VOL. XII. NO. 10 ' SOIL ENRICHED BY . THE USE OF LIME * Mow Farmers Can Get Help for Board Wages-- I To Restore Nitrogen by Plant LifVin Connection With Lime —A Supply of Nitrogen Necessary Not many veaC* ago tnong'itfu' agricultur d were alarmed lor the future of/the buitlui race becau-c the avai'ahlc simply Of nitrogen w s being exhausted and a "fixed ' introgtn was abolutelv necessary to the li eof plants. A supply of element of te» tiSitv | in the »ul nju-t be had or the r cv must starve. The problem wasol immense importance to the Wuole- WOritl- to e\ety 1a e; io evei \ human be Ig. It uas H h rd cru> 1 fact that rnuii b wiv.J. The ai contain* jl "liee" qtlrugett, but ii w«ss> illusive that •tte%ipa. .t> "fix" it were utiav iil ng. Mean, time the supply of liitiogtn was t being exhomted In ordei to impress the . reader with the f*ree ot suit-mens let us ex a mine the tax oC years upou til: nitrate sup, ly. I ; Til CK le -altpette beds yie4d-ri in iB6O,- 68 500 t ti'; in 'B7O, 182,- 000 ions; in ibbo. 225.000 ion-; in, 1890, 1,025.00 > tons; in 1900 ! 1,453,00 I .ii-. .tin! MjiCt 19001 vr\j ytrti ad led 50 000 tcyis~ to the , demands ot the year be bre. T e atco nit \ ;• I.l'. d in 19 -0-1 453,000 J tons was j-o'd foi about £27 o o,oo>. SiVetit, fite p-r centum oi the total. Went into food tUroiig'l_ Ci'iu nietif 1 U i ii W is. A ii-iie s;ii of lan I in S>- 'li —-Aasurica s ili_: ' iomce.„lna.i; > wi*Mii»»Mt,f. -»»>>«. t«i anpple 1 1 n f stioukt war of eth-r caUu.i \ cot t>f[ t»iif" sirip of land ; most i-eiion* c unlit on ot thui " j woul ), at 01 ce ptes« tit rt.»el | ' Without t! e a • idei.t of v. ar cr j other ui foj itiuuie cominger cv. it j is n fact til, t the silt] e r* v b d- >' Chile.will not last more than 2 years, of pieman coii'it n, ion tii. lit, si that man riiU-1 solve t ~~ JXti'-J* Ul 01 jK 1 irt 1 hi tion-ot th- |»t:t«>g.n Minplv "D tlie t|»e>iqn, ''\Vft> sioul 1 p'e-a 11 conditions eo) t n?' There at two answers. Toe 01 e1- «d- to 1,1. "fixing" ol 10 by cat mi - piucessfes Seinie wh it sum lnr !c t;e proctfS by whi h i'nie and ca iioi make calcium c-.trbid lr ui whirl is d, »i\e*l'" a 1 fi!H. ; nt a*;* . -■ K*OXN V;G ACETYL I TCNRDS." THEEXH . pi ii'neiH> ihit h.tve been niatie lei >' fix"' tie niiso., 11 n the strap phere not b lel i'td lure, but tLey furoi.-h the 1 »t 111'e'fcMi , example of what 111 in can do when he raa*t. The other nr?Wt*r !if» along the! line ,of restoring the nitrogtn to trie soil by life incoi nectioo with lime. Agricultural cheni.sts would j call this process the bioelienntal effects of lime. These effects are produced by employing leguminous plants, sjicli as cteverand cow peas, with an abundant supply of lime to produce their thrifty growth. It was found that certain organ isms capable of "fixing" nitrogen existed and that these had the power of 'fixing' nitrogen by form log little nodules at the base of the stock of leguminous plants and •long their roots and these nodules were colonies or cities of nitrifying 'microbes. A receut writer bat said ; / "These interesting microbes on every pea piai.t. for mere board wages work full time in turning over the useless atmospheric nitro gen to the p'aut in a 'fiixed' and Useful form." Furthermore, it was discovered that soil inoculated with such microbes would grow , these plants even when innocent of , any trace of manurial nitrogen. ( V •; : ■«, . - ... . • State Ltl'taty When you arc "Awkward", \ ... 1 - \ I hear people sav, "As awk ward as a c tinury b y " That defends au where he is. Take,him in tlie 8 muur time on toe harm, bare j fooled a lid barfe headed, and the Ico vs are iu the corn, au ! he's in a and gr.dis a by ilii umne anj rides ;u ! l ea 1"P it ,,) the field. Apollo is no'mote .graceful titan that boy. But V' u take bpv on t lit* Fouith nf July, ; ut store fllothes 011 him, and kid wloves ouj his hands, anSh t him come toHow nn ftnii 1)1 i lits vs ltti 'and he a ill i»e uv\a'dut-s 11s It. Plus i- j Ist as tr» eof the citv boy wlieu lie tries to hold lie ] 1 W. People sav A "As awkward as a country girl." Tnat all depei d-. See het. S>eh ts .xh-pt aii t e lite in the m'inii.g, an I she comes down suirs witu her hair a go.nl j 'ot tuinui *d, and-she 1 uu i6».lv heats i u t ) a shortcake lor bti aklast. None'] i more gractlul , B'.it >on J let hr 'ake i few le>sous iu de saite ai.il heu -ee. ' iTtie peoj/e s n i.tural way of. ta'k 1 ing is in' ■ vet-v-l-il ot it Ii means something . Kmets >u said, "l?\c:y 'natu;a: .1 .s «r.it eful."-- Prot. Wa4 H •ut ley Smith. Lett Tuesday r—Mrs, A. R Go-don ai d Miss jKliztieihGoidt.n, WHO Itave t>eu i an iiigiug jnnK v. Mr. | at S;na>j- uli le •tl'e.-y will ai.ke. j intit futtire In me, let! WeltoVidav j ! niornmg for ivov bl, . 15 fie j Couytv, to SJK II 1 Cb latins w:|h . Mr|. I.G. l'u.te:i.. Later t;*« y Willi g. Ito Si'i.iv. W lii-ltr >u Will lll > ! to 1 th-y have 111 Kiel utauy in rams- A*iip lege; to tiav iheui leave In ihe oi is, li e if toe town ta y 1 . liawe bte i i*i ;'.v i.tci«»is, and -jftjf*'' |K.vtir« »tt cr ' ce rtu-y ; hive g v, u largely vi s-'.u! II ,i.e 'at e of t 10 e iue .104 s\ mpatiiv! aoi ht'Sp ii e r y j ha-e t f li e Iw itk, iu ll • ) a i ii e i . tl.emj I sir a 1. for the, were from I nit ai w iy-t tp tli utnk of \ ■ M i ter -v * " ~z I'.iy de»u t 'in i V t»l»vi..us. . Wliyj .ijiii w: 11 >1- 11 if-som the dcst'rf I I ;vith car t> . r if - and ih 11 ph\v r r~r "iy;f' nf 'id ' jm-aiilire |i>r a si-ccer/lnlu cr ip of j jfirbeit? It 1- .in z ii/ law sM-v! •1 u 11' are tf/ I iirn the ill u ;■« in■-.> t J iiHinJaielv to oie tef w: h tb>"r| v icati. n ,ni(i i ,b"'r y '1 es , Many yea? • ixui t lapsed bef rt- en' ti Hi ot lb,.' I'l .id Moeihoi : | 2;0'.'0 Vt.:«x the Rmu I» S VI eel jTiuie 'li ag,T iTfui'e Rtid C :!•» ll i-"| | wiiitcii 1 lie "• Id t treaties on til subject that hs c tine down t-v »rs | ; Mow many m n ■: gi.-e'd inagneul ; tnre today know nat QM evt ry even acie- of the earth's surface there are 237 000 tons o» nitrogen a quality Mifficient !o rep'ace the) I 1.500 000 tons of saltpetre c iii'um j JeJ 111 1906. C ir.meiical fenilzer, increases in price as the value of j saltpetre-increases and yet the ma jority of farmers are using high priced ammoniated fertilizers when they can put millions of microbes to work on their farms free of Cost if they will feed th«e plants with lime. Who will deny that this is the tnimmum of expense with the maximum of profit? That lime is the basis of all good husbandry is self evident; antf it seems that the man must be very dull, or very perverse, who will not beed the teachings of modern sen nee and the facis that are established in the practise of the best fatmers the world over. Germany and England have, by their experimental farms, demon strated that soils can be^oenriched in nitrogen, by the use of lime and legumes that the nit a cash value in an acre will have rate contained of hundreds of dollars and that the soil thus enriched is lik* a bank of deposit that yields enormous divi dends— R. McCoy. • ... srtk: i ■ - 1 " WILLIAMSTON, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1910 J -- jmi*. "J , JAMESVILLE ITEMS -r— ■ ■■' *\ - I Mrs. Eveiett went to Rocky • Mi uTit Snodav. ,•' ■ .... ' : G. G. Pmi'Mmn of Greenville .! W.is iu-tontu -Tuesday^— —• ♦ I G. S. Wi bms v\»ei tto \yilli;i«i st on Fi id ay a tei noon. I •' T •j John HanH-oa went to Plymouth week to buy p a^uts. Mi s Neva All-11 spent several i days in Ply meu.li lit w ek. J. W. Dirdei atuuded teachers 1 meeting in W.d .iinsum Saiurday. I i James Allen, S. F Darde r i and I liste'l spent Soneiay in town. . M Deila .Smithwiok went to Rk bir oiu Sui.tLiV 10 vir.it |elutives. ' L. E. C >rey and R. T. Cobnrn ol \\ lllianiston wa> in town Moit- I 1; . 1 day. j H. M. Rurias of Williamsfotl, :| was iu loW.ii buying pta* j nu 'tf. M J. W. Haker of J .cksonvdle, N. j C v , was 111 to.vn a le.v days latt ' Week. j W C Manning urn! Prof R J. 1 4 Perl of WtHi - trrs-t*m v p.tit Fiiday til t > A il." ~ Mr. I) tk of S> ff Ik, Va , Peanut: ! buyer f r l'lie Rr.n l'e nut Co. ! i'i town 1 wtek. Mi-ses Ruth iTohurn nnl Hilda ! Me'Ga ky i»! D tideiiH spent Wcd jn sty 111 tnv 11 , t Tie Oysit r sop,)er given for the l euelit ot t e Mt.thod'iSt' chuich • ;> OVed to !>'. a f u Ce.-s. j - . J G. N. Guryamts 6i Portsmouth ; V r , spent \V in town wltli Mr and Mts, b S lidwaids. T r. . . * s . ! Miss \nni«jJM'a« Alien reunited , biims Ttus 1; y (j'/si ■■ 4 ] n,; v-il to. I lier sister in kowe*.vi 1-, .s C I M -s. M._ I) Co.* er of Mou* t Olive it spi ndi.ng s» va r 1 -lays'xviih he si t-r Mrs. V J >ck>ou. J \:Mr. ai-.'V Mrs. I*,v 11s of R we ; vdle, S. C , ar .>pt-.- i,g -e •til d iv sia t«i A 11 Willi tht ir parents. I 1 j T t c co-tot held here' ' ! ss. Fruiav alt r-iit> HI ...revolted 111 u!i,- sirta'd (nit- ' e 11,, ktio 1 edouj 01 hst itiunil. ll tie t d v>iy much it xclt-in /t. 1 '1 ! 1;,il litei 1 ijO'dtd Ait's con I st 't>Mi m f-ir IAV » • t-1 r* and it ied .if - » jof Ihe br.st an> in Rii tid J |Te:in., fjiid d.ey cuohl .do nothing! 1 (me " v r t s Tif'i- li. Williams', ■ M ill u-'Tioro, Ky H Two pa-. Uige l«ft .Cham'tt*! I'lin^- tcij am.; ! I,'v« r T d-lep. «;u e 1 me.'' F r I S tie by Ah 1)e il'-rs. A Griat Wcrk The of the North Carolina I Children's Home Soc ety began j jS-ptembcr 15111 1903 Suceihat! time fe,oß j cases have been provid- j led tor at a cost of $49,946 73,-j which is a tier capital chst 01 J46.25. The receiving home for the-e home less children is bti.ig built at Dur ham The object of the Society is to furnish good homes for tho»e who have not beeu received into the orphanages. William B. Streeter is State Supeiiutendent and the woik is ably carried on by the help of women workers. At this season the management is making appeals for help and no work in the State deserves more consideration from the people. Any one desiring to mak-e a donation may it to W. B. Streeter, Greensboro. N. •' When your feet are wet and cold and your body chilled through and through from exposure, take a big dose of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, bathe your feet in hot water betore going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a severe cold. For sale by All Deal ers. • * ' \ «-r* EVfcßtf TTS ITBttS fv ■V A, S. C (field was hen: Srturfi. v. R.fl\ CoKuru v as here Thesdny.! ~ J # Aycr* weal to XoberaoOH , vlflefcri^yT MO» . s - Dun ing ani Critchet were|ht re Mosul tty. Liju.r >f *G"I J Point, wj> Thnts f.'y. Kit Woolifd nnd My.rtle 1 Bio %» was t eto .Sunday. ■ j Gfr of R' betßonville,! | y».i #fc-;e rim>d iy uinht: —r— 4 ' H i t'r J .tines aid Fannit?' j >Ih;»ou went t-» WdliauiKUm Fii-j day fljfclit. Mt'-. Kiii.u'f Woulutd sp't.t Sat uuli.y night and Smiday with Mis. j. %?p ,i J N£&s Miiitla Prel /pent a fewj ,day> la i ~«trk with hr sisUr, Mistfht F Perry. » \Jf£d« \Vi'd.am Gmv oiid Frai kit ! OioYt'n, ot R.ffK-tsitinvd't*, weiej hei* Frid »y (j. Do ».il F.nir-uilis uun dj ;f i «-»njr Cha-pvl IJ .a SuUinlay to! '; „;,h v . 'idny ; Sen) amin E. Jcwctt Dead I/ • j "Ke vshis liac >d here >{ Hie I ... I Irfwft-ll t Ills home in hv^nsvilk*. lnjhti . on.Fr dt\ ill' 8 1i d v t' | | 1 )vb hi or n;lg; of H li. J «*fi 11 ni tie fcixiv-s.-vcnCU ymr »>i' J *Wh: will 'm; rttrtßHiHerwij h l't a oiio M-M r'l • M.J iluKJl. ill • s?e>) ni Wife o'. i'v Krj ,C. B. H V s ' il, '' d tin.- I> ibr l »• )'-T j jul Mr Wntit-r K-isst-Il r,•.) 1 Mi i j; \V iiHtt-MitiJ e. i ii •\\ ii lici't ii h ,id a c nt'c a ■villi' ' V li.'T 1 ill; V ,'ir -i 1 •. d i >J " II , .c- •'* a-'ViC ••n• 1 w •l 'i | '-A' s . ' ■ '!: T . i- J.v, >, v-H , I. d , ; I \h>re li ii s jv ■ ! i>r tipn■p . ' >. 11 s-i • o y ar• an 1 y \ ••• d q il , •! {r•>•. ti' cii txi'i-i t I- ■ 'm| ■Hid blit ( , M i! ij ' lvtw.-nc- C,f i ;a W-f.S.wvC; • . | t 11 i MM viv\ ! l»v lii- wi o-'v Jin! »*•-■«» VI Mtß-Vs a 1M I ii,. Art, - - I ' Nor-ili Carolina ntHie Il.ad (f j the Tabic " ' Tf'CT v* ; s h- id t *."'"'Tr' r ! • ] W J)! .I ' • 1 IU l«>, I'j ti j ' ,i: Is ,l . :i ■' ii » ■ : ■i i ■ i■. j • . -■ - , il'.'j-wfti. il Wft I X lii ! I. 4 1 'f • ir;-, : ut-' i.d v jf 'a'i >■ i • O.ii ,)• t' rve S-• .s. W. N. .• i- . . I li. -1 i> ui l in i-t for ,V.it.ii L'itri 'i > .«, ■ Lt,»an ia« Iv Tu'lUf V ii to ni.tkf .* j ,' I cdlcctMU ut pfoiucts. th .' keenest* tom-j edt ; on In* i\n? 1 ' able !o hi L.Ji Lack J j, ]■ . hi ki-s Tr >i'Uv ior tin; be-1 k i.'.r'dj , collection of fruit in : lie I'mi' il I S'a»es. A!-o th" S*e-p-t kes for I tbe collection of nuts in the Hinted States B.'.sides> the e tWv) ch nipionsliips ribbons, forty blue riltbons, twelve red and.six while, were won, the taken by any State in the Union. These ribbons Were taken almost exclu sively by competitors in th? West ern part of the State. The only r.bbon coming to this part ot the StJte for the best plate of pea nuts sent by Mr. George Green at Wilson, N C: / The Old North State sits always at the head of the table wherever she goes. We have ihe natural resources ajyi the work of develop jug is goiuji on rapidly. We stand first in the manufacture of tubacco, too, pa.ssing Missouri by a good margin in the v , yellow weed. The eves of the country are on us aud with the good Democratic govern ment which means the safetv of tbe people, the forward movement along all lines is assured. . * Local Loyalty ' »Th?re never was a t.e » feet town 1 but there is no ph Cf on the map ■ that c.nii it sbow some niigbt'y good points. This is a great b(K country lend lh.re ar • gfv at b'>{ opportuutt'ies i i 1 ver\ s cii -n ol it. . If you don' 1 like your locality nioee, Bi' the observing fine is inclined to remark 1 hat tne le low j wli i is nlw ys knoeking lias not HC cmnul !Qwn locality m >ch 1. s ■ tlie expense jof the trip to get a-way, tliereloie, | with us Fur the po «r our liea is |go out'in sympathy We* provide lor tliev wants —but the knock r, vvc have to euelire, becauss lie i-» JMOT danger MIS enough 10 put iu an insane iM> Jitm and our laws not aoiruielH to have him in ea'Cerited is a nuisance. To be in eie-ttd ' ifly In one's own im I mediate affairs"wit-boiu regard to the interest of others a'ud of the community is a maik of iiiirow flier* Toti-e tt iiu aie- llii'i- 1011 1 traded iii 'h ir svtnpithivs and aims ilepiivo thems 1 vt;of the j I wli'ch biloijgs it) t>»fise who i-iit kutiwii. im pn'ibc 'pir't-.d -it; j 7 ns, havin ; ei i 111 1 s 1 pi aiid to proinuto the gejtral iwvifateof the eeJinmnnity. Aput ■ f'om tin oh'i -atiou of the bro ider : and higher punoi r i!es of un-t lush • ih.>s, the. observance of Ah eh 111 [the yeiv nnuieoi things biif'"gsiis jt>wn r.wir 1, t! ire 1-, prict ca! ad | V 1-.1t.-ge m (.rlcing a sin a rc iuP'rest in toe 11»c J 1 welfare an t mlvance jtn ut, empba iz tlie'adv.tntiig s and oppoituntil o tli Cowii, audi jjog' iKrd in 11 feeing a 'p'int pi j loyal y 01 1 ;il 111 'C.- II 1 till lit. A nurcbanl wb 1 has thisspitiiJ 1 is pretty s-u*-r-tod»'j- a he' l er tui-rcU ' ' IK«H LMV-'«->' . tiv.oa.7frd ly •« d:!T";i ii\ -•, irit -co t xeicne . f • is" .nr- i«- 0. an 1 1; : i m -11:s * . 1-!« J v; TI li h v ,:1 con ' t.c' !;ii. o.v:i a • Il' it*, "e ,n . ; j . ■ his cne-.-r ;ln ! 1 • pe 11! »e s •• ii | lal'li'i, ..\ In f "11 d''>r| .'I (' r ' si | imi UT • .:! I • . »!. IN f"v i > | ' a ■II ne-t' 1■ • l.l Y I >1)0 i 1 J" ill j -•idi 11 fll "d a mil'- 1 tip u ; iue • iie j ■a ■ v rurern —'t tntr.*! -rib 1 +ir •'.» i ■ I e'lin.; 'it l 'if bti in— (i.-: I I'' - ii-'- he V line 1. i r. • ,1 '"I .'ex ,p'- I, , 1, i : .>1 1 1 • iii"i-» a'u l iei' v in t" 1 1 - ,V! ! c it'll s »-»;.*• fii'i.; 1 .1; ;;. • s;.i; 1 , ii ' 11. all v (.1 ' h li.. ■ j nay -b \ ..iuu V iai.. c 11 :i. ■ 'l' ' il l-IllfS .- rii.ii-.;-. ,h 1 ' : • ;>t-e-! it is on Hie. 1.1,/n ; ...1 . ' n1» 11-:- * ~ " 1 . Dc.ith oi a Young Mm ; ( M > r ( ix of Si-ii n 1) | [ah i Mr!,, 1 ret Gr iTiti, died at 1 lie ! , lu'i'ie- I'd Ins parents in GnflV is'.J T iwnsh'p, of W-'doe-dav t rut r s?v r.d -.vet ks of frun \ J typhoid-fever. The dec-ased was 1 about 1 wentv one years old,- and had been 111 the employ of York awl Stalling* a£ the Dixie Ware house the pist Season. Ile.vvas ar. industrious young man and was jes'ecmed by those who knew- him A large number of friends ar.d relatives sympathize with the be reaved family in their sore trial. When yon have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Ttwidsobn fix yon up all right and wid ward off any tendency toward pneumonia This remedy contains ti» opium or other narcotic and may be given as con fidently to a babv as 10 an adult. Sold by All Dealers. t • | 9 Notice The schxils taxes are due for the year 1910. and have been for some time... The expenses of both town and school have to go on. Please see me and pay your taxes. W. R.: WHITE, Tax Collector. * * . r V * .1 ' .1 '*' Y.~ sr.oo$ r .oo a Year in Advance : -L .... : .. ... r ' :: KObEKSOISVILLE NEWS ITEMS ca I Happening and People who are Com! and Going, here, There and Yonder as Gathered 1 by our Regular Corres pondent. J. C. Siniili Rocky Mount Saturday. -.1) C Mcoring went to William 1 Tth * Mis J. W. Ta; lo'r spent Sunday at Ho:i l Beulah. I'. C. R vt*s spent' Sunday at bis hum i ea li »un! oi. , Mis- H Mii J hp*.», of Ev^rKit, j was in t"wn Tutsla/. ■ * j MisOr i T '•> lor vi«itel Mrs. A i S. Rohi r.ion l.ibi \vv*.k. •W s i Rili ie Furviu, t;f Husiil ton, is visiting tn t >au. Mist Put -p. 1 ft S,i'uiday for ijt't huinc >it Viciuiia, Va. ' -Mis-, l.ul i I) Sauls is in Notio'k "fins »Veek with paVenls J. \V. T yl.r arhxl J. C. K?et :1 went io •Dn'iiivi 1.- Mi s D>ia J'illnsou, ot Gold Pol. t, vv i.> i'i town Monday, ,iiid J >hnhie HatJ | >!is. i) s,i nt Su d iy m Beth' 1. MS3 A'in i Flo mini* and sister of' M r-hcli, \v. Ie in town Pnday. Rev. Mr Finish, of Wilson, . Miles his regular appointment lurr ' Su ivi. y J'r 'i?. K s u is* pending the holiday.* -wirh h«e-pft'*en s it 'J' an» j t HI U' " ■t Mis s Su u an 1 Margaret JC. i niii t'r'eu S tu Jay fur their i hum* in M I).,ih*. M s I. .\ Colli !il and cb^dien J .-.r 'i .i ii'K ' h I'.o iH of M. s \V. 11. 1.. • r». 11 i.i 11' G.ld l'r» n» i Th - R>t>t• i'en Guano Co,, is »••# i a'• loi. ■ ; i.ic« i i, a-li e machinery 'i ! 1 11 u!k ul material Liavp !> *r» -.lui dI I I li,;. l..itlj» v N'. 1 i SV| li r ! , 'it St is i v \ hn , aic j) i d v\ (' 1 W ti a ill i\ s r.ii - i:l!a| !:-.t i 11. li■ ' v-| v.ct's li r.* Su •J ■ v « x ! rs. A . i>i ' vii-; i- • i ' •• "l ' ' ;Jie !ir~t ai i -c_- ml v p '•'«!! !ici "i -ft —•4 rn-r -1 'TPmu 1 t -tn-rr hciu'i ' I t '1 i X i■ • r v 1r ! »y \ . • p. hiir s: i■ ;s a i to p ;i'in iin :' as;tr •; for t-iic I.' t!r uiics - GOLD PO NT ITEMS i, W. . y . Roht-ison, ot Rubi r on ' vilTe, w is in tuwu yisterday. J. If. Everett ami family will j move to Robtrsonvilli in a frw d »> s . J S. G'iffia, who ha:, been liv ing iu Norfolk for a year will siart a business here 'A. C. Smi*h has opened up » stock of general merchandise in the B. H. Robersou store. 1,. A. Taylor is having a nice residence, hudi Rober«onvUle and will move there soon The farmers here art through threshing peauu's and most oi theoi have sold their crops, The little son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S- Giiffin has been quite witli pneumonia the past few days, hut isjmproviug now. f The residence of J. J. R. Whit field near here was horned about sunset last Thursday evening. Very little was saved except, nine beds a trunk containing $150.00 was lost. ' ■

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