ROOSEVELT RETURNS AND IS GIVEN AN OVATION SELDOM EQUALED The Mighty Traveler Goes Bnoyantyy Through a Long and Trying Reception-Parade, Showing Lively Interest In Everything American. The White Company Receives Unique Compliment For the Sturdy Reliability of Its Steam Car From Mr. Roosevelt and Family. • j*fl mm MnHßfc^r Theodore Rooscvflt ami Party In White SU'omor. After fifteen months' absence, exactly as scheduled, Colonel Theodora Roosevelt disembarked from the Kaiserin Auguste Victoria, Saturday morn ing, June 18, at 11 a. m. To the keen disappointment of a large group of newspaper correspondents, Mr. Roosevelt absolutely refused, as heretofore, to be interviewed or to talk on political subjects, but his rapid fire of quea* tions showed the same virile interest In public affairs as before. If the welcome tendered by the vast throng may be considered a criterion upon which to base a "return from Elba," surely there was no dis cordant note In the Immense reception-parade, nor in the wildly clamorouß crowd whlcn cheered at every glimpse and hung on his very word. The incidents of the day in New York were many, but perhaps none bet ter illustrated the nervous energy and vitality of the man, the near-mania to be up-and-dolng, which he has brought back to us, than the discarding of horses and carriages for the swifter and more reliable automobiles. The moment the Roosevelt family and Immediate party landed, they were whisked away In White Steamers to the home of Mr. Douglas Robinson at 433 Fifth avenue. A little later, when the procession reached the corner of Fifty-ninth street and Fifth avenue, Colonel Roosevelt again showed hla preference for the motor car in general and the White cars in particular, When he, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Collector Loeb transferred from their carriage to White Steamers, which were In waiting for them. After luncheon at Mr. Robinson's house, the entire party, including Colonel Roosevelt, again entered the White cars and were driven to Long Island City, where they were to take a special train to the ex-Presldent'i home at Oyster Hay. The supremacy of the White cars with the Roosevelt party wag again demonstrated on Sunday, when the party was driven to church In the White Steamers, and a group of some forty prominent Rough Riders were taken in a White Gasoline Truck to a clambake at the Travers Island clubhouse of the New York Athletic Club. It is not so much the being exempt from faults as the having: to overcome them that is an advantage to us— Alexander Pope. So.-28-10. v*r HIADAfnK—HUka> CA PV»|R| Whether from Colds. Heat, ilornirk *r ?I*rvova TrouMea. Capudina will rsllsva jou. t'a liquid pleaaant to take—acta Immedi ately. Try It, inc.. He and Ma at draa Mom No art work is so high, so noble, so grand, so enduring, so important for all time, as the making of character in a child.--Charlotte Ctishtnan. For Red, I telling Kjeiltta, Cjr»U, Slew, Falling Eyelashaa and All Eyea That Xoeii Care, Try Murine Eye Salve. Aneptic Tube*, Trial Sine. 25c. Aak Your Druggist or Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. A man who does not learn to live while earning a living, is poorer after his wealth is won than he was before —J. 0. Holland. Mn. Wlwelow'e Soothing Syrup for Children teethiiu. softens th« guma, reduces inflfcrinna tion.sllayspsin.cores wind colic. 25c. a bottle. In a really heroic life there is no perndventurc It is alwavs either doing or dying.--Roswell D. Hitchcock. H. H. GREXK'S Sows, of Atlanta, Gk., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the wirid. See their liberal offer in advertise- Bient in another column of tLia paper. The hate which we all bear with the most patience is the hate of those who envy us. —Colton. S DropsyH Removes all swelliag la 8 to m days; e«ecta a perms sent core in JO to 6odara. Trial treatment riven free. Wothtwcam be fairer Write Dr. H. H. Oreait'a Sana. Specialist*. Box a Attaata, Ga. AN ITCHING SKIN Is about the most troublesome thing there Is. Too know it if yon're ever had any kind of skin trouble. Bat they all give way, disappear, every last one—every pimply, scaly, itching, eruptive kind of disease of the skin—when yon treat them to a box of HUNT'S CURE well robbed In. Nothlngjtlke it to nake the skin healthy and smooth •Dd free from sting, or itch or pain. Price to SO ccn;s a box, and one box to gncronteed to cureanv one case or you GET YOUR MONJEY BACK, Ask Your Drxggfst for Hunt's Cars 4. B. 8C1A193 IE! CMC CB.. tfcsrsus, Ttin Got His Receipt, He had run up a small bill at the village store, and went to pay it, first asking for a receipt. The proprietor grumbled and conk plained it was too small to >rive a re ceipt for. It would do just as well he said to cross the account off, and so drew a diagonal pencil line acroM the book. "Does that settle ilf" askec the customer. "Sure." "An' ye'll niver be askin' for il agin ?'' "Certainly not." "Faith, thin," said the other coot ly, "an' I'll kape me money in nw pocket." "But I can rub that out," said the store-keeper. "I thought so," said the customei dryly. "Maybe ye'll be givin' me u receipt now. Here's yer money." Exemplary Patience. A Sioux City physician had been on| durins; office-hours on an emergency call, and when he returned he opened the door of his consultation-room and inquired: "Who baa been waiting the lon§- estf" A tailor who had called to present his bill rose and said: "I thing I have, Doctor. I deliver ed your clothes to you three yean a#o." FASHION NOTES. The coat closing at the waist line la preferred as It provides the deep opening which la pretty with the lingerie waist and the fashionable, frill. Fantastically colored wooden beads have a distinct place in fashions. Tun ics edged with wooden beads dyed to match the color of the gown are de cidedly effective. Two things especially the law of fashion requires this season. One is that the skirt must b> short, clearing the floor about tUre* Inches. The oth er is that gowns must be collarlesg. Modish dresses of linen, bnttcrwd in fro»it, have low n?cks with Dutch or lingerie finishes. Other one pi»ce dr?sses are of Henrlette. pon gee. rop'.in, foulard B?d other silks. One sses Ifather-lired mo'or coals. (Many colored wais'a are seen. The hat with the rlibon bow is quite popular. The twvt"ned g!lfcs continue 'n er«at demand. Crashes and grata linens are well Of; PHIn fovlari f« coi"Mncd wl'»i dot fed or m«*f>ri*l for the round length afternotn drcscea. Tratttra With Ffoamre. Good evidence; "With pleasure I tea «r to the merits of Hughes' Tonic M a remedy for chilla and fever. I recommend it, and in no case have I known it to fail, even in the most obstinate." Sold by Druggists—soc. and SI.OO bottles. Prepared by Robinson-Pettet 00. (Inc.), Louisville. The mortgage nightmare is rapidly becoming au extinct breed on th farm. So.-28-10. Constipation causes and seriously aggra vates wany diseases. It is thoroughly cured by I>r Pierce's Pallets. Tiny sugar coated granules. Sixteen bull's-eyes in sixteen min utes, with twelve-inch guns,—the new achievement of the battle-ship South Caroliua, —gives point to the answei which the sailor made to the admiral who tried to qui* him. "Can you hit that man in the eyet" the admiral aski'd, pointing to a figure a. thousand or more yards away. "Yes, sir. Which eve, sirt" WEAK KIDNEYS WEAKEN THE WHOLE BODY. No chain is stronger than Its weak est link. No man la stronger than his kidneys. Overwork, colds, strains, etc., weaken the kid neys and the wholo body Buffers. Don't neglect the slightest kidney ailment. Be gin using Doan'S Kidney Pills at once. They are especially (or sick kidneys. Frank H. -Rey nolds, 327 Pine St.. Providence, R. 1., saya: "My doctor told mo an examina tion of the urine showed albumen. I took his medicine far a whole year, doctored with a New York specialist aid took electrical treatments with out relief. My suffering was simply awful. Six weeks' use of Doan's Kid ney Pills cured me, however, and the cure has been permanent for four years." Remember the name—Doan's. For ■ale by all dealers. 60 cents a box, Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Another New Steel.—At Chester, Pennsylvania, a new kind of steel is now being manufactured under the name of "cementation steel." It is of the highest carbon variety but oontains more sulpher and less manga nes than ordinary tool stell. The steel is so dense that it remains un resolved under the microscope with a magnification of I,'JOO to 1,600 diametors, although that of open hearth, crucible and Bessemer steels ran be resolved with a magnification of 100. Its elastic limit is said to be very high and its ultimate strength eighty thousand pounds. It is intended specially for •feast gears, crank-safts, connecting rods, and so forth. The process of manufacture takes from six to eight weeks. A Package Malted Free en Reeuest of MMVKrs PAW-PAOTILLS A Th« b««t Stomach and Llvtr PIIU known and JfRHK ft poaltiv* aad apeeoy cure for Constipation. Indigestion. Jaundice. N w Biliousness, Sour Stom> jijg JtIL I acl> « Headache. and nil PL.m!■ TTTII a " mttQtl arising from a IrAWii'jfl disordered stomach or K£jjhK2aS sluggish U»M". Tbey contoln In concen , tratad form all the virtues and values of Munyoo's Paw- Paw tonic and are made from t * tulce of the Paw-Paw fruit. I un esltatlngly recommend these pills as being the best laxative and cathartic ever compounded. Send us postal or letter, requesting a froe package of Munyon'a Celebrated Paw-Paw Laxa tive Pills, and we will mail surne free of charge. MUNYON'S HOMOEO PATHIC HOME REMEDY CO.. 53d and Jefferson Sts . Philadelphia, Pa. A Mistake^- "You don't Vant to make any mistake about Philadelphia's a slow town," said Dobbleigh. "No, sirree. I discounted a thirty-day note over there once, and, by Jingo, thirty days pass just as quickly over there as they do here!"— July Lip pincott's. For the South Pole—The British antarctic expedition, to be commanded by Captain Scott, composed of 28 officers and men of science and a crew of 27 picked men, sailed from the Thames, JMne Ist, in the Terra Nava. Captain Scott hops to reach the south pole in December, 1911. In addition to ponies and dog-teams, the party is provided with a novel means of trans port in the form of a motor-sledge, which has been satisfactorily tested on the snow of Norway. The New Reporter Possibly all of you have heard of metropolitan daily who Kent out one of these cub reporters on his first im portant rssignroent— to cover a wed ding, tbe biggest of th® season be cause of the social prominence of tbe contracting parties. The college youth bustled out in high glee. Midnight came and he had not turned up. Donning coat and hat tbe city editor went on n still hunt. He f'»und that aspiring journalist chatting idly with a group of friends in front of a cor ner drug store. "What's the trouble," he axclaim ed with some heat, "what about that wedding story f" "Aw, there was nothing to it," tbe cub exclaimed, "the groom didn't show up and there wasn't any wor ding." Speaking of by-products, the rubbish of New York city nets the city some two hundred and thirty four thousand dollars » year over i the cost of oolleetiop. Municipali ties have learned some lessons from the packing-houses. Tnke a Foot-Rath To-nlßht After dissolving one or two Allen's Foot- Tubs (Antiseptic tablets for the foot luuh) via tlie witter. It will take out all soreness, •martinj; and tenderness, remove foot odors and freshen the feet. Allen'a Foot-labs instantly relieve weariness and sweating or inflamed feet and hot nervousness of the at nicbt. Then for comfort throughout the day shake Allen'* the anti septic powder, into your shoea. bold every where, 25c. Avoid substitutes. Samples of Allen's Foot-Tsba mailed FKKK, or our reg ular size teat by mail for 25c. Addraaa AJlen 6. Olmsted, La Roy, N. Y. "Foot-Tabs for Foot-Tubs." Faith in a better than that which appears is no less required by arl than by religion—Sterling It was In this very cottar® In Broc'xelde, 15 miles from Birmingham, Ala., that three Italians nearly A&gt died of Fever. Thoy hadbaensick 3months. John- Cm" son's Tonic cured them quickly—read letter below: IllSrr Brookaldo, Ala, May «, IKH. I t V The two hare had 8 T«T obetlnut# eiiM ot •ontlnued Malarial Tt-roi. AH |i flg were Italians lived cm a ereelt 60 yards from my store. Those cases vrore of thraa months staadlng, thslr temparatura Hinging from 100 to lot. Vha doc ton liad tried every- j tiling In vain. I persuaded them to lat me try Joiinson'a Tonlo. I removed ill the prtnV [ feScSS gSB ed matter and let the tuodlcme go out In a plain bottle na a regular prescription. The *• fact In all three cases was lin mediate and per mail oat. Tlioy recovered rapidly and Bun *o** " was no rocurrouoo of tba Fn« S. It. BUl^LKlt Write to THE JOHNSON'S CMH.L A FEVER TONiC CO., Savannah, o».\ The Continent will not suffer Eng land to lie the workshop of the world. Weak persons cannot be sincere. A ItiimliiH Kriipflnn Covered II ec From llcnO to F«*t. "Four yearn ago I suPTtred severely with a terrible eczema, b«lug a mass of Ror»»s from head to feet and for six weeks confined to my bed. During that time 1 suffered continual torture from Itching and burning. After be- Inp Riven up by my doctor I was ad vised to try Cutlcura Remedies. Af ter the first bath with Cutlcura Soap and application of Cutlcura Ointment I enjoyed the first good Bleep during ray entire Illness. I also used Cutl cura Resolvent nnd the treatment was continued for about three wcekß. At the end of that time I was able to be about the house, entirely cured, and have felt n> ill effects since. 1 would advise any person suffering; from any form of skin trouble to try the Cutl cura Remedies, as I know what they did for me. Mrs. Edward Nennlng. 1112 Sallna St., Watertown, N. Y., Apr. 1 1, 1909." The Newspaper Ojy I see a man pushing his way throug'-i the lines Where the wok of the terrible ilre fiend shines: "The ehieff" I inquire, and a p dice- man repae* — ''Why, uo, he's on a of them news paper guys." I see a man walk through the door of a show Where the thrones are block ed by the sign ,f S. It. 0." "Is this man a Btar that no ticket he buyst" "Star nothing? lie'H one of them newspaper guys." I see a man start on the trail of a crook, While he scorns the police and brings him to book. "Sherlock Holmes?" 1 exclaim, and someone replies, "Sherlock Holmes! He's one of them newspaper guys." And some day I'll pass by the great gates of gold, And see a man (mss through un questioned and bold. "A Saint f" and Saint Peter will surely reply, "He carries a pass; that's a news paper guy. COASTING ON GRASS. The Canadian bas his toboggan, tha mountaineer his ski, the rustic Eaat erner his sled, the city boy his wheel ed coaater for paved streets, but on the hillside of suburban San Francisco a boy may coast without snow, with out a cement sidewalk, without even a coaster. All he notxls Is a piece of board and a hillside where there is a vacant lot covered with , 'sticker Brass," and away hi goes like a sand bag out of a balloon. It is a dangerous sport, but no boy loves it less for that. Even full grown men have been known to break faith with life Insurance companies, fornet their duty for a mad hour Into this Intoxicating frolic. Foxtail grass, or "slicker grass," as It most commonly Is called. Is the ter ror of gardeners. The sped head of foxtail is home on a rodlike stem that, a* the season advances, becomes stiff and sleek Ilk? wire. In Califor nia. beginning usrally In May, the forfa!! hillside, thus furnishing an unrivaled coasting track. June Is the Ideal mor.'h fo- grass 'oarCinr:. Alnjtost anv Jnne day th.? hovg are rn!o"lng this snort on th* sldmb of Berral TTelrljJts. Occasion ally a long fccerd s'i'ts down the precipitous descent wl'h a stur'ly steersman In front an'? i row of bovs nlr--r p* f-y-n 'enzth On the downward flhV son« of the ■Npsp'cr* nr? «" r"snl!l?d." t"e 'bring foni'r'v tv'fh t'li one seated 'artliept back.— 'nfer-Occan. Stomach Blood andid gays Liver Troubles J faSBJ Much llekMlt ttorts with week stomach, and consequent Ht| poor, impoverished blood. Norvous and pale-people lack W* good, rich, red blood. Their stomach* need invigorating MS f*; jAftjli lor, after all, a man cart bo no stronger than his stomach. WW UjjWjfciUr^ A remedy that makes the stomach strong aod the liver EEI active, makes rich red blood and ovorcomea and drives fß| out disease-producing bacteria and cures a whole multi- iSUj Sude of diseases. H| *jyjgjgjgjW Get rid of yonr Stomach Wealmeaa and ftr Liver Laxlauaa by taking a cwrao ot jiy. »Js»£g§3j Dr. Plerco'o Golden Medical Discovery |S|| the jtfreaf Stomach Keatoratlvo, Liver |M Jnvliorator aod Stood Cleanser. You can't afford to accept any medicine of unknown jjsjjj composition as a substitute for "Golden Medical Disoov- Py|J " ery," which is a medicine OP INOWN COMPOSITION, having (H||l a oomplete list of ingredients in plain English on its bot- NW -- —-yf" tie-wrapper, same being attc&ted as correct under oath. Dr. Pierce'* Plaarnnt Pr!let% regulate and Invigorate Stomach, Liver aod Bowela. Think ol Last Summer-- You can remember days when the heat inside your kitchen was so great you could hardly bear it. With the right stove you woula have made a better hostess. Save your health. Don't put up with the drudgery of a coal range. You can have a clean, cool, pleasant kitchen. The jNefy Ibr/Sction tagHE2Z3TT3^l^liTiliil'WW. Oil Cook-stove docs away with all drudgery of f cooking. Why should you be • slave to a coal range when you can have an Oil Cook-Stove that is cheaper than coal, clcafter than coal, doesn't "Bmcll," doesn't smoke, lights Instantly,can be put out instantly, leaves no ashes, and doesn't heat the kitchen. With one of these stoves you can boil, bake or roest the most elaborate dinner. You con change from a slow to a quick fire, or the other way about, by simply turning a wick. Apply a match, and in stantly the heat from an intense blua flame shoots upward through the tur quoise - blue enamel chimneys to th« bottom of pot, kettle or oven —but no where else. The stove has every conve nience that can be thought of: Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping food and dishes hot, drop shelves to hold coffee or teapots, towel rack; in fact every convenience possible. The nickel flntah. with the bri«M blue of the chimneye, make, the stove ornamental and attractive. Made with 1,« and 3 burners ; the t and J-burner atovei can be had with or without * Cabinet. d„ lef ,„ry Wb.'«. If not at jonn, write for bowrlptlre Circular to the nearest a*eoej of the Standard Otl Company Out of this nettle, danger, we pluck this flower, safety. For rni.Ds nnd «UII». Hlck'l CAPWDINS U the licst ,remedy—re- He**-* the *ehl»? *n'i fever-UhriPHS—cures the Tol'l and renUiit-K normal conililloiiH. It's liquid- effect# Immediately. 10c., ?ic. l»d bOe. at drug aiorea. Truthful Sayings. There is no chance in results. Patience is the chiefest fruit of study. He that sleeps feels not the tooth ache. The future is purchased by the present. As the government is, such will be the man. Women forgive injuries, but never forgive slights. I A man's task is always light if his heart is light. There are no eyes so sharp as the eyes of hatred. „ The heart has eyes that the brain knows nothing of. liiches are able to solder up abundance of flaws. I What is civilization? I answer, the power of good women. Peace is not mere tranquility, for tranquility may be indifference. The rays of happiness, like those of light, are colorless when unbroken. k *if Si 5* i SBjfflß Restores Cray Hair to Natural Oolor Jnvigorat»« and pMvtnti tb« hair from falling oO P«r lei* by Druggists, or lanl Direct fey XANTHINE OO. t Richmond, Virginia frtmm H fi iMIUi ftampj* tattl* It*. t«n4 111 ClntlM WE BUY""\ nWOOL) \HJDES a wd^I RSy f better far jn tkia iftati or tonmittlea I Reiernti: aoj bails is LMUTIIIC. We Iwsitk R I SiSS caf ***»*"• Write far pric* liit. B ft JL SA-BEL k SOWS "EVa#** LwiiTille, Kj. | I CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ANYTHING. and cet ern-rftilne 7011 want. An/ article In lh« World Kupplli'd *t l/>wwit I'rloe. l'rom|>t, |*r- KUI attrntton. Wru A. R. NOUTHUUI", nlmp par, IUK.UI 401. W>o ITilth A>i-uuc. New York Cit*. Farm Notes. It has long been known that hirdi eat insects, hut it lias remained for a Rhode Island farmer deliberately to eulitivate and encourage birds on hit farm for that particular purpose. Eave swallows, robins, orioles and many other "feathered friends' r were Rot to live within a few hundred yards of the house. AH a result there was not only plenty of sweet music, but in a year when the aphids, or lice, ravaged the apple-crop, fanners bad a big yield of valuable fruit. _ ; The man of nature is always a flower.—Holmes. Peevishness covers with its dark fog eyen the most distant horizon. Most old people must give the bowels gentle, con stant help. One candy Casqaret ! each day does that. Harsh I physic, taken regularly, makes the I bowels callous. Cascarets do not. Nearly all old people now use this ' natural, gentle help. Vsit-pocket box, 10 cents—at drur-«torns. 834 Bach tablet of the genuine la marked C C C. f \ P 11 P P 8en«l poflta? *or P> M ■■ h Free Package I II la bof I'axtina. Belter end more economical than liquid antiseptics FOR ALL TOILET USES. Give* one * tweet breath; clean, white, germ-free teeth—antiaeptically dean mouth and throat—purifies the breath after smoking— dispels all disagrMabW perspiration and body odor*—much ap preciated by dainty women. A quick remedy for acre eyes and catarrh. 8 A little Paxtine powder dh solved in a glass of hot witsr makes a delightful antiseptic so lution, possessing extraordinary cleansing, germicidal and heal ing power, and absulutsjy ham less. Try a Sample, 50c. a Large box at druggies or by »«L THK PAX TON T OILCT Co., BoaTOM. Mass.

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