ill properties of|i t |P the Grape are UI ; transmitted j! Baking; Powder ji I/lfcsofofe/y \1 j 1 Pirre \\ to the food. H 1 lie food is L ! thereby i made more I 1 tasty and || | digestibleJr ,! 1 I sl% 'v- '• ' ' i. i,' •>. JNA ; 1 L , r. '• K M ( t \ ■ J leak ■ • I X p 1 LOCAL lIKMS' | * j» t 99 ¥ * f «i> /> ■ if ♦■#+*♦*»•* V + ■ AH.'i ARS* i' u ' Nt- cohu-u, wh' I r °i#vptiU' 1 ' •* tj h wM t* v*hurj£*J at Hit j ptil* o! {-tvcMi h %w. (ry fit *t \ w«»rvl» to till*) !■* ut S Wi*\ he iu«*?r *f» I 'o-, " . ,~T - A MtcfcUY CHRISTMAS 5 or 6 do es "fcitlfci" Will cure any c'**>e of Ch .>■? and FeVtr Price 2,s \ - A tiew lot" i f Obrisliu *s Tc> just ftcti.Vvit at Ilarr.sin Bros & Co —For your Xnias suit of clothes at a b>w price go to Hatuson Bro> & Co 5 or 6 doses will cure any a-.e of Chills uud Fever. Price 25c. —The Christmis shopping has k bet " vtry satisfactory, though a bit slow to begin. , The Bmks will close tomorrow (Chrisim is Eve at 1 o'clock p. m. for half a holiuay. " —The beat lot of Handkerchiefs f forXnias presents in town. Har rison Bros & Co. N • We have some bargains to offer in Ladies' Taliored Suits. See them Harrison Bros. & Co. Suowfl.,kes fell lightly on Tues day and the hopes of the small boy went high up, but it was only a passing cloud * —Advertising pava- Watch the people going to Robersonville to || fmjr Parker Buggies since reading the ad Id this paper. —FOK SALE—Stmpkm'a Pro- , lific C itou S.vU -t $1 00 per bush- ' el Apply 10 G. L. Koberson, Rob ersonviHe, N. C. 12 a-4t • I —Tne Graded School pupils will hive l.ol.iia.- from tue 21st to Jan uiiv 3 d 1 here is 110 doubt. that ' each one will eij >y every minute oi iue time. —LOj>T in Everett, an eighteen Size op.u lace, filled waich j witn .-.quart anil compass on tke bac. Works No, 10660605 J. K. Barn hill. Liiicial regard. *!j Fartuera are lxginnii>g to real- j ize tltHi lime coma* on the larm. ■ Ti.ev will uo rtdl to consult N S j Pet 1&Co , WHO are sije.ikiii)? to i tue.u m this issue. Read ad c tre-; fuily. —Turkey* have been selling tnuca lower tliuu was predicted. | Tile Nor then iiirtrkct was l»eni-.h ] pii i iHh luihl lii-lltri eonld nut pine—- Stock ovi 1 fitteeu cents with very ; few exceptions. —'TTjie Hcthodists will have a tree lor the Sun lay School pupils at tie City Hull on Xm i.H li e. Tue Bipttsts snill gve ilu-ir enter- j t.d'iiii' lit tuniniit (1« 11' lav) at trie Masonic H*i I iiitu Monday Shi » C ans will nit t the pnj il- of ! tie IC,■ Chnrc'li at the same place. _ J usi s ) SOOII.HS hoys ure allowed j t e lioerty of fin g crack* rsi, they > be mi a sptcres «il lutiene.-s which tn.ik's, h in 1 i le to the taw It iv 4-U--htu-M i. h iv e,been.buuiburtl- ' el witli ilynuiiie eiucker« iitid tiie, c iiitnatt s very much iiiuioye 1. Sui h , c tn ui'l uee«l- n> be taken 11 ice | 01 epi l'6e and the viol,dors p iiifaiie'i. f f un to siuie people is to do ' fie wrong thing. • "L > I Ou'te aciowd Batbered Mon ■*— . ii 1 dtv limn tig to watch 1 he' 11 uht of j ui eiwle wile a ' «..© 4 caplu e'l j by '.Villimil UaKer 111 1 s eel trao | B I'oit- vit»n the tnajasiic kii'g of j tne n>r Ims lrei'luui,*M tiny 'Hell was; Li-ten. (I. t i It's, uci Jc. . Th'- Ijird j ni'-a-ai 1• d six fett ai.d st-'veu incJ e t*;om tip id tip i 1 v\ ni"«. \\ Itey b i KHtd, the Inn! c inie en'-oi 1 el til the tek phyne u 'jes and It lit" to 1 h't'K |i 'U ,, d .but' soon, Kc.»v«.r«.d I aai j;'U ns i! .In ne. Os t e ruer. 1 1 ; Pi KSONAL. 1 * I,***.** «>»*»• j' W. 11. i.s i.t lictne f« r lie j b.)liia>» ■ ji J hn W. llassi.ll to Rich iin itia Tiairsd iy. ' S R. Cb.rv, of IvmsloH, was l(a 1 ■ « 11 Tuesday-, Mr. -"id M s J G. Statou went I 0 \'ot lo'k.Tnesd if. I J. L.lh.venpurl wns hero Wed iiewirt vTrt m latne-vale. •la it P riy is ol beme fionj 1 IF. tmi Flo mml CUri'-tn' ;s. liP CM S*. -peel i 4 at Mueu-'f from Cii.,pe:l, Hi 1 to s; cud Christmas. \\\ U. L, Purv s, of llethi 1, was hi t \vn Wednesday on I ushkss. I ♦ Wheeler M irtiu Jr., nnrl laikt? Lm.b are at home for the holidays. ; Henry Hariell, of Noifolk, was 111 town la>t week visiting lelatives J. Wiccius Wattf, Jr., is at home trom the A. S M to spend the hoi idiys. Hivwood Knight and Edwin Ward came home from Chapel Hill Tuesday. Joseph Powell, of the A C. L. R. R. at Florence, S.C. was in town last week. Grover Godwin came borne from Oak spend the holidays. T. C. Williams, a prominent railroad man-of Atlanta, was here last week soliciting the shipments of the Virginia-Carolina Peanut Company James D. Liggett, accompanied by his physician, Dr. W fi. Wat ren, left Wednesday for Norfolk where he goes to consult Dr. Payne. Mr Leggett has been suffering for several mouths and it iB hoped that ... . _ , Choice French and Holland Bulbs Hyacinths, D-ffo ijlls, TtilipK, Easier and Call* lollies. PUNT EARLY FOR BEST RESULTS All Seasonable Cut Flowers Furu lebvd at Short Notice * sfc >fc + * fc * * * * * Palm*. H«rn» *•"! nil H»t-houfce v "t iT.MMNN Plants hijr Dec-oration. r Ro«e Bushes, Shrubberies, Hedge and Shade Tretsiu (Ireat Varieties. Auk-far Price-list. ' Phouc telegraph and mail orders Promply Executed by J. L. O'Quinn & Co. Phone 140. Ruleinh. N. C. # '' .' ' '~\b& Throw Away Your Old Policies but do Hot/nil to hive it* i-s-ie a new j one, fterai*e yr«n have escaped tire > so for don't tl ink yon are sur# of never j hayitij; otie V>u art- j'.st n liable to he 1 burned onf tonight as ativ one. KFFP UP YOIIR FIRK IN->URANCB .4" / /« atiH lei some on: el«e tak* rb mors. Or d.-r uato 1 tud ull f-.v joltcy today and *eaßre the tirctft'iioii \wt nee* tiow a-! 111 toll hi you eve! did in tour life Fire like dealh i* no respector'of perhons. K. II- GiJAWfOKP - v I NSIIRANCK At.RN'T, Go bird Hnildinj? N ' Notice : ftv virt'ie of h powcr of mlu cxutalnedg in a lurt.-iiu deed of trmt to me fts;trustee \ itfd Jxsarlttg (l ite "37 January, 1901/, IjJM Jose;>li H '.Vs 11 i and v ile, All.'O Wvi'tl. | urn! (lulv n-i'imW'l ill tltw |»u'>tl»* Rj»fit»try j of Mvi'.in Co intv in It « k \'\'V | 46. ' to utr'.ile the p u'tm nt of n certain 4jeiirHl)» es-et «i,it therein 11 cuii'- led »"i»d ! lhlt'FtiT n, '' , tHi'. i* ««!'l drf't i f trwat Tint ! lidViti;; Ih-cii cy»npll«'l u tU, «nH .'it tfctt j lilj'k tor Jv. K.o'ufi soil .v Co, tie I ■'« WIN i 11* Unit ill. rein ti.oied, 1 (.hull f*l . j on Sutunliij thi-JtltdiN of'v Tifll, ,\t i o'Tl 'i '.; p" 111 in flout 1 I the H«iik ,H Hi■>)'•! aonvU-llt, !« KuWtl-OHV lie, NC. ' Viurliii CoiH*ty, f!;r mi public tilt to the ! I highest IftdiWw, for e-*h, tii v following 1 I tract or p irwl of lutt!. to wit : t i | L* ni).'. 't)J b'*in in -CUJS Koa - Town ' 1 fcip, wiljoininii 111.- Uiklk Mj»\ M. VVmhi and i-Uier-, liiiil he^:lining at« d j »tuh ut 11 n' curlier u( the nv'ijiiiikj t i>-ifc«t ii Southt-rlv iouim: tl* uv; I Mary. M Wynll's to the run of .T"m?ui | Mi/.vlS's corner, lltnice ■ iji l Mir-1> | Hu« 10 .» I 1 htwi>t'l'stoh, curner, tlunce j .iu.l )''.S>U ll' OoUl 1: to js acres, uiofe or 10-s. Tiiis Dtc. 510 1910. | i? 9 It J C. SMITH, Trustee. ! 1 , Reoort of the Cotiditlou of the Bank of Martin County at the close ot business Nov. 10, 1910 RHSoCRCtiS: i.OIUIs and I)i«QOunts |t4i J7l 96 Oventrait* secured 6,786 73 ,\U other slocks bonds, tittgs 1,176.00 '•anking honae fur, and ti*t'rs 1,850.00 All other real estate owned aia ja Demand loans 1,900.00 Due from banks and bankers >4,874 53 Stiver coin, including all minor coin currency 5.466.96 Total 1183.83750 Ll ABIUTIKS - Capital Stock , I 16,000.00 Surplua Fund 17,000.00 Undivided profits, less current expense* and taxes paid 2.321.71 Notes and bills rediaconnted 13,100 00 Bills payable 26,000.00 Time certificate* of deposit 33,239 90 Deposits subject to check 73,956 08 Due to banks and bankers 431981 Total 1t83,837 50 State of North Carolina, County of Martin, sr. I, ]. G. C.odfrd, Cashier of the aboTe-named hank, do solemnly swear that the ahove state ment la true to the best of my kiwwWue and belief. J. p. OODARD, Cashier Comet—Attest: J. O. SUton, Warren H. BifffS, H. A. Newell, Director*. Subscribed asd awora to before me,this 17 day of Dei.. «vm. C H. GODWIN, IttUFTPrtH. iTTMmam ■i'iii»iiQui mm mwi ill ■ v' • ' * Farmers and Merchants ■ / i ' t Mfs • /i . . Bank . . 4" : " . fflfeP I (;}~/ Williamston, North Carolina ulj§i§s^ v \JM -»&£, 1„. J, - '? \ Capital - $25,000 )\ .Surplus - SIO,OOO n I J , ./ - '- - *. -- _ . -pL/- •' Deposits $125,000 | ' „■>;* 1 f-- - ■ \ If. •,..•! Depository ■ - of the 1* . i County v . # *. * s Martin ' %. WH : . , "•/ -W ! . and 7j•»•• • . • / t State' , IM I■ " 1 - 1 sPOflf t 1 > . vi ' !J it •.. North X)m i"- ' > . - ' /. tv..-' V■& Carolina ~ \_v . , 'V- ■ V - ■ -• - f%| y j A PER CENT INTEREST A ! V / 4ON TIME DEPOSITS 4f. & ; Ivy x 1 We extend the Season's Greet- - ' ingS to all of our friends, wisling ~ '• map*' them a very Happy Quistmas - j and soliciting their valuable pat i mutual prosperity during the 1 lohn D. Biggs, President Frank. F. I acan. Cashier p C D C arstarpkjn, Vice-President L. H. Harrison, Ass't Cashier w-