We cau : say truthfiilly of Inm. ( i i that he is an a 11 1* • advocate and fully cj iip ped for the duties of tlii-. important olhce; (J) lie has alvva>s been an ! unswerving and active Detnocrat, and r,;) he is a most lovable rind attractive man. We appeal to the Democrats of the district to aid ws l in securing Mr. Cooley'.s nomina lism. ' February j, i /iu, - 1. : Ifcinard. A. brook's, —— -J'.eon T. Vaughn, S. I'. Austin, J."VT Built], I' 1 . >. Spruill, Jacolf Battle, K. H Grantham, T. T. Thorn, 2-n J. W. Reel. Williamston Graded School HONOR Roi.r, For week ending Feby.- fgio. l-'IITU CiK.\DK , .J, ■; Robert l.'eel, James Turner, Jack j Edwards, dad vs. Ballance, Nettie I iron, Reynolds ( Smith, Sana -* j Moore, James Kdwiu Ilairell. SIXTH GKADK %■ 1 Anderson, Lorene Davis, : Robert Biggs* Richard Smith, Fit/.-, liugh Robersou, Daisy Manning, j Delia Kate Ward, Louise Upton, # J Ltona Page. r - MKS. C. M. LANJEK, . j " , * Teacher, .. j

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