VOL. XII. NO. 10 -w ; £■ SOIL ENRICHED BY THE USE OF LIME . ■! • 0 - - How Farmers Can Get Help for Board Wages— To Restore Nitrogen by "" Plant Life'in Connection With Lime —A Supply * of Nitrogen Necessary Not many veac* ago tnonghtful agriculture yhemi-ts were alarmed lor the future of ythe hutilan race t becau-e the avai'able .supply or nitrogen w s Tiemg exhansud ana* a "fixed ' nitrogen was ab oluteiy neces-ary to the Ire of pi uts. A j* 1 ' "i supply of tbi-elemeut of tei ti!it> in the 8 >il must be bad or t! ( e rce oii st atatve. The problem was of immense importance to the Wnole world -to e\-ery ia e; to every human be g. It. »Asa b rd cut 1 fact thai inu-t so»vcd. Tne ai "lice" u'troveit, but it Wis s > illusive that atteftipts t« "fix" it were uuaVail ng. Mean, time the supply of i.iuogtn was being exhnu-ted In urdei to impress the reader wijh the fori e o! p stateme us let «s"Vjc»»ftine -th* tax »oi- ytars upon ib • niirfft* sup, ly. -»j Th •Ch le :-altt*t'e beds in 1860. 68 500 I 11-; tit 'B7O, 182,- j 000 101.b; hi »bBo. 225.000 iu 1890, 1,025.000 tons; ju 1900,' 1,453,06 a t tivain! su»Ce 1900 every year ha- ad ted 50 000 tons to the demands ot the y*»r before. Tie amo nit yi-Tcivd in 19-0-1 453,000 tons was hO'U lor alxut $27 o 0,00-». * Styettty p'T centum ot tbe* toul .went 111 to food throw Kb corn moic 1 feyii iz- is. AHi 1U- B.rip of land in Smih Auivjfiv'a 4\£ hoatce. .itifji. v wbiiAmtMßtt'C ** "«*n snppl t i in-f Should war or nth* r calami \ cut off I) n't> strip of 1 ai ;cl a tn-st *erl«ns Condition of thm;> WouM, at ot ce pie.vtit n-el '•* Without t! e aixichiit of v. ar o; other unfortunate c*»niitigti ev, it is a fact th, t the 11 1 e*re bd- ot Qbde will not ii»t more ihau 2o * 'years, if pie-ent ccm.it ns cen tintie, & > that man mu-t solve tit ' pujl'Uni or pois.iiii tile ex!i,m tiorrot ihe ni:ng h simply IV the qoe-'ion, "\VUv shoul 1 prettr conditions coit iii ?"' —Theie a;ej two - to tin j "fixiun' , ol by cht-mfcaH pi ucesnes somewhat siui lar to t it; » process by wbi h htue anJ carhoi- , tnake calciuni carlnd : lr iu which | is d Hietl a ln!li.nt i"l!«.mii an* kwo vji . 8 aiH tyiine Tlitt eX' . pt-tiiiKfil* th it hnvc been made U> 1 ''fix" tie in the utmo*| phere can not b lelated here, i>ut ] tlicy the ni intce.*ti exatnple'of what man can Jo when be mu>t. . The other answer lies along_the; V * the nittogtn to the J soil by plant life iucoi nection wit,h j lime. Agricultural cbem.Ms would j call this process the bioehenntal > effects of lime. These effects are produced by employing leguminous plants, socb as ctoverandcow peas, with an abundant supply of lime to produce their thrifty growth. It was found that certain organ ?, Isms capable of "fixing" nitrogen existed and that these had the power of 'fixing' nitrogen by form fng little nodules *t the base of the stock of leguminons plants and along their roots and these nodules were colonies or cities of nitrifying microbes. A receut writer ba.- said: "These interesting microbes on every pea plant, for ant-re board wages work full time in turning "ever the useless atmospheric nitro gen to the p'ant in a "fiixed" and vseful form," Furthermore, it was discovered that coil inoculated with such microbes would grow these plants even when innocent of I «oy trace of manurial nitrogen. __ -1 - - mi , u .| • __ --I . . ■ THE ENTERPRISE Stat»» T.ibrarv When you are "Awkward". \ I hear people sav, "As awkward as a country h y " That defends on wlit-Te he is. hnu in tlie s tnut r time uu tie farm. Bare foon-d and harfe headed, and the i coas are iu the corn, au :he'B in a hurry, and grabs a hor»e by the mane auj rules iu!l va lop into the fie!j. Alalia is y i more uraeeful ttiau that iv»y. tfut y u take that bov on t tie Kouith «,.f J illy, jut store clothes on fcira, and kid tdoves on his hands, antl 1« t him come to tow n -- f and tlia g " wi h .him, and he wilhhe a' dne-8 us If. i- j ist as trt eof the cdv boy When be trie.s to huld ihe |4 W. People saVj "As awkward as a coui trv »;"'•" dej>ei d-. See her. Sieh is slept aiite I iK 4i» the m >mii g. an 1 she coiues down st, iis vk uu her hair a good 011 tum ! W -d, and she iui r e»tlv beats U)J a ahortcake tor Im aktast. e' wa-tvet moie Ktaceful B'lt >ou| let h> r rake »few le-.>"otis iu ue sane and': h, n -ee. S Tae peonies natural wavofw k ing is k Very bit of it Ii; means something Kmtisw said, "lt\qry natmsj: »l s Prof: Wa Hru ley SnuMr. ~ Lett Tuesday \ —Mrs. A R. Go'dfjn and Miss; Eliatt eth Gordon, w'io have bieuj anaiiKing in j on K v. Mr. Got'on at S|na\, wh it* -they, will ::i ke, 1 UH'if future In.me, let W'eltn'Kdavj morning for Rux b!. B, r:io j Countv, ty fjH-n 1 Cb isuhs.- with; I Mr| I. G. PoA-all. L'ttt r tin y will' g»10 S, :ay. \\ iSile M Will am- I to 1 th*y have ui ula niauv fri-mris' who ieg e; to Uavi the n UAve In ihe u-Hj'.aus Ii eof tnv town til* V * . t>' facioi?--,_-awd povttrtf m4a:*k , "cr cr mw haw gv. u t ie ' a»v of t.lO e tire ituy and help. Ii e r y | ha-e tf ti:e woik'n "h't • I'h «i . miss tl em gr al> torthe, were co;i>t nt a) j wy !p tli work of i M 1 ter NT - *- | rityde«ju t "ii iv obvi ti-. .Why ii.culri W» lint ••l-Mrf.'-tu thf d rst-ri j with citf* e i/T t eh an i then plf\v the plaid-.iu •'! 1 e Krauwnj, > ufi-nd! maiittfe for ft- «tirce*dmg crop o r | J t is . l u;, iz 117 1I AW glow j j m 11 ure to 1 urti -the th uu*. m'r.tj j tninilattdy conne te t wi h ih-'ri vocation lifid «ith v y li as 1 Many thoitsan. s yeni •? bid * !ap-eU 1 bef re dis o • *r t d the cir cul. tioij ot th." IM M*) e thm . , a o.oyt » 4' 1 flit- u til. liui'- '"JlU'e ft!' l C t'» In | | the lld t s on th s] subject that Ins o>me down to ns j How many m- ii i g'a.M-d iuagrienl I ture today know that o,i ev.ry '-even actes of the earth's surface j there are 237 oqp tons of nitrogen —a qu lily >ufficient to rep'ace the -1 1.500 000 tons,of saltpetre CDii'um j ed in iqoo. C'ir.meiical fenil z*ri increases in price as the value of saltpetre increases aud yet the ma jority of farmers are using high priced amuioniated fertilizers when they cati put millions of microbes to work on their farms free of cost if they will feed tbate plants with lime. Who will deny that this ie the minimum of expense with the maximum of profit? That lime is the basis of all good husbandry is self evident; it seems that the man must be very dull, or very perverse, who will not beed the teachings of modern scit nee and the facts that are established id the practise of the best farmers the world over. Germany and England have, by their experimental farms, demon strated that soils can be so enriched in nitrogen, by the use of iime and legumes that tbe nit a cash value in an acre will have rate contained of hundreds of dollars and that the soil thus enriched is like a bank of* deposit that yields enormous divi dend*.—R. McCoy. E I —» ■ 1 * j - - ■ T ,'jjjwgy; r 7 . ' ■■■■!> »> . h ~.t l> WILLI AMSTON, N. C.. FRIEfAY, DECEMBER' 23. 1910 '.OO a'Year in Advance JAMESVILLE ITEMS Mrs. Ewrett went to Rocky M UTit Sunday. : G. G. Fmneman of Greenville Was in town Tneslav. 0 G. S. Wi'li 'Hps wei tto Willia«f st m Fnday attcrnoya. t John Hatdi-on went to Plymouth la:>t week to tiu> p anuts. Mi s >Teva All* 11 spent several days iu Phm« u.h 1 i-t w ek. J. W. Dirde . atuudi.d teachers meeting m Wdluiusion SaiOrday. James Allen, tj. F. Darden and sister Estv'l Bj>etit Siinuav iu town. M »- De la iShiiihwick went lo SandaVto vir-it Relatives. L. E. C »re> aiid R. T. Cobnrn ot Wtlliaiustou »a» iu towu Mon day. H. M Burias of Williamstotl was iu town 'lu.siiay. buying pea i nuts. J. W. Baker of Jacksonville, N. C', was 111 to.vu a le.v days latt Week. j W C Manning and I'rof R J. Peel of Williaaisiou "peut Fiiday iu t an,- Mr. I) -Ik of S ff Ik, Va , Peanut buyer f r I'bejMi uu I'e inut Co. w&t> j io town l.»st Week. Rnth tlohurn and Hilda 1 McGa-ky ot DuUciis spent Wed j ni sday 111 t imi , Tne Oyshr snppi'r given for the iem Ut ot tie Methodist church ' p OVed to be a £U 'Ce^S. G. N. V 1 , spent vV eUm s-'iay in town wlih Mr amd Mis. B S Edwards. i hume Tm.s 1 y Ip-* " : 'J vi-it t > r*. - r j her -i.siei 111 1 ■, M C Ms. M. D Cooper of Mount Ojive apt tiding mvt r d days with her si t -r Mrs. V J «cky>u. Mr. and Mrs. Ivv ns of Rnvve-, v ' s. c.', are HpcrKtiug' re «» d I d ivs in to.vu with tin ir parents. •* j ~ ' . y-iSj,.., . | T tcon tc t held here I 'l st Friday att« in resulted In lit s;iu'l one 1 e kno kctlont'o;i fi st Hjund. It cu i d Vi.iy much II xctt'-UK'4t. j ** I liad Irter; \ ■ odMtd with corf Ist p.t'uon [>f i\v » years and'tfied aj) yf ihc best phyiuian- 111 Bri rol, Teini., hey coutd do nutltinx for>ne." v.r t s Too? E. Willtaths, Mid iieboro, K.y Two ( f Chaniberlaiu's MonTicl) Tifilets t'tf ed me." F.ir i by All Dealers. A Great Work | The w i'rk of the North Carolina ! Children's Home Soc ety began , S-pteuiber 15th 1903 that j time 1,080 have been provid ed for at a cost of $49,946 73, which is a per capital cost 01 $46.25." The receiving home for the-e home less children.,is bti:ig built at Dur ham The object of the Society is to furnish good homes for those who have not been received into the orphanaues. William B. Streeter is State Supeiiutendent and the work is ably carried on by tbe help of women workers. At this season the management ia making appeals for help and no work in the State deserves more consideration from the people. Any one desiring to make a "Christm is donation may seqd it to W. B. Sweeter, Greensboro, N. C. ♦' j When yonr feet are wet and cold dnd your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water before going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by All Deal-: ere. I EVERBTTS H EttS fc •' i «■ / • f - f. A io. C ffi t \\ -cus h*r* S 'if 1 v, R.T. Cobuni v as U' Tt v Tuesday. ; y jK' Ayers wealV \o ~RobeTsdß ; ' i ville»rid^v. Dunning an I Critcbtr werelbtie Monday. Lif.r K vet cm, of QolJ Point, Wd~ ■?{*, *Qfi is f. y. MMe* Ivl t «nd Myrtle Of tar DawM, of Rityjtsnnville,! was it-u- Sunday nighi. y H i t'f |.»nies aiid F.mii? »u v*«ut~to Willidu-btou Fii- [ 1 day right. j r \ Mj»> Fouuie W'oulaid sp-r.t Snt tiulbt night and Sunday with M«s. M inl a I'rtl jppent a few ,1 a>'f» 1j i wttk with hr si&ur, Miraß F Pcriy. • \h«» VVilham Gray and Frai kit ' Cii»ll »«, of Robetsunvd'e, weie hei? l"tid *y nigiil. - (3, Do-yell Kniruihs ictu'fl d fiurti Ci.apcl IJiil Saciuday lo ;b'. 1 id ■, - ' Benjamin E. kwett Dead ' m 1 IS• * # | Nt v. b k reached liet - of the ' )i ,u !i i:t bis home in KvansviUe, lndi-oi . mi.l*r dav th' 8 li d.v ol 111 i}« in er 1910, of B.*i>jij;»lu K. . J -to-eit tn'tl e »ixtv vtiitii year of , : "M? Jewett Will lie. i/VSw' 1 ' "" vol ' 0 Mr 1 M. 1 the s«eu nl vv.fe of Ii r, C. B H.w. il, .ti d tliv h„-lf Uroiiivrl |ml Mr Waller tl tv*ll A r>trl ili-'.l ' - -7- — —\ l| • 'lll4 'it l ' vv 11 Tictwet 11 h a'e-aniH hvlwM'y utter the var M-.l 1 Hone• Gredi/y'a a 'vie-.--'out. \V ii. w * li T e ; Ht Evati-vdl. , I' J , -ahi re b li s 11 v d f»r t|U* p,. 1 j,.forty-Two y ar and gained q i-i • a jr 'l'Mt-it-ou S* at* txptlt account nt j ■ * 1 hind ib tiic hi jj'h j{ '*Reverie- ul a Wfwtl S««m*r." , 1 f ■ U ii survived by hia %vi Unv and" ' r" r, "iT u/i'O'H, , J-and M.ulha Jewett. Norih Carolina at Ihe Head cf the Table ■ ■ . Tie re wis Tit- Id t Conur-il ill -fTsJ 1 yvoll Ihe N.itiouAl llo: tu i;!l uf ,1 Vo . j n + Whit ll wi-rr ■ t-X.itl» Uui j f-uitN, tuU' and Vttf 'ahlv fr -uij Ithiny yiree S at'B. W. N. i»«r, lhf?ii ul'tiri-f for Noilii Carolina, I he'd•'ti taily iu tilt - y uto m.«ke j cotjectiou of pioiucts. Aaii'i>ti 1 th'* keenest corni etitipn he hhs ' iible lo brir'g b,i_ck home ih» t p_j .sinkes Tr »pbv for tin.- be-1 g m r'd , colleciion of fruit in ibe Unit«-d j > Stales. Abo th; for the be-t collection of nuts "in Un united Stales. B.'bideh the e two ■ cb'tupioushijis ribbotis, forty bl N ue; ribbons, twelve red and six whi«e, , were won, the highest number taken by any State in the Union. These ribbons Were taken almost exclu sively by competitors in the West ern part of the State. The only r.bbon coming to this part of the , State was for the best plate of pea nuts sent by Mr. George Green at Wtlson, N. C. j Tne Old North State sits always at the bead of the table wherever she goes. We have the natural resources and the work of develop ing is going pu rapidly. Wo stand first in the manufacture of tobacco, too, passing Missouri by a good margin in tbe yellow weed. Tbe eves of the country ire on us and with tbe Rood Democratic govern ment which means tbe safetv of tbe people, tbe forward movement along all lines is assured. ' '\ i . * , -r Local Loyalty »There never Cvas a Perfect town but there is no pb cf on the map that c.iiin it *how some (flighty, Rood points. Tfn.s Js a great t>u; country uiiii thvre ar; gr at i'i «verv sect too of it. If you don't like your h)califv niove. Bin the til serving one i« inclined to remark that tne fe low who is always knocking has not HC cumubited m «»U4h t > exit iti his 0 in localtty m-ich I n the expense of {he Itip to get a-way, thereloie. . tLu*.x4as* r I k* the poor, »r»* alw.iy. - with us For the poof «>ur heals go out iu syin.pathy We" provide "for-thev wants—but t-Jie knock fT wc hive to t uclite, fiircaus,' he i> Jiot dangrrnts enough 10 put in an it.sane lutu and our laws af> not yrt sufTioieht to have him in carcented is a nnisatice. To l>e (nieiesti d • nly In one's own ini uni'bate (tlTatrs v wittioilt regard to flie interest of Others and of lie coinißii'i'ty is a maik of n urow ue-s Tun-.* vi Uu aie thn- ion tracted in th ir sympitliiea aid aiuVs (Uptime theuis Ive- of the huiior whivh In longs 10 tiio-e who art knownpublic i pbU.d .' it t"us, having aitr int rsi t*r and fo promote the neural w«lfate of the cOauuunity. Apia • f-otn the obligation of the broader and higher principles of uu cbisli itvs+, the observance of which in the vejy n ume ot thim!- bib g its Kvu rcwat J, tl:«*e is pract cal ad v v.ir;-ge 114 a sin - rt ill the li>ol vself.ir • an I acvauce juit.'iit, entpli i iz ifi: the advantiig s 1 Hud oppultuuit'i -0 th low ii, and ( lln geu. ral m 11 te-ting a -pint pt 1 j loyal y and optinwMU in rc,;ar l to lit. A niercbani wh t hasspoil - pr«rtty Rnte to Ji^4„ijuu«i-wutch-- iiHir i Uk v.'*-** I y •« d:tT'.;H nt Sj irU Sic 11 cxescHe «.f •u! Hi' iasm an ! e - Iu- *vith 1 1 v. % | Which h v '.ll eoti li e' > b.vn a- | f dr-'. He i!l .>Sso ' ? i.ik'* f> i 1 i!s, |*s Ins cheer an 1 -fif-pe ul 'e s rv i I j I attract, Avfii'e i»:d'flrri*ni e r -p s I •iini 111 would 11 : cl. A f ■- -'4 'iu I aijd uarue-it iiivu a uui t d >/ tli s 'splijf'Biiu da much o p.-o i ole 1 i»e j --ivelfareof thq 'of 1 i.ud v>. t 1s! 8" t itn , !'ii)--" i th 'l* •' lii 1)' obf't.vj-'i' etiiug of. the budn"-.., f|,.j | a; > 01 1. i 1c 1 easr in tbe v lime of i't ,1 •. ' ,li a 'ex nipV wi.'f b ; t:-hi *» vi m- ! j.iii'l 'i tmdsrttid felftrw 111 li n's ; wi:l citc.il s >»tu;thitit£ > t 1 us: • f h i ! spii -It, and lovaltv to t-h bom* toivn j I may btc>iue a c iat,ic.cr 1 -'i•; -t "> c'.ti/.ciis. Tliwi uule-s' 1 ti us 1 % hi:;dic ipped it -i.s on the litgh-iua! j jto S- K r rh.'nir-:. —Sel."~ Dcjih of a Young Man . | Clo'fG i fii ii sf'ii of Sim n !> j and Margaret Gr ffiu, died at the j home of his parentH in Griffins j TtAvrsb'p, of Vvedne-dav I aft'-r several weeks of-ttiffeting from ! j typhoid fever. The deceased was I about twentv one years old, and bad been in the employ of York and at the Dixie Ware house the past season. He was an industrious loung man and was es'ecmed who knew him A large number of friends ar.d relatives sympathize with the be reaved family iu tbeir sore trial. —* l • v When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It wid soon fix you up all right and, will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains n» opiuiu or other n-ircbtic and may be given as con fidently to a babv as 10 an adult. Sold by All Dealers. Notice The to\*w and schools taxes are due for tbe year 1910 aud have beeu for some time. The expenses of both town and school bave to go ou. and pay your taxes. W. R. WHITE, Tax Collector. ROBERSUNVILLE NEWS ITEMS Local Happenings and People who are and Going, here, There and Yonder as Gathered by our Regular Corres pondent. J. C. Snit'li to Rocky Mount Srtthrday. •v.l) C Mooring went to William ' ton Tin ndttv, ; Mis J. W. Taj lor spent Sunday at Hotel ' P. C. R ves spent Sunday at h» hum i eai Ilunl on. " ' Mis> H itii J iintu, 61 Everett, was in t"WH To s la/, Mi i Tay lor v jai ted Mrs. A S. Rolursull last Wf;k. . ,\'i k i ad ie Purvis, uf Il*niil ton, is visinng In towo. M ia-.«Pi»-!pi 1 ft Si'urday for liuin- ,(t Viciovia, Va. Mis-. L.ui i I) Hauls is in Noiiolk tins v\ft-k with her .patents.' J. VV. t ytrr and J. C. Kiel .\eii-t 10 G«\ ti yilL' Tuesday. Mis Dm a Jolmsoti, of Gold Point, w in in town Monday. Jodie Won! ud and J-hnnie HarJ >liMiu Su d»v 111 Bethel. M as, A'in i Fleming and sister of H t sell, wue mi town Fiiday. s Rev. Mr Firiisb, of Wilson, til e i bis regul tr appointment her^ Su id y - --- i I'r-W. J I) IC s a is' pending the hojjrUyj* with,U's pa-en s it 'J'an- ; t-itrnry;» ; • . • Mia i s Suie aul j C'i imtier Jet't Saturday, fur their llupi - lit M bail,£. M s ]. A Colli Id and tbildreb sir- • i-t ,t' • h liomt of M;s \V. II. liwrcit ii'.sir G.>ld Pont j The Roherscn Guano Co., is now I n-;r! v for hu; as the niiichineiy / ! and '!i * ; u!k of material have r i la- ed in I.i 1)■: 1 iiiiif. _ • K- v. N. II S'iej herd, of ,Stin i!-. .s nr {. w!i'. li iv ( acc pud wck ; i!i t!i- k >lkts mvilk* Baptist ■o ; :sr ii, hold s'.* v.ces li re Su- d.iy n: , *' * i * Mrs. L. A. Hi i'e\' strpu ed the I little-(iik sn! the fir*t and >ec»nii m e' p M>. d tb.' dcor j ■■ • 1 111 fi --it - I ' I't li i* i llV'-1111l- I _ j!■ 1 (.ceo' - 'ed X i i-. trie I r day jp. in. Sin. - ft ci-lis a; ill tcfpp'ann- I pkasnrts lor the little ones- GOLD PO NT ITEMS j ' W. A. Robe/son, at Rober ou [v'ille, wis in town yislerday. I « | J. H. Everett and family will lui ive to Robersonydk in a few days J. S. G'iffin, who hab Ikcu liv ing iti Norfolk' for a year, will start a business here A. C. Sinrh has opened up m stock of general merchandise in tlw B_. H. Robersou store. 1,. A. Taylor is having a nice residence built - in Robersonvilte and will move there soon The farmers here art through threshing peanu's and most at thein have sold their crops. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S- G iflin has been quite, sick with pneumonia the pist few days, but is improving now. The residence of f. J. R. Whit field near here was horned a boot sunset last Thursday evening. Very little was saved except nine beds a trunk containing $150.00 was lost. } •■ ' m